HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-11-26, Page 2IN MEXICO, GAILY-DECORATED PINATA - an earthenware jar filled with goodies - is a Christmas challenge for the young- sters. Blindfolded, they attempt to break the pifiata, which may be suddenly lowered or raised (Alt of reach. Success brings a shower of toys and sweets. Photo from Encyclopedia Internatinal. WORLD--WIDE, IT'S MERRY CHRISTMASTIME! Mistletoe, Santa Claus, letters to Santa, Christmas customs galore - where did they all begin? The customs of Christmas come from many lands and many eras. They evolve from pagan ceremonies into Chris- tian rituals. And they stretch from West to East, from North to South, as each country contributes something special and traditional to the celebrations of the holiday. When seasonal gaiety rings out in Canada, the merriment is echoed in Mexico. When North or South Americans gather for Christmas festivities, the people of Sweden are doing the same - and so are the peoples of Holland and France and Italy and Spain and countless other European countries. In the far East, Christian communities spread the customs of Christmas, which mingle with the year-end ceremonies observed by those of other faiths. That the legend and lore of Cl?ristmas knows no boundaries is illustrated in the following *and-up of Yuletide customs, based on information providedlby the editors of the Encyclo- pedia International. Manger Is Theme Of Latin Yule Phone 527-0340 s, We are making an exceptional CRICH'S BAKERY HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 68th CHRISTMAS IN BUSINESS CHRISTMAS CAKE filled with top quality fruits and nuts Order yours NOW For CHRISTMAS $ 1.50 lb. Serving the Community for over 68 years ,L9 In Panama Children in Panama par- ticipate in midnight mass on Christmas Eve by caroling to an accompaniment of casta- nets and tamborines. in Germany A procession which blends pagan and Christmas cus- toms is part of the legend, and lore of the holiday in Ruppin, Germany. A rider on a white horse, symbolizing the horse of the pagan god Wotan, leads the parade. He is followed by Father Christ- mas, who is decked with rib- bons and carries candy and fruit. comes the happy custom of the kissing bough. A large hoop, twined with, greens, is decorated with apples and candles. And in the center there's mistletoe-signal for exchanging kisses. In' Switzerland 'ftisS custdin that dates back to the Middle Ages is to start the New Year free Seaforth Oa SANYO Sanyo makes life's good things better. FREE Instant Reward Retail Value $24.95 A decorator swivel base stand when you buy SANYO 19" color TV CT3402CU. 19" PORTABLE COLOR TELEVISION WITH AFT Deluxe 19" portable color television with autorhatic fine tuning (AFT), sliderule color controls, automatic color purifier, built in VHF antenna. Simulated wal- nut cabinet. s VALUE HUNTERS PRICE 5.95 lomnoniameroasinamitnviniippg low WE'RE IN ilwar 'ss,';ii:%, .4: ., n itg Win-A-Prize '70 ,r--, -....'‘‘'`.''f ,) gisi Ask Us 6 I , v--.7 rx 12r, Ng 6 ri For Coupons --`-,„; 4 ,z1-:... 0 , A ......Jc % , 40 ififilarmoutaistr iiserniltifisi asiiiitilt ***IMO:1E HURON FUNK'S SEED CORN How susceptible are your present Hybrids to Leaf Blight? G4082 - 80 - 82 Days G5150 - 85 - Days GOOD YIELD and STANDABILITY These Hybrids are from Detasseled Parents (100% Normal Tagged) and have shown a high degree of resistance to leaf blight.. FREE Spring Delivery on Early Orddrs. SPECIAL VOLUME DISCOUNTS • MILTON J. DIETZ LIMITED Purina Chows - Sanitation Products. Seed Corn Layer Cages - Ventilation (Wholesale and Retail). BELIEVES IN For The BOYS' Perrna-Press Mock Turtle Shirts 2.95 and 3.95 Permit Press Sport Shirts 2.95 and 3.95 Pullover and Cardigan Sweaters 3.50 to 6.95 Kroy Wool Socks „.. 79c Nylon 79c Gloves and Mitts 59c to 2.75 Toques 1.00 and 1.95 Toques with face mask 1.50 and 2.50 Jackets 7.95 to 14.95 Pyjamas 2.50 and 3.50 Casual Jeans and Pants 3.50 to 6.9S Lined Corduroy and Denim Jeans, sizes 8 to 18 4.50 ALL ITEMS GIFT BOXED FREE of Charge at Though Santa and gaily decked trees often appear nowadays in Central and South America, Christmas is traditionally a time for reli- gious observances. Mass, at midnight on Christmas Eve or early Christmas Day, forms the heart of the holiday in Latin America, and the creche or manger scene marks the sea- son throughout churches and homes, say the editors of the Encyclopedia Americana. Bountiful feasts, proces- sions and other special events may provide a festive note, but custom says that gift- giving time is Three Kings' Day Twelfth Night, Janu- ary 6th, when the Wise Men brought their gifts to