HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-12, Page 7RATES:_ no. i 8 silo 1 1- ii90 i Sao' oo ,, to ea t 00 I 12, 00, 6 GTA ' 0e. ,p 00 4 00, i 09 G 9A 1.011 R•..�.. ertisementt„90. poi' lino lisle 1Qt'ettelesubsequeut 1 type, 10e, for lirst in .ch subsequentintert%n t d less than t?60 • ue 4, Sttay od, Situation,,, d, not exeeetiting 8 !Web n, not exceeding 8 iiuee, ubsequent mouth y adhered to • • advertieeluellt8, orr for leelflc directions, will ha • Inti accordingly, Trau- be paid in advance erttsements must be in on, in older to appes4 LIO1`T eraexrue Asp 1TtlUL ffuge STREET, GlifreYde used Surgeons, Ontario. uty of Huron— ' %Yingham, Out. Toronto University, sail ,ysieians add Surgeons of nor of Centro and Patrice y Dr. Bethune. . ONT, IITOR, Etc.. Etc, to loan at lowest rate$. arged. Mortgages, town, bought and sold.. 1NQHA11, 1RTON ER Sec., Ontario E. L. DIOKINdON, U. i. :CITORS, Etc., Etc., SQ. 1ton, Cominiseioners for toba. Faun, Town and id sold. Molloy (private security at ei per cent, persons, upon the but sit any expense to the Manitoba and the North.. wham. ROME, 111,`o11AM, eturiug Celluloid PIatea �{ slates of the bestmateria they can be got in the • All work warranted.. dstcred for the painless y sate anesthetic known).. tract teeth for 26 cones. ▪ Block, opposite the 1114414.07?, Wtsoeesl, definite, Celluloid, Alley;, eke., etc., Rfates,ranging. alt $500 upwards per set d,'bridgework. Teeth en pain by the use of Vital. w ham, side entrance op gen daily (Sundays except. Will be at Blyth Ivory ehmonth—ORiceat Milne s Mondays of each month- % :tractin¢ 25 cents. RANCE AGENT O3TAate. ,M, ASCE MARINE:,, LPH. ni ROgt `Tia g- COUNT/ MX, , pate of the Co. Charge. ITINelnAld, ONT., 1 Yon THE COVET% e1 RON. ma Ogee prbtnpttg at ,Md, as Cou)W1* Linsey VOL mole settee th. $hortets. etlefsetlos,tlaaresteeed. eats cilli be.lira4! at ttww, ofrr HAWKINS. N An etas las* 18 taxon AIL lice of the Watt* re art mese, .tamale le* w �)haly M't�ltiitR. 41sMEth Meet 9% SO>M�reiwl T . ory at advertising is. net. 414.•/vesico hone 114.01Y g”. )ndamesrk �a wixltOilt 13 hunter*. TitP 11tf+il'epiicir ltf A EaM'r11101A iilpf ec,IiiftliitjttlrAstMn4iy�• I was earlyap recitia At a ti5eeee u n&n editors cost ftletFtlrna,Per eerrnst,o t-, ' � • w ► a ftp, th.. p that we hs,ve Coeiter, of the Linden.' Na4telnnµp, to r.. vKrgien ",,Tien fn rysr4Wer, ane, w4Y sea>Ratr atrq.geoi�*j�ttM4.N W p " t d of dente. The aetian was broul,ht Any ,ioseph reaching thr 1flft8se$ ' ittad' fiagt)anw 1 h H I ile a idirertisements atsreUn�d. In 1821 Lord cover from Samuel Hugheri, of the Viotoritl Caulden announced : Warder,a rival l'iindrirlr •beet. d.ntagees Notice is hero by given that the for libel, '1'li• editors had beep engaged� T M WORK Marquis of tlaaldgn cot account ef' i" a war of wordy which wool hat. done i se. emeoes ........see VI* q ofthe v 11 credit to the Ari otic Nicker, rand the In ell Os branch*. end *Weep In Mock 4 th b.okwtw4.i ei 1i bar set) tri Napo aw riled Cool ler . 1 dr.magen. A ctwseterstOI.IP I°4 I'ch.e t Re ! >, it not shoot hitslcrof, nor ani'of his erose 7aetion Wen dismianed, the pertiall Tweeds, teuitnts, •t11r site 14th of Sept,. hexing served to pay their own costs.' Thein Jn 1781 the following wits posited judgment was on Mr. Hughes' motion for entre S1 up in Duhlitfti. This is et'rtify that 1, Denise O'-. Flannsghan, am not the person that was tarred and feathered by the Liber- ty Moh on Tuesday last, and 1 am ',ready to give any one 20 gunieas to any one who will lay me 50, that I am the other man who goes: by that sealed, Two ehoemekt're were keen rivals. an order that coats should he divided iu Eto1118t, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, bbc,, ate., the first glee also. on the ground that the libellous matter had "teen written under great provocation. The judge refused to entertain the Motion, and declared that costa should go with the verdict against Mr. Rubes, The judge referred to one important' point IR the law when ho stated that the editor of a