HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-17, Page 310 uu ne nt itr neo teat ee, for be an.. in ]berg auto •t aide, bot, and ins of ,trick i• rates , town I, B. A. tc„ b0 ' ens for in and 1lrtvatC or cent. the batt to rho ,-ivortn- _moi Plates materia t in the ated. painless ' known. 26 tents site, the lV1NG1O l d, Alloy; , ranging s per get Teeth ex of `vital ,•mice op- gsexeept uttMilne e mouth— ,s. CUNTY !o. Charge; "4,\ T., oUNTY (2 pity at Cmc( titilBeN ANn the Shortee mrenteod, mato at th 1 ENG1t,1nt a. a. nom win re t ria et *AI! Onefir,ft in particular 1 wi h to men - ion The G,,:tl' iatfore 1 o+tne here this A CHANGE Mzt Iftlrati '1c1! � A In tin, d wttd C Iasi Brod too dirty t 2 do tititl; with, :slid as he fellow h. d oily '2ue f:rt'p to woke t if, let it gra qp tat d. it was wild indeed, 11 s Xteld is Hutu tale cb ,cheat t rl ilii' fel tn. Tile weeds and Unto les iltave entirely tdisappetu•xd. Now, here are some of the lessons 1 have learned. First of . a 1 plow well god deep, hit: or seven inches is not too deep in most lo.t;a sties, aha as soon ,after ll truest as possible, then harrow , or cultivate kind. re•plow if time and weather permit, Spring plow • y all groans No one tau persuade toe ',that it is just as good( to cultivate as to {glow, in the gpritig. One thing more. As soon as you tet one fitl,dplowed ill the spring, sow it, if at all possible the next dtty. It is false economy to lel, it Terrain an - sown for trvtn oue day, as the weeds anti thistles got the start of the grain. Besides toe grain never seems tc do so well us when sownon the freshly plowed ground, 1 aim strongly in favor of finishing up one fiel 1 before beginning another, every thing perhltps lrlxcept tike rolling, which may be done just as well later. fi 9 r �9 \ �f p y10 wI h to (glean the pubilo that we have these kip fi a kJ {i N d M tl"nolen 'Mills in A 1 running order, find ryflii thle Season give special attention to Cat1,S, ). ' Ys wishes to intimate to the people Wingham and surveilndbtg country that he has purchased the harness hnsiness lately carried on by ytessrs. J. J. Hommth & Son,"and trig eonduct It in the building one door south of :Mr T A Illus' store, Burdotto's oasons. Private Robert J. Burnette, express les himself as f,:r,luws Why am 1 a woman a3oeause T fun, Because a woman has ]More good hard 001010011 sense than a 'roan. Because she does not give away $1.50 for an article that she knows very well s.,t can get for 75 cents. Because she dues not stalk loftily away from the counter without herr ,ehango if the robber oehiud it is a little reluo taut about 'counting ib out. Because she is too independent to pay the land lord $2 25 for her dinner, and then ay the head waitet $1 to send her a vdater who will bring it to her fur 21) cents, BI•cauae sue will hold her num. .ey tightly in her own good little right. 'hand for two •haurs until she first gets a receipt for it iron] the fe'lilw who 'made hor"huobsi,d pay the salve bill three times last year, \Tot any `Jus't sive you credit fur it,' for her. Be- eaase 0110 day a Pullman porter com- plained to ate, 'No money on his trip ; t00 many worsen aboard. Don't never get nothin' out of a woman 'eeptiu' ust her regular fare: I had just paid *him 25 cents for blacking oue of my boots and losing the other ; and when hesaid that, when I saw for myself the heroic firmness of those women, travel ling alone, paying their fare and re• fusing to pay the saleries of the elm. DOUBLE ANI) SINGLE 11ARNESs heavy or light, made to order, A full line of horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips Currycombs, ]]rushes, eto., always on hand. Repairing nu promptly TIo The patronage of the puldlo solicited, and ion in work and material guaranteed, 611 ffregiet ? C. KDT1110HTEL Whit:ham. March 4. 1800. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER OUT OM WORE in all its branches. and will keep in stock 04 class of tlrst•clase go4Qs, Audi as Tweeds, Flannels, ,Etoft's, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., qwill buv the ODELL TYPE WR!