HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-05, Page 4ert WiLL1 AMS 'C7TEMTST - AND - DRUG GIST. 1 year to exoawitite the 6,000 feet, 229 1 of which are under water. The whole n is stoats with 'cast iron from end t end, the tunnel being 20 feet in diwttt•' eter. It ie . not expected that trains will run through the tunnel before ebruary next, as the approaches will F have to be exeavtlted and walled up• u TICKET AGENT. re 4' eCO.week hitsY been unfavorable, owing to 'ACT, G. H, W. TELEGRAPH the rainy .w,eather. Wheat is turning fears. Barley cistrons, E Ca r• I ed all time, passed, s gn tied' Report of Finance Committee $8.63 Robt Marshall, gre.vel, $0. Account of 'Welled Keiffer, gravel, WroxetOr• i ` Mr t, hot, AI , 4ri'�itd•ty evening , ADDRUS LtND pttlsa rraTIOti• Hiles, of `1'urnleerry,. while 'tryi oro s tilt' tem+ et the jui)ctian, 6 e ' On Monday evening, the let inst., a u, sr() run ,.v, c £; the right n'elne' . number of the :donde of bir. and Sirs. ►trait klitz borer tank fright and raft #c• Sanderson n et in the house of Air. T. away, throwing lien. out of the button of (house fur 'F holler to bid them good bye, on and infertile hint somewhat -Sir, tion llfo 4, for use bolto , , their denerture for the Prairie Prov- Time, 'J.•itiling, of ' Lnndetthorn, spent Alex Forsyth, cedar . plank, Peter Milne, building culvert, 61G[t aide line $9.88 ; Trustees of School Legietative.eleetion, 41. Rl`t ihaitell, loos, Mr. Hobert Millet.. Was placed l3uneey til the ne,�gl nneliend.•---lho stationery, &o,' x,3.04 ;` J tW SGr`ut►iarsr in tl,o their and o peed proceedings 1iY fermiers in this evenon hew. been eon• tidli e M.. and Mrs, Sanderson the siderahly troubled with hnvs and for 'telephoning to W►nghant, o, i ,cents ;'linemen & ilutchison, blauke, *$2 26; d , ckin Kriitner, cedar; $8 40; e harvest wt l he an abundant Autltony Voiaion, gravel, 1.20 as J u this yea', 4101'5°0 the past 1Waechter, gravel, $ai , `� m 'Weide, our the best it Was Ary - : strunSWr: • sped is ex- cellent, Op, Brunswick NOUS% wireit was well harve .a but the damp weather has Ont discolored some that was a lithe late. '�117t°'ilc„n1•a Peas are a tart crop; p , , _ssmile ' places .e. abundant, others the worm bas been i -'*'-''''?'e"""•'•----'-'----'-' -• -T �-•• busy, but an overage return ie �. expect- t,4 k f:i�� vacs ed. Oats have exceeded expectations, � �...4 �� J and have Ju ve lilted out wonderfully. Ow- iug to the recent rains a great many = have been thrown behind with the F1iil):\I'. SEPTEMBER, G 1 t0Qharvest, although some are already done and even got their wheat soWn. 1;Di7'l'p1tIAL NOTES. But there is not much wheat 1n yet. sown. next, agreed that wheat will avid tie p:taatid by Congress and signed It is gene -ratty agbe better bowu later this Tut liit»l iuley till, it is thought, A great deal twill be g P is year than last, by P,•elii`1,•nt Harrison during this as tl is so datiip.-Not touch thresh- t ltnnntit, and aeitgo into force on !the tug has been dune yet. S,irne have to er. The duty ou bailey' ,put through their wheat and barley. now pl,�ced at 30 cents .per bushel: 1st of Oil b Bouts are, looking well. Turnips will i.s he the best for years. 