HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-12, Page 2it t� ! sill f SNI F� rani l t pl t tulle ri+,gnU ktieft a»" lige �, Ur �►( 'o* int y tits theb'ilw Ilttttd+ ng • s,1ll t; etfpitt 7 • gioiilettt)' toalydP t ,at,eq. k+aivi :r�iva e� titer L) et i+ ► •: tt ,yine about the ell tio4leetetten knees litter intPe gee ti~ � leiau� d teyl h�ttd erl the pate, eltiMMIttetteiAithat tjlueh i�,t'lr t'nilfebt Wenn hi IW ao of -. which lo`h%loee in 'isnot '9Rkt T BI A. POG. the pain • with ' F'twit4 hie the widott, Dick 13p>'tli. Dick s int , a yoang beehslor of sus al thoughtless rMulesse at (Met p 7use al id et t ac I though t Fifa once t as . ing ' X.•t• Rohit etil,tiol%, 'Mine ter efit. tied lead bitnahowQ:, . �.' ..,'• . Itadsed.1 !Mid the sergeant, evident time he his Tile p*sold 1_a Plghb.dl 1 iucreteleeni l;nd`irh`41, *being/ pritiellerye dell: Be. wee tere+e h ale Yo Mre. Ccoil Herbert, of QareOn-ec, i uuecuttortal*le Sta it wee,: bet b ..*Ii .re • DIo ;Pli !� r-:13,TRM01 '=• : _ 1. hrt'1'•li ltatlift, al l -m = ' �► ire going a'yer�r: ,geed,'' �#twa4cte eii i»tssfiatew which book pa ee Tb"n' Xout that Seat evening between Sergeant Tit#rteger and Mia. 0,41rcl Harbert. R •. : .. • • • ' • . • • • Nett Morning Dick wit brought pp: before .the megistrato, . feeling; very seedy and dishevelled after his night in the police+c 4I. Mete 'Were net )Iso e,, t >�tw ree4iptit'e1, let lz 'Bag bel „tel #t. ' tAyfaii, Irl,* �; Of stir : i • ee,, ut tlt tr he hI PPD' a 'ltd a'rti�i. ee lbii~ll. flirt f eitt'Ptoofl am tl?it tilts osuiutal heel a t# tollcl't*dlllttiirlw,ey Dick Wangle the fail of the dock, end the eouri-seemed to Wino_ before ?•�1;d'N�i"'t'`tl�aF ` coini`eee ori• was tieing ',detailed word for word;•'i In another neonate the worst part of n the a cure' would. come. p4 He declare, the officer went on, in hie c isema notonouti voice, that he. h.a, didn't find. Qat that the dog was follow,* fig him until he dearly reached the leieteidili,y end of Bond et , and fleet theta .he tied a string to its c' iter avid. began to lead it-- back to its borne i r ' Dick started, and a look of intense perplexity appeared on his face. Then a light fleshed across his mind, which Ailed him with a sadden thrill of jby. Wait Ole front .benches l it possible that he had Mistaken the whole There, ecce one oft e her eyes turned straight towards him;` eat Mr$. Cecil Herbert. A sense of overwhelming chains came upon the luckless young man,, and he felt ready.. to sink through the Boor; but mingled with hie shame wasia feeling of bitter wrath against the ppticenian,'wbo'hed so cruelly deluded Bine The clerk read out the charge from the sheet. It was to the effect that he had taken out s dog in the streets unmuzzled, and also violently re- sisted Police Seargent Truinper in the execution of duty. Dick's handsome fade flushed up with homing rage. After the quiet manner in which he had given in, on purpose to void a shindy, thie was rather too bad I No doubt the officer was one of those vile creatures of the law,, who make their reputation by trumping up charges against persons, and his promise had been merely a ruse to strengthen the case against his victim. In a loud and indignant voice Dick pleaded not guilty. The resgeant was at once called in support of the charge. As he came forward,; Dick regarded him with a glance so Withering that, could looks kill, the officer must have fallen down dead on the spot. As it was, however, he met Dick's eye with a stare of supercilious triumph, which made the young man feel inclined to spring at him and tear his head from his shoulders. • I met the prisoner last night in Bond st, the sergeant deposed. He was leading a bug••dog unninzzled. I stop• ped hint, asked for his name and ad- dress, and