HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-17, Page 4IP
„ WILLIAMS The Blyth fair, Yeeix Id on
T turstley and Feiday of t week.
oatatar The attendance was net RS large ae on
ateaeeil wheet,ilaVerY. Xattamoth pippin-Gehege
J Harrison. Tolman sweet --J Jriek.
son, B 13 'Willa% Mann -0 'Young
Dritiden's blush, Geo Watt, J $tateord,
Snow apples, J exay, eeo Kirkby.
Duchess of Olde&our* Geo Jaeksen,
Mtur. Coholt, J 00110soe, John
1 McGo wan, It Lae ew.
Walter soot, e m,„0,,,,„4,,c,, white
fell wheet, Geo Moffat, W 'MOM.
Spring wheat, J 11,41010n4, (3- Aioffht,
)oli wheat, .1 Stafford, It 6- VIrOovb..
Boxers -Wette turnips, JOS. Grady,
H. lel'Oracheit, E
some former oocasions, but there watt
a largts smuttier sresent, In regard
- AND - to trxhibits, the show was as good as
has been held lay the society. The
331111C4GIST ifQllowiogis tb,,e,pr ze fiat : .
- I ham, it Ross. One year old, J
• i fOnind in :90, j McMillan. & Sons.
HEI Daemitre Riatme.rratze. STA -14,4
Von—Two year old, W A Claiming,
0. P. II TICKET AGENT 1)3avrowse W King, , Best five colts
yearling, J Frarery.
ItoADSTER liTa4tIONS.—T% 0 ..rear
ego. Brunswick House, old, J W Cook, V 'S. One year did,
0 31t ga, a Tor! by
Taylor. Best 4 colts
b any nurse in this cluss
Jao Armstrong.
Elorses-Ileevy draught7-"geans,
'FRI3DATY. OCTOBER, 17, 1890.
We see it stated that the results of
S-veral trial shipments of eggs to the
English market have been quite
satisfactory. The eggs turned out,
good and -found ready sale. With
s good refrigerators and quick passage,
there is no doubt a large and profitable
trade will he dote with England in
this article of farm produce in the
future. • It will be necessary foe
farmers to market,the eggs fresher fOr
the old countryaarltet than they 'have
been in the habit of doing, as stale
("ems do not find ready sale. There
.1, is nothing on the farm will pay better
than pure bted and well kept fowi, foal, kl.TaYthr. 4\11).Nar'"41'. Sun e
driver.in buggy, W J Diekson,Beattie
and we' arid pleased to learn that it•
Kelly, F Dale, Brood mare, (,-•
Milian & Sous. Two year old. gelding,
F Dale, Glenn Brae, Two year old
filly, A Carr, J !drown. Year old
gelding, J T Dale 1 and 2. Year tad
filly, W J Carterd Potter. Mare foal
.J Barrows. 'Horse foal, J MeDdillan&
J cloou, Fallowater-R 13 1,a,kieivw
creme' assoatematire
The eetteltaeii of Bast Huron biopsy'
tore, e assembled in the Central Soh
ThatedaY td Fri
Oot. 9th and loal. The first se
opened at 1 p. m. with Presider; ''
tor, Wroeter, in the chir, andInepe
Garden produae, tor :Robb and about 50 teahere in "Se
Garvin. Deena jas"Grity,G johnstoe, 'Brigham, Alexander, e Colloson, T tendauce. The couvention was opened
el Cr when, Brown. 20 oz pippins, It B Laidlaw, by devotioned exercises by W. •Stew -
t rof BI vfter whioli the minutes
71' Ira."
' • '"
W 11 W Pautpkinte J Richtnotel," hater & Sims. Any other Patna
Mangold wurtzels,
R MeGrowan. Squash, Sellars, W variety, D Moore, Oorey.
11 McCracken. Red vnions, J,Stafe tion of apples of any named variety, a
Lord, A Carr. onions, J Stet. Brigham, Geo Kelly. Nama wiuter
ford, W McOrecken, Sheer akin peare, W Scott,11, B LanilaW. Named
(mimes, W McCracken. Potato fail pears, R Laidasee, W beds
onions, Carr,MrsD Stewat. White Two named verietiee of plums, G
field beaus, A, Cerr,F. Garvin, Corti, Young, W 11 MeCracken. .Grapes,
Richond, W a ueoraGice. Young, 1.1, Laic:taw, CI
rons,*0young;T HitMiltou, • Water. Young, Jackeon.
melons, \V MeCraolseu, P Willows.
