HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-12-24, Page 7Correspondent Mrs.Allan McCall A large crowd attended the Walton Women's Institute Christ- mas Concert which was held on Saturday evening in the community hall amid Christmas decorations and a lighted tree. Rev. D. Docken was master • of ceremonies and welcome was extended by Greg Humphries. Kim Humphries, Sharon Bell, Susan Humphries, June Williamson, Ann Watson and Patty McDonald sang four favourite Christmas songs, Let it Snow", "Walking ▪ in a Winter Wonderland", "White Christmas" and "Happy Wand- erer". Miss Gail Traviss ac- companied by Mrs. H. Traviss at the piano sang a duet, "Silver Bells". A duet "Side by Side" was sung by Cathy and Brian Mc- Gavin accompanied by Mrs. Mc- Gavin a t the piano, followed by an encore, "Jingle Bells". Mrs. Alvin McDonald was the commentator for the "Fashion Show 1971". Those taking part were Mrs. Dave Watson as Mrs. Read, Mrs. Jas Nolan as Mrs. Fryer, Mrs. Harold Bolger as Mrs. Unroll, Mrs. Gerald Wat- son as Miss Bounce, Mrs. Earl Watson as Miss Carton, Mrs. Mervin Smith as Miss Salada, Mrs. Allan McCall as Miss Sack, Mrs. Laverne s Godkin as Miss Date, Mrs. Jas. Axtmann as Miss Bride, Mrs. Norman Schade as Mrs. Clean up, Mrs. W. J. Leem- ing as Miss Sleeptight. The Rooster Drill followed with Brian Marks, Paul Humph- ries, Brian McGavin, Jim Mc- Donald and Steve fluether taking part. Linda Axtmann, Diane and Bruce Godkin sang, "Green, Green, Grass of Home" and • "Jingle Bell Rock" with three guitar accompanist, assisted by Mrs. Laverne Godkin at the piano. Bobby Axtmann gave a recitation. Pupils of the Junior Room of Walton Public School sang "Har- drock, Cow and Joe" with the • NEWS OF Brodhagen Correspondent Mrs.Ken Elligsen The simpathy of the com- munity is extended to the family of Mrs. Rachael Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice and family, who were former residents of Brodhagen, have en up residence at Sarnia athi't„ received a pi bmoten and transfer with J.M.Schneider ' Foods Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Mil- ler, Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller here. Mr. William Pegg is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Lavine Beuermann and Mrs. August Hillebrecht are still patients at the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. The Carolers visited the shut- ins wishing and making every- ones Christmas a joyous one. Later they were served a hot lunch in the church basement. CHRISTMAS PARTY LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN The annual Christmas Party of the Lutheran Church Women of St. Peters' Lutheran Church was held in the Church basement with Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree and with hus- bands as the guests. The dinner was served by the al Bornholm ladies. The program included several plays, a kitchen band and rhythm band,. everal readings. The Christmas story along with carols were presented by the Brodhagen Group. There was an exchange of gifts among the ladies and Pastor Kappes and Mrs. Kappes were • presented with an electric tea kettle and a turkey. Mrs. Lorne Mueller, presid- ed at the piano for the program. the Star jyi shone, so may its light bring peace, joy. • e a. • • o. Men's Insulated NOW 7.98 Value 4677 LACED BOOTS spirit of Nkr.4#4 yau icof peace, ARNOLD STTNNISSEN SUN LIFE REPRESENTATIVE Phone 527.0410 S.aforth OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Order now L while early delivery and cash disounts are at the best. • SPECIAL 'TIL DEC. 31 5% off INJECTABLE IRON FERROFAX e PIG TRAN or IMPOSIL 'fi) Phone 527-1910 Seaforth T1 News of Varna 'r* sponsor Special • Xmas Services As this quiet scene reflects Christmas peace, may all share its true tranquility. McGAVIN FARM EQUIPMENT Phone Seaforth 5274)245 or Brussele 887-6365 News of Walton Womens institute Sponsors Annual Christmas Party main parts taken by Danny Achil- les, Murray Sholdice and Greg Humphries. This was followed by the "Jingle Bell Drill" with the following girls taking part, Mary Watson, Carolyn McClure, Irene Martin, Jennifer Kirkby, Ruthie Thainer, Joyce McCallum, Debbie and Janice Van Vliet. A recitation was given by Ronnie Godkin. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. W. H, Humphries at the piano. This was followed by a well acted play, "Wanted, A Housekeeper" with Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mrs, Murray Smith, Mrs. Mac Shol- dice, Mrs. Don Achilles, Mrs. Joe Steffler, Mrs. Jim Fritz and Mrs . Stewart Humphries taking part. The Preschool, Kindergarten and Grade 1 childre ti gathered around on the platform and listened while Mrs. Jan Van Vliet read the old favoriteChris- tmas story of "The Night Before Christmas". Amid the singing of Jingle Bells, dear Santa ar- rived and gave out a candy cane to each child. UNIT HOLDS CHRISTMAS MEETING The McKillop Unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Glen McNichol on Wednesday evening for their Christmas meeting. Supper was served by the losing side in the Copper Contest, captained by Mrs. Charles McCutcheon. ' There were twenty-one members and three girls present. After supper Christmas gifts were ex- changed. Mrs. Merton Hackwell was in charge of the Devotional Period. Hymn 62, "While Shep- herds Watched Their Flocks by Night" was sung. Mrs. Neil McGavin was pianist. The scrip- ture reading from Luke 2: 1-14 was given by Mrs. Norman Schade. Mrs. Stewart McCall led in prayer. "We Three Kings of Orient Are" was sung. Mrs. M. Hackwell gave the Meditat- ion on "Where will you be at Christmas"? Wherever you are, you should be ready, we have a year to prepare. The Wise Men didn't have anytime. "Joy to the World" was sung. The offering was received by Mrs. N. Schade and dedicated by Mrs. Hackwell. Mrs. Jack Bosman gave the topic on "Christmas". Mrs. M. Hackwell gave, "My Christmas List" and led in prayer. Mrs. Campbell Wey opened the business with, "Giving Your World a Gilt." The roll call was answered by naming Chrlit- mas music. A Christmas card for all the members was read from Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Plans were discussed and any suggestions for 1971 programs would be welcome. "Silent Night" was sung and Mrs. Wey closed the meeting with prayer. MISSION BAND The Mission Band was held Sunday morning in the basement of Duff's United Church with 46 in attendance. Peggy Dennis opened with the Call to Worship. Hymn 53, "Silent Night" was sung with Debbie Van Vliet as pianist. The scripture lesson was read by Brian Smith and Susan Murray led in prayer. Several of the Mission Bind members put on a play entitled "Reconciliation in a Broken World". The Mite boxes and offering were received and dedic- ated. The secretary's report was given by patty McDonald. Dianne Dennis gave the treasurer's report. A thank-you note was read from Bruce Heath of the Children's Aid Society, Goderlch. Classes were formed with the following teachers, Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs. M. Hackwell, Mrs. Ross Bennett, Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Debbie Wey. Following classes "The First Noel" was sung with Janice Van Vliet at the piano. Dr. and Mrs. Brian Traviss of Hamilton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Seaforth also visited at the same home. We are glad to report that Mrs. Torrence Dundas returned home from Stratford Hospital last Friday. Rev. Derwyn Docken was in the pulpit Sunday at Duff's United Church, Walton, when he delivered his Christmas Message. Christmas carols were sung with the organist, Mrs. Ian Wilbee. The choir rendered an anthem. Mr. Ernie Williams, Seaforth will take the regular service on Sunday, December 27. On January 3, 1971 at the Sunday morning service, World Wide Communion" will be observed. ident with the Explorer's Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty and family of Willowdale spent the week end in the village. lelommillisomell1111111"1411811110"61111111111m4 BURNS CLEANER No Smoke, No Odour HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth •••111111.001111Immionarmiallimmodi By John Baker, Public Relations Officer Branch 156. At this time of year Peace and Goodwill to All Men is more evident than at any other time. It is rather ironic that during war in the midst of indescribable hor- ror, goodwill and brotherly love is a way of life. Whether this fellowship and goodwill is the result of men living from minute to minute, I do not know; never- theless, it exists and it seems unfortunate that this emotion could not be felt now when most of us live in comfort and safety. It has been said and it seems very true that adversity brings out the best in man. We must always remember that our free- dom and all the blessings that we enjoy were obtained by the many who gave their lives for us; in so remembering it should be easier for us to forget our prejudices and petty grievances. The Royal Canadian Legion has always been mindful of this and its members try to show it by service to others. I would like to join all the Members of Branch 156 in wish- ing one and all a Very Merry Christmas. CHRISTMAS PARTY On Sunday afternoon at 2p.m. a Christmas Party was held at the Legion Hall for the children. The programme opened with the singing of Christmas carols and songs. Mrs. George Kruse was the pianist. President Cleave Coombs welcomed the children and parents. This was followed by the children's participation in the programme beginning with a recitation by Debbie Sallows and Debbie Gridzak "Christmas Spirit". Louise Nolan favored with a number, Jolly Jolly Santa Claus". Robbie Smith enter- tained