HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-11-26, Page 19Don't Fumble, 7. STitTaTIOWWiiiied TYPING work required. Hourly rates applied. Phone 527-0979. 7-56-4 * SEVENTEEN year-old girl a- vailable for housework, baby- sitting or clerical work in a store. Phone 482-9103. 7-58x3 8. Farm Stock for Sale FORTY-SIX started pigs. Oliver Wright, 527-1727. 8-59-1 • TWO bull calves, one Holstein and one white face. Cor DeCorte RR 2, Seaforth, 527-1628. 8-59-1 THREE feeder 'heifers, home grown. Alvin Dodds; phone 527- 1748. 8-59-1 TWENTY-four pigs, nine weeks 0 old. Ted Van Dyke, RR 4, Sea- forth, phone 527-1435. 8-59x1 FORTY pigs for sale, 9-10 weeks- old. Henry Klaver, RR. 4, Clin- ton, phone 482-9156. 8-59-1 ELEVEN started pigs, York and Harap• cross, castrated. Jim Mc- 345-2029. 8-59-1 Quaid, RR 5, Seaforth, phone • TWO Hereford and Holstiii Cross, due in about 6 weeks; also 3 open Hereford-Holstein heif- ers, around 700 pounds. Paul Murray, 345-27.28, 8-59-1 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 10. Used Cars For Sale 1967 Oldsmobile. Good condi- tion.. Phone 527-1176. 10-59x1 FOURTEEN-FOOT truck rack with front-end hoist, now mount- ed on a Dodge truck. Stewart Dale, phone 482-3326. 10-58x2 1966 Ford -Galaxie 500T 2-door HT., power brakes and steer- ing, AT., radio and snow tires. 345-2650. 10-59-1 11. Articles for Sale • 1 ESTETNER ink available at he Huron Expositor, 527-0240 Seaforth. 11-56x( OVEN ready tak- en up to the end of November for Christmas. Mrs. John Peck- itt, 402-75ee/. 11-55x5 tilNGER Christmas Special- • straight stitch machinep 79,95; 24Iz zag machines, 99.95; Vac- uum cleaners, 40.95, Apply it Itzfara's Store, St. Columba& 11499-2 u a. Box 169 9-564f We have one of the most complete stocks of Used Machines available anywhere starting as low as $195.00 Get on a deal NOW while a good supply of machines are available Hopper Mechanical Services Seaforth, Ontario INIM•••••••• Phone 527- 1859 "AUTHORIZED DEALER OF NORTH AMERICA'S FASTEST SELLING SNOWMOBILE" -OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL NINE- 13. Wanted CROCKERY, brass or fancy iron beds, pictures, rockers, old jew- ellery, old bottles, or sealers, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump. 482- 7358. 13-56-tf 14. Property for Sale Three bedroom •brick house in Egmondville with living room, kitchen, recreation room, soft and hard water, all modern con- veniences. Terms must be cash. Hans Van Euw, 527-1798. 14-59-tf SELLING?? BUYING?? REAL ESTATE • CONTACT WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH Daytime 527-0870 Evenings 527-1972 GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER WEST LORNE, 15. Property for Rent THREE bedroom house, all mod- ern conveniences and oil heat- ed. 3 miles south of Seaforth. Phone 527-1785. 15-59-1 TWO bedroom apartment, full cellar and separate entrance in Zurich, 236.4976, Zurich. 15-59-2 ONE bedroom, ground floor, heated apartment with refrig- erator and stove phone, 482- 3320.. 15-59-tf BRICK home in excellent con- dition to rent, oil heat, use, of refrigerator and stove. $50 monthly, 527-1560. 15-59-1 COMFORTABLE one bedroom apartment, self-contained, on Goderich street, full bath, kitch- en, heated• by separate gas fur- nace, Available furnished or un- furnished. Box 1965 Huron Ex- positor, 15-58x2 16. For Sale or Rent HOUSE for rent or sale, 2-stor- ey brick with modern conven- iences, new gas furnace, alum- inum storms and screens. Close to shopping on quiet street, Ken Laidman, RR. 1, Caledonia, Ont. Phone 4654333. - 16-58x4 19. Notices WE SELL AND SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth 527-1720 19-56-tf .24 Hour Approvals 2nd and 3rd Mtges. Arranged in the convenience of your home, Low cost. You can call to 10 p.m. today for helpful court- eous service. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay Street, Tor- onto.-Call collect. 366-9586, EVGS. 2394913 19-48-14 MORTGAGES First and second mortgages available on residential, farm or business properties. 24 HOUR SERVICE P. F. Cunningham 576.2332, Kitchener 19-5641 REGISTERED Electrologist for permanents, hair removal. For appointment, free consultation, call 524-7605. 