HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-19, Page 8"The Pharmacy," Dr. iTowwer's Drug Store et,.ywciat,e' and popular Proscriptions accurately compounded, Pure .Drugs and Menaces a specialty. -A mu use of Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Sponges,— _Spectecles, et', always in Wok - 1141,L, ; TBLE1'HONE : CENTRAL OFFIGB. STRAMSUIP,andGH l D TRUNK TOWN TICIi1tT Wingham, . , • . Ont.. c .1 /41.111 E:1111c vine, of Sea forth, ' as in town on Wednes- day calling on old frkade..Teeawater Kew Mr. Wus, Peasant, et Wiagllam, spent Sunday with triendq,in town.. Miss Watson, of Wrotham, is visiting the Miss Watson this week. ,Mr W,J•l1 eeiltoheou et Toronto, was in town on. Tuesday night. Ho is engvgt 1, wcith the 0, T?: p. just now in connection {with their exists bit of the products of the_ Northwest, and was on his way to the Listowel show., „Brussels Pus$: Miss Kate Wilson and, Miss Mabel Smith spent a few days visit- f ing friends in Wingham., . r Thos Bell will attend the Wester Fair,. at London, next week, as Judge on fur- niture,tofr Geo Campbell and wife went to Lie wet on 'Thursday -Mr R Mitchell and wife, of Victoria street, left onTuready for an extended visit to friends in New Hamburg and Tavistacl* Miss Ella Cernyn has returned from her visit to IIamilton..Miss Crane, of Toronto, has charge of the millinery depaFteanent in Miss Aliirphy's, DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. M we make a, ke eecialty of this ling, we hove now on band the freest assortment of high class novelties., ..� •ever:�.o.wn, in WingllaIn, Soule wonderful value in FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19,1800. Personals,:, Miss. Spellman, of Hastings, end hiss Dick, of the same place, lire visiting at Mr. R. Swan's, Shuter street, Mr. Thos. Bell returned on Saturday rota a two weeks' business trip east. He reports business good, and the outlook for a good saasen's trade exeellent),Mra, Thomas Agnew and son John, who have been spending a couple of weeks with friends near Ottawa, returned on Monday..Mr. Wm. Dunn, of Attwood, was in town on business, on Friday last..Mrs. Win. Digo" mond,wbo had been spending a few weeks with friends in town, returned to her home in Detroit on Friday last -Miss Murphy has returned from Toronto and Hamilton, where she was attending the millinery openings.. Mrs,Pord,ofHo,mes` vine who has been. visiting at Mr. Mark Wilson's Wild Cherry: For nearly twenty years this valuable medicine has been largely used for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Loss of '(mice and Lungs. Those who know its value recommend it to their friends, knowing that Wilson's Wild Cherry never disappoints. The genuine is sold by all druggists in 'white wrappers only. Boit' CLo v -In LuaInow, on onlay, Sept. 1st, the wife o ,< r:A Clow; a son. opotreim--In Lower' Sham, on the INth int e wife of Mr A a McDonal„ ; a son. he wife of Mr Wesley Pstte -on h'aon sou. 12111 Inst, BrAzt Wu Lts—(lanae—At the parents. on thelSth tn8t, Mr NV Willis of Mite ED. residence of the bride's y the Rev S Sellory, R 1), 1,to Miss Minnie 3, dough.. tor of Mr i3 perry, of Br '.sale. Frurov=Mof3U —In Bru is. on `}te 10th that, at tho residence of the bride's n thcr, Jay Rev John Hess, B A; Mr John Pelton, : of Atwood, to Miss Maggie MoBain, of