Wingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 6i, •►yea►. .. �� ,1x claws FIUDAY, AUGUST 22 :$90. tt Y STinooSS. Success luau be defined as the attain.' ?tient of our beet possibilities. Bvitl'•y trtatt's, best approach to completeness is hip best success. This pleasure' of attainment wilt not be the saltie for all, But every man who collies to his lest life, and fills the largest place of useft;ltlef;s poesible to ltim with his limitations, makes a real auccess. Melt are %lout to estimate success iu single spheres of action. They call the loan who mattes money a success, tlheugll:lits iniad be as sterile as Sahara. They pall a man wee )counts to a high position lir success, though his character be steeped in selfishriese, But success ie the bran. Elis char- deter, the heart gore ities of the man .that go out alta tile issues of his life, --these tell what the wan is'and mea- sure Ills sui tees. The common criteria to which we aa peal may be approxi, ?)late tests on certain sidesof man- hood, Blusittess prosperity is likely to prove ileitis ry and faithfulness. honorable position is not quite so sure to prove honor and worth. But the real tei;tof a man is his character, ounsisting of the permanent choices and qualities which lie has made a part of himself. Who are the men in any community whom men could unite to call successful .? They are it is cut into chips, which are lard in a tub over a large iron ?lot partly filled. with water and placed over a slow fire. Through. boles in the bot- tom of the tub steam slowly rises, and heating the chips, generates oil of camphor. Of course, the tub with the chips has a close.fitting cover, Froin this Cover a bamboo pipe leads tea succession of other thus with bane boo connections, and the last of these tubs is'divided into two compartments, one above the other, the dividing floor being perforated with sivall holes to allow the oil to pass to the lower com- partment. This lower compartment is supplied with a layer of straw, which Ocr.oPeratiOrt i.'Y. long FavIne s, St Mary's A.:vitt-The atIr r day l'a couvoraatiQU with fat. William Murtin,of Downie, wt>le anted that the plan adopted iu his Neighborhood was still working very advantageously after two or three yeara operation, The means operandi is something as follows :-.-A syndicate was formed (consisting of 16. irlerabersl and during the.liot fi:eatlter .of summer each one agrees to slaughter a beef between twe end three years old. Bach Mon• day for 16 weeks .a beef is killed, divided into 48 pieces, and the meet- bers of the syndicate are allotted by number, three outs -steal., roast and boll -in such a manner that at the end of the 16 eveeltg each member will have received a complete carcass, the person killing keeping the head and hide, This world give about 25 to 80 lbs. of fresh treat per weak to each member of the cooperative company. 1411144 for Pr/400nm* l P, ca4miazi, Vo.131e who stiller front acute int i- IasUlia or MAr1R11.011 LICENSES, xoVARY gestlon will be interest:- a in consider•• ing how far the following rules laid down by an',Bnglish physialariforeneh eases are applieabla' to diem: Do not eat beef ; it le too hearty for the average dyspeptio, Eat the lean a wuttou :(boiled preferred.); Bacon in small quantities may be eaten, also, thin slices of aerated bread fried in beacon fat : also boiled pigs feet and trip and the Ash not known as oily Ash, Eat no fruit Of vegetable, partake sparingly, of baked potatoes, nee, and boiled peas. Bread Indybe eaten, aerated bread preferred in thiu slices toasted until they aro brittle. The brown meat of fowl may be eaten, avoid all gravies and sauces. Abstain from all liquors, and drink no tea unless it be leash made. Any member notreq'liring su )ouch Eat net eggs, except fr•ose rawt could diepose of half of his t ?tare to "well whipped- Sugar sl>onid he another neighbor whet might n6t be in igvaided. • 'Drink 1>a iced water ; partake