HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-12, Page 6,
Nit it eaese sae es..
.. Palest titin of heir
3 y: '"+4y Road Lot , • e tlIan t,,'- e
i t i ,•.k i i eowa .lily t,i,,a or united„, Diploxnla
olaiiii 5—• '0ULa,R" ,
FRIU.w ., `+ i PT:;' 11 i :11. 12.1ta,10.
.. ryE I.;.l.
G,,,, .25
,a. •
lr a.' **,,,,,,,,,,'eo.:•
.. Pair Ttrklps............:.....•=F0
. I' Ca, 14f,3PairI.c:e..,..,, ...s...... 50
Pair Plylll,oth itooks•,.,.,.,, 00 23
Pair Le}ltltarns, ' S\'iol;lla,itt
VT I a {j FAIR
yttlt'!i)tr4 11118 yeftr,.,,.,.r.I C10 ` l'' 111i:i I J it4 ' + i t I.'air rSpiusish....„,,,.,s-a.- 00. L5
to be Lela at.BELGRA.VE, '_ i fair Eliz►nt>,urge...,,..,,....,, '60 , ,a
c , , , . ft • •• 1.. Pair;nt eitysit,aer variety of
(AB I 7thand 841, 2890, fowls.,net mentioned in
” ; > .,R atiy of the above aectictine
c.sw ,. .4- •"-- ' ."11,itiyl 'rfit Es Onewyearl 00
i1a13s 1 •^-c HORSES — 1:i4AVY
13rood Mare with feat by her Churn ,.,,,..,,. , ,..R.,,:1 00
side, donation. by J. T. .Pump ...,.....,/ • • ,4-• • / • • 34 00 50
Garrow, Earl., \i: P. r.$5 00 1 00 ,(.number wagon ......... :.... 2 00 1 50
ldoree Foal ,..+..............i1t4 00 1, 00 I3emooratsprinz;wagon ' 2 00 1 50
Mare Foal......... ........„,1
...,,,,a 50 1 00 nogg; .....4.......,...2 00 1 50
Two year old 1'iriv . .,,,.1 50 1 00 Double v rriage ..,,...,.2 00 1 50
Two near eld GeIdiug.,,,,,1 50 1 00 Cutter,...........................1 00 60
Y1'zarol.l:I'ill;y„s,,,..........1 50 1 00 Plow„......................4....1 00 50
I`a:ur old Tela#t12.,t.,.,,,,..1 50 1 00
•pl;. T:'ti>a
Reg salt butter iiot Ills
that, 50 1i,e. Tt t 11ies the
i,y<y • Stitklerll” t;: value.!., 435
two owl., d.,..« . 1 ,(0
2sid .erize, $1. .tcortlt
'1,titvt,ta by Jas.Duffield
&, Son. awl ,that 50o..
Crock butter mit Iles than
25 ,(its ,,.2. 00
'2nd prize, l'utkiul; uia+alr° . •
'by S. (rriceyt \Y1„giiaui,
1 50
.head lwtne enade.,,..a.,,...,1 00 75
/Ave Iiia bonny 14 °knob.., 50; . 25
Five figs maple elle,,, ,.s . 50 25
`Quart maple syrup........... 50+ ., , 254
"o''ire , 011are. eF•. . , .. ""......., 50 25
'Factory Cheese ;a 1 00'4 k50
°lairs 6.-•»1MI I,EMENrL'S. . klwtne MAWS cheese 1 00 : • &0
Farm Gate, . ,,.1 00
limed Mere wilb foal by her
raids, • donation by J. T.
Garrorv, .eq., M.. P. P....a 00 1 00
!.orae Taus,! ,.,,..,1 50 1 00
Mare Fuu.,,..,.....,a.....,...1 50 1 00
Tutt* year ,•ld Filly 1 50 1 00
'Two year oil! Gelding, neck
yoke by Slater & Sinks,
Blyth, valuta ,., ,.,,,.,1 75 1 00
Year old Filly...,.. ,1 50 1 00
Year old Gelding ,.,1 50 1 00
:lpttu Atriculturnl horses,
{lta;yea§ or gelding 3 00 2 00
Brood Mare with foal by her
side ...2 00 1 00
Sprier; h'oal'.., , ...1 50 1 0.Q
T ren yea; ltd Nilly ....1 50 QQ
TWa year old Greldfng,.. l 40 •1 QQ
Year old Filly . ;..1; 00 1 Elio.
