HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-17, Page 1WILNGux ONT„, FRIDAY, OCTOBEit 17, 1890.
WO aro doing our BEST in -'416 Mica cream aauatee in, towe, 80c
Men's Stritt4. per lb ; choolilate drape, 20e ; aloe mixed
oiouliee, for fair week,
term need i'eSuit, yeti had het.
--lioary shipments ft atqek coItelltion'ar:to -Wroreter cox
We have 0, Range of Over -
ter eelue anti see what that means' be made to the 'To n o and Montreal unavoidably crowd
markets. but will appear uOX .
WO/11ot, WOrste43, 800toll Sold
-Great bargaintCui clothing, gents tied ale° heating pipes, w
valieee at st licinuth see,
boote mat shorn., truuke and" put ht by ?deem., Murray
Wingbare Foundry,
out of this issne, tion on the .t„ohin
Sutherland, see*
ondencsi has been reed frou, the following
Tweefis,,Ltuti cando y On ing contest at ties Wiugham fair were both
-The Arst and second prixmesi the_ose: utl---4 et 4,1 tetragre000t otiottaia tatidIva ij blel ids li3Hipaagsso 4and t Aparradieirne,otnb,i, rdtliefiracts a 71
Do what you tiwoe atyhesariwnsoin. +Isle lay S 4.-; 1,1 , at root bottom pincep at
Witait Jae Cline & are sole .C.,T.HOOtrwr & Sox, Slitherland WW1
1 attention given to Wed-, getate for their stile Winhinini,
. ----Mr. Peter Vita will shortly take a sal"3% (-)"*rricAle
ailii,t: •0rilerg, and always done --X..r," Fred Stone, f enrerly of,Winglut '
4„),,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, the 047 mmea with -'00 the 0 V It at 13•Irrila , Manitoba., has gone „,,,,,_ ...
cVlf,ZN' Plt WISED. So
has had a severe ' and Henderlion were re-enga
woo, but.'i'vlio bae been op rator in the office of im his bealth. Intyre,Burgees, eye°
"*.Y """""' ' - to gngland for a ti . t' '4!..."velQ4 a 4thrila 1 Y.
of boheee eacan
t the utiu,&'orease-,aif • sal
. ,,, , _it antra is the cheapeFt plaoe in town .,...Notwiti st 13 "
a, thilitt e number h, Afr'44oe. Coal, caret
to bay all kinds of fruit mu) oonfectiouery, that have lieen ,eresdtd 'is foyen the poet, engaged. at the stune solar
--There has been ailing, as yet, done two yearn, there l a feat scarcity of.' then adjouined.
houses, there hot fog, we believe, a'
in the shipieept `tif ive poultry to tbe
city markets. Last ,ear a large business tenantable beetle i own a.cant at of pre -
was done in this HCotinta M. tag,
-I u -
41. special meeting p the town, commit
China etraugg from 47.50 t2Q Per have just opeped up one paekalp of su-b,F. irst the, a ,ern4. v6Fraesth,tralksotto we, hem .,n monaey evening /mt. Pre.
Ss, ino il.
set. Call and see them at W T Yatoe. ree"rtau'r8"eueedt
t. ,"9:1 ,n4ainav, is the name Os eon: AfileISE6ett,qP 47. uQt yr -;r el's v(iter,P
-The "Soottiak a MoReraire. gaeueidr, reeoeuvrte.i
,,,,,,,,oloweaswer v.... .1.7 t.., • .. ,
catv• /,..44 ''
ct .A. %ilk...," '
busy trying to fill e ' orders , for apple •°c`
--Blesere McLean Von are kept very
e new weekly ' pillars Messre ' N wsoo, Elder, Sperling,
77, ' Direct lin Roller. . They have shipped everal the/sands
barrels, They hay ten coopers ,,,,t woo: Tw:trtne!: 0 nigt is de e4rb"ttobilatiniatdiiiiluiliagTf'bealtet, LII:ntesit' GareL6' .g)Ziwth'. walLmeeria cwlieuree
opened for the • urchase and removal of the
it 0 BT. ORR. * '
Ton Bgalt, (kb 2, 1890.
the tinngregattntol find. , and known to old town hall, a allows : B Wiltson,575;
barrels to differen pointe, aa 'Will as Bev Wrn Wye'Stuftje I' ri'g connected with'
sedpbed the Ideal d pietist. ''
• X, Hanna, 76 ; Geo n, $80 ; D Suther.
