HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-12, Page 3nt 1'0E014, fillet
' ,,1 flier..
R e e"fi . se that
lets Olt ;intimel. bei
i.r. '
the fail of the Berle,
mod to MlAm ,before
ed 'word for weal
ite the worst part of
aid; ''mils. .
Abe officer went on, in
anonl! voice, dint het
nat the dog was fglle,W.
nearly reached the:
f Bond et , and that
tring to its oiler and
—..-,beak to its home 1
and a look of intense
'red on his face. Thep
►cruse his mind. which
indden thrill, oE' jby, Was
e had mistaken the whole
ant's evidence? Was It.
vas going to be made, not
:fermi serape?
.er walking in the direct.
7 the magistrate sited.
terrible suspense for the
it came, be maw • that b
la daring to look sow f
the widow, be read ilDeiier
tender admiratioJfrwhioh
rked there before.
ergeant admit ed, reluot-
ave comma seated with
iotas fariut she is connect.
lei eon/firma'8
"the prisener
suedjust after ship Dick 1
•e, no otearreinembrance.
un of;delightfful relief i ,. He
fat the magistrate said :
be pissed on him for re-
s glided off him like water
sok, Indeed, he paidhis
lands and costs without•be•
acinus of it, and lett t e
seal in a soft of whirl.
found Constance Herbs t-
im, accompanied by Fido,
ie nose was now thrust into
n her eyes, as she pressed
i the hand, and asked him
with her in her brougham.
readily,and they were soon
y, side by side, in the
urzon st. a
pray l she exclaimed, as
ong, you have behaved
tear Fide 1. 1 shall never
you have indergone for
e. fond you,i, are of flim,
ick, and cotiidntt think ofd,
t by that rough brute of M.
d of you she cried, Do
all --1'm almost ashamed
It—.but— y.
enquired heeding over
.er hand, all' regardless of
snaps of the muzzled
bought, sbe murmured,
eyes, that you must have
Fido on purpose and—
e interposed, using her
tine in Ills agitation. How
oh, how could •you think
of mei
, was eery horrid ,•of me l
:d, and 1 ark very sorry, I'
)ick, but !.
nonent something occurred
geed further a peel) on Mrs,
art impossil, We will
itter short by stating that
alighted at C :eon at. they
Trnruper .ling good re+aaoli
led with the result of the
a few days lator,bo receiv-
ausly through" the post a
50; and so, indeed, bad
y himself, who is now mar -
lite adores his pretty little 4 ,
has no seorota from her ex- •
and as often as he thinks of
irhich he ages every time
a at hiin,l►is meaner toward
grows espeeially tender,end
his eters thet dogs call tell
-(London Tmgh.
►s•eoraticn Dr. O'Connor as
London wit take place in
The gifts p the, reverned
1 will aggregate thousands of .
catching cn1d, many plana have „t
sated. ''1'roba.,iy it one never•
'lora or did anything tui of the
tie (4 w aria bsfree from.
.ie irilment s that flesh it heir t0.,
not a satf 's*etey r+cbztiou of the ' ,
Noel., mn:et la EL recreation and
AuC1 h ,uently cath cold to
tnf tt k: it from. Wttd('rfnarry'
C i'*4i or rota in the shortest
ty its tonic its,
ail;r iv, worsts the erten) tat
.f •ue. 1•. la by all se'a'ls, i Il.
. V.•a.'v.
.' .w.,w.+.nM,.,,.rwwA-,''.,..• }11 :skit=iat'ctlted ft ;t• tll'i.• 1;i,4 Lair
IOW Ile c:.: e, to ° hv:c,►r .o£#".," wlilelt w►11 lae itt'1d,utt'si It 1711,• pleb,:
Ar .wuil'f;'lruttfi with yo t to day, acid 16tlf,.�•'.l'lee t;' k< l.l'.:aitt►ibit 4'4'
boy.'s;•t;ti,id. a buutuuor to i,evf.i cil" ot�tY'- also bti'iY 8et:4r8'al':Wlfltie Wilt blt,uuv Oi
pailious,'as 'they situ• tlo,dn 1i1 the thct' liriue iprtl features uk ,:,►r aim.) w.•.r'-
awoltiu;; car ttutl p:itdsit+d' tris bath: 'Trio 1iig1. u.id l;uutuwtt settauls. opened
rl.'hd fact o}l:
—I've swoilY is buys t hu,vo'tlttit drinking last w.eetlx wltlt. a ;goydl utteud4iuee of
' �'.' - Els was l;t'ertl d d ,k+utrtls,• Nu 4Siittu�,I 114"114"J:i 1'3.n,p1t ,o
With situate of iaughttr by the jolly
vrokvd tttrutti►d hien. Tliey pot ' toe
bottle under his nous Mid'luduige:d in
many jokes at his expeube, `but he re-
fused to drink, and. was rather Serious
about it. ' What's the watter with
*yen', oldboi'? sari; out une, If you've
quit drinking, t:ouiethiug's up tell us
what it is. Well, buys, I will, though
"r'`I know you'll laugh at ine. But I'll
. '"P a11'yen alt tits Stafne. I have lfeou a
drinking mail all my life, ever since I
was ixiarried, as you all know; I love
whiskey—it's as sweet in toy mouth
as sugar—and God only knows now
I'll quit it. For seven years nut a day
passed over uty head thaw I didn't have
at least one drink. But I sin clone.
Teeterday I was in Chicago. Down
on South Clark 'street 'a customer of
mule keeps a pawn shop iu connection
with his other business. I culled, on
him, and while 1 was there a young
man of not more than 25, wearing
threadbare clothes, and looking as if
he hadn't seen a sober clay for a mouth
came in with a little paukage in his
hand. Trembiiug he unwrapped it,
and handedthe article 'to the pawn-
4siybruker, saying, give nee ten emits.
And, boys, whet do you think it was ?
4 pair of baby shoe+,little things with
the buttons only trifle soiled, as if
they had been worn only once or twice.
Where did you get 'these'? asked the
r 'pawnbroker. Got 'ern at home, re
plie the bran, who had an intelligent
''fa. and the mannerr of a gentleman,
despite his sad condition. • My -my
wilt bought them for our baby, Give
ale 10 ceuts for them, I want a drink,
You had better take the shoes buck to
your wife ;. the baby will need .thein,
said the pawnbroker, • No sashe won't,
because —because she's dead. She's
lying at home now—died last night.
As he said this the poor: fellow broke
'• down,bowed his head on the showcase
dud cried like a child. Boys, said the
bummer, you can laugh if you please,
but 1-1' hove a baby of my own at
hese, and I swear 1'11 never drink
of ther drop. Then he got up and
went into another car. His °maven-
'ions glanced et each other in silence ;
no one laughed,; the bottle disappear-
: ed, and soon each was sitting in a seat
by himself readlug a newspaper.—
'Chicago Herald.'
All Moe.
"clt:l, er'tutddre'&g»d, ''win) And
t'1lfinInft15%'a ili'rVWtlsw wes'.k:or as,xliituiat"
sell,whei . broken clown from ,OXO'se
or crvuraoi'lk, r"sultipg in, many of the.
following I,yiuptolns f Mental c epras
5iG1J, lao,Y'uture oldage, lose
vstility, loss et fucin.uty,"0bati (beams,
aliuliirus' of sight, pttlpitittion of the
heart, cu saion, lack of energy, pain
hi the kidneys, huudttke, pimples un
the face' or body, itching ur peo.uler
in tlte'teacbing stair ut eithlir uta• c"' setsisatiun about the sotolure., waisting
st;liopia for ;several tetrii8. -•J�, >:3k
,lliukel left Solite days ago fur Denver,
.Cul., where he lute pakten :the . editor,
ship of a dolly blerutan paper.—Jleebra
liid;l Bras. havea sin =fool their 0,4
etalliou Baron But Schild. This lies
hemi) a upted'thuroughbred hireefor a
long time in this part of North Perth.
—Bev, ,J, F. Parke.. has acuopted the
incumbency . of: Ulirist uburoli,
and will °eminence his duties.
early iu taoiltetnber.
A large fire euuiite was lately shipp-
ed to k'uriage la Prairie, Manitoba.-
Messrs Bartley Bros. have purchased
`of the organs; dizziness, specks before
the eyes, • twitching of. the muscles,.
eyelids. and elsewhere„ bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, lo,,s of will
power, tetidernes of ' the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby 'muscles, desire
to sleep, failure.to be r,"stccl by sleep,
oonstipatien, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excite,
bility of temper, sunken eyes sur•
rounded with ' enanett olltor,E, oily
looking skin, eto,, are ell symptoms
of nervosa deiility that led to inanity
and dead useless cures. Mie spring
or vital power ,having lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Those who through ' abuse committed
in iguoranee may , be perinanentely
cured. tend your addrttss for book
on all diseases peewlinr to man.
Mr. King's interest in the flour and Address M. T. LUBAN, 50 Front St.
feet business.— On the 1st Sabbath E., Toronto, Ont. ' Books sent free
sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms
',Rertzn:itai* DriakWefat.
