Wingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 70 lyQi414419111 1 171'13L1SII1;I)— L'1."I,Iil I(ItIDAY 51OE'' I1tjG. —AT %IIt: 1ES OFFICE, JiQSEPHINE S'ri ECt1 - ONTARIO. seriptioxe price, Si II or rear. fn advance — AUYi T471 i.:( L r'11 -S ,pace T.. 1 1 yr. 1 O mo h J xuo. 1 1 Co' sum t u0 00 '• tril6 00 [ 00 01). i4 (x) 35 00 211 00 le 00 5 414. ter `'1 I 140 00 . 12 0r•' '1 00 4 00 1001 5 on0 Ou 4 00 1 00 cal aun other etyma advertisements, Re, per 111,e 01,1. Insertion, au(130. per lit, 0 (0(0(1elt subsequent tiQ11 rel notices, in nobparel] typo, 10e. for first 1114 an, and le. per lino for each subsequent Mantic r. )eu1 notice will be charged less than 25e verdeem ants of Lost, 33'0317.41,,Itrayed Situations. i3usincts Chauc(•s Wanted, nut exceeding b line. arvil, $1. per mon .,., w n aR ( (.din ll Sale, not Ox G , ' a n; . ' mrmatul a and b 118ea a flu per subsequent month 1 drat month, 5 , p q t,'1e toots will he strictly adhvr(d to eelal fates for hunger advertisements, Or for 1' periods. tad 1.1114 forbidwithoutand spetiiiiit canted xltreteIons, will 1,117 y advertisements twist be pato 111 aayn7lee auger for contract 36(.1•004)0,0s must be id 111100 r y Wednesday noon-, 1'?'I ;;icier to al•putt week R. ELLIOTT Peora(74T1e /:a''( Pnt1,11401110 141. DfA((DONA1.D, JOSEPHINE STREET, GUAM, ..-.• _..-_..- .....,...- 13. TOW LER, 31,1).0.M., ober College Physleiluls and Surgeons, Ontarip, -Coroner for County of Huron— o at "Tint PUA*)IACY " • Wi» ghani, Gilt. 14. 3. A. MF,LDBIIM, Honor Greaten) of Toronto Uulversity, and bar of the College of Pb} 410h018 01111 boat one of ,rio. icc ]wd Residence—Corner of Centre nnd Patrick 1.s, felrured) acs;] pied by Ur. Bethune. lVlNenA5+ - ONT. VANSTON 1•:, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eta, Eta, ate and Company funds to loan 141. 10(3 lest rates est. 110 commission charged. ,Mortgages, Unita . and .(Lr111 plopol•t) bought and sold. IDE—Beaver Block, W1t.n11oot, OAT. a1 J. A. HOR,TON BARRISTER 'Vhlgham Outnrie EYER & D1Cfi7NSON, AL C. MEYER, Q,.C. I E. l.-; D7oKnvutato, il. A. .RL,,STLRS .'ii1D SOI ICIT(,11 , L•te., Etc.., 80 1rster Lank cf rian)(ltte, Commissioners fur ag affidavits for DL•uti.ulia Yarn), '20wn a7131 • se propelty bought and sold. Money (private s)10(tneu on mortgage stelll'ltl' at -51 per cent, By i,I1* Hated for private petsous,. 'Upon the •belt Agr1' aeeurIties without any expense to the er, Lands for tale in Manitoba and the North - flee -11:04's Block. 1) Ingham. ON'.ISTRI',—J.15, JEROME, Bison 0, • •,,,p. Is mannlactnring Coliilloi(i Platen { Vulcanite plates of the bastmato'hi• c, as cheap as they eau bo pot in the Dominion. All work warranted. ;get(yi(10 Vapor administered for the painless action of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known, LER N,011100.—I wail extract teeth for 25 cents 'FICE : In' the Beaver Block, opposite the r0 0(0(0 IIotel. E,NTI irRY --'Y. $. MACUNALD, W1a.011431.. 5(nker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, S(Ivo, Gold, etc., ote., Plantes, ranging inric s from $500 upwards per set crawling and bridgework, Teeth ox ted without tho least pain by the use of Vital - Air. .goad Office, lyinghanl, Aldo entrance op• le the Queen's hotel, open daily (Build aye except- :rou10 a m' 40 5 p M. Will bo at Blyth every and 4111 aaturda). of each month—Othecat1+311n(1s 1; Got vie 1 tat and Ord Mondays of each month— :0 at Albion hotel. .".otracthrtr 2)1 cents. *set RN RITCHIE, GENERAL AL INSURANCI AGENT MUM, • ONTA010 ()BERT CUNNINGRADI, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE,., GUELPH. DEAN, JL, Weionrl,, ENSED AUOTIONEER FO114 Tap, COUNTY OF HURON. {los attended in any part of the Co. Charge* crate, )ITN CURRIE, Wit:GRRAaf, UST., intuits A)C'rx0Nl3Ltl reit TNR COUNTY or unsex. 