'''''''' •
-Oonfectionery u abundance et Me -
•f eatablish a regular triontlilY Imre° and and 8,40 p. tn., -;
Goods at cost. - ' ,--0 T rt trails for. Toronto and esist ii4la'112a.
-Au effort she'll be made how to vitoAnt-tohat.:3ropetitta0),,,a.rn and 11.10, ii•jn.
Remember T Leslie's 'learing sale. '''' . ' . • 'ile old tee e aunral:isibilrasixril ,pelarai blIbe;Ftandt ' t41bigollil LI ihril. he 5 taken:ay03ui led
A , , • auv in this 'County is le editei•
ltelvied. '
-Several wont, a of 'the town hand cattle fair in rWingh . The 'horse faits Goad conueotiGne all trains.
took the same view, M Dawson skid if
# I 1
Market GtocerY. '
pi tbe Blyth fair.
-Midi for goer/ butter at R A Graham's
_The seivetiou ney has been holdifig -Just received, 1,600 Ihs of graPea at 9th inst. The ehaillifcieoh'hf ed byrDr
ever expeuse is necee ry.
shouldtake the matt up and bear !Tit.
' tainruent ip:ider the auspic of the Bast
the Town mall roiz- Tureday vening last, iaci et ii loitztsioittbh4et rel the
Huron Pe4heres Aisoeiatio • was given in
Clnili:Onn*4 e!itid6.4(4.5'hel'ph, froptmbetht?,
. any con. aesietea the lalyth and on the see09.4 day bald during the spy ug ivere successfu), , •, ' , Mr Sutherland got the 't wetil4
used as a good tetnpW s' lodge room,and
a be
mid as the benefit is eneral the- cOunoil • -44g-re...Pc nus and literary enter-
laiceeedpid utontutehoiseikle M :ItSuwtilitIleortliateden
1. ge unve been wellttplaed. -- , , elute per lta., j MO4aLs!.,,xx. aLawaliala at'
week,e ,,boom„ thi week, and the me,•,et. the Star reetafiYant, and vviil be Mold. "at 8 „„._ _., ,,,,,,,i,...,t,;. after,.ef
wPre Ile" low, 'Rad an o r of $200 been put in he
tenders el siirks wereidrtee;
atorayzeuir:jainrktsm, aiunol glueen;1?egarsaymnd affable ,waniri,tai like iiiiii it witiloa any 00n.
1rnerioau money taken at par at g
4 . .
e 7, 711 di tioni .V..alititeve 'i r regory did not
—The entroce ex mination for ,,karnis- . • .
Hill city restaurant. • goo to H.!gh 'School MI Colleglate Testi- was an exception' gOo4 one, inns mg . . ;:e,
. .
tutes will be held t Goderieli, Bxeter, ef addresses by- thiuk it wisa so sellthe all at preseut•
—This appear/ to be a hard year with
• , :Th. new hall would not e ready for some
Dungaiinoo, 01inton Seaforth, witialiem,, Joan scoo, tit 47, ,4„40eaa i.,i3' gsr byRu hes and
newsPaPer mot , Wiiiiiii a month, two
"girl' 4, time, and the towo wo d be forced to rent
-newspapers- h': beeiiiiiiitli4ha h04,4 ' r11,2,8.01,,,,00-V,F,9,25e ar. ee.±.\4-9114V;T49-"'• tf e*snaer and:ttfif ira;y1oe.- eeitation.: ', au t . , .
Or any meetin • they meshed to hold.
aseigneet. -the Braotford Telegram a,a0 day arid vvedneriday the 22ed, gst4 and by ..,Miaa Jennie Cargill.1"..vocal olo by Mr. 7 . r-•
pootraO Simla rd, \ 24th of rlieenebeto- elmeeeleg a" a al a' II Friend, all of ,whom acquit ed. theui0 • .
Alio, he' understam* the hall had been'
. . ' -11 -v.our watch eeolock needs repairing, " Illemitt". - - solved in a very efficiebt Ina, •er. The '' - .