the syndicate. By the means they are well supplied with fresh neat freely of rut water •and hot mils (not throughout the summer at first colt; boiled. and in many cases where fanners ate Lie doyen- for twenty not able to send to town for fresh Meat each meal. minute after or where butchers do not call regular- How to Measure Whoat. ly, this scheme of co-operation is a About the time that Daniel Drew great boon. began his Wall street career he was Sow Camphor is' Made. up in the country one time to visit Camphor is trade iu Japan in this some friends, and two farmers called. wayAfter a tree is failed to the earth upon him to decide a case. One had sold the other five bushels of wheat, and proposed to measure it in a half bushel and sweep the top off with a stick. The other objected, and Uncle aha men whose characters are such that their lives, in all their relations, diffuse a clear,, pure, ennobling influ- ence over their fellow -men. -S. S. Times. rogresrive in Science. Instead of increasing the w?igbt of locomotive to secure better traction, efforts nre being made to rise the eteotrio current, as experiment . has demonstrated that the passage of a current through the driving wheels increase the traction far beyond, what •m additional weight accomplishes. In a discussion that has lately been carried on in Enroye as to the distance at which large objects on the earth's surface are visible it :s stated that the Elirna(aya Mountains have appeared to view from the great distance of 224 miles and :11on:t Llance 210 miles.. The electric battery has superseded the hose and cold' water treatment for tatuiug refractory prisoners in the Ohio Penitentiary, with most excel- lent results. The wire for covering the tube of the ten -inch gun, now in coarse of construction for the array, is being joined by the electric welding process. A trolly system of electric traction, ;somewhat ,similar to that used for etreat railways, is proposed for canal• boat propt'lsion. Social e'hiloaopliy. Encourage the modest man too much and he will become vain. ,Getting cheated yesterday is what teaches a man to elleat tosday. .A• philosopher is a man who doesn't want the things he can't have. Don't blew a than tor being vain he Is only what otters have made Irinl. If a husband is worth having he is worth taking care of. -Sent in by an genteel man. '.?.`here are two rights tl; woman 114 e'0W to claim -the right to an old g,-tr"c t and the right to an old paper lln',LIe. There was never a crime cotainitt('d Net did, not leave its ixiark on the fitee e£ than than who a iininitted it. 11:treble: • with it, tnitn is life the art nidi t1f Al.l;'eb : Lf lie goes in like u li tl 1&, lrevf'r fails to come out' like a kt►tritr. , o kV lion the women got together they r•g i' ,iht353 the own, but it is to the credit r the Mon that 'when. they get Ur. PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, Mr. OrriC%-" Ili;" pookatar0, 1tIPLEY, Orr. Interest: xo Money t Loan on nuts rim sly at Low Matta ci In Monmy to Loan an I art: •. cotes Discounted AT RE<,SONA13LLr' RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 por cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes •acid accounts collected.. ROAT. MoliNDOO.. orrtus,-Btavor Block. Winahanl. Ont. BANK OF HAMILTON, TNGECA iML Capital, $,1,000,000. Beat, $450,000. President -4d10 CTUAST. Vice•rrosident-A, O. RAMSAY. Di1z s0TOIRS ,Ion:( pit00Ton, Cons, C<tRNEY, GEo Boson, A, T %Youo, A. R•:LInI (Toronto). Cashier -J, TURNBULL, Savinxs Dania hours, l0 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1'and upwards received and Interest allowed. Special Deposits alae received at current rates of interest. Dra,t'rs on Croat Britain and the United States bought and sold • B. WILLSON', Aoitrr, MER & DIOZINSON, SOLIpITOas, DAVIS JS OFFERINU y� al C7 , y, -ON- ' 4.. M Piz° P:Emzicirr AT VERY LOW RATES, SJ� Jt' OFFIC-oPPOSA-re TFi'C MARKET wiN0,LAM Ocri;olpia &gill 1835 Daniel was asked to decide. vt! :vt" Well, legally speaking,.a. bushel, is , jr� only a bushel, be answered. 