HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 29 4t: ;T11l1 ', AtlGFi7 T 29 :e90. (euteettee, big ovate,/ Teems It loving ettemory of stn. G Simpson, who diet, in Clltntou, July ustb,1890, <? rtto$her, haw waluite. thee Imre, tinsel teou hest from us deported:; We airs thy voice, that uved to oiaoer, ''iehsu we ware so duwultourted, Whee (teeth itis raveeee did wbke, Arad our sister and brother beth did take; T1aeu fu last we lust our fethee! dear, 'We felt lonely uuel arra, but mother's voice did cheer; She said'iu deepest sorrow and in love, Prat not, for your fattier lives above, Ile weer read the blessed bookdaviue, At every meet every worn, a ,ad pr,ayeet to Gee with heart sincere, ,'o bless end keep ins children dear, Hee gone to joie toe oboir above, Where all is peace and joy and love. And ao.b sheered ue day by day, But now those days are. lied away; How could we bear our lonely lot If we cher wise counsel bad fergotf Attle'she baa goue, we remember well The story of tbe crow she used to telt, To our attentive, lieteuieg ears, Though we were yery youug in years, Aud whoa, in naughty paaaioua wild Like many another wayward child, We quarreled, did wrong or disobeyed, She led us to a private ;open and prayed, That God would olraneae our sinful heart, Teat oh ua to"seek the better part, That all our sins might be forgiven, That wean at last might meet iu heaves. But now that voice is hushed and still, We must bow to' our heeaveuly et -Where! will, We may s*e her no more iu this vale of tears, She has gone where they count got• the thee by years. But where petite and sighing all are o'era,, Where cares distract the soul no more, Te the rest prepared for the people of God, Who in His win delighted ace ha his pre. terns trod, 0 mother, the tone Will not be long, 11. •we are oubt faithful here, Till We abali :help you sing that tong, And +shed no wore the parting tear. Mse. R. Masan. Wiugnam, Out. ' TOM'S, A letter from Tow said Mrs. Merk- le opening the envelope she had just received from a neighbor who lt'ad stopped on his,way from the poste Weise. Well it's time, he wrote. Dear ! dear l dear l what doss this mean: f For the letter read thus Dees Manatee -You'll be eurprieea' to learn that I situ married, 1 OW aur- prised myself. But she's the nicest gni you ever saw, pretty Be a picture, and a professional 'artist, painta port, nets and landscapes too. Ia oat her in the way of boa nes* :two 12w caths ago. and now she is sac . wife. len y w f . a1 nt comm; dowu with her iu * week or so, and she shall paint your . portrait and sketch the old place. Ytn'!l love her deer.y. Your affectionate' sou, Tolle. Mrs. Merkle dropped leer letter and her spe4tacles and putted bet heudker- chief Brut of her 'apron pocket. 44 Tout ivarried l' she exelsimed, Married 1 Well,1 want to know 1 Mar seed, and to such a person 1 A gal that points pie:tures fur a iiviug .1 What kind of a busiaseeti is that 1 Why didn't she learnt the grainy.makiug, or lie -a eersurtrioa or milliner 1 What kind of a wife will he have f And old Mrs Merkle eat down with her italdketehief to her eyes and had what elle culled a good try. 1+'inally, recovering her composure, she went to the secretory, placed, after the curious country fashion, in e, dark corner ha bled, the door, end ,ien snuffled air epistle to her eon, wield, set forth her opinion of hie choice in plait', Anglo, Saxon rod ended with these wordit e 1`d es soon you'd have chosen a- civ» sue girl. Site did nut even give her new daugi ter•ii,klaw the expected iaatitr. titan She oousidered hr test a vete 'lotted WoWnta, tl►a,ugh why, it it hard ties Loll ' No 'mower cae'tte, and 8110 begin - to feel that elle! 11ua bent as little• too eetrare, when ohs day slab tat iu the welt lirtittir,g maid fretting Inwardly, it you Jig walnut opened the .gate and watlk+a it,,,at Well br:ilt girl Of tW,anty with dirk wavinghair, a%rr, and *pretty, bwr42.g mouth, who, having asked ►f. ohm wort Mrat, khakis, handed her a ietver. Ifs 'from r. Merkle, your *on, she ,thirst the old lady opeiling le, toad atm words Nen i oratiZ..A* you feel s o 'fly *brit my orfs Ielt not bring bur II you ask me. List nee recomla'h+er,d •lesu tilaek w, who wiial tact glad aC„eItea *awit:Wtwvie ler 440 of oouotry air, if *he ie treated 44 cue of the family itil tali respects, Oh