HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-19, Page 6fr `- 'i " " y 3 and she tilo�taght that merely note it - °4 ' I ., 11" i 1111,CS self was not e>;ough, f+ -� Carulitmer ,EJtebbi.ies and Joseph Jones. n Wed to enol: other for TF' A.Y, S3E1�'f Emle;:bl'~, 19,itteo. 'had beer, euga . ... several uloutlie, Whet* ties lr:iehteed ,fee 't on go'I'brtltI$b pro. ( their troth they ltt,d exeltttrigeii rings, Monet bolt fur the Starve: as you go through. t elle (loll, wore the other's. Joe loved life 9. Gant with all lois heart, and slow, Autl evens whet, You find thetas, It ut wise laud kiwi: to be aautowhetblind methodical, plodliitIs ie fellow that be end look for the virtue behind theta wast his.Soul was wrapped ftp fit lisle For the tmloudiest night, has a hint of tight Somewhere in its ',bedews hiding t Ile knew elm dict not admire hint— It. is better by far to bout for a.a , Titan the s spots the sou abiding -their burg seg mi.:ammo prettlutled all p possibility of eueli a tiling --(tut he *She current of lite runs ever away To the bosom ut cod's great oeeau, rusted stttisifed int the tiemeht that:Met Don't set your turtle 'wise, the river's a little. It did not regal re loved hint course And, think to alter ita motion. Dou'twaste tv enr-e on the uuiverse=- liemeotosr, it Laved before you, Don't butt at the smut. with your puny form, - Bat bend and let it go o'er you, The world will never august itself 7•'o suit your tt aims to the letter, Some thugs must, go wttoug your whole life long. And the sooner you know it the better. It is folly to fight with the intlairs, And go under at lest in the wrestle, 'The wiser num, shapes into God's plea As the water shapes ipto a vessel. Erne Wurgrun �ittita2+, iu La+f'iesl /vnteJ . Journal. A TI, OST HAND. Oh, it is such a dull, stupid age 1 "to chivalry, Ito heroes, nothing to re- lieve the world of its droadfut =mot, any. Young turn do nothing but flirt and the girls have no better sense than to heli: them on. The speaker was a pretty, blonde - brunette of uiueteen, an u'ily and therefore a Spol.ed child of a wealthy parent, tvtlo lived iu eleglut (,tyle iu West thirty-fourth street. She sat With her feather's taster, an elderly maiden lady, with somewhat of the old school about her, iu the back par- lor of tb.hoose. Ivaudue had just been laid aside, and it woe Suott'a beautiful story whish had filed her mind with ru,tautiu ideas tt,1.1 caused her to give expression to thew in the mnanmmer aabuve quoted. There was a •pretty ,pout ou Iter tips as she turned to her emit, with whom title ,vas ul, the beat of terius, and who wee ale niost Ler niave t1.,LU said: Aunt /rebolus, Trio t existence tire- some, 1 du wish soinethiu; would happen 1 Why,. Caro, may dear, what evil d sun wish, you who have everything to auks nue ham l said her auuy to to• ,uhidiug tunes. pa+ till, I that, wish am outing for any. seelf. 1 have to,, mutat aready. 1 nit, wily want to see somebody du soni(e- pa thing gtaad, noble, `heron:, bite they rill iu olden times. 1 sifultld like to its see a tYlan who inns., true tuurlago—u fru inan not t, read. tt> aat-riht3u ht:i time und' C limb fur . a leiiu,v wee-ataimte—ta luau: an+k°whin-- of;/ Tut,. tut 1 You are foolish. tor. Would be pained to near youtalk in at ,•tliat way. rut atraid you uu not love '.afe.him, Garel, a� you bii„uid. i thought. She a.luwetl hila to kis leer cheek, but she sift Feil him no lover's cafes. ' et,atith ail her eoidu, ss and indtiler. etrce, his heart ,vent out to her, and he brightened at the tltuu,;ht that she tsio}tt learn to loin hire after they stat mind, She had after visited her end wtte driven shay without e:vun 1. 1 nue de's sintl[ar collection. 