HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 9Q MD-, i4O11 I O. f:PHIr4E SYMEE1 ONTAtBIO0 r yen',IaF4hetwnei 6ATEeS'�^ to. t�b oto, 1 I -o0.-11-(20-00 #a 00 5 50 oti 17 0 4 at 00 i 3W f 100 rtIsenrei>ts, se. per line line for eachaubeequent typo, 10e, for first in xleas than 2tloaetartit lr• u d,`ltrayed, Situat�ons. 1, nae exceeding ines ibaeqexceeding en6 0 00t lln9o. r rdhored to advertieetnents, or tot ,eotec directions, will bll ;ad accordingly. Trom• ee paid in advance ertis1 leoartderto aPPoak )en, I,IOTT Drtllrrot ANA Pcat.taes+t STREET, O$TAatea and Surgeons, Ontario.. silty of Huron- . wingham, Ont. Toronto University, anet ayeioiena and Surgeons 0* rnerof Centre end Patrick ay Dr. Bethune, OITOR, Etc, Etc. e to loan at lowest retest barged, Mortgagee, town. bought and sold. r%NelRAN, ONT. ORTON rF.R sic„ Ontario 1 E.'L DICKINSON. B. An LICITORS, . Etc., not, So ittltoh, ComMissionere for nitoba Farm, Town and and sol(! Mouoy (private, e securaty et &g, per cent. .te persons; upon the beet hout any expense to the n Manitoba and the North-. 'Ingham. 1EROME, Wmon AN,' tacturing Cellatloid Piates a plates of thebestmaterta as they can be got hi the n. All work warranted. 'Watered for the painless ,niy safe anesthetic known. extract teeth for 25 cents: ever Block, opposite the I. MACDNALD, WtrenAir, Vulcanite, Celluloid, AJ1oy,, Id, etc., eto., Plate., ranging Isom $60O upwards pee set and bridgework. Teeth ex et pain by the use of STital- Winghaap, side entrance op- , open daily (SundayeeXcept- n. Will, be at Blyth eatery each month-OtHceat Milne e' rel Moudtys of each month- ▪ tract?ng 26 cents. St]BANCE AGENT OIExto HAM, SURANCE ,ND MA1 NE, UELPH. zonAM, VEER FOR THE COUNTY HURON, any part of the'Co. Charge' i, WINCHMt, ONT., PER ]i OE, THE COUNTY, CE 1ivRe i. Texts Milos promptly. at, end dale. )N, it YOU (0UET1EB MINI 1. elite Bsuoa,, o promptly and on the S110rtei. nd Satiyfaotlon(lparutltpqd ,. igontonito ooh be made 46.eeg 14 s IMWKINS rETe411 ANS CIVIL 41Itint4E IL ARA WtNOIIAM. (Once of the 'Trow! win ra ,n 'tvretolt r')ot'*T, Dago or INA, • tlortl,Re. tom. �A- ;' TUB J41.°•7f' } 1.1 *1$R• lit °ATU intern e. fermeeo life Is gains by uttuiop: • Farmer :r teats ll >, Fan Gray, Ott he laughed with al, loud and Musical voice That chased the !flues away, Far from the noisy marts of trade, The roweled city's din, I labor safe bud undismayed Until the light begins to fade, When hours of root begin, Jolty, well jolly I ern tudo nd, d.ud you'd be jolly too. aluto t ng tate sowing acid sprouting of seed That will help two hungry wolves to fond 'Vie old oe well as the uew, Look at my meadow laud, rich with gold The gold of the ripening grain Where ie the mina that on unfold • Soli life giving we•,ith $s the warrior b o1,1 blight peril his life to gain, THE CURIOUS SLIME PACTS. Say A. Wilson, a Was ingInn youth of nineteen years, has 'Pen at riiligritt searcher of the soriptures, end in the course of his exhaustive reading and recording, he says 110 hue gathered the most r,f the following curious Bible facts The Bible contains 8,506,489 letters 778,692 Words, 31,178 verses, 1,180 chapters, 66 books, The word and occurs 46,277 titles ; the word. Lord occurs 1,855 times ; the word Bever - end occurs hut once, which is in the 8th verse of the llith Psalm. The middle verse is the 8th verse of the 118th Psalm, The 21st verse of the 8th chapter of Ezra contains all letters of the alphabet except the let, J. -The finest chapter to read'is the 26th chapter of the Acts of Apostles. The 19th chapter of Il. Kings and the 87th chapter of Isaiah are alike. The longest verse is the Oth verse of the 8th chapter of Esther. The shortest verse is the 35th verse of the 11th chapter of St. John. The 8th, 15th, 21st and 31st verses of the 107th Psalrli are ' alike. Each verse of the 136th Psalm ends the same. The 13ible contains no words or names of more than six syllables. These are interesting facts . which may cause some young people to study the Bibte more. WORTH KNOWING. Biblical