told hint to hand the dog over to me. He refused ; and bis manner was so confused' and suspi- cious that uspiciousthat Idoubted whether he'd come by the dog houestle,so'.I took Lim into custody. The prisoner resisted vin•- lently—kicked e,nd struck me with all his eight. Indeed it was some' time before I could get the handeoffs on His Language was very offensive ; the swore that the dog belonged to a friend of his, who valued it highly, and that he see me d ---d before 1 took it from hfm, Gobi along,.,. good !mite: and, i et o w - oa .. is dui! That do • heats,. Te• to take oftic giti nu?Q ular t'itli Mt large Fidel Coins along, Il 404 dug l he . Ciel Wei w y gait '41 i for .o ree u' a ofrniac as much far Lit hie hl .k and addressing the'. torted the ceneer,tr y, of twoq . a , J<llttta I©e►rufioQiaatieviong pralaks, ati for walking slap i i the pP tittle animal in, ble • itlaudNet casae.. . � i take and t f i d udependent to>Itunet f• f ted h zean • h 1 cira1Q i aiapping• .. nee, .t 'o tittfts dirsetiori, ' nature -which ley bead on •oue,iide end re. 'Dick et#tr his trbeeird mistake, She kind, and geumno , r Fido set lila, h a felt that he was floored, The police. Iienistth hie Il'► t1ail-ecssrnm eZt{el' girded Dick with d 'tentative seize,' es eit with led, Th $elite. After .a long awl enjbyeble. bachelor* if rather euepieiou8 of this sudden men eyed ua • 'ltt'Qod Burin whew he had been arid.,affability an the pert' of his'enemy, oiuu. ' g f Nd I will tell you what it is, he said many People in court, and Pick, as he P• with no deeper feeling than Apparently he wee not quite eat ell of r f sed Brewing• his own conclusions from aniiimily round, earnestly hop - en ephemeralisex, Dtopassion for' any member, for, while be did not retire he e u it's lookeded t cone of.his friends or acquaint, the fair sex, Vert at last thoughti it to advance any nearer. Dickie confused ivanner, it s my belief ' sl . in lc!va.. ,, ' k to ghee a his .that.. you haven't come honestly by that ances was present, his eyes deceiving lieoee0eary Prto ` lint Berton e t lhit' compalied 1)tc 8y into Horrors t Were y . li ,tat of itas01;41:11:, Mrs. one Ile ilia / cage, and walk slowly on ; but he deg at alt, So'1 shall take you; one Tbeoa a pretty tittle widow Mrs. Cecil Herbert was, pleased' to obrerire' . by hasty' .:ustndy unless you like to c ion to her great pe;sanal P over life sltoulder, that the round with ine to Mrs. Herbert's at who, in addition glanc s „ ilttrsctions, was blessed with an Easy` dog continued to followt'bitn, some once and comtpenee and a bijou residence in dozenyards in rear, In% ,this manner No 1. No 1 Not for the world' 1 inter etsed Dick; hurriedly. it kir; Not Viet 'Dick eras primer. they proceeded through several .streets posed y a1 't beeped etcher fortune•, he would. Fido, tor realioas best tt iawu. to him- The officer naturally regarded Dick's aye been equally as much in love self, trotting sedately t dung in the reply se further evidence of his wore ilt, have and took him -in charge without with her, had site beeu.peuniless.' wake of` his mortal foe., ` But still he thought himself lucky in But when they entered Bond' -at, the ado.o he said,laying his hand on haute laid bis love where money wars, dog frightened, seemingly by the din Noy, y B Of course the widow had t& l e other of the traffic and by the glare of light the young nian'13 arm, will you come her reit face cull her good from the shop windows, stopped short quietly, or must I clap on the hand - income insured that. But Diulo flat - and appeared diefaelitied to go any cuffs. 