Wingham Times, 1890-09-26, Page 7041. is likely cud reject a head and aia tobe .a o denotes a ,Id eye rest« with easy toepiug.. A, very olrjee- a with chili- rd stamina, ilw t of strength, lee. A long and 11 tutllted to b.' paasted to breed from. ,dieaterl weals •doing general. are very ob, ,e seldom or are subject to in part to Ou the other Jones are too. • of size. .es. estio skin and edalousty shun- asting machines - [lap we get from inure. for foundation good, large, fall, est, a broad and bone (More or raiue,well-sprung and a skin .of (shom or less), ,ud covered with t ohoose fsunda- 10Ve type has not b of his busiuess at is he first learn the doomed to failure. 3wledge he goes uu ,s a. vessel tuOVes -The Canadian Lfce Ake captains, who. itrku W11 port this el to many of his before he died LO; , and aa. oug his cal - said is a little matter I to .,you about befori3. red frot3t active life you. deal oe time on, your e told a great shamus b are not absolutely to lie more or less to: in the ranks. e I ever lied ; asked the tho greatest astonish.. .ou lsave,indeed Itun sure I,ltope you have repent• along with others. I ever lie n you said you fell over- e Boron and swain sixty- it have put a Haile or two et distance, because there to measure it. 'What a Claimed, to have sailed the ;artllrt across "Lake Erie, leis and alone, with both do it? not. led. about 3t 1 tallily did, and 1 now ask se yoitr C0I1601e11Ce 1)3t It Coll+ plain Was silent for a lone; hent belraokcd.up and said: vi ill confess, 1 don't know r induced ane to lilt e -bout it, very sorry. 1 clichrt have both teen; it was one trios, otiO leg collar mitis, . 'foams Will be sent to new sub - trout now till tits mill of 1800, tut .�i 4p MPERANC1 COLUMN, C0NnrmTur) BY Tfol Y, W. C T, A. Slander.. .Another way, of slandering is lin. petuous or negligent sputtering out of water or Waste: vrlaloit? Two gtaw4ee you offer tote, 010,Il.'rimming words, without minding what truth or full, coneeguence there 18 in them,how tli,v And the sunshine searchestller1l through l Through and through like the light of may touch or hurt our neighbor. To truth--- avoid this sin, we must not only be Will they stand the test think you? At the bottom of one my dead hope lies, free from intending mischief, but The other is clear as wy, tabby's eyes. wary of effecting it ; not only carefnt Sparkling and gleatniug the first cue is, of not wronging one distinot person, 'The glow of its color intim. 8, but of harming promiscuously Rival') the Jt equ ntirnt rose which growsis any p y x Close ,to my gluttonfenoe. not only abstinent from aiming direct "Taste roe, to arses, " and your life shall ly, but provident not to bit c t toothy glow Ieosy and sweet as your J'aoquominot." any person with obloquy, For as be But the other glass whispers t " My heart that diechar4 eth shot into a Crowd, or is not red so as not to look about regarding who With the passion'tte fires of life, Noratainetb rug clear white soul to lead may stand in the way, is no less guilty Yours to au endless suite,. But 1 need not blush for the work I do Taste end my peace ah,4111l,w to you,. '1' My baby stretc'he's his little hands. Ont for the giewnriuf red, "Oh, Cod1 cries an old pain at my heart "Far better that he were dead 1 Dead, ere his soul is red ivitlr shame; Dead, ere with sin his life's ail etn3. " My little one sips from the other glass, I.aughurg Omni in his glee, A.a his fingers scatter the crystal drops, 13ut his floe 1 cannot see. For other drops ail anti o'erilow my eyes I think of the grave where his father lies. Thou fiend of the wine glass l Serpent that stole To the core of that manly heart, Despoiler of lives. destroyer of souls, Thou slung accursed, deport I Creep °loser, my baby 1 Bed is the wine stain, But red'ler the earth with the blood of the stair.. Clippings. It is said that a number of years ago a Boston firm of four young men were rated as "A 1." One of them consulted the record and found writ- ten at the end of it, "13ut they all Aft ItIea. young, ofd, or middle aged, who. find themselves nervous, week or exhaust - (el, who are broken down front excess' )r overwork, resulting in many of the hsollowing syrnptoinst Mental depres- ion, premature old age, loss of itaIity, lose of memory, bad dreams, intimate of sight, palpitation of the wart, efnission, lack of energy, pain ui the kidneys, lloadalte, pimples on the face or body, itching or peaularc sensation about the scrotum, waisting of the organs, dieziness, specks before ,�„�, the eyes, twitching of the nasties, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of° will power, teudernes of the scalp ands spine, woak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by ,sleep, constipation, dullness of Bearing, loss FOR THE BEST VALUE O .1../ ,L,."J .d. l! D CLOTHING, of doing mischief, and boned to make 1 of voice, desire for solitude, excitit- rattsfzotion to thele be woundetl),tben if he had aim^'d at any one person t if we s'in our bad words at random, whish may hght'unlucicily, and defame somebody, we become slanderers