with' The Toyland Band"; Sylvia Wood with "Long, Long Ago"; Valerie and Michele, Sinnamon with 'Away in a Manger". Mrs. Cleave Coombs then, sang, accompanied by Ml's, Alice McConnell. Suzanne Jessome sang "Away in a Manger", followed by , a recitation by Patsy Miller, "Future Christmas". Caroline young favored with carols; Eugene Nolan recited "When Daddy was a Boy"; Mary Ann Nolan and Denise Lane followed, singing "0 Come All ye Faith- ful". Mr. Peter Malcolm enter- tained the children by singing, "Rudlph the Red Nosed Rein- deer". The programme closed with Caroline Young and Valerie Sinnamon singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing". The children's faces all lit up at the arrival of Santa Claus who gave candy, nuts and fruit to all the children. Coffee and cookies were served to the adults. BINGO A Bingo was held in the Legion Hall on Friday evening and was supervised by Bert McClure. There were 122 players. Among the winners were Jack Hammond, Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Swan, Mr. Vanderburg, Mrs. Denomme, Mrs. Pryde, Mrs. Habkirk, Alex McMichael and Mrs. Dewar of Atwood who won the $150 special. Hockey - On Saturday morn- ing the usual number of aspiring young hockey players showed up - all keen to get on the ice. Owing to the number of teams, forty minutes is allotted for each team. Sports Officer Don Woods ap- preciates the help given by those fathers who have attended Satur- day mornings. However, as there are ten teams to look after, there is a requirement each Saturday morning for at least six or more volunteers. Let's get behind these boys. Just remember when you were a boy and how you used to like to show your old man how you could skate. Major Frank Golding and Jim Watson took a Mite Team to the Canadian Forces Base rink to play a game on Saturday morning. SANTA VISITS HOSPITA L & SHUT-INS The President, Cleave Coombs, and Mrs. C. Coombs, President of the Women's Auxil- iary together with Mrs. Gordon Scott and Mrs. R. Walters ac- companied Santa Claus to the Seaforth Hospita 1 and to the homes of shut-ins. Santa Claus presented a carnation to each patient and each shut-in. it iias 6ident "t1ih.i'' the 'Utifidlct'liAli made everyone feel better. Smiles . . Note from young man to girl friend: "I would climb the high- est, mountain, swim the widest lake, cross the burning desert and die at the stake for you. P.S.: "I'll see you Saturday, if it doesn't rain." Secretaries Have Xmas Meeting Huron County Medical secre- taries Association met at a din- ner in Zurich with their husbands as guests. Winners of door prizes were Don McKer- cher, Mrs. Margaret Sallows and Mrs. Pauline McMichael. Following dinner the group were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Armstrong for euchre. Gifts were brought for wards of The Children's Aid Society. Mrs. Kay Hodgkinson is President and Mrs. Muriel Mil- ler, Secretary of the Associat- ion. News of Woodham Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland .tpilr. and Mrs. Oliver Stacey David, Kim and Darryl of Avon- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Don Nairn, Wayne, Paul and Jane of St. Marys were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brint- nell, Terri and Scott. The Woodham-Kirkton Young People went around the village carol singing on Sunday evening. 47/happy season to our friends and customers. Hiiroii Canadian Fabricators (1968 Ltd.) • TIIE HURON' EXPOS rogt,rAFogissi Correspondent Fred McClymont Special Christmas Service was held Sunday in the United Church with the pastor Rev.Mur- dock Morrison- in charge. A Christmas cantata "The Mir- acle of Love" was presented by the combined choirs of Varna and Goshen, twenty-seven voices with Mrs. Bruce Keys as organ- ist. The Explorer Group met on Tuesday evening with Miss Cathy Taylor presiding. Scripture les- son read by Miss Sylvia Wilson, prayer by Miss Tanis Chuter. Minutes were read and roll call was answered by naming a Christmas symbol. The offer- ing was taken up by Miss Bev- erly Cantelon and dedicated by Miss Anne Marie Heard. Miss Tanis Chuter read the treasur- er's report. The Study Book was led by Miss Beverly Can- telon. Mrs. Eric Chuter had charge of the crafts period. The meeting was closed by the pres- May Christmas bring you all the joys of the season and all the warm satisfactions of sincere friendships. We thank you for your generosity during the past year. HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY LTD. GotlerIch 5247361 S.aforth 521.1206 Women's Women's Reg. 7.98, to 14.98 Boy's Nylon 8 to 16, Reg. 9.98 Women's OVERSHOES 1/2 PRICE HALF SLIP and PANTY SET 3.98 Value SLI PPERETTES All Women's and Misses' SNOWBOOTS NOW Sill JACKETS EVERYTHING REDUCED TO CLEAR COME IN and BROWSE AROUND KRAZY ED'S BARGAIN HOUSE (Taylor Shoes) MAIN STREET SEAPORT' TO CLEAR