HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-26, Page 50 Deal a TTuaa. rpt. 30th the tun opens in to the num. that are nose (metal y, ,Ver, North. ru is s not only d`ol'ts but ale.) part of the usu:t,l true Silealr,Swinoi hien , will be, of the short pleased with. of exhibits at assure them exception to, t seer: sit ttl@ us shows awe- prising wtjr•• prisinggentie- in hand have :;,feasor. Dixon t rope walker 5th of Sep. :taring feetof ills on a wire rile prefaces •r 'odnesday (tool top 18 inches id forwerd,lies crass legged .lea will also. in whxoli he $1000. ofu;nbus,Olt days and give consisting of punish rings,,. tque acts. le, one of the. tsterpieces of 11 alto he ut tils.have prov. e -raver shown. 3ritish Colum - Northwest are and.cau be t Agricultural. lit will also be 3Mtalus° Lire eletneu, s Ith: other iter tc- t ail in ell,t ie irons of the is. pn.rt of the. on seeing one• pada fair 18910. apt, 30th, Out, as. this whiter, i South Amer!- al.eged causes boot rand shoe. ) increase Breit a g in Toronto, atecl that theft' been fully 25. pence it was. nd shoes froxlx_. Masa of leather leather, This additional in - soon . as the le market, neral Confer. lowing oflioer's John Potts, Dr. Alexander l Secretary ; leu tis, Book, RTreasurer ev, Dr. De- kuardian ; Dr. (an; Dr. With. ,ragazine ; Jas,., ndent North one Superin'- continues in Rev. Dr, War;• ys and of Jiio. lety years of, re distance to.. in Springbault l being about .many yearn, ng to town on used and used rposes, never ipon it. But 1 service tete' y, so Mr. %Vat- oer on foot, tilt markable for, ;ing- very at' iwelsat a farm &1r. Jos Walk- ). locating ill. 1' leaves thiii< a members of, atladiatl Order: to Win;{liatu 1 diviee tete, , f the Wiiijj. ,,,ra..r .aD.s•. is s The iiV'gt :rico lies tarry Csee. nem is a eitor'ta;.e in the acpoueata ief Waterier) county's., regia rat amount• ing to $4,651.23 or including interest. 16,852,45, and the Bounty 00111161 has appointed a o,rrntnittee to take steps to aolietlt the ninoittlt,,Air ltfortitegn,11 'through leis solicitor has expressed a desire to pay the honeys which can be shown to he fairly Clue the county. Ill reference to this unfortunate affair the .Galt Reforfnee has the following The rezistrar, who has naturally been greatly distressed by this matter, has been arranging to promptly pity ea the amount of the short Igo. Whilst those who know %ir il'IuDollgall's Lou; and honorable career, readily acquit him z f personally knowing that the re- turns rnaele by his office to the ctsntsty were incorrect,; it k abundantly' wank fest that be depended too much to his deputies. aud that the returns to the C(suety were carelessly made up. We are assured that t;o one feels. this so acutely as Mr McDougall himself, and that by closer personal supervision he will take care that such unfortunate errors do not occur again. It is also clear that the RegistryOtfice 1n5pector, lately deceased, failed to perform his duties tlrurou,=;lily,and that if the ores. ent system of paving Registrars is to he continued, a more effoient inspection of each office should annually or semi- annua;ly take place. W Sanders,'of the Exeter Advocate., has quit the newspaper business and will study law at Ann Arbor. • W. J. Fear, dentia.,, or • Seaforth, bas located in xtyhner, and firs. Fear and family joined hien last week. Kipper], n correspondent Seaforth Expositor : On Monday the sad in, telligence was received here of the sudden death of Miss Strati 'Mustard, Duly sister of A. Ir, Mustard, who three years ago labored on Hensel( North Circuit as colleague to Rev, E A. Fear. EJertnatl N. Brett, a carpenter who went to Woodstock from S'oatorth some tisne ago, died early Thursday morning. Re had been sick several weeks with bilious fever, hut until a .,few hottrs before his death was not thought to be worse than usual, Ile was 22 years old, and was a favorite with his acquaintances. A decision was given by Judge.Doyle in a case triad at the Clinton division eourt sittings, which the Y'esu Era says has very considerably surprised our cattle dealers. Some tinge ago cattle dealkr'Baker bought from one Robert Brown