HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 5ie pine and var- ;oath ; Precious ha. Plants, and Southern fields lligator of Fior• - aon, and nurser• London is the Canada, , for the Bore 'eased, making it ,t offered, which ince of the beat Cloinmittee have demand for this nt, sod have al - he beet drawing ie hod for money, West Show, Bal- Descents, splen• st International and are rliligent leers, so that the. eat, the equal of heir gond fortune ethat these Fairs r the gond of all Ie Farming Corn - n opportunity of lite; in farm ma- ` Stook, and Field Don't forget the air, and go to it, , A, Browne, will correspondence. ito al Cletning':s to, ,s' so heavy aa to the ht•idge in lti hind wheelti be arfirk, a dis- c, klanv of the nest ,ound labor,iLfti '4, frolu`its unco o- riOlr --A tt•r al -' lilt School for ley su'ceeded in nSS examination. vorkt:r and ;will et, • lie ,illtendS bt Model. • fie •Ins of lIarrlgteni Alit he s „orrt et as large r)er cent of e of the Wing - and friends bold 3 • town hall on was...a large at -L ', Breen has arriv' ;; it to Miebigttn, 1 she had n good Le. Rill returned to his the public school liar, C, has been his scholars this .eut up to the en - passed, some with 'reit succeeded in 'Tlta1 examination, lirtl class maid - last he a very efi1- John Farrow, mail t., who has been atller-in law, Mr. ed to his duties s wife and child, rill return to their $ week.—Mr, Fred in teaching, near to his post' last I on his bicycle the trip on It brick work of Mk. V house is complet-. fine appearance. largest house in ci contractor, 111r, ;ed laying, the brick . in's 'block. nnan. Cott was visiting' eriston last week.— • Bayed i i Winghnnl. aid Jennio Weir, , ,gdestii of lV ss )v1 last weee, On the 1 Wallace, lessrs tr'hotniis Campbell :►arms 'of peas in 19 ' Rnsitler Mr ordinary of• what stalwart S worthy of being 0 work done by the iitlay the 29th intt, 11 he given under Caledonian Society kn ll. libr »4raxir". r Thos.-Xelly has half an Bore of 4,1, tomatoes the year. ----Tho flax null commenced operatious last week,,. -The te town hand, in future, will play on Friday Mr. J Slimmer, late of England, au exper euced •. lnusicialtt )Las been engaged as :leader ca the band. Several new instruments will lie added, ,and it is expected that. Brussels, will soon have the hest bend it ever hada—East Huron fall allow Will be Mild here on the 2ud and 3rd of October next.—The .: Winghanl cricket chili were here on Friday last,. and suffered defeat at the hands of bur club.—The school board has decided not to spend any money at the w;tirPsent tiizie on Musical instruction. •> —lVlr. A. [1. N. Jenkins, late of the .tjridget, is now on the staff of Toronto J:r Wurldf Teesvvatsr, Mrs. Thurtell has been visiting in •�'"' Anton, --Mr. L Hearts was in Toronto last _week at the representative of Teeswater Lodge at the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows of Ontario.—The Star base hall club defeated the Wroxeter :junior base hall club, at Wroxeter, recently, the soote beim 27 to 13.-- At 3 —At the decent examination the follow- ing from the village and vicinity were successful : Geo, Campbell, L. Sharpe, A, Chars, B (laras, and A, McDonald. ---Mr, Wm. Little and wife aro visit- ing at Vassar and other points in Michigan.