1f thathe was first favorite further. Oh 1 I'll come quietly enough, Dick tered himself a nd,tnua far was satisfied with his This won't do at all,' soliloquised answered, seeing that resistance would times was, however, ole Dick.. If I Lave the beast now, ten.. only make his condition ten rival whom he regarded with Eome to one he'll find hie way safely back. worse. Bat, I say, can't we go in a ,jealousy and dislike, as occupying a I must lead him for a bit; I say. its cab 1 large slice of his mistress's affections. lucky I happen to have a piece of Very well, the officer returned,with This a snarling. little lapdog, a string withme. dome along, Fido, a"grim smile. If it will bemore pleas-. sleek, pampered pug which rejoiced in Come along, good little dog. • ant for your feelings, I've no objection, the stereotyped .name of Fido. Fide, overawed by thisstrans;e sur. So a passing cat• was hailed, into � The little creature fully returued roundings (he was never far from home which they both got, Dick lifting Fide iin at his legs from except in his mistress's carriage) ape in by his scruff, and in the vehicle Dick's dislike, flying p under cbairs•atid tales on every';pose proachpd Dick slowly, and allowed the they rattled off toward the X-st police •sible occasion - ,and growling and snarl_ young man to attach a string to his station. P pfl dismay.can well be ing the whole time he was present, collar. And even when Dick began to Dick's int n And when - the • pempered brute was lend him forward, he offered but little imagined. gig felt that he lead been a e s's lap. it often esistance, probably feeling that, if confounded fool. in every particular, lying in kis mistress's (asr was), and .Dick . wanted to draw very;. left to his own resources, he should be but most of all in having , mentioned • c. .close in order to whisper soft speeches unable to find his way home, and that Constance Herbert's "name. For the ;in bis charmer's ear, he was forced to nothing now remained but to follow police were sure to commpriioate with keep his distance by the pug's savage his guide to' the bitter end. her on the subject of Fido, and that him, or was it a dreadful reality drift of the sergeant's evidence? Was it. possible that he was going to be made, not marrid, by this infernal serene? Was the prisoner walking iii the (trete tion of Curzoneite the magistrate tolled, 7)ick waited in terrible suspense for the answer. When it came, he new • that h was *weal Anda daring to look tow f the he read iter• er the first time at b widow, expressive eyes a tender admiratiojs"whioh be bpd never marked there befor . He was 1 the ser4eant admit ed, reluot with m hotted i. COm n catty.. And 7 •'have ,� Mrs. Herbett'whotas 1nf'as she is connect- ed with the matteif9anfrmsthe prisoner's statement. y' 01 what happened just after )bia Dick i*: bad, in the future, no olear reinewbranee. lie was in a dream of;delightful relief Lite hardly heard what the magistrate said : and the censure be passed on him for' re- sisting the police glided off him like water from a duck's back. indeed, be paid his line of three pounds and costs without -be- ing actively oonecious of it, and left t e court with bis bead in a sort of whirl. nsta ace Herr'' Outside he found Co � n 1? t waiting for him, accompanied by Fido, whose retrousse nose was now thrust into a large wire muzzle. Tears were in her eyes, as she pressed him warmly by the hand, and asked him to drive home with her in her brougham. He consented readily,and they were soon speeding away, side by side, in the. direction of Curzon-st. ,, . Oh, Mr. Spray 1 she exclaimed; as. they went along, you Have behaved nobly about dear Fide tr I shall never. forget what you have ' indergone for his sake—never. p neaps, which more- than once came They travelled some distance down would render his exposure, in her eyes ,dangerously near 'his nose. Dond•st in the direction of