HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 8W 0 h ho rl ber o fids it is designed to aa" cornniodMi tpitia Orltrartateat ie for ten is, .se, a, was atways posted illi the t. irdschtes and ne, .id-tltaatl coal', I it- Dd,` , .iATVIVIT 29, 1880• partnion:s. ; iu the brbi-r nes u'Ees t 1C .=,se.►t,s are div;d.si by pad,i�.d orris to Uutot Isms. (accommodate three p,;rsons each, or sial to the compartment. That Is n Tlturtiday of last week as Mayor ikon, of Seaforth, was exorcieiagba t v the while leaving park h►l a d r8,6, and gait j4t> Med Ills Wilson between the buggy and gate post, fracturing two ba on till, left aide flare rtaindicate harvesting is now Keret in Manitoba. The score from est halt proved to be unfounded,abso• WY .no damage having been done. The Rev Father Dixon, of Port unbton, who has offluiated at Port atuleton and Sombre tor the past five eure, herd been promoted to the parish E Atsbfieid. bear Goderich, in the rtiron District, The rev gentleman a clever 08 well as a popular priest, eloved by his parishioners,who deeply egret hie removal. David. Donovan, of Seaforth, lost aro very Valuable felt steers last week, Le had a number of steers posturing n his , farm in Tickersmith. In trder to get from the flies four of them )arrowed their way in between a hay stack and:the side of the barn. They Crowded in so fax that they could not return again, and had. to be drawn out by means of a chain end a team of horses. When rescued two of them were dead, having been smothered. The other two soon recovered sad are now all right. European outwits Evert on ship - .11 . you will uoe to t E wayp your r on ad bo Entice, cast in the iron door frame of the number of tailor' or passenger8 or rewards or stokers that may inhabit s each compartment.-- [Julian Ralph, in Harper's Weekly. ,'art• rain••a Car. Those Americans who go abroad to cover the short comings of Europe and to exaggerate their own aatisfaction with everything American are always happiest waken describing an English, Freudh or German Railroad They are half wrong, as bigots Usually are, but then, again, they are half right, The truest comparison and fairest statement of the facts concerning Eng- lish and American railroads is that if they had uur ears and we had their roads, both countries would enjoy railroading In perfection. In order to present the completed ek picture to the American reader, lam or her imagine;a summer horses 'car with the sides boarded :up—one of those horse cars New Ybrkere ride upon Third avenue in, with cross seats facing' one another in pairs. Let him imagine the back of every alternate. seat .carried up to the Ceiling. That would divide the car into three or four boxes. Then put a window at each end of each seat and a door at each end of eaeli passage, The windows must be` tight and immovable, but there must be a sliding window in every dour, to hoist 'up and down by earls of is broad leather strap, worn Zack and soft by handling. Now Mark Third Class on the boxes that are over the wheels at either end of to car, and paint First Class on the axes between the wheels in the .fiddle of the car. Cushion the first• lass seats, anil -pad the backs as high s one's head ; • thea carpet the third - lass seats, and nail carpet .on their ticks, and you have turned an open orse-car into an English railway eat - :age. There it; a . narrow board on oh aide of the horse•car -for the con- tur to walk upon, and that their is 0 on the English car ; but the steels railroad ear is boarded up at, her end, ;,W1ereas the Amerieau rad'var is gtazlld. Gov' let the American think of ell ' comforts and 'couveniel1ces there its our railway, coaches—.the toilet nod, the clone;, the heating appara. the drinking:water cylinder. Not of these is in an English railroad not ohne. All those !things are at s ation, not in the care, iu tne lets ears there is on ineffectual Iw'td light* half donteated *bevel k eonvelt glassin the roof of ,departments stead there is a rack ll' seat, This' is the hat You ride Am -class or thrid In tows of the oars is it mato raiirnsd over one beach, and an t of the lailway's hotels Ott oempartt +nt. The so * most excellent *,6 potted in each fresteeseetel 4te n'u'D. ii. D. to tAPBAN, AfTttlt VACATION. ISSUER 11 Al 'c' I ,, i«tSttER, 3IOTAItX n ir-8ueanea, »u'L ouer , , e t•,,,iat.rr t come beck Ril rl.