I said the old laky, looking up; you *rte An. n. Jaccsoiq Yeas nut'arn, said the girl. Well, my 404 reCotnniende you•-.. ' uaucla be ltneWe *bout iit•^*atat4I nx,gitt as well try you hove you worked for bite, t Ye; 'na'aus, replied Jane age:iu, ale new wife, ,low; she Can't do ,Much, i suppose+--a�.tottt the hoose, I meats t All that wet, done I did, replied the girt. 1 suppose >:o, said Mrs. Merkle. Poor Tour. You on nuke bread now, arae cake, and milk.? Well, since I've bad rheumatism, I do Lewitt to l poteet woman rrouu i is neonate% e$' mesee, A,_ despatch front Ottawa ,says the Minister -of Customs ihas receive] a ut aha uumbee of letters rrom persons anter- Eler eeted in ties ebeeyo trade of Canada, re `reeeatip v atundry 1?�j K, t�rat inferior Wisconsin us as cheese are brought to Montreal and house other poiats.in'•Caueda; there branded gowns,► Oanadian produce, and theca ehippee pretty to Elreat Britain so such, thereby .seri. a usl affecting t market depriv- ingY R hie !c L and d, pray. ing %nada of .the; enviable reputation she Lae won for ireriself la England ea producing a firet•clabe ; gUaitty. lion. Mr. Buwell.hae ordered that instruct - awls be 'betted • to collectors at the different ports to give more strict at- eution than, in the past to the packing and'repackraig of cheese while in bond, so as to preVeut., any charge being wade in the.: character of the goods or packages it1 high they are bowled. Linder no circumstances whatever are collectors .tri permit the brands or packages When bonded to be changed or guy brat,dor mark to be added to such pu;skavre. if any atonal) violate the law iu this respect i covered', the "feileat' peualties wi enforced agaiust o iendere, not under the Oustorne Aet,but also u the, erovieiuus of • the Merolla Jt7sirk Otlei►ua Aot, This course, ::h01)46;wilt :Pee tt stop to the fr eeon,pltiined uf~.• give up, but I have ben .a worker, I know what is what, ; Yon oat, stay, Trunk at the depot, eh ? Well,1'I! have it fetched. - Jetta Jackson, thus welcomed, stay. ed, and a fine, helpful young person she proved to he, Nothing abo house that she could not do. cooping was perfect. Her l.. work elegant. And yet she . w lady -like as any one. She. tidied, sbe mode the ora lady's caps and a thouaaud other things for the old parlor. You really are the smartest girl I ever knew, said Airs., el;erkle one day.. other, -said filed, will Jou. kiss ant what, home on n . . la T done with your 'wife 1 What dots this tr4eetr;1 gimped. llirs, Alerkle, • It wettus that I inn Toiga'. wife, ;laid Jatte, and that he -bas never land any 0144104 which walk of life we moves, we are r ether. Wheeu I beard your of we I ,made up nay tn;nd. t 'h took back :y maiden Haiti Ode to prove to you that a might be aisle to paint pieta yet he,able ' to • • make bread. matte ,gooey enough by•my b pay a .servant but you don't f of Tom going buttonlesst . now, do yotr mother? 1' hope yqu'll.both: forgive me. dears, amid the old lady, and 1 think I`au the. ,hoot ► ra+aad Moe Tito * 'areaterpt. The Eaters, bulletiaa isethel by $ore. fiery Blue of the Ontario Bureau of Statistical in replete with intorrnatiun of great interest to farmer., ►uerch*tats and ut*nufaoturers and the people grsertclly.. Indeed, n0 matter in 0 alter it fee $1 *11. delondeaat upon the succevse of the woman farmer for good' titnuaa. The report res gate $hoW%the eon4itiop of the crops ectad aaa, the estiwated yield,+ of the eeretr;1,s ruetr .tel feared lapott thee rPporta of '703 ogress eti afraid poudenta at date..The acreage of fall wheat i*, taken from the as meat rollu, while 011 ether areae statistics are .powpiled from rat salad. by farmers under date of July The a ricultural and business 6 . out- look it; brighteue4 by these official reports. The report plates the fall wheat grown this year at 14,832,240 bushels epring wheat, 9,629,180: bushels ; barley, 16,311,390; oats, 56,572,648; rye, 1,61.7,535; pease, 16.090,261; beans, 840,01,&; bay"and clover, 4,- 805,915 tons. The yield per acre is given as : Fall w heat,20,6 ; spring, 20; barley,, 23.3 oats, 80,1; rye, 15.7.; pease, 20.6; beans, 21,3; fray and clover, 1.75. The corn omit; 41,000 aures more then the average of tbe previous eight years, and the ' buckwheat area more by 2:1,000 mores. The soot crops have an area of 21,0e0 yei! aures shore 'is the average, the principal iucrenses beim; in turnips, mange' wurareld and fa Poor you may he, but you'd be a treasure to guy than; and there's my son rte married to that. painting thing. in New York. Starved and out of elbows, and all his buttons of by tide time, I suppose, while ehe daubs, Did you ever see any ono. paaint ? asked Jane. • Only the man that did the door* and window fraise five years ago, aaid Alre, Merkle. 