HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 10p
tor X,g,•it...1>r.
ed W'towrt ..Mr. J. P; utts left on Mon-
dtty for Sauthatnpto , where he brie so-
,cnve.1 tl'iili9ltliAt)ai• `I
turned. in + Y;a•l Tnecrdttiy.. 4 L.
Simpson, t:;aettt'r,
turned to 1t,s• t' :t ' �*
sclrenl, on, '']^ d,,,5 , i i '. '
Toronto, tiba. iii.iv, f. (s"
F. Patterson, n t•en •le .ix
..1\fr. M. MeD. Viotti • . Stocic
Snudnyetl in town,.''.
Chisholm and John G , braith took a. run
'down to Brussele o
Sanday4,,INIr. Join Ohieholal>+ lett on.
Monday' to tttten
giute institute.. iv r.... andI�irs. John Me -
Gregor, Toron •', are be town visiting
the guest of.
Misses Annie a
oholl, who have
the hast two wee
home on Monday •.
'Orangeville, on basin ( ss, on Monday,
. :
Mrs. John Gregory, of anitoba, are VIA.,
ing hor daughter, 1► 's. Geo. Mason..
Miss Jennie Bailey 1- t on Monday, for
Mitchell -Mr.. Ed. i ()ivies, of Orange--.
vine,' was visiting at . Ir. J. J. Houatutli`Q
:last week.. Miss I'M bairn, of Teeswater,.
is visiting at gr. W • Fessai�.t'S ; .' 1isses
Eta and. Etta G•rdonr returned:. from.
their visit to Bti
Hattie Sills, of
ing at al`s r. J. D.
cooks and fa
1.'hursdey..Mn: ter Lewis 1llonybeny loft;
nn Saturday re his home in Toronto..
Mr,•aud ars. ►: McInnes, accompanied
by their ncioe, n is's Stewart, left on Sat-
urday for Bu fa1• ..Miss 'Henderson re
tt rnedto town an 'aturday to resume
her duties in the Pu aria School -Mr. and , la 1 Ii w
?ira. Grover, enemy nodi by their . son . x»:..1...q ,E2
1 red., are visiting at + r. J. H. Du_linage's. RQ YAI, m•414,c, TF�i1 SF31 iS.
o Clinton, CF
'Miss on ern.
Hamilton, on buei-
M. iss Dora Johnston
ay from her visit to
R. Beattie and W. 1.
e Harriston moos' on
rdsma i 1 oft ori �e.;atiirdaty
e the millinery openings
, Geo. Mason and daut h-
I. London on 'Saturday:
,*, of Gerrie,. is visit-
acdonald's, . iMTissos
iunola spent Sun-
ni. hMe noxi Lucltnow.
of Brussels, paid his
a visit on Saturday last.
e. ecompanied by her l
Laidlaw, ; returned
ay.. Mrs..A.,AR, Me -
advantage of the
I ells, on Saturday
r I glis and wife, ot
•;Sit' ng at Mr. It. Cleric's..
misaStella Cooli.ota'n,
n�".,' in Luckncaty,re-
Mire. (Dr.) Meldrum
ayfroan her visit to
..,It. Coach returned to
still, rt. Saturday.. -Mrs
left for w visit to
n Saturday.. Miss
, Ii:aura EJ:od,geoni Tett lied front her visit
to Wroxeter, o�t,Frii ay.. Miss J. Cargill
returned hone • i Thursday from hor
trip up the lakos .Mrs. John F arrow is
. p Iris-,• visiting at 11r. W 1. gacdouald's • . Miss'
Mrs. John '1`>1t, , f Doony and 1Vliss Weston, lot God h,'who hats been visit
Tremble, (,f London were visiting atINTr. :ing her sister, it r . W. T. Yates, returned
Jas. 3t ett,•ht s,. i tiring the week.. to her htlnie . Thursday.. 111u;s ,Mento
Messrs. I ,lveiCand i artin, of the Bank 1lallagh, acco nied by Miss lord, of
of :E:iarctilt.cs a, t.I•lto ell Sundayed intown.1 I niltc+n, T • ed on Tuesday..Miss.
..Mr.AtGSrz3it eereternedonSatur-4 Annie P.att,retia:returned on Friday'
. day, and eras now aLtoalnd,aat the CX. T '? 'from. her vi, 't' to hicago.. gr. Walter
R. station as sisua '1VIir. WGst has gone,T Scott, of Tore to, vas in town a eottple
to relieve the a;; • t at Galt.. Mt. Geo: j of tl;ay thin a; Q1 • . s\Il.:, tv, II. Walitteo
,Seidwand, of Solidi 1aud,;;aid "Wint;ham _obi trued >rriti 3 Visit to • Godcra h' on
. za 't as asaa'Grlratiy last Nlr. ti. Vow-� Tu tity \ii"1' 'i 011:1liitntGr, et Gauss is,
s in Wingham, 011 b081,- tis r at W. Ydol
't ' Drug Store
u:; i ,,olp•tiar prmorlpttssas accurately
are ;(fir'?�-e; .eo' p/'•1i4 Cl hemi ca2'J'
r4 tT,peci•alti1. .
•A iat' line o4 feller Articles, rcrlunics, Spousts,--
-Spectacles, etc, always In stork --
mi:1.1iSi ti* end ei;hgn TRUNK TOWN'TICKET
Vainhaui, . • Ont. ,
14)}g.am ccxm:c
1r r>>itlth , Mr. .
atva lei. week.
g . of f.+istowt:l,.
esra. ;Ina..
R IDA.Y, A.4( 29, I.
Go in to in. •
tndor the above he 'din; ash+exchange
Ternaries t --•'Either rt the town up with
aa. vita, or just get up a d leave it. One f
the two things shout be dorm; p
'things ; find means or a'wk, to put sonic
ga ahead into the beelines ; run the town
teatn up and
whole thing.
and let nature
u want trade?
their bicycles on o
or all there is in it; get
k r li it ut , or eine :quit t1
Lewve the intact ; slide out
have her ntvu'tivay..
Bid for it. Do you want to have a pros•..
pei;,sus town, where poo
to task s their la�,rxit2,
bury frarn s+t 1i i, tta
ill/1011ST apt spite ; wnr
indi>+itl ale, but all Ivor
Prosperity, and for a
Wake azp, rub vour ayes,
'sleeves and go to worit, 7a(
Wish fear artsl trembliu
'trouble, but all unite and r
•Rind of a try:
"Oh, Leda r> Sig A,�
This w`esItlio-title of
the greatest favorite at
U ui(t+ad Caledonian -As, if
Tota. by the St Andrew's 6
the other eveuiui. 11elow
Ob, laddie, !dog wtsl"t that
it t1irit1H fur tl reti,l� an,
It brings funs vo,cUs encu hum
0' frieu's sae ttUiti and. t
And faces L sural r,ain,raaa .
00. G Q=l
• 0' 0 .O 0 0 0
4 �, . 0 .., 0 0 0 0
coin �letis Eta''xl+'iirir tt jK, flssbror•res, Ser'wes, plain unit 1!,.ncy Olo'Its. Yokota, black lan4' colored in all the
fashion able shades. Velvet Ribbons, L nobles start 1? ei.nges.
'� w
' n all the .newest designs., nett C1tF'L` FREE„' »ot't buy pefere lookiun
.through the above goods,
1 is .•1• 11-7
the Snit rth
or]Io11, ot Lacltnow: is We Law one ofttlte `iiJtest(tt�nd best assckted stocks of Tweed Paantln�„ s and Overooatings we ever bad the a�let ure of
s, Cool1Ctall; `thie week.. shoving, and prices are right, Ws w+titt you to see them..
d Beatrice Boyd, ot Mit
Gen visiting in town for
tau returned to their' GENTS'. FURNISHINGS are complete.
m Thos. Boil was in' Groat vaal ue • C:.B,PETS and LAO : CU TAINS
will he disposed
n do away with,
at difference, tall
no more ier a few
for a .common
tieral benefit -
roll up your
a't go to work
borrow no
lake the biggest
ley, last woek .: M iss
velaud, Olde,IS "visit-
Sills'..niis g..;vrt.,Ws-
ily returned home on
_. �- t �. ids �a.a / Ali.- :•..� i .L & 1 J4j A.+ ...c,. ".r .._ -
Ever person wanting Shoes will save tuoney by buying a pair of us, as they are extra good ivnlite.
pj-yEvery p We have another complete range of those ffne'Cashmere .Hose 'in ladies aid'children's.
Lar,Ne steel; of .JIen'e and llnys' Suits in stock. and the puree will sell thein.
p We are giving this department onr best attentiii'n and }mite.3ust filled it With l'reslt
Groceries of the best qualities, and all orders will be filled promptly and. delivered.
'lVe will be .pleased to sho v you all through our avHtl
Yours, very truly,
filled store and give pricefs before goods fire picked through.
Nollio Comb n f Cl' ton spent 6� ! �pG
Sunday in town wit G B th C y EXC Si d' s to- EUROI-E..
•, Mr, R.Hill vasa
new, on Saturday.
returned on Satur
Shane attended
n That wail;." Friday .. \I rs. t�3''
e eau;; which was morning to•atte
he baugnet to the .in Toronto .lair
ttattari of New ter returned fro
ciety of Detroit Master George Yo
re the words: ingat Mr. `1 .
wog, Kato and Flora.
through ; day -At the paro
,11r, Beattie
brother Fyaland
Sal iss May CIA
1•from Seaforth on
Donald'. and son ok
+ excursion c� Nia 'era
• I last.. a'ir. Walt
'Walkerton, are
• .,it9astorFranka
I lint ruent'ry :altar 10e n
Non 1. cs,ti t.He 011,1;t044)
Olt, slug l o tut *tai,tine
Qw, I5r]+lie,,siug tin
ay save-boua heart,
txiaf4. '
sang,{ sg-tut,
it ti11l%vs,
A.ent sntrol,v,3 frozen 1 ltae pain
ilielt like the -swim r stuaws,
As aunohine, ghntin. thro gh the rain,
txs've earns a prorn+$o f-ee,,•" who been vl:
S1.3, mien 1 neva. that iia'r iauld estri.ia, turned have been v
,;,;ottaii 1, ray 11•atns. I 'en ,
Her nio,nttwau taps the mist clouds/
r.,turned. on Thu
wre,at]ty. :Underwood.. �1r
T. rumen nor thins rat17 t, ,lieu hor home in Be
The vary worths o' ueetl 'r ureathei.
�kud o ill. :; :eo "klue , belly: and • ales Driltntag
Oif, Laddie, sing hat sang again., friends in Liman,
Ay lee bruin'.' earl it thaws,
Ait+F sorrows f• 'Lett irrtaae psai
�ilJ ;lit ljiieth ,snnmer $news.•
€,ontreal. or Quebec,
Tn. Derry or 14 1'lverpOO1.
CABIN Nand ' .1S'k[e G ti0 ice dh i;'ti, locatio
n ao} ga
Per. SS. PARI`;I^.N, $50, $00, seo, Eagle:
i,eiie.100; 1 10, 1 SO Tretorn.
INTERN ItDIAaTE, S, BO. Return, liGO.
Steerage at lowest rates.
;'flfply to H. & A. AGLA.N, Montreal, or
vrsl .
ler, at Etnel,'waa ext ,is viii g 1 • mos'..M S. 4..4s.
nose, on at.'1Vtitiy. r 1'. A. Tretnai3i;•tvith , Sutherland, ,Y, Gorlte, is visiting 'her
and fltaus;xst r, of flkowolla Holidayed in parents. T, Mr... 'Sheppard, of Lucknow.,
atter] ,
Nil. i > , , at c,
i Godo•,tt u its ta'itltc ;guest f gra. W Bra'yi`thls week .
vztsitil lc,l#a v x Vi• 11 Watil t t .' 1atrt Mir; S. Arai iltntk, of Lau'1oity is visiting
,sok ..-i ti-.gUti• snit Miss Ella Sutton l`1isiBurge , teacher, this week..Mrs.
visiting in 'inoardino loot week.. Talbot and sea Willie retur'nod from
:Wm'orrna i1xdwife,ofSi. '.i'hom• their visit to •radon, oriTuesday.Mrs.
were the gues = of Mr: A. 0; Strath- i Tenant, of Lon . n, is visiting hor parental
;,- , I , this week M and Mrs. J. 0. Maar-. in town ..airs. orator rand duugl ter Art=
in, and t•. ster , -rt, of .the Colborne nie ere v iaitin at sir.James motel:. acidorieb,i re visiting fat the vie'a, tbie w ek.. firs. T G....Venneil,
'still -We a olre;fd, a •fYtsla ,' Tl- and .hiss Mar. and Nester Arthur, of
Ito learn vieitim afr;i er un' Buffalo, are;vi, iting at ;tr. E. 0. Clarke's•
r W. p+, ehire'e, for some .. Ar -r• j, 3r. G srdels on went to Brlasson
loft fo her . e on Monday.,Itev.{business, on•. ,1'hursday..01r. Jas.. e-
Rade:11%, of ,- . Forest, was in town I i e}vin was in .• rowels, on, Thursday, on
se1t..I,'rof: organ and dai gbtor' business.. Mr. 1+ - 13eattio attended the
t for Eru . sIs, on Monday. They Seaforth races, . Thursday.
