HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-29, Page 1tai
0-.0 0 0 to 0 ! :
,.s•ve-vYIYYI. ..-.. .. �.. 4444. M'
otbs. Velvets, blade and, colored in allthe,
lea and I!'ritle'a' '
our FREE, Don't buy before looking
nd Overcoatings we ever had: the pleasnrn, o1
!.Ott to see t1iejii.
.f:.t d S and .I AOE CURTAINS.
extra good value.
r o� us„As they aro
s fine Cashmere Hose in ladies'' and children's,
the pride will sell them.
est attentionand have dust filled it with 'Fresh
11'orders will he filled promptly and•delivered:
give prices before geode' Fre picked through.
Store -1r.- Fulham
L, L �. i '�
;heti out a large new stock of
re ar'ed to ghees
Office, r
of the Post J , 1� , ,
Imes of LADIES' Co1.J) NV A.TCHI.�+,
.n atdsrv>iWA
G and WORK p�
.ti.1 K t ,
.WY %
,•.t. a".—.
testi notice, and all work 1,IrarA rte n.
Coln 1' .stop of V1•iees invited
scils and ezmpa i ,
h Mr. R R. Vanwtone will be given out,
tf.VI a
W.ngbam, Ont.
•s.L E
yedt eo and make room for fall iattpottations, neatly 260 pieces of
tin 1. soma ]int less. Strictly for'caab.
11 be sold at east of jland ¢, •
da cot any length to suit uurohasere. cs
erior quality, bought for cash, there is extra vpino.
solp4 S
1 bare them well and fashionably made by hest tneelfanieq. 'or sold by
;aniline Sale, conuuenehtg on Saturday, .Atli ;tune.
DDS. PAIR , '; ' CES.
ctiKa n
1, 0 1 A
• n • titer hes ,.w
tyi t •1 alp and � 1e1 it p
l e a f t r
to the peep b S
` • amok of
"4/41!!W1,1:10, 'rg
&l V.E.V.f,'
,F• a
Mee, good, fresh
always en itancttt ` i• .
• cele led alai put ,fµlc:l for
ca,,temera wilt Ret flood value
r. T waT
414 44.444**4'. .,.
•f O...
014. '.I• --NO.
FRIDAY; A,V915107, , • .,1� '4�
W}'iOA Na.
rtj,1'IS fl' JEK
'ii1T11 1l a°Y'i!q opened out ancl',j
'into stpckg '
NEW FALL Dress G 1, and.` l'i61.-
g ,' `` weeds, VV e i ' Eu
niln„`l, Scotch S, r _ ' £, �+ :'
1 1 Worsteds Ulstelt'ng`s, t ..-
IrE tE 01.061`)s are ft' s`1`•fi.oiil 4,the'
Brei 1i has aceta; and cotnpi il# ,`all
�,• .: ,IAY
e fl. •
W S ,,
r e
the i,`t fj t
Nov is the tirile to '14'4 a l�ehut
fill. Tress Or Ncrlbhy •Stair.. ,',
;+CdMMilll tt}'tditS of every Dern-.
,'iSion,"vtvlhe ler it a Dress Goods,
Prints, Pttrasoi'S or Fans,'Nlifs .'h i'
1 .
,a L1.1 ,t
'sold 7.hls allklt. ,
AVE R,lon't. ivnnt,'tliem,'1'ciitnd;(tore.
The are ill. ofir 'n�av:, .Come; and
get a' 'l ltlg itn. WWe'11 Make 'tile
��� a
ec Sotisfactt)ry•
r iZ C Sparlingshi ped a car loan of •—It is Bahl tlh1L
Now York,, on' T gedey, per G T R. I Iianardo'a Orplla4
El•tinit rt
boy, abiiuti 10 years' 'of :root, ,tar,• -rs in Qatari
wanted *to learn the printing. btistrie}i
Apply at the Txhiis Druce•
T. U
Ii, R.
Tie � s
Direct :importer.
J, ttti BPAIt, ,tl,K,• +�i + 18 Q
--Agentlemau`fritti R
halting a'f'ruit evtipbreti
-.• r' ale b d the tt a of titre
M Was A h
zingers: tif''l;isleft ban taken ;off by it
machine, while world iueli''s factorsy,
ou. �Vednesil,ty.
Be. VT, is estate'.
tg feetbry in, .God.
2600. bey+ front Dr --Now is tile. time •to get a dish of pure I —The Dail 1rllootri Light Qonpaic
l3').1400aaylpee. ed with 108 dream at 1i,EIiil's. erectiugpee; in For Elgin. rrerer"t'
he stook ya • s at the Grand Trtink to putting their Ugh
In that town.
station have' been
—Only about b
tap of tile' cheap
Satiirday ItasG.