Clabbage, drumhead, J Stafford, N
Cumin Red piekling tabbage, W"
• II McCracken, E Garvin. Any (Alive
cabbage, "P Willows, J •Stafford
0Ouliflower, J Stafford, W McOrtie
ken. Early, ruse potatees. E Elaggit,
Late rose petatoes, G MeVowan. R T
Errit. Any 'other 'kind potatoes", P
Willows, Collection of
potatoes, W McCeacken. Field
carrots, 1 and 2 P Garthei
red carrots, G Johnston, Proctor.
Swede turnips, MeGowan, T
a the laet meeting were yead by &ere-
tary Plummer, and edepted The
esieg committees were tiers ilia,
poinUel ;
General busieess--klessrs, Seat,
Homilton and Pickard,
Resolutioue - Mesers.
Davidscai, and Misses ITCY-
nolds and Moliatyte,
mrting--Meiers. usgrove, Bar,
Giewaten Puiiigose-Tatina Li Kelly,
Jas •"Reynolds. ,• Brood _Aare, J A
Mallough, Donough. Two year old
gelding, Glenn Pros. Two year o'd
filly, R Mason, 1.), Year old
gelding, T 1:11.1aylor. 'Year oli. fitly,
T Anderson, W S Certer. Mare foal,
J Andersotet Jas Potter, Horse foas.
H Taylora ,
RoADsniks-4a' roadster borees,R
Reynolds klion, Beattie Bros. Brood
mare, Jeo, Sibbon, .W Leary. Two
year old gelding, tpibbon, W Leary.
Two, year olcl fillysAsTa.ylor,G Kirkby.
Year old gelding, J Sibbon, Strach-
an. Year old filly, G Kirk ley; j Brig
ham. Horse foal, R Sella* Mare
• • Bros. Sad e horse -L Scott, W
profitable market has been openedler McCracken. 1
POULTRY—tirkey, W Campbell, A
Lames Woax-- Arrateme work -(-e
Nutt, Mali 1) Campbell. Riek rack-- 'Ion and Scott, •
••a symiagsee, sirs u (Newhall, pa., The first imestion discusse te
low andsneet shales-alies =mice_ late entranee examination, be Inspee-
toielo, hclittleilt-queturts, tor Bubb, who dealt very thoroughly
ti the subject, especially the Arial..
quilted-- J Psalm' k Count erpane,
kuitted--mrs D Stewart, G Nott.
Gents %volt() shtrt - T Hamilton.
Flannel shirt hand made -T Hamilton.
Pair woolen etoukings-W Li Mc-
Oraoken, G Nott. Pair , socks home
spun- G Nott, H mcCracken.
Gauntlet wits, Polloek. Mite,
Symilegtou, G atotfat. 'Fancy knit-
ting, Mies McMichael, George Nott
Berlin wool work, flat, F Metcalf, Jab
Symington. EtnbreiderY, Mrs 1...)
Stewart, miss -mciiichael, Freneh
embroidery, Anna Ross, sirs T Hike
ikon. Braiding on cotton, Geo Nott,
Symingtote Braiding en wool, Jeri
Symington, etre 0 Campbell. Sofa
cushion, mra G Nott, sus D Stewart,
Collection ladies work, sirs J Syming-
ton, miss A Ress, 'ism 0 Campbell
Gents slipperas'ners 0 delimited, Geo"
Nott. Dented 'met, miss A Ross, sue.'
Godfrey, °rattle's"; work, N °ululate'
SymingtOtt, , • elecriime'wOrk
Symingtou, mits, C Catimee11, Point
lace PS,yoliugibn, A 1.1.1-ike.' the Mus.euin in connection therewith ;
lustitute ana,
lace, J SyminsAte A Boss. Honitotti to visit the maelia,,,eat
Taylor- Geese, E H.aggits W 11 Mos
CrockSn. Any Other kind of ducks,
W McCracken, J Harrison. Brown
leghorus, 1 and 2. klailisori. White
leghorns,J Harrison,W' H McOrecken,
Black Spanish', W '11 McOracken,
Harrison. Light Brahmas, \V H Mc
Oracken, E Garvin. Dark Brahmes.