Brussels. STFWAfT--soon-At the father. on Wednesday, Sept. Mr k encu ofthe bride's Oth, by o Erna& Anu,daughter eariet b , t $ a hotel,. Rua • ehtegt C• ..,,O Hff0 DEPARTMENT. Fiil1. of newi,TV4 I EDS, in Enc,1i.3h,. Scotch and Canad.iali makes, Bieck and Farcy Worst Os, routings, i`fr,gxeat variety.: 0 Suits and Overcoats for Men and Bogy's at prices that will sell there quick. I'Zi•SPECTION Ilel=a','1TED; ,BY Jersey Bull for Sale. I offer for sale my fine young Jersey Bull Prince Third. Ho is from excellent milir and butter stock; is splendidly built and when full gFown should weigh over 1G00 ihs, aq. Will his sire. He is broken to har- Sarlingin S Alex f Tee art nese and is perfently quiet, as I.have another will 04 Mr Win Scutt, of Teems er. n -.-A ANSTONngus—Atte rectory, on the 17th so111tim cheap G. A, Db AD�'1AN, Cassels' for some time, returned to her . E it, by he B the late its, `mfr RobAdams,t of Lower Brussels Ont. home on Friday. to cissesBessieandMary"' 'Thomson attend , the marriage c,f their . :DI D. cousin, Mr. W. H. Willis, at Brussels, on dv I Lon o In BITeJ.le omit •11th inst., 7oh mouths Tuesday Mr. J. M. Jerome, of Blyth, d 1G days. t a ,v- days in tawniest week.. Miss nsSLsa—In Lower tVingha , on the 4th inst., the 'Spent y!Merit son of Mr, James Whee er, aged 8 months.Peril- s has resumed her duties at Mass Thos. Elliott, who has been residing at y Tey A r T. . 'Altoona, Wisconsin, for some tine, is home on a visitbMr. and Mrs. -Jas. Duf- field returned from their trip to Ottawa mad other eastern. points, on Friday last. ,;tars. IttoD. Fleming, accompanied by it'i'iissea Nellie and May Cline, returned to her home in Listowel on Saturday.. Masters Geo. Sills sand G. leicLauclilin were in Toronto this noel#._ attending the exhibition -Mrs. John CkegorY left on Saturday for her home in Manitoba.. Mrs. Henderson find family, of Montreal, who have been visiting at Mrs.E. Kent's, returned hon on �Monday..Mr. Clarke, Live Sind jo,valler, .;i4iill%iook, ‘ was in town on TORONTO, Sept. T lesday.; 1isses Annie and Ida Kerr .: at m ROOsliT dSept returned ra.,l their visit to Clinton oni; eclin Titesda ar. a'ad:Mrs. W. Ii. McDonald the bast figure q t21 averaging in ra,urno ,coin their trip to London, on at 4ie per lb. i;'riday.,I\iiss Hornell, 1Vlt.aiorotattu ti. was, buvrevpr, iug at Mr. G M Intyre's- .M's 'W �1u'- business. Stockers len, of Toronto, is visiting ' b sine s. flerrna—In Godertch, on inlay, Sept 7th, I800, I oyd's Ir S. $. Elliott,• son of Mr. w,ll,am ri, HoPP of win;luom, aged 21 oars, 7 N In Grey,on Sun A ETennant, aged 8years. Smuts-- in Orev, on t daughter o4 lir Peter Sinclai V _ Toronto Street ' '• rltets. Receipts of grain Wednesday were lair end prices un Sold fit $1.0Q for fal ter, 900 to 92c fo firmer, 800 bushels 69e. Oats steady, 1, inp at 42e to 48ac. _P sales of 100 bushels Hopper, feline'. months and 7 dui s m ay, Sept 7th, 1890, Mrs o Nth nit, Margaret, aged= years. ',awed. Wheat , 89c for red win - Spring. Barley elfin, at 64e to 0t0 bushels self. :aa firm, with 630 to 65e. Ndarlsett. 7,—Fat cattle' sola on Last day's prices, oted being a lot of eight 1,825 lbs each, roes lc to l -o per lb le general run' of anged from 2-o El hulk of the $g.12L per cwt. •oil 2e to Sac per win:IsINE L 1\f- _. I S'TEAMSRIPS.. CHET P EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. ontreal or Quebec, , T° Derry or Liverpool. CABIN' RATES r43,$50aud$60 ingle $95.8160 and 415 fliifairh, according o,to location of StPer. SS. PARISIAN, $50. $60 Sao, Single i, 100, 1 10, 1 so t{eturn.