166�� And can the measure he swept off? ..]. l 't i-, t E? S I think it call. What with'.? Josephine Street Wingllaln, Ont. Well if Z. was selling wheat I should J. A. HAtsTOD, 5, W. Score, . probably use half the head of a dour Mount Forest. I • ,>•^istosgul. barrel. Which edge of it l Deposits Received and. Interest AllGentlemen that is a qtpation cannot decide widow or a on,sighed the aid man. MoAey Advanced to Farmers and were ; Business 1{l1en., Inf t sell'1 ur� too•a c,rtenes and holds the Dam lior crystals e'preacher I ant oerteip 1 should,uso the "p y ;straight edge, but if' I. were selling to that are being deposited its the liquid passes to the cooling 'process. The ; a man who pastures his cows on the camphor is next sopiirated f,:unl the rod and his pigs in his neighbor's corn 1 am afraid 1 should use the straw, packed in wooden tubs, find is f clrculrir side and scoop alittle to, hoot. ready for the Market. TLe4I,"ts used i by the natives for it;umi ting and -f all Street Uaily News. :outer. purposes.1 l Piis-ltSics• Some 111x Butter Reoora>s. Almost any bey or girl on tell you a Holstein cow "Natsey" during the ;even days ending July 4 gives 54.8 pounds '12 ounces of milk,.froni, which 3,4 pounds 9 ounces of butter were made, '1,5k pounds 'milk making.• on an average 1 pound of butter. " Parthenea," owned by Mr. Stevens, of, Attica, recently made 38 pound 8 ounces in seven days; but this has since been excelled by" Mecbtchlide," another black and white cow formerly owned by Mr. Stevens but sold some titne ago to Chas. Bobineon,of Barre Plains, Mass: (Ter record is 30 'pounds 10i ounces in seven days. She is 7 year: old and was imported by Mr. Stevens and won for him many show ring trophies. •This record -over 51 pounds of butter per day -is said to have been in the past exceeded by but two Jer- seys, "Oxford 7fate," 39 pounds la ounces and "Princess Second," 89 ponuds 12ik ounces, under ofarcial test conducted by disinterested committees, but at the rate the ilolsteins are being developed in butter production they bid fair soon to overtake and indeed surpass the Channel Island butter cows. The dairy capacity of ' the 'black and whites" iscertaiuly remarkable They aro spreading rapidly in this Priv,. nice. ADt'rcrl TO 4 ernsltk- flee youdisturbed et night and broken of your rest by a siclrehikl suffering; and trying with pain of (Tatting Teeth? If so send et 0n0o and get baneof , SIrs.WVlnslow's Soothing Syrup" tot G;til hen Teething. Its valuers local .101 - able, It will rai1(1c ti,o poor little sufferer hanlydiataly, I)',,11uponIt,mothnre; there tem) mistake about it. owes Dysentery and i)iarrhon, regulates the r3 ita>1cltcod Rolrels,cures Wind Collo, ^uttersti a Gunk i>xh,otls Iflammation, and gives tend and energy to ti.', w nail system. "Met. Win - stows SOethfn„ Syrup" for children teetiffog it pleasant to the taste and le the preseriptiun of one of tho olrt at and best female physicians and rar.es in the Uritr t States, and is for r,alo by all dtu 9riste throe l uL Lilo 11011,). Peke twenty live torts a bottle No sorb ami '.iii( for "Mits. Wr:isi,ow8 NbOVi,SG )SIAM,' and take no other rind what a pis -nit is like, but I wonder if they know why it is so called, or that the' custom is said to date only from 1802, not a hundred years ago. Then, as now, when such an enter_ ttainment was being arranged for, it was customary that these who intend- ed to be present should supply the eatables and driukablos. Originally the plan was to drat'' up a list of what was necessary, which is an excellent one to follow, for often, when there is no previous arrange- ment, it is discovered when too late that there is too much of •ego kind of food and not enough of another. The list was paused around, and each person picked out rho article of food at drink he or -she was willing; to furnish, and the name of the article yes then nicked o1 the list, So it 'was from these two words picked and nicked, that this form of out•of.depr entertainment first became lftiown as a peck-sntd•niulc, and then as a plc -'nit, the old-fashioned name for the brisket parties of tri -day.