—Rev. Mr.: dacksun is in Ottawa on a visit, -A. H. GRI G, . TAILO Every department of the business carefully Attended to, as my Mott° is : 44TIIGRtCUc] H," • • Wroxeter. Oa Friday evening, the 26th 'in- stant, a grand Scotch concert wilt be given under the auspices of the Oak- doniau Society in the town hall,Wing- Marti. For particulars, see bills and programmes. ' Wanted. A Second or Third Class Teacher for S S No 11, Tu • erre. Applications will be recoivedbythe un- v. d signed Trustees until tho First of October, prix, d pplieations may be scut to any of the Trustees, 'iagham P, 0. TIM. NETTERFIRLD, A. 3. NALD Mo0C, Jos. Kean. Property for Sale in. Belmore. ..The urdersig ned offers for sale a desirable pre party in the village of Delmore, consisting of a gond dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed. with ono acre and a -half of laud in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit pees. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOK, ' - Delmore. Desirable Propert OR SAL • A. i<. GRIGG, • Josephine St, Wingham, Pigs' Feet, Lunch Tongue, Chicken, &o. &c., AT Tim "ECLIPSE," JOHN MIRK 8[R8HA79 PLANING MILLS1 00I -IN WATT, Manufeeturor of -- BUILDING MATERIA! tall kinds, -pude as: - SASH, DOORS, BLINDS,. FRAMES, Etc, Flooring, Siding, oto,, dressed to order xn.the shortest notice. Wo have over 100,000 foot of Dry' Lumber in our Hard, and can pup. ply seasocd eta of all kinds, A Dell whetted, JOHN WATT. etipgham, June 6th, 1.890: 13 story Frain, Dwelling, conte no 4 bedrooms, parlor, dining re kitchen a, wood shed, good collar, soft water tai , with undsndatly terraced and beautified with of gr • is and shade trees, all in excellent condition, ether with tour sores of laud through which n s a never falling spring creek, well stocked rith bl .k trout and within fif- teen minutes' ea from Wing ni post office. Cheap ,and on easy to is, Apply at ".4 SAMUEL • CHILL'S REAL EST. " 9t AGENCY, r Kent's ok, Wingham Diseases of tele Lungs, Astra • Are cured. The methods, quiuk }• and certain, is aided by excellent ,kand most offeetive ` remedies. ..After four weeks' use a decided relief will be felt. Send full e.o. counts of symptoms and address, inolosing postage stamps for ans. +'.i wet'. `E'l u "" SYOIE4 0F0," ttew voth TJ atz'°o o2 Voters' List. Voters' List, 1804. -Municipality of the Township of Turnberry, County of Buren, notice is hereby given that I hayo transmitted or delivered lo the persons mentioned in sections 6 and fie of the Ontario Veteva' List Ace, 1880, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered it the list made pursuant to said Act, of all Rperson appenih, by 1h.• last revised Assessment. oll of the said tiunioipality at Elections for mem- bers of the Louisliti'e Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my Wilco at ttluovulc p.n on the 11th day of August, 1890, and remains thole for inspection. Electors are relied upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other error's are found there- in,16 take immediate rifeccedinga to have the said errors corrected accordion to law. Jon% ntoROE$5, (acres of Turnbarry, Dated Ilisllth day of August, 1800. • MUSIO. ToU chooi A.' ook INSUCCTiONO DN PIANO N. OncsAN,ALSO CLASS 05 itAittro rs. For particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at tiny home, corner Francis and Patrick roosts. FLORXLtA SPARLINO. shy ? —will be held in the - WTw GH, .•.M5 ONT. arge Stook'aiid Lew Prices. choice and stylish Are now offering a large range of Obi •SIVE I.%VIS h lie ▪ tit • NICE COOL 111181:11i8 of TOWN of W:NGHAM'; SEPT.. 30 An %%'r. i, 1330. • The Fair will he held en the Mil' •ultural Society's -Wounds, Ire usual, end fie in .lin ti.,ns are that it will bo one of the h":tet. held by the Association, Resides the regular est of loisc9number of SPEC- IAL PRIZES are (Oared. MT.ANI OB d Arrangements hove hcon I:oml,lotcd WWI the agent of the Manitoba Uta, rninent h r su Erdlibit of the 1'rotluctsof that rrevinOe '?'he Ex' 't will ba1 ninanillcolit one, tr err , ured. ', r Prsa r:,aty rare now ready for d.s:ributlon, rod (,n be ha.