�', OST• We p al. ore here, .+t ve i t Loan on F rel Saourity at Low Rate) of riot I'Nore our vacation tern , tr'e are,ttli icnkintt hate cud, 0trontl L,401111a as ;t silver illxn0, Our r..onnt rO lite lento pleasant been, AIWA ill son mild ratty, (sur fr eist'snow liow at s elouieue it lggatu, s to sot Cramps— Glad vacation, how goon ''tis '`pan9s'd away 1: We'll study till another comae With hearts so light and gay, We are all here; and gv'rll'one That's absent been so tog, Will welcome bank with cheerful hearts The days of happy song, Our sehool.room melodies are sweet We love to sing them o'er; So altogether Bound the note, And let our voices Boar, Glad vacation;, eto. We all are here in readiness, To get our studies wall Our seats they shall not vacant be When tolls the calling bell, Our grammar and geography Our spelling boort and elate, We all should put to active use Before it is too late.-, What *msutouts u Geed For. Spirits of ammonia will often relieV a severe headache. n out of If the color has been taken silks by finkstains, ammonia will usually restore the color. ' To brighten carpets, wipe them with wares water, in which has been pour. ed a few drops of ammonia. Ono e* two tablespoonfuls of am• monis added to a pail of water -will clean windows better thin soap. A few drops in a cupful of waren water, applied carefully, will remove spots from paintings and chromes. Grease spots may be taken out with tweak ammonia in water ; lay soft white paper over en iron with a hot iron. When acid of any kind gets on olothing,epirits of ammonia will kill it. Apply chloroform to restore the 'color, Keep nickel. silver ornamenta and mounts bright by rubbing with wool• len cloth saturated in spirits of ani• monis. Old brass may be cleaned to look ike new by pouring strong ammonia on it and scrubbing with a scrub brush ; rinse in clear water. Equal parts of ammonia and turpen- tine' will take paint out of clothing, even if it be hard and dry. Saturate the spot as oaten as necessary and Wash out in soap suds. Put a teaspoonful of ammonia in a quart of water, wash your brushes and Combs in this, and all grease and dirt will disappear. Riese, shake and dry in the sun or by the fire. If those who perspire freely would use a little ammoniain the water•they bathe in every day, it would keep their flesh ' clean and sweet, doing away with any disagreeable odor. Flannels and blankets may be soak- ed in a pail of water •containing one tablespooutul of ammonia and a little suds. Itub as little as possible, and they will be white and clean and will not shriek. n iatucet, No vozolookkl, n chnirKed. ont•)y tQ 1,1oart oil Notes. Notes DiSC011,11ted, AT REI SONABLE RATES. 'Money ett e:toed on Mortgages at d por cent. with NO VI paving at the and o any year. Noet and acrounte connate d. 74O$T, MuniDO0, Omens, --$raver Block, Wingham, Ont, BANK OF HAMILTON, al -1 A-14 °spits', $1.000,000. Rest, $450,000.. Pre,tdent--Jelin eruART. yloe,Preaident—A. O. Ramo, DI$LCTORS Jona MOTOR, CHAD, ooDow, AT oAB Lea(Trnto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Saving Bank hours, l0 to 8 ; Saturdays,10 to I. Deposits of 01 and upwards received and uttered allowed. special Deposita also received of current rates of intoreet. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICBItNSON, H. f O•: : :, „•:• . 0, then, you are paifectly exeusable James. I am glad to seg you display- ing such a Christian spirit. Visiting the sick is one of the duties enjoined upon us in the •Scriptures. It gives me pleasure to kisow that at least one of my clerks is so unseltih, Thank you, sir, James replied color- ing somewhat and manifesting a desire to get to work : but -- 0, you needn't blush, my boy ; in- terrupted ..the good old man ; t'rn a hard old busineiis f bap. myself, but I can appreciate the doer human feelings Your modesty ,.dges, ;•,you :• credit, I'm cure. i:. But, sir ---- 0, never- mindt James, it doesn't need any buts, It pm pleased to be able to comineiud yeti. DAVIB IS OFFERING ILONY' ON Tr' A, E6 131ZOP1E,G3VTX' AT VERY LOW RATES. j Re101ilill4fi, Ar ,,tr•-- IVIES ;)i'"i'te.o•;:, ,to EPHINt, $TirlgI'I WINO _ ONTARIO, ubaertPtton })rice, $i per yenv, to edRotneo • ADVERTISING RATES„ Space 1 yr. .i a um. l 8 too, 1 1 one 1.5raiim 4<iu 00 43Ft)0M l 1120 40 > ien Half " 85 00 2i1 00 1x 000 4 00O ,1' 00 74 , 00 d 20 2 00 1 00 6 00 800 Quarter lose I Local and other caeca a,lvertiee uente, fie. per line for Aret insertion, and Su. per line toreachsub5 fluent insertion. Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10q. for soli in sertton, and 6o. per line for each subsehuent luaertlt F No local notice will be charged lege than 260 Advertisements of Lost, Fain 0, 'strayed, Situattona. I and 1lueinese t ancea Wanted, nut exceeding, 8 lines nonpareil, 81 por month 31 for fret month 5oe. peoe r subseqo, not uent�mlonth linea. 'These terms will he strictly adhered to Speciai rates for longer advertieculonts, Or t0# longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will b*. inserted till forbid and uhar•ed accordingly. Tran` altory advertisements most be paid in advance changes for contract advertisements must be 10 the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appeal that week R. ELI.IOTT ' PaopamfOlt AND POtlWengit SEE_�.� i OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WneoNAK Oorosm& 4ru. 1888 But, sir; imitated '•James, I'm afraid you do not quite understand-- . oc understand the unselfishness of sitting up with a sick person 1 Non- sense 1 1 understand it perfectly -the medicine, the weary., watching. • The bearing with the invalid's irritableness. HALSTED &SCOTT ��ir-rz�ERs, 7io Make a Happy some. 1. Learn to govern yourselves, and to be gentle and patient. 2. Guard your tempers, especially in seasons of ill -health, irritation and trouble and soften them by proper, penitence, and a sense of your own 'shortcomings and errors. 3. Never speak or 'act until you have payed over your words or sots, attd con- cluded that Christ would hove done so in your plane. 4. Remember that,valuable Isis the gift of speech, the gift of silence is often much tnore valuable. 5. Do not expect too mUob from others, but remember that all helve an evil nature whose development we must expeot, and which we should forbear and forgive, as we often desire forbearance and forgitteuess ourselves. 6. Never retort a sharpor angry word. It is the second word that makes the quarrel. 7. 'Beware ttf the first disagreement. 8. Learn to speak in a geutle tune of Voice. 9. Learn to say kind and pleasant things whenever an opportunity offers. 10. Study the character of each, and syrapathicewith all in their tronbleethow- ever emelt. 11. Do not neglect little things, if they can affect the comfort of others iu the smallest degree. 12, Avoid moods and pets and fits of eulkiuess. 13. Learn to deny yourself.and to prefer others. 14. Beware of meddlers 'aud tale•bear•, Yr0. 15. Never charge abed emotive 14 4 good cosi is aono*lvable. 16 Be teutl'e,bmt itrin, with children. the— -- , But, sir, there is nothing irritable about my friend; no medicine, in fact. No medicine 1 1)idli't you say your friend was sick ? -Yes, sir ; but thistle where you retia' cr trupreheud me—in 'the kind of pick- ness. How is that ? It was a young lady I sat up with, replied Jalnes,blushilig`tii earnest now. blie is my love sick fraena. Oh••r•all—Well, said the merchant, slowly. that's different, See that such attei.ldanee upon the sick doesn't delay your arrival •At the office any more,Mr. Whacker.— W. H. Sivite><',, in West Shore.. - { Josephine Street J. A. HA Mount Forest. 1 Deposita Received and • Allowed. Mone• y Advanced to F'armer's and 'Business laden, •On long or short time, on' endorsed notes or collateral security., Sale notes, bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable cosies. Special Attenti4Qn Given to Col- ledting Accounts and Notes. Agents 1n Canada—The Merchants' •-Belau: of Canada. • Winghamt Ont. J. w•Listowel. j lR, *AODONALD, 1J JOSEPHINE STREET, • ONeAIutt Interest W,1051148. txT B. TOWLEB. M,D,C.M.. Menber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, —Coroaor for County of Huron— Office at "TUN PUAAYACT r Wingham, Ont. DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto 'Univereity, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons oS Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINOUAK , •• • . • 081: 17. 