HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 6IAMB ST DRUGGI§T. 4,444,4••••••444* P. TICKET ACEliti I'. C. N. W. TiLECRAPH CO 311a. Brunswick House ixigham Ont ......4-osoonsormitoommomoomszsenzoo=7.11 fl1BEim C5 1DAY, AUGUST 20 1890. nee Dominion ite a whole has been favor: d with gond crops rend the pros- e, tee ere teat prices will „rale higher th last year. ; •• etoltiMENT is on foot in Unit. tisefes looking to the amalgama- tion (.1 the Woalen's Christian Tem- peranee Union and the Salvation Army, Miss Frances Willard,. the peen:lent of the W. 0. T. 11 , earnest, d..si es to see the union consimunat- eit it .g " • TY' frost ou the 22nd instant did eat :tie dealings) to the °rope Di tfaettoba and the Northwest, .A. Mete: nereentage of the wheat wag: cut etevieos to the frost, and.. the late teetee wore only slightlteiajorecl., The •ever, ne the Northwest is an excellent Sit% elie wheat alone ftir export mar - Set being estimated at 12t 000I 000 • Tee ()uteri° Prison, Coeunission ed the Detroit House of Correa esea eeeently. This institution is self. eeteeining. The prisoners are employ. hair making. The products of ir la.bort are sold at ordinary mar. ie. prices, and the profits are esoil to y ,..he cost of keep and expenses of Inantagement. Tau three steamers which ate in ' eteeiete of construction for the gonad- 1)(scifie Railway Compute; 'in the e•sesis in Berrow-in-Fnrriess, are near. completion: • They will, ply be- tween Canada aiid They are it ie screw steainers 0110,000; horse r. v, with agrees ionneass. of vessel will carry 129,."ffest class, .•,, rend and 300`steerage passengers, t • as nearly 4,000 tons ofeargo. ' 'otal c tet of the three vessels wili 7,1•tween £600,000 and R650,00d eereeitig. T:n salt nianufaeturere . of , Oittario leteiet Cancelled the arritegement en. ieetel iutn with Ife!srs. Rightmeyer & see„, about two years ago, and have formed teconipany or combination, Mr. Rightmoyer as president and :".7v. Jetta McGarva vice'Lpresident, jee headquarters of the company will e. et Clinton. For yearst: before the taigement was entered Salto with ,..s. erg. Riglitaleyer t go., theeniteu „ teetore of sett was a very unremuiter. ,e'es e beeinessv many of the blocks closed. It seen e only by some tibiation candle business be carried at a livieg profit. irns Attorney.General has appoint. Mr ttliire ‘4, O. •of detnilton, coinrnieaioner to enquire ) ;Ii complaints that have been in to the Government ail to the enter iet widish the Lion live stool ••irance company .couciacted their 1 Bl'ittli. Sersinher After which it,w;illhecome ' 11.61,V genera:1V believed, The .004.grove y Tis0 village is. brightening up and *oys the Giabo, that,' the (Int), on bar. rye ou entertoiont.•nt Iitclustry feeiing the pulse of a 'quicker life. Who it Oviieert Co LL 11the new .Methodist church is the chi C Yty*11.1 be placta 2§ttente, a on .T008 ay eveoing„ t n o'encert wee . grandVatterson rented illePliereon s ore 444,0))0y- to, wie406 Dick. .week butcher stall, 1,,thiell will he a anspiacte of Ootiet IVIorning 6tar, No. loovemeut and index of the feet ; 'hut there , are other signs —Mr • -At 041 ht rnm°nanirna that in the anginal 89, (letuttlian Order or Foresters. The north of the post Woe and opened tnia vision Court was laelcl here ou Monday b Irmo, of Wingham, and B. aaawion, .,,9,on, to the •aesere. sefiGoderich, wore present in. the in,. tottilbuinolitila , vi latNoiaveeins i' draft'IVIr blatoley put it at 30,, but it wassubsegueutly reduced to 15, and then run u to 25 by the Senate Fin. nonce Committee. For ithe informa. don of fkginero and °then it 10.