4 s sear:,,,; his adtlrt'bs, i aeurahrtl for Sittig;; far back nn a Shelf was na mentis ;. I adEurtised, but all iu vain,. lergo jar eontaintr,g Something white, , I~le► er to this .clay hove 1 in neva etre LR'aning for ware to oxattnitto it closely , Word of the owner of that hued, it iv Caro discovered the object to he a • last us it was the day it wars cut nff, humnluit hand With tette trod there a and I intend to kee t it so, Some day blood stair. It wasev'taeutiy assn's tale mystery may be aelved. haute Tito litigetet were luteg and The two women shed tears of ague.. ,,ens., and upon: one of them wee a rattly ever the eurgeou's story, rife riug, guru's curiosity impelled her 1 Doctor, said Caro at length, to turn tlte;jaf. that she might son the ring ,night throw seine light on the haunt of the ltnndeind get a butter viw.c ',cube, have you ever examined it ? of nue ring*, She drew haunt with tut I Why, ilo, bliss Coroliute, 1. never ul.tutatiun of astonis}tuieut, The thought of it. But .yeti are right ;. riot; was the exact patternof the one ; it may sotto the mystery. atran ,EJ mach to wake J0t3 happy, and enoughenough of his greet love was reflected to warm . she had given Joe in exohanbe lox nts it never oeourned to me, his big, lonely heart into ecstasy. At when they became engage;. It was I lie took down the jade; and going to least Joe thought so. a peculiar ring, and never till now lied an adjoining room, sooil returned with l.f some knight would only come she seen another like it. Her i the ring in bis band. Osseo, wclman like ' n+* thought Caro, as she folded her tion brought l,erfririld and the atirl sou [took it from bite, so eager was she to along, t andel the middle. hands in her lap and went oi]'int° to ht#rside,endahoengaired. of thelattex I Holding it to time light she examine dre'atuiand on au architectural tour. oboist the hand, whose it was' how he f She had builded seeeral castles whf'n saute by it, how long he had had it, ed the se and timer she looked inside ,anti uuineraus other questions. ' the band for an inscription. A dim- ] servatl,t brought in the Inuit. There uses came over her eyes and au excle- wus a note to her from ;foe. It was I don't know whose it is, bii ,said, e mation escaped her. She looked again. short, and read amus : but 1 will tell you where I gob it. t :les' there it was ; she could not be C UE1ma,`J�vmEL°Tt3mtAHm :---1 one urns,- About three months ago 1 was walking les' eu. tiler l; erb relaxed and peetedly called away. Shall be ab-. sent severe weeks. Try to miss we a down Broadway when I heard a fear- I the ria; fell to the Elaut. Por a little, will you note fill clattering el hoofs and time heaver I moment she was rigid, theu swaying .Ever, faithfully yours, 'loping of a vehicle. Looking around 1 Froin futeuse enlot[un; she beak beak JGaL?mm J extz s 1 sew a erase ca:rJing down+ the street iu her chair, eryine id toues of au - Aunt Stebbins, here's au enigma'at a torrid() speed, The driver had from Joe. And Curo read the note aleutl. 1 wonder where he is going, and what fur'1 she coutiaued. She was curious to know his business, but hardly a aeuoud thought did she give to his absence, There was lie feuliug of regret on her part that they were to be separated. Po.,r Jut:, was leis love entirely dead in her heart ? Nearly six weeks had passed ere hes returned. lie had writ t' ii ovt•ry Week to Oaro. Warm, touder, respectful letters though they were, she cared 0 .aelJuan jumped from his seat, ran little for thorn. bile did not write to to his horses' heads, The only ocou- Joe at all, because lis hiatt•ueg!eoted to give her his address. Her father neo er lost bis seat aiid the horses were fran- tic fraiu terror. Teamsters had lashed their horses to altar the way, and au avenue wasquickly opened through which the snorting animals dashed, A two -horse coupe was coining up the street iu the oppositedirectiun,thecoch- Man totally unconscious of the dauger before him. Hoarse Shouts, bid hire clear the way. Ile turned Co nue side but his horses, becoming excited, re- fused to ttdvanue, The coupe stood directly across the opening down widen the stage vias being hurried. The punt of the vehit:le was an old lady who was s0 uv'eruomue with fright es said a word about Joe during leio eb>• to be in a stupor. bet,ce, auci his mime was suldu.ea mien 1 iuvoluutarily held my breath, and booed in the household, Cairo thought a calw, as of death, wsa orer the eu- streuv of this, for -she knew herratilet tire throng of pedestrians looking on, Lai a titroug liking furhie preePle five In another wiuttte the cruse would boteitl-lay.' Nur aid blit= uutiurstaud wee!, why Joe's letters should be post mat li, ,`suddc•ltly a younr, man dotted fraw ed pea' York when he was out of the the stti,'wask, anti a ith a tremendous etty, though .foe had explained Wet ht 1 tl e lei jerke.i guish i\ly owie, zny own, oh, heavens 