1 orders left at the Tress Wilde prO111POS at end 0. Terms reasonable. .51118 ItENDERS01s, 1(8110 At7CT(CN1ctt Yon Coor1In+s IA/ RoN ANr7 1 true , 1 sates attended to promptly and on Ibo Shales co. 7ar($cs Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 necessary arraupu nests cart be made at tit: is' (Nice SWAe1)A)1, 'Olty. BOLTON d1. Il:sl' klNS r, sic D, L 8rlivf;roa$ AND. Civil, ENd1Nall LIs OSS'EL AND %VI VII.SSI, Orders left at the clues of the Tagi o vII( ra plon•i't a+tentimt PATERSON, trio al' 1/480310 Inv,: (n t .0 ,4, I+;(r)o ox 1hLA: 41,.4114 i7C7IN,::p. SifYit ilfRlt „ A wane Daly. as fonr- PICS old baby lives in O.ikaloos t.. 11. ,lt is the ohil(1 of ,\i r31, Wilton, 1111.1 'Ann playing, about the nom+ of it de"p weal covered with loess boards, Tell lar '1'1(o wall 'i' thirty fe..t (seep Iola (1 roamed ten feet of water 441 the t1((((', The mother saw the child f,11'l, enll,fra.11tic1ily grabbierr a. clothes line, Towered it into the well, The child grabped the Bile but &4 course e011ld not hold on tight ouqugh tI) 1,144 drawn out, so the mother tied ller end above. Will pet bald on tight till mamma runs for papa 1 treutblillgly erit'd the mother to the little one. Ess, came a bravo little soli from below. .the mother hurried away and soon turned with the father and several their ilo((, who, after much diililulty, rescued the child frronl its etbiIiy hath, The little one was almost unconscious 'from cold when taken out, but, had brlvely clung to the clothes -lin(' all 'the tinle,hoiding its 'mad above water. The lie ppy mother hugged her rescued •f)ue and wept for joy, tvllile the as- eentbled crowd threw up their hats and cheered in • acknowle.do+(lueut of the baby's grit.—S. Y. World, - - IT WAS BY CHANCE. &Iowa. ,Favorite Soubrette Came to Go Qn the Stage—Froin Flower Girl Gnawed. "Isn't it interesting to think of the Blight incident in one's life on which hinges one's career?" said bright Nellie 11Tc73enry the otltir day. "Now, my be- l; log an actress is purely the result of aa unforeseen incident. One day. I was on my way lrom,e frain'soltool and met )111 Wiggins, tit that, time the comedian in Bea De Bar's theatre, St, Louis, and who • occupied the :same house with my par- ents. Said 'Wiggins to foe: "'Wllereare 'you going, little Nellie?' "'This is a half boliday, and I'm going to play with some girls.' said L . • " 'Were you ever. in a theatre?' in - 144i,,,,, he..... •_' 'No; but I wouldlike to.' "+'Well, come along,' he replied, and off we started to the theatre. i "It appeared that Mr. Wiggins Was on ' his way to, it rehearsal, and when we reached the theatre everything was at :sites and 1Sevona. Feuillot's d,laty of a, 'Romance of a Poor Young Man' was in . x01-uarsad, and Mr. Lawrence Bararett was • (sat for the heals, The child wife was 1.w have played the flower girl had been detained at home because of the illness ;Of her mother --both of us were St. Louis 'girls, it appears. Well, Mr. Ba>.rrett es- pied me standing at the. entrance: Turn- ing to Mr, De Bar, who was at that time "On the stage, he said: '\Vhose child is -"that?' • 'You've got me. I don't harm. It struck me as she might possibly, do the flower girl. The other child. is absent, .and I suspect site doesn't know her part, '.byway.' ; "I beard every word of the conversa- 1ion, and observed Mr. Barrett nod 111s head, stroke his chin and walk toward lane. . child, can you read?' he cot X 2Ced, eying Ute kindly .and taking ago by the hand. " ?Y•—'yes, ,sir.' 