'Corn is 'rood wilt hlcult remain at that figure. rspiendui and one woes i judge very Steen a SueitntAN has introduced' good, as it is reported that not far into the t'tined States Senate an from '1'ladv cleanedtthe conn off thirty itu1etadut'nt to the Tariff bill, in which don -41,1 ci the cobs, or 'about that, wiiieh we thick is be propos* s reciprocity y between uot a, bad record. -As the ebildroti are United Suites and Canada in coal. again seen wending their 'way clung'' This would ee of great benefit tows, .theroad rather in dttoh s ctoclnid s 1t would give our coal mines a bet from,, 'Who were for some a that the teachers W ter market anti at the salve time give .time refreshiii themselves coder the the catisutuers in Ontario cheaper tanning itifluet,ces of the sun, are coat: again practising ' their •tanning iu- fluences on the chililrett.=-1Ur..Iv. H. ON the 27th May Inst a resolution Bretton, of this township • on account was passed by the 1.)ublicAnalysts of theDominion in favor of collecting a• number of sat'nples of milk'frbtn each district for analysis, with a view to cstallisbing a milk standard. Samples of milk will shortly be collected from each district and the same sent to Ottawa for analysis. A bulletin will be iseuvd giving the result of the analysis: Accormieo to a G wernment return just die,rihuted there are 939 non- Catholic elementary schools in Quebec. In 770 of these the French language ie uot taught. Nor is ti taught in (i8 of the eie,nentary schools classed as Roast n Catholic. `Le Courrier u, Canada says that the attendance at these bellows is about' 220, so that pearly 17,0i0 of the future citizens of Y the French Province are not learning the-l:`reuch language. AT the late meeting Of the- Pro s ineiat Teachers' Association, a' motion by Mn itovve, ., That technical 'gram- mar ram-mar be removed from the Public Soho ,l grammar, except so far its it Wray be taught incidentally in a thorough course of language training,"' was carried, less than a dozen teachers -voting nay. 111r. Wm. Houston, M. A., aiid Mr. Rowles were aippointed to prepare a syllabus of language lessons to be su►,niitted for graminar in the Paine; eichool curriculum. gravel, (luteus share, $4.97 ; John Zinger, gravel, Culross share, 1.22t; A G Stewart, printing Voters' Lists, $28 80; advertising Court of Revision printing noticea to postmasters, &c, $6.16 ; Myers 'tit Lane, $14 45 ; Walter Scott, filling upproach, hauling planks, $1.25 ; Peter Kuntz, covering bridge, spikes, nails, &c, $7.20, Fred Deutsebma.nn, covering for Scott's bridge, $20.30 ;'Fred lleutsehmann, timber for culvert,eou 4, $2.49 ; Mrs trainee At oGowan. Ciirgill's lots12 and 13 con, $8 20 ; J air.es Goodfellow use of liouso for Legislative Election, $1; Township Cleric, for outage,, ' $4. Th. All p( winch is respectfully submitted P Clark, Chairman. McK'iy-Kuntz -That the Finance 'Report .as just read be adopted. McKay -Kuntz - That the repairing of the gravel road he let at next meeting of council, that the, printing committee have bids printed and put up alobg the gravel, giving notice of , the same --=Carried. McKay- as Mr Grant and others borrowed' $200 of the stett- ing fund to give towards the removal of'Phalin's dam ottthe uriderstandilig that this council ehouid give a grant. corresponding to '•wbatever; -benefit the roads and bridges ` derived, in proper-. tion to that aruount and to other lands benelitted'by the removal of the dam, which was supposed would be about one-fourth, be it therefore resolved that a grant of $50 ybe made in con- sideration of the benefit derived, and Viet the mount be taken '• rota the , .. of untoward cireu.mstainees, hes been general fund and applied to the si n compelled to make an assignment link fund, and that Mr Grant a for the benefit of his' ort•ditors ( others get credit for it, leaving them The council ,net at town hall, Tees- l debited with $150. instead '•of $200 object of the intrusion. He said 'Wet young igen helpl„g th,�it1 Ives of tite he, as well as a good • many whets In products of their pechnros Without as the village and neighborhood,. unci :touch is saying, 4* By your leave.' 