°Y be te wits of their oltentet--.011 tec nes yeeti to give the rest of the agrymitur4 day evening of, last week., Mr Win, SO)) u - 4 Wilson,'Oar-respented town clerk, mat • ,with an accident wbinh resulted in his Barley mate 45e. 4 Buckv,heitt, is. ' death on Monday evening lest. While Corn, 16o. . • . he was wa Mug along the street, a Oats, 15e. .. horse ran away, and he being raeber Bye, eite. ' hard of hearing'dil not bear the'hOree Beans andArantse, 4.5q., •it tinie*to get ant ot th0 "II tkod, 'Wheat; 25o., Otf,bbage, Bo es.oh. las kuoeked 'down. Be was mono,: Live ptailtry Be per Be cluttely;taken to his itoine,but never re - Hogs, W.,50 per hestaZ gainedelonecionsnees, expiritie on Mon. Hops, 11,5o per lb. • da,y, au stated. The deceased was ohe Pcitatoes, 26e per bush.. saf the oldest members of the Method. Honey, 20o per gal. Straw, $2 per ton. , ist churnii, a Meson ef many years' Hwy, $4 per ton. standing and a conserwativ in polities,. leutter, Oti per lb. Hit Was • buried on Wednesday tvith 101t, 50 getegal,•' • - Mneonin houstra He leavea a wife, (Thome, 6o per lb, ligge, 5o per doz. folir . sons and fear daegliters, . who A.pples.'26,C per hush,,, have the sympathy of the euttre eem- seeepteue per bead, . , . altinttet;:--thIrs. seatien le uow, assist Dressed poultry, 6o per lbt, Onions, 40o per bush. ant :in, the post of6,ce. . . Fleecteed, 50o per . Bzorrts• = • , , Boestes:130 per 'head : thesis yarned:lay $166 ana ever,. ag per cent ad Val. Cattle over oer* 0•10 per bend uudeayea2. r West Waviart.99.4. katpoi41 meeting of the towfship councifvias held on Saturday, Aug. /14 ` All the members were .'• pre- sent.' .A, cominunicati, was, read. the.trowoihip; Solicitor -re costs of gravel' siete. with. Alex Rose, the costs being as follows: Grow. FrondfOot, `$i07.94.; Cameron 139it, osou.. (:)4. metion of 'Messrs Todd and' Johnston,' Messrs Gibson, Lockhart and Bailie • were appointed a Committee to interview Mr' Camerlin With a -view .te eettling ahoy° Maims and toobtaiu a detailed statetnent of the suit. The Reeve and Treasurer were authorized to.berrow, $1;000 for, the use of the' township., Moved by, .Mr LeCkhart, seconded by Mr Bailie, that Wm Thovns be paid ht full of bis Claim against the township fotdamage doite to his crops and drain, by water flooding thera--Garried. guancil ad - partied to meet according to adjourn. meat on Satarday,16tla inst. „ Council met on the 16th of :A.ugtist. Members. all present. Minutes of for- mer meetings were read and e vii;14ea The Treasarer's report showed balance on band of $205,04. Moved by wDailie, seconded„by Mr Lock,. hart, thrill Cameron be re -ap- pointed collector at a salary of .$80 -- Parried.. • The co;m:mitte appointed to consult Mr Oamerdh, .Costs Ofgravel suit reported that Mr 'Cameron had agreed to .eocept $800 is fn11,ef his claims ageinst the toweshiP, this amount ineluding his cents in gravel suit add fees as Towiesliip Solicitor since 1886. Moved by Mr Lockhart, seconded by Mr Todd, that Mr Oam- eron's offer be accepted and that he be •requested to furnish a detailed state men% of the account. Moved by Mr Bailie, seconded by Mr Gibson, in amentiment,, that me settlement be made with Mr Cameron until lie fur. nish 'a detailed staternent of his account as requested by .the board by motion on May 29th—Motion carried. The'Clerk' was instructed to request the A.F.thfield Council to levy an it& ditional rate on the, Ashfield portion •of S NO sufficient to tover the amount overpaid the.Wawatiosh portion of the section in 1889. Wit nesees in the gravel init quested to present their claims at next council in eeti rte. A . cote muni ea Lion from the Ooonty gIerk was toad hi Which it Was stated that West Wawa nosh will rkeeireto raise $2202.06 for countv purposes and , $247 for school grant for the current year. ' Moved by, Mr Bailie, seconded 1:))t, Me, Todde that for the taxes required for eourity.and township purposes a comity rate of two mills and a township rate oftwo mills. he levied on the tisSessabie property in the township for the