Piccadilly, a dead certainty. The worst of it -was that Mrs. Her'_ and Dick was just meditating how he In faot he was done for 1 bort would only laugh in, her provoke should manage to give ,Nadu the slip, But in his intense desperation an ing way at these exhibitions of jealond5 when his meditations, were rudely ides;, which nothing but desperation • on ther art of Fido, yua little wretch i disturbed by a man's bagd,laid heavily could have entertained, flashed across end would never risk Lurtitag the on his shoulder; and a gruff voice • de- his nia,cl. Wily not confess the whole creaa'ture peer ser little" feelings, then mending authoritatively, why that truth to :be police ofyicerl If the latter .by turning him off her lilt, or cursing there dawg wasn't muzzled ? was a gond-natured man, his feelings ';.him froue the room. Turning hastily around, Dick found might be' worked`. upon to let his It is ''iso wonder, . therefore, that himself face to face with a sergeant of; prisoner go. • , iien: Vittb le be carefully dissembled his police. Acting on this notion, he made a 9 feelings in Dirs. Iierbert's presence. He had never thought of the mink clean breast of the'c•ntirentatter to the , •ew to. regard Fido with profound ing order until that mou►ent and it sergeant, painting, in pathetic colors hd , red and left every day more die-, suddenly daed on hftn into what the dire results that'wottld E►Ileus from hat , osed to v riiio,the little brute's beck.. a hobble he fled perhaps brought his being charged berore a magistrate. p The other eyed Dick keenly, and One afternoon Fido behaved even liimsel£ y worse than usual, and actually tore Ohl it's all right, bobby! he repif• seemed disposed to`credit lits statement with his teeth the sleeve of Dick's ed hastily. The dogs an awfully for he addressed flim more civilly, � at when be put his hand fore ward harmless little beggar,. and I've got though he finely refused to let him go ..coat to take Mrs. Herbert's. The young hen by a string, you know. free, t. =an was more put out of temper by, ,,That makes no difference, answered les out of the. question, sir, he the circuinatance than be had e'v'er the ofieer decisively} The Order issaki Several Constables saw 11ril are been before in the widow's presence,; that ail dogs are to be muzzled ; and rest you, and if ' 1 were discovered aind left the house with a very sulky that one ain't muzzled. You tnitst letting you off, I show Id be dianiissed EMpression of face, muttering to him- hand hint ever to me; af, once, please, the force. p felt that it watt t ratler'too bad of Con'. and likewise favor net W'1tli your name But, at any rate, you needn't keep etence—ler Jove, it w%its� I --to keep and address. • me locked up et( the sttition all night, that ill-tempered cpreand let it play Dick felt a cold shiver of dismay remonstrated Dick.. .h tricks with a fellow 1 pass through his frame, He .had, The serpent . did ;r not anrewer for a When he llirt�eci t the corner of the indeed► 'et himself in for it! Since, if he minute. Then he said deliberately, , street, he tixpppttel to look round,and were charged at the pollee -'court witl'i with a keen glance- at bis prisoner : saw , great his great surpriso, that Fido his r,fyenoe (as he doubtless Would bee, Beehaps, sir, ypu .had better remain, was f fol lowing lam. Apparently the 'Constance was bound to discover the at :the station through the eight, . climes little brute had slipped out after truth, and then it was all up with hint ' But why? cried Dick, hi astonish - him unelmerved, and taken a fancy to go. for as walk with hint, Dick's first i he bad been 1 One last chance attggoe- impulse WAS to take Fide intik tce•lils i ted itself. Ile put hie left hand into owner ; and it, woad Lave