HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-05, Page 6leff • ""'", ' • ••••• ". - • • t • • • Ilellieeerer'Itteseveereefleefteee'hellelte, s „. 4-4e4 ...."- VAMIrialArsbig leiothods. 01141:14401, 1))1111 Q,11311t$ 1100,V the serface, far whoa so plattied. bee• 514 as diary gospel Met in gravity For a Wag Willie it has been eeeePle feshea or MARItti1eln LICHNSKS, NOTAfilt et:MAO, CONvEYANIAtt, 4vc. „Ay., • as not to bring up the horitetteel mete they are, sure to gr0W t o iS damp, 'Nike Ant plowing ie any FL-i1.1)A1C, SEPTEUBlat 51. 1890 ease amnia he eliallow, as it is etseily doue„ awl answers the purpose quite Atnumtr oLnaivAiriow. 2,,s deep plowing. In tame *444,4444, Sectiona the farriers here been prate, magi emote 1,04 ONTARIO, TIMA %Vann- • tninu eultivation for years, worn D EVERY VARMna. One ef the greatest mistakes in the •Praetioset the Ontario farmer at the presteSt dole ie, withoue a doubt, the mei/ ineaeiere oE attention given to atannou cultivation. No menus can. inlopted which 'Will effect se "i3 for the outlay in Cleaning in others it has toyer howl ettemPtede It is scarcely necessary to 011 that where autumn cultivation has mat been 'introduced weeds abound, and crops le du remuheratiVe a,re harvested, 'In Reddens where soils are nettleally stiff itis leas essential, for weeds "do not Ora* there'readily, but it puVer the land ; of much a'clianteere in any sell. • • Autumn cultivation is ohr practia of course st this farm, and so bene- ficial are the results that we eatinot for a moment think of doing without it. But'we are not malting mach use 81`the •gaug;plows ; we are using th twOliirruw plow instead. The giteg plows that eve hate do not turn the furrdws bufficiently well, and so do Dot for the time being destroy all weed st,rowth, All our soils which have/ groWn, grain are•so treated, except'Sn'cli as have been sown to grass, or are to be grown with winter wheat or rye, I am eware there are difficulties in the way .of autumn cultivation. The work to be most effective should be done at once after harvest. There is, oftentimes, no labor to be spared for this purpose. The teams are employed with the harvest and so cannot be spared to plow. The remedy is plain, though it may be very difficult of ap- plication. It is this : Hire more labor and keep utore horses. Although thereis large expense connected with keeping horses in winter, the number of working horses in the Province should be increase. Years, etc„ THOS. SHAW., Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph August 26th, 1890. end this method of doing it is within 'tile reaeir td every farmer. Cleat farms for Ontario should be the wetelielord fur every tiller of the SW in this Peovince. That our farms should be porot.ically elean is a possi- le'litY, and svery farmer who is true to hie owe twat interests will constant l',Y exert lemeelf to "rid his farm of evtiry kiiel oE noxious 'weeds, and also i tliereacteelee *et may border upon it. By. en dein a cultivation I mean • that calation which consists in lightly 'plowing the land. as soon as pueeible 'after tins trop ia removed, and in hari'..,Wing it twice with an interval "botwe,“ the borrowings prior to'the tines LI the late and deep plowing, wieeli precedes the coming of winter, Tue tv.o prime Objects of these oPer- ations are, first, to bury any weeds growing in the stubbies that would oth.arwisergo.to seed ; and, second, to caleArage the germination of seeds lying in the ground, and which are then destroyed either by the harrow- : iiig which conies later, or by the late = plowing before winter. In the ee- l: coiaplisliment of these two objects a third is realized, although it may not be sought. Soil decompositicn is prof/lewd through the 'weathering' of the exposed surfaces, and inert plant . food is thus unlocked and made N RIR- " able for use by the next, year's crop • This mode of cultivation is certainly 1, ing upon the soil at the close of har.4 i' uetitt , that is, when the work is thoroughly doll e. Ragweed, dm sow thistle (one of the most difficult of weeds to eradicete), the Canada thistle, burdocks, and Various kinds of coekle, all of which swirl be found growing:in the stubbies where •they exist. will thus be buried, No other means of destroying qagweed •del - cockle are 'so efficient for the outlay. The first plowing not only *buries the weeds mentioned with 'many others which, thougieless tron'elesome, -sheuld be given no ',quarter; %hut it twins many sheds that may be lyin dormant in the, soil, so near the Ser.; f sot thee they will germinate, .The harrowing which follows in due time destroys these, after which other seeds germinate to be destroyed