170 sot allow your children tet l(n s*ay from home at night withe0tknovviug where they ars. Its vrlsere'tits 18, ,De mot.el'ldw tbie►'utto4( y A* men tete v At ten years of age a bot thinks his father knows a great deal;, at fifteen, he knows as much as his father; at twenty he knoivtl twice; .ea much ; at thirty, he is willu,g to take }lis father's advice • at forty, lie ' b gine to .think his fabler knew" annethiug'after all at kitty lie brgina to'•deek his advice, and at sixty --after his 'father la dead Office ,Hours -From 9 8. in. to 6 p. m. A. E. ,SMITH, Agent. •n VANSTONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eta„ Eta. Private and Companyfunds to loan at lowest rates o cha littered. andarm property bboughtand sold. rged. Mortgagee, town, OFFICE—Beater Block, Wan/mu, ONT. CIUMS TAYLOR, Carpenter,' and Builder, JOHN STREE'1%, WINOHAM, ONT., (Opposite Ielpyd'e Faotory,,> • SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, BLINDS, &c., &c. Muse SA Mop Aepairiag —he thinks that lie was .else smartest. Milli that ever lived. Aeries To MOTilsas,•..Areyea disturbed it night and broken or your teat by a.eldkOhild a 0Qriug and go seed at vitaetrying with p a bolt , of 1" Mrd, Wig Teeth n01 W'e seeming case and get. syrup" for Children Teething. .eta value ie Snualwl• elle. it steieair Depend upon it,, i)notherr; there poor little is no htietAk*,iuou Mistake about it. It Dares Dysentery and l)lurrlitaa, regulates the tltouraeh and Bowls, Aurae Wind folia, toileanid eI orgy t thetwhets ey ern iw'tMts Win eiow'a Soothil syrup " for children teething le pleasant to the testa and is theproeeriptlou Of dee of 0,s uldast and bust fetnaie pbysloiinre and Buries es 0 treebnitudMato$,wedie for gala by gK este kinHugbaut rine world. Price to:00l-8vs Dente a betas, be sure Anti silk 16) "*1)9. W1riilSows duorUtxa Brace ..ed take no etbor hied 7Bt'litaiMr.ler :WC A few very gocei socud band to gie:Aberl is vele, '(Some' and see tet A SVOts cg ey .* oheutt .tt • V4•y1.,ports'cot*. s lop. Promptly attended to, g J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c., wi,ghem • Ontario MEYER da DICKINSON,• H W C Maven, O. C. I E. 'L. DroetesON. B. Ae BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS,. Etc., Etc:, 8o: linItoze for Bank of Hamilton,- Comntissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba Farm, Tow and Village property bought and sold.MouoY (privates funds) loaned oP mortgage security at 1 , per cent. Money invested for private persons; upon the beet the mortgage end rah securities Lands for sale lin Manitohout ba expense the North, west. • Office—Kent's Block. Wingbam. DENTISTRY,— J. S. JEROME, WlNGU9M, 1J. manufacturing Celluloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the best materia as uheap as they can be got in the. Dominion. All work warranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painlesa. extraction of teeth,, the only safe anesthetic known. 'Pegs Norton. --k will extract teeth for 25 cents. each WINGHAM `i" • fi ,tal' & STAVE FACTORY. >" £ aIIoaie• OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. Iliterketta & S4A1, Pla0p'@e, Maniltaciyrere of and Dsalore .la D1INTISTRY--W. H. MAODNALD, WINONAM, Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Aiken., Silva. Go1d, to., eta., Plates, ranging in prices from 8500 upwards pet set erownng and. bridgework. Teeth ex tracted without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. Head Office, %Inghalp,side entrance op- posite the p,posite,the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundayseleep£• ed) troln 9 a m to 5 p m. Will„ be at Blyth eitery 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmonth—OfficeatM!)nea hotel; Gerrie: let and 5rd Moudgys of each month— Office at Albion hotel. . xtracting 28 cents. PIN E, HEMLOCK nwooD Lt7 t1ER, a'.'no and Cedar SEEING LBS,.. —Also Lath, Staves, letting, :Rarrelsi Wood, Cedar Posts, &s:. H yrs" w 'trss.��s JCHK. RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT • WII1O1AM1/4 °AT ISH) 'p,OBEWI UNNINOHAM, L1 INSURANCE FIRE AND.MAl1INE, GUELPH. PDEAN, JB,. W1..OIUM, LIOENSED, AyJCTIONEEIt FOR 'THE COURTY OF J1UR01'4 Sales attendeid in any part of the° Co. Onto/ Moderate. JOHN CCJRRIE, WINGWA1e, ONT.y 41010SED AUCTIONEER Loll, THE CoVNTT, 05 31URRCN. .Alt orders left et the Tutts Wee promptly it, end 440. Terms regeoiiable. 