our. rent year. The Clerk was authorized to' levy atm; on the differet t school sections sufficietit tore's° the amounts required by' the different truster hoards. Eteveral cheeks wore issued, after which the commit adjourned to meet on Saturday, Se tenitier 27t The ,qouncil met pursuant tO journthent at the Cjounoit reqm,Morinse 18th 'Aogust, 1890: . MeMbers all present. The ReeA.,e in the. chair. Minutes of last meetitig read and paes- jered King peesedteci a requisi-, tiOn to, have 'engineer brought on tit make survey of drain Item lots 49 and —Mr li,?bt pah'eau has renewed tel ot his house and is making it very comfortable and couvenient.---. Rev Mr liartle?y, has added beauti» ful lattice teasel to the memo --Tho brick work of the new Methodist cherish Fs nearing szompletien, and is. looking sup'erb, A large staff' of work- men are ongageed upon it, amongst them Mr John jenkins,'whq has lately. reterned from Torento;—The2evening service in the Methodist church iiftet: Sunday evening wail atseveri o'cloeh; dermisTaly and August it has been at 7,30, and be af..7.$) next butte day, The pastor' will preach,L-Airs (Rev) W in is Rend i irg a fortnight at Grimsby Park, awl I Mr Wallwin spout a fewedaye ofe, this week, with her, • run by water power. 4r 0E150 feet, but there net' n 461- otihy in working . tdAeur ell the >Ale, as the &mat i$ v;iry Intouse in meter. Ziere *eat Deed for a geeet mill, es there is not one at. Port ArtWir tuld the farmers nousegnently prefer, to: bny their flour, even thol'igh 'else , climate permite the 'retell% or, whew t. A t,preeent the eountryis ;severed .witlt wild •fruit, which rpry deliciousvH- reepberriee, eerewberri, billb8reipsr, blaeberries, ete., Aleeteeitoes end Wee, ere almost; eetiee PeoplA.loot now. The fel. 1?„ exeeete to •Wore, their hew freight stied at Fun Wil.„ Ibsen erected by •the tiest Seoteerther, t.h.)t freight eau be heeled or utiloaded. They areetAeo busy with 4.1.4('W rou04,, boutoo; fetuadatien of a new elevator that wa$ leid-two rem ago is still m that condition. They eXpeet a considerable Automat of Argil 111 thee, rQ elevitters that ens working . thert fell, Fort William is. risiug rapist in importalice aud, eather et tea poise of Port Arthur; serethe week is being dra*ti fronethere to here Town •lote are sollinp.;•at bigh tiger. At few days ego geng,of ,150 teen Eestere Qatari° arrived and menced woilt on Port Arthur, Dultii, and Western Itailwaet, ceeeeke Zetlanctt - plirenolo.ist late of Winoliana is LOW' r 4.1 • att,S&PS, POra Henry hokungtortAl Oroakin, Win. and Richerd' Cams; , started for MaiAtoba ou Wednesday. Vonuropf tho Appip Crop,. INIr Fred Thomson werit the„week be- This week's New "Englaud Home. fore,—Masler, Victor and Leonard stead says :—.Applee wiil le) scarcer Taylor, who have ben visiting ;It their •antipore cosy this season than for . grinclfather's, Mr. Jelin Taylor's, have many a year. Thera is hut half returned to their home in Ripley,— crop of wineer fruit the teatime., M. MeDeugell, of Brussels, pad his Annapolis•valley of Nova Sootia, and fiends a visit last week. --Miss Annie a still greater reduction in southern and Mastee Feank Willis, who have and western Ontario and .1111;thigan along the lakes, Li Melee and ed sections of 'Vermont and New, Hampshire there,is a -fair yield, of v apples. Throughout southern New.. England, New York, Peeinsilvania,1 New Jersey and • the • interior suites generally the promise of .wisiter fruit is worse titan ever before knowil. The apple belt of weetern Nem Yorke, along lakes Ootario lied Erie, which in good setisous ships snare ‘lianl,000. 