HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-17, Page 2° .ina 1sm 1nC t^,;, 15110 FIiI;DA.1, OCTOBER, RECIPROCIT Y. eon. Mit. LA.URIER'S SPEECU AT ABBOTS goRo, Angora -a ,RD, Q, Oct, 1 banner's meeting to day et tins charm- ilhg spot ill the eastern Townships Was 1xi;ttly successful in every respect. Abi otsford IS it entral point forthe counties of Rolivllle, Shefford,egot t and St Hyacinths', and- fanners from all parts toheal the Liberal leader. r. Laurier and his friends who accompanied him were met at the they could no was reciprocity best available remedy with the United States. The to ,, had been increased by manymillions, from illto)ls did not t have free trade, the measures and to dispense with the f the voters' list. annual Tevls OYl A The Ministers could not think of nelia- nritting such a breach of faith as would be involvedin t►pplyiug for a Fxceilene the c 1 and his and these n) AS a, result aissolution, the :owe Treasury were ob' GoeeruereGeneral would he justified tofo some ow the armorsocess they tained from the farmers pockets. go dill refusing. such 'adelntt,nd, and gibe we tarn .n1 I elle of a systsgu 1 preserve the pledge given lay glade atroug arralc r .n d 't be• iyQinisters of the grown. under which the fanners are at y oomtag poorer and which drives them from their bowls He then tools up in detail the sugar tax and the cotton ear, and showed how unjustly they 'bore upon the farming community. He cofitrastecl the presen•'t time with the old reciprocity d&'.ys, and forecast , 'the future when ' the McKinley Bill comes;' in force, taking hi detail the eommedities concerned --eggs, hay, barley' and horses. He recalled to hi 1 stem by which ' f the system J hearers' lulu -• 1'. CHAPMAN, Lit ISSUER MARRIAGE C ROLICENSE'S, ENOTARY PUBINVEYCR E e 01600u -T" Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan en Farm SocnritY at Low Rates of 114ere0. Ne vonlloisidett charged. M m y to Loan on ptef3, The Demand for Rosa. :Pork paukers are unanimous in say ing that they mist have more lean.Lard is now artiilcially made, and the re, spit ie,that,though it used to be worth 25er cent. more than the average cut p of the pig: it le now worth 53 per cent. less, The consumer insists n,nr( and more on having lean :neat. They want more hogs. Those farmers who ar are raising hogs adtuit that they are aing better than anything else on the prospective policy was supported,. the farm, which is largely accoute stogie;; try the mayor of the gilnnlel •nstauced the deliberations iu the ell/ and conveyed,in cart -tars te. and >. for by the fact thnt they are very. tl fabulutls easily marketed. At a meeting of bacon curers, one of the representatives from Ireland said that hee 'the cursed jowl bred off the pigs he t a- nd led.. Breed erthe superabuudar.. and they will'cull to fat. On the so- licitation of thr'se presVVrit, Mr. Davies, the younger member of the firm of Messrs. Davies &.0o,, of' Tomtit?, made a few remarks in which he irifornled his hearers that .in speaking of lean meat, flesh was meant. A great many pigs were received poor, they having the frame without the flesh. In reply to a question, Mr. Davies stated that there was a greater shrinkage in Cana- clian bred hogs than those American bred, there being in the case of a 160 ib Canadian bred hog a shrinkage of - per cent, to 1 per cent. Dr Bryce ext' perimentint, in feeding hogs and tie; resultant character of the meat, found 18•^t the hotel, where au informal reception Was h,.la. At noon they proceeded up the mountain side to a sheltered grove, where tables were spread and dinner -served. Immediately after (Ramer r the spol1kers'elttered the stand, and the aud*enoe thronged into the grove. On the platform were : Mr. Laurier, Mr. Fisher, M. P. for Brome; Mr; B'ehard, M. P. for Iberville ; Mr. Bernier, M. 1'. for St. Hyacinthe ; U. Desu'lrciel', M. P. for St. Hyacinthe ;' A, Girard, M. P. P. for Rouville, and other leading men Mr P. A. Dennis, of St. Clesaire, presided, and in a few words introduced Mr. Laurier. As Mr. Laurier spoke in the eveniug at $t. Hyacinthe, the subjects and his treatment of then; are combined in one summary. MR, LAUBIER'S ADDRESS. He first referred to the patriotism of his hearers, who had come, Pomo of theta: from so far, for the sake of gaining- information upon what is now' thegreatest question before tI1e.Can&. "red parlor" at Toronto, le profits of manufacturers and the levy neon them. Then he referred in hope- ful terms to the PROGRESS OF THE RECIPROCITY IDEA in Canada'' and Cha United States - There were Messrs. tShertuun, Hitt, Bayard and even Blaine, committed to a policy of reciprocity, The state- ment of the ministers et Halifax and St. John' that they were in favor of reciprocity in natural products, was sham and hypocrisy, for they had never lifted a fin ger in that direction, and the whole tenor of their course was against it. Besides, the presi- dent of the council, Mr. Colby, bad from his place in the house d,eclared against the principle in distinct terms. If he had to choose between the far - niers and manufacturers, he would elect to stand, by he' farmers. The ,1leKinley Bill would be injurious to Canada, but he was of the opinion that if there were open markets there would'• else be a recipredity iu friend- dian people, e.Tet,ended trade with the ;ship and generosity by which the two `- ed States. He thanked the ladies I distinct nations ooulc3 dwell side by �lllt for their attendance, and referred' in,- side in. peace, in high terns, to the mem• THE PUI.-CY of THE LIBERAL PARTY, div'rduatly,. leers from the adjoining counties wlio in so far as it converge the relati+ ns were present, designating Mr. Fisher of armada with the United States, is, as-the.hope of the Liberals, English or rather eontiuues to bean adhesion and French, iii the townships. It to the prinoipte often laid down by Was of their own affairs, the things thein, that every consideration of that directly concerned theta, that education, blood at �d material interests they wished him to speak. He wish - points to a commercial alliance be - ed to say a Mord to those who were tween the -two countries. This policy not of the same political faith. He involves full and absolute reciprocity, :Cama not to the just alone but to the nut only in natural products, but also lijust, but with tolerance toward all, in menufactured articles without env Be referred to the struggles the Cana. restriction whatever. When the dian pet'ple have had for their' rights, Liberal party comes into power it will anel now they were obliged • to battle send cor.lmissiotlers to Washington,. for their commercial freedom. They accorclitlg to the principle affirmed by could only win it by aontinua,l par- the Cartwright-eesolutionof 1808, to severance, but they were strengthened propose a mutual agreement. by which by the there will he' TOKENS OF VICTntOY E+p,EE TRADE 'ALONG THE WHOLE LINE, vt>uolisufecl to `ihPrYt. He entered ex. doing away 'ititli restrictious 'e atioU9 h.austiV(l'y into the question of tend. and detrililental to both countries g}a.tinn,'and ehowed that the United alilte, and rehiovttlg the custom houses States contained over 1,000,000 of that go 80 far to cause friction between their coulpatriets, driven tilers by two countries designed by nature to stress of ahtlrtful system. IIs` all' exist side by side in .friendly relations pealed to. their good sense, and asked Eeciproeity was his policy, and he if that policy were not wrong • whie h . would urge it till 8uc008$ ea►ne,. and would not keep theirehildretl at home unless the Couservative party adopted in a country which could. nourish it,theie'fate we.s certain. Ho arraign reillio►ls,if it were only given a chance ed the Conservative Government as Iiut the emigration 'COY15inUf' Note%Discount ,d mmoriptlwtprico,$1.poryeas,tnadvacees NAI3LE RATES, Money advanced ear, Notes' Ono Oo ante ) privllcco of paying ed the and o -- YHalf " 86 00 20 00 is 00 6 00 and accounts collected, Quarter .