HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-19, Page 1RV*. of high 'Plass nQ ltie•A [air otf. �T e cy Worsteds, gaanilnO i quick, d VOL XIX —NO O 38 • WTNGR M ONTO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.9, 1890. ANO'TUER ,S1UPMENT , of Old Country Goods reached us to -day, ]livery department is filled with. New and Nobby Goods. Call in and see. them. They have a story of tileir own to tell about frprices that will, be of interest 'to you if you ,purpose bfv i n g any l:y Goods, Clothing, Boots and S1>.na3s' or Groceries. Parties having. Butter for tis will lCintlly briing. it; in this month. Om! 'new Fashion Sheets are bete," Ask for one. WHOLE NU. �'t" —Autumn leavesrill now bo searched Oysters are J�i season« --We notice by th' Hamilton 2i nae that for, [ Mr. Chas, Schmidt, , ormerly of this town, W rapes, 3o per lb by the basket, at the Earns. . is prospering in th: city. apse. —Dr Colemtu, o." Seafopth,. who had a A Iar a numbs o tQ •-41arriston has utererl into a Ave. ear 4 g f ownspe?rioa took Ave -year paralytic stroke so nra'tirne ago, is now an advantage•of tire.e =apfares to Tgrontq ou Agreement with be Reliance Electric Germany under" tre<la eat, and is being Tuesday and Thu qday of this week to To BE BErp iN WINGEe.11, $EP'r. 80.1er : Light Company fo ten lights at 20 Dents greatly benefitted. • attend the Torout• fair. :s AN» 00T. 1sT, per light for 300 n' hts per year.. —Now is the ti a to get Amalt pi pure ice cream et, R. H k's. " --Wingham her es wore succepeful at Teeswater r,toes, `u_.Fridy lust.' Gray Tobe tooltifirst m ey in'` the yfree for all trotting race, and ray'.Frank, third ; " Dr Livingsthne,' owl d by E Livingstone, near B1'+th, takjn second. A. School Campauion given away with eery pair of boots and shoes bought at cOorrnick's, Wingbwm. . -Mrs MoCanc . dressmaker, lefb on Tuesday for Vain o and outer places, on business and Pie; sure oo0 bitted.. She leaves persister, M s Carso?, in charge of her business while, he rii''at/Per, and ex- pecte to return abo t the 20th instant. —I have just opened up ea; ne.pacitage of. Olathe Sets, raugjng from $x7.50• to $20 per• het, Call and see them at W T Yates'. --Grapes, 30 per lb by the basket, at the N , E tall 'importations, neatly 20014cese' some lines less. Strictly for enab• eeerl3,'cr %sh,'there is extra value, fly inado by best mechanics, or ataday,28th June. d by *.,f . 1. • ; 7j�yr+ yy .h. -Yr w. R PRICES' vieinity that he has o'_ efl 17 a tang d.LIO E Y, rATION!. a . 2x sh,iuv customers will get goad value. • • MLLS1 WATT,)HN -•-Sianvfnctdrer of— IING„ffiATERIAL of Kiri kinds, —arch a,— rr, DOORS, 13LINDS, rB,AMES, 'Etc. etc,. Hiding, etc., dressed to order on the notice. ,. • t f e c•l1r " 1. have over t 0 o0rt f elc t T umber in our yard, and. can sap ply sea:tt,ed akar of all kinds. oilclt&L WATT. nt,Jutta fithYl94n.y AGENTS WANTED. cant to mrin Money. take hold an•1 sell o,s �1tirQ,:r Neck, Noe is the Onto • write ne at h tete* '4.1? ;5solsr.fAs, ttrry tit t • ilea • 11;0 BT.OER, ])heat Importe Turn I3n4tt, ypt. 11, 1890. LOCAL .NEWS, • -Pears and plutps w nted at MoKelvie's Star restaurant. —The town band wout onMonday a Y evening, and gave sever of music. 