'known them now for the long .period+ Some of those wild visit the oreh•trrls of over thirty years and thatfe httd at unsees'nable hours wil; bo meets ulwal s found thein honest In burin*"ss, i au example of, if the prs,ut'iae is per• kind neighbors and upright oigiz..ese - listed Iii.- Mr. Howard Snell rittt•'.y tend Expressed his regret at losing ; send a large nutnhri' of line steers to them, but lie hoped that they, 'would l Messrs. 'kis,►fiifton & (;illi sptf , of do well in their new hoose, 'tie then hiteolittrah, xaallzuh„ a halltlsonte Gaited bi Mr•' Cowan to read" Che ad- ( fiwure fc'r them.••-,Vlra, Ani"s '1'iplantg clres'a, of which the followittg is -a copy: To Mn. AND 1`i ns• ,BANDEiiso2i - We, whose names are subscribed hereto in our own titune,and in behalf, Sunday night. Since then the weatll- we are assured, of- the residents of er has been warns and bright and large our village in general, have learned 'quantities of grain have been gatherdd with regret that yourselves and family have decided to remove from 'among us and to take up your iibo to in that 'Prairie Province which is ate treating so tnany'from the older parts of Canada. Before you take your departure we wish to assure you of thetespect and isteeem in . Which you have` been held and to nkpiees our sense of the loss which our 'village will leustain ,v'ben,,you have severed your' connection with it of so many Years standing, Ainong' the pioneers of this part of the county you have done your part nobly aucl well *and have set an example of public spirit, integrity and conscientiousness, which. may Well he imitated by' those ynu leave Deland, 'Li token bf, :our good wishes for yourselves and family, notal ly for Mrs. Sanderson whose water, Aug. 25, 1890. yletnbers all present. Reeve in the chair. The minutes of former meeting read mei adopted. Weliwood-Kuntz-Tlti�t the report of the Deputy Reeve re the oouiplaaut of Messrs. Durr And Sheens' be adopted-•Uai'ied. 11ieKay-Kuntz• --la reply to (reorge Bryce, 1E is here- by resutveJ that the Clerk notify Ines by letter that the Opulent is uuaware of any damage tLey have caused any person by -putting it ` culvert opposite lot 18, coif 1, Ou,ross, for the purpose of allawiug the surface water free ace cess through he road-Carrtod. Clara ••=unlit%•=:shat By law No: 5 be now and introduced and read a first•,secottd and third time,' passed, signed and sealed -Carried. 'Mcli.ay-Welwoud -Ther a Byelaw be drawn up and passed that nu grants for roads be made "after the ' reeptetnber sitting, in guy year, as section 523 of the Muni- cipal Act, .Ltt S 0, prohibits any stone 1 enig put oft the roads in the winter mout,.s that would interfere with steignitig--Uarried• Moray=-Kuiitz -That a 13y -law be drawn up aiid passed, euttctinir that any person moving a fence out on the road"allow- nnce tor the purpose of puttin up a toe -fence or for repairing shall re- trieve the saute betore the 1sb of .No- venrber;'.that nofeneee shall be ou the road allowauce between the- first of November itnd the first of April under d li C' ed Tnrnn is a probability that a beet ni+crit' totinery will be established lit Guelph in the near future. Seed was distrio:tted to farmers in vat isms parts ` of this Pr:evinoe in 1888 and 1839 to tet the percentage of the auger that tit: i.#ets would yield, and also to as. eersuin the amount of the oropgrown per acre. Seed was forwarded to the Experimental J'arta as Guelph, and front the erop {frown there tate largest percentitee of sugar was realized. 31 the resat& generally should prove satis- factory tins year, in all' probability $ retilleiy will be established. Tux great tunnel under the St. Clair river, between Sarnia and Port Verne, is nearing , compjetiotn, . On Monday last ;. passage was made �theough, Mr, Joseph ilnbsoll, Chief •,eihi�aer of the Grrattd Trunk Rail., were, Wing the .first to utake the pas - g rJ otetrutition was beet* Erihtzi west end ow July 2l�, ISii$, ;wok tare test #n4 five weeks latter, iWrx. tt }ill.* tt� ro •t'b*U out Clark -Moir -1n amendment, that tis there is no condition, in the bond granted by Mr Grant and others for the -township of Culross. to pay $50, of said grant, and as the benefit (if any) derived by the .,township is not known,. that no grant 3e• made by thie board till such benefit 'is ascertained, and as the assessor valued the benefit derived by- the different planes by the removal of Phalin's dam, that he value the benefit derived' by the roads and bridges in this township by the re- movtng•of said dam, atie let the town- ship -pay its just share of said benefit -Amendment carried, on division. Yeas -Clark, Moir and Kuntz ; nays -McKay and Welwood, Welwood -Moir-That there has been a cool, plaint lodged to this board that the approach across a ditch leading to Mr Couch's ;ate is in an unsafe state of repair, tl r Clark is hereby empowered to have the same put in repair -Car ried. Welwood-Clarlle-That 'as a 'complaint has been made to this come oil that the road opposite 'lots 5 and 7,cons6 and'-7,,very much needs res pair, that Mr lkleKay be empowered to get Italie repaired with ...as little ex- pense as possible -•--Carried. Ituritz- McK.ay-=-That this' board 'do now adjourn to meet: again at the dill of. the Reeve ---Carried. GEn1IGE 'Wilson, Tp Clerk. The 3lieectors of the Culross Mutual Lies been villain', friends in Toronto and Aurora fur clap past two woke The wet weather of the petit nay weeks was succeed' -d 'by • frost en r in and the hum of the threshing ma• chine is heard iu many pl ices, while many of the fanners tare sowing their fate wheat. -John l!llliot�t, son of Jas. Elliott, was kinked 'bv tt horse cin Sunday afternoon. There are two outs in his face -one in his cheek, bite ' otber'tn the hewer lip. Two of his teeth are missing, Jack is around again and doing well. -Mr, John Hogg, late `ot S':aforth, died suddenly Weduesduy evening, of ' iu•flanrnatioe. of the lungs. Crlenfarrow• Tillie Campbell spent ;5,inday • b.1 John Mclavtsli s, Bowick --- The Misses McLaren were the guests of Miss J Campbell Saturday last. -Me. and Mrs McEwen, of Bluevale, spent Sunday with bin. and Mrs. Campbell. , active presence will he missed in many .--Peter McDougall left for Maiittobtt a ;sphere, we desire your 'acceptance Tuesday. He nice; a forty day ticket.. of is timepiece and tiust that its anti intends examining the nature of while marking .many ' bnppy the country whit a view of settling hands �, y l - sY r. 1Z t, tthe utu e hours in your nevw hoot:, will serve to there some time in f remind you of your Helene friends in and tiround Wreaker, Ontario. Mr. Sanderson, being taken come pletely by surprise, thanked theme for the present and address in a -few words. He said he would like to say more but he was taken so completely by`alirprise that his feelings got the better of him flints he was notable to thank them as Le should like to do, both for Himself end Mrs. Sanderson., `�','Zr.favid Weir was called on to say something, He said be Was one who