1 can paint'a little,said Jane. After everything is done 1 mean to paint you a picture af you'll let me. That day Jane produced from her trunk a sketching block and colors, and proceeded to paint the gray oat lying on a crimson cushion. It's the natur•alest piano, I aver saw, said hire. Ment,,•. Did' you catch it from Tones wife.. Oh, no l A. better painter than she'll ever Le taught .n►ee, said Jane, No doubt; replied Mrs. Merkle. A poor critter she xs, - dol.'s ', you :think I've no great idea of her myself, said Jane. The next. d'ay she sketched Mrs. Markle in ` her rocking chair. AS natural the old lady declared ism a ptlotogragi, and having whitewaeola• tel the kitchen until it looked like hot pressed writing paper on Saturday afternoon, elle opened the parlor organ on Monday: evening and played all the old dol church magic the old lady loved. When she had done she tam- ed *beet, and to her surprise found the old lady iu tears. Air, what is the matter 4 she cried running to her end kneeling down. Why doyou cry so l Alt ,lane, sobbed the old lady,I was - thinking of Tom. If'only he had married a girl like you: Stay with me Jaue.."You are all the comfort have. I'd like to have little Holiday said Jackson next day. 1 head tome things and can't buy these here; Very *ell Jane, said Mrs. Merkle. You eau have it. But don't stay lung, 1'11 miss you to ,noels. Jane tested. promised slat departed: That evening the 41 lady sat alone: when the stage stopped at the door. Jane back again i she said and hur- ried to open it. Ors the porch etoort her ,son, who clasped her in his twiliar, Dear. another he said, haven't yott kite for me', She gave hitt: sissy an& drew him by: the ares, Why don't you (tome 101 She ask eJ. Mt wife is with me, another, he *aid. Ifalee't site etiougls manner' to Coate gland sb*ke bands, lurked the old lady: Perirap' P4' better take her back to town, said Toni laughing. Now ghees here, she'd better stay 'while, 1 should at*y, *aid the old lady coldly. ,Fere, Afro, ?deride were waaitlag for yeti, cried Tont merrily. Anda lady in. elegant; . travelling dry+', het face hiddeta by vier .blue veil, welked up the otos-. My wife; mother, Said Toni. how elo you; dot laid the old lady elifFy; Welk in.* Site ked the _ way inks. 00 parlor; Toni end bit wife follOtred, The bitter � quite &Uottai4*,tit,, el ill keeping Ler visit down.. Take ori' yoter von, mild Tem. ;form lotras"a prelltY hot And blue v'tkrr was lily *ass+ rand Marne etea;i 1 euef parof adMed ddl! bet *Noxl ull `lti ?arae loot kIts • s*exe.p ta other sections to ell muteea de %nate have +*iso doe* acute: miler Hurm, Brace lted (+rev. The meta Of the beat, crop itt :gent has been lereely increased this yeaar, Tisiwu at;', a whole e,ruept on play soils, which lecktl#" Moisturesin July, the crop will be a • good elle, Tire buy yield is abundant all slot►g the line, and inauy carrel- pondea;t$ report that * • gimp of ao great ahundaunu•has never before been, Jammu. It has been harvensted in axoaad condition. The midge did wielder - able dawsge to ,the clover crop, , A favorable erop of corn is promise ed au Eases and Kent, aid in parts 0.#er Elgin, li n, Eambton and lklfddlarNz. the southern ceutr*1 uoubties of 1 western peninsula the indications are not so good, bat elsewhere, and e* peroiatly in tlae, eastern part of the province, there will probably he en abundant supply (f fodueir corn, Reports as to roots vary according o the nature of the soil amid the situ thou* 4n tars fronds a groat clear. at ed rottedy hut. °on well,dragiued or age• ground better .remits followed, whips sneered from the fly, and ell to root crop*, owing to the wet, were +let by as great esop of • we`ede that ere Lard to combat. The apple ctarnp is ra big failure. one.th►rd of the averaakir Ilei into 011 g s . a the whit* in +s r hear of u Mel a would heCtaetor e.Poor dot, No, t money. You halve ose, Take