19-574 Attention Housewives Are you happy with your pre- sent kitchen cupboard? If not, contact us for complete kitchen remodelling, Ball - Macaulay Ltd. Clinton - Seaforth - Hensall 19-5641 GUITAR lessons and sales, ren- tals for beginners, five free les- sons to all students enrolled by December 22. H. Pulsifer, 482- 7166. 14-5841 NOTICE - St. Columban store Is now handling Singer parts and notions, also accepting service calls. Special on service calls. Free estimates given on repairs. Phone 345-2750. 10-5641 HORSESHOEING, any "4" of horse. Contact Ross Elli 527- 0118. 10-56-tf WE have •a good line of used Ski-Doo snowmobiles. Hopper Mechanical, Seaforth. 11-58-2 LIKE new vacuum cleaner, hard- ly used; 72 bass Honer accor• dian, like new with case. Call 527-0218. 11-58-2 SET of 1970 World Books, brand new, never opened, con- siderably lower than current price. Apply to Box 1966, The Huron Expositor. 11.58-2 FARROWING crates with or without, mounted feeding or water. All steel construction. Geo. Troyer, Rift 2, Hensall, 26E- 5282. 11-584 TABLE turnips $1 per bushel in your own container, Phone Francis Hunt, 527-1946. 11-58-3 ADORABLE, miniature, poodle puppies from prize registered parents. Black male and female; chocolate brown male and fe- male. Choose your puppy now, will hold till Christmas. Phone 527-1915. 11-58-2 BATHROOM sink with taps, in good condition, Phone 527-0235. 11-58.2 USED black and white televis- ion and stereo combination; also a black and white used portable 19" TV Seaforth Electronics, 527-1150. 11-584f ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines available at The Huron Exposi- tor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-56-tf EAVESTROUGHING and light ning rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11-56xtf JEWELLERY Repair Service Diamonds Reset Ring Sizing Ring Repairs Shaver' Repairs - Parts Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-5641 COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-56xtf OIL stove, $10; also two 750x18 good tires and four 900x20 tires, fair. Phone 262-5272. 11-59x1 THREE party dresses, only worn once. Red straight dress with jacket to match, size 7; green chiffon A-line and straight yel- low chiffon with lace, both size 1042, Phone 527-0642,-,....11,59x1. TWO sets of Unit Steps, one with railing, can be seen at Jackson Aluminum building at Egmondville bridge. Phone 527- 0428. 11-59-1 CHOICE young beef -for sale by the quarter or half. Winchester 12 guage pump gun, model 1200, in new condition. Call 482-7578. 11-59-1 SNOWBLOWERS, drive or back through snow. George Troyer, phone 262-5282, Hensall. 11-59.1 TWO snow tires for sale, 775x15. Used only one winter. Phone 527-0880. 11-59x1 TWO-PIECE rust chesterfield and chair, was $269, now selling for $169.00. Only used 6 months. Gingerich's, phone 527-0290. OVEN ready roosters, -phone 11.59-1 527-0818. QUANTITY hard wood for stove or fire place. Phone 527- 1530. 11-59-1 ANNEX stove in good condi- tion. Phone 262-5232. 11-59-1 SET of tractor tire chains to fit 11 or 12-38. Wilf McQuaid, North Main, Seaforth. 11-59x1 BARRY doll clothes, Christmas orders taken. Contact Eleanor Ritchie, 527-0519. 11-59-1 LAZY Boy chair and matching foot stool and also a ladies' curling jacket size 16. Phone 527-1096. 11-59-1 PAIR of skis and ski boots, size 7, men's. Phone 527-1119. 11-59-1 150 gallsan fuel tank. Phone 527- 0674. \ 11-59-3 GOOD used TV, guaranteed 30 days. Gingerich's Sales and Ser- vice, Seaforth. 11-59-1 1-7.--" ADMIRAL TV and 3 brush floor polisher. Phone 527-1325, 11-59-1 A 141/2 cu. ft. upright freezer. Phone 482-7240. 11-59-1 Buy now and save on '71 SKIROULES and accessories JOHN ELDER ENTERPRISES RR 2, Hensall, 262-5598, or contact MEL WHITING, Exeter, phone 235-1459 for demonstration. * New double trailer as low as $150.00 * Several used machines in stock 11-59-1 12. Wanted to Buy IMMEDIATE payment for good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Allan Craig giving location and tele- phone number or phone 232- 4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 12-564f 19. Notices WANTED Dead and Disabled Cattle and Horses, Highest Prevailing Prices Paid. 24 Hours, 7 Days Weekly. Fast efficient service. CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 1 1/2 miles south of Brussels. Lie. No. 273-C-70 19-564f HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON We pay highest prevailing price for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Smaller animals picked up as a service to you. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License # 237-C-70 19-56-tf ANY trees to cut? Phone 345- 2583. 19-56-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed , ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth. 19-564f ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer.. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-5641 DEEP STEAM CLEANING FREE ESTIMATE Carpets - Upholstery WILLIAM PINDER Seaforth, Phone 527-1851 19-564 VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna. Phone Henson 262-5748. 19-56-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone 'Clint6e482-3320. NOTICE We are shipping cattle _ei;ery Menday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-5641 22 Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH County of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town oi Seaforth under his hand and the Seal of the Corporation, bearing date the 7th day of August, 1970, sale of lands In arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chambers at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 11th day of December, 1970, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale of arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of, September, 1970, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office this 7th day of August, 1970, E. M. Williams, Treasurer 22-48-13 NOMINATION MEETING TOWN OF SEAFORTH A meeting of the electors of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEA. FORTH, on Mon., Nov. 30, 1970 for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of May- or, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, six Councillors and two Public Utility Commissioners, Nominations will be from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If a poll be necessary the same will be held at the follow- ing places on Mon., Dec. 7 1970 Score With A Cl. THE L;i Si 1. Coming Events LORA Euchre to be h-eid atthe Orange Hall at 8:30 p.m., Nov- ember 30th. 1-59-1 COMMUNITY Dance at Staffa Hall on Saturday, Dec. 6th at 9:00. Christies Orchestra. Ad- mission per person, 1.25; couple, .$2.00; family, $3. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-59-2 ST. COLUMBAN famous annelid • PTA Turkey Bingo. 15 regular, three 15 dollar specials and one share-the wealth. Dec. 10, at 8:30 p.m. sharp, St. Columban hall. 1-59-2 2. Lost, Strayed MISSING, girl's super cycle hi- e cycle, Seaforth, 1970 License No. 130. Light blue in color. Taken off verandah at 154 God- erich St. Anyone seeing same please call 527-1424, Reward. 2-58x2 WALLET containing personal papers and large sum of mon- • ey. Reward. Phone 527-0316. 2-59x1 WOULD the person who picked up the frame of an oval shaped mirror at Malcolm Fraser's sale at Walton, Saturday, Nov. 21, please phone 527-0802, Doug Dalrymple. 2-59x1 • LOST cattle beast, st rayed from lot 6, con. 4, Tuckersmith, Hol- stein heifer about 500 lbs. Black with white legs. Phone 887-6217. 2-59x1 4. Help Wanted AVON CALLING Only one territory left available in this area for Christams sell- ing. Call Collect to-night for in- formation on this TUCKER- SMITH territory while it is still available to you. No obligation. MRS. DELLSON, 451-0541 London 4-564 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATON • invites applications for the position of ATTENDANCE COUNSELOR .1r Duties to commence immed- iately. This will be a part time position. The successful appli- cant must be available by tele- phone each morning of the school year, to investigate at- tendance problems, on a per call, per mile basis. ' Written application should in- clude 'educational --background, and availability for interview and be addressed to: D. J. COCHRANE, Director of Education, Huron County Board of Education, 9'7 Shipley St., Clinton, Ont. 4-59-2 11 Articles For Sale TYPEWRITER ribbons, adding machine ribbons for most styles. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, 11-56xtf 12. Wanted to Buy HOCKEY equipment for two boys, age 8 and 10, everything except skates needed. Phone 945-2349, Dublin.12-59-1 WANTED to buy - a- Brownie un- iform, size 8. Phone 527-1587. 1,2-58-2 22. Legal Notices from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 Pm- Polling Sub-Division No. 1 at Mrs. Frank Storey's ,56 God- erich St. W. Polling Sub-Division No, 2 at Mrs. Mae Watterworth's, 39 West William St. Polling Sub-Division No. 3 at Mrs. Helen Bolton's, 19 East William St. Polling Sub-Division No. 4 at the Town Hall. Polling Sub-Division No. 5 at the Seaforth. Public Library. Polling Sub-Division No. 6 at Mrs. Clara Little's, 45 John St. SEAFORTH, November 19, 1970 E. M. Williams, Clerk 2248-2 23. Business Directory G. A. WHITNEY - FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth 23-56-tf SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W.R. Bryans, D.V.M., VS. J. P. McNally, D.V.M., VS. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 23-56-tf Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 25-564f R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-5641 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri, 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 38-56-11 23. Business Directory Percy Wright - - Auctioneer For Auction Sale service that is most efficient and courteous, call the Wright auctioneer. Tele- phone Hensall 262-5482. 23-564 W. J. CLEARY- Seafortk Ontario .o LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-56-tf 24. Cards of Thanks OUR sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, and messages of sympathy ex- tended to us in the passing of a brother, the late Arthur Lee, of Dunnville, Ontario. - Jean and Victor Lee. 24-59x1 MY sincere thanks to friends, neighbors for remembering me while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital and since coming home. Also to Dr. Brady, nurses and staff. It was greatly appre- ciated. - Mrs. Grace Scott, Croznarty. 24-59-1 I would like to thank all those who remembered me with cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Stratford General Hospital. It was all much ap- preciated. - Wilfred O'Rourke. • 24-59x1 25. In Memoriam STRONG - In loving memory of a dear father, Robert John, who passed away November 27, 1965. We often think of days gone by, When we were all together; A shadow o'er our lives has east. Our loved one's gone forever. - Ever remembered by his fam- ily. 25-59x1 27. Births CRONIN - To Mr. and Mrs., Jerry Cronin, RJR 2, Dublin, at Seaforth Community Hos- pital, on Nov. 20, a son, PRICE - To Mr. and Mrs. John Price, Seaforth, at Seaforth Community Hospital, on Nov. 21, a son. WHITTAKER - To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Whittaker, Seaforth, at Seaforth Community Hos- pital, on Nov. 21, a son. 28.. Deaths MoKAY - At Milton District Hospital on Sunday, Nov. 22nd, 1970, Archibald McKay, in his 28. Deaths oath YeafSuivived by the former Margaret rlabertY, deg father of Clifford and vin of of Toronto, and oToffre (GOO of Brantford; also survived by 14 grandchildren and 18 great 28 Deatha gree n. Requiem was celebrateda Ho Church, Won; osi w morning, t on, ljt gree4 Vemetery, Milton. TOYS TOYS Something for Everyone -APPLIANCES HOCKEY EQUIPMENT - TOBOGGANS GEO. A. SILLS & SONS SPEND YOUR DOLLARS With us and WE'LL GO TO BERMUDA TV Special, Knitting Needle . 2.99 TV Special, Brushes 3.99 Iron stone Tableware Sets 14.77 Wonderwood Sewing Chest 7.97 HARDWARE MERCHANTS Heating, Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Phone, 527-1620 Seaforth ...and act it ! We do. With new styling, new features, new ideas. And more of them than others can match. Including a totally new concept, the compact Elan, It's just one of seven magnificent new series and twenty-seven new models for 1971, Twenty-seven exciting ways to enjoy winter. All built better and backed by better service. You're sure to find one that exactly matches what you have in mind. Get in on the Special November Price on twelve case lots of Bombardier Oil. Get your friends together and save $2.50 per case. go one better ghiKtall Ar _m The nineteen-seventy-one