knew Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson ever since they began business in Wroxeter, over thirty years ago and that he always found them upright, kind and conscientious, and hoped they would do web and make friends in their new home. Dr. Statile said he was acquainted with them for over twenty-five reale and - he could only reiterate what the chair- man and IVlr. Weir .had said. Rev. Thos. Davidson said he had been are quinted but a short time with our friends as he was comparatively a newcomer, but from what lie hadrseeu of Mr. and Mrs,Sanderson he"behevrd what was a lbs to Wroxatet'would•he a gain to the Portage; where lie neater. Methodist, church choir will give a stood they ware going. And while'he concert shortly. --Mr, M. Northcott, was sorry to rove them as citizens of Wroxeter, he regretted more their loos to the church in Wroxeter, of which theb'; were artivo and useful inenebeis, but ii toolt consolation inane tact that the church in Manitoba '•would heves their aseistsnee and co-operiltion. Mr. Cowan sud others spoke eel the next anct` i?reat preprations 'are being tee strain, all .testNi.fyieh to the es Made foe a monster demonstration,---- team and respect in vvll;t�;t Jnr friends Our fall show will' be held ona'tha 7th demonstration. - were held,hy the poop:.. ,.r: •:, 1 ,':,'ter, a fid fall s. held n9ttbltolth While Mr. Cowan was ree,iiiug the i Wel 8°1 t has been sccTho for those a penalty of five o ars- ,arrt Fire insurance Com any met in the en rete nen p tl 1n s Fir p' tlrer :ay• outs-- at e a t 'i town hall, ri'eeswater, 30th August, ter on road 21 have the bridge posite lot 9, con 7, put in repair es. soon as possible -Carried. Welwood Moir--•T`hat Mr Clark be a ppo.iited to superintend the grants tnttdeby e • • 1890 Members all present. ' 1Ir, Kirkland in the chair. The 'minutes of previews nicotine having been read and adopted; it was moved by i*1r. Reid seconded by Mr.-Arinstrong,that Contras and Kinloss to improve tlie. all , liciit ons for insuratrce be now opposite hue , don - 1i said also lard before the board for examination ouce lo, 35, con 'itis 1lso ou the- _Carried, `Little. -_Clark -L -That boundaryhav- opposite eons 10 and 'l1-• ing exereined`fifteen applications' and Carried. t\iatsay ��Kuiitz=•that as round thein satisfactory, the President the railway Bonus has to be paid next t the Treasurer report in and Secretary fire itistrlicted to issue year that a tell the stat of the policies for salve• -Carried. A. letter writing kin to this ao t rend by the Secretary from 'Mr. Me- /onkel Sinking undd, also the namount`t- Coil, requesting, to be appointed an ;;eueritI' #und at iiia present` tiilie 'lark 1 untz--ghat 'ata it agent of this ealepaily to act in the es repot (�h township of Kineeediue. R td•-wLittle et repotted to tins board that'the I That no'action be -taken o't' applicee culvert built by 111r 11.tirdy •on the l .'-' • boundary line between Culross and itton of Mr. McColl, and 'that the i' 1 in an uosafo state foe' Secretay notify him to that 'efleet ... p unto t ry is n Oseried, McICngue AY'nnstrolig-•-y' andlid travel, that the Deputy ed to 1 r tat IIIc President nude Secretary re., and Mr. tiY ti,woud is aptittitlted' to , vise (if necessary) that present form ef. attend to this matter and take such applicatttsn and ;tet a`' further supply. printed with p Weir sold a fine team of horses for the sum of $250. The buyer it,tends , taking them. to Michigan to work 1n - 'of.. the lumber woods. -,loon Gibson, Wri eter, who has spent the summer months at Mr Jas. Wylie's, returned home lust 'Tuesday. -Owing to the lteevy rains last welt, some of the f••riners did not finish harvestin,, but the few` bright days of this week • has brought the harvest to en end.