'Well, collie here and read this part 'for ole, and don't forget that you are to dread as though you were tallying to a lit- tle friend. over think for a moment of :your surrouit4lings, but put yourself in the place of the little flower girl,. Now, my little girl; commence, and be its nat- 'a al as possible. Remember, 'yeti are no one else than the flower girl.' {� "So off I ;started on the' manuscript, heading as naturally as possible, and rising my best efforts to prevent my legs /rom trembling beneath one. . Finally I mustered up courage enough to go ahead tit1.e11 •. assuring way, andidnishedas proud- ly as if it were my debut, and I had fin r hed,.to.the fifth curtain call. "Every one applauded, and 'Kir. Bar- rett patted me on the cheek, acau1tl- partied by a wort or two of encourage- 1ltent, "'Can't you study those litres and. conte 'here to -night and speak themes you have read. thele?' ire asked.. "Certainly, sir." "' Well, you may ;o crow. Study your part well, and oclme bltbk to -night and yon can act.' 'ti Cali never forget hoiv 1 posed over my part. Taking a position before the glass, with my part in ono band; the arnl long nerore. began tllu(rlldll my rum, continued to pit a-p'.t first r 01.111 aver. btall(l.n, .anti . 7ltelllni n 1.y !:1 the tvh: gs, ,.1r. Barrett walked rl()tvl y UI) a1(1:l 111 his *inlet and (4,b0rl ti 1Cltinl!r.r sa:rli "'You Rale .t not Il,' 1411;11,1 to i p(: J0 too astelra'.1; , my e11ib1. Vet Yours..lf intim tx3,1('(• of the Matt you play, an(1 if you ever 111 (rla; ,they ;,01.0, never forgcss tltlt' and ,l never dill, "41:) I War. entirely ignorant of the time 140 ni) (111, :sate '11e \\ hit.pe u(l in my Car. in the middle of • the seem.: ''Now'n your time, £14.1 le.. When you've finished your pyre, turn :shout and walk aft,' So ea 1 went, and never faltered in it lisle. Ali the peoaple In the company .praised 1110 wli'rnly, and their eneoulaging word$ knocked 1411 seh1001 out of me, Every ' time T saW Mr. De Bar—and I made it a point to see him often --my inquiry for a potation iii, his company would be the first tiling. lits reply would always be: , r• hgo r 1.v Nellie; 1 oma and to N 1 e you're 0., 1 , � b too small.' At last the opportunity ar• rived, and you know the cost,"—Boston alube Hind of Mee Women Lilco. Women like Ulan who ean be strong is a liars when trouble'colues, and yet, if ;sue is nervous and tired, can button up a shoe and do it with 'an aukount laf sideration that is a mental tants a physical bracer tip. -They like a loan, who can take hold of the baby, convince it of his power and get it to sleep after they have been Ivor- eying with it, and walking with it, until their eyes are tired cud they feel as if they had no brains: . They like a roan who is interested in their new dresses, who can give an opin- ion on the fit, and who is properly indig- nant nditenant at ally article written against wo- men.—Ladies' Home Journal The EduOaxtion of Fifty Years Ago. The treatment of boys .at school is in every way infinitely improved, com- pared with what it resembled even fifty or sixty years ago. Early hours of ris- ing—a "boy of that epoch said that his idea of Penalise was''waking up in the night and finding that it was only 2 o'clock in the morning" —insufficient food, wretched accommodation and great severity were the lot of boys who were brought up even at some of ourbestedu- cational establishments; London Tele- ' graph. A PrisonexSecos4ed tha Not est. I he r hoard a'�protty, ;,cod story ai•out a. certain igeorrlilt (I 481,100 who don llu,ii1As8 in Fulton (,county, This. Justice was eleet(d over an able,hut v. ry unpopular lowyer, and his first case w;1:3 that of a prisoner charged with violating th(1 iastloty law, The 0Ulfl taint and warrant were derfeatiVe, and this the defendant's attorney took exception to in a masterly argument, r windtnl, up by moving; the prisoner's' discharge, Is the motion seconded ? asked the Ju aloe, Itis replied tho the prisoner. Gentlemen, continued the Judg', it is regularly Moved and seconded that the prisoner Ins discharged. All those in favor of the motion aye. sc onot from the prisoner and his