-• -rf a)per.'s 1'ouny reopie. Ther° is more file in a sticky Ay papar then in the atverage nauro ,nine• trnl, Watch the kittz.,n r:ilayinrl with it on the new carpet; the latter is ruined fin• ever: the bitten goes. into,,, lit and ell tilt women awl Children rush out of trio house' in tc,rror. If vett want to rid ynnr - It=luso 02 rile';, buy `4 'ilson'A ley l;'oio;zi !,yids, alis use as rit,'6t4 4+ ugli Nothing else will tir,lr � t sheet of On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale' nAtgs -bought ab a fair valuation.• Money remitbodito all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given toCol- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada -The Ifforchan s'" Batik of `Canada. Ofileo jIours-Rr0m 0 a. m. to 5 p. m: A. E. SMITH, Agent. t TAYLOR, HARM Carnenter and Builder, JOITN 'STREIiT, WINOTIAM, ONT-, (Opposite Lloyd's Factory.) SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, BLINDS, &c , Sze. Sq Skop ceiling Piomptty attended to. 444 tt3 .4 r1 I• STAVE, FACTORY. tx2'5Qi .a VeiYio %Ja`s`'oy IJanufacturers of and Dealers PINE) HEMLOCa HAELWOOD LCAME 1, P1�riand Cedar them cut '()orely. Bold at 1(lc. by all bather they do net abuse the` Women j 'rhe pcpul:;tirsll of Wyilnipi'g native drupt;rota, V.� � � There matofl to be 2.5 OCO by a citj director �lJe are aril y two kinds of Women; � t '� y lie Smith-'1Yaliii rlr a+Ia °.cr rat a r� roan t.i. d tl, lilts herr husbani ;he rel,ently pu.111h1)ed ) lee , Lath, led) a ta�aPoets, o 1, &c. has ynu little r .iiia ' '4iI';1h� 0.31., n,ttst gee•t.t,i roxrl in Vie wort T, an l the The 1tarril•ton fail meat will Le Miss Trav1s.-.Cllr, yea 1 We ear! hila • or Cedar �$t , �'`C' •^•' inks that kilt is a greater 11 in 1eld our the itirrir,ton 'driving JI•Irk;ort ' Appropriation (Sill, beeiiiv,e he ie µ1l ?ails' bu band 1 ridrr', August L:;ud. "i' � atiYaljn ' fSrt, 4, Slid jelly an •this :Stn ;. vent, •,,; .,1nln; (i. T 2( �cfatnn:, '11 .,.1 '.: i ,, • t. ti' 4r'':r:. Yr M51. .,Y yt v!otoi)t,fOttt, ;:r,GJti tis 1 Ic t *�0 .il i/�)tr•ltf 5 it 1. T� •�[ T� * •�-IR 7I'l1LIs1i1:I1- �y I%1 VI L) ,,: BBU) X In0111: S G, --Nl tvr., : "MACS rC21'i'iCM, JOSEPHINE, S'ifaEP{1 Ar't:3J.vdWI,AAS, - ONTARIO. Sulbecriptioxs price, Si pet' fear, in advaitee ADV1:ICTl`51 <t. RATER: R: ppate 501':0-9-L r 1 0 013 1 5 x110. 1 Ono Oo' tubi M o 00 1110 00 , ifzu 00 :4 (5) QIluir " 15 00 211 uu la 00 5 bp, O(garter " 'tit GO , 13 0101 7 00 4 u0 (Me )null _ G on a Uu J Ou 1 00.' Locat and art ler caoua advertisements Pa per like for finit insal tion, and:c. per lib c for eae it subsequent insertion. horns notices, in nonpareil type, 100. for 11r5t aerti0m, and , e. ver line for cash subsequent mantic No local milieu will be share er' less than 25c AOver 0lseinents of Lost, ?roil d, Strayed, Situations, and Busnn! a (:fauns Wanted, not exceeding b lunch noupar0il, t1 y,cr mint, P linos Houses and Farms toe Sale, not exceeding., 3; , $1 for filet month, 50o. per subsequent mouth These torts will he strictly fathered to Speetui rates for lunger advtrtiseteents, or for longer periods. Advertisements with0atspe0i0 c?IrcetIons, wilt ha ' inserted till forbid and char ed'R"??1Ih1Ply. Trim- eltory advertisements twist hol'itt0 to anyence Menges for col,traec ad%trtisegre,ts must he ie the 0111(0 , y Wednesday noon, In older to ammo, that 00811 R. I LT,IOTTN, .. .. .. 1 su1In11lt !'N),13 Pitctistina DR. yR. SLM14JONALD, •� JOSEPHINE. STREET, Waitrons, 0: TAt1IO 'Iy B. TOW LEL 13,D,0.5I,, Member College Physicians and Surgeons,' Ontarip,. -t;oronor for County Of Huron--' Office at "TUN PuAnatn07 " - Wingbani, Oyt, TAR. J, A. rl1!