HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-09-05, Page 3w
lit n% TIM X, Glf, 0. 'i.' u,
keepbim let
g into arrrfttgt,r
hat if•'S fur. you
C he ° e ,al)Qot the
11Ai y'tnr say itt
;Ca tIic most ado
l; wo rnicht keep
e ,3.1) at ollyrate.
ettlod, Sandy got
?ad a Clem!ter be..
,ftor the chapter
across to '1'ibbie
in his eye, and
::e he said.--dinua
awe hest our sin
prayer tiregither ;;
For answer ,rib,
head and knelt l,►°j.
)t through a con '
brought the tearer'''
ba prayer to Jesus,
:It .what it was to,
terless himself, to,
et helpless lamtnie
,eir door, and to
:rid for the help-
O sake. The two,
;it to the little.
It off to their own ,
Tibbie's ate tine as
is in Noran, wi',
and I ken-Imo,
i onybi'dy does.
t had nut been for.
come of Sandy
in and keepit bine.
a century ; bot I
eon manage him,
r wummen I' the.
flim put ae lit by
Sandy .and Tihbie.
a were 110 more
tulles, no More 6.
1 even the Low -
It a kindly, wet.
'hanged evervtbing
and 'Terrifies were
than before, and
iubearin wratch;.
n the Noran.,
ter their first fait
Tandy , and ' hie.
change their wills.
ffli fur both now,,
.their adopted soli,
i, said ,a't1r,. Demp-.
blood is thicker
Ad ole on your lest;
edging thicker than
r, replied Tibbie.
rwards the Herris-
ro informed of the
now great friende
i enemies before,and,
uthals. {!'•
RIM shr1ug.
ain by keeping their
fit for market, wIw1?,
ken into account.
irne it is threshed,
carts -to the bushel
3i ( months, in the
30nistanees. Fleece
ninety„four cents a
vhen first threshed
goocl,takit:g into ace.
,te alone, as one dols
g February. Corn
'0 from the time it is
a hundred bushels of
3 from the freed in
reduced to not far
that forty cents
theear, as it comes
is as .good as fifty in,
only being taken in-
e case of .potatoes—
rot and are otherwise
with the shrinkages
doubt that between
s,tllo loss to the own.
m is not' less tholes,
cent. This estimator
1asiS at interest at 7
es no account of loss
g$3443 17p.
been doing something,
U ran size up a business:
o to the newspapers of
is of na gertatn size, he.
Aspupers as equally kW*
rays, and equally needs-.
3's• prosperity. He .w
es of things it newsy,.
eau never receive titre()t
le will think out reason*
her than reasons ler not
of the other o..libre be
ulttat,s whether, after all,
fifty emits by getting out
;toad et adverti/11nel He
proseas A tendon datioa-
awleatatneut is lju *area
3athd. Wake Care of T'ather..
tort Bennie' wars only tell, and small of
lige, buthe was a hero, sed fought
his battle aud (Loa at victor before hie
'elevetlth birthday. Like many other
'dyin; moth. rs, Dennie's hadtleft this
ntess.tge; 'take care of father; and
titennie had answered, I'will mother.
4' .nd he kept hie promise. The gaunt
'avoir of poverty was always lurking
near the threshold of the desolate
room that .„Bennie called hove. lint
the brave 'tthild would not allow him
• •t i enter, tie could not do touch, but
the fought hili oft' with all the strength
:he possess,.d, He helped a larger boy
,sold papers whenever he c..utd get away
t'frplu watching his father; he did er-
"ttnds ; he Vela horses ; he sold apples
for the old women who had the corner
stand—in fact, he did what he could,
and trusted God for the rest, In win-
ter', cold or summer's heat, he was
always to be found at night in the
•4vicinety of a esteem widen his father
"'visited, Whether it was eight,or mne,
'or ten, or eleven u'elook when his
'tattier reeled out the faithful (Mild was
•always ready to lead him home safely.
His reward was usually curses; solne-
p'titnes blows; but Bennie did not mur-
•tnur; he wuald ke:'p his promise what-
ever his father chose to do.
When Thos Dunn, Bennie's father,
"'Vas saber, he seemed to care for his
little buy --once, even going so far as
to put a hand gently on his head, and
t4 ay, with a half sob, as if realizing the
child's neglected condition ; Poor
boy 1 . Poorhale 13eunie'1 But his
sober moutons were gettinglrare.