a i ub for $4.25, paying on account of suet) purchase $1, and later on the saute day,a further sum bf $2. • The larnb was not in a fist state to be but.ehered and ib was agreed. that 7y Brown should keep it for at !emit a month. Before Baker sent for the lamb it bad died, but Brown cotibeal• ed this fast until he had been paid the: balance of his purchase Inoney. Baker brought suit to recover the price of the lemb,but Judge Doyle held that the Iamb was at his. risk and not Brown's, that it passed; to Baker, and as a consequence Brown, was entitled to his money. The butchers and drovers maintain that such is not the usage of the trade, but that before the seller is entitled to his unpaid purchase money he must deliver the cattle or sheep mire. The decision of Judge Doyle will make it necessary to have it distinct agreement that the seller shall in• all eases produce. the animal alive.. ce William Astor, of New York, enjoys. nn biome of $23,575 a day ; John D. RRockefeller's airiouuts to $18.715 ; Cornelius Vanderbilt's to $15,000,and Jay Gould'b to $7,400. A Woodstock despatch says that an ingenious. Yankee is pedling through the streets walking sticks said tobe manufactued out of wood from the dismal swelnp where Benwell was found tnurdered. It is said that limn. dr'eds have hest); sold. This EIera1ii says: Stratford: has, tak• -(en another step which entitles her to • rauk ainong the most progressive conn. lnenities of the agerand an aching void has beets filled by the erection of a "drop a Cent itt a slot machine" at the Grand Trunk depot. You drop in a cent, pull a slide cele, and extract t1 piece of delieiutts 'r'ittti•h'rutti chewing gun's. The machine his. been in. riper. nti.,n about it week and the deny re. tel dace far has boon about $1.713, and at score or tsvo of pious of iron, tilt, glass, Nate coins, 'S stnkee u•'ttts, pool anddrink checks, washers, etc., etc. The latter, til course, are lief profit to the owner of the tnaclfine', as whey ire not of the proper weight to +r, What it Cgait. On her last trip from Liverpool to New York the "!.'eutonic bprned 325 tons of Wash coal every day, and the cost of the coal consumed on the voyage was $7,000, The city of New 'York burned 3GQ tons a day on her last voyage over, The expanses for fuel on these faststeamers run from $10,000 to $16.000. for the round. trip. The other expenses of the trip bring the total amount up to $:50,000 to $60,000 fur such ships as the tWo. named above, The salmon pack oil the Fraseiie River, B C, this season is valued at $1,417,248. John Livingstone,. sr., and' James Shearer, sr., of Listowel, have returned from a seven weeks visit. to Sc.,tland, Parkhill council have fixed the rate of assessment at ergo cents and eight hills in the $, for the present year. 31sttDDecember,A1890 for 251, or $1 till end of 1$91—Casa. A ttreof-rear team from Chicago will. visit Fmbro fair on Oat 10, for the return match with the Zara team. A despatch from Bay City says there is no longer any doubt that the ;.+rand Truck has bought tete. 0inciu1 pati, Saginaw and Mackinac railroad. The Globe notes ilial there is only one case that exiels the Birchall case in dramatic and tragic interest, That is the case of Spencer Cowper, ' with which Macaulay deals in the fifth volume of his history of England. Bar TELE TIMES to new subscribers till 31st December, 1890, for 25c,, or $1 till end of 1891—Cash. Ned Hanlan was offered $40,000 spot cash by a speculator from the other side recently for his hotel and other proterty at the. island. The offer was refused, as Ned holds the property at nearly twice that value. Lord Aberdeen visited London for a few hours on Mopida'y, and the Advertiser improved the oe.oasiou by telling its readers that the Earl owns (39,42' acres of , land, " which brings hila a rental of $203,825 a year. Fie is the seventhEarl of the line. Auvicm TO Mornaes.— Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a eiakehiid suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Tenth? if so eon d at once and get a bottle of ' Mrs. Winslow's 3o othingg Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is in entail - aide. It will relieve the poor little sufewr immediately. Depend upon it, smothers; th ere is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery anti D iarrhtoa regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures W ind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup " for children •teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Status, and is for sate by all druggists, throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mae. Welinows SoorIuNn Sinus ' and take no other kind On Monday a son of Jarites Scott, G. T. B''. switchman, St. Mary's, was struck by a passing train and seriously hurt. TLe doctors have very little hopes of bringing . him through; On Saturday, a lad 12 years old, son of C. D. Swanson, of the same town, was kicked by a horse. He walked to the house and did not seem to be much. hurt, but about midnight his father was awakened by the boy's heavy breathing, and immediately sent for a doctor. The boy died before the doc- tor arrived. Sucootash. Half a pint shelled beans, 6 ears corn, cupful of milk, teaspoonful of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Boil beans nu hour ; pour off all bat half Dnp of the water, add milk, corn, -- which has been scraped, from the eel). —butter, etc., and steam 15 minutes Toronto Street: Markets, Receipts of barley not so largo Wed tlesday, and prices steady ; 15;000 buil Bold at 60e to 7l c. Wheat steady, 500 bags st'liiel, at $1 for fall, 984 for red winter, 90 for spring and 79e to 81c for goose. Ottts firth., 300 bus selling at 43o to 44o. Peas steady,100 bushels sellingat63o to 69. tArTeatt Mot Deoezn a 18ft0, te new or Nic,, or 01 till end of 1801 ---Cash, l NMone atturnoon, ohoutaveorolienkri twaien ll whe h and 10th uoboaaetou9 of Turnl,erry, t Light ray Colored Spring Overcoat, The ander wi1,b.%rewar(teeton.retgrning At to This Oface, or leer mg if at the queen's Hotel, Winghaui, Clothes Clea,ned'ard. Dyed," NIA% U000having purohaebd the Olothc, Dyo r r.a• ini; And olotening Business lately carried on by Sr At .hell, will continue rho Busineea aa; usual C , thea Cleaned and Dyed on short notlee, and eat :faction guaranteed. Ord a lett at Mrs Herdsman's Millinery Rata bush+ :must ,rChieholni'a Drug Store will be promptly at. tan .d to, -..A■ K G RIGG, . PARK PRODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCHANGE, A. H. GRIGG,. Josephine Pt, Wingham,. WINGHAM STEAM CIDER MILL.. The undersigned wish to intimate to the farmers and others that Eheir steam cider mill is now ready for operation,and parties wanting eider made can bays it made on short notice, Our Jelly Evaporator has arrived and been fitted up, and we are prepared to, make jelly from any kind of fruit. A trial order solicited and satisfation guaran, teed. -'The patronage of the public is solicited.; HASTINGS & RITOHIE. Wingham, Sept. 25, 1890, 8 ORE .nE WAY EXCURSIONS British Columbia, Washington Territory, Oregon and California. Leave' Toronto .11 p. m, FWD A,Y, Sept. 19th Oct. 3, Z7, 81 ; Nov. 1C 28 Dee. 12, 26- Bunning through to Vancouver without. change. For Bert .i and all information apply tb .any gent of the Company, or write W. B. •CALL.tWAY, 24 York,Ct. Toronto. MEN, 1'ocal.ortraveling to D soil my guaranteed Nuns - say STOOK, Salary or Com- t o CORD ON MCTYR a are daily RECEIVING LARGE SHIPMENTS 'g LL G-ooI)S in all . the Latest Designs and Newest Shades known to the trade. ese cods have been purchased at a small advance on the original cost, our custc mer s and. the public in general will find GENUINE BAR.GAIINTS inevery department. We lead the trade in. CHGICE TEAS • Try a sample lot, and we feel convinc 1. that you will become regular customers. GORDON & 'McINTYR. rw.01m......