HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-19, Page 7Sits elutions, soya LOG. " ttl'Iit i 1body the theconfertauee on 111,1 00U1tektit)n Wltlk Rote gild belle only` so id frein it at each ware for the proper end 110 more. Ohl take 4 bearing n" other part of weakened to dive t be ton lig1,0, tf they tr. f a shoe need, be no, :asary to kdlier tier most t eddre for, innse•shoes, and 11411 neves: doe's any pQrtu_ life requisite in the adoption of w lot tae use of taus o(. • houid have a level )t, extenJ,ide fro u 11, surface of the shoe • form of the grolnd sod foot which has el road. nil of shoes exists e, made t'utheithick tliali et the heel and 4 t proposal. to affix twat liaise) by broad he Hoof and by pre Ills is iwpractivabla • age Waifs the re, ou a foot Wore than ,e growth of the horu uces a disikop'ortiou• his time a shot; is houid be removed. r General Booth. 'opo or an ukase of the binding within its du. i(it of General Bootle: he Great found it rt. touch Budsiatt beards la may not be able to It looks a little like v88 wit Lci1 had ju8G. stub coinuleute1 upo lot has always been it nerd;; t'e-euforce- st>`t;ss of the situation. as. far as to t3gt•41) 1 when he says ; Lt o I1eulch,(b) uncleanly, )uoy, (d) a disagrt'eble [rose admit tlieill, and t ilabi6 of self iudul= here is no ju'etifioation,, that smokers are fre, st selfish of people.• i id railway carrigea• they will puff their aces of poor seasick coats, and they must at all hours and in all` autu that worsen smoke iuine e1bnielrt iii Gen- ,iety is not lili'Cly to be,' tlany of the tueii, how lily prefer the pipe to' 'Scour reloads, ' Tido your friends it by yott can retain therm. akest of spendthrifts if off through inattention,, away another, or if we a one through petty dless slight or rough, sou throw away a dia. t pricked you 2 0110` lot to be weigher again - the oart:i. 15 there ia tilldllese batwing; us let 1 feet: and have it out. .t to 'quarrel in, or to ottghtu (ft Monde. 1t a blew] Mil a new oue 'or C31,irit0at`' memo up Nt'i h.s mint % new tali. N tilt •tha art11 ')1t 1630, £ud ` Ak ..r. 1.�.«,.'A)..�,tll;01�7=45•W • �,,TP^ TEItAr Tit vovnrrrr n P ? M1nr v. W. 0. T• 11. TI "'['IIT :' XZ«5C; �y, "sir .a•Y• 5M1 riXJ tI'' l Miro to ca Parable. Jl; Too neon event up to the polls to vote on the Natter tragic, ono a deacon and the other a dr:tnlvtril. The den - eon fa* iri within himself, 1 sins glad I tt wsP:•vr CANE OP Wl•:AR1:70 IT -OP E DAY. clic) not as tither men are—littrs,theive 1 corruptors, or even as this drunk. go regularly to church and to they would lllwnvs wear ::tile white sprayer tneoting,.I help to pay ttiP rikrbnn. k r9. j. E. Barney, of Rhode , preacher, 1 acid money to convert the . If temp"renrc' w+•tllt'it wc'uld reflect n rd 1 i)3,;'(t? .A, .7'T.Lrfr l.Af'b.0'.m7iyM (ui,a®u1. young, ol.l, or middle 8gPd, who fiuct tlaeltttlelv3':i nervous, week or exhau^all+ ea, who an brokan down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fullowitt; symptoms Mental dopres- ' it)U, premature old age,. Toss of Otniity, lima of memory, bcv1 dreams, +iinl)leies of eight, palpitation of the heart, emission, leek of energy, pain ill the; kidneys, ho:ldalct', .pimples on Nee or bo,eoular island, in one fit' her Bible' Routine .s • heathen, 1 have no appetite for drink, ! si,„ a�,tinn aboutytheescrotum, or hing w isting relates the fo1l wing pertinent late.. t and the saloon is n') temptation unto of the organs, clir:xineas, specks before dents . Imo. so 1 can cast a ballot for its per- the eyes, twitelliieg. of the muscles, Pardon n l 'tie personel experience. i`e'ttati,n, and it will bring; no danger °veil's and t'laewhoro, bashfulness. I mole nv from Ohllrlestun, S. 0 , an I moo me, lint it will make, mea solid deposits in the u1'ine, no's of will the etf'amer, to Now 'York. A's I ,, power, tennernea of the scrip :Lod mut the leen who trade at my storo. spine, weals and flabby muscles, desire Was to have two or three hours before i And the drnnlcad stood afar ref while to Weep, failure to be rested by Bison, ai11 