Bennie, weary and heart-broken,be,
gag to fear that the wolf must cross
their threshold, for it took all df`Tiis
ti bow to take care of father. He
wa; lways staggering around -some-
where, or stumbling over 'something;
lie seemed to need Bennie every mo-
-went, One clay, as the two were
crossing the street,the staggering man
'fell, aud' Bennie's full strength was
used to pull him to at placeof safety.
In another moment Beanie's feet were
'crushed out of all shape as two run-
away 4orses, drawing a heavy car-
'riege trampled over him. Ile was pick
tw< ed up gently and taken 'to a hospital,
' whither his sobered father followed
Terrible days followed—days of
llihysical agony to Bennie—days of
mental torture to his repentant father.
,One evening, just at dusk, Bennie
opened his eyes, in which the light of
:reason once more shone. AA look of
:wonder wits i11 his patient -face. In
the gloaming he could eee the hospital
surgeon sitting beside him. 'What did
it rucani
Bennie died that. night. Itle iaet
words looking up with a beautiful
+stttile, Were :Mother t oh, mother!
kept my promise; I did take care u£
I beg pardon for introudcing upon
your time, said the polite, smiling
man with the small valise in his
hand, A podlar •is a t)uie#auee. I
know it as well ,ae anybody.. But'
there are various 'kinds of pedlars,.
and all ofno mustrlivaf. It isn't our
fault that we are here, Those of us
that earn our living honestly have to
share the odium that belongs to the
calling. Ion not ooielplauiug of this
gent,emeti. It is a part of the cause
that CURIO ill the original package to
Adan;. If there is any of •you that
has a „tease spot on your coat, vest,
or pant—trousers, he Lidded, opening
his yahoo and taking out a small cake
of soap and a spunge, I Shall he happy
to remove it without charging a 'bent
and without asking anybody to 'buy
my soap, IC's lay wary of advertising
My dear sir, allow me. There is a
little sput on your vest.
Re ruoted the sput with a piece of
'soap, deftly applied the sponge, made
a few passes over the cloth with a
piece of Catton sheeting, and said :
There, sir, that spot is gone. You
will never see it again. And proba-
bly you will never see me either, 8.s .I
travel but once through a community.
My goods well be found at the stores.
Z take it for granted nobody wishes
to buy a'eake of my soap. I wish
you goodsmorning, gentlemen,
After the polite,smiling man had
gone away the gentleman whose gar-
ments had been operated upon had
occasion to consult his watch.
It wasn't there.
It had disappeared with the spot.
Why, am I here? he atked. Lis
gsvoice faint and trembling with fear.
You were injured, my bo'y,,and we
,had to perforin an operation, answered
a gentle voice.
What was the eperation•3 His voice
'Your feet were amputated, my poor
% Child,
Out off, sir, do you mean'?
Yes ; Cut off.
'`.0h, sir, what will become of poor
S2at1reei I promised mother I'd tal.e..
care af'him, and—and—
Donn think about that new,Bennie,'
Aitik4atid"t1#ri-gurgeen, his voice.shaken with:
,Buff retest •think about it, sit;;,
father'll be tinder the hrirees' feet, and
mebbe killed, and he mitt roa•ly to -die.!
(louldn't:T bavo crutches, air, and ;to
:end findfather ?
'Seine eine Whinhe had not nnticdd
tin tlie-dusk was linee'.ing at the foot of
Ids Sed; the person Ow crept nearer
sand a sobbing voice shad : You don't
ilne'd the° crutches, Delude, lad ; your
ether's:liere, and he'll rim tir leave
• yot1.
it was even so ; t,ver the faithful
olyild's erttehed feet the dissipated
,4,1 hatt.had. found' ititrway to tbo,Croyss
Leges of Kan and wife.
It is always bettor for a utas to be sever-
al years the senior of his wife. And I'!1
tell you why. The average girl who marries
—Clod bless her—stays at home, aud makes
a home a blissful abiding place for her bus.
baud and her children. The man goes out
into the world and has the responsibility
of oaring for those who are at home ; and
yet time does not seem to set its seal on
him as it does on a woman. The little
cares of life ruffle her, and too .often make
ber:look, as we say, ''old before•her time."
Now,'exen when this does not happen, she
doesiproportiouately grow ofd iu appear-
ance -sooner than a rase, and for that
reason she wantsto take She benefit of the
doubt aud let him •have_ the added, yearn to
Stare with. Then, too; ,you should desire
to keep your heart and mind young; to be
his .his intellectual companion, and, this is
much easier when your husband • is Old
enough to be ” the .guide, philospher and
friend." The love of a.•womau to her hus-
band always has a little of the maternal in
it --that is right and tender—but she does
not wish to be Mistaken for his mother.
'Be wise and marry a than 'older than
yourself -one who has seen life in it many
phases, and wbo can guide you over the
rocky place, one Who has Iearned that it is
;;not always wise to obeyimpulse, but that
tiny important duty should be'well thought
.over.-- [Ruth Ashmore, in Ladies Home
u ourual.
AIt yl*en.
young. old, or middle aged, who find
themselves nervous, week or exlieuete
ed, who are broken down from excess
or overwork, resulting, in many of the
following symptom : Mental depres-
sion, premature ctrl age, loss of
vitality, loss of nunnery, bad dreams,
dirtiness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, erniesiun, lack of energy, pain
in the kidneys, I eada y, pimples one
the fees or body, Itching or pecelar
sensation about the eeiotuu, waisting
of the organs,ritirztness, speeks before TTAat
the eyes, 'twitdliing of the muscles,
eyelids 'and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, toes of will
power, touaernee of the scalp and
spine, weak end flabby muscles, desire
to steep, failure to be masted by Weep,
constipation, dullness of hearing,'loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excita-
bility. of temper, suukea eyes our,
rounded with' ;LEADEN OIYidL1±i, oily
Nt ,
Cheap for • KASII.
looking 'skin, etc,, are all symptoms
of nervous debility that led to isenity
and dead useless cures, the spring
or vital power leaving lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse coinwittecd
in ignorance may be permanentely
eared. Send your address for book
on all diseases > puouliar to man.
Address 117, T. LUBAN, 50 Front St.
B., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free
sealed, .Heart disease, the symptoms
of which are faint spells, purple lips,
numbness, palpitation, skip :beats,.
not ffasbes, rush of blood to the head,
dull' pain in the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart' beat quieker than the first, pain
about the breast bone, etc., can
It is expected that the Burchell trial
'Will begin at Woodstock on Monday,
the 27th September. next.
Col Sproat, ferinerlyol`Bruce county,
and widely known as a public man,
died a few days ago in the northwest.
Re was registrar of Prince Albert.
1~ ARM •]~ f:)R .SALE.
The uncicrslue d offers for sald•hts farm, boin)f:tlto
south half of tot v0,' Concession 13, East watt'ebeh,
un oaSeteruls. Tho farm consists el 100 atres, about
50 of which aro cleared and in a good state of .Stitt-
ration., the balance. boinir low, wet land. On the
eternises are good frame house. contaiall'13 7 r00tut
and good cellar; bank barn and.stono stabling ; two
welftl of treed water . two Ceiitent 'cisterns . a flit`°
OrchardThe farm. is veil fenced. Would take a
141411 reside'lce in )vinghant °apart pay, on terms to
ho agreed upon, For terms, apply to E. Li.vCII4X,
on the premises, or to II. LI4y3'Atr'N,
East 1%• as anesh, Jn .e 3rd 1001 wii,gham,
positively be eared. No cure, no pay,.
ISend for book. .'Address M. V. 33
LUBON, 50 ',Front Street East, ogyth,•g AeU, the Bat la i e
Toronto, Ont.
Trains arrive atrcS.depart as follows :
5335 a. m ,.........t'1 or Toronto
2.00 p.
''4:00 p. m :1fi'or Teeswater
10:30 p. m
5'$5 a. in
2:00 p.m
A. O, STRATHDEII, Ann, tyixouast.
Through tickets to all points in. America—North-
West, rad -'i° Coast, etc., via the shortest aud all
popular routes. Aagyago checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points,
L"SAVE WINoll:tM. ARILIVR AT wlsnnAai.
5:30 a.m.Toronto, Guelph,Palmetston, a co, 5:30 p.nt.
11:10 10:10
3:40 p.m. " " Clinton, "
7:25 " Palmerston, nixed......10:15 a.m,
6:45 a.in. .....London, &o 11:00 "
8:40 p.m , " 7:45iu.
11:10 a.ni Kincardine, Soo 0:30 a.m.
3:80 p.m i.11:10 ..
10.70 " (e50 p.m
Property for Sale in Behnore.
The undersigned offers for sale :ti desirable pro
perty in the village of Belmar°, consisting; of a good
dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed, with
one acre and a -half of laud In connection. Splendid
garden, with all sorts of fruit trees: Will be sold
at a bargain. For particulars, apply to
Benno, 0.
SOLIk9Y DINIGOIfl7'S 5731.771E)111
(tare or airLl:r,) .'
Slat ing purchased the barbering business of Messrs.
Sebastian tiros., Is prepared to give all old customers
and as many new 01101.08 patronize him, satisfaction
In all lines 0f the profession.
are lny specialties.
tt j:Give foe a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon"
and Molntyrc's store,
of the Wi whale Erick Yards, have on.hand a,large
stock of tiles for draining" purposes, frontal* ineltcs to
l0 inches in size cvitich'will be sold cheap, and oe
roost favorable thetins. Farmers intending to drain
should 880 edr Tiles for themselves bstOre deciding'.
to use lumber.
A large quantity of
ort hand, and will be sold at Iowest•liv ing profit.
Repairitig will be _rorrl.ptly Done.
IN -
Of Canada. It is maele only by bMcCOLL BROS. Sr C'v,, To .f c tau.
CYLINDER OIL needs only to be used to be appreciated. Try It,
Beware of those who imitate Lardine. Get only the genuine.
,has just opened up -a
&ieraI Proviio arid ��ocery Stor,
nearly opposite • the Market,
The stock consists of
Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Spices, Eaisens, • Currants,
• , Dattvs, Figs and Prunes.
CANNED GOODS OF A LL' KINDS—Fruit; Peas Corn, Salmon,
Corned Beef' and Sardines.
All kinds of Biscuits. Dried Meats, Fish, Butter, 1ggs and Liverpool
Salt. • A .full.:assortalell t of
tansets or separate.
;Patter, Eggs, Dried Meat, etc., taken In exchange. :As we
buy for cash, we Ere atlle, to ; cl1 at the cheapest fates. •By
calling. and inapectingour, oods Iu.I.guilt tlbli e
R.5 ;.. G
Win;,rl,anr, Ont.
A Diming totvery Eousehold.
1Pin •hatn Y S PILLF; I OThENT5
These rerne4ies kayo stood the test. t.. ) ay ye.:rs experience, and ar,. 3• .xiounccd the best Stediclnel (or
!'Artily 000.
4 Trig 1' 1)i7l'e".7r
Please inforr: yeer reedcre tett 1 here !l nonitivo 1u...W,i,q ter t'hS (shove t tL' .a
West.Llyt he tinrety use th issinde of I t.pellni nave been ttentarkentiyr mita. 1
) glad to send two Indict of sty ret.e..:j VAL.,, to sewer our readers who have
tmpq�t{{01 �If�thee grill stud me their I>'taf0w rated Poet ONea Address. R Dei
rr Jia 61690110144 016404, 114 111111114 13dOlokitl• Otis' A`tZ,10741QiA#NTALMOt•
kap tr
'vents the blood, totted 40 disorders o! the tIVelt. ilToliACfi, MONEYS AND.110:WAS w&,at
invacabte in ale centpl4lata a ' ,,.toe i.,:uar. a of all atf•ea.
"'3 Ind.
lona) only tellable remrly for htt' logs, sore ulcers, and old' wound FOtt 13aDrtlfItt:' n+
TIIatOAIS, (iOUGlie, robr.S, t';rOtrr', IalnlllTh ATISM,. GLATtt7LAla sw�l 5Ave
AING: AND A, a. .•
DISICASI:S IT IIAO NO SQUAD, I.ai Manufactured noly at Is, Neva extort. +:e 633, Ox.ord fltt'eo. , Losses
and. sold by 1111.3lediclee •Vendors" ,
r:tt"'P.irha•:.is should Io 'c to t •. Lobel ca the Bootle and rots: 'CC Nils ,, ' t'>Itin is
1Otford Street, Loudon,,til.uyate :ipetiotlet8