HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 7doth•
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Wont dottier 1t'ro,•n Detroit,
Man r. halt: ,-..There is no doubt
about it, manta i,1 this world. This is
L?etraat. Standing on the athelia) of
that uaujnstie; building, the oily halt., X
Karts on the Qrowd 'as they. peel by,
i.,opte—your:g, old, big, Little, of all
glasses, oree,ls and rncas To nay ri;;hc
1;tses :up ten stories high the majestic
Hammond block. It is built of red
brick, wall 190 mom eu eaeh'.. fluor.
To the left %% owl ward avenue streteheit
out in all its" beauty. Truly it is a
lovely street, nuns!), more so than svett •
4'4 trightalii s Jesephilui stz'get .and cull-,
niderul,ly longer, It is covered whiz
Ilege buildings, containing:, massive
doorways ilial towcriii4 tc,•pa. There
lire two:little paps about the sige 'of to
good big room in a 'Wulgh:aua house.
These are loaded withflowers, trees,.
' fountains, paths, people and nuinortrtla
other thugs, This is Detroit`s,pret..
eiest street, Her. people stare • and
starer before breakfast ane at breakfast
time .they stare and after breakfast
they.. goon staring till dinner time and
stili theygo un staring after diener.
rThey,lloep,up thii steady, stare aud
stare on till niant land! all night they
keep on staring., ,blit you. must net
imugizlt that they are rude, No;
they never see auytliina;. Bt•sitles
sp{trillg they chew gam and expector-
ate. The women are as bad, las the
men, They have soiue police 11are,but
they dentshow up.inuoli.; On SLtt,Ur•
shay evening there was a drum ken, tight,
on the street. .1't was twenty minutes
before a poli.cellipn'could be found to
arrest anyone. Now, Some' of 'the
clever.youbg ladies of 1Vingilaw,Wuoln,
1. have net forgotten, say*=,?.'.IQoty; we:v;r:
got you. 'If; Hoeg: are .staling elinin'
euuld they get time for d unkQpi>e nilcl,
fighting." But 'yea lltivea'ta.r ot•'zu;@;
as badly cornered as you think `Tile,
tif men. who stare are middle ug,ed teen,
but the young men between si cteeu
Land twenty -nice -do the ' drinking.,
There a4e.. 35,000 of them' in Detroit
and the saloons fret S•Q,000 of ,thslu,,
It will require a great nuiv'aer, y,ou•.
say; yes, there aro over 1,200 saloons
here, gilded hells, piuoes. costing from
a anilliuu'dullyrs down. One. beauti-
ful saloon, ;rhe plettiest place I ever
wae,in, cost over'a million. dollars.. A
`table there cost at least $500.
rlabese saloons, if give!, ti fruntar a of
thirty feet Gault would stretch nearly
seven utiles, The churches ail put;
together,' stretch a little, over, two.
The Bowan Catholics have beautiful
cJiurebes. ' Money seems .in) :ul ject to
them. •Everythiu . that money call;
buy is placed there and. there they
,worshila. God. :They are by far the
strong,:st b- cif in., the city. Next
tiptoe Episcopalians, Presbyterians,
Baptists, Methodists,, But you can
hardly,itrragi,e the differeuce between
here and ; Toronto. Rapid transit is,
. however, a question here over which
everyone talk, aud ye,u get over the
grouiid pretty rapidly. Five ceaa.t.
carries you a long way., • Take a loop
11ue:co,r Oil Michigan avenue. Travel
fqr three milks to the city hall, get
transferred to Jefferson avenue and go
three or four miles further, You may:
00111e back by boat or railway for five
cent!. There is not much change in
the langtza;;e here. They du not use
'the word station but depot. instead.
,',rut- Pudaling Bay," an . expression
which puzzled ant', is trauslatell into
our language, " For Put in . illy, "
t of course the guts had sunirlhzug
to do with that. The papers here all
roti Sunday •editions.. The, leading
paper yeeterday had ; an editoi.'iail t+xf
the usefulLe:ss of Sunday papers.
Besides the t:dit,lrial, they had about
Ilall'sl.eoitfmil on the different church
cervices.. This was all in the paper
fit•!or Sunday reading. It is a twenty
foie page paper and has eight columns
tea page,. Verily, a very great acnes
siou to a Christian household, 1 have
meet 11.ir. Iiit;don !aid family, of Wing -
ham, Mr. Roche, Wawanosh, Mr.
Brow.!, \'V,awanosli, since coining here.