been well' its pocket and, while jingling sone for him hid he done so. But, tinter- loose silver, said peretu stvely, couldn't tt nntely a attend idea arottae t hie ' you manage to let a Mime off, just mind, whteh, in ins prescnteei, Yatpati, , this once, Bobby 1 The fact is the .dog he rant, witch to ire disposed to enter- ! doeen'tt belong to me. . twin. i That won't do! reified the officer By Lee r. he tlt:meld to -hirmtelf, • etarot}, triimulzel6d':dosnever beton what s, splasndid oppnritinity of petting to nobody. Besides, kotere leading, the littIP brute, nut I Why not entire 1 lieu. . in that quarter, . What an awful fool merit. • And perhaps Yeti 'Iliad :Better let 'me clap on the handcuffs,continued the officer,witheut aesweri ig his question. • Went do you meant exclaimed Dick more inetstitied than ever; Never :Hind what 1 mean'1 waa the stolid reply. (telly if,. talar yarn of yours is Vi�e,, best follow my ad. vic,t .•'»'i`, l t tv lis t' d mnu ofttlt8 eilmeiit+,Rtii..t $can is heir M. ;he filRtMx4ioi irta,thit dicer's tone denreflatiort tar thb eves of . (!onstat,sa but Ito is not anent Oct_ ryeelutfouof the , wait toe. ntrvf-ins to escape remark. ,,. Herleer't. The thviltstlit multi tiled him. n3aymontPatoi4lJfrtia,ucntly� catch scold err G.. ul t n�I Pair.' on yea, 'th r Dolt Pray I ,h'hri tc, think "that any i i ;' l•eaving the'pta:suitof tt w:, t: ,s's, a+ratdtkitrry' ; •te ;t if t,tl ke tlr,trdviee ` ► '• :thanl c;txd a t`. :t^ -ii iso t'uid f:, ilio shame t g yet,. C1Se ttttsl�dsnee cls ,►tlrffittiptga.•stiioarld ;be .bUt vine: an.. si its tante W,lsy+p tl8 tri ttibr'r front tars. eo .+iitbr'll ally tre-cI rvrne tea'thisaa•,trt'au«hona,a,ir,poststeteatent amV.. l - • i•,4t ? e .ems alirMr au 1 uselute x L• v- F. to IDr ti}l �'6as, hal ,. ��i• u._:._-:; st�si,P. . , ::r•,3.Gx _- .1i' s,.2 L _,Fe Ln _. .. d.3,�iri:i� s��,tii:J+.. hair' 0'' thentaa,t, crenel:ed 'part +,f 'Yen! Dick answered, dtspayed rya sslilty. ,tn4-Erse hirci ethers I He's "Bnt yon see; vile little begot trey' o{ ?!i,l t ,-bt. ee eri two he chili twee ler t« t1 frier•• t.t taint°__ eatlyet' .'l. ... ,su.!,.'''uifCene'beat►b Fide lisp him awfe1'y. ion) '(with a cry , 9 I, know how fond you, are of him, murmured Dick, and couldn't think ()fair . his tieing hurt by that rough brute, of *ire poloa'ernan 1 It was go id of you she cried. Do know first of all --1'm almost ashamed to own it, but—abut— i. What? he enquired, heeding over. and taking her hand, all regardless of the iiupotent seeps of the muzzled Fido. Why 1 I thought, ebe murmured, avertiug her eyes, that you must have taken away Fido on purpose and-- and— Connie, be interposed, using her Christain Baine hi his abftation, How could you—oh, how could .you think such a thing of tae 1 1 know it was eery horrid of mei she answered, and 1 a very sorry, i am really, Dick, but - At that moment sotnet ing occurred which rendered furthers eech on Mrs, Herbert's part impossii We will cut the matter short by stating that when they slighted at 0 .'eon et. they were fairly engaged. Ser ;emit Tramper •Itae good .reason to le satisfied with the resuit of the case, since a few clays later,he receiv- ed' anonymously through- the post a note for £50; and so, itidepd, had Dick Spray himself, who is naw mar- ried and quite adores his pretty little wife. Ile has no secrets from her ex- • opt one; and as often as he thinks of that one, which he des every time ride snarls at hine,lt►s tri Inner toward - Oonstanee grows especially tender,and •; he thanks his stirs diet dogs can Dick stood dumbfounded, no less with astonishment than with rage, at the brazen impudence with which the policeman perjured himeelf. But, after all, it was when the fellow began to give some true evidence, that Dick's bitterest indignation was atone. ed. To save trouble, the sergeant cone tinned, I took him off< to the elation ill a cab. Oa the way he made a eon. no tate�s,�•-•(London Tis:t,lc. 