The Governor of the State of Mast-
achusetts has determined to enforce
the law of 1875 against drinking
intoxicating liquors in a standing pc-
*tion. Acoording to the letter of the
'law, people who are aerved with dritik
in a public house must be seated at a
-table with the intention of eating also.
The law has been much ridiculed es
one against "perpendicular" drinking
but it is' founded on good sense. A
great deal of the drunkenness of the
United States and of 'Canada is a
,direct result of the absurd zuetom of
"treating to drinks at the bar", One
fool treats the crowd to drinks and
.then each of the crowd must in turd
"treat" the rest of the fools, so that
by the tune each one :has received and
ishown hospitality, matt( ' the drink
ere have lost their mental balance and
regular orgy results. 'Horizontal'.
drinking, Ike drinking while eeated•at
a table is stilled, is, it itt said: not pop,
nlir. • The word horizontal would
Apply better to the results of *ink
nig...Montreal 11'a lawn.
orSeptember Septetuber Rev,, W. Smyth, of
klairieton, wi.l preach the. Sabbath
Scliuol unuiveraary sermons in the
Methodist church in this place.. .A.
public iueetiug will be held on the
following Monday' evening. -Post-
master Farrow will put in a number
of new patent boxes shortly in the
post ufl;ue.—Divlaiun Court was held
on Thursday last,air. E. L.Dickinson,
of Wingliam, presiding. --The teaoi•
ing staff iu the publicschool has been
reduced by one teacher.
of which are faint spells, purple lips,
numbness, palpitation, . skip heats,
not flushes, rush of blood to the head,
dull pain in . the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart heat quicker than the first, pain
about the breast bone, etc., can
positively be cured. No cure, no pay.
Send for book. Address M. V.
LUBON, 50 Front Street East,
Torouto, Ont.
Goderioli Star : A. meeting of the
Goderieh members of the •provisional
directors of the Huron and. Ontario
Railway, was held here yesterdi►y, to
consider a propoeition far an arrange-
ment by which the constluctiou of the
road could be commenced at an early
date in charge of the directors of the
Vanderbilt system_ The charter, it
will be remembered, calls for a line
from GGoderich through the villages of
Blyth and Brussels add iihe town of
Listowel, to the city of. Hamilton, or
tome 'intermediate point or any line
running into Hamilton, and itthe
net;otiatious now is progress are sue•
oessful the road°will be taken up by
the directors of the Vanderbilt system
who are said to be at the back of the
T. 11. & B. scheme, and a connection
made with the branch, thus forming
a link in a through line to the West.
A meeting of the full board will be
held next week to complete the pre-
liminary arrangements for the above
/flat It Caliti t1j,i "Kesel .i.
Someone esti:mttas that itotting
born costa the people of the 1nited
States $223,000400 annually, geitting
"s Jnar'riMd. $300,000,0110 annually and
getting barked $ ',000,000. We
Might add theft getting drunk 'costs
the,. people $000,00000 Ntltatil<liy, or
Vat one•h*lf 'te> +li sa taraeir Ips''
gettiltg•born, teiarritidi,04 b tri#1 pit
C. P. E. TI11.1' TABLE.
GO TO .... .
CA I.. S
Cheap for KA,S c .
Trains arrive anti depart as follows :
5:35 a. n, ... , ...... For Torouto..... ....5 a. n
2:OO p. ui "' 2:OO:38 p.im
2:00 p, in............For Tecswater 200
10:30 p. 10:30 '
Q -RA MI) TI:WUIVK _E -3''"H
A. 0. STRAT1fDEE, Ann, WINenAIi.
Through tickets to all points in America—North-
West, Pacifist Coast, eto., via the shortest and all
popular routes.oBaggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
0:30 a.m.Toronto.Guelph,Palmerston, &o. 10: 8:8010 p.ua.•
11;10 " { •
Sg40 p.m. '" " Clinton, "
7:25 "Palmerston Diixed.. 10:15 aha.
6:45 a m .London, &c 11:00 "
3:40 pan. • • T 14 pm.
11:10 a.1n.. .....lilueardhaoa d.o ..... eL30 0.10.
3:30 p.ui " 20 "
1010 " ti1:1:50 p'.In
School Section No. 7 in the town-
ship of Ashfield lute lately been the
scene of shameless conduct on the
part of so►ne•rowdies who live in the
neighborhood. The building has for
sometime past been used for a Sunday
School, which appears to have roused
the hatred of those parties, and as a
result the winnows have .been broken,
night exit besmeared .the doors and
latches, and moor'other lawless ants
committed. The trustees, however,
have determined to prosecute the
guilty parties, and have offered a
reward of $20 for such evidence as
will lead to their convtnction.