counsel, Opposed, no. Silence followed, and after a short pause the reale holder said The motion is carried and the prisoner is discharged, whereupon, to the sur. prise and amassment of all, court was declared adjourned. me 33o1160d alt was Created for 1B1m. f• 7 t,11�j 1 !, FJ R14 FOR SALE. w w�otd I!; 7 ,rtnc'i offers for •"ria "its farm, ho' Woob.nta31 tistlin 11(1 tho rluini'a( order, aid waitltl.ie 884901 31 011 8 33." •1(1 4,f tenth i,( to 'r►J° W...fST'" ' +;: '"•T ;, 41111s branches, and allil keep 11) stock a obis of first-class 14) J00, ,:uch as Tweeds, Flannels, Ettofl's, Blankets,. Sbeetings, Stocking Yarns, &C., (made 10001 pure wool iniy) cheap for cash or ex- onerate for wool. Customers from a distance can have thele rolls house with theist the same day. d 'Ilighestmarlket price 10 cash for Dlerchantable Wool. How thankful we ought to be to a bountiful Providence who has created. all things for us riubly to enjoy 1 said Mr. A•,--_ 13—, at a great city dinner, while sumptnoesly regaling himself upon turtle soup, crimped cod with oyster sauce, &o. •Tlie beasts of the earth, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea, he , continued, were all created for the use of elan 1 Very true, replied his friend ; but if you had witnessed the hairbreadth escape whish I experienced of beth" devoured alive by a sltark,wheti in the West Indies,you weuld have been satis- fied that the horrible monster entertain ed just the opposite opiuiou.Hs believed that mean was created for an., IN 1MI4R13l-E CANYON. `Unfelt Sailing i)own Stream bS• an Advert- . turous Exploring fart,. • To give you "an idea of the number of the rapids from the head of the,Colorado river to this point, near the .mouth of the Little Colorado river, a distance Of about 290 guiles, I will say that there are just 200 rapids, not collating small draws or riffles, and frouiLee's Ferry to this point, a distance of eighty miles, there' are 100 rapids. We have. run the greater part of this 1.00 and portaged but few, and over Many of them our boats have danced and jumped at the rate of fifteen miles per hour, and over some, by actual measure- ment, at the rate of twenty mile's pe., 1101.1r for half a Mile at a time. Standing in the bow of one of the boats as she'goes through one of these, shutes, with first the bow and then the stern, jumping into the air as she shoots frons wave to wave, with the spray of the breakers dashing over one's head, is something the excite- ment of which ean only be understood by being experienced. That part of Marble canyon. from Point .ietreatfor forty miles down to the mouth v is far the river a to ado g Little Co theii >; ef most beautiful and most interesting can- yon we Have yet passed through, At Point Retreat the marble walls sta'rdl up perpendicularly 800 feet from the waiter's edge, while the sandstone above benches in slopes and cliffs to 2,500 .feet high. Just beyond this the canyon is narrow- est, being but a little over 800 feet wide from wall to wall,• while the river in places at this stage of water is not over sixty feet wide. The marble rapidly rises till it stands in perpendicular cliffs, 700 to 800 feet high, colored with all the tints of the rainbow, but mostly red. 14 Many places toward the top it is iloneycoiftbed with caves, eeverns, arches and grottoes, with here and there a natural bridge left from oue Drag to another, snaking ainost grotesque and wonderful picture as our little boats glide along that quiet portion of the river so many hundred feet below. At the foot of these cliffs ha many places are fountains of pure sparkling water, gushing out from the rock—in one place, uncl'• Va�ssey s Paradise, several h ged feet up the wall—and dropping clown among shrubbery, ferns and flowers, some of which were found fn bloom. Below this, for