Year old (xeidi,.;.;,,,..,,,,1, 50 1 00
Buggy horse, mare or geld-
ing 1 5Q 1 OQ
Hack horse, snare or geld-
ing. in saddle,,.., -•..i,.,1 50 1 00
Span of carriage horses,
,nares or geldings ti9 00 2 00
Best brood mare any class.. Diploma..
.test team of horses in har-
ness, any elms, . 1?iplolna.
Best 0ow,dotlation by noun
Scauarett... ,.....2 00 I 00
Two year old heif, r 1 50 1 00
Year old heifer 1 50 1 Ott
'Heifer calf;. ,..., 1 50 1 00
Bel, calf •, 1 50 1 00
gest herd of thoroughbred
cAttce, one bull and three
€erste rid ... Diploma,
Best cow . 2 00 1 50 50
Two year old br..ifer ....1 50 1 00
Tear old haifer... ..........1 00 50
Heifer calf.. .1 00 50
Pair 3 year .old steers 1 50 1 00
Gang Plow 1 00 - 50
00 50
Laud roller,. ,i.,,. ,iii 00 50
Sat !gorse shoes„ ars«.. •-* • •, .75 50
,Sorge hay Take 1 00 .50
Seed drill .............. . 1 00 50
Gass 7—GRAIN,
Two bushels white fail
wheat ' . 1 501 00
Two bushels red fall wheat 1 -50 1 00
Two bushels spring wheat -1 50 1 00
Two bush six rowed bar,ey 1 00 50
Two bus two rowed bailey 1 00 50
50 25
Specimen Crochet' Wank:., 50 25
13ead 'Work....,.,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,, 50 255
Fancy knitting ;.,.,,,.,., 50 25
Gent's Linen Shirt .,...•.•„ 75 50
Gent's Fuuoy F,anne. Shirt
43raldttll+......... ............ t„
Feather 1~Iowers x i3.InT
Pair Woolen sloe kti,) t3' •kxorrie,lciuellveAND rve isnse
Pant souks' .. 50 25. Drt4irson ktroat:Britain ttnd the United States
Uought and sold
Pair Woolen Gloves 50 25 113. WTLLSOi`i, Aat Nr, i ►Ii, lEtitl ment}.,oi —_,
.k'tlir Woolen Mitts.. 50 25 5i1nYEit aL DIVEINS0er,
Log Cabin Quilt 1 00 50 Strsrcrroakis. Josr IU1 E STRUM
DO 50
00 °5.50: DAVIS
MX 1\T 11
- --UN
' 4.1M
V, .GitAYtRd ,
kit. of DiAI'i;I r IICJ:tT 0 3, N0T31d7
'* ••:4•4i1'1r1'C, ro 5 +1. rfUalf;14m..'".
,QNPat's -" 1 tA" Buol.stc o1.. , ,
RIP LEY. 0ly,
"t, hlilwirua''to Loanar 'Farm tlecttrity at`Lbw Ilatr,e• o
Ilnterit,t. i4o'c Inyndislon charged, '
Nick,' ttSr r.t;0 1aUti411" Gn ; Notes.:
il\ 1iit;';;ai'.:DAY MQ1tai1* 4 ,
•-- areim -. , . '
TIM 7ER rGE'ir.ICX.,, Anig. t!iti4k,• $'rts + t
{p• ' n p ry j ( 'p >t[ x,+/ A•kat , ^ p ' rg^l} lli-Q.•
rs =, 41te •• scounted ' •sumonitio-iivia',1n'4,s'4x18 ri`0 ;44ad1liiugo
AT,' BL ,S iiALE;iA'
, lr*aaa
Money advanced 0n Mortg'age's at 0 per eogt. with,1,1!gGo
( 1 y, 1 ai ino. k .,nils 1„
1 » .