in turn by the late plowing, By th's simple mode of cultivation vast quantities of the seeds of such Tiaras as wild oats, wild Ilex, the Wild pea, wild mustard and p.gton will be destroyed, 'for, un - e in the case of tbe eviId pea and wild mustard, these naturally put teeth the t floe, to grow 'in autumn. there is ample scope for the exercise elf good jtclgiTient as tel the !precise elates° of the first plovving, dependeot pon the kinds of weeds that may be towing, and the nature and condition S'the land. Where weeds are already 'growing it is important that they • be pat Gilt of sight, Tide gartg-plow will not do effectually at present used. It the gang plow O be used much for this purpose, put do,o° vvhat refusal lie Met. with when -4 tninufacturers will have to e f(,rui of a skimmer upon them askieg for anything, his constant an. nakst the Lurid of the weeds mune swer was, All right. He never asked, ,. The t wo farrow plow does Why ean't 11 or Why mustn't Ir ? work than the ordinary gitug,,, alPry had, not wily learned to Oboh , bet it ihotlid also have a skim,. hut ht, had learned to obey iu good For destroying thisee,4 th 'oreaMing the best method was to eilb 'merge thfi Call containing the hulk iu ioncold water, but rite idol smasher is atltand. M a, New York 'State dairy 0 mference,as reportki in Iivard's Dairyrutrn, -Ool. r. p. Uui t4howed the audienee how to Tetse all the *cam an'hour, witimut the ifige'of lee. Oue puma of milk at 60° was put into a glasrjar havhtgOtt' paoity of abotitiwo and half pounds to Which was added cue pound of wtiter.at 58% 'The jar was Isleeed itt a trunperature'of 70% Result: Cream all up in an hour. The sable experi• Went wail performed at Meredith with 'sante result. The milk, after the cream was removed, having beetrleft 48 hours and Was ioppered, withOht the appearance of any more cream. Same results were produced, last win- ter at the institutes, where the experi- ments were sondtnited iu 'various degrees of 'teniperatere. When ice water was eiteel,the cream was ueually uplib,half an hour.. destructive to the crop -of weedsgrow Obeying Pleasantly. 'Little Harry had seen some older boys* theirkites from the tops et the house, and be thought'it would be nice futelfte 'could do so too—so he called to his aunt and said :— Aunt Mary, can I go up to the top of the house and fly my kite '1 His Aunt wished to do everything that was proper to please him, but she. thought this was very unsafe, so she', said: No, Harr3, my boy; I think that is very dangerous sort of play. I'd rather you wouldn't go. . All right. Then P11 go out on the bridge, said Harry. Ilis-aunt smiled, and said she hoped, 'he %Would alWays be as obedient tee that. Harrysetehat are you doing? said his mother on• one occasion. Spinding my new top, mother. Can't you take the baby out to ridel Get out the carriage, and 41411 bring him down. All right, shonted the hoy, as he put his top away in his pocket, -and hastened to obey his mother. Uncle William, magi.' go over to the store this morning; said Harry one day at breakfast. I want to See those baskets again 1 wits looking itt yesterday. 0 yes, Harty %aid his uncle ; '1 shall be glad to have you. Burt cannot spare you today, Herry, said his mother ;4.1 want you LO go with Me you shall go to the store another time. All right, said Harry, and went on eating. s No Matter what Harry was asked to At the terse of the conference Curtis asked Mr. L. B Fairuswortn, of Acton, to make some experiments in this direction and report results to him at Meredith, which he did in his dairy house, the day following the conference. Following is his official report of two experiments : NUMBER, ONE. One half pint of milk set at a tem- perature of 90°; half pint water added at 50°, Temperature of dairy room 61°. Jar not set in ice water. First line of cream observed in 25 minutes. Oream all up in 40 minutes. Milk left 8 hours without the appearance of any more cream. NUMBER TWO. Half pint of milk set at 92°. bame of water at 41°. -Vessel set in water at 52°. First line' of urea= observed in 15 minutes. Pull cream line. in 25 minutes. Both °retellings shrunk e• of I per cent., after being taken' off the milk. Milk set ati10 minutes' after otetex-4. th" klOokstors, arm,ur, otm. Money to L.n on Vann SoeuritY at Low Rates el Interult. No ennunission charged. ktioaey "G(7 013 NOttAv. Note Discounted AT RES .SONABLID ATE$. Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cont, wflI privilege of paying at the endo any year. Seto MIR accounts eolledted. ORT. llfeiNDOQ. OPPMS.-Bcavertilock. Winehain, Ont. ---.— BANK OF liAMILAVNI •v7 ••••.1..ee. 4.. Lt il:klingrau -IS PCULliallifIff•-, 'LIVERY —r rns— TIMES QFFICE, WIN' a - ONTAR•10. 