units have the following equivalents ; A shekel of gold was $8. A firkin was seven pints. A talon of gold was $13,809. • A talent of silver was $538.80. Ezekiel's reed was nearly 11 feet. A cubit was nearly 22 inches. A bin was one gal. Ion and 2 pints. A mite was les than a quarter of a glass. A shekel of sil- ver was about 50 cents. A piece of silver or a penny, was 13 cents.. A Sabbath day's journey, was, about an English mile, An eplialt, or bath ccs. tains 7 gallons and 7 pints. A. day's journey was about 28 1-5 miles. A Jtand's breadth is equal to 8 5-8 inches. A finger's breadth is equal to 1 inch. A farthing was 7 cents. A broad smile lightened the farmer's face, It rippled frotu brow. to Main ,And his broad hands spread abroad in space To take allthe landscape in. You city folk on never feel at ease Ito wonder you have the blues, }'kite I •am tending my cattle and bees Audeorn and wheat and beans and pints You're neglecting your P's and Q's My stook at peace. Your bulls and bears in quarreling spend their days - They bother about the world's affairs My Only sublunary cares A.re touching the crops I raise. Their ooustatlut task it is to quote The stock board's shifting range Well I-1 have 00 change to uote,and save. at intervals remote Have hardly a cote to change. tae life is very sweet to me, ` Toil wins me well earned rest gild I arn jolly -for, you see, ' Of all the happiest lives there be, Thefarmer's is the best. • An. Offer of Istatrimony. In the uew book, Inside Our Gate, perhaps the most delightful of all Mrs. Brushe's delightful delineations is the • Seotisli cooly: with her aphorisms, her lovers, her calm Christian determina- tion, to have her own way. The otttr made here by Meester Mac- Farlane, baker, in the presence of her mistress is something delicious. I:just called to say Miss Catherine. ii Illiswbetli Drummond, that I trade ,`ye an otl'er of matriluond this day week, an I wad like an answer. Tibbie looked as innocent as ra lamb. Wee', sir, she said, if a'• ye require is £u•auGwer, L suppose as long"aa ye get an answer ye diuua care what it. may he.? Ye ken well what I care, replied the suitor doggedly. The last time I was dere, ye made objections to ate being $ baker, but ye should pick that bone wid any father for appreuticiu win to Mutt - trade. Ye retuarket that ye • slways intended to marry wi' a sailor. But I cannot be a bailor a-grippen wet" ropes, clitnin' bare poles to pleasure even ye:, at toy time of life. Mr. MacFarluue's temper was •up a bit ; • he didn't know 'Nibble as well as I did. A firm expression was settling upon her mouth and aglitter in her eyes. What settled objectionhave ye to .a baker? ho continued. _It always makes me sick to my Minnick, replied Tibbie in a prowok• ingly calm voice, to think of our and. water muddled together by meg-folk. I've beard they tramp crackers wi' their feet, to—heaven forbid t This was too muoh for Mr. Moo. Farlane. Hae ye never tasted baker's bread in yet life, he continued warmly, nor cracicere, lase t Weel, I u aun confers I bae',retnrn. ed Tibbie in a provokingly calm voice. e When 1 was a bit o' lass and did xis' ken what I was satin ; We a'mun eat a peck o' dirt. Aa •hes nae eatin' baker's bread site' ye was grown. It sounded like a stern controversy between consumer and manufacturer rather than couversstion'between lover and sweetheart. Weel,1 hoe, admitted Tibiae, when took Wit patigs of hunger and Contid *rill what the chosen pope oat in the destruction, of Jerusalem; but I eat it. wi' my eyes fixed on the o.iiin' and repeating a VOPSS of rsripture, to 1100 my man, ye lulu why L'll no warr7 1 E Aker Wad EMI hill Mi11. We wish to inform the public that we have those Woel011 Mille in A 1 running order, and will Thi., woo Kivu spavial attention to CUSTOM W OtK T (nt in all sb ar1c esr and wI1I keep in.. tock rl olaseeast Of QCat pl goods, snob II: weeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c.,., cede from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their roll. home