, r 'lilted, to several outside Irboots: The
,g0 to 'Ar pi wuns.ce, watillinsuker- arid -Motley, to loan„ cheap, ongood notes perfainances of the Witigham °Cat and
30 ,veler. next door to poet ofitee, • and mortgages. Robb MoIndrio, ,Winghatn. Instrunients1 Quartette Clab, co sistiug of
-To the TJW OPuncil : AS 14 solution °In°8-Birtvet.BiOsk• - " 0.
Bra J W
-At `the ,eonolue ou 'bf the '‘regule.r
,f What to do with the ow • •
uhl suggest that it be pre-
Winglinun, H Meehan.]
trip to Manitoba, i he hope of benont. 'augagedl at i'tYe?"
icb are being I last Week..
it Co, ot the Bettor
plications were judge at
eachers for a posi- Tuesday..
staff is Elsie attended th
las; Anna W, Chapin
es, and Mies Nellie from hie trip t
()ii motion, Miss Elsie Miss Nary Jo
gaged, at the utwar trip to dhioag,o,
fdr 'Musgrove was re. Huston, et St
lary. /insets Mc- the Confodera
Cargill, Gray pany, Was in
ed for 1891,
ry, Viz: $.1J in at Reformer..
'ter, was re' Bxeter, is felting her b
/ 1 t. : :: *: :°:QhuRrIl 3: la ,I. on:I gaRielinSPIS ;41 114:0 ov 4wod aani :Ca/ anaty ..1
f • iv at Blyth Mr.
I If # 'I, I •
, t • . r• n States
oin. her
5 airs for all kinds of Implements.
.n.y foundry to ths above firm for Rio&
t.class mechanics, basing had extestrive
1508000a the patronise extended to 311
prolaned offer. (*rota* ho arm, bain
of Lot :)8, ‘ ant:04111ot) 15, 344t IV AI
018 1I4 tarn, donaida ot 1110 /Waal
1, lk e1Wred and In A good &tile of
War low, wt hual, (a3 0
frame Imar,O. oontatirci:ai 7 roo,,,
*1 at; bp.i,k 'sant, and owns siesbqnt
'nod water ; twO Moult OlitArno
The farm 15 wen tatt00% wool ' ta'".i.
Odon. 1Nor .7 ,. • ":. iirij.
,. sit
to in Wh, ham
sos, or to (No: ,
endei, Juts Ste MO,
us returned
Hunt, of W g. wikharZn isW'
'The Beard
'the Misses and A AiVatiou, M
Scott and H Friend with MIS Houghton
bnsiuess of 01i IloPe Lodge, I 0 G
as piano accompanist, reflects eat credit
T, on Tueeday eveni 0, an, adjournmenk
whereupon the club. ,Tbeaudietee owed their,
was tnade to Ritchie'. halt,
tuous repast was in tiling for the Meinenaoring each selection. The 'endering
appreciation by; heartily appi uding and
here, prepared and fu mailed by the losing ng
in the progra.mue competition of thie, f the humorous quartette entitled theiPro-Phundo 13asso" was giv in a highly
quarter. After full j sties had been done artistic manner, it evideu 'beirig the
to the good things pr ided, the meeting
adpieoe par ocxogence of' the ening, The
journed after sin lug the Ilationat Pro Phundo Basso the prin ie•al psrt, was
Anthem. taken by Mr W Scott, wb suited him
--Messrs J J Roma* & Son are selling well andgave aro ple scope as e is Rif tect with
their stock of tiootsoind shoes and clothing a rich and deep bees voice ' The inetru-
at elicit low prices that they astonish every
body. mental performances of th Misses Wat-
son on the violin were sim y grand and
showed they are ladies of n memo innsical
talent. We hope the time f not far dis-
tant when we shall have th pietism° of
again hearing this talented II
Friend, who has a good bari one voice,gaie
the /91mmrook of Ireland in s .11 a manner
as to wh all hearts and a I .rldefi grouncl.
for ratikiug him high as a veer& selois
•ott,' 4 -)At is
ublio Wohool,
a 'dimple of
al ohildren,
,•,...)0...•of the question
• town hall, We ti,
4 ,027artted to the
A, lloolety for an xhibition beilihng. Vhe.t
g" lay you, Meset Councilmen?