1 Iler companion packed up the ring, and there ou the imide was engraved : Oaruliue Stelll,tub, 18—. Joseph Jones sat in hie office in Nassau street, despondent. Busbies was good, but theta was a blank in the eouug luau's life. He was ell alone iu the world, he wanted some cue to (tall: to, some ane to uontiae itm. ll•e felt that if some one would.only encourage hint, he could feud relief by opening his heart to that person. His head wits bowed forward on the table, anti the document he had been reading had slipped unobserved to the flour. He did not hoar tho timid kuouk at his door, nor its re• petition. He did not hear Caro enter softly, close the doer behind her and lurk it. She stood there a moment and a yearning look came into Lex face as elle saw that left arm hanging by, the chair and that gloved hand, which bUU .11 reau :tut re Soup.. e' , one of the letters saying that there had sometimes caused her to wonder Upe a tile duet', iii.t are( E3uoirulett tLti ,vino it'was never Unr,loved, looking so was nn punt oilieteiti the rural di:ltriet eo,vrriu•c form of the aid }ads, he drev' Where he was staying, ai,a a rictzil straight and Brit}: Liar fortis, and with a umi;bty effort Poor air(, rile saw it an neer. Theu:Iin carne to the city once a week aettlaily prtutu d her out of harul% way. vuiitiite:eret} to mail 1'is correspou•y ,- could recover from the six weeks' absence was accounted for, But before hu her father's silence . was underetood, donee. I effort the stage utas Upull ,lilmu. its When tion returned Caro failed toThere before her sat her hero. pole su'ucu t1;F, enallfo. 'Jt'here was a J she called Softly, as she Xorae J1toa The ague. ed iere(titgiouas, says Lnrl- don Live Stook titetruelialhody the results aaouepred at the conference on horse slhouieg, held ie oonneetian with: the 4arltltl:tls' l,ntittite ; 1, The foot should heves only so Much horn rete eved froth it at seal) shoeing as is neofessary for the proper fitting of the shoe and no more, «. The frog should take q bearing ou the gruund, het n^ other part of the hoof should be weakened to give Ole beelthy. action, 3, Shoes cannot be too lighetf they give sufficient wear. 4. The width of a shoe need be etre more than is necessary to rider the bearing surface, 5. Nails are the moat ileddre au.k sinmple fasteniugs for, horse -shoes, aid properly driven likif never doea auy herrn. 0. The most lihportaiif requisite iu horsfeehoeing is the adoption of as any nutioe the ehn:i •em in Litu. It "Weiloe,' ,kneeled •. p ptla'. of llat'$Fia,rind' l,rUl(E'll tlClebet'a,rtmm{t before hien, JSe, dear Joe,, look at we. bar udeervation that six weeks of the underneath all was that brave young baldest tuil could not have made Limo t '[t is I;. your Gare. f,itlOr. 1 rusnext turwarti. tiblc hand s look the tenyears older that imt'tiid. Roused froth his stupor, Joe fix? sd were there to l,ssist, and we soon lieu into out of Uri wre'ui,, I thought liiui up' Taro, he ejaceletbd, and a ;;lad ilei:(:. lite clothca was badly torn lf;;llt carne fu his oyes. nod hit left bland hong to Lis arm by a Ogeecf bItiml. Theesti t had a„i� She held the ring before hila, thee, ctemltly br en c:tt;aht between the twotwining her beautiful artns about his w}mr cis as they noose together, and Lhe week, she laid her face against bis. i :Pert, married, 'l'i ey falketl littlt of tiros,' cutting film to bore, Or EUtaedr`J, A rosy erhusou crept over her face qui>xeoai[ed rims happy luteta,uatu; of teat y and neck as she whispered sate lova less of Hua ::homy. J,G asked had scierol Lure and tentlnn. i\�t xray lover a hero iii uty younger days, and 1 felt (errata that he would do and rt; dare any thing tar ole. Aud Miss Stebbins leaned __forward to'hide tete ut&tear that started fruit her t•ye us she correct systema not tee flee of special form of shoe. 7, All alines should have a bearing an the foot, extenililia the toe to the heel, lava( IVO u 8. The ground surface of the shoe should follow the forof the ground surface of an unshod foot whichhas tri 'etled oh a level road. 9. No better form of shoos etxiats than a narrow one, made ruthtei thick- er at the quarters that, et the heel and. toe. 10. The recent proposal, to affix shoes on feet( without male) by broad pruje tions into the host and by pres,+ sure round the walls is itnpractivable and injurious. 