000 hole to New York • or foram markets, has aimed eh cropwhatev tide 'year, The nuestead says Viet °twice western fruit, like prune 'Bald- wiag, will at $4 to $5 •per bbl ju Boston and New York svithiti three mouths ; $4 hes alreetly been bid for 'one lot in Addiecei cutlet), Vermont, 441d the export, of apples froni Uiitoi States and Canada of ths• • 1890 crop will not be much ever 500.000 barrels, against 700,000 harre's in 1880, and, 1,000,000 barrels 1888. --Mr. T. C. Dojge, of 372 Wellesley • street, Toronto, a fourth-year undergrad- nate of Tor.mto SCeiyersity, won The Canadian Queen's': free trip to Europe by' making over, eleven hinidred words from the,letters contained iu the name of magazine, Doidge, worked over seventy hours to accomplish the task: Ile,ouils by the Parisian, September eed, and will be abroad three mouths. The publishers)) of no, •Queetc, will annouuoe another ',Free trip to Europe" word contest, with 3200 expenses. —Clitnada is about to receive marked , attention at the,hauds of the New Bngland Maguire. The leading feature of its forthcoming September issue is au article by W Blaokburn Harts, dealing with the", literary leaders of Canada. The writer says; It is an incli8pilte.ble fact that we ate '" on the Rye of to., great crisis in Canada, eta' . tul intelleatural revolution, whieb will ruttrIt au epoehln our history, is atroady at hand, /It gives a bright, comprehensive outline of the. work, 'of WI e than a Score of the leading Men .of letters, mob, sketch being accompaniectby a fine portrait eu. , etetviva, Among this number are :—Pro. Visitor Golthvie Smith, Sir Daniel 'Wilson, exchibald • Lampman, Wilfred. ; Campbell, Mee Agnes Menlo G, Ilereer,AdarietsiskEthelwyn Wetherald, Miss Sara Teatinette Dunoen, Dr J' te Bour. inot. Douw Dr Geo W George Deere. Charles , Mair, Principal Grant of Queen's Tiniver. eity, Hunter Duvar, Gerald 4,11art, Nin1.101a14.1100,1 DaVie, James Macdonald ' oxley, Id Moinerrofesor Charles G D Robert, Grant Allen, Sir \Vilifier( Dew. , ton. Tri. addition to this article by Mr . Harte there are in this number prima by . Campbell and Latupinen and an article an French Citeadian Literature ,by, George Stewart, jr. A neweionnterfeit ten ceut piece is , in circulation 80 0/Rudy resent. hies the gennine diet it can easily , pass..cl, It differs front the usual , counterfeit h that a genuine silver 50, edit, 1., After hearing a numl.er of been holidaying at thew uncle's, Mr. the partiee interested, it Wee movedl Geo. Tholosou.s, returned to their by Jae Peuctort seeonded hyeGeorge home in Seeforth on Setueday.-;41 r. Kirkby, that said reqeusition be laid Geo Tlionteon Went to London on Saturday.—Mrs. Gavin. Wilson; who has been suffering froin a severe at.. ixatcrlsc.oRf inoehuatiacIlekia,a, ard, of Walton, Miss Phoe` o, Reinhardt, of. Torouto, were visiting ie this neighborhood last week.—Seliord hes reopened with a fair attendance of pupile. oi(er until 'wit council uutetieg—Oers. ries]. Moved by'S. Oalbiek, seconded by: Geo. Kirkbeythat Jase'Prector be instructed to have Maxwelre hill put, in a proper state of. repair—Carried. Moved bp J. Proctor, • seconded by S. Calbiels, that Geo. Kirkby be instruc. tea to have hill at lot 20, ou 7eh con. tute:put in'a proper state uf repair— Oaairied. John Nethery appeared in referenee to having engineer, brought on to make survey, of ,drain from lot 5, con. 7. Moved by C. A Howe, seconded by Jas. Proctor, that this council approve' of the above mentioned seheine and that the Clerk notify siogineer ivhen proper le quisi. aim is filed. --Carried. The follosi-ing accounts were ordered to be paid, viz.: John Mooney, building. culvert, f15; Joe iuspectiug bridge, $2; Jim Messer, gravelling oii noreh been - dry, $T.50; T Pereaud, • do,. $7 ; 8. Snell, do, 815; John Healy, graved. ling on 6th -con. line, $4.52; Jtlines gravelling' at little con $31.24; J Mallrey, spreading gravel: $11.74 ;Jas ' contract on we gravel road, $l 52.10 ; Laundy contract oriNieuth boundary, $18.95„; T Ferrand, coittritot on centre sideline, $45; 