HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 5T
'e t1i tR
went all this
V J y I.1tb uRQ :414
ut newel fur: a l3 at
a)ii All Pint a rtr
ten a uh011 h ahtt
'raising of, wheat.
ry i:x ettvttrt' 1 with
spry delicious'
e, billbt'1'ries,
iNuitas)s and flied,
elle jot new. •
ixltt'ots to have,
;lied at Port Wit-,
slat or 6tallt'l111H'r,
aceta or tu)1oH lt,,i.
Frei itxit+w rotmd
niciatiun of a ne'w
t"two years ago
1611. They a0peet
19 of Argil in flirt,
re working, , disc)
s. rising rapids, ,.,
l.atli.t.r at th i e sil<R•.
tL glee work is
ere to here. Tt)w'u
high figure,, k1:.
of 150 men fOtn.,
rived, and mut.
t Arthur, Duluth,
ay., llr.Ouzenti,,;
WiUgharn, is J.c;+vl;
Apple (trop,
'England Home, •
will he scarcer,.
miation than for
n is hut 1131( a•.
, the £arliotle,
9'uva 53etirt, .antl•
tun in southern
) anis Michigan ,
Maine and iitui.t,
wont anti !'1Vewv
u •£air yield, of r1:7
t southern,;' NttW•.
interior State$
of :whiter fruitw
before known.
Ott to L\,nw
cud Erie, which ,
ut•rre than 1,000.
.ork or forei' a
no erop•whatev't
esteud says •s tfi at
like prune Bald.
to$5 'per bbl in
rk within three
.ady been hid for
,cushy, "Vermont,,
• n ,
p les front U u�el
the 1890 crop ,'
r 500,000 barrels,
a.s in 1889, and
of .372 Wellesley
;li-year uudergrad.. ,j
rersity, won "The ,i....
e trip to Europe by ,
idred words from
the name of thst.
vorked over seventy
r task. He fails by
3rd, and will be
The publishers •of
announce another _
word contest, with
to receive marked ,
if the New England
g feature of its ,
' issue is an article
dealing with the ,
nada. • The writer
b}e foot that wearo•
isis in Canada, aiid' .
utiou, which will
aistery, is already
ght, comprehensive
inose than a 'wore ,
fitters, each sketch ,
a fine portrait en ,
lumber are :—Pro..
31r Daniel Wilson,
William Wilfred ,„
iIanle Mahar, G
mea, Dr J t3• hour. •
,itibtlrall, Dr Geo
ge Beers, Charles
of Queen's 'Culver.
Gerald E Hart,
Samos .Macdonald '
rofer+sor• Charles 4
, Sir William Daae- ,
,his article by 11.1r „
number poems by
u anti an article on
Irature by George ,
ten ..cent pieta is ,
a e'esaly resent.
t it can easily be
frota the usual ,
genuine silver
lrtan silver which . `
the gain. This
r ,rly like that of •
dope away with
'which Lnunt,°r+
iia *nein bears the ,
tiling is notso ,
lit anti, the F_ un .,
1tr 3r loetiar i'ro'n Petro% *outer idobs$ Steip*tUlaOriaQ* .
R D1CAnt TJafie3,•---',Ebel'¢ is no don bt ¥z Down Ttaxas,—flee sunny Suuday
About it,. ]tuna' io the world,. Tins is afteruoco T arrayed tato the Burgher Flu
et Y
Detroit, Standing on the stops of dray school. I was put in charge of one
that iiittjnstit) building, the oily ball„ J. the eiders, who liappeued to bo uo favorite
gazo ea the a 'owe 'as they. pants. by. 'Of 1nii4e. Hekept store, where ebsoa roe
eiupleayout:g, old, lig, little,, of all ed supreme, '
ylayac'l, area�ld u4id tntaa`i To 4th , ri�,it0 p Whinge wet t<a:l r7ry,Koods.aofp•
Y n and hard, were found in :o ving. proximity, 4
1;ises tip ten donee high the nntjestio. suppose 1 wanted bristles, be �vodld lie
l'lauurnoud black. It is l;uilt ut: red
tniclt, with lOO.rootue on eaett . •floor.,
Te a tht- left :11"ood ward avenue stretches
out in all its' ht'atity. Trniy it is a.
}or qty street, unioli.tnore so than evweu'
�'4 ioghaiti s Josephine street and coin,
> idera}tly longer, It its covered with
huge buildings, containing, massive
doorways and towrt'ing tops. "bore
are two:little petits about the'eize if' a
i;ood I ig rootu in a `1Ymghiwi house.
Thee are leaded with flowers, uses,,
• fountains, paths, people and kuineroua
tidier Whigs, This is Dotroit'q.pret-
Eiett street, 'tier • people stare and
stare before breakfast ane at breakfast
time they stare and after breakfast
they. goon attiring 'till dinner time and
A n ro
aro r
a xhl r
rte i s i
d Teacher for fie No 11,
Tui*barn�s3-. Applloatintia Witt he racelvutt bw tine uu-
of 'dershlii cixrswpmeMnatiitbr,'irat qt O¢tobcrra'ox.
Aitpplieatioite may tae a, nt to any et the Truateea,
gn•.{I. wvar,ghaut ', O.• •
• 'rms. I•lterontrists,.
111 atc,poxAtu,•
•-,.,.,...JJos. Newt.
ery Desilrab"3e "xoierty
FOR ., LE.
rubbing hie hande, fumbling and aiubluig
about, while tnayhap I was all in a fidget
to be at bottle aoloug my books, ray only
and best friends, That sawo Sundawyhe
asked ale. if 1, had been born again. This
I resected as: a piece of gratuituus im-
pertinence: fort I' knew well from Dante.
Rainer, that he had hazy notions anent
Avoirdupois ax 1.Troy weight, but the out.
°Pule was ahtvayis. u bfs favor. You rnay'
be sure I did 1iot: remain a scholar' of his,
but made my way to park aad•graveyard,
Biggar parish church, isa gothic) edifice,
left unfinished when. the Reformation
broke out, Decaying' animal aud vege-
table matter had so accumulated, in the
course of ages, that the worshippers wer e
stilt titTygo on staring after dueller., by no means comfortable during tile winter
They, keep .opthm steady t state aud uioothg, The heritors opened their hearts
stars oti.till nicht artclt tali u,l;;ltt they rho"far as.to putin a stove or furnace. An
keep on staring, lint you infest not unsightlytrench wasdug, whereby• the
imaging that they are • rude, ' No'; mouldering remains of the dead were ex -
thy never see.auythint;, Braider posed to view, :a'chum of mine; who hag
staring they chow gum and expector- joined the great majority,aud you; humble
ate. The women cryo as bad, as the servant, had .now a splendid opportunity..
men, They have some police liore,but of , studying phrenology at fist hand..
they dot& show up, nmuolt,; Ou getter- Time --Sunday mornings. Like Beau
clay' evening there was a drunken, light,
Un the street 'It 'Was twenty minutes
before a policeman 'could be fQand to
arrest anyone. Now, Seale' of the.