nu awares, and before we think on it. This practice hath not ever all the malice of the worst slander, but it wnrketh often the effects thereof, and therefore dotal incur its guilt and its punishment ; especially it being com- monly derived from ill-t+mpor,or from bad habit, which we are build to watch over, to curb, and to correct. Tlie tongue is a sharp and perilous weapon, which we are boon.' to keep up in the sheath, or Lover to dray forth but advisedly, and• upon j'.i•it oo^asion; it most ever be wiel lel with caution and care ; to brandish it wantonly, to lay able; with it blial y and furiously, to says atld smite drink " Ile reported the fact to bis tberewite any that hapaaneth to 1oule bility of temper, sunken eyes sur- rounded with LI;AD5t enacts, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to .sanity and deeid useless cures. 1'be spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be psrmanentely curete rend your address for book oil all diseases peculiar to man.. Address M, T. LIMAN, 50 Front St. L , Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. ,l{east disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flashes, rush of blood to the bead, doll pain in the heart with brats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker thou the first, pain about .the breast bone, etc., oan positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LIMON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. partnei's,ancl they sill thought it a geed 11n our way, d )t 1 ar.. uc 'u 11103 or mid. jolfe, But to day two are dean, an- other is a drunktrd, and the fourth is living on charitable aid. A m'Iderte drinker became very angry with a friend who argued that safety wort only to be found in total abstinence. Whet, sirt1laid be, do you think t hove lost control over myself'/ 1 do not 'mow, was the reply ; but let us•.put it to the proof. For six months do toot to c a drop. The p oposal. was accnptsd. Ile kept to lois pwIni`,e find at the close he said to his friend with tears in his eyes, 1 believe you have saved me from a drunkard's grave, 1 never .knew before that I was in any sense a slave to drink, bat Burin; "the last ylonth I have fought the 'fiercest battle of my life. Had the test been tried later nu it might bare been too Hess,—B rrow. Before we take up the collection this morning, remarked the good pastor, as he looked mildly.orer the congregation: I wish to say that we have in the church treasury already two qu•'rts of pickles that appear to hate been punch ed through and afterwards plugged with 1eiu1. These coins I am informed will not buy stamps, groceries, or fuel, and- conductors on street -cars refuse to take them. The choir will please sing '0 Land of Rest for Thee I Sigh,' late. • --- true it:cdnr11 TragetlY- Rev Dr.T,DewittTalmnge, iu the N. OnsunVER, presents the following: "PIYE ACTS OP TIIE RIM TP.AGEDY." Aet L Young man starting from borne. Parents and sisters weeping to have him go. Wagon passes over the hills. Farewell ides thrown back Ring the bell, and let the curtain drop• Act, II. Marriage altar. Bright lights. Full organ played. White veil trailing through the aisle. Prayer and congratulations and exclamations of 'How well she looks!' Ring the bell, and let the curtain drop. .Act III. 11 idnight,. Woman wait- ng for staggering steps. 01d gar- ments stuck into the broken window. pane. Many marks of hardship on the iac(t. 'Biting the flails of bloodless fingers. 11 egleot, cruelty, dis,;race. Ring the bell, and let the curtain drop Act iv. Three graves in a dark place. brave t.f a Wald who died from luck of medicine Grave ofa wife who died of a broke.. Heart. (grave of hus- band and father who died of dissipa anis. Plenty of weeds, but no slow. ers Oh what a blasted heath with three gravest 1hOg tate bell, and let the comb.) drop. Aet V. A destroyed soul's eternity. No light ; no music: :no hope! 1)espait coiling around the heart with unntter-• able 'anguish. Lileek ues5 of clarkurss• forever' C. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows : 5:15 n. ,m , .........Por Toronto 2:00 5. to 2:00 11. in Por Tooswater 10:00p. m ADWIon TO MOTnsas,—Ars yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a stokehild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting; Teeth? If so seed at Sprit?tie 5Ohild enbottle Teething�Itsivglueis Soothing able, will io,or little sufferer upoelieve n it, mothers thea s n0 mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhea, regulates the Stomach and Vowels, cures Wind Collo, softens t}la Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Sirs. IVin- sloW's Soothing Syrup ".. for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and norms in the United States, and is for sale by all. druggists throughout bio world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mae: WINSLOWS eoOTan o SUMP' dnd take no other kind -.