HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 41 E. WUUA I will° frit:nds'hcxfl..-Ct,r trot,, ,t viva! L.at. eaVan:os ate d Nbda slut°•f, .104 Coui.:a. ' b iEt + a- Biyer to have a ftiendly'game vice tr e F r • ler . vatetng t;fri t+ yU eve read and passel,, ' tlonineenieatious ontxe vary fine piasera,- 1rs, tits' rete ed from Peter Adaet:taon, l+,aq, new raalarxice is test nearing Comlale- n • tbat ,2,11)0.21,' ti ori, arrd when a acted, ng he sites (iuunty Clerk, statin„ was r' cl gene this year frau the town- lace --.M r, \VW'a reeidene0 is. now 3313:07- C4' ; 1 ii ty laurposPs and p d . d . awaiting tat its School l+,gttivalent It OBENIBT roultl tau . e se tt ' ".',7an, K "i kite utile of Glatt phew. We tWntt Bul' at r ,see mtdut,,- :tau. n]eeseegi rave will be ttpheteus, as they l* ,ship fir t;aiiera co. to 1 complete ate i is just. f ' i t Legislative 0, P. R. TICKET AGENT. ACT. C, Ido Vit. TELEGRAPH CO. seals resolved that in addition to the initiates. foregoing aniottut, the stini of $2,710 be levied and eolleotsd for townsllip pierposes,.salaries and pontingenciee, and interest on railway debentures, in all $4,900.21, A rate of four mills oil the dollar web struck to raise this atnouut, to be divided as follows : County rate one and eight tenths mills, township one and six tenths neills,and t absence; front township of Culross, re Wert on boundary.; from Robert Op. orunswicK House, t" • - - Silo. • • • h 1inian I RIDA x. AUGUST 22, 1890. 1TOItIAI, NOTES.. CANa.DA iw to be favored with a visit this pier by six representative British farmers and three delegates of leading British agricultural societies. All the tarrat:t;emt•ins in connection with their visit to the Dominion have been made by Sir Merles Tupper, and the dale ;tt;esitrt expected in Ottawa next week. They will go immediately to Manitoba and the Northwest. They intend to report upon the west as a G td fur settlerueut, TUE annual convention of the toun- oil of the Dominion A.11iartoe was held in Montreal last week. It was decid- edtodevote the energies of the Alliance towards seouriug a prohibitory' law. After transacting important business, the .officers. were elected President; Tion A. Vidal; corresponding -secretary, F S Spence ; recording -secretary, J H Carson ; treasurer, W H Orr ; •vice. t f]residele ii. Hon J 0 Ailtilis;W H How - tend (for Ontario), J By Dougall, S A F+,;;her M P. (far. Quebec). Executive Committee : J J McLaren, JacobSpence, A M Featherstone, Rev Dr i:iutberkand , 11r 0 V Emory, W W Buehanafl, Rev Dr' Williams, tt D Fleming, W Tees, James Baylie, Rev A. M.Philips, Rev W A limiter, Joseph Jamieson, P , Maj Bond, ltev Dr Thomas Reid, T W Campbell, CIL Peake,A A 13atchenel•, H 0 Hare, J •l•3 Flay, J Brooks. A large come tnittee on legislation, including many st•tiators attd Ai Ps, was alao appoint. ed. Tarn@err v. The council niet iia Stunts' hall, Bluevale, oil Monday, August 18th, 1890. Members all present, The Reeve in the cbair. Oolutnunications were received„from George Bryce, re drain ; from Township, L+'ngitwer, re interest on railway debentures six tenths mills, Moved by Mr. Ander- son, seconded by Mr, Robertson, that 7th the motion passed " in CQ,Uncii February last for the purpose of add. ing 5 per bent. on all upped, taxes after the 15th December next be rescinded and that 3 per Dent, instead of five, be charged after that date-Oatried• Moved by Mr. Shiell,seconded by Mr. Patterson, that Mr. F. Anderson be authorized to examine the line and see the parties interested in disputed. road allowance; lots 28 end 