paper is morally an well as legally responsible for all letters or ootrenpondeuce which may appear in its columns. This is a fact which correspon. One hung up the lien : Mens Connie dents very often forget, especially when under the guise of an volumed name they Recti. The oilier was temporarily puzzled, but soon had a sign up thus try to shift the responsibility off their and it bore the words : Men's and Women's Conseia Recti may be ob- tained here. A photographer hung out the announcement: The Acme of Photography, and' a rival improved on it with Photography in the Height of Acute. In these days, when nobody who legally responsible for the contents of the paper. Such journalism would go far to intelligently aims at building up a reconcile one to a censorship of the press, great and lucrative trade can afford if no other remedy could be found. I am asked on the defendant's motion to deprive to undervalue the benefit of advertis- the plaintiff of costs, to, which as a matter ing, euch absurdities are rare. Now of law be is entitled unless I interfere. I think the defendant has not put himself in seekers after novelties, devotees of such a position as entitles hila to come to fashion, shrewd,' e;onomicel buyers - thecourt claiming protection or assistance, The jury have given the defendant the all who have wants—read the adver full benefit of the impropriety of the plain - tieing columns of Tug Times R9 a tiff in ueiva the language he did, by meas using the damages at a nominal sum. I matter of business, and Wien of basi- think be is not entitled to further relief naso toot and skill profit by this know and that the judgment must be for the plaintiff with costs. le ge, and by keeping their offerings hl,ore the public turn the stream of s Broken Neck Mendell make personal attacks on individuals, and also, . own slsculdera and on to those of the editor. Here is what the judge says : The defend. ant's paper equate the plaintiff's in vitu- peration, outrivala it .in coarseness and runs alone in its distribution of filth. That the worst of the material is correspondence and not editorial does not relieve the de- fendant, for an editor is morally as well as buyers to their shops. The wise merchants informs the public of what helms s to sell. Do so through Tam TIMES. The American sateen s. The result of the census of 1890 has been generally disappointing to Ameri- cans. An increase of 14,000,000 in ten years is certainly- large, but the preeentage of increase, as the follow ing table shows, is smaller than iu ii,, previous decade, with oue excep- •tion :— Years. Per. Cent. 1790 to 1800 85.10 1800 to 1810 36.38 1810 to 1820 1820 to 1880 1830 to 1840 1840 to 1850 1850 to 1860 1860 to 1870 1.870 to 1880 1880 to 1890 The low rate of increase between 1860 and 1870 is easily accounted for by the Civil War, which not only slew 'hundreds of thousands, but prevented marriages and checked immigration. No such reason can be assigned for the slow growth of the last ten years. ' The immigration of tint •period was 5,500,00, or double that of the decade 1870 80,; yet the rate of increase was considerably less. As there is no ;pereiptible exodus ,from the United States, the cause is probably assigned by The. Clhicagn,Tribune, namely, the diminishing rate of natural increase. There is en itlrceasing tehaeney to defer marriage Until late iu life or to ret'pain single ; and families are grow, tug smaller. 83 06 32.51 33.52 ..85.83 35.11 22.95 80.88 27.00 (made front pure wool only) cheap for cash or as' change for wool, Customersfrom 5 distance can have their tolls home with them the same day. S3'Hlghet market. price In cash for Merchantable Wool. INOLIS dt OO'Y., Wingham Physicians connected with the Presbyterian Hospital, New York, are highly elated over the fact 'of their having successfully mended a broken neck. The -patient, Harry Reigal, aged fourteen years, fell from an ele- vator, landing' on bis heed and dislo- cating his neck, on Nay 8. When brought to the hospital the case was considered hopeless, but