with them the same. day. Highest market pace in cash for Merchantable INGL1S 6 COT., WinRham tATTHEVi AMBLER, HARNESS MAKER hos on hand p, large stock of HORSE' BLANKETS, CURRVGOMBS, . •'sausimd, TRUNKS, VALISES etc., Which will be sold at bottom prices. . There he is again, first ou my nose, then in my ear, and I dare not open my mouth for fear he abould fly down my throat. Hello, John, just run over to the drug store add buy a packet of Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, I can't stand this any longer. Price 10c. Sold by all druggists. , Epilepsy. Sufferers from cramps and ner- vous debility are surely cured by an improved and absolutely un- equaled method. Treatment by letter. Send full account of syrup tomb and address, inclosing post- age stamps for answer. '+NYMICA erns[," New Yet. LA' EST NEWS.GHA WE MAY HAVE TO P,y Ta Cats ParPaul Mcn. HARNNESS, double or;aingld, made , to order on short notice, and aatielaoution guaranteed. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned otters tor sale his farm, being the south half of Lot 86, Concession 12, East Wawaueh on easy terms. Tho farm consists of 100 acres, about 50 of which are cleared and in a good state of oultt• nation, the balance beingIow, wet land. On the premises are good frame ouse. containing 7 roam and good cellar; bank barn and atone' stabling ;'two wells of good water • two cement cisterns' a nice orchard. The farm le is fenced. Would tate a small residence In Wingbam impart P.W. on terms to bo agreed upon. For terms, apply to E. LEMMEX, on the premises, or to H. LEMMEX, East Wawanosb, Jun63rd 1840. Winghsm. "M D SIO. MISS NELLO Mo ARDY. OlJLASSFS FOR INSTRUCTION Oji PIANO .AND Organ, in Volt* Culture gad Harmony Maud Bons tx Bursa Boot. 1111414•10$ Ply robes >f'&daa. One et that.•, pada will kill more Ritts every'dtly for t'u'ith than oan be cau,tbt. upon a leega. shoe. T,f Micky paper. L lOo. tot Wikotrt,;Piy Poi",e rads will *kola lesws'. Stic1 by alt druggists. 4 ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. tam call solicited.' ' SHOP-t•)ppoelte the'Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLES, Meehan, Feb. ttb, TW" • is the time to petnt yoiir•houeer, and Pnfy en 0 f ehertly when sending to the United 0040. Had you not better bring it io the WINCHAM TANNERY RUBBER Y PAINT ---1e BEST --- al once, and get the highest price IN CASH or trade for It 7 Treat your RIDES, SHEEPSKINS, OALFSK1NS, TAL' LOW, Ac., the. name way. If you require anything apeot11 In BEST in the WORLD, Lumber of all kinds, Furst -class Shingles, and Cedar Posta. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to Any putt of Winghaln. f'Otd WWI prtanlpt,y attended Oa tilIOROK THORSt'ON, VIngbraai Pre HEAVY '. ` GLOVES, landed. Harness, Sole, Upper and French LEATHER; ANI) FINDINGS: always kept in stock for Shoemakers, W. J..ICHAPMAN, Wingbam, THE ODELL 'TYPE WRITER. FLOURING Maus, The undersigned g Wet w ehtn tender their bothank* e e for the !there! patronage given to our !Bina Blaring severalyears prior to the burning of our twill by in- cendiarism, During the }est season we have re- moddelted the town 11,111 to the latostepproved eye. tem of Hungarian Roller Proem mil' ling. We be neve wccan now give better accommodation than ever before.We oder Prompt Dispatch, Fain Returns, QUALITY SECOND ;CO NONE IN SECTION.. Aqd by close personal attention to the bus1i ees hope to be again tavt.red with a trial by all old friends and many new• ones. Yours most respectfully, i HUTTON & CARR $ AO will' buy the ODELL TYPE WRI- 1�LL TER with 78 characters, stud,$ 15 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any machine made.. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without cost et repairs' than any other !Machine. Has no ink ribbon to. bother the operator. It is neat, eubatantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ton copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We eller $1 ,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. • Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nduoement, to Dealere. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &o., address ODELL TYPE WRITER Co., 85 and 87 5th Ave. CRICAOO, ILL. None genuine unless stomped "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohib," .Ws also have the beet ' a CANADIAN N Ready Mind ?ant: You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 cents up, Por Whitewashing and Ealeomtninit.ask tor "XL STIJ E Wfngham 11111, Oct. '.9 1289; A CHANCE In the Ilarno:s lasinls; CHAS. KNNO _T` trX4 Wishes to intimate to the people Winghep sand. surrounding country that he has pure/puled the harness bueinese lately carried on by Masers. J. J. lioinuth & Sone and will conduct it in the building one door mouth of ;Mr T a store. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ° FARNESS heavy or light, made to order, A full, tine of • Horse Blankets, Sleigh Belle, Whfps. Currycomb,, Brushes, etc., • always on hand. • Repairing no promptly do The patronage of the public solicited, and ion in workand material guaranteed, C. •KNECHTEL Wingham, March 4, 1800. CAR RILGE$ and BUGGIES WM. DOR (of-theisto'tirni bt"2dic'ke1 kClore), r —LePU7AOTUUEER OP. Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, &c. Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the next two month... All kinds of work made to order by ffret•class workmen, under the super- vision of the proprietor. lRepairing, Painting; Top Building, &a., done on abort notice. Thom dn need of anything in our line will save monef by calling before purchasing. WM. DORE, Winkbam,_Ont. WINGHAM " FOUNDRY. 4M U RR.A.'Y & Co.,+ -Succenors to R If Robinson, manufacturerers of- A&RICULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS. 0 we hare the patterns of R. M. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. 0 R-EEPA.IMU I21- OP -ALT. KINDS .A. BPFCI..2.aY'_ The patronage of the public solicited. MURRAY tk Co. and don't tali* anything else- In oonneetion with the above,1 wish to say that I have leased my found%S' to the above firm for a $0011, w hem i I Com' ended as 11ret•olaee mechonics hacin . !iced * seiner Aa .Cline & Go BALD WARE MERCHANTS, Wingluns. WINGHAM MARBLE - -Yi 0 RKS I Watches, Clocks, JewelryySilver Goods. and Sil Y iii, Goods. of years. They come to ins h g11y rn m R experience in mill wort and repair.. 1 would eek for them aeontinuanc4o1 the patronage extend 4,4114k el during the past eighteen years. R II ROB1Ij ! hl, Wingham, June 25th,1b00. f N. 1!LET1 ME :SUBLIME Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CROICEsr, and MOST CUAIIMING ARTICLES in Taking a retrosppeecct of my thirteen 'ler fourteen yeere busmen inWingbstet !desire sleet heartily to ora orally for thanke the liberal pit on friends extended usoi1 Odin the past. I may Ilse state that l ani in a petition to 08,6 better inducements that ever to tbelie requiring anything in the line of -Granite' or Stone Monuments, HEADSTONES, , 'WINDOW SILLS, STONE TI4UeIMINOS, Itroit !VOCING, Jae 1 would be ppleaec'd 60hN a Shoe. defined of pro cueing any artlolee in hlv 111. to call and.Xaimine tnods, moue prices am,l leave their tinders, so that he goods rear be secured and prepared earl in the season, You can select trout the latest 'des ens and obtain ths Stott w'etknurh.hlp et Thr -1 tele l.vorable pekoe. moot retpeottoily, yours, I WIL. $11�Y'1'H, Wims'5Am, Oiit. YOU j CAN MIT s AT DA116AINS. tar CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN' TO 'REPAIRING, AND Wedge WARRANTED. ' 15LOCK YOU'YOt1I JEWELL Y GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S ALI, UBE FITS,'tleVGrk AWAY file Irin s,,,,.„ in 1 U s, to 1 ra�r. OTs r teems, � start Aur a teas, lrelifeetfre 1 n. 1MIIANAlltAb*CtALonpa. WWII SAES tbe a, WOW Of rentals O.ieknwtae a Sto-fossa' atu. y. 1 Wstt•rrarti sty *end Mutes. &cause others have fated is no ge.aso.., fur not now e,goe el a treads. 'asd a K«+tte '- ottle► of fay' rafeitetbles Wafted It costs otw c,�ing ter A aad It. win 0l r0 yoe. f r, iS4 E4* s1" .11 100*C AT ,..11,0 TO*C