HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-12-03, Page 3To the Electors of:
Having served on the Huron County
Board of Education for the past' wo years
and having been nominated again for a
further term of two years, I would re-
spectfully solicit your support at the polls
on December 7th.
I will continue to endeavour to 'work in
the best interests of the students and of
the ratepayers.
omination Meeting
Made necessary as a result of misinterpretation
of requirements regarding qualifications.
To nship of McKillop
A meeting of the Electors of the Township of
MoKillop will be held at the Township Hall, Winthrop
MON., DEC. 14th, 1970
for the purpose of nomination a Reeve and four
• councillors. Nominat ions will lie resolved from the hour
of one o'clock to two o 'clock in the afternoon.
In the event of more heing nominated than are required
to fill the positions, an E dection will be held on
MON., DEC 21st, 1970
roils will be open fro
following places:
"0. 1 • Thomas Murra
Con. 5; uames McQuaid, DRO;
No. 2 - Township Office,
DRO. Gordon Dapple. PC.
No. 3 - Mrs. Christine Leonh
S 13th Con. Stephen Murray, DRO;
No. 4 - Ross DriscoH's house,
12; Ross Dris4 oil, r ,K) John Rosman
Returning Officer
m 10 A,M, to 8 P.M. at the
's house. Lot N I 2 10,
Clarence Maloney PC.
Vinthrop; .James Keys
ardt's house, Lot 10,
Donald Dennis, P(
Lot kV 1, 2 25, Con.
To the
Electors of:
Having again
continued support
I assure the
interests of the
been nominated-for Reeve, I solicit the
of the ratepayers of Hullett,
ratepayers that their interests and the
township will be given top priority.
Poll& will be open at the following 'places on
DECEMBER 7th, 1970
10 o'clock A.M. until 6:30 P.M.
to elect a Reeve and Two County Board of Education
#1 Poll : Foresters Hall at Kinburn
#2 Poll : Old Harlock School at Lot 5, Con. 12.
#3 Poll : Theo Flynn's Residence at Lot 22, Con.4
#4 Poll : Londesboro Community Hall
#5 Poll: Auburn Community Hall
Clare Vincent
Returning Officer
WA UGH 10 23310V
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To Electors of:
Having been nominated for councillor
I would appreciate your vote on
Roy Williamson
NOTICE is hereby given to municipal electors of the
Township of Stanley, that elections will be held on
for the purpose of electing three councillors for the
Township of Stanley, two representatives to the
Huron County Board of Education and one
representative to the Huron-Perth Separate School
• .1,1
Cal Horton's Residence Bill Caldwell
Ted Robinson's Residence Alex McBeath
Township Hall, Varna Norman Smith
Jim Cleave's Residence Leonard Talbot
Former Blake School Frank McClinchey
And will be open from 10:00 o'clock a.m. until 8:00 o'clock
p.m. and no longer
Returning Officer,
Township of Stanley.
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To the Electors of Tuckersmith:
Having been nom-
inated as a candi-
date for councillor
in the Township of
Tuckersmith, I
would sincerely ap-
preciate your sup-
port at the polls on
Monday, Dec. 7th.
Having been nom-
inated for council I
would appreciate
your support on
election day.
—Mrs. Anne James
For information, call 527-0777
To the Ratepayers:
Of Hayfield, Stanley, Seaforth and
Having had the opportunity during
the initial term of the Huron County
School Board to become fathiliar with
some of the problems in providing
equal educational opportunity to all
children of Huron, I feel I can make a
particular contribution during the
coming term and thus solicit your
support in the election on Monday.
I would appreciate an X following my name
on the ballot on December 7th.
It has been a pleasure serving you for the
past two years. THANK,. YOU.
Quantity and Quality for Every Dollar Spent
Is My Motto.
Having served two terms as a
councillor in the Township of Stan.
ley, I am asking for your support
in the forthcoming election.
If elected I will endeavour to
serve all the ratepayers in the
Township, to the best of my abil-
ity. I would like to point out to
everyone that I favour a talc col-
lection system of once a year pay-
ment, only)
CALL 482-929'7 or 236-4254
For Councillor In Stanley Township
Reviews_ PUC Work Frog am
mr. Box reviewed the p
cedure and said that •a pfg.* pt
nearly monthelapsedhetween•,tite
due date and a cid off and that the
commission sent several not Aces
In a n effort to avoid a cut off.