11. No advantage follotile the re. teutiou of shoes on a foot more 'than four weeks, as the growth of the horn in that t Lute produces a disteropertiou• ate hoof. If in this time a shoe is not worn out it should be removed. fie Truly. soft,, i buaitetittns doubt rias her one day to name the time of their one 1T:acew the youngmon.Iuu awe Darling, 1 know it all. I sun ready oving Joe; he is au• stew end vein- 0UtJlaaueJ, Jttst the same only tray, vete;' it he were only a little more it Char, a little enure teaaintit;, it wedding. Sae wetted ahoekesl at the huietnco cane and took hits to the—to—to be your—wife.' idea and gJavt; hilt tau ,answer that would• httvo chilled the artier of a more impulsive ,uan, Iles said he would 19e pe mudbe dit ateu.. Juts is a good buy potentandwait her pluasurls. Tie 1 1 detest :goon 0.18, you— Fur sii:tute, .(leen,,. Your father is orouebly sari -stied with him for a would not pail her by went:ening ilio sul;jeut again. My (lading, he arid, when you are ti -amt irxw ; amxl, indeed, he is a iiio.,t willing to become my wife, toll um so, You know hon 1 lung for you, but ,nsi,afam;.s oft'' tJg luau. I1t* iii tJU i:ll '�g etteteees to be eoteeaiusutal, anti he since it grieves yon fur me to speak nos by :tutors uJ a t' 'waste time l,, of ottr u;ntou 1 leeve to you to. decide ancitig. He d„ first cure, at bet moue ea. Ivo llete',UtMM, &tie this in brei' otenvilieitie way; but it, tette ettl° i to. the: l,alioratoty of a eveil•,lcuotvtt eta C::troitlno, Who uarelcrsty i stets tt arta ulleilitmt ileac ;galleon til la r;f.ir,••'r title eu,+geni'tuF'irt .;."'situate. ':f'ur'ze N.".'a'tt Utat,y (torulus „et;ri.on her. Tito girt \vans timings to set', alio viflmrlf1 her fr,itn Sit<r tbuw.Wt Sime u'!t{ love t t F,rlvr r�:..'i INV It reit LT i9Jtt 4114uhr!:1 h'.a.yetf by iV{Jis�tm:: )V6 Y.7 iii{ uutiaSt9it,1- A4+-+ L►Y 1'•', t,Uu tie tlluat~tlt isa of ;1•:at•Jt tto s uue.:.st s Lv :.c i_.ti,rtj te.;C b.. r t1•':b-a"i' '11 tit het Witt; Said iiipet°,rnrt'n' tri ut' h,ty et With Ilium beeauee There were nes ste rural reptil,'s, not '.1 • 'err 3tl dee_ ee de r �_ f , ptettf:ti.mt tfi _.t,.uJ; of Cl►ity 'a:11 a goon btu- when. 1 shall be made happy, any wow „la Cure went on dreaming of hor hero. he work, tt as usual and waited. Cine; day Caro unetrttiYm.tuied a friend hospital, 1 was ,both to leave the spot when a buy touched my art:( and held tits to me the baud of tlio poor ft+Ilvw,wi irrh hit 1 fallen elf whilo they \vert putting,bis body in the umbel-, auuu. 1 took it, intending to carry it to the hospitnl,l,ut I teuddenle renient- bated that 1 dill not know to winch hospital they had carried him, 'There was no occasion for flurrying about it, so 1 sunt tho lianil to my ofliee and went utyeelf to the New York HHospitttl. ale was not there. Then I went to St, "Vincent, bet there I heard nothing of hien. 1 hastened to the Chambers attest hu epital. I. think it ouu:tf not boyo been more. than two hotter after the aettelent whet 1 arrived there, but irntt,:.li1i0 dry atntt.:ee,itet eaten they Lund me the young wan 'lila ruvevetl, did lu.vi smut thou forueir,care. uu‘i sU.'til to be :tart tta'te n..ily, talked j sonedily, ttoiittl fat++,i^. eat'; baud (anti r The Woodstock Water -works by. they Sant li.,ei,. �:t Ehret a1 ), had La i aro, fawAor 11105,000 we;nu both eatrtee ;siarofUlly riot . t, ce, . e'41 oda ,t. , JJ uu'j"ity: Smut in. Wheat. Smut in wheat was onco a great cause of loss and complaint, and 11 was found that the smut increased wheu smutty seed was used. 1 found by making a strong brine with blue vitriol dissolved in it, putting it in a tub large enough to hold a tight bas- ket iu which the seed wheat was phteot#-� t}r4 wheat stirred crud skimmed, and then raised out of the briue aid allowed to drain wliou it was poured out or put in bags and so remained twelve to twouty-four hours, and then sown in the usual manner. I never found this to fail as a remedy iu wheat, The strong brine was useful to Boat out light and probably 11i,reasecl graise of wheat Two years ago,thiuking of this 1 poured my cern ou the floor and poured among it u solution of blue vitriol and gave it a gond stirring. lint it will be sten that teat way of applyiug the vitriol did not reach every