29, eon. 4, and try to get them to ogres among themselves regarding payment of the surveyor's account and failcing in this to get legal advice as aeon, as possible 'regarding this matter -Carried. By. law No. 5; 1,890, confirming the amount to be raised this year by tax- ation and by-law No. 5, 1890, author- izing the collector to charge three per cent on all unpaid taxes after the 15th Deoet'nber next, both read and passed. Debeutures were ordered to be signed for payment of the following acdounts, &c„ viz:: Jeremiah Parks, inspecting building of culvert, western boundary, 81 ; Robert Haines, 18 yards gravel and cedar for culveit, 'western boun- d , $1,40 - W m. Carr, 60 yards Douglas, re drain on east gravel road ; from Judge Tons, re judgment in the Button & Carr appeal from the Uourt of Revision. Suit dismissed, eo .cost to either party. loved by Vann Geiun]%11, seconded by R, Maxwell, that Messrs. 'Thomson and Cruick- shank be a committee to inspect Gov- tn,nment drain ou 1.2th conoessiou and if any of the parties notified- to eleau out dery n have fiat done so, or com- menced to do it, to Helve the Totvuslsip Engineer brought ou at onoe to inspect the drain arid .let the job, if necessary. -Carried. Moved by R. Matwell, seconded by Winn. Cruickshank 'that rite appoiniefeetit of L. 'Bolton, of Listowel, ea, Township Engineer, be eaucetledon aceouut; of his absence--- Carrled. Moved by Wm, Getamill, secoiided,by R. Maxwell, that bylaw be passed appointing 0, A, Jones,Esq of London, Township Engineer at $6 per day and no extras. By-law read three times and passed. Councillor Cruickshank reported having got r;ui- vert on north boundary, -opposite wast part of lot 18, cleaned out as instruct- ed at special meeting of Oouneil. Moved by Geo, Thooison, seeoncle l by yglii,, txemmill that Mr. Maxwell,' FROST \11EW Al BLDG.ti(at:aohI STEl ISI 'AIR LO HiQ In drawing the attention of our readers to the advertisement in this -home of the Western lMir, which take lilr,ce]atLondon, Sept, 18th to 27th, we 0,irilft Pmark that those who attended their Irl' air in 1888, were no . doubt surprised: and delighted with the arheiteotural and picturesque ap- pearance of the Buildings and Grounds, as well as the large number and quality of the Exlrisitd and Attractions.. This year the directors are doubling their effo,ts to Make the Fair more attrac- tive and instructive thou ever. Tha prize list has beet improved in the Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stook and Poultry De• partmeuts, and special attention is being directed to the Mail, Building, which will be supplied Witt, shafting, enabling exhibi- tors to ,naunfaoture goods in' view of the public, thus proving a source of iustruc tion and entertainment. gravel,athmaster,• be a oittted to inspect and let job of $8; John McGee, p pp gravel•fronepit, lot, 1'core 1Q, $1.$5 ; cleaning out Government dram on Thos. 11. Taylor, for gate, lock, hang- east gravel road. ---Carried. A petition ing and fixing, the same, &c., zit gravel from a large number of ratepayers in pit, lot 42, coil. 6, 86.75 ; Thos. An- school section No; 11 was presented dersou,building'bulvertand cutting hill, by Mr. Linklater, asking for assistance western boundary, con 8. $31; . E. from. the township for the support of Robinson,•4l••s reds wire fence, lot 30, the school, as theassetemeut of the eons 8 and 9, $6.2a ; Jos. Carter, section had fallen eci low that the ,;ravelling at lot 81, cons. 8 and 9, school rate has beneanit a heavy burden i10; Wm. Deacon, gravelling on on•the section',:,Moved..:by Geo Phow• sideline 89 and 40, oon,10, 820; Davidson,'seeonded, by Won.,` Oruickahalik, Dunbar, gravelling at lots 40 and 41, that a by-laes be passed granting to con. 6, $55 ; John Gonitis, jr., ditch- oho(); section No. 11 the sum of $40, ing, and turupiking opposite lot 40. con.. 6, $13.25 ; George McGowan, 12 rods wire lance at lot 37, con. $12.30 ; do., 100 feet rook.