youruy Joule bread w lug family. "Water-�--A term posed of oxygen et A compound of v wJaich teen drink water at this sem'.! keep themselves o', to suppose that off by setting his 2,40 rate by the u raRsrestlfa,x t. d +street areal, hit New York police, co livinit by collecting. selling theta to afar ere for fifteen tom aoWetimee gathered pound*, in a day. a tl be w Oil O Id Id is proralieed. The peat* !Fop else poor, and plums are a comparative, lure, the Week kuet and curcalio potautes, but no estimate of these trope are baa yet been received.b. be Fall wheat in Western Ontario. is gal Krupa doing deadly work. Peaches will very scarce, but there is a table of m in Gilead in the report that s will be a'+glorious yield, per - denier n►ention btliurg verses of tLar• big crop in the Luke Rem region:., Pasture and live stook are ln. jay condition, and it is proeuble that t will be pretty pleastiful,for the ensuing winter.. There will Hot he sit many animals: as usual for fattening.' Some carrnapondentea in the Western part of the, Province • ,00wplai{r • of the price of milk. The general health of bees has been good, and , the average yield of honey per hive will be M pounds. Ttie supply of farm. labor hoe been about equal to the detaand, but very rarely 1 y in erases of it, Year by ystapl;, the demand for outside help is gradu '- ally falling off with the more general use of binder' and other laborsaving machinery, so that many farmer& with their sena .t if they. are fortunate enough to:have sous who witi stay on. the fare,) 'tour do the whole of than work themselves, and hardly find the work of harvest heavier than that of any ether season.. The rate of wages wga has ranged Prow $1 to $1.50 by the day, and from - $15 to $25 by the month, according to tha efficiently and supply of labor. The rate woe slight- ly lower in the eastern ;pert of the Proviuee than elsewhere. A movement will be started after the end of the long legal vacation in England to procure by a writ of habeathes ilraer capstion of Mrr, r 4 *he was sentenced to imprisonment for life on a charge of murdering tier bus- baand. A hick &inter ,Pie used recently -at as birthday party was made otter lam., empty pan, to the inside of which had been neaps' fr wire door. At the last moment, tett live canary birds *mints in it, end when the ribbons Werepull. e4 and the cower came off the birds dew out. They were then catrgtt and oeged,bryndeotne cages having beenpro• *Med for them, and each child want bom.$the happy poaleitittr •f a bird and cage, and filled with wonderment int to that way they pat them• tr► departure has been taken in ended for' the edillcetiot of 0 in the electric, fotnit the ' beets :preaetated tb /bluettr: generally a fine crop. is, the eastern t to counties, ;where comparatively little s dia- fall is sown about t on . e aIf I h of the 11 he only nderi• udise it is ages r ie,0N,00 8n eels aarielns. - i 'Loo4tto t�'r.e vreu. It as estimated that the surplus wheat crop of the14orthwest .fo'r export wilt tet *bout 16,000,000 bushels. If frost will hold oh' the 'elevators will be tilted to bursting, _• The effect " will be to diffuse front tim to twelve millions of duller* uwoUg the eettleru, relieve the tightness inelident to former short. eget; and give signing imapalee to trade ►n every direction. There is a large amount of paper .overdue to the i4a* plewent makers, and this will have. a. Chatceto be taken cater of. It Hisses about $60 a. head for every luau, women and child of the population from this scone alone, and a state of popular content with the country which will promote ;Ysore rapid settling up of the ns*° lands by imnrigratiou;'. Tk* * aauteeturs et CeU iei4. The manner an , which celluloid is mtade in France is as :follows . A huge real of paper it unwound slowly, 'and while uuwusding is saturated with t t`' nittute of See parts of ! aaulpbwric and: two parts of taitric acid, which ie Ohre. fatly sprayed upon the . paper. The effect of thi* bath is to gloms: the '011111oue in the paper into pyroxyfiue. The next process is the expelling of the excel. of acid in the paper l.7 prc8sure r''ud it* washiarg with plenty of water., fti is teen eteduce4 to a pulp and bleached, after which it i* sinal,,• ed, and then mixed with from 20 to 40 pelt cent of dray weight in Water, Then tollovi'a another mixing and grinding, after which the puip its spread. in thin shretae, which are pat Under enoruaouaa hydraulic pressure and gummed until h let u -dry as tinderr'. Thee shako are their put between heated rollers aand,*time tett in quite e1* tic strips which Ire Works ed up into . V01100 forma ;n which oelittitud' i>v wadi. >�, filet Nee !Ito p efee,Raill awe thees* a ye* order wetly. J. A. � crop was winter•kiIled. 