41110. Wit 189X145ierlittIOUmpr100,$1. nor y car,,in sclvauce ,......— AlMITISINOIt ATER: a O a Fpace f I. ) E. I tt inct. t 0 ine (,ee Ge o .114 lEllTO'-iMilT6dT7g)00 . 44 .1 Half 4qI 55 nO Rit no 12 00 0 to uarter ,i so ue la ue I T 00 4'29 One lath 5 00 5 00 - 2 ea LK* Local and other casual advertisements, 9o. par line for ti rot insert -dm, and au. per line ter iateh staoseentnt iusertiou, Loma notices, 10 nonpareil type, 10c. for OrrePlu Benton, at 5e. nor line tor eaol,t subscqu en, iralortlen NO leeal iti)t M•AS b44. . Capital, $1,000,000. .1tebt,$4 qty -1,,,n Advertisements °time., ono d,.4trayod, Situations, "`m'y, end Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding Sties President-JoUN STUART. Vlue•Presillent-A. G. RAMSAY. Dam:mons labs PROCTOR, Cit. GURNEY. OM /Won, A, T WOOD, A. IP LBS (Toronto): Cushier -4'. TURNBUL,... Sairings Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; received and interest allowed.- speoiai Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts cm Great Britain aud die United States bought andUld 13, "WILLSON, AOSNT. MAYB1.1. ..ez DICKINSON; tioraetrons. H. DAVIS IS OFFERING, —ON— A.T-eavx ppmxeary. AT VERY LOW Rms. SIDM OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKT. WISOIIAM OCTOSDR. 45114 1888 HALSTED & SCOTT rERS Josephine Street Ont, J. A. MISTED, i J. W. Scow; Mount Forest. 1 Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. Money Advanced. to Varmers and 33usiness Men, being taken from the cow. . On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security.. Sale notes bought Now, if these reedits can be obtain at a fair wiluation. money remitted to all not, parts of Canada at reasenabie charges. ad with half a pint '6f milk why with a vat of it, and, where one has Special Attention Given to Col - no ice nor separator, but has a well that will drop the mercury to 55° or 60°, why not try it for the purpose 'of speedily and freely raising the cream ? w with.broad sharc, wklch to I be ititryttles be, " 3Y rd"1" aun'Y 1"bbr his IR... ini. bLrt... ' • to iif..`tipoud for any 1018.. • 4,• ; • • • ;LIU siditrinin,i; G. T. k.ilk4trou. ter• weed with a, . - di • • ie w es retie sie.t ..4a iliare.seeenies er attepoussietets that' vette nee i *ins should be shallo SO in LAI rower to.prottnit, , tt, be,-43,4tion Traetiler, WIstsbota, Oak .***•••••••••••.4-4,4. Gents of Vitought. If thou wouldst be bane with, bear withAI triattLegv • Aia T.. LOR looting:Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank of Canada. moo ,.11011rS4FrOM 9 a. m. to 5 p1m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. others. 'Those who are greedy in praise are leek- irigia merit. Sometimes temptations come to the indhstrions, but all temptations attack the To speak wisely may not always be easy, brlit not to speak in requires only silence. In accordance with the•ancient proverb, he 'who would accumulate must spend also, Nothing can' constitute good .breeding that hats not godd nature qor its founda- tion. The best society and conversation is that in whith the heart has a greater share than the head. Nothing eat bring y75ti pane but your. self. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles, AVM Writfitg Basemen Lost 11k. Will the coming an write? Not at ell. There will be no more need of his teeming to write Wan of his learIi. in to spin. Weitina')will have be. come one of the lest iiits,and a wholly unnecessary art, by the time the corn. ing man appears. His writing will be done by the phonogreph, which will be placed on his desks as pens and hilt are now, and whenever he bus a story, a poem,an essay, or'a private letter to indite he will simply talk into th' &telegraph and -send on the vitae which has recorded his words. The reachi,Ig penmoship will be un- knewn LIl kocell; of the future.and. wrait-;,t;Lb.1I-.fent ,:asltion will, Carpenter and Builtler, 'J N ST R E E T, WINGUAM, • ONT., (Opposite Lloyd's Factory)) noimatei51 Houses and Farms tor Vali., ant exetring 8 lines, 81 for Min mouth, fine. per subsequent month These ti ruts will be stiieti,) at' lasui to Special rates for longer advertisements, or NO longer periods. Advertisements without speelfle directions will he inserted till torbiq and ,eharited accortlifigiy.' Trait. sitory advertisements 0.1114X, be paid in advance Cluingeis tor eel:tract advertisements must be 4n the office uy Wednesday noon, in order to appac that week R. aid.nrrT PRUP:ORTOM ANM PUISLISMS•V.' SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, BLINDS, &c., &c. House& Stmg, k:epairing 'Promptly attended to, JOSEPHINE blitEET, WINOLIAMe 0 xceilalte W