some distance, are a number of these fountains with large patches of maiden- hair ferns clinging to the wall, fifteen to twenty feet above the water, greon and fresh, and with the sparkling water run- ning down over them they make a most A Close Call. An old fashioned dry good mer- chant doing business "in. one of the interior towns for many years failed the other day and when an agent for ove of the creditors "reached the place .it was to find the proprietor working hard to figure it all out. Lands! hat Ican't ase why I should fltil,.he kept saying. Mebbe, though I didn't collect sharp enough. 'You have.a heap of old good§ here; said the agent looking around. Yes, more or less. When did you take your last inven- tory. Inventoryl Take everything downs Yes. And snake ob a list ? And dust off the shelves at1c1 mop the' floor 1 That's 1t. And clean the windows and paint the, front of the store ? Yes. I never went into that; I was go Mg to one day about fifteen years ago, but they had a wrestling match in town and I let the inventory go. Mercy on sue, but 1 can't uncle 1 stand wily 1811001d fail 1 INGLICS d, 00'Y., W ingha(h LATEST NEWS. WE MAY HAVE TO. PAY TWO 511t Por Polzi Moro Duty on® O , shortly when sending to the United States. Had you not better tiring it to the INCHAM TANNERY at once, rind got the highest price IN CASA 0r trade for it 7 South h of l t n prat mJ 1110 U, i.nl C,+ ;gin 3 Etas ii11i?u6h} • it Y erns , n 1.^ li 4 r 1e(t13 rO t '1i.4 t.:,, about 00 of whir.). .1e sem .I .4101 in a good Nieto of malt'. t,4tr.1P, 1r wilal. - i..h,-, low. wet :land. On tho r(• h r '* ern : ..l• .i r OOP, rental, ,, • 7 i.• Milt iteat 1 cal' v • i.,,. h ' ••.. r. anr1 Prone stdhiir g ; two f 104.134 of t ',I trlt0411 1.N-, 03 •:,It rist,fik97 3.,,ice arc lack- Tile loin is well /mot., Wo,'d take a sm•.11 rcvide'et 144. 1,101)8(1) sapu(tllu'.rQ 04 .013310 bo a,rr0e•1 114400, d'.r t0rs.', apply o 1' F,i::i511s}., 044 the prendsos,. 07' to Ii, Lk bl5ir:i, East wawanosh, Juno Ord 1,;30. W:ni- , .n). :Nix-ETs t y MISS N11I1L0 IVIcHAED-7. OLASSE$ FOR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND Organ, in Voice Culture and Harmon), 51es(0 RAMS IN 'leave& Et octc. Treat your HIDES, SIIEEPSKKINS, CALFSKINS, TALLOW, &c., the ;mune way, If you require anything special in HEAVY ,,b GLOVES, and Sere. Harness, Sole, Her and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS alway8 kept in stook for Shoemakers.. outstretched and the other Its fr eri2.ns pose charming votive. Bible, I gestured and read and expreesexl. • Our weather has been mast Woliderful. The thermometer has never registered at d o'elook in the morning lower than 1'1 deg. above zero, and in the sun in the middle of the day has registered as high as 75 deg. The sun has shown brightly( {early r11 the time, though foi eight dayss at one. tilr1(14 1t never shone oft lis, we being under the sdrade of the cliffs 0,11 the titan..-•Oor, Denver Utriyablieuri. The Plots will he fent,. to ti0•;r sub• the ) .+ .... .. , xis " � vu W. ant through thus linens ever ., 1.l ((1't'L, AA t scribers iteirt ]inti ttli ttio ei:;.� et 1E.i(], fur W. tame' drew near For ths, curtain, 1311 1 to aastic f1Q4,lti4'(t:/ifrlb'%ff 1 aclileli ,.' 4 • - 'W'hen the tfnn) came to leave home for the theatre I lad,. my manuscript aside for fl few moments, to snatch It bito of food:, In those :fe4v moments the lines had worked eh hard on lead taken blank. ,. h1.1 . 