HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 3rIkelattle RANCE CO141• Tn7:v.Ir. a.t.fi t; but be peat elation* int marked deg4l some injury u y. The area of has been largely 4tkr.11 as a whole which leckel" crop will be a .eld is abundant I rainy costes. a crop of so ever before been arvet;te'd in good e did ousider- wvr crop. , corn is promir , and in ports oil/ Middlesex. aunties of tile iudioations are where, and ea - n part of , the lrobably be .en Ddder corn, vary according oil aid the situ - a great deal of. well -drained or caulta followed, the fly, and all to the wet, were t ofweeds that: ea big failure. of the average 'he pear crop also e a comparative ttp at and eurcnlio lc, Peaches will. were is a trifle of the repoet that. Mots yield, par- t made of the' Erie region'. , tuck are iu . llc probable that -Reed ul for the ensuing not be as zany iatteniug.` ,belie a Western part of alit < of - the Jo*. general health of and the average hive will be 40 m labor has been emend, but very t, Year by yolks ids help is gratin the more general other laborsaving nary fanners with 3y are fortunate t who will stay ou. le whole of the Id hardly Sind the %vier than that of The rate of wages to $1.50 by the to $25 by the ills efficieusy and 'he tete Wag slight. ern part of th, there. 111.11.140 be started otter legal vacation re by a writ of liberatioa' of Mrti. erican women who imprisoaie.nt for nnurdering hot hug - Pie used tecsntljr•at was made o•er "ani:; inside of which' bad door. At the last 'nary birds Were pat ribbons were pull. Dame off' the birds Ire then caught and gel having been pre - d each child 'went possessor of a bird d with rrondetmenti • got therm• e has been taken in the adi$aation of e eleotrie fottitoiu irreeuted to Ltnuoln The fountain heal .eb are ttrtietis:60 ' highest of which t water to fl height ret, The fotlntoin, ie a most beautiful I +sNt7atittete into in- Pada whish reaeoto 'le rtric `%gb't, &lig ter of dii.lnotttlee ' citron's To the whiskey voter:. Did you o et" hear of a a&oon keeper 64ying; to a would he euftttener, in the aliepe of a:poor sot, No, l cannot take your money. You have had too much liquor pow. Take your money and go and ' buy .some bread with it for your etary ing family. 'Water --A transparent fluid con: posed of oxygen and hydrogen. Beer— A compound of various rotten liaisons which "men drink in preference to water at this Beason' of the year to keep themeelves cool. What nonsense to suppose that a man can he cooled off by setting his pulse going at e 2.40 rate by the use of stimulants. ' " =at.reatlatt to Cigarette Patter& street arab lately confessed in a New York police court that he made a living by 'collecting cigar t•ia ups and selling theta to cigarette manufactur- era for fifteen cents a pound. He sometimes gathered as many ae five pounds in a day. A, Catholic Crseade. simply it moderate drinker. Then with these facts before Ise, wbice oecr own obeervatien will confirm, Tat us ask. is it right or wrong to indulge the 1111h0 when we know that our example may lead ethers to do the aftwe? Is it right or wrong to deny ourselves when we know that the babit often leads to physical and moral .debase.. ment ? Is it wrong or right to con demo the habit by word and example and to use all lawful means in our power to stop it, and is organized or disorganised effort most likely to be successful in stopping it AU Iiim young, old, or nsiddlb''ad, who flu` therneelvt'a nervone, wo4k or exhaustts eti, who are broken down from 'excess, or overwork, resulting iu many of the, following symptoms .M ntal.depres. slots, premature old lige loss 'of vitality, 1000 of memory, had dreetnat dinnneres of sight, .palpitation of the heart, etnlssion, lack of energy, pain inthe kidneys, hendake, pimples on the facie or body, itching or peculer sensationabout the scrotum, waisting of the organe,, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of! the muscles, eyelids and eitlsewhere, bashfulness, depoeite in the urine, lose of will power, tendernee of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep; constipation, dullness of. hearing, Ion of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, eunken eyes our. rounded *with LEAD&N CIRCLE, oily looking akin,'eto., are all symptoma of nervous debility that led to ieanity and dead useless cures. The spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those, who through abase committed in ignorance may be permanentely cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M, T. LUBAN, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books Rent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes; rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart heat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. . No cure, no pay. Send for book. .Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Ile rout Street East, Toronto, Ont. ' How k. Lost a Lung. A Detroit wholesale house sent an agent into One of the northern coun- ties the other day to investigate and report on the failure of a dry goeda man whole Besets were below zero. The bankrupt was perfectly willing to explain how it all happened. You see, said he, I got married about two *ears ago, Up to that moment the postmaster and his wife' were at the bead of society here and run the ranch, bad the only swallow tailed coat and she the only silk dress The Catholic bishops of England in torn. 1. have decided to call . on all Catholics 1 seq. in England to unite in a determined We had to make a lead for the head crueade•ageinst intemperance. They and 1 bought my wife a $10 bonnet have prepared a document to this . and a diamond ring. 'effect, which when promulgated will Yee. be read from every Catholic pulpit of Then the postmaster bought his wife England on the first Sunday in every a bronoho pony and a pair of diamond sucuth. 1 ear -rings. What Canada has to Answer for. Yee. to The liquor traffic of this fair Dom- i Then I subscribed $200 to a new inion absorbed last year 6,521,802 church, gave two lawnparties and bushels of grain. There are twelve bought a top oarriage and Ar pacer. licensed distilleries, whose output was. Yes' :5,847,628 gallons of proof spirit. Of He came up emilin with a new brick house, a progressive this huge quantity 2,960,447 gallons miler part were taken for consumption, 8,791 and gave $250 to the heathen in Africa. I see. Well, I had gone in to smash him or lose a lung, and so I pledged my- self for the preacher's salary for one year, lost $400 dollars on a deal in wheat, kept two hired girls, bought three Parisian rugs, backed a barber shop, took a half interest in our home news -paper and presented every church ' in town with a boll. 1 That must have laid him out t ( It did, He threw up his hands and, r surrendered, but when you fellows in 'Detroit drew on me at three daps sight I was dished. I'm sorry it hap.. peued but you can't blame me. If that postmaster hadn't madea fool of himself I'd have been able to pay 150 oenta on the dollar. 7 gall na for export, and the remainder wsconsigned to bond to mature. The Drizlkta* Hwbtt, The habit of drinking alcholise liquors is one of the long atanding,and has been indulged in so long in all civilised°,00untries•that is ndt to be -ex- pected that itwil i be abandoned quickly. Although reason tells us it is a bad habit, especially when we remember that it still has its advocates, as there • are yet some who believe, or say that Ai, its - moderate use is not only harm 'Imps, but even benefical nn some oases, and their example has a wondertul in- duence upon others, especially upon young people, who are often influenced be their parents or others older than themselves, than by their own in clinatibns. But reason will triumph Walking Leaves. in the end, and we cannot shut our Who ever heard of green leaves fall - eyes; to the blowing facts, which ing from a tree, and,after lying on Chemistry and Physiology have set the around for a few minutes, crawl before us : Alcohol, they say, has no 1 towards the trunk of the tree. ascend Medicinal, nutritive, or tonic property it, and resume their furmer position 1 to reconnrnend its use, even as a bever- This was a spectdcla •which greeted lige, It stimulates the heart and the eyes of some English soldiers nerve centres to an unnatural and thirty or forty years ago, while on the often dangerous e5ttent, and leaver island of Australia;' and in regard te them afterwards in a weak and debit• the very,tree under wheel' they were itated condition which often, lays the 'resting, They fled to their vessels as foundation for future disease, " cense- t ii panic=struck, and ;did not stop a flunintly'we find wisea8es of the heart moment to investigate the matter' and . brain most cm -ninon amongst Subsequent;explorations taught thein, those who use it. It has an irritating that these leaves were insects. They and deetructive effect upon the mucus t live upon the trees. Their bodies are membranes, and other tissues that it exceedingly thin and flat, and their tomes in contact with, causing a' wing form leaf like projections, th>iening and leas 01 boob iii tike When the wind distusoes them' they lining n►embranes of • the stomach fold their legs under their bodies, whibh prevents the free secrstiou of making their shape exactly like a leaf, ge the gastrin juice, and iu that way in -1 steal and all. complete. They bear a terferes with digestion, which explains p bright gree ncolor, in summer, but wwlty--. e $ud dyspeyeia, and ether change with the leaves in antnitn to diseases of the stomach so common la uusset brown. When shaken to. the amongst those who use it; it has a' ground they lie still foe a few. minute shrinking and destructive effect upon I as. if dead, but presently heian, to tineblood etorpttscle, to that it prevents crawl towards the tree, *Inch. they the dtLrfeloEttitPrtt of healthy blond, and all end 'they very >zarely use their in that case retards tile healingpro- "`lugs, and hence the name, walking p len<vea. cuss, to. that those Who use it are liable to suffer ulna severely front any dis• 1 • ease by which they may be attacked, than those who do not use it at all. It creates au eppettte for itselt that soon become* almost irresistible, and every drunkard will admit that when be began to indulge, his had no,iuten-1 ton of beden ing• a drunkassi, 114k 10 FOR ,T 0RD.'RED RAT, CLOTHING, ^— ---fz0 TO --see .