• Se u0 I 12 00 ( 7 00 a 00 SOST. MoYNDOO. ne !nob I B. Jo S uu 22 000 1 0U B Block Windmill, Ont. —18 PUBLISCIED-- FIVRIVY FRIDAY it3oiUU;1 , -^AT TUE* TIMES OFFICE, JUs PHIN STO,E1 wlrrGANx, -,. AT PUEE•SO ADVERTISING RATES 0 mot,' o nig, i 1 on Mortgages at 6 per cent with h KN 1 i o yr: oo I 0 ou 10Zo oo �o cM? Sell other castle naclvi ttisuuentti. Sc. per lets P A 0 f Kiser leu, 10c. for first. n Local notices, in nonpareil typo, version, told 6c. per hue for each subsequent irieerilta., 7 = ' Q _ No local notice will be charged less than 25c •' 000 Advertisements of Lost, l,'ouud, Strayed, Situations., Capital, $1,000,000. Rest,$450, and liwhnesal3luntees Wanted, itotoxeuednag 8 huger nonparefi, to per month. lienees and t,rcros Por stale, not oxaeeding a lines, t $1 for These arils wilt be strictly auterec tom)th Special rates for lunger advertisements, or for lengerperiods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran,, sltory.adve• rtisements cont i tuad,ertr eld in advance ments must be in GFr1C11.--- caves - Laval un, 0 for - .)y K x Ir rt t ' or Nrst htsgrtion, aur Se. pus lnu roreaehstlbsatlpen BANK OF (`S. VA J.►il t it t 1 President -Jong STUART. Vice-President—A. Q. ItAMHAY. DIRECTORS JOUR PROCTOR CuAs GURNEY. GEo 1toAgn, A. T Wong, A� B• LEN (TorontP).. Cashier—J. TURNBUL:,: Savings Dank hours, to to 0 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits. or tyl and upwards received and )t the otiice n,y Wednesday noun, to or er o Ai'Vt .•. R ELLIOTTallowed. ort A�u pVDl lanl4R Spools; Deposits also received at current rates of interest, Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold 13. WILLSON, AossT. 111.SAM1; & DICKINSON, SOLICITORS. H AVIS that if fled on. coarse grain the v cera were much larger than those fedon corn,and that the latter had small intes. i'nesand very often diseased,Tllegreat- er surinlia in the Canatiiari hog'isac- g counted for by these results The Danadian hog is worth in ille London Money Advanced to ]['arla)ers and keg about t� oeut to sometimes AS BUS/MESS Men, mar high as 2 cents ter pound more than 1 On 'long or short time, on endorsed notes American, In winter time this differ - IS OFFERING ]Lt Q 7i- ---ON �+4 t1VL pROPEP'T' AT VERY LOW RATES. OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET WTNOIIAM OCTOBER 4TII. iSIb HALSTE Jose J. A. De that week r =t or au,r DR. MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, SCOTT phlee Street., wingllam, Olit, 1VINGUAat, - • V1<T. 11. TOwLER, Ai.D.C.ALt Member Cotlogo Physicians and 8nrgeons, Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron— OPMce at "Tugs PtommAOr " Wingham, Ont, Art, J A. b1ELl)RP?I, l Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the';otlege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Otllceand Residence—Corner oW'I:entreand Patrick streets, torntcrll occupied by Dr. Bethune. 62, WI1lG11 t It. D . TA STONE, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Et3., Etc OSTAIUO HALSTr.D. i J. N. SCOTT,+ Mount Forest. Listowel. posits Received and Interest Allowed. , Private and Company funds to lour at lowest rates. interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and:arrn pteperty bought mtdsold. OFFICE—Beaver Block, Wu:himAM, 08'r. or collateral security. Sale notes bought e remitted to all ata fall. valuation. Mon y ,ecce does not. continue.