HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-08-27, Page 11a0* For 1. Coming Events 35Th.. Wedding Anniversary par- ty for Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hay- ti* ter, August 29, in, Hensel' Cent- ' muntty Centre. Music by the Country Ramblers. Lunch pro- vided., refreshments served, 1-45x2 THE family of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Godkin, Walton, Ontario, invite their relatives, friends and neigh- bors to celebrate with them on the occasion of their parents 40th Wedding Anniversary, at a dance to be held, Friday even- ing, August 28th, in Brodhagen' Community Hall. Lunch provid- ed. - 1-45x2 Annual Meeting of Huron Unit O of Canadian Cancer Society will be held Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. hi Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton. Dr. P. Ban- nerje of the Cancer Clinic of , London and Wingham will be guest speaker. Kindly contact any of your trench officers or Unit -Secretary, Mrs.lt Gordon • Rathwell, 482-9421 by Septemb- er 1st. Tickets $2.50. 1-46-1 FREE DANCING - Friday night, September 4 - "Phase HI", Saturday night, Septemb- er 5 - Carl Hohner and His Melody Masters at the Mitchell Fall Fair.„Admission to grounds $1.00 1-46-2 HURON County Junior Farmers are sponsoring an old-time dance Ein Auburn Community Hall, Fri- day, August 28. Scott's Orches- tra playing. Begins at 9:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-46-1 2. Lost, Strayed LOST =Man's pocketbook con- taining identification cards, sum of money and personal docu- ments in Seaforth or vicinity on Saturday, perhaps in or near Commercial Hotel. Seek return of personal records. Reward. Dr. a Mushoniga clo Dr. Charles Mayo, Seaforth. 2-46x1 LOST between Seaforth and Dublin a. six-foot straight edge. George Coyne, 345-2663. 2-46x1 3. Found FOUND-One young male blue * tick hound. Phone 527-0425 „ 3-46x1 4. Help Wanted BABYSITTER for small • baby, Monday to Friday in my home. Starting in September. Call Mrs. Glenn Montgomery, Belgrave, 357-1279. 4-46-1. 4-45-2 WE REQUIRE MEN For production work in our plant No. 4 in Mitchell • No experience necessary. * Hospital - medical - and life insurance paid for by the Company after completion of probationary period. • Apply to Personnel Department . STANDARD PRODUCTS (Canada) LTD. .1.0-30 Erie St., Stratford, Ont., Ph. 2714360 HELP' WANTED Car Salesman Huron County's Most Progressive Ford Dealer Requires for the Exeter Area a Middle Aged Person, preferably with some Sales Experience, although not necessary, to Assist In Our Merchandising of New and Used Ford Products. EXCELLENT'BENEFITS Apply John Hopkinson Larry Snider .Motors LIMITED , • EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 2274191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer 446-1 -304ily Qahn Bc dr " Ohms AYR - GALT •SEAFORTH 05122'6 11-46-1 . END OF SEASON :SALE ALL LAWN MOWERS 10% OFF LIST PRICE' • ASSOCIATE STORE Phone 527-1350 11-46-1 12. Wanted to Buy USED furniture from attic" to basement. Call collect 2364243. 12-4&tf IMMEDIATE payment for good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig giving location and tele- phone number or phone 232- 4450 before 8 am. or -after 6 pan. 1243-ti 5,000 BALES of straw to be de- livered two miles west of Sea- forth. Call 393-6587. 12-44x3 THIRTY-ton of mixed grain, 523- 9406 between twelve and one. 12-45x2 OLD type gasoline or kerosene engines, in salvaleable condi- tion. Apply to ,Box 1946, The Huron Expositor. • 12-46x3 13. Wanted OLDER furniture, crocks, art, glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings, 13-434 CROCKERY, brass or fancy iron, ;beds, pictures, rockers, old jew- ellery, old bottles, or sealers, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump. 482- 7358. 1343-ti WOMAN to do light house work for elderly man in Hensall. Can live in or 'out. Call collect 527- .1006. 13-45-2 14. Property for Sale 1% ACRES of land, red brick, 7-room house, in Egniondville. Apply to Box 1945- Huron Ex- positor. 14-4513 HARRISTOW VPHOLSTRY Antique, Modern or, what have you?' - WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED -- Contact George Boomer Brussels 887-6464 FOR FREE ESTIMATES IN YOUR OWN HOME 19-45-2 GLENREID KENNELS REG'D (Fully Air Conditioned) _ Thomas W. Reid, Prop. Highway 4, Nippon, 262-5052 (2 miles north. of -Hensall) POODLES: Apricot, Black, Silver and White. SMALL MINIA- TURE SILVER PUPS AVAILABLE. DACHSHUNDS: CHOICE RED REGISTERED PUREBRED PUPPIES AVAILABLE. - (Terms if Desired) BOARDING: Spacious compartments (individually heated When necessary). Large coal concrete exercise runs with shelters. (Immunized small.pets only.) CUPPING: Poodle clipping by appointment. SIRE SERVICES: DACHSHUND, Black with Tan, son of our . Canadian Champion King Cindy Lou. Also excellent conformat-ien.and lej-gperarpent red sire, , 4 POODLE, silver, son of Encore's Silver Showman, Can- adian and American, Champion. (All 'pups. immunized for distemper, deworme.d and register- ed Health guaranteed.) 1946-1 20. Auction Sales KNOLLCREST AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, OCT, 3M starting at 10 a.m. in the'. MILVERTON ARENA' muivaaToN Plan to attend. 