--13eautifel Peiated Tee Sete for three
• d'olhirs; tine Decorated Teti F:let o for dire
dollar's; at the China House, W T Yarns.
-Nit, phikip ;tic libon and frilly have
returned from Co redo and are now at
Picton. Fret' a rebentlstter received from
iiire Mollibb,On b Men Davis ib ie learn -
*d that Mr MelCi bon is einkitig very fast,
4t,,and it is pot', ex oted that he can last
- /oink longer ' v
' • --Call at Alex naafi' book store and see
the Lauratice epeetacle. Sole anent since
4 V, Gersten left town.
-We are,requee ea by Mr Strati as
ii-reetter of jostio , to inform shippers and
°there interested, hat while her is prepared
• to furuish 13 S ct4itoin papers, the same
• ovty be pcpeucoL with equal facilitie
• through Mr J H Boomer, (3 P R Xgeut
here: '
•.-Large quaotitios of fruit of all bifida
• .i& the l3tar restaurant. J lilolter,vilt.
-Gest* whieli 4arta With three humble
• orows, orotikiug di ally upon the tipper-,
• most rail of a dila idated fenoo,growe and
• ." gems as it flits a41 flies uutil, •with •tall!.
titudinons •flockh is, it darkeue the ale,
• and makes mounts lee of assertiou from
• rolebille of littspi 'oil.
..,,J f flotauth & Sou cap show you the
• largest stock of inething, gents turnishinge,
biota and thou iti Wfughionwetprices that
de f the keenest ectuPetition.
Ou Wednesday ening.the tows band
rove overt° Luokn, to be present at
the formal opening f Ate jos Elm:micro
was epeat, all aijoyi th ineelves to their
restaurant, in tidal V ilage, A good time
heart.," content. Ur iucaid Hurts busi.
'• ease with bright pot* of doing a
auecerieful bushes.. • is Winghain friends
wish him prosperity. Ur Jae lifelKolvie,
• of, the Stu. reateuran , has been • assisting
him for the pad wee or so, mid giving
jinn pouters how to e millet the busieess.
far SOo.
rims) nOlonle8 tet pure Dalian Bees
&hi on reasonable tertne.
WM nonNfott50)4
Winghaftt W00140 Milangora for Mile.
_ ,,,,,•
A few very good sewed hand tiggiee for
400:70,17,0 tatt ssa. oorno slat1 *to sard sedate ft; 1.iergitht.
1"14 They aro cheap, at
pteti's Gerrieile alett. 'Am**or tir vaean room, tis, omit
-Arrangements ar being cotnpleted for
holding an Open Lod„ ,under the auspices
of Anchor of Hop`e L /10,10 G T,'in the
Terve. Hall, on Tue day evening next,
The prograrinne'will c neiet of addresses
by D4r. Macdonald, Ztt 1 and Mr E Metcalf,
Grand Coutieellor:,, of Blyth ; rea'clings,
recitations, and' 'real said instrumental
mantic by members of tile Ledo.'Suter-
collection Will be tilkeri p tti cisidi musical instructor of the es.
ft 7.45 o'clock, A We understand that Ale
tainineut to othrtmenco
penses. • v 1. %Wide giving a concert in
-For Aret.cisdos tailoring and ellemp months or so with the soh
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, assisted by the above club.
Remember the place, 'dilly two doorti tiofth .,
Of the old stand and between Ross' book.
store and Halsted & Snottia bank. . • iltibio school Boa
Tho regular monthly meet •g of the
Two Ig*O;! Tri to Now 'Weft City. Public Eic1461 Board was held o Tuesday
weehly .win, give 1 o return Tickets Ko with Mr This' Belt in the isi ir. Thb
the t„., largest lists reeeive4 minutes of orations matting
New York forere read
in ()debar.. The iii •, ere of these extig and "Opted:'The PrifteiParll Pon of
prises will of oolits- aro equal sbasssa the attendance during Septero
for the Pres Trip to e• fertile, and Eloridee resat 48 1°11(4:9, 1
and return, 5200 seals, l• sacciee, made to DnPt. novi ' Mitts
order; handsome lb 'i a Pony, Silver 17'
23 " 81
Tea Set, worth 550; L, 4 .s' Gold Watchet, 8 - 2/ 28
China Tea Bet,, It ' e Oloek. Silver 4= 2a 25
Watches, Dickens' Wo • ' • Pa many mere. 5 27, 00
46 81
These are prizes or t largest list Of .„, rig rep
words Made from the 1 in "Eiresid a
Weekly." The contest on, to , every-
one sending in with that : 41 • for The
Fireside Weekly for ri utile, which
also entitles theta to a ha e premium.