-00 10 GAPS OOLLABS, $7"1.,1 p 9 a -: T'S, OT°"., Ste Cheap for KASE. TEBSTIli ' AItSIVINe 5.35 a. m 2:00 p.m 2.80 10:30 G-PJA n ,TUiT A. U. STRATIIDEE, AUNT, WINQIIAM. Through tickets to all points in Ainerioa-North- West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all destination. through to Lowest freight rates to all pts WINGHAM ftOURING MILISI d Cherry.. It. i h' Zvi iso fs rot Dearly twenty years this valuablt r1ledietue has been largely used lo'r tut cure of Coughs, 'Colds, iitnuehitis, Croup. V h aping Cough, Loss of Voice and Lungs. Those who kniiw its value tdodmmend it to their friends, knowing that- Wilson'+ Wild ',berry never' disappoints, The getini're ie sold by all annotate in. Whitt *rappers Duly. —TIME TABLE.— LeAVs sumo II. Assays AT wi8GIIAIt. 0:30 a.In.Toronto,quelp11,Palmerston , &0. 3.30 pan.11 10 10.10 ' 0:40 pan. " " Clinton, " 7125 ' Palmerston, M1XOd......10:15 a`m. 0:15 a.in..... .. London, Sze .., 11:00 ' 340p.m.. Fro -J 0 it 0 `--' ---arm^varve-eeco.--- ffleer —" rg;;r'`.'^•e�71`` NEW PATENT -TOP MILK GANS3 CREAM CANS, MILK PAILS, SAP BUCKETS, and MILK PANS, 11:10 km.. ... Kincardine, &o 3:30 p.in 1010 „ The nedersigned wish to tender their •best thanks for the liberal patronage givt.n to out arm during ser eral4 ears prior to the burning .01 our lulu by in. endirriem. During the last season we have re• tnoddelled the tow„ mill to the latestappproved sys• tern, of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling, IVe be lie•e wecan now give bettor accommodation than everbefore. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair 1iettirns, QUALITY K.1COND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. Ind by close personal attention t0 the business nowt to t andel gains v ,,re with a trial by all old Yours most respectfuliV, IIUTTON & CARR 7:45 p.m. 0:30 a.m. 11:10 " 8:60 pan kvary iri�� tea Dat,e � EAVE-TROUGHING A SPECIALTY. Property For Sale io Boimor& The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro perty in the village of Behnore, consisting of a good dwelling house, odice, stable and driving shed, with ono acre and a-half°of laud in connection, Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees, Will be sold at a bargain. Por particulars, appy to FREDERICK COOK, . Ilehuore. .Vingham Mill, Oct. 10 1b80. FARM SALE. Piso'e Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use andCheapest. 0 Repairing will be Promptly Don€ . ice HAS BECOME F:.MOU,a AS TU11 GRE'A'T ftE Of Canada. It is matte only by MoCOLL BROS. & Cu., Toronto. 0 11; "IL; S CYLINDER OIL needs only to be used to he aipr•ecinted. Beware of those who imitate Lardine. Get only the genuine. Try it. , Sola by druggists or soot by mail, 50c. 11. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., U, S.A. BARBER SHOP. NIR. MALCOLT IVTcDONAL'D, (Lan or iUI'T.T ,) Haling purchased rarollcts SebasiaBrs., is prepared to give all customers and as many new ones as patronize him, satistaottoi in all lines of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are n1y speeiattie9. ,Otvo me a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon and 5lolut3•re's store, The nndersirned offers for sate his farm, being the ,until half of Lot ',0, d:oneession 12, East wawaneh, m cosy terms, The faro consists of 100 acres, about ,0 of which are cleared and in a good state of oulti- • ati0n, the balance bein g low, wet !and On the ,remises aro good frame house, eontainisg 7 rooms and good cellar; bank barn and stole stabling ; two veils of good water ; two cement cisterns; a nice. 'retard. The farm is well fenced, Would take a moll residelee ln' Wingharn aspen poi F e ms to ,s agreed upon, Pot tunes, applyK P, LEI M Ir the premises, or to Wtnitlia, .est Wawanosh, June 3rd 1200, M. MCDONALD. TILES, TILES.. MUM teff' RAS., of the wi•rahon Brick Yards, have on hand a large stock of tiles for draining purposes. trop 1i inches to 0 inches In size which will be sold cheap, end on should sea our Tilosf for themselves before deciding to iso it.mber. A largo quantity of VMS -GLASS 13 ant on hand, and .will be sold at lowest living profit, ELLIOTT BIROS., Windham It $italektE.,11,1 011S"qii%• NIurr iS. Pleats inform 7oar readern that i have aposttive remedy for , :., . x. t? I0 Tent ITIIIrc'tt isettse. BY Its tinnily -use sofsreylPOhanborer d 1 read to sad twbotttamy of RIa any YOI er. wltooCHs •tOn if they.meat Office Adam* e 0440141% Mf11.00y46wooAdoistldwho VORONO, ONTAI001 ,,ttvv, a•. ... i..m.... A ropOSS AT 00k More, NV-INGHAM) ONT.� lAa-re Stock and Low Prices, A Blessing to Every" Household. These remedies have stood the test of fifty yeses a petie5rilly o , and aro pronoUh8ed .rho host Me lielea for P1XmiIS w L/ wad 31 lti � KIDNEYS AND d oMAtl li iI1 ... MYER., ST , h It , 11d .,fondles aft a r t a Purity the triooct, eor ee invaluable in all cOnllitsUrts incidental to females of uta ogee. 111,Dali OI T Is the only LtiI1MJUA0Nb IISDS COUG1StiODS,GOOUTIttr1iMAx3, end old SWELLINGSAJJ. BIASES Tp IiAS vi 1tgUA1,, Diaitutaetured only At P$r Not oxford, I,aife >S8$, <Iarfatd Street, and Sold by all Modiofne Vendor* bhronghoat the World, a adds Or Purkkranera eboulei loop to the label et, the Peaks :end. Pots. ' Oaf mei; 568684, l:+ood*e5 they lath gpntioi0,