*ore anon.
4n11141 18ebMNI itealrtn'ieetn ee
111x U1taaft sunny liuudaa,y
afternoon u
moil 1 strayedr
Lyef into, i ttsBurgherer 3U.
day school. I was put iii charge of oue
the elders, who happened to to uo favorite
et lulus, Re kept store, where chaos. reign-.
ed supreme, Things wet t.s+. 1 dry,Koods.aoft.
said hard, were found ill ;oviug proximity.
• Suppose 1 wanted 'bristles, hewodld be
rubbing hie linpda, f twbliug and arntliti$
about, while mtayltap 1 was all iia a fidget
to be at home among my hooka, any only
and beat friends, That same Suiaday, he
asked me if I. had been born again, This
Iresented as,;'a pisco of gratuitous im-
pertinence. lot, I' ltnew well from Pante
Banter, r, Haat ho bad hazy notions anent
Avoirdupois aud,Troy weight, but the. eat.
dome was alwaYu.iu his favor. Xou may
be sure I did not. rslnaiu a scholar of his,
but made my way to .pares and.4ravoyatird.
Biggar parish church, ie,a. gothic edifice,
left imiiuished when; the •,3,efornaatiou
broke out. Decaying. a;tiwal audvego•'
table Matter had so accumulated, in the
course of ages, thu.t the worshippers, were
by no uieaus comfortable during the winter
months, The heriters opened their hearts
so far welt) pull ill a stove or furnace. Au
unsightly treueh was dug, whereby the
mouldering remains of the dead were ex.
posed to view. £ churn of mine,: who has
joined t1iegreat majority,and your humble
servant, had now a splendid opportunity.
of . studying phrenology at first hand•,.
Tithe'-Suuday. mornings. Like Beau-
mont aud Fleteher,•we entered into a sort
ot literary, partnership. Pout; linea .of
doggerel tiud het oliiipter of !tipts' !hovel
where all that resultedfrom the partner-
ship. As these raudueit„recolleotions may
'fall under the notice tiff;more .6h au, oue
Biggar'worthy, I :reproduce the ilinee. from
`the archives of ruean,ory
Alia sun was setting ill the west,.
feud tinged. the clouds with golden hue,
All nature t}lgaa h':,'cl snail to rest,
But I woiit•out the scene to view
I often wisl;ed I had been the author of
'four lines composed by, John Litligow,
cousin of mine, which ran thus: •
Tired an'wat, an weary am T,
Dorm, iu the bogs: hardiu' the hyo;
Herdic' •the kye, wi' grief an wi,'.ciire,
But I'll no herd in the bogs nae marc. ,
Ill the course of next week, I expect to.
finish up, but as T have some extra -Work
before tree and should like much to bring
in Hugh iililler. as I heard.liim in a. Sun-
day school attended by city arabs,. pbrliaps
1you will grant me -a corner iu next week's;
iVat, LITur,o iv.
' Detroit, Aug, vth,1890,,
Mr., Wm. Rawl shit*, of Seafforth,
'who until recently kept ithotel in that
ioli;i1. •
itiiooAssr-On the 18th ii,st, at Concordia, Kansas,
the',vite of Dr J U. illeCasey; a son, •
Doer—In Clinton..on the 1)thinst, the wlte•gl 11r
J, eph Copp
e met i, -1n East wawanosh, on the lith last., the
Alta i f 31r Roliry,Orain ; .n daughter.
rirsau .TE'to.
tonsrr-hle000v&in :.In winghani, on the 231,
net, bs' the Rev 11 1lctluartie, 1311 horsey,. bl Dr of
Owen Bound, to Leila, eldest daughter of L' 31a edon-
ald, 11 D, M P, of Wiughaut.
D D.
witsoa-in Illyth, on the 25th Inst, William WI.
so , aged 79 veers:
avDnaso r—At hor sister's residence, Ilderton, on
the 14th Inst, Agnes, second daughter of 31r Thos
Ilenderson,':f the Ilius, ale •Road, Morris, aged 25
years 1 month and 14 days.
EDM8s oN-In Beet Wawahosh, on the 12th inst
Wild= Andrew Edna:sten, son pf M .las Erdnieston,
ager15 years and 15 days, .
homage.–.A5 Teeswater, on the 17th inst, Rhoda
TLllen, (motor at ,ytr, and hire w 1 owler, aged 5
years and 8 months.
Passuoao—At Teeswater, on the 19th last, Annie,
beloved wife of John Passmore, and 37 years.