1 choice selections of o --Buy your boots at oxmtu. M C ks. Xt will same money, for you. --111essre Geo Cruie hank and Samuel lc al aptppada ea load of stook to Toronto, on. Monday I '•b, :er C P R. , —&ttention.is direo d tethe.advertiael. etf ilfessrs Mai chlin &Haugh;'` in t4tltex golttmu. -.:itpt§s,., o_per 1b by the basket, at the o ipse. —Mr W F Drool enshire photographed the members of th Fire Brigade oil • hlou- day, The admire s of the "bore" will now have an oppo unity of sedating a ',copy of the picture. for three •�. . —Beautifuli.'rin ed Tea. Sets f dollars,,; fine Decorated Tea Sets for five ;..k oileas, at the Chit a House, W T'i'&TEs. —Mr a Wheatley; rrofessioeal orioketer, who recently casae here from Listowelt went to Toronto on uesday to resume his studies iu Knox Col age. ,Next spring he will return to Wiug am and take charge of our oricketclub. --Don't'buy your fall Underwear before you gee the immense assort:nout at Reid, the tailor's, and you will sava&mouey. Tlt- epec�,ion and comparison of prices invited. We are pleased to announce that Con - otos W K Snider, - il.knowa through evai ist has been ap- pointed ns an Doti Ontario, gal • p pointed to take aha go of the London, Huron and Bruce rut , formerly held by Mr ,john ,Baillie, and vi11 become a resi• dent of this town, —If your wa'toh or clock needs repairing go to•.. W kI Walbtoe, watawat kex '.dud' jeweler. pelt door to post office. --Rev RildoCosh,R ctor o$ Cbrist•Church, Petrolia, formerly of Wingham,* has beau asked to accept the a torehip of Trinity Church, Michigan C' .y� Trinity Church 's one ofthe s and hand om t larg t s est' churches in the state and the church pro- perty is one of the ; est valuable in the city. —G' T R trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.80 a.m, and 11.10 a.m. via W G Bc B Division, nd-at 6.45 a.m. and 3.40v' 1' ,a , m, s tsitan and Guelph. P vie 1 (xuep. Good connections by all trains. --The entertainplen in the 'riil']c` en Friday dvening.i st{nu er the at4pices of the Methodic abath .spool and;orches- tra,was a stiylb' ese,fin no ally and otherwise. •ITo11's Fectov*, nal•.t . wa to at 1ondauoe;aud con Ojriy mnted a =' y lo; the enjoy anent of the evening. •. le gobeatre gave severi L eoes of music• ,d tyle, and refreilh rents were in r s c sruoq, The proceeds% mounted to • —Our stork of Genes,„ itr,'%chines, such as shirts, cellar$, Guff,§ ;�tel kinds of underwear, &o, is very 1 " e `rid can't be beat. r quality -or or rieeee o q Y • p s atoaonturg & SoN. —Several persona iii - lie neighborhood of Wingham have lately keoeived circulars front ` Need York city nviting them to correspouit va It a cartel fires ith a view of purchasing Donn orfei't ' 'American money, They offer $a8 000 el,Greenbfltaks for $1000. None. of tl p'se lwfo received •circuIars feel inclined t bades a the tempt; ing bait. --On and after the 5th insMom f J Eomuth & Son will selleillVeint1s of boots and shoes at cost for cash. Call and atm the immense stock and`get some of the bee - gains. h, —On Monday a R R Mr ecidawa to run aa and.ran w Y, ea a high rate of opr When near the post done much damage flees. • Remember T Lenlio'sclearing eine. Go s at cost. —Mayor Ala'Indoo, la the 48,000 town ou a to 1atissrs e to eft , aM d deb n r all Y+ nausea Brothers, :d entreat, for 10311, or a premium of .0a .l s cent. 'The dohen- c ue ap tures bear Ave per t, trr at, d tbie is considered a splet did safer considerigg the present etringen y of the money mar. kat, —.