HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-10-01, Page 8HURON EXPOSI1OR,
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Smith-Corona has done it again. They've
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Phone 527-0240
One Rack of
Must be sold, has dresses,
slacks, blouses, girls'
jumpers, spring coats .
Shop Now For Christmas
Re-Entry Gliders
by Famous Makers
Reg. to 7.98
See Our clearance of
Piastic Window
StretCh Tops,
Business sheers for Nude Heels
72" x 51" - Reg. 1.00
Assorted Patterns
HOURS OPEN - FRIDAY 9 aTh, to 9 p m. - SATURDAY, 9,a.m. to 6 p.m.
23. Business Directory
J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M.,
- W.R. Brijens, D.V.M., V.S.
J. P. McNally, D.V.M., V.S.
M. P. Haynes; D.V.M., B.V.Sc .
Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth
Phcne 347-2465, Monkton
23 51-tf
24. Cards_ Of Thanks
Iwould like to thank all those
who sent cards and treats, also
visited me while I was a patient
in Seafo'rth Hospital. - Chistina
Souter. 24-51x1
I would like to express thanks
to my friends for their kind
remembrances during my ill-
ness; also for the help I receiv-
ed from SDHS. - Tom Ryan'
WE would like to thank our
family, relatives and friends fort
the lovely party, gifts and cards
we received for our 50teh An-
niversary. - Alf and Florence
Mr. and Mrs. Wm,_ Flanagan, Sr.,
wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their cards, gifts
and expressions of good wishes.
It 'was sincerely appreciated and - •
helped to 'make our 55th wed-
ding anniversary a 'happy re-
THE family--of the_ late Roy
Bennett wish to express, their
sincere thanks for all the many
acts of kindness shown during
their recent bereavement, for
the . many floral tributes and
donations to the Chapel and
Heart fund, A special tenks. to
the Watts Funeral ,Hteffie, Rev.
Docken and the Walton unit of
the UCW, for serving lunch. It
was greatly appreciated. --e• The
Bennett Family. 24-51x1
25. InMem-oriam.
ADAMS - In memory of my
pal, Alvin Adams, who passed
away Oct. 4th, 1968..
Memory is life's greatest gift.
- Monty 25-51-1
ELLIOTT' - In loving• memory
of our dear wee daughter, Jean..
nine Marie Elliott, who was
taken to her heavenly home five
years age, Oct. 3.
No one heard -the footsteps.
Of the Angels drawing near,
Who took from us to Heaven,
The one we loved so, dear.
A wonderful daughter, so sweet
apd true,
One in a million, Jeannine was
- Lovingly remembered and
sadly missed by.,-her Daddy,
Mommy and her Brothers.
27_ Births
STAPLETON - To Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Stapleton, RR 2,
Auburn, at St. Mary's Gener-
al Hospital, Kitchener, on
Sept. 23, 1970, a daughter,
Want - Ads
Phone 527-0240
Part or Full Time
Apply to
For Complete
on your
Inettrance Agency
Piton. 014490 UMW%
At the 'initial presentation and
subsequent discussion of the
"Design for Development: phase
1" the Oatario Governments ans-
wer tot growth problems in the
MOJA e" region niun' c 'polities
were asked to study the report
and present comments.
Seaforth Council . at the Seet-
enther meeting. instructed Clerk
E,M.Wllltams to prepare a n
analysis setting out difficulties
in the report as far as Seaforth
was concerned.
His analysis and omments
A study of the • port re-
veals several features which
raise serious doubts about its
validity as a serious demographic
study of the region generally and
the Tow" ofSeaforth specifically.
Obviously the report is based on
statistical analyses aid this
method can not produce valid
re alas unless up-to-date, valid
statistics are used. For example,
in dealing wi the labour force
the latest data used is from 1961
and a performance or functional
rating which reflects this • fact
can have little validity today.
Similarly, the use of population
data which is 4 years old can
produce misleading results and
this is particularly true of, the
Town of Seaforth where the down-
ward trend evident in 1966..has
now been reversed with a 3.3%
increase over the 1,967 low.
Cerlain'y statistical analysis
is a valuable tdol but unless the
statistics are used 'with care arid
with a proper understanding of
their derivation and-context their
use very ; often border's on
'misuse'. This report seems
to be an academic study of avail-
able statistics with very little
field work on 'the pa -t of those
preearile It. For example, the
Town of Seaforth has an unusual
feature which gives it a .much-
higher effective population than
is evident from ,statistics. Sea-
forth has two suburbs, called
Egmondvilie and Harpurhay,
which have a corn' fined population
of about '7 ,50 and which have been
growing at a faster rate than
Seaforth itself. These built up
areas are statistically part of
the Township of Tuckersmith but
are geographically contiguous
with the Town of Seaforth and it
Is no: obvious to a stranger that
they are not within Seaforth tome
litn'ts. The residents are, for
all pu rposes other than municipal
control and taxatioa
residents of
the Towa of Seaforth. If the
population of these built up areas
had been ,considered ae,
effectively resident in Saafeeth it
is not unlikely that the "2" score
range of the Towee',Ip of Tucket-
smlh would have been e0.840 to
-0.251 instead of as shown. This
feature is not evident to anyone
not fa.m'llar with the local scene
but 'without considering It no
realis!ic evaluation of population
trends can be made.
