HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-12, Page 4i'
.i,e , ;et e so.
, r W1t1teQll
ik ae ne than great near i a c ref' Wilier,
;;e by Ileac Y!:' Y.I_t ,e+ e u ,,bo ,145...
dolt a °d p 1 , p „ Leer +qt,4 e:nd i` a
dnhlt "•t lt. t.P t:n Ain. ;il '/...:..,..-3Ya ,:al.nW tt::.
selected reties of its (imagoes; eta At • r
ioautitle was initssyndicatee,itiec n'le-tetteit the w'itagmid ltrurauU(:ust
nee "lea tea at all points watt .he country. `Ivillage
Affil ,'elan rayatene; and at. this reor'+ta),t : ttfal appeara.abeevery
,eeesuieg, bei g
it i$ ea. anxious applicant for bonding lit up In tele style, F
privileges through the State of Maine dray goods store, We are almost up
Protectionism, whatever it may be tee to Witig4 it with
its else trian,ia li Mrt.
a fiscal system, is .a policy of political -• fur enterprising
a 'TIO d Y ACE tilt. cornu thou and of itttenational hatred. Beaton, bets started the butchering
C. P. Yi<ea �
at*aLttl, and Pp
its t;.re,,Ldent: tett .3 t1' t. ,t:i.h sa, Ve ,.l1e,Gt wok!
are e%etent;. au Atreerma Y leakh.jteet 5., ! lk' aa%et shirt'; )',+e..
t „-,.�e.. ,is'•eitliaC.11taal4tha y Cp
Attend the Fall Fairs•
will amply the
best of beef on dose sbortest notice.
•.. r a Laaid —A cattle dealer from Fergus shipped
1`he time of the year is neat t two ear loads of export catttle•trom here
for the fall fairs end every fernier last week.—Mr. Chas. Gitleeppie goes
should prepare to assist iu making the frequently to 3`uronto with .car loads
exhibit of his borne agricultural ptkeiety of butcher's cattle, Our local o •tile
a success. The Cermet from the very
Upo. Brunswick Nouse,
Wll7t,�h m, - - Ont
t 'APse� A°
ij•l) a S H i7 1?
!4 ►' nd i a i iw. A,S.�r `N
I r is generally conceded that Mr, .
Joni. Dryden, 'of South Ontario, is to
be the new Minister of Agriculture.
Tran Bank of Hamilton have issued
$2$(,0;}0 of new stools, This stock
has Bert" issued and will be allotted
to the shareltolclers in the proportion
'of . one bhare to four on Sept.. 30•
The price has aeon fixed at $145 a
Ae Osgo- de Hall ou Saturday judg-
ment was given in favor of the Ate
torney-General of Ontario and against
the Attorney -General of Canada iu a
test action to declare ultra vires an
`cat respecting the. executive atln inis-
trade+re of the laws of the Province
'which relate to the power of pardon of -
The Anueaattoxt Cry,
" •� In a speech at i'tl"iagara,lately, Prof.
Goldwin Smith, who is an advocate
of Commercial Union with the United
States, said on this question: "At-
teu'pts are madis to browbeat and gag.
us ou the question of commercial un -
cion by asserting that commercial union
Carries with it aniiexation, and by
branding its advocates with disloyalty
and, treason. I am not' a statesman
nor bound by the necessities of state
'; h 1- sometimes etimes com el the
craft'tvh1, may o
y P
. silent
p'�ltioian to be si .ut or to
1. and therefore I never shrink from
tenting as an honest citizen to other
Ihonest citizens hey real convictions on
any subject. It is. my, belief that the
time wilt some when the English.'
speaking inhabitants of this continent
will be again one people. One people
they were in former slays till an un-
lsappyquarrel .dividNrl thein, and one
-people, as I belieyee, iu course of time
;they wit' be wean, All the great for -
ices, social and economical, have ap.
pearerl ;to'tzle'during the twenty years
ttvhic la r have spent ill this country;`to
e operating in that. direction. That
frankly avow this conviction is the
purest pledge that I am not engaged
endeavoring to bring about the re-"
anti which as an observer I think I..