(,4I at Alex Ross' book store and.eeo 1rne Laurance spe'tacle. Sole agent shine F Gereter left town. We have received copy of tbe; first numberof"The T ato�p oo m u , a neat jeurnal issued b the Toronto Type ll'oundry, In the irttet'F t of printing and Mildred. trades. It co tains' a uunrbsr of well•writrirticles o matters relating to 1 is at printing, besides srre t paRes ofsp e o- Maus of new type. gotten up, and +should r of those in whose inter —The Wis kiemfall fair of Septee SO h and Oce let is to be better .than evr tide yctyr and Reid thevtaiJor is going. to give a free ticket to old who buy one dollar's worth of gooas,fro m him an those dates. The anniversary ervioes of Court ittait. laud, No 25, Canadi n.Order.of Foresters* will be celebrated b the t ilfebeeriratteud.i ing the Methodist o uroh here,-iu a body, on Sunday next, 21st iuetaut, at 11 O'olook a tn. Rev 8 Sellery, B Deaf Brussels,will conduct the aervicee. Tile tnombere of the Order will•moot in err Court Boom at 10.80. 'Great value ie. Velvet, Silk and Satin •Ri an; Beakless' Yelling, G•luves,H'osiery Ladies Rubber carollers; at M H Mo- ndoo's. • The Wingltatn ire Brigade ar'e'koeping up their grand, re oft in hose reel rabiug- rin fnct,they bait that:: record at. Tees. 'water, on. Friday ast, by several seconds. Thee were there fitted against the Walk - t ertnetsa 1, n n,an.d la t them by save,�s!g �seconds. the time. being W Ikortou 1.17a, Yyitigham,. 1.10.71. The race was' 150 yards tea ly :drant make co nun110t 350 feet Of hale, take out t rdj length and replace with seventh. all attach nozzle. —Orillia Pohl:— *Prof A M Shrieves the medians -men, vhohas'. been bolding forth on the market quare this ,week, was not ellewod *to go rom Barrie withotvt leaYielitg,eirinall ant unt behind for• the towneexohec1uer. F r practising maritime ernoon, the team , of ho'was fined $25, an costs. 'His assistant, their heads o k it to o th i d or` vfolatin the b' t 1, £ 1 r tsiout of the g to Dental h p ovzfr Josepbuie etrect Act, was duel 420 a d. auto,' Were those de' They wore (Alight medicine mesa dealt with tn'eheSound nom. ffiee, before they itad nqr by the authorit to the buggy or 'liar- they yisit, there w pi?eyinq upOh the 1 —For Ste St M 'rie, Port Attbur,Duluth m ancl all p uthin t e weatP, I+aaiiiocoast,an cl'. sutumer toe eta; take one of the splendid stetr;tners of the Beatby.' W T t Kincardine with train 11.10•a, ea. The dine ited Empire" anile'Cam- aiming'. regularly, to be other magnificent new weeks. leo G 'r" R agents , lowest passenger and es of each town which old be -£ever. of 'them, tblio. Line, couttecting leaving tGingha he . >ai r Moaners t pante" are new followed by a steamer in ate for dates of satin freight rates, etc. e—The Acton Fr pu roa party is au feAllionablo ingen crowd to the wall have florid r veflo l t imm repose in aservic with the yellow - and every poesibl foal its display, ttrid Unique. A Prestsays that the gold« of the latest devices of ity which threatens to 11 other fes ies which nes. The shments elaborately r 1 aded In ufted roadside favorite Cat,h far good buttor at.R'A Graham' Market 4ttinary. -The ceograrn e given at tie last meet- ing of Anchor of 1i• e Lodge, 10 G T,vve,s an excellent one, a d. consisted of a chorus, by &fisses Carruth- s and Linklater; reed- ing, "\4omon's Rig ts, '''1y Miss Bisbee es 4u1 dt ` dialogue, entitled, " he Train to Mauro," d Oil:Suu by three, solo, M}e. Fields; reading, Mr 0 111:fissel Sohn Graves ; song •, Mr, Win Miller„ -,i'kletodi ap There will bo'an open rodeo,'" the end of the presebt quarter, hen' an eutertain=• went, to which the- go Aral public Will be• admittectewtti be give —»Mr: T. A Mills has a ohmage of adver- tfsmetit in this iss Read it