W li McCracken, Humber is, .1 Elan,
rison, W McOracken. Dork1ngs, 1,,
and 2 J Harrison.. Black breasted
the surplus,egossef ..thas.eottntry. CATTLE. THOROUGHBRED DUIMA4S--
Milch cow, Jas Snell, T Ross. ivep
EDITORIAL NOTES. year oldheifer, J Jas Webster •
tr is underatood diet. General Year old heifets J iArmor, T Roee.
• Heifer calf, J Snell,.jas Fraser. Bull
Oaradoc' Herbert has been appointed calf, W Snell, .J` °barer. IVIfich cow
comthandant of the Cana tan forces, or heifer of any other registered breed,
vice Gen. Middleton, resigned. J McGregor.
ALLOT BOwmiti, who contested • bRADE —Mileh cow, Jas Webster, N
the Soutlx Riding of Waterloo in the
Ross, R, Corley. Year old 'leder, efts purpose --Gillies & Martin, W Levy.
; Webster J Armor. _Heifer calf, st, Best oang plow --Gillies & Martin, C
Conserveitive' interest last June has
red game ape E Hageit. Buff
cochins, \V 1r McCrtieken. 'Partridge
coching, 1 and- 2 W H 'McCracken.
Bentarns,.1 and 2, W McOraclOne
Polenda, W Al cOrecken. 1 Lyn -foul h
Bok, -W El MeOrticken, Hariison.
Pigeons, W H IVIcOracken, k G Mc -
Go Wen, Collection of fowls apart
from Other entries, W McCracken,
3 Harrison, Guinea fowls,J Harrison.
R G McGowan, r •
IMPLEsteNTS-- Lumber wag -J
Brousdon. Heavy '•es.
S ater & Slum Iron beano seed plow'
McDonald. • Two year old heifer, T -Gillies & Martin Iron beam gene I
= fatten aptialtited an excise officer in the Cierley, I Armor. Steer calf 1 and 2 Hamilton. Iron hurrow-Selter &
metic paper. lireattributed. many of
the failuree in that subject to the. ine
acourate calculations made by candi-
dates -only about one third gettalig,'
a correct, answer to the question iti
additions He advocated better trains
ing in the fundateeetal rules, and dis-
countenanced long and todieue
tions. The subject was 'further
db -
cussed by Messrs. Musgrove and
Miss McIntyre, Wingbarn, • with 'a
class of her pupils, gave an excellent
exercise in vocal niesic, bliss Melutyre
leading with the violin. Tim perform..
fume was meal apPlauded.
Mr.' Taylor, president, then deliver-,
his address, which was in the form of
an essay on Written tlxaminations,
The subject was fully treated, and
• telowed careful preparatieu.
Mr. J. A. IVIorrsn, member of the
Guelph Division and 'will' likely be
N Mc
T Ross. Two year old steer, T Ross, Suns. Siugle open briggy, 3 Brims -
Donald. Year old steer, N'Mc. .don, Slater & Suns. Stogie co-ered
buggy, J Brunsdon, F Rodgers.
Double buggy oriump seat, covere1,3
Brunsdon, G Rodgers Double buggy
'or jump seat, open, J Betinsdon. Gut -
tee, J Brunsdon, Stater & Sims. Set
sf horse shoes, Slater & Sims, G ilag,
gort. Wooden pump, P Willows;
Stove and furniture, J G Mosier, 0
Hamilton, Churn, 11:1 1V1cDonald, 0
Hamilton. 12 assorted tiles, W
Msieueattleikes c Loth home
spun, A:Pollock, Geo' Nott. Home
made all wool flannel,•.G Nott, J Pols
lock. Flannel ution, J Pollock, N
Cutning, Home made all worst hien.
kets, T Anderson' & Son, Geo John-
ston, Blankets union, Geo Oolloson.