�'• ,`Pio CATTLE CaitR•EED INTERNIEDIATE, 830. Retur•n, 560. Steerage, at lowest rates. Apply to A & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or 13.ENRY 1)AVES, WINGIIAM bar brother, prib, t► 1t1r: A Nichuli's :i+1t. Wird. ilidct.went to f te tales 'were lb, but t Toronto on Monday on business -Mr. Steel. breltl r rna$3 f James s1c3Telvie wenn to Brussels on ( porta. M,nday on business..Mr.,and Mrs. Ten- . nant, f London, drove home on Sundry Hist. -Miss Annie Talbot went on a visit to London on Monday. .Miss Jennie Collins, of $eatorth,isvisiting her brother Mr. J'te.. Collias..l.Vlrs: Love, of Toronto, is visiting at Mor Sills' this weti.r. Tr, i• per bears, lllit t and Mrs. J: i4urchison, of Lurkilow, were i lalnb?a at. font $. in town on SVodnesd;�y., :Yliss Lit.r.b� at which price tin East Bull.'alo, Se sale stook only oils and unchanged, s ateerea 83 50; stock Mrs. Alex Ross returned from their trip 1$i2 so. sin." stir. 0t1 Tuesd;by. They spent a few days in light sew" for the city of Quebec, and the rest of the has ecus xl a firs time was spent in vieitin relatives in Ira, told the oiie ' Megailtie county, Quebec..Miss- 'Nano 14 cars, 71, car. a Mcitardy Lsaway for a to th's holidays.. 6i- cars of wf.ste She expects to visit Toronto and other. with more -favara + reports iron; 'the points while away.-.;vzr.1.Willson was in eastern markets, qt citing, Itnnbs }e 1#oderieltonbusiness this week...ir3eaforth higher and sheep et Expositor: Vt.7ohn imitchie,of Wingliarni, here ruled strong o an agent for a number of fir, t -class fire 150 higher rilyonilI Gantidas ruliiug'IItroil,g at Ii: the offeriegs 801 sheep, fair to be Canada lanlba, li' to $3.90. WINGfA.1 MAltlil:TEi.• 'Nessus, Sep. 18th, 1800 Corrected ty f', Deane, Produce healer. Butchers' cattle alihou'*lt the guar •ere in fair demand y hardly deserved to be ranked as r ix. The pielt of the lot was up at frc ' 3c t2_8ae per lb, the general gyve age being 3-c. .Export she . sold at from $5 to $6 re not in detnand ; 0 to $4,10 per head '. ei . iveri:.cleared c„ ett t.17.--Rt'eeipt6 of >:r, market"steady les,' 1,070 pound le•ifors 680 pounds. 19enbs---Continued Ito past few days feeling in the roar- 1gs to..day were only Canada lambs and n sheep and Iambs, f3hortt, of 13ua'alo, is vieiting at Mr. F. I?earen'at'nis weak.. Miss'iNf'cDonald,who has been visiting at Dr. McDonald's, re - tamed to her home on Tuesday thir.and insurance companies,was in town this week. TIn says business in his line is brisk. Ile is traveling most of his time, mind if he can't get a risk uo person else rend try... slits Lily Miller leaves this +fresh for an extended visit to friends in t' ruand vicinity(Capt and Mrs', Il to ii•1,a, IJ leave bear visi.in. friends in Wing'ian and eltsowhore ror the , past two or thrtt'3 months, Iott for their home tn. E.1gia:i 1, it.