foresee by any indirect or eiatldestine
deans. But why should commercial
.itercourse with our neighbors, how -
,ver unresttleted and profitable, new
essarly bring "about political unioul
;;annot you bey of a woman without:
tarrying her? I)id the large measure
reciprocity which we once enjoyed
in aborta annexation or show any
decoy in that direction? Did it
rather net the other way by realise
ng our people with the existing po
at institutions? Why, then,
Ovid satin larger', measure or even
estrieted reciprocity bring about
draecded result": What sorb of a
rrnatlit3 would that be which de-
ed for its existence ort a customs
:suppose we were eeuah'c►d to do
out customs duties, would
lee the death of our uationelityll
ahoftld commercial intercourse
ta:the Americans be more fatal to
ped itieal,`independence than social
time and £ntelieetualintt+r'botxrea
a,nnuial intereourtae or rattiway in-.
. each of which is eJert' day'
set Yott are actually mingling
Vinod wits Wirer sof a-eople from
ootxie>iael' l resrrrietiotlisats
leave you se 3,ealously keep a-
T #sere at* bail eve4 now to be
tl*atm 1,000,000' of Canadians
her side of the line. gem -
Yoe of Ti).
the other day, When one
see Meir hsen brandish -
why, free feller +sous
aft Ibet Canadian
It .wit! tft hat a begin
et fends l at ad5aa
dealers do a thriving business.
nature of his occupation frees enemy
The Good Teuaplare of this place
of the opportunities for observation are prcept rimy. Quite a number join
that are enjoyed by Teen of most ed the ;seer recently, after a lecture
other callings. His immore in mediate sure delivered byRev 11 . Waddeli. if many
roundinr;e. occupy most,ofnames as members we would advise
his time .,.. vicinity give
in trials
and attention and his days for remit,
lion and Yningling broudty with his
our hotel- kepeer to keep two or more
fellowmen are and far between.
cheap; and to sell milk instead of loaf
ty rFere, for eontporison yeah his own cud half.—sir. Thos. Fcund wasofiaer.
labor and that of others In the same ed $145 for his Revenge driving mare,
business, take advantage of it. The but would not accept that figure.
fairs offer an object lesson worthy of We are glad to know that Mr. Sam -
his study. 13e finds at theme an as uel Garton, who met with such a tern)
semblage of the best prbdecte of his lila accident about a year ago, is now
fellow laborers. He can there judge y g
by e;ompatison as to his own status in able to go to school. Ile fell from a
his business, If he Gads that, other; trete a distance of about flay -five feet
are outdoing him he is stimulated to and for n length of time suffered terri•
greater effort. He Ib led to inquire how lily fr,am broken litnt,a, but now aloe's
certain results are attained ; to seek nicely with the aid of one crutch,
information. that cannot fail to be of 11r. Steele, of Ripley, e,me tri our
advantage to him when he returns to vil.a.ge the other day, rand after a short
his round of toil. His wife, who but very important ceremony in one
should accompany ltiln, also finds of our homes, started for Toronto on a
strong conhpt-triun in her line of bridal tour. Whitechurch has no
duties and learns secrets veeluable to. Miss Beaton now.
her in the kitchen, dairy and parlor,
cows which might now be got very
#ie ehou:lel, therefore, when opportune
Time apent'tit the fair will be well Lestowel•
spent, be it one day or mora. The Me. J. Wlhoatley, the pro fessional
ideas will be brightened tip by can crielwter who has been engaged
tat with otbei,s. The spirit of emu- th>`tuah the past season as groandbn)an
latiou will be aroused and you will go aud instructor by the Listowel Cricket
houta feeling Hutt ` what others power.
3 o�r. Chub, lies removed to \Vinghatn,
accou)plish is alio in your p w where he been engaged by the club of
What you see at the fair will also give that town to give instructions in this
you new zest for your calling, and yea noblest of all .but -floor recreations. Mr
will go back to the deity realise' of
labor with a chee rfeluess and deter-
mination not measurable in the.dollars
and cents by whioh profits•ate sordidly
reckoned. Goto the exhibition with
note book ani pencil' and jot down the
items of information that you think
value `, t0 Qu.
will prove of especialy,
Exhibitors are as -a rule ,willing to
diecass"nmet`hod by which they have
.achieved success, aiid tt.e itenee you
can thus glean will reoompense you
twice over for time and expense, to
say nothing of the enjoyment you
will gain for your outings. Yes, go
to the fairs by all enema, even if some
thing had toile left undone at Borne
that you feel ought to be done. Lilt
the greater advantage have precedence
over the: lesser:
Tho cofticil mat' on , grist 20th,
1890,in `township !tall, Gorrie,pursuent:
to adjournment. Members present ;
Messrs Dulthage, Graham- and Robert-
son, Moved by Mr, Graham, second-
ed by Mr. 1tobertsoa that Mr. Dul-
maga take the chiiir—Carried. Mr.