T Anderson sts'Eson." Horse blankets,
home made, Aire D Stewart, T Ham-
ilton. Coverlet, home made, A
Wettlaufer, .Nott: Rag mat, A
Proctor, Reg carpet, G Nott, T An-
dersoti & Son. Stockings, yarn hotne
spun, T Hamiltou;11 Young. Coarse
boots, J, Sherritt. I and 2. Hand
made gent's boots, 3':Sherritt, 1 and 2
Double liKtiess, it Dennis, Single
harness, \V H Dennis, Oidee-
tion leather, A Wettlaufer.
appointed to fill the vacancy caused by
Doeald W McCool. Fat ox or steer
• the death of Mr. Rolsson at Galt. ,.. ' 1 and 2T 1108s. Fat cow or heifer,E
TAR MeKinley law' contains ' an' .00-rley, T Ross. Herd of cattle, 1'
• important stipulation regarding the
free entrypt,cattle for' io,reeding pure
ses• In eature, mit-tte will duly
ateiss, N cDoneld. • -
Seecitei, ATTRACTIONS A1413 CoMpETI-
fitoNS--Organ competition, Lily Kelly,
Maogie Owning, M W Halladay. Spe
• b3 admitted 'ieto the .t.Toited States cinema writing by pupils under 15 yearA
free of duty- on production' of it cer4 who have ate:laded a sehool within a
circle of five dies of Blyth, at least
catd of Tie:retry. 60 dgys of the ••present year, David
Tem Minidter" Of 'Edocation in 'it -Errat, J Fergusen,Katelettle. Wood
reeeut address foreshadowed sone sawing competition, 6 entries, log 24
leeielution toateeure better enfOreenient inehes; Logana.n
d Fraser, time 2 in
1 sec ' Hagoett and Ttemin, 2 ta 10
vof the-eompulsory clauses' of the 0
see; 'Ramsay Bros, 2t fainutes
'Public Selma Act. ibis seems t
° Snixte- Coiewol a—Aged ' ram, Jno
hove beware- imperative.' The repert Ouming. , Sbearling rtiiia; ,J Owning.
' of the Minister shows Watt' although Ram lambs J turning 1 and 2. Aged
, Ontario is heavily hardened 'with takes eweS, S -Potter. Ewe iambs, 3 Po. ter,
J Cutnieg,L5hearlingiewes, 3 Pot,: tion for ecludational. phrposak 45 Per
'Vinglialn. &hoot toard, being predillit,
Was called" iipoti to address the convea-
don kb e kindly invited the delegates
workatt; Campbell, G Note. Chin
elle work, Mrs 0 Campbell, G Nott,
Outline embroidery, rare 0 Campbell,
G..Nott. Rdenan embroidery in linen,
J SYmingtort.,* Ladies knitted under-
wear in wouJiters °Clair pbelle.Ceotchet
skirt in wooleiars 0 Campbell; T Ham.
Orezty work, J Symingtonaties
A Rees. , Crewel work, (*.Nett, miss
A Ross, Embroidery on silk, its D
Stewart, J. Symington. Java canvas
Work, sirs d Campbell, miss Godfrey.
Home made seetw hat, A Carr Plain
sewing by girl under 16 done in 1890,
R Laidlaw, tiatnilton. Three
patches on gents pants, T
Darn on souks or stocking, T
• ton, miss Andersou. Pitney leather
work, sirs 0 Campbell, 'miss Godfrey
Kensington embroidery,Miss Roes, Mrs
O Campbell. Hand sewini, J Syning-
ton, 'Hamilton. Crotchet with
novelty braid, J Symington, mise A
• tient of the Ptipile imrolled "the I al(141 :1'' • testar;- ge4..
owan nearlitt,am Ja9
public school's had attended less than N Cuin'ne.• Ram lamb, Jas Snell 1
1 100 ditys it YOttlf, school being cipifte and L. Shearling ewes, Jas Sneil, R
from 200 to 220 clays a year. G McGowan. Aged sewes, 3 Snell 1
% . „see Ana . Ewe Iambs, J Snell,N Curn
Some. months ago ' a cesputatiotv ing. •
g Fat sheep, W Snell, J Snell.
wetted on the Minister of Education boatbdown--Aged ram, Glen Bros.
to urge that sitepe be taken to seoure, G Kelly. Sitetirliug ram, Glen )Jros.
the hoisting of the national flag on ItatnlainieGleeDresland2,Aged ev;re.,
Glen Bros 1 'a,nd 2 Shearlingeeres,Glen
the echo 3 houses` of the Province In
. Bros 1 and g.' Ewe lambs, Glen Bros
presenee of the chlidree ott days Land 2, ShOopshiredowe-Aged ram,
movement WAS St this itneri favorably Shearling ram, W Sne'll, Silo Wigging
memorable in Canadian history. This Anderson ,s; Asa ati, w,
• receiteii foci eoteelented on throughout ton Ram [male 1,3..100 and 2
• Arted ewes W l'Andoraon &
the Provinse, but since that time has ^ • ' ' • .