•.e n', for culvert, sideline 30 and 40, con. 2,$1,; George Reid, . 95 yards :;ravel; per Edwin Wighttnan and Jornes Stewart, pathnsadters, 84.75.. Resolved that this Council now adjourn till Saturday 27th September, next. , P. PoxTER'iRLDs Clerk. On Thursday evening of last week the baro and eontelits belonging to Mr. John Ruddy, near Marnoek, v;as destroyed by fire. There watt only is couple of luads of hay in the barn at the time of tate fire. The origin of the fire is unknown. Partially insure ed. -Mr. Joseph Stoneisouse has taken several build'nl„ contracts for tills fall, and will commence work shortly.- Quite a number in this locality took in the excursion to Kincardine last week. -.-While Mr. J. II. Vaneamp was en gaged in filling a tank with water, on ins nearly ,, Saturday, the team became frightened outside of the jail,Frank Elliott, at and ran away, Fortunately nthey dam - had The Conirty lauiidiugs The Warden's Committee of ` tile - county council rust at . Goderich _ on Wednesday of last week to open the tenders fore the alteration and improve - meet in the County buildings ordered by the Council at its last session. Tn,ere was 18 tenders in all for tbe different jobs, and the foll•iwing, being. the; lowest in each e.uie,were awarded the l espeo:.ive contracts on furnishing sf:uurity for completing the - same : For heating registry ounce, 0. A. Elarnbor, in .,;,306 ; for alteration and porch in frel:t of building, James Bled, $249 ; for registry boxes, 0. A. Davie, at 10 ceuts each, the• number required bee t 1,000: fur ' painting the tele ; for e.itini two rooms in the age was done, itlthvogh y Court House, Il 1'iohbourne, at 115.e0. T.tl.ekuo e. lee C„uucil bete submitted to the '1'liey have also arranged for several Special Exhibits; from the Agrioultural Farina of .tbe Dominion, Ontario, Itani- toba and. North-West Governments, and the Indians of Ontario. But one that will be More interesting perhaps, owing.to its rarity. (not having been shown in Oeinada hefore,) is that of• the Southern Inter -States Immigration But eau, representing 14 of the United States. This Exhibit consists of Growing Cotton ; Figs. a'] they grow on the hush ; Rios, as it grows in the fields of the Car•olivas;. Peanuts, as they are taken from the ground in Virginia : Products' of the Turpentine Stifle of Georgia • Carnets, made from the leavee of the pine and var., boas other woods of the South ; Preoioua Minerals, Medicinal Herbs, Plants, auci many other prud'u:ta of the Southern fields and gardens, The Live Alligator of Flo. ', ida is also with the uolleutiou, and unmet, ons Instructive Specimens. London id the Jo, only plane they exhibit in Canada, The Speed Programme for the Florae Ring has been greatly increased, making it the best they have ever vet offered, which will insure a largo attendance of the best horses in Canada. The Special e',•ttraotian Committee have been alive to the' public demand for this branch of their enjoyment. and have al, ready secured some of the heat drawing Attractions of the age. to be bad for money, such as file famous Wild Wok Show, Bat. tome Races and Parachute Descents, splen. did Firo+works. the great International Bauch Show of