pritilege of pitying at tate bud o any year, Notes j one: a'.t1,iu 0%,
andmiceWlts collet:ted, half ,, $ii5 00 40 0c ! 12 00" t4 00
40 00 14 00 12, 00. 4 lit
.. • nowt, la#eIN1j10!?R ..t,111at'tor• •, , 'e Do 1 ' ' Vit' r.'A 00 ' 4 Silt
* OkTleff --Dover i c tt'i 1' lane 1
e BoGI. tt.11ttr,;,, 1/111. _ 11 Qh ( .511U Z; Ul,. (( k 414 1.n
_ i a
` ry Local and.othei• cue. al advertisements..8a pe, ilno
LT f,,),Lerat.,).,'tiw,,....uDe.tae,tihecniviuhliw,asvglutzat
• f hlsortina.
1,0304 atotibcs,'i5i'noniratell typo; 10c,tor first in
'.• 1 I a$, Cllr' .; ,-1sT , sartlon,Waite. per
llnG ItcbnubsGllueut h rtCriicn
No local notice will bo charged less than t?50 •
Oap - 041,000,000, Trent -450000, Advorti8C4,toutso3Lost,k'ould,struys3,34444atiorts,
t altd Anslncss'Ohancss 11•unt,.d .tot Ctxocedti,g 8 Noma
President.••Jou i 1:'reA,t'r. nonpurotl, ata por utonth
Vice—A. G. liansaY.. Ilousoa and katntsier Sate, not oxuaedirig a,.hale,
01 far 11184 month, 500, por subsequent month
LFECTOI$ These terms wilt bu att'ictly adhered to • •
•Specsl rates for longer advertisements, or for
Joiix PROCTOR, plias. GUMMY, (lno RoA4%, A. longorporiolis.
Wobn, A. B• Lets (Toronto), Advertisements without speetaodirections will lie .
75. 50 Cashier—.i. TlIRNIWUL,..
50 25 I. SDs' io k'8 Bank hours, n0 to s3 ; Saturdays, 20 to
posits o 443 and upwards received 04(1 interest
50 25 t flowed.
&polis! Doposits also x0031443 at current.
50 ' 25 rates of intoreat,
Inserted till forbid and eitarged as' :oidii,gly: Trnu»
eltory advertisements must he paid in advance
Changes for contruotadrel'tisetnents mustli*
theoince, Weenesday noon, irr order to 40ae04
that, week
Patched Quilt ,..1
Rag Mat
Berlin Wool Work raised
Blyth Standard one year 1 00
Berlin Wool Work flat,„,.. 50
Sofa Pillow , 50
Arrttsene Work.,,.......,. 50
Two bushels svhite oats ....1 00 50 Uotton Stockings.,. .... 50
Two bushels black oa.s.,....1 00 50 Oard Wok., ., 50
Two bushels peas ...1 00 50 Leather Work 50
!half bushel tinlothy.,..,....1 00 50 Penoit drawing . 50
Class 8—FRUIT AND FLOWERS.. Hair Flowers ......:50
•Embroidery on silk 5.0
Five Golden Russet Apples 50 25 Embroidery on linen
Baldwin.,,, 50 25 Lace Work
„ Fametlse.. ... 5 25 • 1' ,.:.,....
Twine lace..
,, R. , Greening... 54 25
50 25
50 25
25 1 A 1•-r-M[rl S
Josephine Street - - -i• Wingham, Ont.
J. A. 11ALSTltb, :F 3. W. SCo$T,
111011tH Forest, Listowel.
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to F11,xmeri and
50 25 sweep of eve,rXthiirg offered, including Surliness Mein;
50 25 , Ota tong or short tate, on endorsed 'notes
two medals Glad a Sliver cup given by or collateral security, Bale notes bought
50 2
iLhe American tthdo o Association.
& fair valuation. tinn
. bo ey
remitted tt
ed to
00 5,0, In Loloesters, 'Mr. 'J, Tfa ly, ars, of i parte of Canada at reasonable charges,
r'. Maide3's Eiush.. ....
t r Northern SPY. .. , .., ... .
Colt•ertc 50
Tolman Sweets 50
Three varieties of winter
apples, 5 of each kind,
not •oarued above...,...., 50 25
Three varieties of fall apples
live of each kind ,not
named above..,,
Five fall pears
'+ winter peers.,
Beet variety grapes,not less
than two bunches of each
kind......,...... ......