« BSTER!$, c r S f IRTS, COLLARS, CUFF, , acC Cheap for KASH, ---AT. WEBSiT,FIt'S There is more fun in a sheet of atioky fly papar than in the average uegro mins. trel. Watch the kitten playing with it on the new carpet; the latter is ruined for ever ; the kitten goes into a fit and all the women and children rush out of the house in terror. If you want to rid your house of flies, buy Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, and use as drreeted. Nothing else will clear them out thorcughly. Bold at 10o. by all druggists. uffield & Son. NEW PATENT -TOP MU CANS, CREAM CANS, MILK PAILS, SAP BUCKETS, and 11i.ILK PANS: Everything in the ' Dai yiag Lino. EAVE-TROUGHING A SPECIALTY. 0. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows : CRAVING ARRIVING 5:35 a, m . For Torouto 638 a. m 20ep.m " 200 p.m 2:00 p, m. ......For Tee.water 2 U0• 1.0;30 p, m 10:30 ' »..8..utri -e.k &RA. N D WRIT 1?T`Ef`a:EVX-• A. C. STRATHDEE, Amer, WINOItAM. Through tickets to all :points In' Auseriea--North. West Pacilie Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular rdutes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. • --TIME TABLE, LRAVR WINOITAM. . ARRIIVR AT VWING DA'M. 6:30 a..m.Toronto,Guelph,Palmerston, &0 8:30 p.,n. 1110 " " 10:10 '< 3:40 p.m. " " Clinton, " 7:25 Palmerston, Mixed..... _10:18 a.m, 0:45 a.m ....London, Etc- ,t 11:00 '. 8:40 p.m. " 7:48 p.m. 11:10 a.m.. Kincardine, &o .,, ; 0:80 a.m. 3:30 p.m 11:10 " 1010 .6:50 p.m Property for Sale in Belmore. The undersigned offers tor sale a desirable pro party in the village of Belmore, consisting of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed, with one acre and a.half of land in connection, Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit tress. With he sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOL, Balmer°. x�. BARBER SHOP. MR. MALCOLM Mc,DONAILD, (LATE OP RIPLRV,) Hating purchased the barbering business of Messrs. Sebastian Bros., Is prepared to give all. old customers and as many now ones as patronize him, satisfaction in all lines of the profession. 0 Repairing will be Promptly Done. PAR RS, TIRES URM ani MILLOW RS, TTSE— SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. , 11 (liVo hie a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon and Molutyro's store, . ••• y • Aft McDONALD, Lardine Machine Oil. 0 TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE. NO OTHER. 0 Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine Also Cylinder, xngi r Wool and Harness Oils. McCGLL BROS. & Co., T0101170 TILES, TILES» ELLIOTT BROS., of the Whighatu Brick Yards, hate on hand a large stock of tiles for draining pur►tosesefro)il lf' luohoe to 10 inches in size, whloh'0111 he .sold cheap, and on most favorable torfng, Farthers.ntitooding to drafts Should see our Tiles for themselves before dbctiling taueelumbett, . " Ar largo (5130tity of • On hand, and will be totd.i.t !boot hiring psetits ELL [OTT BIROS.,• Wtnshafil 0 oloaa »ri Fame . r readers that l have a remade tar the *Seel Basest Sir lie tirndase y t *much of hopelowol s bays ee t perrYaaerttlr citral. X r glad to gid Mit of Eley rowed, a fire t%elly t!ft ooce rewire it-gV•' a -•'ta %,1014ti Ciih ars ,xa '* .e7►'Qtar•Aetkriowo 4, fe.';+ JUST OPENED.:. A GRAHAM has just opened' up a General . P[�visEua and :Grocery Store, nearly opposite the Market. 0 The stock consists of Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Spices, Raisens, Currants, Dattrs Figs and Prunes. . . CANNED GOODS OF ALL KINDS Fruit, Peas Corn, Salmon/ Corned Beef and Sardines: All kinds of Biscuits. Dried Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Liverpool, Salt. A full assortment of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE , in sets or separate.. o Butter, Eggs, Dried Ilea t, etc., taken, in exchange. As we buy for cash, we are able to Pell: at the cheapest rates, By calling and inspecting our goods you, will oblige R.A.GRAHAM. � Mara 28, 1890. Win gbstnI O'nt; A Blessing to Every Household. .Y HOLIOWAY'S MLLE M. 011ffMEN1. Those measles hevastead.ths t.et•of i'sty years eaperlenc.; end, 0A VP prdnnuhceib tate best itedielnts,1or Family mew .PILL S tar* the blood, correct: atliAiseriers of the DIVER, STrftlacBI EID)fEVS• A1515• nowtt.s• and are itrvidoetde In alt eorn0iatitte,ineldentet to-tetnal& i:t Wages. T.C. i 0,.ti-T.1rN17 only tellable rerosayv tar blit le v, eStasan d cid wenn .4. F. rlian`lt;ifrti trot 'Arte, cousins, mem cove, reemelaTiaMulcus, GLAnUt tit s vemesee k 11) tai blist%SES iT HAS 180 tNQUAI:. benee•1taetired sway tit 7S, Ifew Oxford. Late MW, Oxf•r Street, stet end eeTd by all Medicine Tendoeibreughcet tht code, p�e,• I"'ptarhatiets stinting loot; ter the,".,unci Olt VIIIBolo +A'ka.tiotd. if `rl+w: a+ltijrstil.ts, \ zfi ' fl gt, set* Ceti A ta„ they aro slot -Nod.