Toronto 2freet L arkots.
Very little grain offered Weil„ esdav
and prices are tirmt,r, One load of
white wheat sold at $1, lend one of
mixed at 7;5u, Oats : seat'se, one load
sof lieu at 46L,r' per bushel.
y+1vo stao.t marking.
Toronto, Aug. 27.—Last' week's
receipts wore 1,903 maths, 2,105 sheep
and 554 hogs. Thole were 60 lodes
came in to -day', including 800 sheep
and 'mulls and 800 hogs. Despite' the
large supply the lx1A i i?t .was aetive
and firm, everything being taken. up
quite early in the dray, and prides
i.liowing more firmness thou was ox.,
petted from 'Friday's experience, a
coupe of hues being even higher.
The activity was due principally to
the ;increased export hada, which was
rendered noeessaary by. the demand.
from Montreal,
Bast . Buffalo. N, i'';a. August 27,,,.
Cattle—.:Offerings,.6 Cars ; sow
middle-weight good. utchers .sold :, at
i8,$5,.and a few head let •' 4; calves,
town, ,has leunsd the . Thompson strong; .gond to extra. venla, $4.150 to
" House on I~ inti att'eet,London, end tile, $4.76. Sheen and luzaibs—Tlazrtslelr
,llrawhtit,el Lvill I,e °ruedttudet'his Mail ORM on volts; -fair demand for keod.
agement on Se,iateinber 1., . ssheep,ttnd lambs, and all 'choice stook'
,. tekt ai early r tiliipii,eut ; good to
The t:rai
h n t Messrs, and
C,l s t tis s it ri
l; �
Thomas r
`(i1'oS:i 1
l - leave t liloinas of l.h rs-
S u
day for the lacilh Coast oouductine
meetings on the w4j tit„ Sault Ste.
Marie,1..t Arthur i lid ether places
n. to San tenneieoo.
cLloive Hliet p, 4 50 to s o ; extra, sold,
tip to ' 'y:80 ; nd to elaoiee lambs,
$6, to $0,25; choice Cadiadas, .10.2.x.
to $6 76 ; fair lambs, $'t.5p to'5 7J•
1..la;,s- 1t'ifteen cars -on bile'; peaking
and shipping haat., aetivti at op'.uinr;,
Many persons are •troubled a great ,n�sd easy ; all heavy` ani medium
dem with label 'thrc its, ;Sore thane!• f . ..tris quutecl a, '4.5tt to $•1 G0.
are often alio to a Wenkaa:'s» of
amulet! of the throat. Wrapping h ,o r3 x` N 1 by 'WANTED.,
throat Le of ' .:g's iittltt tiro, becattns' it
niekes it ri;.,:a susceptible to cold.
,'The best ra,iieg,iy is to strengthen t1i a
,-.444tilq.lks sox' +7 will opt. take, taul~1..
•h .:. i .
A acond
rare' •r
Turaberr. Applications willEshereiv Sbl the lu",
9 received re al et t
y the nu•
derrtatna �rtwtz.strr,ttk the Vint of satitob,r, pox.
14111'2:14:aa. ntay b8 4, et to any of the Trustees,
P. U,•'
'.tees, Nsxraavistp,.
ai.. htopo: et,p,
••�Jos. Iitexli�-t,
erg Desirable roperty.
FOR ..,�• �
story P ,s Dwell t;, containing4:bodroam«
parlor, dinh,r •in, ,when and wood shed; Kpgli'
collar, sett water , with groundf+ neatly terraced
and beautified wit s viscus and shade trice, all in
excellent condi ,i; !;other with four acres of
laud, through hieht 'r' s a uavar ftdllu! 'etning
croak, wrll s eked eat .. b •ok trout and within111»
i tee„ alma walk from lien,, ,i, peat Office, °heap
' and on o' y terms, . Apply at
Beat's • k, Wtnghain
Diseases of the Lungs, Asthma
• Are mired.. The methods, gniuk
and certain, is aided by excellent.
and most effective remedies.
After four weeke" use a decided
relief will be felt, • Send fall ae-
counts. of symptoms and address,
iuolosiug postbge stamps' for anti,
"5YCIEA AFFICI:," New York.
. vittiU3 bCii8tuCk of Vali Goads ru hand and -opener out ,It is: most conn.
pwete and has. been purchased in tills 1, •,r, •1eoreign and Ui.00e. +a4al"kets for •
cash, ttud. ;viii be sold at 11Swest pea -aide profits: :
Feathers, Flowers, BibLons . Laces, , r R
Brocades, Plush and : l!;"e11vet, .ty9'#.a,`x''atle
VINGUAM1 Aug. 28th, •1'690:
Mrs., Herdsman.