'rASIES HEND'E11S0N, ELL109 519n A80110;0)E8 108 0ou8TiEs ROW ;Alia' Bxvos,, Alll8ales attehdpd to promptly and en the Sltpttei. Nodes, Clsarges Moderate and Satigtaetian 011arailla ,. Ali necessary agrangen1en1a. can be made st,04, Timm' otftee • W itienAMp OM4i BQ4,T014 et 'HAWKINS P. 1. & D. t• Iluav7tofte ATA Ctvft. Il LIs etre, AxII WINOII'AM. Ali ordore left et the onto. 0't the Tome will Ph eelye prompt attention PATEtteOti, .117 o Dmitri et Duette towline* Douai. ligates* or 1t,ia, auras .41644.1,108648,Bakad adjoining O. T. W.waat Olds Witt tali • , •••I. TUB d>37, ° • } Iwihlliilti. it oA'r1I H1ntT1.g, tsirtner'a.life is mine by 01101170 • bald jolty Footer (gray, Ae'be laughed with 0, iced and tuuaioal voiw '1'hot phased the blues sway, Far from the uowsy toilets of trade, The erowdod city's din, I labor awte i.lnl undismayed Until the light bsgius to tele, When hour& of rest begin, 4 -ally. well jolly I. to e ;d and you'd be jolly too. Watoitnt8 the sowing and sprouting of seed 'Chat will help two hungry wolves to hied The old es well on the new, Look at my meadow laud, molt with gold The gold of ,the ripening grain Where is the mine that eau uufold ' Such life giving wealth as the warrior b of Might peril bis life to gain, A bread smile lightened the farmer'af&o 1t rippled frotu brow, to chin And his broad hands spread abroad iu spar To take all, the le,udscape iu. You city folk eau never feel at ease No wonder you have the blues, While I •aro tending my cattle and bees Audeort► and wheat and beans and pees You're ueglectiug your P's and Q's My stook at peace, Your bulls and beers in quarreling spend their days They bother about the world's affairs My only sublunary cares A.re touching the crops I raise. Their ooustauut tas11 it is to quota The stock board's shifting range Well I-1 have no change to uote,and ea at intervals remote Have hardly a uote to change. So life is very sweet to me, • Toil wins me well earued rest And I am jolly --for, you see, Of all the happiest lives there be, Thefarmer's is the best. An Offer of Matrimony. In the uew book, Inside Our Ga perhaps the most delightful of all M 3ruslte's delightful deliueutious is t llir Scotisli coots with her aphorisms, 1 lovers, her calve Christian determil Con. to have her own way. T otter made Here by Meester M. Farlaue, baker, in the presence of mistress is something delicious. I -just called to say Miss Cather i„, Sliswbettl Drufnfuond, that I mi ,,ye an otl'er of matrimond this u week, an I wad like au answer. r, Tibbie looked as iuuocent as `' lamb. Weei,,sir, site said, if a'• ye reek is Au.ankwer, L aupposq as long As get au answer ye dinua care what Iliaay be 1 Ye ken well what I care, replied suitor doggedly. The lest time I here, ye made objectious to uui le a baker, but ye should pick that t wid my f.ttbsr for appreuticiu me that • trade. Ye reluarket that • slways intended to marry wi' a ea But I cannot be a sailor a-grippeu tepee, climin' bare poles to plea even yep, at fey time of life. Mr. MacFarlane's temper was s bit ; ' he didn't know ¶bis well as I did. A firm expression settling upon her mouth and a.gl in her eyes. What settled objectionhave ye baker? he continued. _It always Makes me sick to etumick, replied Tibbie in a pre ingly calm voice, to think of flout water muddled together by meii- I've beard they tramp crackori their feet, to—heaven forbid 1 This was too much for Mr. Farlane. Hae ye never tasted baker's I in ye'r life, he continued warmly crackers, lees ? West, I mann confess I jiae',ra ed Tibbie in a provokingly calm i e When 1 was a bit o' lass and did ken whet I was satin ; We a'mu a peck o' dirt. ' Aa :huts nae satin' baker's sin' ye was grown. Ii sounded like `a stern eontrc between consumer and mend* rather than couversstiowbetweea slid sweetheart. Wel. 1 sae, admitted Tibbie, took *AI pangs of hunger and c grin what the chosen pope eat n deetrv4ti0w of Jerusalem ; but I lei' tit,' eyes fixed oil the oeilu repeating a Vere of sbriptrlre, t my titan, ye leu wily L'll no w k Aker VVtiemit'a s'iy Poises Pates. One otl chats• p,►cls will kill mot ovary drily for t'tto'Ith than can be upon a large slur,, 1,1 luicky paper. a/cf tVUlorlt lnlyy Palle” I'tw t lir Whole 9Ctsl8n. &Id by alt dr