Send five ofte-tent stamp
wed, Teroeto, for a eery
• rot this moutiIi only. The Fireaide evening, 14th iask l‘tsmbars al
• 54
yor way opposed o selling the hall to
arty persbn to be r- ter./ for pnblip renter-
tainnientif, Was 0 favor of binding the
purohasei' not to ise it for public eutertaip-,
ments iri opposi ion to the nese town hal/.
Moved ky W H es, Seconded by it (3
Sperlin, that D Su edited% tender be
acceped, aud that he ve bondnot to
use iasit publio hal and move it im
medately, Moved •y (3 E
secooded by Thee G eery, in amenatneut,
that his council a not accept either a
thetenders for Ib • Old town hall, The,
yeks and nays w e talen on the emeedr-
ment-FOr Mese e Gregory, Mcfsenzi, Ag.
neer, Leminer, htie, Williams, 'Bider -1`,.
Aganet*--Mossre . • ,
awEoo, liomutl
HoIsnbti-O. A enditent Jost,
The original niotiou 'wa also defeateci.
Alf Geo Melisuaie tit' ado' an offer 61
840 cash for the ol&to buil:Sled would
reinove it at 013Oe ' Withatns• thought
Mr McKenzie's offer fta It good- one; IntV
watt) hot in favor of loking with him
ouilleiving others • o 'tenderedab Oppo.
tuofl of mk' moffere„ifteh:
0., he matter • • 'dropped. Mr T
Apsew, from the • co s. rnittee ors electrio
litfng reported th t the committee bad
olosd reotnitraes vri • the oompany for
six lightglItindaye give!' as week eights,
tor 20 cents ger lig t per tight. ' pm lights
are to bum en we nighte till 12 Celook,
ind on Sundays til /0 o'Slock, Tire poencil
then adjournvirl.
Mr. A. 0. Strath • en, wife and family
spent Sunday and Middy with friends
in London.. Miss lorence Bland, who
r' Iva', has been visiting a Mr. Wm. Blaeles,
returned to her h ray. in London on
Monday..Mr. Geo. to Mild took a busi-
ness trip -to Hamilto on Monday.. Mr.
Ed. Bowles, of °rang vide, Stindayed in
town -Mr. Win. Nieho Is, of London, is
Visiting his brother, U r. A11:14"leho1ls,
this week.,Mr, Henry Millr, of `Sea -
forth, &lidera wii..Mre. 4.11311
left on Tuesday on a v it' to Toronto..
Mrs. 1VIOntosh and cl jihter BortiO, of
Lueknigv, are visiting 11/4tr. Thos. Bell's,
Crus. Spaling, of ...eaforth, is visit- form oiir readers of the prat
ing at Mr. A. W. Webs er's'.'.11r. James paper,'
Duffield return m is trip to Petro-
lin on Tuesday. . Mr.. Ai 811,14 I. -Messrs McCauslana son, of Torolito,
are visiting tri t. Forest this known -lookers cf family giase
sVeresvat. :quaint 1:vttelti r*pely:: ulp6i V huh ur,
week. Mr, Raid, o
charge of Moore, Mist- . oot d d teso ru ia °It ele4y Rid°
in Mr. S'ocitlee abeert gear jotelgi tiovbt the twist in fainada, is
T.41 now 1484.1 tn. ittsn ttions 4tangivls WW1 prier 4
QPitar 61104$ 4 - Atowehed. .1 (1
0 .4 P..
4, • •
236 261 487 • 473
Anoounts were presented froi John
Morilt,150 cents,and Smith ok Pethi k,t6.48.