The same blind use of statis-
tics coupled with a desire to
simplify is probably the reason
fir the ridiculous presentation
in Figure 5. Here all iecorpor-
ated menicipellties with a point-
atioa of less than 2500 are lumped
together with the adjacent town-
ships to produce a population
density chart. Thus the Town
of Seaforth, with an area of 575
acres and a population of 2218
in 1969, is shown' as having a
population density of 100 - 393/
sq. ml. Even without any con-
sideration of the aforementioned
effective population it is not only
ridiculous but potentially damage
ing to so grossly misrepresent a
municipality which actually has a
'density of 2464/sq. mi.
In Chapter VII the evaluation
of Urban Growth Potential would
seem to reflect the aforemen-
tioned lack of knowledge of the
area or the conditiong existing.
We are concerned that any de-
cisions made regarding develop-
ment pt'egrame may be based
oh this unrealistic analys's of
potential. In eeamininge the
'ratings given in Table 7.6 we
note the following:
1. Provincial and Federal
Government services,. 1969. Sea-
forth and Exeter are rated 6 and
Clinton 4. However, Clinton is
shown• in Figure 30 as having a
National Defence presence and
a National Revenue presence
which do net exist. Also Sea-
forth is not given, credit for a
detachment of 0. P P. which
serves the surrounding area.
Using the weighting scales of
footnote No. 4 it is difficult to
understand why all these munic-
ipalities do not rate 4.
2. Growth Prospect of the Econ-
omic Base 1969. Exeter is
rated 3, Clinton 4 and Seaforth
5. There seems, to "be little
correlation between this rating
and the rating of other measures
whidh would seem to be impo-rt-
ant to ''gr iwth such as: - Trade
Area Size, 1969, where each rates
4; Trade Area Population where
each rates 5; Manufacturing Em-
ployment, 1969, where each rates
5; Population Growth of Centre,
% change 1961 to 1968, where each
rates 4; Retail Sales C ' change
1961 to 1966, where Exeter and
Seaforth rate 3 and Clinton 4;
Manufacturing Employment %
change 1961 to 1968., where Sea-
forth rates 3, Exeter 4 and Clin-
ton 5.
3. Accessibility Rating of Cen-
tres, 1969. Exeter and Clinton
are rated 3, Seaforth is rated 4.
Again theee ratings are difficult
to reconcile with footnote No.11
and the existing situation. All
three centres are served by east-
west and north-south highways
with Exeter being nearest to a
freeway interchange and Clinton
most remote. Clinton and Sea-
forth are served by C.N.R. with
'both passenger and freight fa-,
cilities whereas Exeter has no
rail passenger service and onlf
limited Freight service. Clinton
is closest to a port facility while
zeter is n of remote but Exeter
Is closest to a major airport and
Clinton is most remote. On
balance it would seem that all
three centres should be rated
4. Water and Sewer Spare Ca-
pacity, 1968 and 1969, Seaforth
is rated 4 while Exeter and
Clinton are rated 3 but no con-
sideration seems to have been
given to the fact that Seaforth
has been working with D.W.R.C.
since 1966 toward an improved
and expanded sewage treatment
facility which is now projected to
be operational in 1971. Tnis is
the only system placing any re-
strictions on Seaforth at present
and will cease to do so when the
new plant is operational.
Furthermore, the parameters
given for ratings 3 and 4 refers to
'systems' and 4 refers to 'either'
water or sewage. If this is an
intended difference the ratings
would seem to be in reverse of
the proper order. The term
'system:,' seems to moan both
water and sewage and this would
be a more severe disadvantage
than a restriction due to only one
system as implied by the term
In Chapter V111 some goalS,
needs and priorities are sug-
geeted for the region. It is our
hope that the implementation
of these goals will not be
attempted on the same academic
bagis that has been evident
throughout this report..Problem
solutions which are academically
ideal are not necessarily
practica4 solutions for large high
density. populations are not-
necessarily applicable to less
compact regioea and the same so-
lution is not ne essartly advan-
tageous for all parts of a region.