'There was little or no injury from drought or insects, but the weevil, midge and rets °ffeetedd some injury in almost every county. 1 -Incense of the drought of last fall kelp grain .alppeare,to - have been generally 'sown lite, •especially on heavy clay, teeny fields of which .were bare during the winter. With the excessive rah, of spring, followed by great heat, ewe such a rue h of plants that much rust and slrriukege were expected, but 'the damage is slight and will not Materially affe t y c the sample. The berry is generally reported plump, the straw bright, and the crop the bent for year. Spriug wheat is af air crop, but on low-lying land, owing to the wet spring, the yield is poor. T1, bearded varieties, especially Coloredo, are most praised throughout the Province, and White Bowden, French Imperial and Wild Goose are rather ,u10re commended than the Fyfe 'sed wheats, whether of Scotch or Manitoba growth. The barley crop: ie not up to the average, * decreased aerosol being 'own and the wet: epring, foilowed by dry, Lot weather, being * *inet it. Reports respecting the imported two, rowed barley—of which small samples were sown bar many harmers" -are perhaps shout *pally divided for and sonnet, . It .has been ascertained this variety is front a week t o dela later iu maturing then the ordi. nary six -rowed barley, but at it had been eut in hardly a single instatrce it was difficult to express a definite o reliable Opinion upon it, and the reports are very guarded in title toped. The Oet crop, air a whole, ie a short one, It *uttered greatly from the early eeitnttiee change' ea ales from it red, ratty blight, From iluron, /rue*, Grey lint Simcoe,. however, alert arereporti that the atop will be up to tl,e average. Early' varieties ort wetll.dreined' land have beets most inc. `4' t"° . ne.afut, t�1;te int Be. lethe pubht af w a y 1 y g crap, and cif wl,ielt ha ti bloom), The fountain btu'Eronl alsloat the eaineittotees at heir„ interlines ray and °ate, eepaci*liy in t )ie :'Lake of arxwa t Fria diatela„ Tire. push Imreparch*pe *hen It suffered more tiro:n hugs, this year in +ht, the older p ma of thiel, Prayitraat rt'turrtrraabl,t teem ,usual, ,aotn'.ly len ZOO* and Ke let the glitter pectase there *time to ba 'at kir but un.- Park. Joni, which are artistic/MY>'t a of *do y.fivar fret, 'ri!e fountain even yield. The latter atop suffered ,watt 200 led, the lai he t r vitreins► of waster to M height miHated, is a most bbstattful Tire spray eeapar*teaa into in. drops, ouch whichredeem Vittle IJw *Wet of owe o#ca13 hit shower ' • A C*thelte The Oateolie :bill have dseided to call in Engtend to unit orusade.agsinat in have prlepareed a effect, which when he read front every England On the fir Meath. Winr3 Caasaeaaada tot The liquor traffic inion shsorbed 1sa hashed* of grain. licensed distitreriee 15,847,628 gallants this huge quantity were taken for gall nil for export, we consigned to • Tete Or The habit of liquors ie one of t has been indulged +oivilr countries pasted that itwill Although reason habit, especially- that speciallythat it still hag i are yet tome who its ; moderate ua tease, but even le. tend their examip,i dunce 'apart oth young p1eOple, wire by their parents themselves, than edinatihns. `Rut in the end, and w eyes: to the fel Chemistry and before u4•; Alcoh Medicinal, t utrit torecoania,n-a its Lige. It ati riule eta%rvve oorttree• to often dungren:Ws the afterwards itated condition foundation for f queutly eve find' cud brain mos those who use it. and deetreetive membranes, and comes in cora thipltoning and liming tui nabra which prevents the gastric juice terferes with (lig w1* _xe. led diseases, o2 the amotrget those ehrink(ug and da the blood elornit the delreloptirntrt itt the% -toe ret seta, *ter that th 40; sneer Were ease by which t thou those wit It erodes am tap Itocea beoottee rat *very drunkard began 10 tied $.lien of bettottd