HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-05, Page 7--IS i'UIiLliiltl;b-» •A.IZY VADAT' ]litlltl\ITi1 I'" -AA' 'l:lrls� `3G:Pli1N * 19r* el i 41Fr'id�Er+i4a .� O.. UTT 4\ V6M .�a bi 7 P110xt'nrt,Otl,Si. 1 fityear,* KabfaUlle AI1yettrtsItr4 iiA11±S;_ I Iyx taxnu 1 itan0 1, , nm r > 00 ooS5 ll0 ti34 00 . h4 00. • 05 u0 211 uJ 12 00 fi CO, . Ir 20 u0 12 0,. i 00 4% ) n POD al IGaL 8 0I 1 0 bio t ud othmleasual tifivertisements, Re, per jlne Iuert:4;t, and Se. per fue;urmull subsequent foams, in nonpareil type, 10e, for tir6tt2a 1.4 5c, per line tor each ot1bncf{cont Inir'et•tke1; entice Will b' ethane,' hews than 25c .acments of Misr. ('ail d, arrayed, Situations, testi Chenees\\'anted, not exceeding 5lino ,, 51 per uwnth and Fart for Pali, not cxotedl»g 0 lines, It tuouth, bat. per snilsegnent month lrm0 will he Ott 10;4 luia:41'e1.1 to rates fur longer advertlbelnuIts, or for Owls. isotnents without apeellic directions, will he till forints 500 charged accordingg'ly, Trim• vertisciaeutb midst be intid in advance s for contract advertisements must be lin lay Wednesday noon, in order to appetlr s R ELLIOTT Pameancrint Ann Pesswsfral. IACDONALD, JOSEPHINE idil4EEii 5, - 0N'f.:R10 TOWLRIt College Phyeiciaus and Surgeons, Ontario. -Corouor for County of llaron- "TnsPHARMACY ' Wingl0O,'Oiit. '• A. 14EId)I;T?hl, mor Graduate of Toronto University, and of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of R0sidenee-•Coruerof Centre aandkatrick 010111ly 0111pied by. In. Ilotbune. swum - ONT, rANSTONE, • AItRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc. and Company, funds to loan at lowest rates No eo,muission charged. Mortgages, town and farm moped) bought and sold. '.-Beaver Block, \bonsai, Onr. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &o., nghatn • Ontario -ER & DICKINSON, G. MEYER, Q. G. 1 E. L DIQKINSON,"ls. Yt.: STERS AND SOLICITORS, Rte.., .Rte., So • for hank of Hamilton, Commissioners for affidavits tor Manitoba. Parva, Town 'and property bought and sold. U'oney (private caned on mortgage acclivity at 51 per tent, invested for private persona, upon the best go ense to the andslfor sale in Manit toba and the North• ,-iient's Block. VI Ingham. TISTRY.-J.S. JERO11lE, \YIranian, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates Vulcanite plates of thebestmateria as cheap as that'' can be got to the Dominion. All work warranted. table Vapor •adnunistered for the pathless ;ion of teeth; ttho only safe anesthetic known. N0T1Os.-4 'will extract teeth for 25 touts ICE : In the Beaver 131ocjr, opposite :the viok 11oteI. 10, ISOs ITISTRY ---\F, H. MACDNALD, Witaliron. ' . Ofakeivol Vulcanite, Celluloid; A11oy', tv y, ea Silve, ',Gold, etc., de., Plates, ranging ifirtpin prices from 3500 upwards per- set crowning, and bridgework. Teeth ex,. 3 without the least pain by the use of Vital ir. '(lead Office, Wnlgllam side entrance Op - the Queen's hotel,' open daily, (Sundayaexcept• ,m 9 a in to 5 p •,u. Will be at Blyth every id 4th Saturday of eachmonth-011ccatMilne a n rnth- each o Gorrio: fat and 3rd Mondays of C. at Albion hotel. .."..tractinir 25 cents. N RITCHIE, GENEIIAL•1N0URANCE AGENT slat, ,OvxARto BERT 011N;CINGIIAOI, .INSURANCE .EIRE AND MARINA Gi1LLPII. •DEAN. Jit., WIE011AM,. NSF1D AUCTIONEER ,FCR THE t601.7NT,Y OF HURON, es attended14a1 any .part .of the Co. Charges rate. LIN CURItIE, WitaePAtt, ONT., ENBED AII0T1oN11501 3'ON TES Coir' ;TY YAT RUMS. orders left at the TIMES Ogles promptly at ehd . Terms reasonable. IIF.S IIENDE1l$Olt, 1BRD AUe'r14211211 Iron-ColnerIS'B 045111013 A;ID pRn02. sales atter ed to promptly and 011 the Shortaa urges Moderate Mut Satiefaotion Ouarantaod. Hec1ssary arrangements can be rnede st,th s' office Winoff.vm, BOLTON '18 HAWI{1NS & D. • L 'Suavptoan Alt» CtYat' Eumtarltt LIS DIT M, Aft» WINGIHAlt. or,'easloft at the ogles of the Tulabe\dill re a pionant attention .:Orbe Dtvtbtoa• 001119`, IMAM or MAK ' Atme% 'Wow. Wstr iieGAM • • VitP. O liErvi/r irto initruince In 3tualitenlr, s'It ib eurlu'iaine. the OI11Qunt of ince- '1 A t•to, esenr'hi lrflata►ke. 11 j LATEST NE.W S. U Crile fnif•rtelrce Tract mer I1c;3 0tt`I,' 1'e- For the foreigner Who attellfpts enter.. 