1-.) Bell, spreading gravel, $6,25; J Semenerviile, repairing Hogg's bridge; $$7 ; Jas Tyner, Cedar tor culverts, $22 4(t ; R Gall(igher,repair- ing 80,cnin bridge, $19; \Vim Geaass putting, in culvert, $5; Geo Gooiffels low, digging a ditch, $16.20 ; Thee Miller, gravelling lied 'repitiririg knee, 7; Mies E,xford, charity, $15 Jae Oehoree, do, $10 ; Garet 111exe well, drawing plank, $1'; It England,' cleaning out creek, $3; W Kerr, $26.75 ; T Brandon, removint; saf from liite treasurer's, 82.50 ; John Hays, keeping insane indigent, 815. For gravel—J Carter, $6 67; J Perrin $2.45 ; Wm Stretton,$8.75; D kfogg, $7.10 ; Geo Pericoehl $9.201 Me. Vety, $1 ; Martin, $10.80 ; E Fese ter, $5; T Henderson, $350; '1' Warwick, $2.75 ; E Busman, 83.15; D nerrington, .18.50; F,Wriglit,$3.10; Jas Timmins, $6; Win Motelvy, $2 88 ; McLaren, $2.$4.; George Jackson. $9 20; T Btr4chnit, 8A cents; .4datn, Sholchee. 60 cents; (1.111cLel. land, $9.50 ;'. Geo Shelton, $8 55 ; J'os 'Gibson, $2,25; Tilttssel, $3.06 ; Glenfarrostr. Pe ter-MeDouga I I leaves for Bra utlou, Manitoba, Tuesday next. —J awe An. dersoh.has purchased a three year olt1 colt from James Elliot . for the sant of $95.—f1arvest is almost' euded, Most of the farinerebovefieished harvesting and are now bresy making reedy, for eeWteg their fall wheae. A few of the farmers have sown their wheat and are now ready. 'for fall work —Grim death liae again made his appearance in tins section. Ou Saturday iug he snatched from Robert Weir his youngest son, a child of about fifteen months. The Nacre] tuok place on Sunday Afternoon. The remains were taken to the Morris burying grounds, 6th eon. Turnberry. The funekal ser vices were °emanated by the Rev. Mr, Hughes, of Winghatie The sympathy of the community is extended. to the parents and family which have thus been bereaved. HoWieIi. The anneal fall show "of the nowiele Agricultural Seciety will be held in Fordwich on Octeber 3rd. , East Wawanosh-, , Mr. S. D.,Wellwood, of tbie, town- ship, recently purchased a very fine Hereford bull calf froin Mr. Feueing, of Oshawa. Mr. Wellwood's efforts to improve the stoek of tine 'eection should meet with eucoeragemene hum Itis brother faree-re Buy Diotr:ot. For the TWO', Port Arthur is rath(xt improving of late and the Port Arthur, Du'ral) end Western Itailwey will seem be ffuisbed at this end, for the men are busy .be- twoen Fort William and Pert Arthur This, will open up the country to the mines, which lie hi a ioutlo,vesterly T 1.4•011y, $3.50 an. direetion toward the boundary line. Wm """ ; The work of the yieW line was rather Atehison; The 0000eil h01 delayed through there heind a dispute adjourned to meet" on the 20th of • September next W. (Jx..kax, Clerk. . .• ...es- luring the three years it. has Turttberry., a 1st ositiitence. The complaints. The harvest Wulf,d be over lent for Stesome CAW, I. no *lithe Coe ritin, which heti been a Itiedrance e paid and in others; oely It. '&. 1 taxa, 0Ierk. 1: ,lie farAnnts,--Mr, Geo. tit ado i .. - eel mins of the at:Aunt of i!,gur. . • iv.(r.shiled over I" • 1 me age, "4",fti'M a . i •, 1 :,* tO , 44. • .41,t -41/141 lilt t; : etre. eteleibley will' bill, teltiele leser te fore the United 4itatees. ft -eerie -'-• e, it is *ought, 1 , 2¼! % eted on Alex tittit sat oil ,. IN, . t 144,1 .:.4 24, .: -4 ' , .. 4..., 'Ill antic .ing from a larno ankle calm. 4•44,444.4 ;41! • viontiug ar, Me. Black- csiseseei. eur ter Men 1,4.111.14,s4.1 to bit, lenge in The sielteet hi es,. :tee 111,, ttee s :," :tree —NV -es e.ey glee stir, Vulm Via Tartil,f.rrv.. Wt. ieelet1 last bee been eistiting fends litee, 'inte el • 1. • 1 - • C. t n eseilt tom with JOS. Jenione rotaries, to Yeellaisti on ^riends, eisitea 1.1.,/ In his lay t., mune his ..;ndios too ' t,;• a ina,....,41.44;t8F Ilf:rt 130%44, 111Paah :WC LIM r,speett rotor.. 4.1. loon in tin . . teacher, Mr. ;II hit oltri cloy exoutOiog, 1 toners 4. ' ; rirr •• • .••4t4C•iri'r 4. • • . 1441.41 • • tote between Wand the Ci P,A.,; but thitt is now settled,us thoUght,satisfac. torily„ttentie the pretent prOures8.—T(' Kekitlielta Palle lie on the western boundary ef Oliver township And is itt. Ipv.sellt Wading a considerable airsonnt of Attention, there buing rt timber of visitors frequenting the spot end spteillatien is eat.ipr as to the „fitting covers 5h. German sneer welch future of th'... plate, Laud its beumes ,fbrins the body °fettle coin. This ing 11(1W Multi Vah.1631;(1 in the 0r,1gh-.10,iv3'b it a ring very nioriy like that of • bore ; d, some feemers, it ie, ren rts•4 •.moti money, and ale,) does away with , • In ve reeneeet $7 per serp on land the greitsv feel by 'which counter. waie", el eeceutly W81:41 ii•PA... grant, fele; aro ietOrte • The 00111 bears the , I, e.-eites S(31W1 Ancterit.ar. retie:men date 1887: The nailing is 'not so . hstte itece8E•P•1 sx•I',-bor o'avilt' hi '1110 deep on the eounterfait and the edges . , visinity. It is proposed • to ered are much sharper then those of Ike. jive; flour aficl totw. ,.... _rt I ..._ __ lok,laiml.o.sve„ : . Au I.— ta. 66. , ' .... ! , k' '.. ..‘ , 1 ., , ,. • ' • ,, I si " Meter Lotter r DX448 TIMEt1io-411 omit it, 41011t. ia tin Detrolt. Standinty that majestie buiWij taZAI en the crowd ' 4 I RICIP4e"yORT1) 014, ylasa04, creeds and r nities up ten stories Hammond blook. brick, with ..ipt) mos To the Ieft ood wat out in all its" ke-aut street, notch,' wingtulgeti joeepniii eiderahly longer. 1 huge buildirigs, cc doorways and towel are two.iittle parks stood big roan in a 'Theo are loaded Ws fountains, patine pen other things: This tient Street, Here e state before bvisii,kfes tine) they stare and they. go oil staring ti stili they go un Ear They, keep up that stare on.till night tin " keep oo staring, III imagine that they they never see a eperlog they chew ate. The women men. They have so, they den't show upt day evening there wi • in the street. :.rt before a policeman • arrest anyone. No olever.youhie ladies u 1.1mve net forgetteo got you. 'lf theS('1 opuld theyeettime fin lighting." But • yoi as badly cornered as men who Stare are but the yoang men and twenty-nine, 4 There ate, 35,000 of • and the enloons get It will require a gre Buy; yes, there aro o; here, gilded hells, pll a million elellers dee ful seloon, theepeetti eon over a ie 'table there tont These saloons, if 701 thirty feet eiteli wuu seven utiles., The 4 • together, stretch a The Reirran Catholic cliurehrs. ' Money them, •Everythii4 buy is placed there ,worship„ God. The;), strongest b dy- in., opine Wee:epithelia JSaptiste, Methodist liardly,iesegine the c here and Toronto, • liqwever, qeestion, everyone talks, and attund pretty reel, cerrlee you ti long v lintenter Itliehigan. INF three miles to tel transferred to Jeffery three or four miles ft come bad; by lantt 0 cente. There is not the laegetage here. 'the word station but "'Fur Pudding Bay, which puzzled me, is oer leuguage, -‘ Fr • But of course the gm to do with that. Th tee Sunday edition paper yesterday the usefuleess of Besieles the (elite( fat hiiir a coltimn oc the services. This was t •e fie 'foil Sunday retells.) . four page paper and I toe; page, Verily, a sion to a Christian It Ina Mr. Risclen and hem, Mr. Roche, Browe, Wewaneeli, ldnre ' Detroit, Aug. 25th A 1! • it; 111e., Wm. Hawksli who uetil recently Its town, .ban lenges! HMSO OCI King 8400 ,new hetet will ise (me agement on Septetah Tbe angeliets, Crossley; leave St. day for the Pamitle ( )tleeting:4 on the wee, Marie, Th.rt Arthur oi, te $an ifeeineittoo. daity ps•reons are dem with sore three are often due to a m esusclee ef the throat throat is tel • makes it teem Buse , The hest teeteety is to eteseettee se ,t' t .•