A new pipe organ coating $1,5001 is
to be purchased for the Exeter Meth
.dist Church.
irks, onderehtned ofsytslor isle his farm. being Ow
south Nat of Lot 1e, Coeeession.12, Ertl Wavrahieh,
50 Orterms. Tho tans cohdets si 100 scree„.bout•
h are cleared WAWAin a good State 0* (mitt.
SAMOA. he balance Ube low. Wet land. On the
prernkses.Aregood fringe house. containlifSTrooms
and good cellar; benkbaru.end, stens ,tabI11i t tWo
Welts et good water' tatoacentent ollteri,e aures
orchard. Thi farm ie Molt fenced. Would; take
small residence is Witigbaslw es part paV on tetras ie
be agreed Open. rot toowe, apply 10 d. LOOM.
on the�recaleee, Or 15 M, i.ltl[lllt&.
East N aw.nosh, Jdne. Sint 14100. Wintthent.
Property far Sale in Belnrare.
The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro
perky in the village. of Delmore, consisting of a good
dwelling house, othco, stable and driving shed, with
one acre and a•helf of laud in connection. Splendid
garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be sold
at a bargain. For particulars, apply to
'V '5 "fl "Ed 'noaanAL '617i1to0113 'S Ti
*ow ,fin u dq Inas a0 sia:89nap &q Pioa
'sed0og3 pow fun oI Isoists'3 ',peg
oqi Fi gaauiuoaoj Sputum t+Asid
eld & So 0,4
acid MILK PA -..I
(LATE 07 RIPLRr',1
Having purchased the barbering boatmen or Messrs.
Sebastian Bros., is prepared togive all old customers
and as many new ones as patronize him, satisfaction
In all lineaot the profession.
are mat specialties.
t3OJlve mita call et the. e3dtstand, oppaelte Gordon
and Molntyrc's store,,
M. MC12ON.*LD.
Everything in the Dairying Linos ..
' 1
stL a1 Bann
Repairing will be Promptly I)<,. l'r
Of Canada. It is made only by McCOLL BROS. & Cu., 1
• CYLINDER OIL needs only to be used to be appreciated, i:,.. it.
Beware of those who imitate Lardine. Get only the genuine.;
oi.the Whig/Mtn Brick Yards, have on hand a large
stook of tiles for draining purposes, from 1# inehes to
*Inches in elms, which will be sold cheap, and on
West favorable.
odiiishoua oT 5 t0 tbisevaa aed
to. Vae,ttunbon.
On hand, and win be sold at lo*Wft 11Vtng: vomit.
ELLtor ' BROS.,
has just opened up a
ovision all
rocer �� Stwe
nea opposite e' Market,
Sugars, Teas, Tobacco
Dais, Fi
CANNED GOODS OF AL IU S.—k'l;uit,, :Weds, Corn, .fit":•:, ,rw,,
Corned Beef and Sardin
All kinds of Biscuits: D
consists of
pices, Daises,, Cat
Ad Prunes,; .
led Meats, Ei's :,. Butter,. Eggs, and: Li%t•i I, ,
. A full assortrue of
in sets. or separate.,
Butter, E „s, pried Meat, ete., taken ln: ex,chan • As: %1 t4,
buy for s: sh, we are able to sell, at the cbeapesb ra s. JOY,
iealll nd inspecting our good• you. will; oblige.
R.,m GRA
Marc 211,,1890. VV.ragtaa
ABlegoixtg,Xv$r'r Nogmebolia.
Thee ASH* POO itsed-the *slit •d. nil's• ewes ntevrienoti, and, aprro sPulapaat 'lll
4t then hod IPF,
. lia4CriLS
the o10ed,,CIvraetrlYMAMMA 01'ihe,LIVCak,ti'finta0tl, *tIONlltlrit Alffi l W$oS, :l,t%
ifirok s510 la all estopilentr i1Otdsne,t1 rig f siurilei o3 ail r e*
De only �!a�y ttMta mealy *tot M,l logs. hens *Men auto. old. wnunds. POW:A :1`►
T eefte, .i7fiU ns r"oLbS, Gott at`lil)ti TiSM,. QL.1t)ULAit. switatil1'b i .
qts J:tt ROI So' i,..Mefib ufwli•orl at7i6 Vow Oalord. TAO 4.111.
eip$41011 by a1' liadlotrs rr Snug 4 lie wtii0t 11.
We orbtiltl lo40.ck to tiler t ab81 ass the. Bor o mia 14010 t , t1411i t t� ': C1t11 jut71