•,00m )anied by their niece, M lei Sae; of thin trwlill Mies Snell ex. pe st'1 to remain is England for a nouplci yv„iws .''t:. ravel .Nret,13. `f. Halliday, of iheixo!lib ore in town on visit sad willlikely lirgiaota4or tbte rotator...tdr. Win. Halsor idy ; • the market sheep and 10o to'. ohs, some good 90, the market. close, with all of 1,Sales, western t.,$3.90 to $5 wii, ht to choice, $6A5 Z5 e enur {{s,r 100 lbs, 1! t 50 to 2 50 hill Wheat per bushel, - 0 92 to 98 Spring EA tm • 44 92 Peeler ,tatx. • %A t0 4 1' a6, tie 1t1 to 1 • la to 1 15 to 1 1 !8 So 1 Is t to to IS et. TEN POUNDS TWO WEEKS R . MINK OF lT ! As a Plash Producer thero can bo no question .but that Of Pure Cod liver 011 and Hypophosphltes Of Lirno and Soda is taithoft a rival. Marty have gained a pound a day by tho taro of it. it euros CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, DilONCIIITIS, COUGHS AND DIS - E. 7 N0 FORMS MS OFWASI 5 D L 0 AL COL, AND A$S. ...4S VALATABLE1 MILK. Genuine made by Scott& Bowne,Bellsville.Satmon Wrapper; at all Druggists, 50o. and $1.00. t e DISSOLUTION of PA.,L. .4 Notice le hereby given that the ,;partnership heretofore subsisting between ue under the firm of McCormick & Co. Lias this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late firm moist be paid at once to the retiring partner R. the ho . s Tennant,who can be found atshop. , 0. M.oCORMICK., R, T 1NNANT. TO THE PUBLIC.. In connection with the above, 1 wish to state that I have purchased the stock of the late firm, and will carry on the business at the old stand, and will open out NEW STOOK TS AND SHOES IwifittOntigin .-.will behold in the -- on September 8th, purchased from the best manufaeturirs'in Canada. + Do not forget the place --One door north of the Bank of •• familtonn. 'Ux'{YY Yy .. MoCORMICE. —6-RVIEND ROCERtt NEW GOODS. FAIR PRICES. The undersigned desires taintimate to the people of Wingha,n and vicinity that he has opened a gene stack of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, TOWN of WitiGritpg 4. • e a 8 t Butter, tub ao It„lhl, TRWood rwmtr e , Hey per fp, • SCHOOL BOOKS 86 STATIONERY. .j Also goon, fresh 3 i► .AD-L—A-TI) �✓ - �I" ] S ..._...,, always on hand. Tho stock having been carefully selected and purchdsed for cash, mV eubtoniers will get good vein: GIVE ME A CALL. SEPT. a0 AHD OCT, I, 1890 The Sair wilt bo held on the llortinultoral Society's Grounds, as usual, end. the indic.itions are that it. will be one of the best ever held by the Association. Besides the regular list 02 prisgs a number of Sego - IAL PIi?ZIi5 aro offered. ` .y yy.r� ,,•yy.y,+,r ,,,,{{ MA.lal'IT0BA1, Arran000100 i have been eonnpictul with the anent of the Manitoba Oorernnent for an Exhibit of the Prnduets of that Provinces The Exhibit will bo * n,apni:lcent one, we are enured, The Prlee Lists are now ready for distribution, end can be had on a ppllcation to the secretary, Trans OGics, Win;�hint, t. Cd.oh i1 LN»a,t64:1 R.Et.wor1, President, Set retarr.� Phrenology! Physioonom°Y and Physiology. ' �1. 1.” . T. WATSON. fiend Photogral+h 8f Yourself or r'rlend with 21, an,l 1 will tend )(Mt e, written Statement of your Character find the talented elating whet. y should merry be tawny. Photo. returned wl*hRabb, Phrenologist, • Morita a to. $1,, VIA Pott Arthur, Ost, ion* of Winglwac. x : Diseases of the lungs, Asthma Are mored. The methods. quiuk lent eel and certain, is aided by ex and most effective remedies. After four weeks' use a decided relief iyi11 be felt, Send full ao• counts of sy,nptOme and addrese, inolosing postage stamps for