'ttlr it. � ' 1nlarked l,�tert .,Yne insocl ttvi1 America, rsn a , et sl t)o eway beset4 t time age i"ti York I-too.t~werW1th T,1tny 4bsta4lri, Lilyin the l WE h..CI HAVE ID PM t 1,. l rt'tl ton \Ve with to inform the polio r e n thatbad 1 O a•h. that have hoar. tits.(+oaks f st firm 1 d choice of pre .er words to c sial .as the W rir \ 1 i t two a , t ft straightest out livltte s. +n It la I starts the balance sheetslrowed. l.ai.0 it in favor of partner Ne. 1, \Vt'l4, for days and days We worked can the looks, It was. the most tiresome work I ever uudc>•r- -took. Partner N. 1 was a remarkable tnan,persuasivoei,utlaifaallein tls•faletinor. 5olnetunes he would come in to ge ever eoute of the figures with me, ''hese are not right,' be would say. I knew, they were and would ray so, Then he would 3 , on en ,1a in . , rnrn'tu order, and r.,lli titin meaning to be conveyed, i rofessll � hien- i 1 i 1.1.11110 di. , " 50aaop g vo special anon( ou toCI del had bee* in this dottntry but a few 4 �m w tiRsaa.n few weeks when it fell to his goon for, t ane to 1>e invited to one of the first lrurnea•, of P'1liladelpllia, a prominent attraction of "which was several dark haired,black k eye:(, had withal vt:rY stylish daughters, A. most delighttul evettiug was passed in the oociety of the ladies, and in the ons joyment of a bountiful lunch prepared iu honor of the distinguished visitor, start to argue with me, and I felt myself At the proper hour the professor an - giving; way, Finally I would have to nouwced that the time had arrived for leis leave the room, In the hall I would departure, and in Ilia leave taking, in his walk up and down, saying to myself, 'You're a fool. You know your figures are right.' When he had departed I1 would recover and be able to -go on. 1316( all the while I felt the man's subtle in. .iuence. T struggled against it. `Do your duty,' I kept saying to myself. "Finally, when 1 reached the result, I turned pale, Partner No. 1 was short ;,8150,000, Ile calve in. `Well?' he add.. ('There is the result,' I answered. He lw,00ked at it and never winced. 'You are sure 1110, figures are right?' `Yes,' 1 said. I struggled, desperately and, this time he was not' able to conquer. me. 'Weil,' he said, 'if • those figures are correct, the money wilt be paid,' "And lie did pay it, evert cent, al- though it took all he had; You would be astonished to know who that man was. E attribute his marvelous success to - his Magnetic personality. Every one with whom he comes in contact feels it. He associates with many wen in great undertakings, but he al- ways gets the kernels while they get the shells, and, moreover, everything is done. as per contract. Year by year 'I watch this man's career with added surprise and always congratulate myself that I was able to withstand him. He is the only man I ever met who could for the Ara' ,, }finpkgeine doubt my mathe- gnat .r.,a. ray." -Detroit Tribune. most gallant manner,he thanked the host, ess for the very pleasurable evening he had passed in her "homely home" and, in the company of her "homely daughters," The coolness that existed between the pro- fessor and his generous hostess and. her daughters wasnever fully dispelled un- til he explained that in Germany "home- ly" signified "hospitable," and certainly none could have been more hospitable than site and her hospitable daughters. Philadelphia Times. • " Iiorfoa3," the Fatal 63. Certain years in the life of man have been, from great antiquity, supposed to have a peculiar importance, and to be. liable to singular vicissitudes in his health and fortunes. Where or how this belief originated is unknown,, but it is supposed to have been founded on the teachings of Pythagoras. The well known notice of the climacteric year -63 -sup- posed to be particularly dangerous 'to men of that age, ins letter of Augustus Cmsar, evinces its prevalence among the Romans. Some astrological writers have tan's "hors- . tailed the sixty-third y ear n cus," because of a mythical notion that it was oil is fatal to great men. Tho aolt6 cause of its blighting influence is supposed to revert to the fact that it is a