Oe inption, these aocounts were ordered
Adelaide to be paid. On rantinn Messrs P typiece
rmium ulid Ainote,. the prineipal was fist • OM to
()rotate, a register toregister the at ndance
of the teaohar, and report sueli attends
ant* each mouth, along with, hi Mona
monthly repert, together with the r alms
of absence, if any. The Mao enlenb
Gotranittee reported having pu 4hassa
•• •
„ 54' •4
Geo, an. "In. Baker, 't
eels Po t' Miss Sax
.Bhievaio, and. Miss An
/gingham, were visiti
7arrows last Week...
Lon n, general agent
ance ompany, west in tow'
days this week. r. He
this t wn, but w has
Seafor\t -.for the pst
ecl 'to' that town
• attended the Bly
McTavish of Rut
ing her son and d
ikeek..Miss He
visiting her until
Mr. Dickson, of Goderich, i
water, Mr. John Dickson
urer, this week
r. Jos,
ng Wanda
ss Baker, of
ers, Messrs.
Week, .Brue
XeCraeken, of
ie Henderson, of
g at Postmaster
A. McGregor, of
n Lite .A.ssur-
a couple of ,
Miller, •
en working in
reer,has remov-
e.Q McDonough
ir last Friday, -Mrs
Iknship, is' visit-
ghter, in toivu, this
urn,• 'of Ribbed, is
an • . n ‘, in tclivir..,a 4-•••-•
'visiting his
town -
-The Oo ober CY rulian Liva-Siork
TMtrital is bri ht itt a. .earance, pithy in
matter, and practi al in its *teach
ings. The first libr o Tamworth pis
to be introduce. into/0 da make a
nice illustration iret age. These
pigs are very popu ar land, it is
stated, on account of the 'ty of the
pork and its 'value as 11 e bac* Among
the ppinted ..editorials s on4,,bspecially
etrikitg• on„Vogst as prissy
In which it is asserted, that even allovr- • t,
ing two dollars aspuro1se money for
each pizporh- can be re with whey
and, shorts at a coat r roe cents a f•
pound. Tlae l',,nch is interest-
ingly described, an4 th: strains of stand.,
ard-bred horses are .rically traced
out. Timely editorials ppear on sheep
husbandry, entitled "P eqroduotion of,
Mutton” and "Progs n Sheep Raising."
itt the first, Akl. P finklantris letter, to
the elleet that a oronto company
shipping 7,000 he d oish.3ep could only
buy 75 wether, is ..ad • the text. On
horses such subjects a "Size and Sub --
stance in Horses," " one -breeding tx-
perireetkts," and .. ny other breeding
questions are dil ed upon. Very fen
reports are given o the meetings of the
Dominion Hog Br ere Association,
the Dominion Sheep B,.edors' Assooia-
tion, the Holstein Asso atimil and papers
read at these publish.; in full, includ-
ing "Care and Man gement of Brood
Sows,"byE. Freon ;• Fleece of Wool,•
by D. McCue, etc. of. Shaw aide
another letter to his s ries on "Pure'
Breeds of Cattle." A v y complete re-
port of the` exhibits • f horses, sheep,
swine and poultry, t the Toronto In-
dustrial, with a com kite list of all the
awards, Dr. Grenside, turer at the
Ontario Agricultural Colle e, defend
the practice of clipping, hor es and 411-
s#ers innumerable questio s raised by
correspondents. "The I re 'Veinal/at
Grasses" and "Ploughing„ are the most
important articles bearing • the farta,'.
A. contributor itt the' lett r thorouh
artieIe, draws attention to t e ridge of
thistles that is 'usually left vhere each
land is laid out, and gives practicein
dtail. "Ponces and Pal e Liws" ito
dismissed by many author 'es,includirig
E. Manion, 'jeer, McEwitg, a a Thos. A;
Good. The baity Departme t contains;
amongst other articles, onepa• raTirytinz
awl' a valuable
Showell ort he factory vote . Topeka
Such as the "Pekin Dunk,' "Egge or
rowl," "reeding Poultry," a a "Se1t3$
and Breed Good Layers," M he pool
try department very strong. by other
articles appear, but this is en.. h to is
of the