1n'filgs and my winery less 7l. With the tears streaming down toy cheeks I seized the little book, pored through it and aomn had the part pltt. "141 iai'rivcd 11. the theatre hong before ,, wI. 1 t tints theftr1'rfoin nee •ral(9 a u J ZETLA D SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor: W. J. CHAPIVIA,N, Wingham. Luber of all finds, leirstpolass Shingles, and Ced .;r Posts. Cir Load Orders. h Speciott/. WOOD delivered to any part 01 1 Win,tl,haw. I i'Ord by"mail promptly attended to. GEORGE TH051SUN, , Wingbanl P.o W1NGHAIVI MRBL,E VICRKS! Taking a retrospect of ley thirteen or fourteen tender mythanksitonyfriendsand7thetpublicgelle- erally for tpe liberal patronage extended to rue 14)1 the past. better mayalso than et I eornto thoseQrequiring anything in the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, HEADSTONES, WINTIQW. SILLS, STONE' TItIMDIINGS, FOR FENCING, do 1 would be pleased to have those desirous of pro Curing any articles in my line to call and exanlfne goods, compare prices and Ieave thele orders, s0 that the goods may be secured and prepared early in the season. You ean select from the latest designs an,3 obtain the finest wog kmanship at the most favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours, Epilepsy. Suffererltf rola cramps and Her, vous debility are surely cured by au unproved .and absolutely un- equaled method. Treatment by letter. Send full account of syrup - toms and address, inclosing pest - age stomps for answer. • " IIVCIEA OFFICE," flew York. :IVis the Bane to paint your houses, and RIJBI3ER91pAINT --is the— .:E IA the W.M. SMYTH', Winghmn, Ont, WPNGHAM FLOURING MILLS. • • The undet'iligned wish to tender their best them, e for the liberal • patronage git'en to out firm during several.'ears prior to the burning Of our 04111 by in- cen(tiarl8m: During, the past season we hare re- moddelled the 10\01 mill to the latest.pproved sys- tem of Hungarian holler Process mil ling. We be lierewecnn' now give better accommodation than everbefore. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair Returns, Q•UALIT1r SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope- to be again . fav4.red with a tris1 by MI old friends and minty nowones. Yours most respectfully) f HUTTON Sc CARR. Winghain 11114 Oct. 0.0 11150,. A CHANCE In the Harness hsinns 0 -- CHAS. KNECHTIs.,14. Wishes to intimate to the people Wing ham and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by -Messrs. J. J. Homuth a Son, and 10111 conduct it In the building one door south of Sir T A Hills' store, DOtllil,lJ AND SINGLE EARN ES; heavy or light, trade to older, !l full dine of WORLD, currycombs, Brus hes, etc.,ISleigh Dels, 1tIwai'son hand. None genuine unless stamped "Rubber' Paint CO, Re' Girin' ou )yi (fun Cleveland, Ohio,' ttaalsohavethebest p g p rem 1• Y The patronage' of thi pubiio solicited, and Ionia -Mark and Material ' guaranteed. 'Whips iM k ,414 1U' ILMA 1'.1. 151 1.i Mi 1 tflt ],r You can get any shade you, desire, 3n quantities coating from 10 cents up, For r„�rWhitewashing mid Italsonlnlnc, ask for and (101A take anything else. $asi A. is & 't ilALD NA1t1 Al ANTS, \Vingliam. TRULISA IS IW 8OTTLEd SIVE 1 AWAY YEARLY. NI When I lay'. Curs 1 110 not site. retrely to:1tep th, n for ar Oi ta, it'd that/ liars them ritern s;;sln 1 at ANA 10A Is18)14A L4 O U 10. I'lava mane the d484a4te of mei EpiloPGV or irsa lrc;,; Sii.vmeen it lifa(oog Moly. T vr41rrar.t inp rr#lcdy to core ihf ' nee.taints.l t(stau .,}t�pr re ethers h.:Ye Failed to »a reason for Lot now rectty u a pure. Send a lac for a,tPiltHse and x Fran B4tt#leu of my lr4"pllibleY W�•+ri`t5tjy. �.vikl. 61. , L ro%t+y.014 t(ottlt}t�4tf for S.I4 0 t v.01 curb rm. 4 ,/iart7, t ..11:_1.4 17f•tWil<'i'Y IIMILMOS {J?iAN,, f,1 Fi+iRfl;It,f 1#w C..KN.J CH EL Ingham. March 4.1000. MATTHE'N AMER, HAENESS MAKER, ha0 on hand a large stock oil HOBS BLA:r10ETS, OtTh431'S'COUI3S, turafllS, SOWS, yAt,isFS cto,, Which will mots at bottom price). f1ARNNEI18, doub10 or Sinitic, evade 140 Order res 1 shed notice* and satistaclstiotl (Yaaranteed. neat hall solielte 1. 1 13110f--vpposito the Iia 10 of tiflmilton. su31,ftn1;W statia4, :ice Li.tta "; . a