-- Fall'whe,at sowing is now the work on' the farm. ---The average att,'nrlant,e for S. 5 No 9 for the month • of August • was 25, Tack -now. On S,tbbttth inprning last, the members of Court Sherwo )d, No 50, .- Canadian Order, of Foresters, accom- panied by visiting brethren from . Teeswater, W'ingharn, W1)itechurch, and Holyrood, attended divine service in the 'Baptist chnrch. The Rev. Mr, McKinnon, the pastor, in an able dis• course, pointed out the duty ofe every man towards his family aiid those dependent' upon him.' There were up- wards'of 'eighty in the procession. and it prascunted a fine eippearance.-The baker, was assaulted on Sunday night week.--I1ir, EI .IGLcOriramou, son of Dr: McCl immon, is now ..,ba eni e agent at, the station perp, Mr,' F. McEoberts,l,aving been transferred to btratford,-7he great H.ie'an gather Bring wit1 take place on Wednesday addrees, Mr. W. Wilson sat on table a days. -The voting en a byelaw to aid Cliff' & Faster, of the furniture factory, by w+ey of a loan 5.5,000, took place on Monday, and was carried•by a` vote of 131 to 36. very handsome mitrb'e cin k, pnrditts • ed from Metiers John Wanless &Co., Toxouto. Ali present adcnivetl it very mph as something both beautiful and. useful, ktev', Mr. Davidson then led ',111 prayer end the company brokenip after singing Auld Lang Syne " and all departed, wishing. Mr. and Mrs. ianderson good bve.'.iitid;,many. happy days in. thtiiit nee home. An the time of the presentation to Mr. and Mrs, S a gold hrnopli eons' presented• ``to, 'fli'eir' daughter; Miss Aggie. ireeswater. - k.: `Tie 'Council . of 1lnyai 'felt ptttirB vvliicin w is oreitised ti• re a short bine ago is making rapid growth. There are now upwards of forty ,acmes ,on its membership ro .• -- r. Zetland. ' Threshing is the general'i'un`arnutld here' now, •If the rain ' keeps off the harvest veal soon be done in this 'v'i- cinity.•�-•Miss' Bessie • 'Thomson, wine never got over'the 'effects of the grippe 'is new in 1V air' Way to' reeov�ery.--- Miss Ida Pelton lies g Me to Wingha'tn to take cllafge 'of :Mr A:Roar' bodkw store while'Mr. end 'Mrs. '1lose ^ neO • away.• -Hiss $Walker attended the wedding' of lie'r criusiil, '1Iiss•'11,•id,'nu Thin -nobly, tIi 28th ult.J,'D'Lebell, steps a they tin"rtk order to i orLoedon, was at -Mr, G. Thtereofi'ti p . a y proper -in , 11 rem;Uttl notes titt.aol,ed; 11' M W R mi business en' 'Tuesday the 26th.-• prevent an accident - Uarrred, Clark. o tiwu4iiler, has been chin Miss Maggie l,trvit . is visiting ltltsa �•-Wrtwood-�• That L -law ' 1+io 8 be, ill accordance with sir tutAs of 1dJ0 -�' r! hrtmps n, s , d and GArried' .vlctia tt: �- Armstrong - n large trod; in timber lately, Curtain, at Dublin -Mr Smith Mee 1ptrndatiee and read drat, secnn That his board do now adjourn to asset i r+ has 'ilit'rpcelwtrd a thresi thousand. Lean shipped two lotitit; of cattle till' u tLird time, passed, tiiir,id"a�it1 sealed-. ; ala on the heti Saturday In S J e, olt,s .. .Mirk `that 13y p"'rlytalid. - F4llss Sattird vy, whletl he purol7sePd . Irina Il Carried, Aly -�•� '� dollar order front aW o 5 beinga 13 law for levy'iiig, belnbar at 2 e cloak in. the afternoon, Waldo lies boron engage 1 to take Mr. G. Tuomson.-Daring the past A4* - i oWrisits and f{»iivruy rate td Teeawiittir'towo hal.••Cla,rrted charge, of the 15th room of the ' public week there have been eleven: ors tiiF now read a brut, sernehrie Wail' thitd ; A13xr 43Ml44024. 