1\ Kelyte'e,
tits them tether ere
^Mr Gee Bist a trite ing til 'ltla
aardou n, .mathmafh Butt, 0wor fitat on
'ivlticb tllere,,Lt•e o ter.. seiveutSf ''were.
Remember T :Leslie's'
,Goncls at cost.
r—•"If women axe.>:j
} ,
—For filo best '�'alua in alt grades .of nl$ b'ohelor, why
Burge, or the cheapestend purest teas and fence instead of,r'a
general grocetios, W autd advise: you to :job• of oliinbitik.•" •
go to Goanos MoiNrran.„,
-Found, on d'os bine; str , on �.
'noway � veliin old x e
.a br li
@ �e
. �• €, . Roel, ,•
et can have 'the same: by (Milling II.
Timis aloe, and paying, tor this net
oit't the
dng stick
' w' fiule•
over the
aivkwar 1
—Mr Geo Whitely, if Seaforth, baa sold
hie Clear Grit trottiu ' mare to N C, Cole-
man of the same old for 02',400. It ie
said that Ur Colema, intends keepitia�lith
for breeding purposes.
-•-Go tb\IJ Et Wallace, the jeweler, anti,
see Iris line assortment of clocks, 'jewelry
and silyeriv'are' before purohasing else.
where. Sole agent for the Reliable Rock-
ford. railroad watch. Next door to pout
another column: ler stock of fall ,moods
—Mr R'C Sparlin bas leased a 'atone• aanmp1ete in all d paxtrr cuts,...
house at the Grand Trunkd station, and': ,,s'r•.;.
will be on the mark for the.`purcliaee of 1, f+ni'e teas eitliei iii olitiico aka,.
-'r , i,tit Newor' fresh ',strong Duni
all l:fna's of farm Pr doge. Nysejfplr ,rt enrsert pnieen,.go tithe Auctte
—Thio f2atristriaz icket drib idohl,tilgfr. ,irlouse, • They -'are still genii)! lett- pouttt:s
of e o a
titre Te o a � ti
match in St Iliai•y's, n',�.'b:ur5dlLy last,
were defeated in I. fir , by the 9.sylurn -Tile rettir:t etiolie o i'lotwoea:tbe
an l d
' and ba . b•a~c s It e
Dinh, on Vidal?, art : the London cricket d3riiFsels u i s; 1 a
r '-1
itl Iia'
IT � '." �! rte
wilc e ;»
The result- `tl�e tt o
coker touron,
' r ew Oi
on tnN1a .1
club,. Sli y T
ed in tbree`wictorie and�twb defeats. • suataining.siuifther def, at at ".lino hands of
f tow t e,? ''usegls'wielclex9 G1ie villot't,, Thp
e notice n veryfins 11r+p t o 1
1 anus reven't
r" tl eo tr. L
carpetsat Grorrlou& Moint�vre's.rattpiug in. c owdf)d fi >et .. f qtr ,,. . n p
price, we e,re told, frotY, 25c to 151.45 per givin the score
r tie promptly filled.
` etc l , „ r e � ps t' . Worcd saws 100 "�Sr J r
their Can-
Cutting i i n zee. .Seo
anti lY, Lta 1 i<i `� n' ' <• '.�;
{{ r
Pet window this;wbek• '+, g.>YAon, o'u Molldp•1*, o u
. art western Ferguson.° i e li '
—Tile prize lists fat the N.. li •
ine'tif'`the atolnaeh, act:
Pair have been sent to all members of, the be • durpdt item
'Asso'oiation,` and can be secured from the
, 1lftet�iXs :vi"1t
en app
✓ of p▪ rizes, !;b084,
,e e
d'Otk),Ei' =apeaial ,r17e9,are
t •
s ai,ted at Meltelvie'9
�L Sesta rw t
e TIios 11611 'tLs e. judge at the Chin'.
n Wee( a
,.ea n
`tau y
It1r ,
._-Me `do 1 rltali, of Turnherry,
u f. • cattle to Montreal,
sl' ' tt aft
:go to
• Dr Amos, of
•tlhe praotfoef gag
1)r Cowen; of Saxe
practice about the
reditotl' lyre: •puro'll r 4d
will' and • 'etnisa,
�ere . and wf oonittt ' eo
lat of Septeiui'er. .. •L •
� .We draw sp sial attention
announcement of Mrs I errashlittls, s
tautly enlarged,--iiTexicazi Qharli
P .a dozen took advati� • visit to same of the
re to. Griroeby I?ark, on' • made a big haat fn
k�roposees to 1:ivc' itw,
Divieioe Court' ;Ise, bead"fat road port; each k€rl}iape of mecl
es e
Tu da Jud
y, 1, � Bei lite. The
Bitting watt to short no, there, :tieing only a
few eases to be dig. sod; of,
— 'atn ot" s
m m h n'C ul 1 nus tee
i i tier the P , e p_
of th4London sand 'ltratford districts of
the SahvationArm', was Bold at Sayileld
during the past week The Gingham corpse;
Was well represented at tlte:tatlieritiii,
-;, 911itp a number our townspeople at -
'tended the Clinton 'ra.ee,+onTuosday. Grey.