1)ula:ago took the chair. Minutes of
last meeting and special meeting read
and approved. Moved by Mr. Gra-
ham, seconded by Mr. Roberttbin, that
the clerk and Mr. Robertson shake out
the di f`erent proportions each party.
are to clean out of 'Hyslop'.s Govern-
mel)#,' drain and reeeive $4 for same
--Carried. Acaonees 1:":9.ssnin-�J.
Stewart, $16.90 ; 0 Baylor, $1,50,
gravel; .'i1Ks. Lotter $8.23,. ,gravel;:
R Day, ' $6.49, . gravel ; Jno Under',
wood, $3,40, gravel and repairs; I:4
Wiley, $11i, graveling,lots 6 and 6,con.,
10 ; P Keteting, $2, for ditch cane 12
lot 3; 3no Cools, $1,50, for: repairs on.
lots 20 and 21, con. 14; Nin' Mc-
1ierchy, $1.92, gravel; J W L'erlt}tib,
$14, for snit, shirts, boots,. etc., for' F.
I3irtth. Moved .by Mr. Robertson,
seconded by. Mr. Graham, that Moe c tunoil t o adjourn to meet its Mo•
M.irtti's hotel, Newbridge, the Ord
Wednesday in Seepthuaber.—Carried.
Wet. DAN, Gterh..
i3 ore.
The Poetasters auniversar sermon,
on Smedley last, was largely attended.
There were risitiaig brethree feotn
Wingbatrt, Gorria, Teeswater and
other pointe. The sermon was a pointed
and pratical Ono, and Wag pretdhed try
the Frey. A "�•, Hartley, of B1t1'evaale,
a Weanl'rr of the Itorestore. •
The ,barn cf Move . naris; 'eon 0,
Me hoop tawnetip, were lately
to tidy dtt .1tre. ' rackrerisi
w . mit � � at<tfai•itci tot a 1101(i1loVi41.10$ 11
Wheatley while here proved himself to
be not only.a professional cricketer of opponents, Tbe game started about
a veryhigh .Order, but 'a' thorough four o'clock Mona Forest took their
kick off and after quite a bit of Shoot-
ing oil the Durban], goal they succeed-
ed at length in making a a>ora.
The bah wile immediately ticked
b •the Durham hos and
off againy boys,
some very sharp playing on both
sides. The Durham boys succeeded in
getting the ball past the Mt, :Forest
backs, but it was quickly returned by
the goal keeper:, Wm,Hartiey, who is
attending model here. The Durham
boys never got another Chance on the
Mount Forest goal,:as tuey found it
took them all their time to defend
their own goal, which they done very
scientifically; so much so that there
were do more pale scored, and when
time was tailed the score stood one to
notliillg in favor of Mount Forest.
leP?li"+elea• Tut' eriev
a ent 'et•'' at 'he residence With a se ild'eee.: .r ltue WY Xltive 0
t r viae '+ea: altafair, ire. eiiia' Trinity oiler !' Vete ret e+•°'e• �` 'il Mee, t oott, t
i t the :eve. Her so ,
t '. uinhor of,. peop.e #from Mr. Ge ►a . , the I lth uonried \.
a. + amounted ire Sion. itite.et tt : ay arid vigorous
j i,.•. ,, e, �....n�,
country ase t?',1 k ,
the •:tela aied the ennui tee of int£.h(;t. elves ' • .!. tiiir altars of
ttul,e> e,. moist did all iu thole power to lies memory- elm to Most tone-,
snake moil enjoy thenesetves, by pro• pious wane. a.,, i.a; lily, hailed from
vidieg tames cif verinus 1cit141a. After Atwell, e. s,w1,,u" hi the bourn of Soot -
tee, wars served, .tl a-pleudid progrurnuuc lana: ; and it ehu the writer of this -
of vocal and instrtltueutal mens"; was fleeting puragrtaph et. a r,rlel of. good ,o
rendered. .l'11fe popular vocalists, taotapa notes on Aphtha, with its.
