HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-09-03, Page 5Ratepayers (Coot need from page ) As Mr. Janmeatleft the meet- ing, Roelao nemPaoli said "YOU see what Yee can do with these other people (Agricultural Office and Water- Resource0 Commie- ,* stun) and we'll come to a de- cision on, a permit. Council agreed there seemed to be a understanding as to what was meant by lagoon. At the request of Council, Robert Smith of the firm of chartered accountants, Riegel, • Malcolm and Hager, Stratford, was present at the meeting to discuss tile drainage loan re- payments. Some ratepayers had hoped to get a. rebate on early tile loan' payments due to taxes being paid in Jame and in December. No c'iange is possible this year but a change in policy is expected for next year. Court of Revision was held on . the Geiger Drain and *on the Bell' Drain. No appeals were heard on either drain and by-laws for them were passed. The revised total cost of Mc- Cullie Drain is $3,900, Council passed for payment accounts totalli ng $40,108.10 in- cluding: ire Protection, $8,407.26; Drains, $9,465.55 ; Roads, $7,752.49 and general accounts $14,542.80. 'Connell approved a Building By-law to regulate the erection of buildings within the limits of the municipality, with provisions applicable to all, construction and alterations. No permit is to cost more than $2.00. Wilbur Keyes, R.R. 3, a Seaforth, attended the Meeting. to request repair work to be done on a drain to front of property he owns On 4th concession. ROadStiperintenent Allan Nicholsra was instructe investigate the trouble. Mr. Keyes suggested three dead elms bordering the drain should have been removed Council ' decided this was the' responsibility of Mr. Keyes. Council approved a motion to apply for subsidy on the McKenzie and McBride Drains which have been completed and to collect accounts from ratepayers affected tfy the drains byOctober 30. Council is requesting the Minister of Resources and Energy to approve a resolution that Tuckersmith Township be included in the Autable Conser- vation Authority. Council was not in favour of Seaforth Council resolution that all lands drained by Hayfield River be included in the Maitland Conservation Authority., ' Three ratepayers in Egmond- vine are to be notified, they have one month to pay up their overdue water bills or have the water turned off. Stanley Township will again be responsible for the Nomin- ation Meeting for the election of Huron County School Board member for this area, while it is expected Tuckersmith will be responsible for a meeting for Huron Perth Separate School member. The meeting adjourned at 2:15 a.m. a a • • Add Two Members (Continued from Page 1) school representatives and one separate school representative, acting on behalf of all separate school supporters in the county. There are 10 divisions in "Huron County for education pur- poses. 'rhree of these divisions already .have two members each on the board. They are Stephen, Exeter, Usborne division;Tuck- ersmith; Seaforth, Stanley, Hay- field division; and Clinton, Hul- lett, McKlllop, Blyth division. The two new members will come from the Town of Goder- ich and the division of f,aprus- sels, Morris and Grey, Making it a 16 member board of ecluca- tion, having 15 public school representatives and one separate school representative. The members of the Execu- tive Committee chaired by J.P. Alexander reeve 'of Wingham t, recommended to county council that the two divisions with the next highest assessment over and above the divisions that already have two representatives be given additional representation. Cou- ncil complied with this recomm- endation under some protest. Reeve Everett MeIlwain,God- erich Tbwriship, suggested the department of education should consider a "buffer zone" which would permit the population to grow about 5,000 over the one for as county to move into the next category as far as school board representation is con- cerned. Reeve Harold Robinson, of Howick, claimed it was a "cry- ing shame" that the department of education could decree that the county should incur these "extra expenses for such a few extra ratepayers". "What would happen if we. just didn't approve the addition of two additional school board representatives?" asked Robin- son. e• "You would just simply be c:••1/ breaking the lei", answered John Berry. a Lace Trimmed, Long Sleeve Girls' Blouses 2 Tex Made; Tru Print, in three styles. Sizes 7 , .99e .,' fp 14. Girls' Plaid Skirts Brown, .. navy, .. green, plum and red plaid. Slats 7-14. .99 ea. STED1VIAN'S ro SCEA ENDS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th 11/2 " , Binder Sets celluloseTons Includes 11/2" binder, 100 sheet ruled refill, 40 sheets plain paper and pencil case.• 4 Ion TAPE 7.7, Big Savings! I Terrific School Value! "Hello, Mister Monster are you there?" ao Dag W. WESTERHOF SEAFORTN DEALER pair Boys' Dreis Casual Cotton Flair Pants Save $1.00 a pair. In fine stripes of blues and greens. Sizes 26 to 34:: High Quality Metal \ MATH SETS' Wide Mouth Thermos BOTTLES Avocado or Bittersweet 10-oz. size ea. SPECIAL . BUSES -LAST CHANCE TO SEE THE Canadian National Exhibition IN TORONTO SUNDAY, SEPT. 6 • . $6.50 FARE INCLUDES ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS Limited Number of Tickets Available. FOR INFORMATION and TICKETS CONTACT Cleave Coombs' Sunoco Station — 521-9016 • L and H COACHWAYS LTD. P.O. 'BOX 426, STRATFORD, ONTARIO STEWART BROS. 'CLOSED MONDAY LABOUR DAY --QPEN WEDNESDAY 'T1L 12:30 NOON Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action-'Ads Every night from now through labour Day, the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto presents a'spectacular Grandstand Show, featuring a variety' of'entertaining Sights and Sounds of the Seventies. SeleCt your favourites from the nightly lineup below and get your tickets NOW! Fril Sept, 4—The fabulous 5th DIMENSION captivate all with dynamic performances of their greatest hits, such as "Up, Up, and Away", "Aquarius—Let the Sun Shine In" and many others. $6.00, $5.00, $4.00. Sat., Sept. 5—The rousingjpRUM'AND BUGLE CORPS COMPETITION brings out the best in stirrin,g martial music and precision mgrching formations, as top units from across Canada and the United States strut their stuff. $4.00, $3.50. Sun., Sept. 6—The spectacular CANADIAN FORCES MILITARY BAND TATTOO brings together the finest • military bands in the country in an unforgettable programme of pageantry and splendor. $4.00, $3.50. Mon., Sept. 7—"NATIONBUILDERS—COUNTRY STYLE", North America's largest folk festival, featuring the ever-popular DON MESSER AND .THE ISLANDERS, plus a thrilling multi- cultural folk song and dance review. $2.00, $1.00. FREE ADMISSION! Each advance evening Grandstand ticket entitles the holcier to FREE ADMISSION to..the CNE Ground s on the day ,of the performance (vehicle not included),, Tickets to all CNE evening Grandstand shows are available at the CNE Box Office in front of Old City Hap, Toronto, and from Gray Coach ticket:,agents. Come on out to this year's bigger, better-than-ever Ex. Where else can the whole family have so much fun together? Canadian Nations • Exhibition Toronto UNTIL SEPT. 7 Sundays from 1:30 p.m. Admission to grounds: Children SOC, students $1.00, adults $1.50 ****7*****.A.******4(**********************, 6." • TIE 1001:10N1 :EXPOSITOR SEPT, • 4, (Photo by Phillips) • McCONNE La, s topped a semi bouffant formal length skirt which made a oer- feet summer background for the bride.. They wore white straw picture hats and carried arm bouquets of pink and white glad- iolus. Mrs. Alice Stiles, organist, played 'The 'Br kle's March (from Rebecca), "Ave Maria", Psalm 92, "Glory To The Father" and other selections. Wallace Ebare, of Ingersoll; was ' the groomsman and the guests 'were ushered by John McConnell, Seaforth, brother of the bride and Marcel Thibault, London, brother of the groom. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the Seaforth Golf and Country NC el uwbF .0; the wedding trip to the England States, the bride travelled in a blue crepe print dress with matching blue sleeve- .less coat,', black patent access- ories, wide brimmed black straw hat and a white orchid corsage. The couple will reside at 193 Queen Street, Sarnia. Guegts . were present from Montreal, New York, Detroit, Windsor, London, Kitchener, Sarnia, Chatham and Hamilton. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honoured at showers given by her aunts, Mrs.Joseph McConnell and Mrs. James Stew- art at the latter's home and ,by Miss Cathie Phillips at her home. A trousseau tea, given by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Donald Stewart, was held at the bride's residence on August 1st, 1970. The rehearsal party was held at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Joseph MCConnell, The bride anl, groom, both" graduates of the University of Western Ontario and Althouse College of Education, are em- ployed by the Lambton 'County Separate 'School Board. The Wilde 'Will leach .Grade Seven English at St. Peter's School and the gropm will teach-French at St. Patrick's Secondary School.. 'LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Mae Dorrance,afraolui Dorraane of town, and Mrs, M. Ii. McKenzie of Oshawa, have -returned from a motor_trtp to. Edmonton and Lethbridge in Al- berta, and Climax, Sask. Mise JOYce Roe has finished her term at Waterloo University and Is flow at Orate. Missess Bonnie.Townsend and Maureen Hamm left Sunday for a trip to the British isies• and Europe. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe of West William St., were Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker, Brandon, Man., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker, Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vivian, Staffs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, Rickie and Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Justasoq and Barbie and Sandra, all from Kit- chener, and. Miss Dianne Roe, from Waterloo. Sunday visitors at the resi- dence of Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart were Mrs. Alvin, Ham- mond, daughter of Mr' Stewart, with her husband from Moore- field, and her daughter, Mrs. Charles Terry, and grand- daughter Debbie Terry from Pet- • er sburg; also Mrs. Stewart's sis- ter, Mrs. Lawrence Cassidy,with her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Allison, all of Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and son, Johnny of-Warren, Michigan, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. • Herb Trapnell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leon- hardt and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hulley visited friends and rela- tives in Elmira and Conestoga on Friday. Mrs. Floyd Jenkins and family of Cobourg, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce. Visitors with' Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,,Baker, Goderich Street included Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Davis,Burford, Mrs.Ann Clarke, Brookdale, Manitoba and Mar- garet Bullard, Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fdrd returned to their hbme in Fort Wayne, Indiana on „Sunday after spending a vacation with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eyre, of Egmondville and Mrs. Etta Eyre of Sarnia, spent the past week end with Mrs. Earl Ross in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mor- rison were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil" Flanagan, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Don Flanagan and daughters, Toronto; Mr. and, Mrs. Michael Harrigan and son John, Toronto; mr. and Mrs. Billy Feeney and family, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Feeney and family, Kitchener ' and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gal- lagher, Uxbridge, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray and attended the Flanagan Reunion which was held in Brodhagen CcArimunity. Centre on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Matt• Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flanagan spent a few days in Grand Bend last week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McLean, of North Hollywood, California, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith and other relatives. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Addison last week were Mr. and Mrs. Will Rogers from Fresno, Ohio, Mrs. Snyder from Grand Bend, Mrs. Annie Cole from Hehsall and this week Mrs. Pearl Woirel from Muskegan, Michigan, Mrs. Velma Garner from Caro, Michigan and Mrs. Pearl Shaddick from Hen- sill. Mrs. Janie Hoggart is a pat- ient ip Seaforth Community Hos- pital. Mrs. Cartwright Hawley, who has been a patiebt in Seaforth Community Hospital, has re- turned to her home on West' William Street. Mr. Z ack McSpa-dden, who has been visiting at the home of his son and family of Norwich, has returned home. He was accom a moiled by his son, S. A. McSpad- den and daughter-in-law. Use Expositor Want 7. Ads Phone 527-0240 27.95 to 35.00 NEW CARLYLE MIX OR MATCH SEPARATES Completely washable Fortrel and new Chavasol (acetate and nylon) knits in huge range of new fall shades in plains, Jac' guards and stripes. Skirts, flares shells; pullovers, cardigans & new 3/4 sleeve tops. Sizes S. M., L. 8.95 to 14.95 • FALL FASHION FABRICS New corduroys, polyester blends crimplenes, new bonded. Turbo fabrics, wools and mohair and wool blends feature our fall showing. EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S, FALL TONE PERMA-PRESS DRESS • SHIRTS 3.98 65% Fortrel, 35% Cotton, per ma-press dress shirts in gold, blue, green and broWait Styled with medium point collar with novel style single, cuffs. Made in Itodinania, this shirt has the quality and finish of shirts at twice the price. SIZES 14'/ to 17 SLEEVE LENGTHS 32 to .311 YOUNG MEN'S G.W.G. Wrangler Don Parker Carhartt SLIMS and FLARES PLAINS STRIPES, - CHECKS' BLUE DENIMS' At least 300 pair to Choose from in this new range, of perma. press pants for back to Hig School. They have that "in-look" the kids are after. Sizes 28 to 38.. 6.95 to 14.95 THIBAUL.T St. James Church, Seaforth, was the setting for the marriage of Mary Anri McConnell of Sea- forth, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell to Andre Joseph Thibault,aLondon, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Thibault of Montreal on August 8th, at 1;30 p.m. The bride's, uncle, Father John McConnell; of New York, assisted by Father Laragh performed the Nuptial Mass. • • The Church was de'corated with pink and white gladiolus. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Donald Stewart of Seaforth, chose an imported sheer Norganza and Chantilly lace ruffles for her cool looking wedding gown. The jewel neck- line, edged with a tiny ruffle, fitted natural waistline trimmed with a satin ribbon and full bouf- fant skirt again enhanced with tiny lace ruffles were set off to full advantage by the very full Bishop styled sleeves which were also •trimmed with bands of tiny ruffles. The back interest was centred on a grouping of unpres- sed pleats that created a bustle effect and floated to a chapel length strain. A halo of white flowers was worn to hold the Cathedral length bouffant bridal veil. She carried a white satin prayerbook with satin streamers entwined with ivy and stephanotis and 'covered with a white orchid. The prayerbook was used by the bi4ide''S 'anther' at her Wedding'. Jane McConnell, of Sarnia, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor and the brides- maids were Ellen Stewart, Sea- forth, cousin of the bride and Cathy Stewart, Seaforth, cousin of the bride. They wore frost. blue silk organza with a high square neckline, 'Empire style bodice and full Bishop sleeves ew une FOR FALft Fashion. fir* wools, TOPPr" !cries and.eordureyory000-fi* new range of vresnage suits for fait. • 3 piece suits, have Slim, skirt and jacket, 2 piece suits have ton- is or safari tops with I. flare pants. PLAIN -OR CHECK PATTERNS NEW FALL HATS NEW FALL DRESSES NEW FALL JACKETS