Son ShearlingAwes, Jno,Wieginton,
. 1"), Gen °' °%" anything R B Laidlaw, Ave leaulss; Jeo Wig -
t b 'I d
prautical,exeept in the case of 'format° gierela T Anderson S. see,
sotto° s The Toronto Empire, in Pres-Suffolk-Beood sow, W M.
order to revive the orojeet, ie offering 0411. Sow litt(•14(4(.1 in Jos
s MeN'airetre, Cheater White -Ara
a large and handsome flag for eompet
hear, T Bey lie. Brood tiow,T
ai.i" anlaagst the' "1°6" earn Boar littered in 1800, W Rodger-
DAIRY -A.ND PROV.1441S --Tali butter,
T Hamilton, A Clatr..., ,Batter in roils,
J Stewart", R Lificlitti".' Factory cheese,
G Young and . 2. Dairy cheese.
Mollroy,Symingtoti. Extracted
honey, Riehinond.D Alone, Hume
made bread, G Young, AOarr. Plaic.
tea bisotiits, A Proctor, ,..jas Jackson
Maple militia A Prootor, G Colloson,
Mete sugar, \V H. McOrecken,
Cunning Canned, trait, W. 1-1
Oraoken, 'Harrison. Crape wine,
home winie, Procter," 1) Moore.
Tomato eetsup„. W DUCiacken, le
Mareh. Pick W MbOrtteken, 3
Harrison. Pitiklee, 3 'Jackson, Jr
he spokesOf the day when be went to
school, tend discussed the public school
programme as to the subjects of titudia
Dr. Maiediipald, M P., who wss\
also present, tiddlessed the cotiventiem4
pointing out the'cluty aucl responsiS 4 •
eilitiertf`the teaoher, and what a
teaelteeshould be, morally and intel.
Both aildrieerss were well received.
The subjeet of. establiskingan
ination mid.wity between the cutrailee "
and the primary was fully discuesed,
ead as ore county council at its J title
sessionliad made errangements for
this exaMinati)n coMmil tee was ap-
pointed to &aft, a set of rules for the
purpose of carrying the sehease into
operation. The comonttee, censist-
ing of'Diessrs. Rohl), 'Blacksvel, Mc- ,
Fisydert, Black and the preiderit, 2eir •
appointed, and reported the following
day. The report, as finally adopted by
the conntion, is as follows :-(1)That
no fee 'he charged ;" (2; that the exam-
ination' be held annually at the same,
time anil Place as the entrance ;
that the inspectors prepare the papere,
(4) that the inspector appoint, a com-
mittee of teachers to correct the an-
swers(S) a committee consisting of
afessre. Plamnier•S'Musgrove, Taylor
said the Inspectniiflie appointed to pre-
pere a limit table end •rules for the
guidance of candidates.' This is an
ex1insination intended for those Who
have`passed the entrence, but who do
net. desire to prod ate far as third
class,;' It N merely a county affair,
and'eniifinYis no status - as a teacher.
H.oareveis.it is thought that it will 'be
=Incentive so 'eneourage pupils .to
work and push onward, The comma
'FiinArts-Co'. oil painting, sus 0
Hamilton, Mrs 0 Campbell, 3 Pollock,
Water color paiating, tars 0 Campbell
1 2. Crayon drawing, J Sytuing
ton; airs Campbell. Painting on
poteery, was C Campbell, sirs Ham
iltoete Pencil drawing by boy or girl,
nos Hamilton., sirs 0 Campbell.
Raid painting 011 silk, satin or plush,
J Pdtlock, airs J *Hamilton. Hand
paitii,ing on glass, tars 0 H innilton,Mrs
J Andersoa.
dui! Frsosvens-LTable boquot. J A
Anderson, T Anderson & Son. fitted
litoquet, J A Ancleison, 'ttrs E der.