The Council of the Town of Sea-
forth suggests a heuristic
approach to the attainment of
goals would be more appropriate
than that used in the recent past;
not only would it be more palat-
able but would largely avoid the
generation of ' secondary
problems. We suggest That to
properly define the rold.of
the Province of Ontario in most
categories of this report the
Seaforth Lions meeting in the
Corneemity Centre Monday
evening set in motion plans for
fall activities.
President John Talbot discus-.
sed a fortheom'eig peanut drive
sched del for October 19th when
Lions will make their annual
canvass of the town. anivi
rural relations dinner is set for
N er 23rd.
Coesideration was given a
special draw to extend through-
out the winter and culminating
in a dance in early spring.
Mayor F. C. J. Sills, a guest
at the meeting, congratulated the
club on the contribution it had
made to the community.
Smiles .
The jury had deliberated for
several days and finally filed
back Into the courtroom.'"Have
you reached a verdict."' the judge
asked. "We have, your honor,"
replied the foreman, "but to
make this trial as fair as pos-
sible, we'd like to ask the defend-
ant one question." "Go right
ahead," said the judge, Turning
to the prisoner, the foreman
politely asked, "Do you want
AC or DC current?'.'
The wrinkled gypsy looked up
from her crystal ball , to the
gentleman seated across the
"I will answer any twd quee-
tekis you ask me,' she said,
"for My dollars,"
"That's rather high,' isn't it?"
asked the man.
"yes ,it 'is," she chanted.
I•Now what is your second ques-
first part of the definition of
'Goal' at the bottom of page 148
might wall be paraphrased to
' "Goal - To assist each reg4on
or municipality to at- .
attain its full poten-
• tial."
We further suggest that the above
definition might well stand as a
full statement of the basic role of
the Province. We feel that the
locarmunicipal governments are
in the best position to judge the
needs and aspirations of their
people and that' the Province
should, insofar as -it is ::onsistent
with its responsibility to the
tvl..ole province, restrict its
assistance to the attainment of
goals In those areas defined by
those directly concerned.
SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT. 1, 1970
Seaforth Draws Attention
To "Phase One" Errors
Preseeiting perfect attendance
pins to •mern`uers he ern?he.,sized
that while some through the years
had moved away, others had drop-
ped membership for various.
reasons there was a substantial
number who regardless of prob-
lem,: had continued to serve the
come through their ;nem-
bership in the Club
Receiving perfect attendance
pins were: Cnarlie Barber; Ger:.
Beirdenniller; Claire Campbell;
John Cardno; Scott Cluff; Brian
Flannigan; Pete Hays; Elmer La-
rone; Andy McLean; Ore. Oke;
Bill Pinder; Earl Ritchie; Jim
eeei, t; Den Stephansen; Jim
ritewart; John Tal ei:; Ed, Tayloe;
Harold Tura'aell; John Turnbull;
Gord. Tyndadl; 'Marten Vincent;
AU.. Whitney and 13111 Thompson.
Lo.ig term memberships were
recognized when Mr. Talbot pre-
sented a 49 year award to James
A. Stewart. Stewart in to -e
prese.eted a 45 year award to
Chas. A. Barber, a charter lum-
ber of the club.
Other lome term 'nem berships.
awards presented by Mr;Ste wart
T iirty-five year awards: Ned
Boswall; Andy McLean.
Thirty year awards: Ab.
Whitney; Bob Spittal; George
Hays; Ross Scott.
Tvelety -five year awards:
James M. Scott; Fraik Kling;
Bill Teal; Mel Clarke.
Twenty year awards: Scott
Chili John Turnbull.; Clarence
Walden; Joh i Modelani; Bill
Ball; Elm Larone.
Fifteen year award's: Willis
Dundas; Don Stephenson.
Ten year awards: John
Cardno; Art. Wrigiit.; Leo Ford;
Ore. Oke; Doag. Fry.
Mayor F. C. J. Sills presented a pin emblematic of perfect
attendance,to Liens Club President Joh e Talbot Monday evehing.
He was one of 23 members to receive tie award. (Staff Photo)
Charles Barber, a charter member of the Seaforth Lions
received a 45 year Chevron at a meeting Monday night. Making
the presentation is James A. Stewart who has been a member •
for more than 40 years. (Staff Photo)
Seaforth Lions made plans for fall activities at a meeting Monday evening. Members of
the executive are shown as the meeting got underway. They are (left front) Orville Oke,
secretary, Wm, Pinder, first vice president, John W. Talbot, president, Brian Flannigan,
2nd. vice president and W. D. Stephenson, treasurer. (Rear) Gordon Beuttenmtller, Robert
Beuttenmiller, G. D. Hays, Clair Campbell, Dr. Wm. Thompson, Harold Turnbull and Leo
' Teeter O. • (Staff Photo)
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