ans- wer. 5 " IIYGIEA OFFICE," aero York. SELLING OUT. We will sell our :stock of Cigars, Pipes, Tobacoes and Cigarettes at and be- low cost, as we are giving, tip this branch of the, business to make rootnoi other goods. JOHN XVII ,. PiJNLNG MILLSa JOHN WATT, —Manufacturer of— BUILDING MA.TERiAL of aii kinds, • . —such as— SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FRA.MFS, Etc. Hooting, 8tding, etc., dressed to order on the shortest notice. IWe hive over 100,000 feet el Dry Lumber in our yard, and can sup ply 1 sewed stud of all kind,, A t:11 *elicited. 'JOIN WATT. Winghnm, Jane 0811, 1000. Poultry for Sale, I AGEN`1'SAN'IE) setts shoat() remove to other prem:see, r .►m1 WI nil m pure bred poultry alb very rt•„aonable I if you want to make 111021oir, 84.1:0 hold and soil pticVI. ' r stork aona1 of `Mut prise birds both choir* Norse;y stack. Now s the time' wrtes wn old aa,d ng. Alt wbttr, Le�horns: f ono. ter terms, IdA' 13ROTHli1t5, nal PATI $'ON, i Nurserymen, Winrl%to, Sept 2, 1500. ilayshestcr 1'f -VOL XIX'"'- O. 8 4 'WHEN you come to the Fatl don't forget to call on the 'We have Special Value in 4 . Dress foods, Foots and Special.Valiie in Teas, Sage General , Groceries. In `fisc ,'ir,k is . Good, Straight Ooze and see us, and if yo 40 reasonable, you will p hat11 il;�iNcl,.. h'st price paid for and Eggs. Please bring your Butte' month. BORT:. OR Direct TKO b0411, Sept. 26, 1800. LQC9,t.. NEWS 1' 43uy.,.yprir ' t* ut tllnC tl tvi11 same e ". f6,' you. ei h • e re tr lin;l -�Codexlult �_+ i 3 la band ;`, (" -Granit, to per Ib by the bot Eclipse, —'1•'hurt4sy, )`live or .62) l as a el 'l'hiwlr ivie •dt )lor.f itn e Bonyj.'nlber.T Leal Goods 1t; cost. 1pn.rlin 17adx. of barley to Le .uPrt _ (;z 11' AlsX lagan' book tat the L',urat3Ce apectxdie. Sole 'Gd .,•leltlr,wn; M t t • its lilt anal t Of the '. ritf r wa.Cv_lil pas ,throb Indoo'a. J;(41;1,111/ bete : prnpr Iiuicardiuee Motets, 11 its, number of the y'•ra• 14`` 'Iff bound. The finest cream candle per lb ahocbinte drops, 20 candies; for fair weelt ' —The flag pole on tit : IT treated some time ag' ibis taken dosed en Ws dk - do erected in the town park. l east J J Ifoniuth & Se stockist tweeds and all kinds are giving decided bargains in Drop to and leave your order trouble to show goods and tlui sTiie I,ondoti rat bas greotsiva» this wed . T belie o°' held by the assooi p,econ), iodate exhibitlp s, :e 9t.,st•t"'res a.ud pens hp to 1 year, . 4,en'uet,dtty, fa vat the e" ,:ion hero to 446. ' —0 T B trains for To leave Wiugbatn at G.$0 a,ra via W Cir & 13 'Divisions al lin o via. t iii. G o , and p n • Good aonneetionsb y all tre —Mr Wm Clegg lipped barley to Buffalo on eine ostler! of the extra tits be' the American Dove merit shipped all his beiri , and lay lose that buye may t be abie to 'get t1a it ba lines l9 tfore the new utios iii Velvet, 1411 'hie, Veiling,. 01 'Wither ciroularN a Just thrived.—UV bai spot, fronelee TAlatld r in town liar tbetn. ti lite Sabbath Sell 1 a mill bo berg under t s t Maitland Presbytery, e 11. ,a lureb hereon the th a► t4ber, will be taken 'p rt Parsons, of Termite; Tse 11, of Brussels; Bev T r ' ttoxater; Rev W S ed narrie,, Rev It 8 G nr1 A M'e1ny and Messrs t B Butt given ins Cetuu"c ;oro *td oro* 7taet opened out one of elf Ladies and Gents 81d pri vi wham .pos ,'1f' . EL 1%