Messrs, 11'1cClotlend and Mchtill gave 'worthies, seatericer;• mei otherwitro, 1.tt
several songs, end each time had to not maecRICen, they lett Searbornngtt
respond co au encore, Messrs Davids, Omega the saws true as re+iative's et,
13iruey toed Anderson, with their violin outs, anti for upward, of thirty ya:ara
se't.ctieerie, and the Mi•aes Anderson tee deee,,,ed and leer effete,* have.
and Stewart with instrumental mush; hewn residents of 1`:trnb•erry. In me
. on the organ, were deteervedly applaud- own case there lea 144114 uaclescrkhable
cad, '1'1le last number on the programme �` wane the limits .ef a ncfvspctpar•
was a farce, entitled., "The Divorce., " paragraph Her serrv)riu rolativee
which was welt acted by :Messrs. Hare hfl'' the sine',�r1 anal unse"iutrd s me
risou, Scott, Falls ut,d Bennett. A pithy of the subscriber,
good sutu was a't alizt d, and every one .
W. Lhruaow.
west home well eataetied with the
°wining party
Mr. S. 1) Wtellevuod, Wingham, oo- Rev Mr •S0'i.ulon, wife and family,.
cupied the pulpit in the Method:st nee spending. the week i t Mr William
church on Sunday eveninglast, in the sinews, birs Seanion's father.—The,
absence of Rev, Mr. Godfrey.—A fete briar work of thea new Methedist}
from here went to Luckuow games, church is done. and loners excellent
others tool; in the Illyth Catholic pia- the eirrteneys and hetet gable aro time
uio, oat Wednesday last. --Mr, \Way's piece of work and the whe,le r;fiect.s
new residerice is now completed e.ud much credit upon the voile;manehipand,
Mr. \fray is now furnishing it, it, skill or the Pagh Bats —Another build•
readiness to move ' in.—Young Bros. 'ug is. being put up this week, a stable
unloaded a new steanx engine at Wife t1p0U tlhe Parsonage lot.—Mr Robert.
station on !Monthly evening, which 11Iu,gro-ie left on Tuesday to spend a
they purchased from White Bros , few days in Toronto and to visit the
Lundor.:—J. M. and Dr, Gudfrey ra exhibition,—Mr. James Pugh bought
turned from their trip to"Owen bound, from Mr, Archie Patterson his house
and are looking quite vigorous after and lot, rind moved therein.—Eddie
their cruise around the north shore.— Coultee left taut week for the model
J S alteKinnou, Blyth, was calling en school,Godertele_ttrs, ietev.)weneein;
friends here this week. --Rev R and rrturuod on Feeley from her 'three
Mrs. Godfrey, along with their dun; h- weeks visit. to Grimsby Park and tou-
ter Katie, have t'aken a trip to Quebec. don, and resumed her Bible class on
.—Mr. John MQCoanmies, our tailor, Sunday morning —Mr. Tater Fowler
is on the sick list this week, also,Miss sold a team of horses for $320. Good:
Sarah Walsh is confined to bed. horses still bring good pribee.
Yount Forest. Gonne.
A very interesting game of foot
ball was played on the Mount Forest A. good germs, of baseball was played.:
'horticultural grounds, on Friday, Sep- hare, Tuesday last, between Brussels
rewber the 5111. The coutestiug Mulls and the Unions, resu,ting in favor af--
were Durham and Mount Forest. the Unions by a score of.5 to 3. i3oth
:The game was a close ono, , as both are teams put up an , oxce.leret gams, Mr
ilist class teams, but •ltrlouut Form Jno Shaw umpired to the satisfaction.
boys proved to he too many for their of both sides. Score by innings ;
Brussels 0 0 0 0 0 1 1:1 .0.3
Unions 1,0 1 0.0 0 0.8 0-6.