by experi• ments with extending weights attach- ed to the patient's heal and feet, the neck was eventually set and kept in place by means of a plaster of Paris jacket. The displaced bones are now properly set and the patient has full power of the neck. 1*'Xs}1W1 I+��r �wE fa �'L0�1R1�16 MILL'S �o kit t huilloti 014°4417 slaty en %lien sending telhte deiced spates, Med you sot bettor °IsMtgf It to th.. VIINCHAllt TANNERY 11 ones, and get the hirbest »itos lx. CAeU er trade for It 'er4. • Treat your tl HIDES, SWEEP SK NS, CALFSKINS, TSL' LOVV., ea., the sante way. IIsyoq require anythingepeeistIn HEAVY '." GLOVES, and see, Harness, Sale, Upper and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS always kept in stook for shoemakers, • MATTHEW AMBLEfl, W• J. CHApn=AN, HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES,. WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. HAIINNESS, double er single, made . to order on short. notice, and satiefecitlon guaranteed. Aovtoa 'ro Morulas.—Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sickchild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is Meal _•ul• aisle. It will relieve the poor little. suflor.:r immediately. Depend upon it, 'mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and allergy to the whole system. . Mrs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and flume in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sura and ask for "Alas. SVINSI,oW a SoorEsNo SYsur' and take no other kind Epilepsy. , Sufferers from cramps and ner- vous debility are surely cured by au improved and absolutely un- equaled method. Treatment by letter., Send full account of syigp- toms and address, i'nclosing post. age statups for answer, "Ny6IEA OFFICE," new York. 1vSIO MISS NELLO McHARDV. On one occasion, when Dr. Robert- son, of Irvine, still a youth,' was preaching from home, the e1111reh was crowded, even the aisles duel 'pulpit sitairs being occupied. .scnttdilig to thepulpit without gown or ban ds found an old woman cittilltt on the topmost step. She eat very unwilling to ntalce way for hide. She amid not imagine'` that he Was the preacher civhoss fame had attracted an large art tnitom l'a, e, hitt, yielding to his reso- lute prtrpotte, audibly �fltlynee : t'Litddie, larlditi, ye manna gang in there, D'vs ye no' sten teat's the .p f Yf 14 nt,1nirte .,t" • CLASSES FOR, INSTRUCTION OW PIANO AND 'Organ, in Voice Culture and Barntoay MOM Beene 1N Swann BLocK, ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. /IOTA call solicited. SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, %Ingham, Feb. 1th, 1890. INTO-V7- is a-ow is the time to paint your houses, and l RUBBER v PAINT • BEST in in the WORLD, None genuine mikes stamped "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohto," We aleohave the best, Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Oar Load Orders. a Speciality. WOOD delivered to any part of 4�illgha,tn. ta'ofd by'eaiil prompt y attended to. CANADIAN' Reade Paints You can get any shade yeti desire, in quantities costing from 10 cents up, For Whitewashing and Kalsoniining, ask for THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. The undersigned wish .to tender their best ttiantte for the liberal patronage trite* so our firm dWrin* rlereralyeele prior to the burping of oar mill by Ito cendiattlein. Dtsrner the ts.t eeeson we have re- moddeUsd the *owe Weill to. the iateetepproved eye - tem of BUrsgarda,r Roller Process mil ling, We be liars teem now gibe 'better accoeaneek tlon than ever before, We offer .Prompt, Dlspfitcli,• TaIr Rfltltt`tlle, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS • SECTION. And .by close :,pereotmi attention to the baeinees hope to be again,'favi;rcd with a trial by alt old. friends and many new once, Youre meet respectfully, HUTTON A CARR Wingham Mi11, Oct, '15 1885, $2Q will bug the ODELL TYPE I• !. {A TER with i8 characters, and,$ 1 SR for the SINGLE CASE ODELL. warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease' of operation, wears longer without coat of repairs than any other machine. Hae no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated,, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We offer St,000 to any operator who can eyual the work of the DouULE CABE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducemente to Dealers. 