Following the deadline for
quelifleations Tuesday night
electors are assured of going to
the polls on Monday to elect a
village council.
Seeking election are Reeve:
George Bailie, George Watt;
Council: (four to be eleeted)John
Hesselwood, Leonard Rooney,
Donald Young, William Riehl,
Alec Logue, Dr. R. G. Liebold,
Robbie Lawrie.
The two PUC seats were
filled by acclamation during
nominations Monday night by John
Elliott, Doug. Scrimgeour.
Mayor Sills in his report to
Seaforth ratepayers on Monday
S ate
Starting at the first of 1969
we, the Council, made a trip to
Toronto and visited various Gov-
ernment Offices looking for ways
and means in which we could im-
prove the lot of Seaforth. One
stop, of course, was the Depart-
ment of Highways where we
gained some concessions in
regard to the re-building of Main
Street. This re-building, of
course, was first requested about
5 years previously. Our Council
decided to replace the sidewalks
and also work in conjunction with
the P.U.C. on replacing the
watermain and street lights as
well. The whole cost to the Town
will be all paid for by the end
of this year. We had the Official
Opening in July.
Early in '69 we also finali-
zed the Sub-Division Control By-
Law which had been instituted
by the previous Council. It was
the first of several that are now
finished or nearing completion -
for example: Sub-Division Con-
trol By-Law, Part-Lot Control,
Official Plan of Seaforth and an
Industrial Study which can be
used as a guide for the future.
We had become a designated
area for help for industry, and
we also requested, and became,
a special area for a Dentist -
as you know, we now have two
lentists. The Boshart furniture
factory was sold by the Town to
William Akin of Stratford.
The previous Council finished
the deepening of Silver Creek
and it became necessary for
this Council to re-organize the
Irainage plan for north of the
Highway. This is called Drainage
Plan # 1 and will take the water
from the north-east section of
rows and alleviate the flooding
conditions. It is proposed to have
Mayor Presents Report
(Continued from Page 1)
A rate increase of 7% by Ontario
Hydro could be anticipated -Wale
would not be reflected in higher
local rates until at least well into
1971, he said.
By the end of the year the
commission will have made its
final payment on a loan which
provided for the construction of
a 10 inch water main on Main
Street coincident with the Main
Street program last year. Total
cost was approximately $40,000
of which half was borrowed.
Mr. Box referred to the Mac-
Laren report on water service and
pointed out the need for continuing
a substantial program of capital
equipment replacement. Plans
being considered involve a new
we inch line In the George St.,
Isabella, Mills Streets area.
He told the meeting that water-
demands continued to increase and
that during August this year more
than 6 million gallons of water had
been pumped into the system.
Commissioner c.D.S111s, nom-
inated for his 22nd year as a
member of the P.U.C. spoka,briefly
and emphasized the degree of co-
operation that existed between the
P.U.C. and town.
In a question and answer period,
James R. Scott was critical of
the P.U.C. policy conerning dis-
continuance of service on non pay-
ment of accounts.
"It is an authoritarian
approach. There is not enough
rega,rd to communication with the
people who are subscribers to
the P.U.C." be said.
it of sufficient size to take care
of any future growth in that area.
Some three years ago the Cou-
ncil approached O.W.R.C. re-
regarding the Disposal Area and
they came up with a plan of lag-
oons and the elimination of the
present disposal plant which they
claim is not adequate for the re-
mainder of the sewage in the town.
It will be on a rental type basis,
whereby we pay by gallonage. In
this regard we have also
requested the 0.W.R.C. to make
a study of our sewerage needs
for the rest of the town, with
the hope that it will be pract-
ical enough for us to do the
whole town. Sewerage is an area
where we fall behind other mun-
icipalties and, sometimes, this
tends to improve modern pro-
The Council has been involved
in preparing several briefs to
various groups - the C.N.R.,
Mode and the Huron County Plan-
ning Board. In all of these cases
we have attempted to put forth
the cause of Seaforth and I would
like to take this opportunity of
thanking our town clerk, Mr.