- W TER with 78 characters, and $15 for the S GI,Z GASE ODELL, warranted to d0 better wo1T1ih<<n,wiy machine made. It combines seoldidtty with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears letteir- uSblat-0est, of repairs than any other machine. •""k .'ii:�riblioir to bother the operator. It is neat, sues plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two' or ton copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We effer$1.000 to any operator who can cyual the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special ndueements to Lenlo•s, For Pamphlet giving indorsements, &o., address ODELL TYPE WRITER Co., 86 and 87 6the. CRICACO, ILL. made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the saute .day. LATEST NEWS. WE MAY HAVE TO PAY ]far Ilighost market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. Two Pound More poyees df a wealthy corporation,I s hid: Those worsen have a right to vote. To vote? By all that is self-reliant and sensible, they have a right to run the government 1 Frank Wilkinson, a grain buyer at fYam- ilton, says: '`I used several tnedicines aud found no refef until 1 tried Wilsou'e Com- __ Ilound Syrup, Wild Cherry," Less than gq g0f1(), slaving purchased the Clothes Dvo one bottle cured him of a ]oils Brooding and 131. ing and Cleaning Business lately carried on painful 000,1111, with tightness of chest and by Mr R Mitchell, will continue the Business as 'short breath. Sold by all druggists. usual' Clothes Cleaned and Dved en short notice, and lStisfaation.guaranteed. Orders left, at Mrs Herdsman's Millinery Establish - Work sofa: E lay.men( or Chisholm's Drug Store will be pr Ouptly nt- I tonded`to. The child is cheerful. Putting its 'trust in t'ts father, it is careful of no. thing ; being full of love to every eteature, it is ]]appy Always, whether in its play or its duty. Well that's the ,greet worker'scharacter also. Taking WO thought for the morrow; taking ;thought only of the duty of the day ; Trusting somebody else to take care of to,nlorrow ; knowing, indeed what lab- or is, but not what sorrow is; and al- wn'}'s ready for play -beautiful play— for lovely human play is like the play •af the sou. There's a worker for your Hr, steady to his tiine,is set its astrong Lumber of all kinds, man to.run his course, Int also he re• j,oiceth las a strong man to roti Itisfirst-Cl6;Na a'liingles, >rlourse. See how he ploys in the menu• ins with the mistsBelow and the Clouds above,with a ray here and a Atoll there, and A shower of ,jewels ',everywhere; that's the son's play, and great hurries] ,play is like his—all vat*Witighaw, loos—all full of light and life, all(1 ,e , Ors by"mall prompt y attended to. %ender .as tine dew of oorplii4k.. 1,kk'hl1 GEORGE THOMSON, 114144, WP41-94) P4 Q /fi {i Ditty on 0 L shortly when Bonding to the United States. Had you not better bring it to the INGL)S is CO'Y., Wingham MATTHEW AMBLER, HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a largo stock of imoRsE BLANKETS, CUB RYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc. ,ottom prices. %MFNMA TANNERY ,at once, and get the highest price IN CASH or trade for it 7 Which will bo so u IIARNNESS, double or single, made to ore, short notice, and satisfacntion guaranteed. Treat your HIDES, SFIEFPSKINS, CALFSKINS, TALLOW, &o., the saute rimy. If you require anything special in H EAVY '.` GLOVES and see. Harness, Sole, Upper and French LEATHER ANI) FINDINGS always kept in stock for Shoemakers. ' W. J. CHAPMAN, wino. Clothe y Cleaned and Dyed. gA call solicited. OP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. • MATTHEW AMBLER, ngham, Feb. Eth, 1800. Mfllhiery MR . HERD NI,A lkT J1 .s her stock of Vail Goods to band and aper d out. Xr k must "a"plete and has been purchased in the hest Foreign and Horne Markets, for cast], and '.viii be sold at lowest possible profits, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins, Brocades, Plush and Velvet 1VIantle Cloths. 41,.