'la31E1E9 and don't take anything else. — CARRIAGES and BUGGIES. A CHANGE In*he ��r�css 8�siacs� 0 CHAS, KN OHTEL Wishes to intimate to the people • . Wingham, and surrounding couptry that be has purchased ' the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. J. Hontuth & Son, and will conduct it inthe building one door south of :Mr T A Mills' store. 'DOUBLE AND SINGLE HABNESe heavy or light, made to order, A full line of Horse Blankets, Sleigh Belts,. Currycombs, Brushes, etc., always on hand. Whips.• Repairing net promptly do The patronage of the public solicited, and ion in work and material guaranteed, C. KNECHTEL Wingham, March 4. 1890, WM. DORE (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), aIANUFA0TatB0'00— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, &c. Special Bargains will be given in Top -and Open Buggies for the next two months. All binds of work made to order by firet.clams workmen, under the enper- vision of the propiiotor. Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &c., done on short notice. Those in need of anything in our line will save money by calling before. purchasing, WM. DORE, Wingham, Ont. W'INGHAM " FOUNDRY. 0 - M U R R A Y & C o., —Successors to R M Robinson, inanufacturerers of— GV ! LT R� IMPL. EDITS. . c- ---- We have the patterns of It. M. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. 0 R i f ZRTNC3. OF' A 21=, K=N DS A SPECIA.ZT'M'. The patronage of the public solicited, 0 MURRAY & Co. In connection with the above, I wish to say that I have leased my foundry to the above firm for a terse • I of years. They come Lo Wingham highly recommended as Nrst•elass mechanics, having had txttnsire qp RI cline I `q experionoe in 10111 work and repairs. 1 would ask for them a continuance of the patronage extended to Ino las. Is}b41 (hs�i,o during the past eighteen years. 11 M ROBINSON, a Wingham, June 26th, 1100. HALO WARE MERCHANTS, Wingllaln, WINGHAM MARBL.E SNORKS ! N. MEE'S IEWL1117 LITABLIELINT, Has a most complete assortment of the JLRTEST. (sotcE;sr,. and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods,, Taking n retrospect of my thirteen er fourteen years business in Wingham, I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and the public gen• erally'for the liberal patronage extended to the in tne'pest. . 1 may also ,tato that I am In a position to offer , better inclucements than ever' to those requiring, anything le the line of ti'ratiite or Stone ' 1\ioitulnents, HEADSTONES, 'WINDOW SILLS, • STONE T1tf11i NGll, von FENCING, dC 1 1 Would be pleased to have ttyoso :la Ili t tip et pro enring any artiel, s in my 11,04 to c 11 examine gneds,Comparolq«.esand1,•ayetheir04 t , sothat� the goods ntap be secured and prepared early in the sense%. VJu .'stn select from the lett st dtelgtne a,. obtain the 5., '.1 wo, home:,ship et the most favorable prices. Most rem, :tfu#y, yours, GEORGE TIIOMSON, 'i i"` , ;3MY'r , Wlottham P. Winglierot +1n TIM .'A § BUT A'AtAse igr CLOSE '}ATTENTION GIVEN TO T,EPATIt1NG, AND WOE AIT WAatitANTED. 1 GO RIGHT TO till.E. N'S 1-4,O0. 1fO 'von J1?,WRIAJEBV TgDISARfS of BOTTLES %YEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Oure x do net sheet. 19 mere', to stop them fora time, avid ti " heti .titetit return aratn. 1 NI RA ab l_ Rt.. it ICA i. Obi IRC. i have m: ri. the d£soas. of Ft Epil*Wtly *8' Fres r. g Mattel to :. R!,' -lot•.,- study. I Warrant my moody to Itrtar worst s. Demli'e others baro,; felled is iso Ieareifor not Thine •y etr.l tcure. Tiff fora treatise aangd'tuaa flys* at,t'tle of vie h'5&I lblet Remedy Gera B rise_ ._. dy CS rrArlott 00310tf.6 ubthlr „ a re's! ,• „1, coca p.m Aeldresi i—t1. sl�[i f i'srrl w . 7 P%.et1.AltilA�iTr T'i0rttitVCXtlm,