8uoretary. School. ata eatery of. pm, *hipped from. the Lambe* patio t telinn i3tt1 F3C®.� F, large shipin nv the factory on Ti enday, Mr, .J awe Ti vi 'toor c, athe • t a . a l stag of t,i e p i Montreal, where he will annulate f' measure anti business, -Mr, •Arnett, who has been attending v'tlle Hiisiuess Uollege, is spend! week with his uno e alias ,•"t+ch; of liraolfilyn, 15 also ber unc+le, Mr, Josepti Leech "work on the new N.'tttodist ',goes 00 twice. 'The Pugh Bo 'tepidly completing the brit `11'lie Brussels tactory suepli ' doors, window:, seats, eto,, ellent work. Ota 'J thedoing largexce circular window for tl of the uburch came, and is a l well'executed pisce'•o£ workn. • When the large cashes are fill citlieiral gItss of diff"+oat ti: K "wind )w wilt tow n fie,"oily at .itis,, front of the charut,, a id Boos ;teriot with richness and ma eternity -Hereafter, the Sun, vices in the blethndist church ' as follows: Sunday wheel o'clock a, m. ani °lase Meetii et. m a'td public worship at 7 p. m TheTliursday evertrne ;. rierti.ng is et 7.30 o'clock, -h Wa'lwiu received on `rnesday,a of the death of Rev ,lames 13 ' Fergus,who died suddenly in 1 ton lnesdayniorniug; acid tette, '-fuuera1 yesterday. Mr. Wailes ing itis college v,tcntian, supe 11ir.i3roley when the latter WAS '' ed at Pelmeretou, Seaforth s gus,—airs (Rev.) Wallwin is h. me this week, and heartily welcouted by every on lower Wingham- Mr. (leo .Kerr, of Mich -home visiting his par. ents.-M ' Paterson, baying purchased a ty en Victoria street, Winght take posaessinn 'of it on the October, and this place will good citizen. -Miss Annie home from 5'trathroy .-Mi Thee. ho. t Carruthers sou 'of . M1r 1 ere, is home from Detroit, vis psreutd.-Mrs - Thomas N, returned home last week t sence of three months at tb compained by her daughtt Asensth,---Three of the Ttliss lady teachers, of Toronto, w e spent part of their vacatiol the parental roof, returned ti to their respe'tive schools pity. -Mrs. Wm. Nebterfiild turned from Ibiple9t of er se •coups- of weeks with her dat Mrs. Peter Wilson, of Lona Mrs Evart, of Clinton, are vi the home of their parents, M field's ---Miss Maggie Eagin sets is visiting in tikes part a Glertan.narn ' Following are the pupil, No. 3, Turnberry, who rank: in their respective classes month of August : Fouri Campbell, Jam-T. ot n Anderann. Senioesr tSchirdt-=allt Scutt, Ella Campbell, Jenni Junior third• -Angie Mundt Aitken, , Bruce Jfcrgusen. Hector McLean, 'Bella `Jams Stokes, First Pert Il' -lira Rev, Aggie 13 Aiken, Again Mrs. Waiter'Willis, Must: present the guest`of her s Jamie Ferguson. -We are learn that Mrs. Piper has from her recent ilh,esq.-Mi Agnes Aitltens and her bro ham left on Satur,liiy for Cli School, to prosecute their the higher branches. l =' Whitechurch- Miss Mowbray,' of this • Tuesday moaning tor it thre ' sojourn in Toros to. stshe pursue the study of " untie /oung ladv vvellltnewn in as a painstaking ata rising 3lbrth. Mr. E; D. ihantiher'ain aappointed village clerk at $20 foi' the baltthoe if the Ilatnmond,station agent, hs • ed`the l3awdon property,' o° street-LGrear preparations made for the Catholic pie, will be hold on the10th its .I3e1nt re. Mini' Atinie Tai pen Tial' do► 11a1iidq, 1liichigttu, tb paw Will a,vtsit. 'We wish line1 r ttroe.--.'Thr reehibi'lr,v of' -C Canadian' 'Order of Forests .penied`by'•vieititig ;'Forestri ter G'onrta, rviil 'nttpbd 'div •bpi 'S"i nday next. --Mrs T deuelitr:rnif Mr, Wirt'. Mr received from the Canadiai Forestrrn the a1'tirtunt due count, of her late hu tbali' ifiayp-IneAthittttoo ietq, •