TOWLEIt. M.D.C.51„ Member • College Physicians and Surgeons, Onto.no. -Corollor for County of Huron -- Office at " THU PlIAMMACY " * WIMghaMie*Out. Dnu. 3. A, ILELDRIN, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Meniber of the College of Physicians .and Seraeons Ontario. Oilice and Resilience -Corner of Centre and Pada streets, formed) occupied by Dx. llabune. WINCIMAM WIN(111All R. VANSTON.E, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc* Private and Company fends to loan at lowest rates interest. No coininissban charged. Motgages, town and farm pioncrt3 bought and sold. OFFICE -Beaver Wixotima, ONT. 45 & SME FACTORY. ISeXtran lcuit ?goes., Manufaettirets 'of and Dealers in PINE, HEMLOCIt. HARDWOOD - • LiTNIBElt,. Pine and Cedar SHING LES) J. A. MORTON BARRISTER its., nghain • Ontario vi DYER & DICKINSON, 1-1, W. C. MEYER, Q. C. 1 E. L. DioatssonAi. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITuRS, Etc., Rte., So Bettors for Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking, affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage senility 51,1 per cent, Money Inv Kited for private poisons, upon the hest mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. lanais for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Otlice-Bent's Block. %Ingham. DENTISTRY,- J, JEROME, Wittman, Is. manufacturing Celluloid Plates VUlcanite plates of the bestmateria as cheap as they' can be got in the Dominion. All work Attenuated, Vegetable Vapor Administered for the painless extraction of teeth; the only safe anesthetic known. TARS 1,10=8.-4 eXt.4110 teeth for 25 Wits each. OFFICE : In the Beaver 13lock, opposite '13ao Brirnswick Lath, Stotts. Bare6q.s, d C Pftts See •, 0I.eseetrelailineetatiee. `tassitsia DiNTisTity..,,, MACDNALD, tinker Of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, 34 •Gold,- etc., etc., Plates, ranging 1(1 prices from 8500 upwards pert set crowring, and bridgework. Teeth -ex, hunted without the least pain by the use of Vital ized..Air. 'Bead °Mee, Wingham, side entrance op- posite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundaysexeopt• oil) from 9 a in to 5 p Will be at Blyth •every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eaelimonth-011iecat Milne s hotel ;,Gorrie let and Brd Mondays of each month- 011iceat Albion hotel. 4:2tracting 20 cents. • jonx RITCHIE, GENERAL•IN$URANCE AGENT Wmenatt, ,Olnantri ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, ,INSIMANCIE JURE AND MARINE, GtxtbSII. •DEAN, Wixonam,, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER TI1B ICOUNTAt OP Sales attended lit any part .of the Co. Charge• Moderate. JOHN CURESISI NlittionAn, Our., LICENsED AtICTIoNlostt.POri THE couSsTs • HUMS. All orders left at the Tam office promptly at end ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES IIENDEUSOlt, LICS10311D •AUCT162Mtit 5011 d0731411g8 tisaos At113 pules, All ages attelided to promptly And on the Shorten Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All ileesSsary orroolanuosta eon he teat, at,th Times' office . Winaimm, 00pr , DOLTON 11AW1iINS Z. t. & D. • I Seaysvotes AICD thy& E11111101 148 °WM. Asp WINGIIAM. tr.'s loft at the aloe of the Tuetiovnti re calve pionant stretition 141 A: • ,.:(144114 Inneta etnart, nom OP MAI, ;OLIA6111401/ellite Yr St 4440 ON4ro 0 , ..111111.4P' • Vailwillatkudfit. ""- "r: -• 1 A r.'frssrrivrt tIlt ie tan Werie infinexr tezarked au t. time no in ?Al the hooks et ai Straighten ani the lizionee al of partner N days we wor the moat th •took. Partn tin , persuns kionietivoes li some o the1 not right,' b were and w start to argix giving. way, leave the rc walk up an 'You're a fo are right.' would recov all the whil lluence. I your duty,' turned pale. 0.50,000, :There is tl looked at it sure Om figi .1 struggled was not' abl said, 'if "th money will "And las though it tc astonished attribute niagne with wit feels it. 'pen in ways gets shells, and as per cont this man's and alway was able only man t41;11 Last • 41 2 Certain, been, from ( have a pe ) liable to health and belief ori supposed teachings( notice of posed to men of th Cnisar, ev Romans. celled the cus," bees it was oil i The 861 is suppos a multiph are mysti ble foot tl .3*. ireportaw figure. TI and fema at puttert becomes ' Aristotle as the .he the year At the ap Seven yet - eases are most rob ens (70) his euth The go in Englw regardet the reigi passed of Richt enacted, )dngs. Jt It was " football and not and 151 Statutes posed it writes: rough a ball, me able th reign 0 true bil SODA f0/ Crorew, for pin 1,1rxr.o. 't 11.1) aver EIS contim assidui forte. ns a so oultiva garde Some 1 his gni woith hoe be