Dogs, eto., and are rlilige.nt- ly corresponding for others, so that the. public may expect a Treat, the equal of which bas not yet been their good fortune to witness. It is desirable that these Fairs should be maintained for the good of all classes, but especially the Farming Com- munity, as they afford an opportunity of seeing many Improvements in fartn m+u- chinorv, better classes of took and Field and Garden Products- Don't .forget the dates of the London Fair, and go to it. The Secretary, Mr. Thus, A, Browne. will be pleased to answer any correapondeuce' , , Y, .son, charity, 85; Wm. Merkley,gravel and timber, 85.40;, R. Sbrigley,cht city, 83 ; R. Btugier, $2.60. The Cot?neil then adjourned to meet in Saults' hall, Bluevale, on Monday, Sept, 22nd, at ten o'clock; a. lea. his steam thresher from Cletriing's to Keefer's the engine wee sit beavy ani to break the sleepers of tee bridge in Fleming's lane, and the, hied wheelu fell,to the bottom of the creek, a dis- tance of about five fees. elalev of the 3. BURGEee, Clerk. neighbors •rathered around said ttfte atr- tboutfour~hours earliest labor, tt Culross. I machine was removed frotri`its uric fortable looking posi*ion --After al • Mr D 1lfeleindon is home pending tendin Harristan High School for g 1 Lar is i father's.I , Ms vacatign at hissix nrouths, 1 u, Hartley an •ceeded`n the stuff: He pitches right intci.t}re passing the tined cb,ss examination. harvest.-Mr..R. Minions is spending William is a hard w•+rker and , will the harvest wL h M' --f3 Wellwood'.-' make a good tt•,idwr. He,,intends t1r W 'McKay oat his- leg last .Wveek goitres,to 141c. `hnrest 1toriel. fin with the grain cradle. Ile is around speaks' in glo it g terms ref llarrisitei again. --Mr J McRae buried hie eldest o Holli ,Buitoni. No dvul,t hes ,seer, et as that school passed a large per cent of its Candidates. -Some of the Wing - ham Salvation Army and friends held a meeting in Relators • town hall ou Sunday last, There was,.•a large zit• Le tendance.•-Mrs Bobt Breen has arriv ed home from a visit to etichigan, She looks as though she had a good ti ni e. far the current year --Carried. Bye daughter last week. -Measles are law read three ,times and passed. about played out. Everybody seems Moved by Win. Gemmill, seconded by' R. Maxwell, that the omission in to be satisfied with their •:share. -Big assessment of the south I of lots 3. and 34, con. 1, for the Current year, be etitered by the Cleric on the Collec- tor's roll at the sum of 1400-0arried. tern over a mile before they were finally stopped. -We are sorry to learn tbat Mr. M. Breeden, of the 10th coneeSsiott, is seriously Alr. George Parrott, of Detroit, is 3 pea pulling and big .work with the binder are the order of the day. Mr Mr le Marshall carries the day with „his pea harvester, - Last Moved by Geo. `Thomson, seconded by week; Mr tloIfenzie ant fifteen acres ti4'rn, Gennniill, that a by-law be pass- of heavy grain in less than ten hours ed levying the. sten of $1,500 for with a Brantford machine; and with township purposes for the current year one team of bursas -tile J 1llcllae. ant -Carried. By-law read three tunes and passed. Moved by Geo. Thorn., eon, seconded by Wm, Cruickshank, that the suit of $150 be.levied ou western section of township for interest and sinking fund on L. LL & 13, de- beutures--Oarried. Moved by Wm. Gemmel', seconded by R. Maxwell, that the amounts asked for by the sohooL trustees of the school acuities in the lnuuieipality.be levied by the 7Eifsyviek, Clerk and entered oft thc: Collector's Moll-- Carried, Moved. by