multiple of the 7 and 9, both of which are mystical numbers. It is a remarka- ble fact that all nations; ietitach particular iwpOrt3ince to 7 or any multiple of that figures Thus at 14, twice seven, the male and female are supposesl to have arrived at puberty; at 21, three sevens, the male becomes "of age," while many writers, Aristotle in particular, fix 35. five sevens, as the ,height of bodily vigor and 49 as the year of maximum. mental activity. At the age of 03, when man is nine times Eleven years of age, the most trivial dis- eases are likely to cause the death of thg most robust old man, while the ten sev- ens •(70) have been ascribed as the limit of his earthly career. -St. Louis Republic. The Tmportance of Occupation. There is nothing that adds more io he zest of life than an interesting occupa- tion; even if it means hard work, there is ;recompense in the enjoyment of well. earned rest. No work ought, however, to, be overpowering or so exhaustive that one's energies fall below their aspira- tions. On the other hand, no life is so thoroughly wretched as one where the necessity and desire for work is entirely wanting; and this i%particularly true of personsof education and intelligence who allow themselves to 6010 into that unset- tled condition of mind 'Where nothing is 9f interest.-Ilerald of I3ealtlt. CU Tv I WO in 0110 ii hrnnches, and,wfll,l ea t in aloe a 1 k. cissas of tlrst•olase e;4410, such Tweeds, Flannels, Etofs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, W1Yat Did the Mian Want? A man went into a pancake restaurant on Griswold street and said to the waiter girl; "Bring me an, order of hot cakes, one at a time, and hurry up." Tho girl brought a plate of hot cakeq, and as he ate them had another one ready. This she, did six or eight times, each relay being dispatched with relish. At the last he threw down his knife and • Cork. "Look here," he thundered in a deep • bass; "bring the . something to eat. I don't want to swallow batter and syrup all day. Anybodyd' think I was e'tuck On pancakes." -Detroit Free Press. arc., 8i c,, (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex' change for wool. , Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with thein the same day. ,r'ilrghost market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. INGLIS k CO'Y., Wingham MATTHE\V AMBLER1 HARNESS MAKER., has on hand a large atiock of HORSE IrT 4NIil TS, OT,1ttltvcomas, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES oto., Which will be sold of bottom prices. . or Wanking. A Permit X Sr<plrin :Nowadays •Germany might well be called "the smokers' home." Every Ger- Titan has his pipe and can smoke when- ever he will, and within certain •limits wherever he will. There are no restric- tions against the rise of tobacco, and one's desires in that direction are only circumscribed in par•oular places -such fuse 1 opera, a l o s, as churches, lecture�. oma P P etc. But at one time in certain parts of Germany a man dare not walk on the street or highway with a pipe in his month without special permission so to, do, for which permission he paid a yew; lv stiuend,--Buffalo Comrnereial. Antiquity of Football. The game of football was well known in England prior to 1175, but it was never regarded with favor by the lav(', and in the reign of Edward III (1305) an act was passed forbidding it. During the reign of Richard II (1388) a similar law was enacted, and' again, under the Scotch Icings, James I (1424) and James II(1457), it was "decreeted and ordained that the football and golfe be utterly cryed down and not to be used." In 1471 Tames III and in 1401 James IV passed similar Statutes. James I of England also op- posed it in his "Basilikon Doyon." He writes: "From this court T d:abarre all rough and violent exercise, as the foot- ball, lneeter for laming than making ,able the users thereof." And in the reign of Elizabeth, his predecessor,a true bill Was found against sixteen per sons for playing the unlawful game. In Cromwell's days a youth was indictee] for playing the sane. -Canada Law tIt?tr r'e HABjNNESS, double or single, made to order en short notice, and satiefacntion guaranteed. ADrten TO MOTnsas.-Are youdisturbed' at night and broken of your rest by a siokchild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? .If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs; Wioslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incai:ul- able. It will' rellero the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, Mothers ; there is no mistake ataout it. It cures Dysentery and i)iar hey, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Cohe, softens the 01(nss, reduces lnfiarnnuttion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win. scow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething -is pleasant to the taste and is thanreseriptiou of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty -live cents a bottle. 11e sure and Hak for "Naos. \Vi2i.ows 30OT21INn SUM° dna. take no ether kind Epilepsy. Sufferers from cramps Aid ner- vous debility are surely cured by an improved and absolutely un- equaled method. Treatmentyby letter. Send full account of Byrne - toms and address, inclosing post- age stamps for answer. 1, NYC= OFFICE," Now York. d$1 -A call solicited. SHOP -Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, Wingham, Fob, (th, 1890. is the time to paint your hooses, and •. IIIit i ���i�ial'i Duty on •' / shortly ♦ Y7 0 I_,' when sending to the United States, hnd ).ou not batik' bring it to the, Vy1NC-NAM, TANNERY RUBBER y PAINT at owe,. and, get the highest price IN CASE or trade for it? Treat your HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, CALFSI,INS, TALLOW, fico., the same way. BEST, in the WORLD, LT O MISS NELLO MCTIARD' ', ND k../()LASSES, fn vol o Culture and Ea n OX PIANO • 211100810 now; 1s 811Av20 DI00K. 'the Author or "LOrnay Doone.” s D', Blackmore, known the Wo;+1d Over as the 'author of 1'Lorna T)oone," continues' to 'write with all his old time • assiduity silks with muclt of his old tithe form IIe ti a brink old gentleman, and as a sort of avocation or amusement .he enitivates grapes and fruits in his large gardens in one of the srlbttrbe of London, Some time ago he discovered that one of his gardeners had purloiners and sold $25 tiv'oith of pears, and the old gentleman has been iii s condition. of great mental peeturbation ever' since, "Lorna 'Cootie" has reached ito Cighteenth..edition. And p»r rbody who reacts itwonderswhether ie were possible for any *Ian .to be strong O'npu'h to pull the muscles oat of another pl 'aimnw Elitokmoro,lsttdaeoeivedthou' of letters~ on this subject.'-Et+gentt ro'4 A Ltinrlo'tuLelkeO+. °liETt.A1' D EMT MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor, If you require anything special in HEAVY '.` GLOVES, and see. Harness, Sole, Upper and French LEATHER, AND FINDINGS always kept in stock for Shoemakers. W. J. CHAPMAN, Wingitam. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. None gennino unless stomped "Robber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We alsohave the best Lumber, or all kind; First.plass Shingles, and Cedar posts. Car toad Orders a Specialty. c ANA/UAW "ISIIZ0a171 WOOD 'delivered to any part of Winghani, ea -Ord try" mill pretreat, attended to. Gl1UR(fit T11C•21iSON, N'irtr'aif I! fr You can get any shade you desire, in gnantitics costing from 10 scuts up. For Whitewashing and Ea)somining, ask for wino! LOC2INS The undersigned wish TO tender their bat thank:, for the liberal patronage given to mu 10(116 dining Overalycarn prior to the burning of our mill by in. elldlarlsnt. During the ) set season we pave re• meddelled, the tow„ mill to the latceta i,roved ate. cin of Hungarian. Roller Process mil ling. We be Nye wesan now give better accommodation ante, ei'er before.. We oiler a C ;1 leo will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI- e• ` 1'EF • with 78 characters, andp$i$ for the SINGLE icASE ODELL. Warrante4'to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durtlbility, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has iso ink ribbon to bother the operator. '.It is neat, suustantial, nickel plated, perfoot and adapted to all kinds of typo writing. Like a printing press, it produces shale, Olean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We offer $1 ,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducements to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., address ODELL TYPE WRITER Co.,. 86 and 87 6111 Ave. CRICAGO, ILL: Prompt Dispatch, Fair Retur$te, QUALITY SECOND'iO-INION, IN'1'I:llb. SECTION, And by close personal attention to the busineso hope to be again favored. With a trial by all old friends and many new ones. Tours most respectfully, 1 BUTTON &,CARR \Vingham Mill, Oct, A9 1859. A CHANGE In the ianiou 11,11Sil101k CHAS. SO X( 1 OHTEL4 Wishes to intimate tothe people Wiughmn and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. 3. Eonauth 86 Son, and will conduct it in the building one door south of air T A Mills!. store. DOUBLE A>ZD SINGLE .HARNESS. heavy or light, map to order. A full lino of. Horse Blankets, Sleigh Rens, Whips Currycombs Brushes, etc., alway s on band IRepairing na promptly do i The patronage of the public solicited, and 'Ionia work and mtiterial guaranteed, C. KNEOHTEL Wingham, March 4. 1390. CARRIAGES and don't take anything else. aid BUGGIES! ' rinownsmismerrs. sem. • WM. DORE (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), IIA\17FAOTUREa OF- • a Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, S , Phaetons, Road Carts, Sic. Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the next two months. All kinds of work made to order by first-class workmen, under the super. vision of the proprietor. notice Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &o., dorso on short Those in need of anything in our line will save money by calling before purchasing. 'WM. DORE, Winghanl, Ont. WINGHAM, •• FOU. DRY. -�+��' O-'rc-- < R .I. AJ4 Y � C s:.••.. .1.0111 PL.J � , .. . -Successors to R M Robinson, manuf,'actprerers of- lifinalULTURALL IMPLEMENT. 0 Wo have the patterns of R. M. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. o R PA2R=NQ- OF' A=12, is:.I r oS A. SP CT .T...M . The patronage of the public solicited. 11I7.ERA.Y Go. In connection with the above, I wish to say that I have leased my foundry to the above firm for a term; - of years. They come to Wingham highly recommended as fdrst.class mechanics, having had extenairo' experience in mill work and repairs. 1 would ask for there a continuance of the patronage extended to nail` g+) �y�il9'> J �i dgring the past eighteen years. Yt bi ROBINSON, -�) Se , ,a tF it to 1� • Wingham, June teth,1b00. I-IA.tD 1 ARE Il1Ed'I.CFIANTS, W ingharn. WINGHAIVI MARBLE YORKS i. Taking a retrospect Of my tiilrteon or fourteen yed111 business in Wingham,I desire most heartily to tender Ivy thanks to nay mends and the public gen• evilly for the liberal patronage extended to me in this past. 1 may also state that 1 San in a positign to offer bettor induccmenta than ever to those requiring anything in the line of Grrai tO or Stone 1VIottument8 :t1BADS'I`ONES, WANI)OW SILLS, • STONE TRIMMINGS, ;FOB FENCING, '&q 1 would bo Wooled to have theso,0 t '41154 of pro oaring any articles in mylino to oa e e examine goods, eampaie fisc s '.nd leave their or ill othat the goods 001V be eoouted a:nd rael,arctt early 141 the Neap on, Yon clan select front 'the lattet ..coigns and obtain the tlnest we; kmen0l4 at the f,obt favorable pricer. Most rebpectfa117, yonrs, 11/NV Strfren; Winston, Ott. ZD, MELLY'S Z LIT41311 Hats a most complete assortment of tho LATEST, CHOICES ani 1 MOST CHARMING AnTIat1 S i6? Watches, Clock, jewelry i ati Silver Goo44 IO § OA Tpr $Ass133ARGAINS. 1 ' ll,p E A'f'T>J;<t't'ION GIVEN ro .tYti 'AIR11CG, Ar -.i) Wo4it 14. WARRANTr.D. GO IG T T(1 ta'tii. 11N'S 13LOCII 1'OE; Yon t1EWELLt1i? ORE FITSt THOUSANDS OF SOTTO IVEN AWAY YEAf'LYI Whse 1 say Omni I tto trek Inertly to stop Awn fora tips, sad tithe them retool a ala..1 1NEAN ARAD1CALOURS. I have made the dtsbateof Epllapay or rolling Oloknultt5 .> i:fc-Ieeg s1atdy. I warrant my remedy to'Ou wont 11SSSll, 13oc11ttee others burin failed is 010 reason for not now stenra• 2101 Mice for.. treatise( Iuad r Oa* SNtak+ of tnq 1>,irtlllglp Rortred" ivo Sc t to. I cots st titbit 'or .a trial, aria ita'rill rote you. l4 ks1 101 Ftllf t� 1' ilrilLlFlllKtl t1' 1'.