%LDRUM, lir 110)),or Graduate of Toronto University, and Member et the College of Pit) skeane and durations of Ontario. Office and Residence --Corner of Centro mid Patrick streets, ftirmert, Deet pied by Ur. Bethune. IYINOIIAdf• • • Om.. .. VANSTOti E, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc Etc. Private and Company funds to 10811 It 1oui,Nt rates interest. No cot:106010,1 charged. Mortgages, o and 'term paupert> bou¢bt and solei. OFFICE-ncavor Block, WO.aiI.;N, ONT. J. A. MORTON RAltR1STt It &c.,'t; winghatn - Ontario Air YER k DICKINSON, 14, W. C. MEYER, Q. • C. 17~ 1... ,11cK1xw3N;'i;3. A. BARRIST1ERS AND SOL1(ITLi1P, Etc Etc., 5o Bolters tor Yank of iiaaliltto Commissioners for taking ci61davits for blanc uhf Farm, Town and Sill tae proputy bought and sold money (private tinucie)loituc,i on nrortgagi security at -32 per cant. 'Money 5000d for private per sons, 1npun the•bett mortgage.* securities without any expense to the lender. Lands tor rale in Manitoba and the North- west. offco-kent's Block. 11 Witham. DENTISTRY.- J. 5. JII1U0AIE. tvtn0urts, . t aR,py Is mannfacturrug Celluloid Plate$' K Vulcanite plates of the btstmatcria '‘tifias cheap as they can be pet ill the Domhdon, All work irarranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painlese extraction of teeth, the only pato anesthetic known, T5(411 Rorios. I. will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE : Im the 'Beaver Block, opposite the DrunsyiIiit Ilotel. 712NTI3 RY-•iY. 13. AIACDNALD, il'iOOU8M. �� JJ Maker of Vulcanite, Celltllpid, )flay, Silvo, Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging in prices from $500 upwards per set crownng and bridgework, Teeth ex traded without the least pain by the use of Vital- ised Air. Bead Moo, winghatn, side entrance op- pos:te tho Queen's hotel, open daily(Sundaysexcept- ed) from 0 a no to 5 p m. Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday at eochmonth-Oftiecat)Iilne s hotel; Got do: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month- Office at Albion hotel. :yxtractiuu 25 came. e JOIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W1Nounlf, • ONTARIO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, b INSURANCE FIRE Az'1) MARINE,., GUELPH. �r jp DEAN, Jrt., Winos -ski,, '• • " LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR 'COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge/ Moderato, JOIIN CtTRRIL, WntoloAit, ONT., I,ICBNs11D Andrio IL'L1 POD 0110 C0tii7Tlt OP 1131103. All orders left at the tune orate protnptl 1 at end cd to. Terms reasonable. tams ItENDER1301r, Lion:0mo AUCTIONiinn lion COVeoilre .417a01; Aim BnnCS, All sales attended to promptly and 0,1 tJie Shorts& Notice. Charges Moderato fail Satisfaction Guarantees). All neeeS$My arras auents can be mads a0 tY: Tnitis' mike6 1ViA0uAtf, ONV. 11OIAOti II-CWItINs I% L. fit D. L Sent'?;role Ann Cirfi, rtiOI 1011 1.13 O1t'EIa Atm WiNGll.tat. Ali orders left at the (dice 61 the Tanks *111 re eriv, . . plwnl)t attotitiml it PATEr,SvN, nAIttn, On Malan Dive -no G t '+', 150 1.11/4 oi' lets: 0..115. i.IC*5s; 1. '+ " Wtlit Art' Rif isv ..5 grpl,u. O,lc`alou j neon,. noutlt 0 100411 bo thirty fly of wittier the chili 0,. cloth() The ilii course c to be dr ?ler enc? Will ii - fulls fol mother LSS, t below. The t: _turner they ni rerlcue;t The Pitt 'from cc 1)r tvely '.tile time The till sone ani fentb1F; and cllt the ball flows. : tl;a 9t ',Isn't plight : hinges M1icliee. tri 1118 an 1.1nforel my we` W iggir .Ben De ;ocouplc ants. ii .a c to play 4maVF' ad Off we 1"15I 1 his rv: ' reach* .el ea i2oniii 'rehear ,mast f ,to ham detain :of her 'girls, pied u ing to .on tht thatf .Btrucl f:owel and 1anyw ; et/ ' tion, )lead, •tii. e,a irx'n0 ane b; ,a t^ .a .1 fors read tee fr :your the p my li tltral ',one e "8l retia) uslnt frorn )ulna) maxi y as aches "I at'ett ra111 )lien •Iters react a, l part yott fl myglas butt siblc WI the for foot 1 la Win Wit chi+ thr It the tvgt