through, and you will profit by so" doing, if you require anything i, .dry ^goods, groceries, eso...d i,. • " /—Messrs. Matte : & Seethave tattooed of the machinery fo 'morly 11ttifv. the Lowe - er •Wingham ease m 1 to Mr. li,obt. King of Tater who re:: :ved it on Thursday somewhere uorth• c - Wiarton, where he is erecting it saw mill —The Toronto a 'obe thus refers to the •Bev. Ir. Y. •,`!:`horn •son, brotherof air ,Trines Tbompsotx, f 1 urnberry 1—The Presbytery has arra sed to meet in the.. Convocation Hall. of Ootober lath,'` az 7 purpose of i-dd.uoting son, M, A., }3; 13„ as l getios and OId Tatta NNuox College, The'l. erator, ofDuodas,bas consented toaddrese the new professor ou „ti . t occasion, and the Rev. Dr. Parsons ha been appointed to °•,addresse the' audie. •e, after' which Principal Caves;,will _ta th chair and essor will, :liver his luaus - the new prof urg1 address. Everything points .to the Fair beteg ttso besb ever head in Wipgltane. The e:i:triep•:; have already commenced tp vino in; and:. .. will no doubt be much more uuttierotis tlaaa usual. , r- , •. In addition to the regular list of prizes,. :the following special prizes are•o tired-: -. • r,• let '2nd .3rc1 'or best Lady Horseback Ride>.,,...,. 310 *.° $✓ 4:l For beet Lady�Driver, ;tingle horse or team - 5 For best Turnput, single..., 5 " .Turnout, double..', G Por Wood Sawing Matoli iat prize a Loader Crosscut , Sape,avalue ,...«,,........, 6 1 0 Knox- College on `°} Messrs Xegiis & Oo, of the "Wiughani- 0 p.: ,m., for the'Woollen 141110,. will give a pair of orse , e Rev. Rv,#Y'Yhomp,, :Covers, value 45, for the vest pen pfa outli' ofessor dt?polo-,. down Sheep—one tam and three evles, eny literature in i' •Soveralherds of thoroughbred cattle have v. Dr. Laing, mod been promised to be entered and the ex- hibits x-' hibf s 'n t l' t r he live stook e t k departments will• . no doubt, be the;la.rgest and best ever seen here. • a The hall f will be , open the first' night khG o e e e aI the show, September 30th, to allow all who wish an opportunity of Boeing the display inside, Cue of the brass bands ''win be id• attesadance, and give some selections of music. Ari''angentents have been completed for . Highland Pipers and Dancers to be present - at the show ou October 1st. A platform •. will be erected, and a good programme of dancluej will be given. •The large exhibit to be made by the Manitoba Geverntueet and the 0 P R will s. be well. went!} seeiul;,, and 'everrio•41 xa this section should make it a point to. at- - tend the show. ' The Grand Trunk Railway "Will , give reduced rates to the Wiugham.: late as follows : Ou Sept 30th, will sett tigketsa Ap a fare and it third, good to return ou 2 ad 'o£ October -an on O , d at lab, at aingie#are;;;ood .. to return on Zed of October, from Kiltcar,* .dine, Mt Forest, Clinton, and intermediate - stations. The 0 P R will sell tickets to'Winghare, on 30th of September, good to - return on 1st of October, ata fare and a -third, and r single fare tickets on October lst, free] ;Harrigan and Teeswater,and interhedtatt stations. • A meeting of t e Dire ors will be held at the it2echenios uetitut room, ou Silt.. urday, 20th. to in e Ana ; arr nigeteentts for the show, A . 