R. Mix-- Ori Tuesday, tbe ,12th inst, there well, seconded by Geo. Thomson, that passed amity at his lsomo in thls•town• ship, after a short illness, Crochet vote of the ratepayers a by law to holidaying at Mr. Tiros. Brown's, on great to Messrs. Otiii & Forster', of the 3rd concession, ---Messrs. MeLarty t ce ftiraiturti factory, a loan of 85,000 and Dutibar,have finished their cone for tcu years Tire firm is to Pay back tract of gravelling on the 6113, line. $. rand years r earl tar ten a . , t the aisut yy Belgra re. t tit the end b. 4hin,tto poly the remain rn e a5,06'r " '.are also to give the Dr. and 3. M. Godfrey have gong village fi "<: on the plant as for a trip to Owen Soria, where they 5%0!1 a:, iu favor of the iutend joining a camping party. - O. Also to employ Mrs. and Miss Godfrey have goner to ho 'Mateo fey at least forty binds during ttiec0ntinu- Niagara. They will atto.,rl truce of the Wen. u The vote' will be Grimsby camp meeting also. ---Mr.. taken sit tire bylaw oil the first of Me einuon's little daughter Mary, who iSel,ternl,tr.-»-Arrillrnerltetits. aro being has been seriously ill with. bilious •1 ' tt c:uinpie teci far the Culedouian games fever is llow recovering,-- r • a 4) bu lu.l; on the 10th of September. Brandon, who has ben very low this ery, $1,45; John W. Walker, grevtal to Morris cemetery, 'Juruberry, and •'vc+ ehiug points to the celeoration week ie at the present writhe; not x;.75; John Herm, gravel, 1 4 ; Jos. -a very large number of relat' Mend 1' ty " , • , Leeule, gravel, 88.40; laortniters hall, friends followed the remains ,their lr,•in tin• bestever held tender the very much lrtttt,r.-Dr. A. l.:llcTie.u• -M •. Wtn,1zee, of Toronto, was in the village on rent fur Court Wont, $i.; John Cave, last reetirrg . place. The seeeiving Cure 't oe bteeen .cin cted t Cermet' bee bf;en elected scliuol truq. Monday last, callingon trill friends.- mote, grt,vel, 85 ants ; John S. Mee frrandy have the syrnpret,.y 'of'. the r• n t,r fill tine vttuaitf:y caused by the Miss Cjlarke is its prr+srtut visitit14 her ravish, Oourt. fees, $1,50; Peter who•e community in their sad willies revery d of Dr. ele,Critnlnon.-Clan- sister, Mea. Wheeler, -sties Gleets McLaren, gravel, 75 cents, John time •r-. a •T.•tteitttt, snit of Dr. Tennant, 7i'`argttheitern,.of Wiugham, vats with Bargess, Curedfees, $1,40.; Samuel i Hol s^a ,list( •t:i ;::,t.iay of last week, Lifter ifrieude Isere cm iitendey.•--••:ire. Anderson, gavel, 83.50e E. l.liggtn+, ,.n itiu '64 r'f river a couple of reale ' ley and miss Lucy aro wilding a few daniaw.s++ and gravel, l ; Robe Agiir, , Sob rel opened on 'Wortley lust.•-•••• 'Ile wac in tile, twelfth year of hie ago. , jays in Brussrsls. Ali .4`>r.J ,l,tl,r,ati)l], gravµl, ifl,fl0; Ntx;t•n hal Di,uuli1, . The rain on Tuesday hist has gr, atfy 'lr it. 1•" J.•tt 4 ' re ttrae> emit over three hundred. shocks with n Massey harvester, but Mr J N Pielioll says he can beat either record with his Frost and Wood machine. Let us hear from some quarter. -Consider able threshing hag been done and the yield is flood in fall %hemi. -Mee Wm •Button,of Win; ham,hasreturnad house after a short visit to her fattier, Mr 4'ni Dever.. the taxes for the Current year be col - looted on or before the 14th day of December next--0,irried. 