Batteries, Gre var arid Hart ; Mce
Laughlin and Sanderson.,
Mr, Alf Williams, of.Seafortla, is,,
visiting his parents here at present —
Quite a number of ferniFreare through
harvesting and report drops good.—
Mr lfdward Phair, of the 4th con, who
has been a widower fora, great niany
years, was married last week to Mrs
Beswitberiek, sister of the reeve of ••
Ho�vicir.—Mr S T Fennell is at Toes,
ronto this week atteudieg the-Photo•-
graphere' Convention halt" there,
ra'iee£ebs tq, eveli rtigtt".u1,
gentleman of the old English type.
During the visit of the Winnipeg teen]
to this town`;Mr. Wheatley et skilfully
i 'resist the
`s o
willow a
wielded the a l w t
bowling of the . Winnipegers - and go
through a whole iuuiiigs without being
put out, and on several occasions ran
up a score into the forties. He is a
fico, good-natured fe"lliw, and tee feel
sure the Winham boys;will use him
,volt.—.alr.RUbert Martin was appoint-
ed treasurer. for the balance of the year
by the Town Council at its last reu-
niter meeting,—Mr. W. R. Sxiieer. who
has been head miller for Hay Bros, for
the past three or four, years, goes to
Brandon, Manitoba, this week, where
he has received a situation as head
miller at a salary of $1,000 per'year.
—Rev. ,T.F'.Parke,the newly appointed
pastor of Christ church here, - is eke
pected to take charge of the services
of that church on Sunday next.
Miss Clara Rothwell, the leading so•
prano singer of the Methodist ehufoh
chair, left for the ;Toronto;^ Conserva-
tory of Musie on Wednesday. -Tile
firm of Hay Bros. have tnede arrange-
ments for the handling of,large quail;
tites of grain this season: Besides
their two large elevators • here they
have fitted Ramie in Mooefield capa-
ble of storing 190,000 bushels, They
are also running elevators at Mildtnay,
Eden Grove and Pinkerton station.
They expect to handle about 150,000
h s barley before the new Ameri-
canel b y
can duty comes late feree; -peva L
Campbell preached to a -large congte•
gatwon on Sunday evening, it being
the anniversary of the 1. 0. O. I+'., of
which he is a tnepiiter.—"Mr. A. B. Me
Oalltirnt 1b1. Al"for years head waster
of that High School,hereeetad vrh.o hasr
been stndy:fig law in Toronto for
some time, hats tectal hie % xamination
for 13arrister. .a1:. • J3+e litany friends
in Listowel and vicinity will he pleas. •
eat to bear of leis success.• --4t hat re-
ported that 11 i. - Peter Lillioo a wtll
shortly start a private bank • in Beane
den, aiawtobaa.
411aat O.ttwano>sh.
Mts. C. Anderson, of 'Whitechurch,
id visiting friends ext end around Westa tt�+t ra,itsns'tvl"-evth',>tr t1fetawtnl or spiel&tail
fit+ld. lrse. Alex.trbtr inti rr uvet +.
fag heft ti severe illness.•• --Quito f.e 5 ak'tifis.tef ee n ih ta+gf'ftraotr`r Which wee*
g 'rAl�l��f l�tidly ttti�onittilYttiah, pctlirtinu';. �'x d " l 1911 d
nuaubwr frerrz tlii+k It 'wl'i r•. �i►tet'del,et5ttb�•tavwi•I•t•thit r<, Mitts. Tb t tlhGt.
the Iatvn a7ckuial at altl'L'.. ffi. �lefairdy barrel of dour, hind hereafter to put'
#arrisf, an .l pdnaf3ds�p . even" -s o .` dish ebnrch', of tliia place, fans lair in 98', pound fluor ip hog instead of 1000
la+it �etrli wan. d 1 ► e i `frP kctfl aid Pwi'tltt<n at#. walitat pelts% for the luot+l trade of ttroaerts.
first En nay at "•.: ;heal ''ti'ea1p Mall y *P11'Pl, k $.oeil• •del ars wtad retail trade frompour
. m t a .:t''kd 11f11 , ,V�la 1 l> W ,1 1M•-RPORW''rmfmc iv to id chargee to oome:i_"e rrr .
• �- < f .ere tl\;d n�$t doe ,by,_a creat of tiara 01 -,a
Mr, and. Mr. Reddeway, of New
Hambnrg, are visiting friends .bore.