—Me. Davis-- In 1 parts of Canada at reasonable charges. (;atnadian L.i'+e°St.ickant1 F Jon,* al for ✓ 'tuber. ,' Farm • Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. r1 stout arrd robust looking .colored 1 agents Canaaa—The woman went to the office of a physician a, . of Canada. to ask him if he cpuld give her some- thing that would kind o' build her up. What seems to he the matter l ask• ed the physician, failing to see any in- ' indications of weakness. WeAI, dootah, was the reply, I'm fess natchlly delikit. Delicate 1 Yes, dootah ; Ise anus been delikit, en it 'peaks like I n gittiu' deiikitter 'all de tine'. You look very strop,. Dat's hit, dootah. I don't look del. ikit, but I am. 1 cayn't bier to gig. up ill de mawitiu', 011 I don't \venter (ic anything arftei' I am up ; eti I'm narvous.Hit puts Ilio all out ter he ask- ed to wok. Is your appetite good ' Va'y gond, doetall, va'y good. No - thin' I eat seems ter hu't rare en I kin eat all 1 waster of it, but when it Comes ter Joie. auyrlfing, I'In that delikit I joss 'oayn't do 1►it.t Hit's terrible to be se dellkitt. The doctor had luta sitttWar cases of delicate constitutions before—and d, anti resrsansib'e for the passage of the the present system was powerless to Me1inleyr Bill and all the evils 'that stop it,A promise off bet'er things might flow from it. Ile charged then; glad been Male Progress, it was alleged, was within their read;; chilli mays would 'decorate the land,but from ,;re top of !amaska Mountain 1)e comila not discern one lie recognis 04 the faet that Canada in 1878 had agrrrd tri give a .fair trial to the et Hanel policy. A fair trial had been Ow it, arid it was found wanting. Tai(- pent) a of Canaria ttwreed to be.. mere that- local markets would spring i •to life and compensate for those of .141ch :they hal 1)nr=)i deprived but. tb-i* shiny' were deceived. They hod the policy of restriction ; the dpi rd* oonse for ''-r wr or icxP.t t)3X07 t>l lett 411111f ll IIS MS with stirring up dissensions between two friendly countries, and warned Iits roma prescrit rd a trill to Europe. themagainst the danger of futon„l reprints. tis. He a}�jtlred the elector>4 'GVilson's tViitl nllerrytrasbeen pt,^+~dreg; by ,�rehrlale Wilnon & C0.,tVhole1ale f.trug- dtt their duty When the time carne l for hefca tool too ghB, Co11twenty ,vnr yrpeIeto, for thein to decide f )r, or against the ',it has uo equal. Take no substitute :but good of the country. • get the getiunle with white wrappers.• lieferrim4 to the possibilityt , ,, ,10 anything, Office flours—From 0 a. in. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. Carpenter and Builder, JOHN STREET, WINDHAM, ONT., (Oppoitite Lloyd's Factory) Fp�q •1��,,/��,•-��tt��•��DOORS •l I IC•9.i.YJL.S: S BLINDS, &c., &c• • J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Sc,.` 1r'ringh1m Ontario H,tEYh � p t;ltt\SC)N,• . C. MEYBR. Q. C. 1 E. L, DICKINSON, 13ARRISTE11D AND SO11C11'1IBS,. Lte.. Ete” b0 ' Bettors for molt of . tinini amt, onium .siuuera for talang autdavits for Manitoba, karat, 'hewn and Village propettyltought and sold. saucy (private luaus) lo.sned on mortgage stenrit,• at 11 .per cent. Money invested tut praYate persons, upon Aim beet mortgage eeoalit-los without any n1pe11se to the lender. Lance torode iu A,auituoa ono tnu-Nurtn- west. Odico—ltent'e Bleck. 1Vinghatu. DENTISTRY.— J=S. JEROME', Woman:, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates 1�1+ Vuloalritc plates of the bestlunter1a as cheap as they can bo:got in the - Dominion. Au work warranted. Vegetable Vt)1)or admhnietered for the painless. extraction n im otatet1,willthe ooxlr ctsafe tootlrtheti5tC ntr• • each. OIFICE: In the Beaver Moak, opposite, the Brunswick Hotel DENTISTRY --•W. II. MACI)ONALD, WINonAat-. , Desires of. Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, t �"� R'' in pricesfront8500 upwards p!Y Ssa6 crawling .and laidgowork, teeth ex tracted without the least fain by the use of Vital • i,:ed Air. Head Office, 1Viingham, side entrance op. poste the queen's hood, open daily (Sundays except- hotel from 0 a m to 5 p M. Will be at Blyth every hotel; Gerrid and 4th Saturday sst and tSrd Moudays of eae1* i Milne nth - Office at Albion hotel. •, ,xtractiu¢ 26 cents: 'A'CSN RITCHIE, - !1 GENERAL 1�TS11ItA0C AGENT URTARIG wlronntt, EAU() & no eitairinoi 1 of acres Bill 1 Did she give y' tg bei„g lL p'ederttl tu1�PCt3nn ill the near I asked Bill's fellow tramp. future, 'tlr,iiaurier acknowledged tits` belief that 011e matter ileal been under! YtIS, she gave 010 the cora shoulder ,lisetlrsioll, but lieil.ttd uu apprehenslo►.:with ple:)ty of 810 10e, Alt IntAt, Nava% GttoWe OLD -• that any snob action was allticipnt+ld. t `CIIRre'11 true tbinit'ilont a bachirlor, The tlrovclrnlnt.nt could not honestly! pf witch there'n prone iu p11410er i Iva Par iautl^tlt after the conduct Although 11s suer' t ioX • Pre -Muth, ettt.ntr••) I” r y OYiEIt' OUNNtN?HAM, li A Jl • lestmeetoa FIRE AND MAIIINR, GUELPH. Q, & STAVE FACTORY. Hits ideal I119'7a a twenty. IS ia at l4P.aitiOn. Under the neaiir,tuca ,pN� Tr itltl� y 17*' subscribers tit that there Sona he no sleeken, Ligan 9 t t 4 na1t19R nisi for 111. b1 e Mariutacturers of and Dealers. In PINI . HEIVILOCK HARDWOOD LU ai>3Elz, Pine arty Cedar S rl WG LE --A1+Io-- Lath, Staves, Heading, naval Wood, Cedar Posts, tc. =rte 5 es Gttr:sal't 111.0 aaM4llaff Cf. T. It. f11) AN& .e it 1,+ DEAN, JR., WnNentM, • ICENSSID AUCTIONEER FOR THE CUNTY 011. IUUlt/N. Sales Attended In any part of tho Co. Charge; '4_ Moderate. JOHN CUl,ItfL, WINOIA1t, ONT., 140958ED AVCTIONEEtt 5011 THE e0VSTT Os ., 11Uk0N. All orders left at the Tom office promptly at end ed to. Tories reasonable. jams HENDERSON, LI0RNSB9 Al4CrrloNRRR 1oRxCOLiST1ES liuRos AN!) Em All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorten Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guatsnteed. Ali necessary arrangements can be ;nano at th Waits' 01)10e ONs WnxanAI, BOLTON et HAWKINS P. L. di D, L 8eaVRYop1 A1:D env, bonen • Eats OWEL ASO WINOHAM. Alt oilers left et the office of fhl TIMM'tvll) re • elve prompt attention 1 PATERSON, L• WILD? Or IG1enrt D CutstT, Issrslt oIP #R MAO tiBOTOMMI. One 37t.d in partici too Tit(' ; ":tr bel tt Wald ( ,I4$ 61'4 'thing SS' itlt,. silt; • o Aly '•)i1H nrtp Lu ii a '�v .4p 0171. 10 was ;titlltl is (1111*' thr' el, Tile weeds crud th c+. lksitilpeitt'xd. Nuw, lyre are ec have learned. F. grind deep, a tar 1 too deep iu most 1 after 1) Lrvest, as IIs or cultiva.e and and weather perm Orli means. No u1 'that it is just as e l l? ow, in the e pttu One t{15(1; 11101 get idle fie.d plow it,, if at 1111 poaslb is false eouuouly 1 SQWI1 for even OIIt and thistles get t Besides the grtl'iu .s0 well us wh411 1 plowed ground. favor of tiuidhum beniug icatiIti )xcHgioptt11H rtllolli, ;just as well later 'Beuvdatt PrivaBohm • ,es himself us. f,:,. Why am 1 . 3'ecause I awn. 111006 goad htl.rd -111ttl1': Boo a0,tude $1..50 forit•ilar very well wee c, Because she dui *GM the CUl11111 if the robber ue taut about "cow she 1s too nude; lord $2 25 for 1 ay the head w alter who 571 rents, Bt'cau: :ey tightly in h 'hand fortwo 1 a receipt fur f.l 'toads 11rr'11Uclf three titres 1ni ,fixe you (r('di '4af19P one day plained to rue too many WOrt ,,. get notlen' oo just her reguli ie d in 25 cents boots and los'. beheld that, heroic'brnluet ling alone, pd fusing to pay poyees of a w Those woniel To vote ? B and sensible the governlx Franks Will+ niton, Nagel'' fouI d n0 001pe pound Syrup, one bottle our( painful cough `short breath. The child trust in its thing ; bell 'eteature, it in its play o ,great wnrite .;o thought ;thought on it rusting sol to,nlorrow i or is, but Il ways ready for lovely .of the sun, He, steady Allan torte jiice tit las course. 'S ing with l .loads abc Atoll Uteri )every when groat lain loos—all %tinder AS 4 1