Jesus. Children put their shoes under the bed or in the win- dow, hoping to have them filled with toys and gifts. Water and hay are set out for the Three Kings' horses or camels. While many Latin Ameri- can countries share these traditions and celebrate Christmas in similar ways, each country also has its own special festivities. In Venezuela Hallaca, a native Venezue- lan dish, is an awaited deli- cacy during the Christmas season. It is made of corn meal with pork and chicken stuffing and numerous other ingredients, and then wrap- ped in 'plantain leaves to form a type of pie. In Guatemala • An ancient custom in Gua- temala is to "light the road to Bethlehem" by placing lanterns in windows and doorways for nine nights be- fore Christmas, • Put your money where you get your mortgage Most of the money invested in our high interest paying Guaranteed Investment Certificates has a priority in mortgage loans we make in the same area. Your investment in Victoria and Grey Certificates, not only helps you, it helps your community to grow and prosper. WCWRIA and VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1,589 • sausage drippings and eats it for good luck. In Holland For St. Nicholas season, it's traditional in Holland to make fiat cakes called Klass- jes. Once exclusively made in the form of the bishop, St. Nicholas, Klassjes now take any form of bird, beast or fish. In Brazil Brazilian lore and legend says that Three King's Day is a time for poetry contests. Verses accompanied by gui- tars are featured. 4 In France At Salers in central France, old-time tradition calls for a king and queen to rule over Christmas festivities. Rulers pay for the privilege, since they are "elected" by bidding at an auction held on the 0 church steps. In Austria Custom of writing letters to Santa Claus may have be- gun in Austria, where, long ago, it was an Advent tradi- tion for children to write let- ters containing lists of what they'd like to receive on St, Nicholas' Day, In Argentina It's a mid-summer Christ- mas in Argentina, and the traditional feast is generally served outdoors. Rosebuds and jasmine deck the table, which has as edible center- piece a• whole roast suckling pig. • USE CHRISTMAS SEALS. EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 26, 1970 In Chile Unique, among Christmas customs in Chile is a grand fiesta that centers around horse racing. In Colombia People parade in masquer- ade on Christmas Eve In Colombia. Each masquerader tries to guess the identity of others. When someone guess- es correctly, he can claim a small gift from the person who was "unmasked." In Peru Toro In Lima, Peru, Chri mas day is not exclusively church holiday, because it also marks the greatest bull- fight of the year. In Costa Rica In the island country of Costa Rica, "portals" are set up in homes. These are elab- orate Nativity scenes some- times filling an entire room. n England From the north of England of debts. December 6th, the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra, the first Santa Claus, is the day set to meet all monetary obligations 'such as rents and mortgages. hi Italy From Italy comes a most poetic addition to, Christmas lore. For three weeks during the Christmas season, chil- dren traditionally go from place to place reciting Christ- mas poems. They expect coins in 'return, to buy holiday goodies, In Sweden An ancient custom that is still observed in some Swed- ,ish households today is that of "dipping bread into the pot." Each person dips a piece of bread into pork and the in your Christmas For The MEN Ties 1.50 and 2.00 Socks 1.00 to 1.75 Scarves' 1.95 and 3.95 Dressing Gowns 9.95 to 12.9S Belts 2.00 - 2.50 Pyjamas 3.95 to 7.00 Polo Pyjamas 6.50 Viyelia Shirts, plain 14.00 tartan 16.00 Tits and Shirt Sets 10.00 Sport Shirts 5.00 to 7.00 Perma-Press Dress Shirts by Arrow .... 7.00 Mock Turtle Shirts 4.00 Dickys 2.00. 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French shepherd pictured here is taking part in a special holiday celebratign which has been a tradition in the town of Baux for more than 10 centuries. Photo- graph is from the Encyclopedia International. CHINESE CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE "SHEN Dan the Holy Birth Festival, at Christmas. But Santa Claus is on hand, too, as he is in this scene, typical of a Taiwan Christmas, where he greets youngsters enjoying a ride on a merry-go-round. Photo- graph is from the New Book of Knowledge. BILL O'SHEA Men's Wear PHONE 527-0995 SEAPORT!" CROWN HARDWARE Phone 5274420 Seaforth • FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS EMPHYSEMA AND OTHER RESPIRATORY DISEASES I.