Lobe Web pretested, id did not. start in
the „open trotting e en
e sop tr tang ra T'Is ose who att d
d;'tient here report t e >ri:Qetit g a�being a
suaoessfui cite
The to'wu bc;ti 1 `11 give an open air
ooncert. this: (:Friday) evening,. A splen -
ilia programme will be rendered. Itis thio
intention of the band to continue these
"e"onuertl} during' the easel', oil Friday
who lately I :'l .
tans l It thea see "i;.l..,,
uelph last week. -
e. gold watch '3,E2i
ins 1)e Belie, eh 4.`4.;4.;4`'
4krfAtte} r alt4Ck nesrlk.repairing.
•SVailuce, ' watL•intiiaker and•
'Oleo hi' host oflico. ,p
-Tr part Kira , while wOriting in' the
• TInioti: f ichary, oil 1onday, somehow got
Elis hand too close to '` Machine and had
!,,otic of 11i's fingers l d'fy cut:
Ckli at ..lex Ross' book stare and see
Lar rL ce opertaele.: Sole' agent since
` the sten eft town,
C•ror 1
...•....��-,,-Tire showery we Hier for tho�past two
we rlfs has delayed, arvesting operations
'very considerably,` '1any of the. farmers
`riot having Mach their ooaree'grains,
,-Rig bwrr+3tiis n 'Parasols,
Flouucing'l Ptihts.and all stimmer'fabrios,
i' time
for tivo weeks, or tip. tS 'stock -taking, ,
ftt - Goitno`t c& Mol.rxiltts's.
-Tbo yotefrsi : i its or 1800 are not4 to
'be seen'iu the -pee offices, sohnolhditieI3,
• 'and other places., au every person entiti0c
'to tt 'vote should a that their name 'is.
n to l �
o Due' ca a 'w
they may have. occ` ick . to e:terciee •tliei
-Now as b1ie warm 'weather hoe eoiiie,:
ore L '
r• 1 ss of�.oe
k nt,
sal Sv
'ti' is. nice ai
P wile p ,,
:, 'e r.�
• rot
11 at 2t
till tl
' da Il`it '3
taut ao , ''�•
'ant. ,^' ' ''r
—The ILe . �. $. melte, 'formierly. of
the '1
latch of
•' e b t�
fti s.
. 'tI is D de Y
i'tn ,
Y •
` t C
area. rl
'acese of I3eifottttyttte,dtii. has lioeu wh'jioiiit ',c�'riawu for"on picnic grot
ed by the iiiehep of, Er eon to. be rector of. p
huroh,.1 istowe , at the request of Admission to growicls
theist All are edrilially invite
the congregation there , in 'plta,ce of , Betel. '
„ r committee.
,�E. W. Sughaa, retYtc'y tti 'tViughlLtinr .:
a i --.tor Bre Si it aero, Pert Arthur, lufin'tli
Sislhhn a
swill .
Gent b'u`t >�
....Our rts. ak:-ars, el ' and ell points. ill the west, radlii° eoast.aihd,
s Dollars. gaffs, t,ey,all.>c}nda 01 P � e
- ' a shirts. ,summer lake tours, • etc, take one of th
underwear, r&O, is vary large 'and can't be s leudid steamers df . the Beatty N W T
`>ieat for Laity or price, connecting at ,I£iuoar 't a with,traiu.
J a iI Oho= de Sex. leaving
oq g ,-i i
e. leaving .Wingahem 11.10' a� m. The fine
teat numbers of attlo aro, being steanerl;tlie .ei,titted Bmpire" and t3Cetni-
Ted just tiow: On. editoeday the pane" are 'ti ow ,running regutarly. to he
l l followed: i another raagutiieent new
etind Trunk train leave ttt �1►iugliam at ateairtsir 1 " w- weeks. tee G T 1' age it
se and
ing, Iovtes
as ndi
for dates
u t f,
f >X, p
rat e
To Ciliforriist, l;':eb!•
ftVe sae,, by the ever populai: hai•eairte
.Weekly tihey.a"e offering fo nubseri-
her; such tremendous priies ,its a Free
Trip to California tti;d rettfr'll, list class;' 8'
l'ady'•s elegant seal "ltidtit1e,. 020611 1ltatid-
-The oxliibit of•.tl . p duets oe�tif• eeii;e h hhetI iioky,Siiver x'ga,iiat'; Lady's
r . !tuba &M the «orthwe s vli'ioh ' 1.11 at Gel, Watclir Cliina'.Coa Sot, Atalltel Clock,
,�-• tst>x tie
�� ver.