Plats of crab appiNs
i ss than two vagi• ties
of plum.; i..
Collection fruit
50 2s
50 25.
1%ag Oar'st..................... 50 25
Beat ou teotiou of 'Ladies Work apart
from all other entries in Ladles de-
partment, Ist, Hanging Lamp,
value $4 by Hamilton & McLeau,
Blyth, 2nd $1 worth of ware from
J. G. Mosier, Blyth,
womeaa, ooa n 4 les
R"nust & t, • O>FT
CTT B. ,tYirq
Iiistulber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
—1;orouor for Coupty of iluren7-
oflic8 as'P
at "T,,4Aune0x" ' whagham, Ont.
nit. J. A. MELDRi71f,
honor 0raduat9 of Toronto University,, anti
!Member of the Jollege of 1413/Widens add burgeons of
Office and iiogidence-Corner of Centro and Pottie's
streets, formerly oeuupled by Dr, Bethune.
Wizanati • • • ON;
. , TO
os rt 4444 N Private and Company Wilds to loan at lowest rates.
Interest, No oonitnisaiou charged. Mortgages, town.
and fate property bought anti sold..
OFrICE--Beavev B1oe13, ivtlV.aaaxi, 04ixa
Bouquet of flowers„50 ?fit' rahaltespeare, secured 10 firsts anti 6 ! Speoiel Attention 'Given to Col -
Flowers iu pot,: ,,... 50 2 t! aeoonds, nearly a ciettia sweep of this lecting Accounts a and Noshes.
Best collection of house plants the .lase, 'In Oolawold, Messrs J 0'Snell
oollectlton to consist oti not less than Agents in cantata—the ktra liters'
fives plants, last silver bWtter• dish & Brod., of Edtoonton, carried off 9 t-hairitn' Sauk
value 83 by Ed Dinsley, Wingham, i first and 5 second prizes, and the of canalise
2nd nickel clock value .1.65 by F. balance 1 first prize and 8 seconds,
oltlae.Haure-Froth 0 a. in. to 5 p,14.
Metcalf, $Iyth. A. E, EMIR
were awarded to Messrs IT. Crowfcrd A,gdnt.
Claes 9---MANI/FACTIIRES. & Son, of Canborough. In Oxford -
50 25
50 25
50 26
The Canadian 'exhibitors at the
Iletroit international Exposition were
very successful.. In Southdown sheep
Messrs John, Jackson & Mous, of
A.bingdon, were awarded `18 'first
prizes and 8; secilnda, milting a oleitn
Pair 2yearofd'steers....,,..,l 50 1 00 Ten yds home .madecIoth,..1 00 50 downs Ur. H. P'olton, of Walkerton, iX1t rt
ttir 1 year ltd steers 150 1 00 '°n yds Outlner 1 00 50 gets 5 !.rats anti '3 second prizes, ilfr. Carpenter
, Maker of vulconitb Cal tt
tlti ilit i 'n Guilder,
t loid. Allay,;
Pair steer calves 1 00 50 Ten da union 9aunel:...,.1 00 50 YPi'in. tjoN,eit of Loudgta,wnn 82 iiralis, Silve. Gold, eke., etc., g}atee; ranging,
Pair bhtnitet9. ...1 00 50 . .110 UN t3fiRER w ! acts' • rppp prices Erol!#! $500 upwards' per set
Y$eeve..............:. .t 1 O 1 00 'Best don} le team harness 64 steencl a ADA 21 third prises in'thN T' INe3HApt, oNT•. i traeted without the leastt dt' nib gt''Grk. teeth ell
oke working aYell •t,.., .. {olyposlteLIo,d'sFactoryi,) y ho use of V-ltal•.-
I QO with collars.„... ii..,,... 50 i 00 Poultry class . hiis is the largest x i iaed Air. Head Office, wtyghasnside entraneepp,.
694 hard Of Cattle, nut, lt a$posh° the Qusen!s hotel„ open daily (suhdaysexeept-
of each montb-a,
et single harnes5,...,.,a:.,. ted) from 9 a m to.5 p m. Will be at Blyth ever.•
ttldr► 5 head,. , ,.. ,. Dipfalua, g 1. 00 50 number of prizes ever won by a stn,¢le SASH,
Snd and 4th Saturday of, .ehmonth—Of iceatMilne s
Office at Albion; hotel. 1.1t.tracting 25 cents.
Pair coarse boats.,.,,..,...,1 00 50 eitb1bftdr in the alas., 'stated at this a•`r '0 hotel; aorrie: ,riga, Mondays
Class 4-7..4. SREEP LEICESTERS Pair ane boots (men's).. ... .1 00 5A1n. 4. 1411, AMES,
•faND, ViiElft GR.Apxs. Side uplift leather. RRI 00 50 exh
Aged rain.,,..„...i 1 50 1 00 Side harness leather.......,.I 00 50 The great Peter Cooper is cred,itpd - BIa Ss c., &c.
altearling rain. 1 50 1 00 Three bottle,, Monte made
Ram lamb , .....,,1 50 1 00 wine,,..:. 1 00 50 with the foilowln z --Ln all town$ l! ,, ,y , , {.f p shot q `p
..,i . i, ..,.: oor, aa00 Nk!!45 l i' t<3 dl ii'[Aa,iAJf
Pair aged ewes hta7iing raised
Joiner's; work, ganef door, Where newspapers are published every Y . r trtAsro
lambs in 1890...........41 50' 1 :00 window sesta and steel* man should advertise, even if nothing Prontptlyattended to.
Pair sh'e►tiliug elver . ,,.,1 .501 I?0 : men of moulding 1 001
•more than a card "giving his name arid, W tNt3HAM ROBERT CUNNINGHAM,
pot. ewe lrttdbs. ....,:,.R,. 50 .:l•;s30 Beet cooking stove and fur. :. 1l,
niter() cotnplate 1 50.1 00 the business in which he. is engaged: INSURANCE
.1)0 WNS AND THEIR 'GRADES. ..l;t u .Duty pays, tot arivettiae, but it FIR1, Alb EtARIPt ,I
A ed rant,., ,.,.,,,.. (71aile 10- Rf10T'S & VEC4EJ ABT. ,c ,; ;
g ,'2 60 I 00 lets the. geople at a'istanee know that OVELPii.
t1Parling rtim.....i :.y,1 50 1 00 r3atlrhuallel ot8toes....i.i,. IS P` 1 the ta,eno in isms'., yon reside has a DEAN. ds.. Wismar, Ram is h, i ;,:::.'s .:,:..., Four varieties of potattoer - FACTORY.
Pair salad t t'x hit+ving ..used 50 100 h*if pros Hrot s class of bit Bess bath.
peck each kind. ietCENsab AZ1CTlON$j 2£O>k ` elfft 'L
lau b, Iy` 6l ia 1 5C3 1 d0 Armes Advocate ane Neter 11,u11 dawn the sign while you ...... -
'OR ltipa41* ¢:
..• • ,
seas 4ttond'sd'iq;'
.: y 1 jy(
i jl,i! rl}11 tr,8,.i.i.+,i,1 5G Can ,rear .i . .,....,.,.,,1 + y, . tatenAdoing business for hit often in.• Moderate,
,stall Pali at the Co, Claatjt J
r eve 141 'e ... 1..50 00 Two heads cubba e ,►
r, s: g • •. +e....: 50 d Lea that par. gtip, deitO ierciully, ` Ili t' Son, Iota* 8. , ; ,
wt slit epi. ew,: u; wether,y Two !heads atculiflowe>t.ii:,.: 5) 5 Y * r , "OBN curium. vvixaaatt, Iran,.
any glait4,.:,,:......„.. .We.ii. 00 50 Bit longbloc bests.., 1a bio etz. .
,) 45:aof 25 , t+,utaaiartlrsdti}pd Dashing in
tint pen of sheep” not less tnautzle ytlywtrslti i. 60 gti lt+' a hilttt'iicltl,v time Isfglt spent
than one rani and tpgr . S xsalreed ttjrAlpe, V 1nuhi'm Bast week at Mr.' utarn'?doriris' farm,
13tritil "111
evils ole +any egeur bi s , Lltplotiir. .'maga one yuaar,.w,..,:....1 00 50, in the Township, of (foil:mene, the +6 1:
Viten 4—PT,OS,',,,,, IIARG1 TREED .'J', Halal oarrt:,ts,,.,.,r, ....ri. 50 '25' a0ansion being the etielebr ti of -lti[t
4 - yy six fe,rty bort: oattaiate. 50 251 gOtlr hc>tthlla i1 , d e
1!'' • R:....W0,0144114101 i 00 sic 01210Iiii halt, leetl.R fi0 '25 . y y ha,, t8sc ndallr#s and
havnig *cored ` y ► y ,y. 0.110 peak onion* env other' i p trloude. dltldrez es, presentatioaa,
11 I ...... ....i.,....si 11%0 1 00 ,tint.. ••,...,i•.,r50 25 onus, &o-•, folio ec el*,lh other' in
Y. , Y1 y i a$ Dili trans t43diait norm......,', 0• , 'I a5, v apyid su, coessio ;, to ` a plea !cat time t.7
oon,44O 11 ,..',.,'„„It.,„,..'11,,' 00 '50 Water ttttriotl..Y........ .Y,iY60 251 trio tY ,it bazt
t't UM .K. tilt' p:t V A r
lute- lid in -1890 lige Meek rne446.,6„. „, siii.o6“111 50 25 weal,. he lm,,, ■■
yi t w Y■j . i...■ Pine
,Jwy. /j., + -■,yrs}
siderite.... ..Y.„....,i.a Od ` YW♦..i,.,, •,..r .r{ -,i.... O • Pine and ed
Alfafr $.l EZD I alts. ••••••.l.Wild,
• SO 1.[' y
VY ,Rt Y,iY.,i.. i,
R (,`rt ,., 5 ' ► eblift ift,1 tllNr t', titHI-
YiY,.«..i..v ...,.Y1 1Pate 2+i1 tar nearly ttrattlti +ttlrs this oil;tmahi LES! i[.
+v'” fVtir ttsratl r I011t.r,.iw...Y,..... ' 11 mstlsdittti .,,s bun la QrX'tf” toast for the
r5rd6Mlattktthe leis» el titYtlliilhr"N1f
( 11..jjtt,,, yy, A j/ F ck op?' hostis................ 10 encs el C i#t _ , B nobilie,' Girona, +"'Attib++w p o'napt rikalloh
w.4+,,1... ..1.1 ,41V 50 i vv Ellal. A --.ia..,.. ...
iVhca i Csan b, wwiof *toe and Immo. *t' Stay**, Headi'it ii tel , PAT:WON. `” ""w
lit” 0 MNgi IAO 11-0-411W Pl ra, These l r its Vieille ]reen itn nrd it ' i , a
W'lY`.wh,•Y..4. .•.i 00 ;50 Bask*, of Batter, in roll's td rh kltlsirfiare llttwt 'illtc,u"r Cif Cedar Posts, .
v Itrtttatr err, t
ipbwrta• or pt 1. 1.6, a .relit! then
wild tlirt)r iii diad gat 'roof
,1,".,41 0lQ) trwr'rtr Eger ' k7► ilW
nghum Ontario
M. W. C. MEYER, Q. C. t E. L tr10111NsoN, H. Pa
.lair ors forERS BankNo Hamilton, Otimmoissionere !o
taking affidavits for Manitoba, Perin, Town and
Village property bought and sold- Money .(private
funds) loaned on mortgage security at 5 e gen
Money invested for private persons, upon the bet
mortgage securities 'without any expense to the
lehder. Lands Por sale to Manitoba and the North.. -
Office—Renee Block. Winghanm.
1NTISTRTi.-3 $.311n013E,11't.Monav,
Il manufacturing Celluloid Plante
Vulcanite plates of the hestmateria ` -
as cheap'' as they eons be got in the
Dodd/lion, All work warranted.,
extraction teeth, the only sate anstered esthetic kr the nows .
TAxtt Notic ,..I will extract teeth for 25 0Gntla
OFFICE: 1n the Beaver Black, opposite the
-Brunswick Hotel.
DENTISTRY --W. 441.5141 'i31/Ndti}711, ti ttrorrate,.
'JOHN :iTflntE,,
miaow. o # 11
meln4slso AtietiO tib. ll 44'35 Tag CoUwri er
All orders lett it *helots* office pciospti11 et etiA
ed to, fermi retteo,piaiw,
JAMES IitiNDE)tacllr,
IdbmioiD Ammo,tsrtit Poli Ceinti3** Solos
All rile, attended tit snoopily end/es the Shone..
Charges li t sdrrate ati38xtisf wino,., n1►rl tsioil.
two'Alsoon* mitisiOnteste cltt, be.114*11 at >
Wh mtul. OKP
P. L. dr 43. tY 8wPriroii. 4$* WI* ttt;}ii
3.ttt OWri, •iasis. WI44t 111 A .
Odes t Ct
41,F44; 4144,40•44
iwiarBlli tlamts'as;
'w * - i
v .went
T . aryr of ativertieing,
:withovQ s humartl, Ttu' mom
was early appreciate,. ft4 atilet
04444 Om hlN1seiyi ,.!hitt tt
si vertisentente tiniibti• tit 1821
O;tatdef stmeUnc.4l
Notice is hire, by given, the
k'efititl of %alden (on get ou
the h+okwnrd.IQse oi'the hareem
not 41100* hiptfeif, nor Any. t
tetnentir, •thlrrtlt. Uth nit SAUL
in 1781 the feiiowing 11 64 1
up in Dublin;
This is errtify that 1, .Doi(
.p'tannsghan, sin not the person
Walt tetrad and featheredbir the
tv Mob on Tuesday kat, and
'eeadw to give an one 2
y 0 0 gtrnie
any one who will tray me 50, it
am the other man who goes' by
Two itbocrnakelrs were keen t
One bung up the tion z Mena (1
Reath. The Wier was tempoi
puzzled, but soon had a sign up
and it bore the Words' z Men',
'Women's Conseia Recti may be
tined, here. A photographer
out the announceMent; The At,
Photography, and' a rival improv
it with Photography in the 131'.
In these days, when nobody
intelligently aims at building
great and Iuierative trade can
to undervalue the benefit of adv
!IQ' ing, sueh absurdities are rare,
' seekers after novelties, devot
fashion, shrewd, a onomicel bu
*11 who have wants Tread the
tieing columna of . Tan Thins
matter of business, and men of
3aess tsct and shill profit by this
le (ge, and by keeping their o
1r lore the public turn the 9tr
buyers to their shops, The
merchants informs the public o
belies to sell: I)o so through
The American geaans.
The result o
f thecKnsus of l
been generally disappointing to
Cans. An increase of 14,000,
ten years is certainly large, b
preoentage of increase, as the.
-ng table shows, is smaller 1
ty previous d4ewtle, with one
1790 to 1800
1800 to 1810 ,.;,.....
1810 to 1820
1820 to. 1880....... .........
1830 to :840. '
1840 to 1850 :,,,t. , ..,.....
1850 to 1860 .,
1860 to 1870
1870 to 1880 ...............
1880 to 1890
The low rate of ineresise
1860 and 1870 is easily aecou
by the Civ}( War, which not at
'hundreds' of thousands, but pr
marriages and checked inimi
No such reason can be assigi
the slow growth of tile last to
` The immigration of that peri
6,500,00, or double that of Eh
1870 80 yet the rate of inere
Considerably less. As there
pereiptible exodus :from the
States, the cause is probably
. by The .,Cbicag*,Tribune, nan
dirxlinislling rate of natural
- There is int surceasing teas,.
.defer marriage until late iii li
remain single; and families' a
ting smaller.
Ota one occasion, When
00n, of Irvine, still tt you
preai1iliaig from home, the chi
crowded, even the aisles 041
stairs beiug'oceupiell. Aso;
the plrlpit without gown or 1
found an old woman sittif
topmost step. She was very
to make way for him. She
imagine : that he tvtis the
Whose fame luta attretted s
Atertii 1,'0,;1+,, but, yielding to
lute pttrpotio, .t audibly bauti
t'Lnddie,. hvltlie, ye mann
there. Die ye no' ken
sint4 4'