*a.W=Imi,..e. A.. . v, isiti ff AN Invitation is extended to every person visiting Wiu.;h;iii, t;, have a look through his rnami.oth stock of muss on, paid wueaey. Omni free. Special atten- tion given to beginners, Workers never fail to make' good weekly wages. Write me atonce for particalarr, E. O. GRAHAM, nuRseavnlaii. (This is Reliable.) TORONTO, ONT. Desirable Property for Sale 'in Witigham. The undersigned offers for sale a good Residence and one acre of land, more or less, situated on- George street, just east of Mr Thos Cornyn'sresi- donee. It is the finest location in .the Town of Wingham, overlooking the Town and the north.. branch of tho Maitland River. The house is a ono. and.a.halfstorey frame, with splendid cellar. There are also a frame stable, hard and soft water and 160 fruit trees on the premises, Will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms. For particulars apply, to. D 11 (sOithON. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. • McLAOgnt 8 & IIABOti Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills store, Wiughanl. Boots and Shoes made to order front the Best • Stook,. on short rialto. Repairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranted, Live Stack Markets. Suit Buffalo, N Y, Sept 24—ciattle --Only It few lots offered of cattle and two cars of fresh stockers ; fair hut. char'e were take'n. at $3.60 to $$.80; calves were iu fair supply, and ruled.a trifle 'easier, except best. Sheep Crud lambs—Otferinge,22 cars, 16 ears being lambs ; sheep, quiet ; tape, $5`; nes d to choice, $4,50 to $4,80 iatnli+s,,dull and lower ; Jiiclii» toms and westerns, best stook, $i; good to choice,. $5.70 to $G ; Canadaa, trade off generally; $6,3.5 to $6.50.; fete itt top tiguree. Ilegs•W--Twenty ears offered; light demand'; va'ues clectilied; tra'diume and ln'twy hogs. $4,8u to $4,85;. u few beleeted eurn "Yorkers sold ai $4,85, McLAtJOHLIN & HAUGIH. Judicial Sale of a Valuable Farre. XUI1SUANT to the order he honorable Ste Thome Galt, ChtefJaetice • made in a cause of Abrahnnry Abraham, bearing elate the 12111 day et Slay, 1800, there will be sold with the approbation of the Local Master at Stratford, b9 Pubiio Auction at Sho Qutdn'e IlotsI, Wickham, 00.. Thursday, tha9th day.:of October, AT THE HOUR OF'3.3Q P.M,, thoi,orth half of Lot Seven, Concession C, m .the Township of Turnberry, containing rorty.flvo-and•a-half acres, be the Same more or less. About twenty•ilvii acres cleared, some mixed hard aud sett wood bush. There is a'framno barn. 34 x 60 on the farms TERMS 00 SALE :—The purchaser will be required ' to pay down at the time of the sale to the Vender'.+ i Salioitore ten per cont of the pnrohase sncney, :ind; rho remainder within d0 days, without interest The property will be sotd subject to a reser% eel bid 1 to he fixed by the Master, In all other respects. the terms 0f Salo will be the standing conditions of sale 1 apply 10 the Fender's Soticitoreol further p.rticulare MA ilk% GEARING, Vendor's Solicitors, (Stratford. Ii 11 LAZAItS, :Master at Stratford. I.tatad Ifth September, 1890. mtista INSTReetioxs err Page i1Sn Chair, Atl° ct.14 lit flats eo,t. oituse the fntcl3 .leiato tuider the elite to blit ran[;Ilig {jP.rie1'filiy at t4-0 Q - to For particulars regarding tarns, eta, pleasegriltnt y 4 d0 .j pigs, .$ 4 tO $4,O taA home, corner i+ranoie and Patrick attends, 1 i ... rLO'RULLA *PARL11t4. JAL AND t r 1i J . Oar stock is now complete in every Departeneut. We lead the Ira lm DRESS GOODS. In. our Dress Goods Departineat we are shoe- ing all the latest Novelties in Stripes, Chocks, Plaids an t FANCY DRESS, 1tOBLS. Ladies i Otte ,deice at our Stook will convince you that the greatest care has been taken to select the most Fashiouableand h'ituey goods in the market for our eustoiners to .choose from, Illaoltrioads W'e are Shzwitn. FANCY STRIPES, FANCY CORDS, FANCY" SOLIELS,,. HEN RIETTAS AND CASEf El EIS, --And at MI Prices, to suit our many cilstou,prs' - its We tike have *Fail Lina of J AN Cx TatagUNos AS !trete l3DCRLErd to match Every .t ress•iu. our Store, Ladies, do not fail to. give. Its call before. pttrollasiit , elsewhere. Pail't to see tlui. BLANKETS, ,E TS, 1;00 pail' to ohbose frpin, PIXE ALL, WOOL. Px,;.;.N.N BL, at 20e, per yard, the Brest V:ilele is the tritiln. 'MANTLE (1r,OGDS':in all the Novelties, and art price. you clay wiait. LADLES' WOOL SHAW YIS, WR1 F.% &N) S'l'3Ra1 COLLF4.I13. le' 1 NDY. WOOL 1IOSU1 Y in Lt lie's, and D.'sildrelt's wear, LA 01,1:3' GLOVES ANI) CANCY WAli.E3, ✓a; lalegar, steak. always on hand. "'Don't forget the ttere, fail,