Floral design or ornament, D mersh, J
SYMington, Dahlias, .T Anderson &
Fston. Pansies. A "I." ArSOTI J Iien-
dersons Colleetien 40„1 roams, Is
J 11.areim.u. Geraniums in
D.Ktosit anal. pusQhitts in I thin then edjottriled.
In the eveotres a very suceessfni
entertaiotneutVite held the town
hall, Di Macdonald ably filling the
chair. Excellent' addressee bearing'
nn edneatienal worlt were delivered by
Rev. E. W: Hughes and Itev, Jobe
Scott, 11.:eA, tiliss Jennie Cargill and
Roberts, Brussels, V H Ilumphtlee. Mr Pluime each gave exci llent tee
Dairy produes-D iviunto, &Iberia, S citations;ited INlioTaggert read a
Caldwell. peeve' horses-j,W
Co V huinoronS'irdeetion. The V inglattin
S Dungannon, Jno Leiper, Hallett, Quartette"Club gave several selections
minty. The flag is- to: be the Dotninion on T Bayles. Sow littered in 1800, Marion
• twelve Diet loug, and is to W lisidgereor,T Daylie. Berkinre Plum -Winter am -sloe -3 Jackson.
• he awarded to the: echool in ouch,. -Aged boar. MeNanntre, T Nimbi It titiAkt. Pour vaetetim of fall
Brood sow It1 NIoNani,tr Artnimr -041)16-":0"0" itut1;$01-1-- fail app es -
coliniy sending in the best essay not 1". B a ;
ItEdwaras, jos Grey. i -r.g-1"ul, 1:13miltn
xceding' 000 words, wricon by a It Nesh, 11 Bailment& IKinget toitipkine-I Jolson, R 11
papa, ins'" The Pstrlotio Influence if 1 GiAttq,-0 rowed barley, a fatewart 1LidIaw. Northern spyJas Gray, 3
eitkting the Flag on the Selloole " ; R I Errit. II ra i 1 3
wer. her,ey, _ Ander- i J 'whorl. :Rio& Is .sivi greenius_...
4 AS. 'V .1
.a, I, Maiall. Large white 1, „
T Ilettnilten, •11. Liidlaw. Billow')
0 estityS are to be foreerded to the! 1.1
. owe, Jahn Stallard, 3 etteseert, small ; reppiii-G. Jackson, It T Erritt, nue. Well, there ie. 11("11OlrOpe Menai
refire not later then the 1301 a ,
i white elts,11- 0 illoson. a Edwavde, !set golden --T Wiest (*tie Kotly. Ruse dove vett+ and white rose itlettoR 1 am subject w is further &sense a
•Airerrokr next. I Black °Ste. Geo jaelteon, J Herrieor.
... i eet re' --G °elitism, 3 Jackson. worthy of you,
bloom, D ttarsh. 11a,nging baskets, D
marsh, G Collosen, Display of plants,
D marsh, J Harrison. .
Junons--Cattle---D mime, Ethel, R
Scott, Londesboro, Sas Johnston. lea-
tilemente-D Caldsvell, Aubure, DW
Reid, Stacy. Light horses-? (look,V
5, Ducknow, W Whitely, Seaforth,
J'n.o Scailett,Leadbury. Ladies, work -
hod) in tool and instrumental tousle.
The evening's entertainment Was A
greed success.
Mrs It Adams, Londesboro, Miss Brown, Ou the convention resuming on
Mies McLennan. Roots and graine-Al Friday mambas the 'devotional,' ester
Taylor. Pruit-Jno Stewart, Benrailler, cities 'were concluded by Mr. Tornkull,
Paultey-DrYoung, Londesboro. Sheep! af%er which Mr. 131ack took up 'the
subject bIlow to Teach Geography.'