Williams, for his efforts on our
There are many other things
which the Council has had to
deal with, particularly the day to
day operations, but I'm sure
the Chairman of the Committees
will bring you up to date on
these. As Mayor I am very
pleased with the co-operation of
the members of Council. They
have shown a willingness to
work, to stick up for what they
think is right. I deem it a privi-
lege to be associated with them.
None of us is perfect, but as
long as we do our best I think
that is all one can expect. It
is your right to check our rec-
ord and judge accordingly.
(Continue fron“.??gq
eqp4. far 009* ,Per 110.. reported, Res4guatiop*'have bolnl
ceived , $04‘00A,04- chers effec41/4 PeC,0100
Mrs. Wanda,l'effersonflifanket.d9,
Public School; MrS. DQrothyRall
and Mrs. Charlotte Va1.b.(31149_4
Public School; Ml's, Dieeee GreP)
Hen,sail Public Scbooleeere. Bat--
ban Bolden, Heron renterileiel
Public School; Mrs. Lynda arace,
J. A. D. McCurdy Public School;
Mrs. Helen Hunter, Hobezisen
Memorial Public School; Mrs.
Sally Siliery, Seaforth District
High School; and Alford W. Thom-
pson, F. E. Madill Secondary
, I. G. Godwin, attendance coun-
sellor, has resigned effective
November 18.
A leave of absence was
granted to Mrs. G. E. Ball from
F. E. Madill Secondary School
and a one-year extension of a
Department of National Defence
leave has been granted to Miss
Marion Triebner.
The Audio-visual technician
at F. E. Madill Secondary School
has tendered his resignation ef-
fective December 11. It was
agreed that the director of edu-
cation, John Cochrane would ask
him to stay on until the end
of January by which time a re-
placement will hopefully be found.
Chairman Levis suggested
that the staff at F. E. Madill
Secondary School could likely
manage for a while until the
position is filled but Superinten-
dent Madill stated that audio-
visual equipment at Wingham is
"so sophisticated" that it would
probably sit idle.
In other business, the board
voted that the expenses for a
social evening for the board
members, the senior adminis-
trative staff and their wives and
husbands would be met by the
Huron County Board of Educa-
tion; agreed to investigate the
possibilities of public school as-
sessment which is not coming
to the public school system.
(Continued from Page 1)
P.D.McConnell, a member of the
board. He said council had ap-
pointed Don Kunder to fill his term.
Others who spoke were Mrs.
Roger Whitman, Don Kunder, John
Sinnamon, Dave Tremeer, who had
been nominated for council.
Dr. R. Whitman nominated for
P.U.C. said he would undertake
to do what he could if elected
and that both he and his wife had
found the town operation a subject
of considerable interest to both
of them.
(Continued from Page 1)
noon-hour for the children
Both the amendment and the
original motion by Mr. Moir were
Mrs. Marilyn Kunder, Sea-
forth, then asked to make a
motion. She moved that in schools
where transportation is a factor,
kindergarten students attend
classes half-day every day from
September 1 to December 31 with
the board assuming the cost of
the noon-hour transportation and
from the January 1 to June 30,
students attend kindergarten
classes on an all-day every day
",You're saying then that the
maximum cost estimated by the
board will then be the cost,"
pointed out Mr. Elliott, eand you
are forcing the schools pres-
ently operating kindergarten on
a full-day every day basis to
change to a new system."
Mrs. Kunder nodded in the
affirmative. It was pointed out
the maximum extra transporta-
tion costs would be between
$35,000 and $40,000 annually.
The motion was defeated with
only two persons in favor.
Jim Taylor quickly moved to
have the matter tabled until the
next regular meeting, Wednes-
day, December 16.
(Continued on Page 3)
proposals to provide sewer ser-
vice to the public school were
being studied.
Reeve Flannery recalled dif-
ficulties there had been in pro-
viding service to S.D.H.S. several
years ago.
To the Separate School Ratepayers of
Townships of McKillop, Hullett and
the Town of Clinton, I wish to thank
you for placing your confidence in me
by giving me an acclamation for an-
other term. I will continue to keep
your children's 'best interest in mind.
Wishing you the compliments of the season