'Moved by Geo. Thomson, seeorided by William Genital, that the Tax Collector's salary for the current year be $60 and extras Carried, Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by Wm. Getunsill, that a by-law be passed appointing Alex Genimill, Tax 'Collector for the current year, provided he furnishes to this Council, on or before the 22nd ---new owned by his brother A Sifter f e n +, goodresiding n it fortime day of September neat, three, and beet Wild atter r id g a t sufficient sureties in the sutra of $1`J,• he moved to 4r roxeter, where he car - 000, fur the faithful perfcr.uauce of ried ou business until about ten years lies duties---garriod. • F)y.law read ago, when he moved' back on to his titres titins and p'tsswd. The following farm. Ile ,vas a man `ot a retiring accotints were passed and ceders nn disposition, honest and upright anas `Treasurer issued : Geo. Pocock, grave! beloved by all with whom he cameral and damages, $5•57 Duff & Stewart, contact. Ito leaves a widow and large timber, $6.06 ; G Fergie, gravel and family Well provided for. The funer- damages, $5.45 ; Goo. 3'lasou,station• al took place on Thursday of last week Willits, one of the pioneers of this district. The deceased bad not been well since; he was,..;'-' "-eked with la grippe, last winter. 'foie .'.ts conti:,ed to his bed for only about il'r'o %welts. All that medicos slcill • cuui.l d+, was of iso avail. About thirty years ago the deceased took up the farm -consisting of 800 acres---ou which he died, as also the two hundred acres adjoinina G orris. Mr, John 1a Campbell remelted to his duties as principal of the public school on Tliursday last. •Mr, v, has been very successful with his scholars this. year. All that he sent up to.the en- trance examination passed, some with high marks. and three succeeded in passing the departmental examiriation, thereby receiving third class eertiri- cates Mr.Casnpbell toast he a very effi- cient teacher. ---M r John 1?arrow, mail clerk on the G. T. R., who has been visiting with his fathereire law, Mr. Jas. Young, returned to his duties last Saturday. His wife and child, who are also Isere, will return to their Home in London tbis week; -Mr, Fred Young', who has been teaching , near Loudon, returned to bis post' last Friday. lie started on his bicycle ., and intended doing the trip on it- ear Seaforth.-Tho brick work of 1V4. Chas. Heibein's new house is complet- ed and presents a find appearance. It is said to be the largest house in this vicinity. T contractor, Mr. Blow, has cum need laying the brick - lY ash. of Mr. 1!,' .tu heti s b, life was attell,ittig ofyBiu:;vela, is at Iter 'e,iater'as, Mea. C,:'.vert, $2.50; A. tie lie eeegrave , del. yed the completion of the harvest Oddfeliu,'a iu Sterling s.-A•firs I3e11 haricot., of ; B. AemAtrong, tilt itity, $2.1h;; - AA Mt David Weir • Woe refr ovfiii } Winshatnt is. sivati hili hes beliiitwj 01+,10a, 4 iia gpst vol. 3 9G . je iE4 roe ,P •t. " t Cxlerttl,'lsn•o,n. , lxir Richard Ir Scott was visiting friends around Ilarriston last week.- • Mies M d ,ktao fsundttyed in'Winghnrn. ---Miss Martha and Jennie `Vein, , Arkona, were the geestii of IS 'ss al • J Scutt a few days last week. On the • srs e f,errn of ]41r Richard 'Wallace, S x Colin Eadie and: Thetas Campbell pulled fully eight uerett of peas iu 19 • hours This to consider llo ordiiiary fear, and a record of-, what stalwart anus ear- do, and is worthy of being chronicled alengaide work done by the pea puller.10u Friday the ` 9th lost, a grand co cert will be given under the auspices of the Caledonian Society in Wingltam tv.,l, Mill, %"ur,p4rat 1 ,tart Mee blew«. Y%: ,• • re.. a;t tgwa 0301111 'howl a Frid Of E ls a alt e Brut it 1' Will of brio] and bur asci ares FVai Aot last Tee bf I bee ;jun Teo, At lug euc A. idng Mi Ot, ata gib dog ha prf att r aw on ate'