---Mr.Curry and Miss 'S.Bentley spent
Sunday with friend's its Blyth.. Eli
Bollrspent Sunday in Wawonasli. No
doubt Eli had a splendid time with
his best girl, as he wears a broad smile
this week,—Arthur, soil of William
Mae1 enzie, Postulator. who has been
sick with inflatnmetionofthe Iurigs,has
now almost recovered. -=•Word. has
been r'eeeived by his family, that.
John Green, Sr., who lees apAnt the
last five years in Aitscr„int ►e.ttt 11Tew
Zealand, is on his wayy how. He i,'
Pamela so hat
a T1 r.
returudiig by Way f p .
be May have a chance to visit friends
in •Auld Sdotin.—Soauei of the people
around herb intend going to the Toros•
to .Eithibit1on next wetit.. —11r, and
Ws.. Jas, Grieve. of ,Morrnington,
were. the guests of Mr.. and Mrs.
Campbell, Tuesday.last.
Ittev: A Stevenson returned from'his;
three ntontb's vacation trip to the Old'
Country, on Thursday, the 4th inet,
'tin headquarters were tr`t. Gear gow,yet
he spent some time in Edinburgh
and ttbta a couple of nooks in London,
visiting hie hrotlher. ter 11r Mks.
Natilt, ofttiokttaw, occupied than pill -
pit during his 'absenote 'itlleu'gh `te
physical snfi`erer, 1frblacNabb showed
Hu ran 'temp!
Walter Smith, of Brussels, has &,
anntilower stalk growing in has garden
that aneast,res twelve feet in height)..
There are 25 "lowers one it.
13russela is to have electric light
shortly, it is to be the Ball aro light
with nominal 1000 candle pow®r each
providing thirty five consumers can be
It is stated that Z E.Livingstone,
of Blyth, has been offered $3,000 for
his trotting horse, "Dr Livingstone, ”:
which distinguished' himself at 011ntoni
Seaforth and l\Iiechell races lately. '
At the Oaledonian Games in gin=
neapolis last week, Mr W D Stesliarti
son of Mr Altrxandtr Stewart, of,Sei-
forth, won a fifty 'dollar gold Medal
fctr a hundred yard foot race, and a
S it silver modal for a hurdle race.
Seaforth Methodist Sabbath Shut
teachers and ;hears tiresented Mr ,W
br Gray with a kindly 'worded address
iately on hes return frcnh Europe. Mr ,
Gray held the position' of attperinten- .
dent of the school foryears,with honor
to the school and orbait is himself,,
Vies of the 4ehaofer estate,
eotnpriaing 500 - acres' of farm Mali
timber lands in Grey township, toast -
place on Wednesday. Four of , the
100,.aere lots realized $8,00.,$3,100*
$1,700 and $950 respectively,, being
,hereof of.$8,8G0, or $1,:160 mop thaw,.
tire reserve bid on the 500 aores,,
At the annual meeting of: the M11-:
"visa" AssoSiatloii of the oounties of `
Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce and
North Wellington, held at Lisle wet e
lately, the rollowin,t resolution, after
a very warts. dttteussion, was ;anted,.;
Theta we, the l:nilters of the apaocta•, , "
two, agree hereafter to adopt the re
e5tegtt a tvelg ht ofpounds s "as it.
celtoufim .' 1\tc4tland,
The J;r.�"riab +e ere t . t. at tt>� iugliem
e fret ijeei` t}trt. to t}!t be
1 a ertt;e
r. u�ati. ; ,rev. A. 4uKay was a
pelmet . Mouse tt*!.•, f talc. g.idez
cnmmiaetaua were t-eoeived, Seed
tr urad were r;.M(,ivecl *urn iaiuleawor
Huron. Aalafiutcl, Ripley, Chaltetet
,,1'Kinctitdine tot,wnsliip, Oon*u itte
were appointed, to examine the
reoortl4,,tt)t4 reported them eat'eful
and uurt'et.y kepla. They were f
tested in muertdtttide with the repos
Lev. Mr. Gnllabher, was invited to e
as eorrespoudint member, Mr, Rol
F. Cameron, of c;reenliroolt, applied
be certified as •acandidate, 'with
• view to study for the rnutastry.