time, 1 decided instead of sPPn'"I• the deacon voted, for he was aRhamed c"Iletipation, cluli1 nees of bleating, loss hoe them as usual at mn seen points,to 1 t be Ity flim in his rags and filthof vuue, clOt11`e for soti)tude, excite- . FOR THE 43EST VALUE ORDERED CLOTHING, HATS1, �y call no some Mande who had come i tint when the rlt aeon was Bonn. IShits hits of temper, n minket'. eyes aur' plaited of my lack of attention. .:,d Wit it LEADEN CIIICL7,, Oily slipped up to the hal'ot box and said looking skill, etc., ore •ell symptoms. Drawing- on Boole fresh, light gloves, I within himself, 4Lord, be merciful to of nervous debility that lets to larttlity made myself- as present ble as the I %To, in my helplessness, and to Illy and dead useless cures, The spring eircutnstnuees permitted. As 1 aler.. 1 family in their misery, and 1, will at or vital power having lost its tension ed upon the wharf 1 heard 5nme oneevery function wastes In cnlifietinenee, pleast cast my vote fordeliverance; Tllosti collo tbrnugll abuse committedsay Hallo ! Jo my own city 1 ala used i and do Tion, (? Lord, hasten, the day my it1 innornuce play be p'rwanontely to all kinds df salutations, even to be when the deacons and the Church shall cured. Sud your address. for hook palle.l out,viiss White ii,ibbon,hotd nnhave mere upon me.' Think you not, on all diseases peculiar to man, a minis, wont ye, but when a dray- reader, that the drunkard went down Address M, T. FUI A14T, 50 Front St. man in New 'York helloed it did sant r L , 'Toronto, chic. Books Sent free to his house justified in the sight of sealed. heart disease, the r+ylllptoms oocnr to one that I was addressed. O„ d rather than the deacon 7 of which are faint spells, purple lips,. Again it oatne, Hallo, 1 say, with n numbness, palpitation, t.kip .beats, 1l xson'ild Cherry. swing of the band toward mo and )t ss Wild flushes rush of. blood to the Head, For nearly twenty years this valuable dull pain in the heart with beats look into my face.. Did you speak to med;tcine has beau largely used for the me? Xes'n1, 1 see you've pot on a ouro of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, strong, rapid and irregular, the second Whooping Cougb, Loss of Voice and Lungs, heart beat quicker than the first, pain white ribl'on and 1 took the pledge of Those who know its value recoltlrnend it about .the breast bone,etc., can a white ribbon w'rmstn `seven /ninths to their friends, ltuawiug that 4Vids�m'e positively be eared. NO cure, no pay. WM C;borry nnver disappoiutts. That awl, and she said 1 could speak to geuui±ae is sold by all druggists iu white Send for hook. endless M. jt, �i ,.m if 1 wanted to; but 1 guess there wraFliers only.. LUBON, 50 Front Street Eua, isn't many of thPm`aianytiray, let us he content i)1 work to do the 011, yes, 1 replied, there are tbo'ts- thing we can, and lint presume to fres, ands. Well, then, they don't travel 'because it is little.. Ws way, for 1've watched and you're the first one I've seen ; 'salsa me, won't you 7 A word about his pledge drew tis carts from his pocket, black and o n, hut. it had been looked on eery day and inept right straight 'long sure: The little.:woman and young ones od'uidtell about it. No, he didn't pray. but the little woman did f'11,011:411 of that for all of"clt'i. S0lnetimPS ho said, Oh, Lord, hold IWI to mei, when everybody eiso was drinking, and he had hard work'to 11014 out; did lie Call that a prayer ? No, he didn't go to obu1•elt, but the folks did. A few iiords of minuet)] and encourgenlr lit, and lite partcd,the hard, soiled hand came out; and n y• light glove was grasped, and thank ye, warns, from hint and God bless and keep you and the little women and children, from me and 1 helrried on. A. few steps and 1 turned back—he was - looking after sue. Clan 1 do anything for ye 1 A thought had come to one, --Yes, you can, will you 1 "S'pa'in, anything. Will you go to churchnext Sabbath with the litte women 'and children 4 Oh, dear mei I wish you'd asked enythtng pipe. A little urging and the promise was given, and as 1 -held out illy liend and clasped tho hig, black one, the compact wee sealed. This tools less time than I have used for the telling, and. as 1 hurried 14;1 heard my nalnd' calledeagerly. Looking back 1 saw three lathes who Clad been my travelling 'companions, ant): with whole 1 had discussed the white ribbon Movement and its signi' fioance. They knew W. 0, T U. worn in, but had never seen tha badge nor any sign of special helpfulness, etc., and were not ready to join. On sting with thein, I gave each, ons,, of my pledge cards, with a knot of white ribbon tied of the Homer, As trlla„„v came up to Mtn after this little epieode, one mid : We were just back of you and atiw Gild }lysed- it all— could not help it --ah, we see, it is all trtie and to want to belong to begin 10 /trip. ;3o, by showiritz my colors that day 1 anof%urftl,ed the dray - Ian, won threes workers, and had it lite^sing in my ecus. Women °f;en itt. Oh, 1 fnrilet to wear the white f11K1n t it is hi Inv boli at Home Let smear it nitteys,andu'e it it sfer I•'hr Mt, What a power it would be if our en- tre membership cello•';/, psora the little fublenr.—•C'ffrixtai t' 1nte raa!t, T)lset'etion od speitali is morn tltet. Toronto, Ont, (;O '1'0-- STER'S CAPS COLLARS, S C�7FF.3, 840; Cheap for AS. AT �v. T STER'S e I d 0 lie NEW PATENT -TOP MILK CANS;. GREA CANS, MILK PAILS, SAP BUCKETS, an. MILK PANS. �a ....,,_�4,.,.--tea:,---,��•+y�� �I r r� Mina C. ', It. TIi11E TABU. 11 �i th i .. �§ E V E -TROUGHING A SPECIAL' 0 To avoid catching cold, many plans base Trains arrive and depart as follows; been suggested. Probably if one never 11,r Zvi a A):l:Ivi:re y i,.u., '1;..1-1,- . tt! ..........Per lorout0 8:28 a. m waist anywhere or slid anything out of the 2.no p. to ':00 p.m usual routing of iife,they would bnfro° front 12:00 p.m For Teeswater 2:00 4` many of the ailments that flesh[ iu heir to, P. m but ihis is not a satisfaotvey solution of this [,vim ,�,RZT1T C� -RPM' question. People must have reareatian anal oujovment, a.url frequently catchcold i'i the Tinrsuit of .them. Wilson's Wild ()berry A. C'. sra2.TIIDEE, Aess;, '1vi::nn.tir. Through tickets to all points in A+neriea--•North- eto., rift the d all will mire a Cuugli or L'otd in the shortest,1 op.tilura's1.1�ut`s.Ls14i3,L*gn e checked shortest rthro through to passible time, anti by its tools effects, i ct otination. Lowest freight rates taallrelate. strengthen' awl invigorate the system no _ 1 iYe9E 1 A13t 1?. —- the 'same time. Soled byall druggists, in LL 1y wY;"--. it 2,,E2T AT,lwiNOlt,%DT.. white wrappers. n:30 a ,Toronto,t nr1ph,I'o1nlerston, is;:—. -2:3S p.m. 11:19) " „ " 10:10 " IA:MIout the 'frienclly exchange of a:aop.m. e " Clinton, , .:25 !' Palm'1r,ton, Mixed......3.0:15 a.m.. kdndly words end actions, and without o:35a.m ....Lundin, oto.. ;.. 11:00 41r 15 p.m. clic sunshine of loving links and AU p.tu. •11:1t)a.m.. ......Kincardine,t'ao ..,..... 0:30 a.m.. smiles of welcome end encouragement, Iut7 )Piltz• ` 10'60 p.m a h use may be inhabited, but never truly u home. melee To ))remiss.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of ydur rest by a sickululd suffering an' MO undersigned offers for solea desirable pro trying with pain of Cutting 'teeth? If so send At ,et onoe and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing pe ilhl the village of Delmore,' consisting of a gond Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value lI ineal,ml- oho acre auof ToedaW° ain nd connectg ion. shed, Splth endid th immediately. i m. It hill spend the poor lis; resufferer garden, with all sorts or fruit trees. Will be sold mistake abou Depend d upas it, mothers ; there is no g. mistake about it, it cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, at a bargain. Per particulars, apply to regulates the Stomach and Bowels, sures Wind Colic, FREDERICK C4CTi, softens tilt Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives Balinee. tone and energy to the whole system. "11Irs. Win. sloW's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest mud best female physicians and nur:cs hl the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists throughout elle world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Ba sure and ask for "Mas. WI:t8LOWO SeoTnrxa Synlrp' and take no other kind Properly far Sale in Pe1onoi' . J wwc,Haivi FLOURINC MILLS1 Tho undersigned with to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage givers to out firm during several years prior to the burning of our mill by in.; reiaddenet1 thLtow.iblillototheslatesrtappro e1 s30. tom of Ilungarien Moller Process mil ling. We be Here weoaa now give better accommodation than everbetOre, Wo offer • Prompt Disjaotch., QUALVIT STCOND 1bNONL IN THIS SECTION, • And by diose personal attention tO the business hope to bo again fav,.red with a trial' 'by all old friends and many 11011' mea. 'Yours most respectfully, Fair Rett}rnb, HIUTTON' in CARR Wingham bail, Oct, 50 1110.. FARNX FOR SALE. Tito undersigned offers tar pale his frim, being the sonar half of 1,01 50, (amee00100 12, Nast Wawansh; on easy terms. Tho 1800 consists of 100 acres, about 110 of which ate cleared and h1 a geed stats of :mitt- vaticn, the balance being logy, wet land On the Premises are gond frame house. oontaini',gY rooms altrl flood eoilor•; bank barn and stone. stabling ; two wells of good water 1 two 'cement cisterns; h viae orchard. The farm is Weil reheat. Would taste a 0110 11 resirl,'reo Pn Windham as part pay, on terra, to he a0refed upon. Pot terms, apply to 1, LEyf 11534 on the p00110ns, or to 15. LXMdllt1Z Last 110 t anisic, Jute Sed 1500. W inl;bare. THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. OM BY DBLIGGISTil EVEILV711r^;?,I1. A.RBEE SHOP. MR. MALOOL:41 McDONALD, (ho.TE OY 1819LEw,) timing purchased too barbering business of Messrs. Sebastian taros., is prepared to give ahold customers and as many new Mien ns patronize him, satisfaction in all linos of the profession. SHAVING AIIm HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. lea tily0 me n call at the old stand, opposite Bordon and Molutyro's store, ' 11t. MenoNatL1), epairi u will b' Promptly Done . HAS BEOOIE FAMOUS AS THE GREAT fnSee‘ on Of Canada. It is made only by TVICOOLL BROS. & Ccs., Toronto,. TILES, I I LES. ELLIOTT ItHQS.„ of the Winghaln Brick Yards, harp en hand u larf;b stock et tiles for draining purposes, from 11 inchesti 10 inches In site tivhich will be sold cheap, afatiiii inest favorable site, earners intending to drabs 011001d 000 our Tiles for themselves betote deciding, t0 use lumber, A largo quantity Of 00 OT 1is CYLINDER OIL needs only to be ,used to be appreciate'I. Beware of those who imitate •Lartlirle,, Get only the genuine. on band, and win be sold e1 lowest living print, 1.LL1OrT I3ROS., Winghnnt •;J MeV: ity.7"11".t.e.t.S17.1t1t..iElletlIttnIteritiralitt41 0 T:T t; 11'01'1' `1t ,:1 se it fort O'er !dike/tut tt wt t liiiv8 ^metal*, t: testate 0-r the siker hfr�r L',Y'•s nr.,y tree 11''izuu .► o1 kopek• caery have bees Fiermemanly cured F t a t i to at a two bodes or roe rent arwl any � reetiesr r.'hy hem irb54.^r► tf the �r.'il tett to ,ti, 14.1fird�l,1 Inavb 00 MfMit'k fix rpsa 84M A0$111400, _clirei,` CGMlh 4 a B Try it. OOKS ss oak tore W + M,: O: Tr Large Stook an;d Low Price-=. A Dimling to Ther1 Household.. HOW01191WIENT., %Hese renletiies have *tool the test of Play years experience, . and Are prowst:rced the hest : Mears fur t' it,ily use. TI t EI CPI.t.ialie p'drify the blood,", e0rtent all ot?+orders of the I,ivt•,tt. OruitAl3tt, Klt)N1tYS Atili nowt anrt are invaluable �1n� alt eomptehlts inold0t:tat to h+M les of telt . T lli ox.+1w`'t rI, ft;td..i.`a i lethe 1w ons tektite rensdv for bat 1c�,.11,`:E res, (news, and Ol014yoa1110. )t' '111, N, sail' 'r nnWrd,S(t)t!W4I:4, r:O[ ,5, 00(11', 'tc1'tiai0..f1e:d, r}L.kut;..AR ,vl f t..' ?" A,1) ALL "1t114'` i 11swti.t 55 IV :IAA :t0 lt'2t7AL. Menufsotar,.d One ,tln+l lit t vxterd. tete;,aa,.lxfo d . _r: _t, acid sold Weil M*d1'l0e Arendt* throughout lice timid, ler Pluto. lel }oast fie **Zabel a1» $1,14 Boss', awl : '.' 1. th tkinky,talo.� t 1