I sraete'ta ii4 all PIA\e AthPlOtaiki ALU SLABS IP
I3A1cuo�> :i
No's particulate regarding tomes, eta,, picric collet
my, hmuo, corner Francis awl Pat,7okastte,3s, ' '•`
rLOltii,) A Sl'+i'thLJ G
itill:bc hold in`the
SEPT. 30 AN. . OCT. 1, .1890
The Fair will be hold on the Horticultural Society's
Orcunds,:as usual, and 11101ndications'are thatitwill be ono of the beet ever held by the Association.
Resides the regular' list Of prizewa number of SPEC-
IAL PRIZES are c 1'ered
Arrangements have been. completed .with the agent
of the 5ianitoba 001 eminent for an Exhibit of the
Produaits•of that P'rov`ince. The .Edl,ibie will be a
tuaguikeent one, we are 08sured, .The Prize Mete
are now ready for distribution; and can be had on
application to the Secretary, Tuiss ohne, a inghani,
t,nAe,,II15\bHaae.1•,- R. E'7 er'',
President, Secretary.
Pigs' Peet,
Lunch Tongue,-,,
Chicken, &e., &o.,
AT ins
"(;LIPS in „
-A. H. GRIGG,:-
Ivory department of tho busboy's carefully attended
to, as my ur0tto is : .
A. I3,• GRIGG,•
Josephine St, Wingham.
••--lranafa0turer of...
BUILDING filATERIALof all kinds,
-such a$-
,lt',x't A M E S, het t;.
rlxuin1r '.iding, etc„ dressed to,order on the
5110841 netiee.
W8 teave.0V r 100,400 feet of Dry!I'
r in our rant, and 4;101 sup -t
{r'iy see*Oed stab of ail kinJe.
o•i want 1c in i.ks Iiuiy,'.kehold and sell Mit A•esu 44'404. •
n ic8 V',acay au k. r:nv ! tt that vr.. ;as' ,I0/IN Wei "tiflt,,lk,
31-A iii i.
♦r laser noes,
i jtr..,,y,r,,:• ,. ;t.Y lvinithafn, June Cth, UGO
Stock aud Low
Pox! the. next Two Vieciza,
COME ONE, COME, ALL, aud have a look through to„r
maw anotb stock of -
Print 11417' Tell' Platirfq
the -greatest novelties of tl.e clay and at, the most pupulat
1 ire Wi.
PRINTS in all the latsest.patter•ns and newest designs, f1ot:. :•a:
yIuslins, figured and plain Lawns ; Oinghlnis, Sa;eens,
neletts in all the novelty patterns...
Ladies, this will be t'..cv unique opportunity of the seast4i.
Et.e a re
at less than two thirds of the regular price.
Ladies, please,,note, note, . • this , . Sale is for Two
Weeks Only.
T.,...sgits7 in Black and (:dorsa, Must
su1 171 77 andIlarldsume•:ctock to select from.
A-completerstock of GEt'T$` 1?4i.1'>xNISFIINGS ri alI the
novelties of the, 'sutumet season:
11A`l'-, TIES, SI LTC 1r,1.NDICE tt,C1.1MRS, COLLA I't5, CLIFFS
TWEEDS, AND PANT LNGS,.in all .the finest,Worateds,
33,tiaiiy.made lothing always -4n lfand; and the•;greatest novelty e;€
our,go•ds••i, weir very.'ltsiv price,
Ladies, dti5i. t:fail tri have a look at our OPERA
Our BU ili-
o nil .110
t Shoe Ali. e . ,
d rt f.
pa u�en you vvi11•alvvays iCitld'iul, of nowt -
ties iii lollies, children's and men's •wear,,
WeAlso have a full ratlge•of
.G:.w�Y1r�t`Jtu. • 8iy. ` rW-�.;YMiaVb yl�s 9,ita Rs Vey
alvva,y's u,).. banal, and at the Itav:'ct-t' prices, to meet the tits s-.
.`i o ; T11, : a trier s Cl ' NV , G 0.0 DiS- -
,l'ae*tie s3ic n u8 .a vial, an.; 'lttivi! t: look let t)tara,stvait before mass:,
,;bias. 'S c,,ui•s, t aYy t1 Eil 't