11 - at hate ie ' pe- cially`requested. - A number f the auufacturer:,.end met - chants of the own ave promisedto make exhibits. - lnteudiug exhibitors should ]a•zko their entries at Duce with the aecretr.ry, R 11- 'Jout; TAnta ofdoe. - A brass baudill b on the ground.; dei .. ing the afternoon f th secuud day. (1 :0 o Church N • es. . .The morning Cervices f the Methodist G'}� rch, last Sabbath, w- a conducted by file Rev F W Crowle, M A of Whitechurch ausl tlf'e evening sorvic: by Mr W K t ,i. NSW &s..,.'war. weather has come, peopei#trttvautit in a glass dice Dream, and seal?, should gall t R Hill's restaur- ant. K. k Mr.$. Lemmas , tended the funeral (ffhis brother -in -1, w, George Code, at Trowbridge, on Sun ay not. - Messrs. T. Agnew d R.Elliottwe e also in attend- ance at the funeral. I e deceased,elong With his brother Sa, uel, were the first settlers of 'R+ ima tow ship, taking up the farm on which he di: d, in 1848, wheh the nearest• settler was twel, 'miles die tan) The funeral wa: a Ivey large one, the remains being in red in the,ceme- tery on the 8th ooncess on-o%Elma.' The deceased was in the 65 , year of his;age. I —Plums—any quant ty•of plums wanted at ,,Molielvie's Star reataurant. Would like them rather gre . •—Godericb Signal: e a Sunday last, Nem' IT Hopper died •eft liia father's residence in this town, from the :ffoote of cancer of the stomach, after an iii ass of eight months. He had been workii for the - four yeate preview' to his illne at Wingham, where he had made many friends, - The funeral ,, took lads n Toes afternoon to p t? u y Mait- land cemetery. -A deputation from the Bell furnitea fact r in sham . w r Y', W it where deceased forteerly worked, attendod the funeral and decors. ed. the ca do with some beautiful designs i cut flowers, Deceased was only 21. years f age, - —141acgse 33 Horuuth & Son have a large stock of tweeds and all Iclnda of cloth and are giving decided bargatsleinstylish suits. Drown and leave your order for a suit, No trouble toshow g, ds sea quote urines. - 'ilfo:lateet o be expensive I" remark of the d oh phrase nut is, ";Don't his is the owning slaug The remark is the Swagger way to tell e. fellow that he's drawing upon his magi'nation for' his facts. "Dela be espans ve." It may also be cult. played to elicek 11 efforts of a would-be funny man ; a ata ened punster; a dealer ohosntts or a' -r. cader aloud; a politicise who umkes a•lon tpoeoll ; the fashionable preacher who p animas upou the good opportunity is improved' nature of hie con *rogation; the storekeepoi he effect is both pte:tsing who dilates upon the superiority of his wares' talk time b irdr ss• the v a e exthe bro. �bn the d'tversicns of s g feasioual beggar he wase:] pathetic) over e paper ie vse.r September the go den rod party is deitinerl his idle and her .Lips; to each and nil of aye the - seupport to weepy a fore , ort rank. teem ray : ''Dont be exti»usle, .' at it is puelithed. *.-- ..•... orrgstin counter. the Re *duct th It the usu, S Sellery,B D, services in the hours. - otion sales. 0, auctioneer, publtu uretioii.on the,praneises cession 12, Turnberry, on the 2 tember, the farm stook and orf Mr. Edward Farrell, Sale Terms, $5 and under cash, anrtiiunt, 12 months credit, i11- sell by lot 5, con- th of Sep- tplements 12 o'clock. Over that Lot 7,00neession C, in the township of Ti ruberry,will be offered by public auction at the Queen's hotel, Wingham, by Peter Deaus,auctioneer, ou Thursday, the 9th of Ootober, at 3.30 p m. To School Teaeherts anal thele. Thesubsotiber, who has le en appointed to teach vocal musjo in Win ham public sohools,holds' certificates fro - the Tonic.' Sol -Fa Uolle e,London,Engla d, begs to re - Mind Public School Teeohe and those preparing to teach, that a kbo ledge of the theoryaud practice of this s ps. y tem has now a professional value. He h also to in- timate that it is oonipeten for !rim to grant certificates of proficien y to such as come up to the specific requi ' meuts.flours and terms may be learned o application to - J n . W. acorr.'