° on app cation to thenecretaey, Ttt.xa C$iee, Will, ham, Hillthsesov, V. tiLL'Orl% jjjjjeewakwt„ anr:tarr.. For the next TWO Week, at in Plain White, Crossbai and Figured, from 5c. upwards. Late et other Drelss suitablee for our ever changing climate. 0 FLQUNCINGS that ate :intended to please every taste, and at very interesting prices. COME ONE, COME. ALL, and have a look through our 'mamunotlfstock of j 9111�t� n y` and r q. -1 J r the greatest 'novelties of tl.e day and at the 'Most popular prices. PRINTS in alL the latest patterns And newest designs, from 5c upwards. Muslins, figured and plain Lawns ; Ginghams, Sateens, Flan- . Iieletts in all the novelty patterns. PRETTY THINGS 1N EMBROIDERIES in desirable widths, and at pop''itlar'piices, It will pay you to look through them. ai a uI , armor J Jana 1. The Best and cheapest; a large and choice selection: We believe in: protection that gives protection. • Hier comfort and durability in footwear, do Mot fail td get our BOOTS. SHOES and SLIPPERS.They are right every time. w...,.- .�.sa•aearmww n- Nothing so cheering and refreshing during the oppressive weather as a GOOD CUP OF TEA. you can get the correct thing every time from Ladies, this will be tie unique opportunity of the season to secure HO 'DRESS ROBBY f at less than two thirds of the regular price. Ladies, please note,. this Sale is for Two Weeks Only.. • it Black and Colored, ?trust be , arae rww. 7 sold. A large and handsome stock to select from. A complete stock of GENTS' F1TRIgISBINGS in all the latest novelties of the summer season.-' HATS, TIES, SILK HIANDKERCHIEFS,COLLA.RS, CUFFS, TWEEDS AND PANTINGS;in all the finest worsteds. GO Ready made Olotliin r always on hand; and the 'greatest novelty of Our goods is their very low price. Ladies, don't fail tai' have a look at our OPERA'SL.IPPE1 S. • Our Boot and Shoe'Slire department you will always :6nd full of novel- ties in ladies, childreu's and nun's wear. `'We also have a full range of F+.lt,s .106.H'ti+. 1 �E.0.03Th14.,, eS always on hand, and at the lowest prices, to inset the 'times NO TRD1JBLE 1~O :Si1OW GOODS CRRIAGES 81f BLIES! MCINTYRE The Erown Ak:.chcr0 -iR. ,(of the Ilanithin of Nickel Ib Dore), —MANVT.ikT10tOa or�•-• Top Ca' sand Open. s iggies, Cutters 1A de�;g�ia�''.-'g• ,leighs, , ' • Phaetons, Road Carts, &ov ,'Special Bargains will be given' in 3 ip and (Vert Buggies for the nest two sinus. All kinds of work nada to order by first class workman, under the super- vision of the prepr,etar. Uopairing, Paintii-, Top riuti iu,, , kr., done On short notice. Those in need of anything in one 1•n will Savo money by calling l.• f • re purchasing. will. DOTE; lvingharn, t' t. ` I G:EAf OUN R y -Suceeseoro to 11, M Robinson, mauufaetarerors. of - 'id If T it ift ��:,;(`(;11ic v. R ..11' d} }} 711 rt%%yyh .+.',i . yam, YV/ C1t} +tr1M� .a lsd1. IiMI dti' T 1,0, O We have the patterns of R. IC ilobinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Ilnpletnenta ' 0 14,-MM:IA.±I?..1is '"C • O ±.1 X:WIDS The patrona;,i of the puLllo solfcitod. I1U11RAY‘ Vii'.; cont eetlol with the above, I wish i'a sas• that I have leased my foundry to the shore' fii•rii f. , of years. They sonic to Wingham highly recommended as fiest-class meon:mice, having had e experience in mill work and repairs. .I would' ask for them a continuance of the paironaso exten t during the past eighteen years. 11 M RODI1vSQ Wingham, June u6th lhOO. C➢, �EWo�9P EBTGB�S�iI�E1 Has l3; most complete assortment of the LL,TES'r, Ciiotci r, and MOST CIY,>:ttiNix All'rlcrat.5 it1 Watches', Clocks, Jewelry and ' ilver Goads, CLosC A'rtf'x 1rt'it1N (3iviis To it i°.4II`.T:f< , ASD WOIIK Alt,' Please give its a earl And :have a look At oar stook before pinch tsing MrAltrtiOTLD., elsewt ere. Your,l, very,tr'ul,e, 111. 4, MILLS. I GO EIGHT TO r 1MF'N'S'BL.00K' FOR v.vtIll