committee Was appointed to cant
with err. Cameron, who reports
,f worably, and the Clerk was irtstrut
''IV to certify thew ill a000tdauce wi
-fides" report. The Rev. Mr. I-lowit
resignation was coineidered. A col
xnuuictt.tion trout, Mr 1 -Howie, regardit
his abaaf•tice:, was reed. lar, Getty;
Crooks appeared as cuenneissioner fro
the eongregatie+n and presented a res
lutiou of the c:ottgregation, expreseit
high apltreuiatton, of Mr, Howie
ministerial scrvioes, cud strong attacl
tnent to their pabtur,. Mr Strada]
also c3poke in similar terms of M
Howie, After several members he
,poken, it was agreed thiit the resign
tion bra accepted, and that it take eff
on the last tisbbathm of this ntontl
Itir Melanin) was appointed. to preac
til Knox, Church, Brussels, on 11
first Sabbath in Outober and declal
idia charge: vacant. Mr. Forrest vii
appointed interim Moderator of Se
cion, The pulpit supply was left i
the hands of the Session till Decen
her • The Presbytery refereed to app
•the ProbationersCommittee 1
sdpply the charge in December. M
Forrest was instructed to comniunical
with Probationers' Committee anal
supply. Mr Harris' resignation havir
been ;tempted, Mr McLennan was al
pointed Moderator, Mr Sutherlant
Convener` of Committee, reported r
warding the "manner in whish ti:
Presbe eritil Visitation scheme migl
be woe at, The report vias reoeivet
and aftter some discussion, it wt;
agreed to defer further consideratic
till next meeting. Mr Hartley gay
notion of. motion to reconsider til
neewiou peased at last meeting regale
ing Presbyterial' Visitation.' I1r M
tontine withdrew his Motion to chant
the system of ,appointing Cozisrnissiol
ere to the General Assembly. It wt
'agreed to hold a Presbyterial Sabbet
S;booI Oa ve iiun in
Vt 1,lla
n+ o
the last Tuesday and Wednesday i
.(,a��..�,,t�ober. Mr . McLennan and Mr
M;313ain were ti oiteted to audit th
Lreas rer's bow, .s and report to td)
next ireleting, Tbe Presbytery agree
to apply to the Home Mtaaion Con
mittee, for $a00 fur Dungannon au
Port Albert, as suppleineatto etipeu
for this year, and reaffirmed the
-application of last March in behalf c
Belgrave, Laugside and Pine 'Rive;
Sessions were enjoined to make a
"tirnugenients for holdine tnissttnar
r eetings, and report at the Marc
meeting: The Clerk was iustructe
to make •out ati estimate of th
aa,mount each con; regatiou is expecte
-to contribute for the Schemes of th
Church, en the basis of families. ti
-.Jahn N liueebtel, a member of lino
'Church, Brussels, applied to be recoil
ed as a lay catechist, A comrntttee
'consisting of Messrs McQuarrie,FJutl
erlaud, McDonald and Geddes, ws
'appointed to eoufetr with Mr, Ktiochta
'aud report to• next meeting. Messz
lerland and \ieQueen and the.
X'resbytery Bidets were appointed
,copnnittee to consider the. remit o
deceased wife's sister and report 1
next meeting. Me:;srs. McQuarri,
` 14artley,and their Presbytery Eldei
were appointed to considere the rem
on regulations, regarding aged and it.
firm rijiater'
s fund and
d report
'meeting. Next meeting tobeheld t
Winglhunt,, 9th, Dec..
-lee J.14Lt,tsillti u,
'Pres. Clerk..
A. very, serious accident betel tb
eon of Mr. James Steevensotr, of thi
Owe, last Saturehey. The little follow
Wale attempting to chubon to a tan
partly filled with watetr,•hitched thin
ti threshing Machiu&whithh was eleav
i`pg his Bather's premises, and tnisse
Sets hold and ?fell, the .tank, paullr,
nets his body. Mod:•tta:l aid WAS a
e jiiietiuonetit, but little hope i
lined of his recon .---ItI s
Sate er i
e O'Connor 'lit returned fres
alt, looking muck the bettor n
tl sojourn in the land of the :iter
Stripes—The travel, of the lax
o; • rnad mtaat be very hard on fee
iif;vee matyq jucige, ray the ntttnbe
tr 'at wlha atrp o•tsdignd to vizi