"Ail remain for : n e tints in 13rr,a lis.
Hill w s a guest tlta'i',.ev... SPY f}IlrtliY 'M.iYtET:'I`t3.
lay, . Mr: R. iaiihiteloy the Emh +, mitt sort Uk x.
' ,ing et the 3ran•I- Cerrented l,y P. Dome, 1 reduce healer.
t a aitattpin of trim ttn+, • e ' a�'
1117uistoar- tfirbasins}, 1` , , too
p/ has t� '�(t
lip litpl1iapC, 11+ .,,;1 + .' o
,,tiif ffilt4fkrtth, ansA••r, nth ,•
, 1 I
'to rp t]a 6t,
For if you do net it may', con--
sutnptiVe. Ter Constnfrtia,r,. kterofula,
General DebLiit" anti Hosting f3isefses,
there Is nothing
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and
14Y,PoPHouPWI l'ES
c x.stmo *mamal. ' fr�eaeia+
It is alulost as palatable as m11]c. 3'ar
{ better that other eo•Ca'llod Enittislahs.
A. wonderful liesh prodtteer.'
i5 pntztp in a an'Irison.,eolhr wi apper. ; r _
s,tro nfld pot the •genxti,t,±c Sot Ll/ t
- Dealers at 50c. an4 $LLL&
SCOTT :L.BO'svN'1;, Bollorme • .
the Fest 51 eensalan •gait..
JnElq Store -
I'ag just opened tint a, late 'hew stock 'ot
r✓ 4
In the store one door smith of tithe Post Office, and is preparec1 to give
great her;uiiinli in: s11Poial lines of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES,
.gP TF�Itt,TG and:. NEW WORK
-Dune on the shortest notice,:'tlnd all work guaranteed.
An inspection 'bf 'Guests aticl"'f•oruparison of Prices invited
Goods left for repair With 11'}1;. R. U. 'Vanstnne will: he given out..
Wingham, Ont.
4114, rQ t
Having U6'11'61'00 larcely,In order to rd',..ice and melte Mons for fail iinportations, tearly 2.00.pleces of
4 TWEtElO, vill be sold at cat cf habdling; 'groin() lines loss. Strictly for eaSh:
ent any letigth to Suit
. As the goods are of a superior on'ality. brght for emelt. them is extra vIthie. „
Come early b'S,Ve expect a. rush, Oen have thein 611 nod fashionably Made by bcsi incehanice, or eold
plecc. this a genuine Sate, cotomencing on Saturday, inith *Tune.
Anchinetg hi Motion in Mom NamTH END• GROCER
st.„„frAminz floods hi slew, (If Public boat 41.10.51
ot-tbh Southern States—Cotton..
grew in tholloutlt, Carpets made 1 tom ,tein leaves of tils timiersigned desires to Abate to the people ef Winglddri olninity that ho hafi opend a geb
the pine end alter wclotls of Om Seuth. • Produei Ft of . stook of
Plants, end alive All imitor of Florida',
Famous Wild west Show, tispoott gs,os end pato.
chute Descents, r1reworks, Sands, ate;
For Prise tAst and Information—addiess post card 16
Phrenology, Physiognomy and
ilsyt win **A
x Nowa,* and
*end Phvitt*rn
molt orlrilind
v von •statouvant„,of your
41.0, good, nob
Always on hand,
the ste•ch hart* been 011:cfalli selettrel ihrd latrebasea foi sh, stollens VII foi good relne.
‘Arorsted6, 17'1
o'n iliutioT;tvilv'be(1,(1)3()eli)
Prints, Pal midis I
They, are in
PEAR, Alta,
evening next.
.3 .If'-realiellixichur'etil,9'°sIxtti:rnilltoehroe:rPte
Antal, on account et
Goo cost.
:f.11is left hand ta
wifigh he was wpr
-Call at Alex 11
the Laurance sperl
MeTaviii, of the
has accepted a poi
Committee a ,a
-.13h; bitvgainel
Plouncings, Print
Po two weeks, or i
at i
off the dry kiln, I
self, had one of tbA
1)r-N°hello.tv as the v7
people who want t
and soda, should. i
°U -t* WO are indel
for bopies a is
Preentan, which co
the funeral of the
well as iatereeth4
shirts, collar:1
1 -Dr Towler al:
in Wroiceter on P
Royal Templars'
revert a good tim
-0 T It trah
-Mr Philip ;11,
eft on WetIntiadi
Tbe jaurney is !I
rsolis:11. 4. g04