Ile vold use maps drawn on the
blaAlmard, aril first teach position(
then shape, size, boundaries, coast Alla
land features. In 11 ling in would
piece inounttris first mid from these
an.luce slope and trend of rivers, ne
I Means McFaril, Bubb and Musgrove,
-ale° Coultas, 13elgre,ve, T Andersort,
Flognent--Del you knew that there
ie n1 enguage of perftimery 1
essees-ase • Ithuall peas Geo Moffatt. Timothy itirek no further -R Corley, ti'daek What does the absence of perfum. The proeeedings havingbeen enliven -
...Tea guise wilt be went to new sub. _as T, .„„ss„ t bee. Wagner -J Brigham, B B Laid Pry mean -I have 'nothing to say ? led by a humorous readlug by .Ms.
tram now till the- awl of Lill,' fur 4/11‘"bwalik sidow• 1
t'lour A 13 snei it litw • thudivid-1 It means I haven't Ascent« Tegvrt4iIr. Tatebalt luts4vivike
abject ef or.amintir, as viewed
he standpoint of a sub exar
. Turnbull has during the pas
irs been an eXamitier in gra
(vont°. Oto diflicnitY in th
RS 'he fact that the man who s
itwaetliftioult to decide what th
'pease: did net read the answer,
airliner colloid; red a full
Sometimes the questions were
' to two meanings, and answers
'given by candidates altogether di
from what was expected, Re
itnheasnearyi:id3,culausds alosloindfioduauteds
class cliudidates put in
neater papers than those for '
class. He faiored the analssis
put in running order, rather tin
tabulated seheine, Mr, Turnbu
answered several questions in a
1aotoryriuAelirI1:1:F1011u:1 :e Associatioir, t
delegate to thi
his report, wbich was a full ant
eplete one He summarized the
*series' papers read, and on the
t"'•hie report was an exuellent one
• Mr. W. Lowery, of
• read his paper The school as
• noinity, in which he dealt with
fereee in this community, the
teustees, pupils and teacher,
.tliat for eaccess there should
sioony and co-operation among
" The cousinittee on resolut
'ported as follows : (1) That t
eent public senool geography
suitable as a text book ; (2)
the West Huron Teachers
union meeting next spring,
"-• meeting be hold at Clinton
• thanks of this Association are
teedered to Messrs' Dloiton
McDonald for their ateerida
addresses ; (4) the thanks
Association are hereby tem
the Public School Trustees fu
of the building and to " the
*.ss. for his attention and efforta
' the comfort of the delegates.
Moved by Mr. Blackwell,
by Ddr. Black, that in the
there being, uo union ineetin;
" ton, the next meeting of 't hie
• tion be held at Brussels, at si
as deemed fitting by theeExt
Tile President, teen •Secl
evention closed, and after
diction bad been pronounek
- Bev Mr 1-Iughes the Men
• perced.
The attendance, though ni
as usual, wee very fair, an
preeeedings were of a very h
and pleasing character. •
At the last meeting of
•"Lodge 1. 0. G. T, the folio
kers were duly eleeted G.
,pe eetlle,r0s, cTott;, Sec. Eec Arin; ewtro,
Fin. Seo.; Miss
'areas. 1) Mieklejohn, QI
; Miss Agnew,
Scott, S. The deputies wi
• pointed next meeting. An
will be held, under the ausi
above society, on the ("vete
day, October +le 27th, ,
• short mueieal and literary
still be provided and aadre
given by Dr. McDonald, o
ani otheis, The general
the nienbers of sister lodg
dially invited to be prose
tion at the close. Doors
en tei tezement to corn Ill at
' ' Mrs, Winfield bas retie
after an absence of a mon
• ber claughtee.-Mrs.V.ew
• home from visiting her fri
eCst, sheliavingbeen away
. 3il so :4600nh tawNi'f1 er .Ke
1,actiks otygoani II id. ji
tte •vieiuity of Wliitecbutc
• rouading country are bu
their apples, 'A's many ai
dred barrels have left the ;1
' ly, Mr. Holnies, of Luta
• the principal purchaser.
great deal of dissatisfactici
, to the apple' trade this
prices have varied from $1
per barrel fee the battle
fruit.-MreFound, pawn
ly engaged breaking his
'• which LW -purchased
paid $105, —Our young
is a little dull in spirit ail
ilOW races'. -A number o
atteutled the Luekeow
netirlay List attd retied a
es, ectaIly itt tlie-11 r ,0
jt , -Writ. O'Neal has ata
euttibg two hundred e rd
tor Mt E Worden, We;
Win vouna has gone to "1
p;t31 to try and get rid m
tro,1 ble,, Bright's tlissai,e
would be wise
nf Whitechurch to keep
t;41.4eiltuted.1 there is a