�M W . is the time to paint your houses, and 4m -SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL .RUBBER 'r PAINT THE BEST DOUGH MEDICINE, SOLD 57 DBT300X2 0 EVEZYWEISEB. HATS AND BONNETS TRIMMED IN LATEST STYLE. GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. W INGIfA11f, Atlg. 2A1), , 1890. Mrs. Herdsman. Uat Olearm ..S:21JJ T. L• E L A E Having bought too larI ly, in order to reduce and make room for fall importations, nearly 200 pieces o goods, especially TWEEDS, Will be sold at cost of handling; some lines less. Strictly for cash. 10.Ooods cut any length to suit purchrsors,is As the goods areeof a superior quality, bought for cash, there is extra value, —r7.C)ft/r l . - TD MXAMT1�?T•J.- Come early as we expect a ru .. ",.ve them well and fashionably made by best mechanics. or sold by piece. This is a gc,,,. 'n. commencing on Saturday, 28th June. —is the BEST in the WORLD, ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. None genuine unless stunned "Robber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio,' We also have the best GAMILIIIAN R.ay Mixed Paints, You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 cents up, CARRIAGES FM: whitewashing and Kaisomining, ask for ifLABASTINE0 and don't take anything else. las. A. Cline SE Ca. HA1.D, WARE ;1T1';ROHANTS, Wingham. WINGHAM and BUGGIES, MARBLE \VORKS 1 (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), - —AIANUFAOTUaEf OF— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road. Carts, &c. Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the next twomonths. All kinds of work made to order by first-class workmen, under the seper. vision of the proprietor. Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &c., done on short notice. Those in need of anything in our line will save money by calling before purchasing.WM. DORE, Wingham, Ont. "WINGHAM AM ° FOUNDRY. 0_ 4 M U R R ,AL Jl' dr C o., —Successors' to R bi Robinson, manufaeturerers of—, A i L T t R L U P L E B N'H` S. eking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen ars business in Wiughaul I desire most heartily to »tier my thanks to my friends and the public on.orally for the liberal patronage extended to me hi the past. better inducements than ever to those requIrin5 anything in the lino 61 Granite or Stone Montl'inents, rfEEADSTONES, WINDOW MIA, and Cedar Posts. STONE TICE N OS, colt 11 NC1Na, kc 'DY 'load Orders a Specialty.I \ironi() be pleased to Mon 10086,f of pro Miring rely articles in toy lire Ur III examine 10011, er,mpare prices and heave thin, or r othat season. You can select from the latest designs ant . '1\'0011 dellt'ered to any part of the goods mai be secured and ''related early in the obtain the finest wen knanship at the `moat favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours, Wild. S1Y Si'TII) 11,'t,,shatu, Y3Kb: 0 We have the patterns of R. 51. Robinkon and c In supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. 0 SAW GIT MMING. —AND— >✓P 2 NTNG OO' ZT; 1±1\1"3:)S A. SPECI.ALT r.. The patronage of the public solicited. 1111TERAY & Co.. 0 In conneetlon with the shove, I wish to say that I have leased my foundry to the above firm for a term of years. They comp to winghann highly recommended as flrst'dass mechanics, having had sxtensive experience in 111111 work and repairs. T would ask for them aoontinuanr•,e of the patronage extended to 111 during the past ciehteen years. R M Ii013INr^,ON, Wingham, June 26th, 1b00.° N. Ellin NM 11112111ST Has a mostcomplete assortment of the LATEST, CAAiMESC, elle]. MOST°AAitMIN•G ARTICLES in Watches Clocks, Jewelry c and Silver Goods, TUT BUT s1,C13. CLOSE .A`rT1tNTI'ON GIVEN* TO (o14PAI1tING, AND WORN. ALL,. WARRANTED. GO RIGHT To ui:uI+,1.J'/N''s I;LOCK ]?Olt '' titin ammilary THOUSANDS OF BOTTLESi V WEN, AWAY YEARLY. ttnot Mak ""nherely When say itent.fot' a tithe, laid have them ratio again. 1 MtANJ.ItArai e;!ALOU Rev Ihave wade the disease oftri Rpilipay tor aU ng isinkftitti * life long study, L Warra►tt my ratted', to CWrra Worst caw, Beau*. others have felled it no reason far not how yet eMn a o re. ilnee for a treatise and a Fro* l atattli of nay Iffallibli RimCd . OIre 1Poxt 'thee. It cotts yen notbin roe a trial, and it *acute you Atfdreta 3.-il, ®.a, $ter, , pt�low, 104 I OY'f'p 1P$ aTflI Tl TO11.10414