'fetsion to 'mo of the' exact circum- stances relating to hf3, possession of The ennreoration Dr. O'Connor ne the dog. hilltop of London with take plane in If IM, lx had been antra with a load- October. The gifts to the reverned ed pistol at that mo►netat, be eerlaflily gentiermn will aggregate thousands of . would bsve put the charm) into See. +totters in value. quint Trnmper's head. But hem .was To avoid eitchiu;t col td, many blabs have, a p bate eue;}ts«lu 1'roba�,iy it rine nev)r t not, halted td stand gnietly there acid ,vent en;,wlt,3re or dirt seeVthing out of the witnastt i i o n t w rows exposure an usual f ro• t', es1Im a •It + w n lu be free free, tree'. �bn��b,ia 4y N t!'it4a. a: e. v. c. eititennentent ,,ttiowowe a .:iio to ',vCar 111,,,' 1•wnn; with yot botesn.eat apt buwulor to Fevie peinous, eft sat• dozen tunol iug car anti pnz;sa'ct tti 4._ The fact is, boys, .t'have•quit swein c`l: fie 'wus With shouts of laughter by crowd ttruuiid hitn, They bottle under bis nose and to, !' auv jokes its expellee; 1 In „ � t at xpe , fused to drink, 'end was rash about it, " What's the haat 'you-, old bot. sang out one, quit drinking, rouirtbiug's tt; what it is. Well, buys, I wil I know you'll laugh at ine. -.pi' you all the tame. I hav drinking man all my life, evt was married, as you all kuov wbskey—it's as sweet in w as sugar—and God only lin 1'1l quit it. For seven years passed over toy head that I d at; leest one drutk. But I t Yesterday I was in Chicago On South Clark street a an mine keeps a pawn shop in i with his other business. I bin, and while I Was there man of notmore than 25, threadbare clothes, and louk he hadn't seen a sober clay ft came in with a little pucka; hand. Trembling lie uuwi and handed the article 'to t 'tie =bruker, saying, give me .t And, boys, what do yntt tills: A pair of baby shoo+,tattle t1 the buttons ouly'a trine soil they had been worn only ouc Where did yea get these'? .pawnbroker. Got 'stn at plie the pian, who had an fa and the manner of a despite Itis sad ctondition. wife bought them for our b: nie 10 cents for them, I wa You Lad better take the six your wife ;. the baby will n said the pawnbroker. • No s, because —because she's d► lying at home now—died 1 As he said this the pour fe down,bowed his head on th end uried like a child. Bob eta bummer, you can laugh if but I -I' have a baby of m h hue; curl I arvear 1.11 in a'nofiler drop. Then he gc went into another car. II 'lona glanced et each other •no one laughede the bottle ed; and soon each woe sittii by himself readtug a ne 'Chicago Harald:..norizoritaar" Drinkiniu The Governor of the Sta achusetts has determined the law of 1875 against intozieating liquors in a st aition. According to the I 'l4wr, people who are served in a public house must be 'table with the intention of The taw has been much t -one Against " perpendicult but it is' founded on good `t great deal of the drunker 'United States and of -0 ,direct result of the *bean "trotting to drinks at the fool treats' the crowd to •then each of the crowd uta "treat" the rest of the fei by the time each one .hitt +shown hospitality, inost'o ere have lost their mantel a regular orgy results, drinking, at d>xiuking will >s table is celled, is, it it s tiler. The wotd horir apply better to the ,cent ing;—Montreal WY 'iirlMl. ^0►kat 0 Gantt t e'ICa Someone wai:naltept tl born costa the, people of States aj223,000,000 *Mu srried, $1100,'i100,t1114 :tu getting burled $11,000 might add that getting $be people $900,000,000 ,s r ona.hi tf 'til 1 gottittr''liorti, iaiYwlf'$j lttil t'ri1