Tlka avid` V
1 iDken,i
'4Va i a
f' i
It t 1 i1h's1►t wtcli ]0
tr elver tiV
Val i so asp iK ,'3. ,
tFei olstlt thDxeierq
linetiltit the•����rr•�fawf1"13 bet• aEl tnbe'f# ley novels, and tnany tttore. These are
est aill�'be.ti, al'It the s at that '11fa9'"1 prises fhr•athe potions sending in the ' fargiin douxttsr.
1 , Si*rloten ollikl)en'a tires. commenting
•'r - f woidNHnn truiiterl�t'rarn�
will nSiis}frRf'Si, Side*, greatest nrlthlbatt• o a e
did v1ti i ty of it . P , s7 i ed iii '' .d"rsaide Wench.. at. Itc.:s:hrl up; at !about ball rice, throe
chid f►fnttr18 c[ dilftsrtvrtt' 1!t ttl el``' Wheat/ l the .a. torsoii0 contained ` Y
Deur, %ri't!"and atliocere;in,bt,sjf titteot.„ Send o (moment stamps' tit 0 Adelaid`a St. dozen gents tins at 100. alt up. Now
tVee'D. Tot -04 for withl, a Gopy acid *book o, thoea awl s1ippWrrs-xnw1UW
eel ss,ntl' itis i tsiltflLV +leo. A ane bal�sftMn I'refrutur. Btnr of tgetit with list of prices pricve.
of thatl•,'a tr,asniae and other pPaducts of trnd'tsimdit}o:rs o''[t don est, and i}iuke'ta try ,
for striae. Ji.tty nrss t+ww win.. ,
NhsLt fvc1Rt45ry. , ... , A to' . v •ri ,gored seoondtd bt.n* tor*teak Art'
t ,vita end orhu sr ie t'a
't1�ClrYefl. a 7iri•ii,oxtiraotad h�n4,i,y, .--T'h,s, �it��trt be Alt. fo. �iMw �iukr- ;tale, end
> t1�it13106"1 ;' •ism :L +v qua,ntrrf- ," bop`s horst' glia illi mot via of lead, Nt l:." o et►F, `t �y
ohs+ M bltaltR: .I;tfi: lltimem x get::44o
SDar'et .try Tr s 0
X.11.4ll :ti tI foo
several fit
--Messssi7'1_l A uth:c11 So'n have -a -large
stock of tweed's ani;; all: kinds of cloth, and
are gird trgdeoi(milbargains instylish' suits.
Drop Ingird1ep.v;eyourorder for asuit. „No
trouble toshow'.goods and quote prices.
one do'ilar,frir.tthhe tat' er.' The geld ww..t•'1
es; at Guelph tinned •iittobe'braes t,::,r.e,'a
With watch,faoes. e Crowd `pelte,'11 +','i
With stones,. &o., hitt ,'' o escaped unhuxf. ••
. —The postpoAsd dente in cornice:iilit
with St Paul's Chute Sabbatiely l;et. wan ,
Belt on friday apt:rnoon last, it: ;.'A
T'itrityIn s. prairie, bare was a ga;+s , :'+
tendence,and all' en'Dyed tbetnsel;.E.,;
their hearth' content.
ed in by some, sale i
tt e o h l e e xegai
lthe Rev rift Uughes.
served bountifully.
-The eoncertgive • in the roller ri,., �f.:
Wednesday eveninifi aOt, hi io (`.,- . t,.'
k'ann`ky C'oncerttQo. as a decided .11:r..
and:was' greeted by 'ia,ir audience:+
manner, ;n which trio nutnet'oittt st k
meets were handled assirnplymar
Too much cannot be said of ?tr ;01
grove, Who is tt whol concert in Ja>> r 1`
0 CO Yti*
also ot` his sister iv in h r ,
+, f
sentimental songs, •bile thio den „
the Miesea'Ross was not in the lx,,t t.'tc,
smallest feature of t q programme:; ., ]f.
the performers. an thn audience. r
considerably aunaye, hy a number rel ho,,,‘!",,'„` -
outside, who kept u a- continual el , .,c-,: