Wingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 3111 t 01. A/4 lin ity by ke atom .t Farr mare f Ira rked lront that r ealiy Ight, inua el by his had teble the 1 every. 9, CO. wide'', attic titre* 'ertil4 anual range itions Olct,„ 3aperri after With rtieleg livea, knees. Ira are • t serap. ,Oirale, added, )ilt th .. short cauent feeble ' . 44: d, some tre chi- .ts are tor the i coat - foot r thein. 4 mitienera k f"- super i'pend at. itaveultt memo. 4a, yet ail come .—Lawri fat says a' e classed le toner, -11obinia ;wallows, aartills-- riped cue shes tinct -tent cat -.` adpecker6.' ae-throata• as2ttiseShs ge; quals ;lip -poor. hirde, Lok wing- aureulioa. laved fhb 5 t•--- Nut. )4,, swifts; orchard 'NIA• '1"••••• more hies be caught lB) , A lee, Pads will 1 druggitta. 311b that enquired grub, but he horrid, ertrioni am ?RR ANCE, COLUMN, latter be hati finished his story, tbs,t commons sr wxseriA:t v, V. 0. r. D. i'M'In killed izr,Y rothe—he woo my ........„...........,,,,,,,,,,........................,..,............... fatter's affirdeter, 1 .,....,.2.,,...MM,11...7,./........ oapplage. Prof. Laidlaw bays be knows uo book net epecially written to advocate temperance winch giveseo many warn, iugs against the uso of strong &nth as the hallo. Ho holds that whether There is uot a publican but cau take your brother, your father, your son itt his dram Shop toodebt and make him drunk in spite of your entroaties and prayers, and ki3k rn out at mid-nit:14, tout you may and hie dead body in the gutter. AU you have to do is to take the body thud bury 10 Sud. say nothing about At for .1IC statemetati,the professionel man, for you Lave uo redress, no proteetion. else man of beeittess, or the artisan, Now, protection IH what we watit, Clo me abstinence best, acid as for the non. tielp ue, ilurrah for prohibition! later of religion his eourse of duty is Wain. Rev. A, Gandior, of Toronto, spook., iug in Edinburgh recently, daid that .while perhaps the dull end heavy man might be able to drink through a life, time and never beeeen the worse of drink, the bright, energetic, and nervously strung, young man who wee well fitted to melte his mark in the world, If he began to drink got tripped up and became in too many cases a Miaterable druLurU.k All AP E Ls Foz RAponsi• irroist . READING Dr JOHN B. GOWN', PROM "TEIEPEttANOE READINGS AND anorraloNs." • I heard a young man in a railway carriage tell his own story, while coil- Veraing on the Maine Law. Said he : My father was a drunkard for years : my mother was a stronvninded energetic woman : and walk the help of the boys. sec managed to keep the farm free from -debt. When rue father signed the plede, that which pleased her most, next to him having signed it, was that she could tell him there Was not u nor a morteage ou the 'farm. My father used to drive Tutu ,the. city, abt,ut eight miles distant, twice a - a twit ; and .1 recolleokny other saying to me: 1 wish you would try and persuade your fa.thsr •;4ot to go any more. We den't Deed that winch he earns ; and, George, • um afraid of tonptations aud old. aSsociations. Oh, said I, don't think of that ; father is all right. 0.,,le•evening we had a heavy loud, and were goieg towards home, when • ray father 0 topped at one of his old places of resort, and gave ale the whip and reins. I ititohed the horses,tried .'the reins,and went in afterwards. The ."' landlord said : I am glad to see you ; how do you do? You are .quite a • stranger. how long is it since the tinnpnrance whim got hold of you ? Oh, about two years; said my father. • Well, said the lundlord, you see we are getting along very well, and they chatted together fpr some tittle.. By and by he asked nay father to drink. Oh, but .1 have got a little temperance bitters here, said the landloicl, that temperance men use,and they acknow- ledge that it is purfiyin to the blood, especially in hot weather. Just try a little, and he poured out a glassand offered it. 1 stepped up ad said Don't give toy father that. To whieli he replied : Well, boys areu't hoy nowadays. If 1 had a bay like you 1 think 1 would take him dowii a little. What do you think, Mr. Myer a 1 Do you bring that boy to take care of you ? Do you want a guar:Haul 'That started the old man's pride, and he told tate to go cut and look after the horses, He sat and drank till ten o'clock; and every eine the land. ake lur4 gave lain a drink, 1 Saul t Don't givo it to Min. At last my father rose up agathst mo—he was drunk. When he got up to.the 'wagon, 1 drove, M heart was, very heavy, and 1 thought of my mother, Oh, how will sho feel this 1 When we got about too iaiilea from home, my father said : will drive. No, said 1, let ite drive. Ile mouthed the reins from MI from the wagon, mud before 1 could cheek the laneteti, the forwaad wheels crushed hit lea 0 en the roller. 1 was gotintg his dead body eti the 'At at4011,, 1 tarried Lim to my mother, and PKA 19 -Ver 10111ilea Sitter. t bat day ti 1 ...t aey of '.,er death 'gear menthe af.' • tint tliktitt.tir slid *i' h. 11,41,1 the man " . Bay You 170Vg1Ve One I/writingin Wilkettlattrre there was a great colliery explomou, hun- dreds of Ooroish miners were killed and their oorpses lay at the mouth o f the coal mine for reeognition.. Sitting at the mmth, by a pale 'copse, was 1.5 young wife. She louked at her hutthattl,latt uttered uo ory; her eyes were dry. Site rocked herself to and fro, her face white with anguish. Oh, that I had spoke fair to him at the end 1 she inoauetl. Oh, that he would come to life one minute, that 1, cuuld say, Jimmy, forgive me, but nothieg will help um . new. Oh, 1 could bear 4Ittl if I had only spoke fair to him at the end. On, JililuLy 1 And then, at last,: the story oanae. They had been married a year—shit and diM—and they both had tempers,' but Jim was alWays the first to we •up, And this very morning they had had 'trouble. •It began henause breakfast wasn't ready,auci. the 4ire wouldn't burn; and they said hard words, both of them. But atrthe very last, dough breakfast had nut been fit to eat, Jim turned round,at the door and said ; On,: -me a kiss, lass. You know you love nte, and we won't para.: in ill blood. 8eettl9 to me I have seen your flee Wore. guttoflk1y, Thaw No, Jiminy, I don't love you,t said, petulantly. Gi'e tne o.j.te kiss, lass, pleaded Jimmy. No, not ono! and now—and then the tears rushed to her eyes. With awful sobs she flung her arms around the corpse. Darling Jimmy! Darling jimmy, speak to me now, she mourned. Say you for- give me ! Do not grieve so hopelessly, I said; perhaps Jimmy knows what you felt now. But the mourner's ears were deaf to all comfort, andtlae wailing cry came again: Oh, if 1 had only spoke to himfair at - the last. where I carry it, Will you mind the baby a few win - kites, 3 0114 1 You bet 111 wmcl Wm -- the little tyrant. A. tea.kettle can sing when it is merely filled with water. But man, proud man, is no tea -kettle. Oysters may be out of season, but the man witt the colorect pencil e an always serve you with blue pointe • When you leave said of a man that be is always on he safe side, you have usually Said All that can be said of ,&11 rte. young. old, or 'middle aged, who find themselves nervous, week or exhauete ed,. who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the folio wing sy ruptoms Mental depres- sion, premature old age, loss of vitality, lossof memory, bad dreams, dimness of eight, palpitation of the heart, emission, laolc of energy, pain in the kidneys, beadlike, pimpleR un the face or body, itehing or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, waisting of the organs, dieziness,, 'specks before. the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss' of will power, tendernes of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby antscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur. rounded with. LEADEN MULE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to isanity and dead useless cures. The spring or vitalyower baying lost ita tension every function wanes in touRequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanentely cured. Send your address for book on all diseases. peculiar to raara. Address iVl. T. LUBAN.,,50 Front St. E , Toronto, Ont. Books Rent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which, are faint, spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with brats strong, rapid and irregular, the second. heart heat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, eto., can positively he cored,.. No cure, no pay. 8end for book: Address M. V. LUI3ON, 50 Front Street nast, Toronto, Ont, C.., P. R. TIME TABLES. Trains Artie° and depart as follows I . ',SAVING ' ASILTVING 5:35 a. m . For Toronto,. 5355. in 2:16 p. m 4. '•gag p.m. 2:16 p.m ...... --For Teeswater........1:16 10:30 p. m • 18:30 ' GM A. 1.L\T;IC It is not an uncommon story this. Wo LTD TRT..7 A. O. STRATEDEE, Aeon; Wetountr. quarrelvith those We love, and part and, moot amid make up again; and death is merciful and waits till we are at peace. Yet how possible is just such an expori- ence to any one of is, who parts with some dear one in anger, or who lets,*the sun go down upon their wrath But it, is always the noblestnature, the most loyal heart, which is the first to ery • I was wrong ; forgive me. You eau alwaye please dgood man hy telling hiin he has a devilish twinkle in his eye. • Honsekeeper wants to know whether a bakery conldn't properly be classed as a pipe plant. There he 15 again, first ou my nose, then in my ear, and I dare not open my mouth for fear be should fly 'down my throat. Iloilo, John, just run oltdr to tho drug, store and buy a packet of WilkOn't4 Ply Poison Pads, 1 can't stand this'any longer. Price. LOc. Sold by all druggists. • The stone for the Canadian Soo canal 19 being taken in largo quantities from the Anderdon rittarries. At ordinary stages, of the river water, there is a differenee of 18' feet in the levels of the water above tMcl below the slend of St. Ataxy's. The diatance aorosa the island is two thirds of a tni10, lihe email has the. mean Width. • A largo quantity:et of 140 feet and Mast debth of 38 feet below thelowest known water in that part of the :era: tirri,,,raisethvi tar. river, Tito differeedn in level will 11.3 OVectonie by ono look 600 feet in length and os feet in width, having guard gates ELLEOTT BROS., at taAp ens, facing lir raven° direetioua. •Wamatm FOR THE 13.6ST VALUE 'ORDDRE HAT, ' Through tickets to all points M America—North, West, Pacific Coast, ets„ via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage chocked through to destination. lowest freight rates to all points. • wiTio-0,01, TIME TABLE. ASPAVE, AT 101::80 ap .4 , n.Tront,, o,Guelp1,1,Palmet:iton, &p. 3:80 p.m. 10 10:10 " 73::420 0 pin.;almer'Clinton, eltmt,ltrix eld 0:45 a.m....—. .Loadon, . . .... 11400 " 3:40 p.m. 11:10 aan re1/01a);rant.... , 3:30 p.m '11:10 ". tole 5:50 pan, lianTravormsrler. ...EngranneeN0.100iiairpergramavemad )13ARBIR SHOP. MR. MALCOLM illellONALD,, can or tursity,) Rat big purchased the haeboring business of Messrs. Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers and as many 1105V OSSA US patronize him, satiate:4On in all linos of the profession.. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. VA.Give me atoll at the old stand, opposite Gordon and McIntyre's store, 37. 11.10b014ALl). Ti LES TILES. ratIttir757) 311N, of thavinettun ntick Yards,. have on hand a large stock ottilcs for dt•altong pnrpo.als,frant 11 inches to 10 indium in 8120,• which will be sold cheap and on must taverna:le Mem Farmers Atendinn 'to drain should :no our Tiles for themselves, Lefurc deciding to use Mother, WA* on hand, and win tm sold at lowest living /troth, +tr. t A• r. lif,t c;:$ 14*.s.hti, '•.•°'4 I k Oa ca ta..M ',..''..rot,70,,,ortly.orovrzeorrtzti.a..,4amburao- Tian irk.otv.yuut reit01',.0 ,,lAt luvo edt,e• •IF:r• $ tao'. 11, toata t "-1 ."1 ° s.14.5 °. 5 brettt of rug. retned/ kJ. a' so - ut • , t: if %Asir keno 11104 t: Ir ma. ,a,r- a 0144 vta,seetetego. • hp 4)1400111)46 444p 1140 `rtiMinit Sr'r arr. i4Iti RV CLOTIIIN 314 „ 0„,, 9 CAP COLLARS, CUFF3, Cheap for K.ASH. WEBST El ;t, S e d '---aa-n"----.533.e—aasa•--eme"--4•54'^eezer'—enttee—•-A412.--"77:1"" SvO HEY PATIENT -TOP MILK CANS, CREAM CANS, MILK PAILS, SAP BUCKETS, and MILK PANS. Everything is the .17 airying tam. EAVE-TROUGHING A SPECIALTY. 0 Repairiiig will be Promptly Doric IMMOIMM•••••••••111mi Aemi FARMERS, THRESHERS and MILLOWNERS, — S Larch 0 ins TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO Ot 0 Every barrel guaranteed. We Inc the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine, Also Gylinder, Engin Wool and Harness Ulle. ):DOOLL BE113. "ORGIIII. ....1•••••••1•••+ JUST OPENED. A. GR hasjust opened up a .7eneral uviso ai rOCEly Store, Pearly .opposite the Market. 0 The stuck consists of Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, ,..pices, naisens, Currants, Datts, Figs and Prunes. CANNED GOODS OF ALL KINDS—Frult,' Peas Corn, Salt:non, Corned Beef and Sardine's. 'All kinds ,of Meats.. 'Dried Meats, FiA, Butter, Eggs and Liverpool Salt. A full aasortritent Of CROCZERY AND GLASSWARE in sets or aeparate. • Butter, Drier! leat, ete., teken in exchange, As •we bury foe rash, we nee -wile t(' sell at tho ebeepest calling and bispecting Ottr goods you will oblige M ate+. 28, 18B0, Ae GRAHAM ine hem, Ont, itoua,../...S....invnt...1Faudttiiirtanon.viaamotrabtamerwirhorm 4 Elezintrs to revery ILythchold.. 41.1 OLLOWiti:41 ittrlgig PT4 "ITINAT outis t Acts rented* have stetd the i 1 •e and aro pronou.iced .1110 has"' Ile,Pchm tot tve, TEi P1LL the IfIneet, correet ell •:.•• wt!st . , t•,,,) • ,tyett, 87.)1"• ,"5, A'•• D BOWEASS *. • tte 1 t Nun'. NVG: a is, t 74. •'••,•-‘4°.!: t.);. t41 ' tl" ' 71.1 N' 1• ' 4445.1 et VI, Stu* ,• • n. !,,X •.• • ; 14: . •tt..umriktlant •t" ' • ,a,o!. to tan 1.Abel. u LZ033.1 at 1 •L'Obtl. 14, the *Aft fii.54(414 litiriSttts XrtBailulsi tiieinte ,Stalt-44$ • A. .44