grain. Tire result 'MU mnueh An Edict of General Booth. A bull of the Popo or an ukase of the Czar is not inure binding within its dee wain than ran ediitit of General Bootle But even Peter the Great found it aeeriuus matter to touch .f. ussiatt beards and Gsuer,,! Bootie may Hee he able to put out the pipe. It looks u tittle like tithe for the decree which has just: lately been su hush eoinuleuted Uputr is a reissue of what nese at+vays been the rule. That it needs re-eufurue= meat ,argues tne stress of the situutiune. Without going as far ase to agree' e' with the General ~when he says; It is (a) injurious to hea[th,(b) uuoleanly, (c) a waste of money, (d) tt disagree( le inilietiou opine ,.hese aduut them, and (e) au unzaturat habit of selfiudu1 genue for which there is no justilio:.ition,• we cannot forget that smokers are free quetitly the most selfish of people.. They will stnoke iii railway carrigee' against the Law, they will puff their cigars iii the faces of !nor seasicif ladies on steamboats, and they, mut have their pipes at all hours and in all ' places. Itis sel.lt;tu that women si noke so that time feuriwine element hi Gen- eral Booth's society is not lill'Zly to be antagonistic. ilfauy of the tu4ii, how- ever, will probably prefer the, pipin to' promotion.—lock. 4aep tour Friends, • Never east aside your friends if by any possibility yott eau retain them, We are the weakest of spendthrifts if we let one drop off through inattention,; or let one push away another, or if we hold aloof from one through petty jealousy or heedless slight or roughs ness, Would you throw away a dia. mond because it pricked you 2 One' good friend is tint to be weighed again•. st the jewels of the oarthi. If there is coolness or unkindness tietween us let us dome face to face and have it out. Life iH too short to eitettrel in, or to earry black thoughts .,f friende. It is easy to lose a friend tint a new one will not come fur (:,Mimi;; cart attire up for the oat one. —The Tam Wei be tt.int t,! Jtew stab. Iter•Oitira fr0ttt now till tha tiia„l ',i 1i3J3, fui t;catd.. coven -ren rot '('err TEE I'll" 1IT? IX 1 AS"":er C.t^ir Cd' WRAIt1Y0 -• If frilly -ranee w..rnelt they would always wear rbben. i”. J . N. Bern ls•tand, in one fif ber like rnIaeres the following pe dents : Pardon h li'tle person'+ 1 come no frnrn Charles the steamer, to New was to have two or three aiu time, 1 decided ins ingt then• as usual at nee otkdi on same friends wlt planed of my lack Drawing on some fresh, made myself as presen. oiroutnstances permitter ped upon the wharf I h say Hallo 1 to my own c to all kinds of salutatiot ?ailed out, vLiss White 1i a itacit, wont ye, but v man in New •Yortt hall( pronr to me that 1 w Again it came, Hallo, swing of the band tow kook into my face. Die me? Yes'm, I see you white ribbon and 1 too a white ribbon w'eman ago, and she said 1 c 4.,m if 1 wantedto; h isn't many of thr'm'Aane Cie yes, 1, replied, tb ands. Nell, then, time this way, for I've wattr the Clrst one I've sect won't you 1 A word a drew$,I.is enrd from leis and.am, but it had every day and kept rind surer The tittle. wnmi gees could tell iLbout i pray, but the little wo of that for all of v'ertl. Said, Oh, Lords hoed o everybody els° was c . had hard work'to hol pall that a prayer ? : to church, but the fo: ' of ds of couusel enc Q as we partedi,tho 1 catno ou t, and my li grasped, and thank y him and God bless an the little woman mail ume and I hurried on, and 1 turned bank—' after toe. Can I do A thought bad Borne can, will you 3 Yee' ,,you go to church flet the litte women ''and dear mel I wish you else. A little urgiirt was given,and as I I and clasped the, hig, eompact was sealed. —This took lees tit used for the telling, 4 1 heard me nate Lookine back 1 aaw bad burn my travel akin, with whom 1 ha white ribbon moven Seance. They kr wom at, but had nev nor any sign of Sp etc.,, and were not e 'seting with thein, of my pledge cards, wit te ribbon tied at t,h,, eWereuptonee episode, one said : of you and saw a ottld not help its; true and we want t to /alp. So, by rt 'kat day I semen man, won three w le sing in my sot At; Ch, I forget to .jhhott i it in itt my it rear it altvreyn,a "Whet a power it t tire metttrbe•rsirip eii tativlent.--•- CJJristot •lition of rip. eq;ar':rrt, ti