. Pubis Scitaol Boa A special meeting of tlje. " eblic School Boardas held w h d o t 1 Tees(' eyeniug, tor the purposeos� of rocetviu •t hreport o the committee 00 rearranging t e .rooms, and also to settle the question o' hexing music; taught' in the sohaola. P esent—Messrs. Bell, Gordon, A.brahare, "ettypioce and Chisholm. The applicatio, of Mr J W Scott for appointment to tl e position of . usioalinstruetor tuthe c 1 was•takeL m s os up, when it was moved by M 'Gordon, seconded by G Pettypiece, tl at Mr Scott be engaged by this board to to h vocal music in the school for one quarter Carried. The committee en the re•arraugi , got the rooms Kid Gloves -" ust opened out one of the largest stook"; . of allies and Gents Kid Gloves eCar stow, h is s,m t • W g , a M. H. iVi,Givaoo a. i4 r: ,tohn Kent eldest bt•niklier of Mr. Sextus Tient, of thi• them, died in Van. count, B. 0., on M natty, whither c 1¢1 •gone for the 1+enetit ]f his health to deceased gontleinas was in his133t1t year. Ho was oneof the rlieat settlers where London now stanch —The annual fall :icoursions to -the wait,* , over the Greed Tru Railway and oi,lt» adeting Hues, will to• a place au September 26th and 27th, Det-oit, Port Huron, Bay reported havingmet and r .arranged the City, Saginaw,. Grans Rapids, Cleveland, roomt,bet on a trial by the inoipal it was. Chicago, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, St Paul, foiled tltitt this method of de ling with the. Minneapolis and Dt loth, are the points overcrowded state of the l'tbd:partmontwas- touched, Very low - atee ,given. Full in-. unworkable, Moved by Go Pottypieco, formation can begot rote any of the agents seconded by Il 11 Gordou,thi t the mauage• of the Grand Truk: meat Committee bo em owe ea tofurnish aft p another room, and that tiree eeretlt;vy ad- vertise in the Toronto G;obe''k' d Aripere for a teaober—Carried. brewed b • D' iii Gordon, seconded by Dr Chieholtn, tut t thee hairs man and Seoretaa yy cut be zed to ixan io z e orders for reeluries due et th and of the quarter -••Carried. Board ti ,u ad fru- ed. . —On Wednesday evening last, New,. man,' soh • o, Ma john Wellwoad, of this town, aged about eight ynar•t, h .l e,ti open jack in his ball , and while going through the •ataalt • borne, ho iu soura way ran ti,e blade int 1114 etomeelt, ivak- ing a soriohe wound. Medical .tid eves ttt• once procured au1 hes uow in e.feirwey of recovery, Friendship lttni• K tinea for Sete. Buggies for Salt, Six cloven children's hose commencing NOW*. • at 5o, cad up, at about half pprice, three Several colonic; of pure Italian Mees A ►w very ;toed erased hand buggies for Havirtq stiven it busittet+n, all o.11,,,14:44, ^, a The !utast styles at it rlluclehip 111Q#r;{ot;,,doxen gents' time at 10o; unci u Iiriw will be eutd nn reayonabte berme satei iioiue and awaited soure e. bar aiu, p ant reve'ived et Fd M Wielltctrc'e jaw r p' K mote++ sad wok arrn>t moot he 1 9 m alt of „hoes asaa# en ttt vary lea • Wit Itosntrteox, Levey arra eleeep, x{ auae� tr. gees ex en9es. Ir, M. len *eerie Wheghseps Wiu he Woolen bill. 3 t'xt, Dane Pa Carriage bite p r. ri. ; •° � H ltitull0449., li • °t i�Vtrt hatro, ;ir»t 9th, ]S�RCi.