2045-0 21. Tenders Wanted- TENDERS WANTED VILLAGE OF HENSALL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 5 o'- clock pm., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 f or removing old sidewalks and laying• new sidewalks 1800 feet long, four feet wide, four, inches thick, .in the Village of Hensall. Contractor will supply all material and labour. Con- tract price to be submitted by the running foot. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EARL. CAMPBELL, Clerk • 2145-2 4. MOCO LITTLE SPORT YOU CAN'T SELL SAGAMORE.; LIKE SELLING . 'YOUR OWN FLESI4 AND BLOOD -- FOR VE CENTS: THE rtim?Lcs HI, NEIGHBOR -HOW 100 YOU LIKE MY PREFABRICATED NEST ? esuits 4. Help Wanted MAN for *nit on tiling mach- ine. Ga h ll Alex 43414, 527-0964, Seafort.. 4-46x1 ROid and 'Elrldge- Construction LABOURERS wanted, APPly Looby Construttion Ltd. Dubliner 845-2800 446-1 Service Malinger The new Canadian Tire Store in Goderieh, now under constru- ction, requires the services of a Service Manager Top money, excellent working conditions and fringe benefits, Phone for appointment Dom Fox 5247304, Goderich 4-46-1 PART - TIME EMPLOYMENT MALE or FEMALE FULL - TIME FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Here is an excellent opportuni- ty for rpm and women present- ly employed or whose main time is devoted to home and family, to earn a minimum of $60 weekly in hours of their choice and convenience 7 days, evenings or weekends. Applicants must be prepared to devote an absolute minimum of six hours weekly to show and describe the highly respected, universally acclaimed, home and school reading and study guide - The New Book of Knowledge. No canvassing. All calls are made following invitation by ap- pointment only. Better than av- erage application of personal ef- fort will provide an opportunity to take on a very valuable and exclusive franchise, No experience required. Car an asset, All necessary materials and instructions supplied. Write for details in confidence. We will reply by letter, then ar- range interview at a convenient time, - 8. Faun Stock for Sate THREE Holstein heifers for gale, Due soon, 345-2559, Mat Claes- sens. ; 8.46-1 FIFTY pigs, 10 weeks old. Apply to Joseph Dorsey, Dublin, 345- 2824. 8.46-1 FORTY started pigs. John Dew- itt, 482.9822. 846-1 9, Poultry for Sale , LIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084'r Box 169 9-43-tf LAYING hens '6 to 7 months old; algo broiler roosters. Call 527- 1444 or 527-1101., 9-45x2 10. Used Cars For Sale 1967 Cougar, can , be seen by phoning 527-0168. 10-46-1 1958 Fargo pick-up Oldsmobile powered, in excellent condition, safety checked, 527-0047. 10-46x1 1956 Chev., good running con- dition, 527-0403. 10-46x1 USED car, '61 Pontiac, 2-door hardtop, 28C, 527-0316, 10-46-1 11 Articles For Sale ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines available at The Huron Exposi- tor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 1145xtf EAVESTROUGHING, new and-- repairs, rafter ends, facia board, roof vents and metal flashing& A and B Service, Clinton, 482- 9734. 11-43- tf COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11434f JEWELLERY Repair Service Diamonds Reset Ring Sizing Ring Repairs Shaver Repairs - Parts Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-04f 50 Piece Sets English Ironstone Dinnerware • service for 8 only $29.95 Anstett Jewellers Ltd, 11-43-tf Considering a MOBILE HOME ox recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call: RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LIMITED 547 Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, Ontario Many models and makes, to choose from. 11-434 EAVESTROUGHING, and light ning rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates Without ob- ligation. Contact R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11-43-tf GEISTETNER ink available al The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11,45xtf stt.EANED shelled feed corn, 527-0608. • 11-45-3 TYPEWRITER ribbons, adding machine ribbons for most styles. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seafortb. 11-45xtf ELEVEN acres second cut _al- falfa. Wm. Murphy, phone 345- 2976. 1146-1 BEIG,E chesterfield and two matching chairs in good condi- tion, 527-1315. 11-46x1 USED' Beatty silo unloader, 2- years old, five" H.P. motor, 3- furrow hydraulic Case plow, 12" bottom, 345-2518, Herman Van Bake', 1146x1 PEARS. Good for eating. Ready first of September. Mrs. Mes- senger, Egmoiidville. 11.46-1' COMPLETE set-of barbering tools, , never use, 527-0316. 11-46-1 B and W grain aeretor and dri- er in stock. For special prices, contant 345-2068, Dublin 11-46-2 TOMATOES,• pick your own or order. Bring containers. Cate Van Raay, 1 mile East of Datil- wood on highway 83, 237-3496. 11-46-4 MATCHED set of golf clubs, 5 Irons, two woods; bag, all . in good condition. Steve Brady, 527- 1456. 11-46x1 • SWEET corn. Mrs. Joy Hopper, 527-0775, 11-46-1 1969 23 horsepower Yamaha snowmobile. Good shape; also 50 c.c.' Honda, mini-trail, 527- 1764 after 6 o'clock. 1146-1 AN Imes 570 wind,r6wer, 100 inch, excellent condition, 482- 9297. 11-46-1 401 International 4-row bean puller, in excellent condition. Jim Miller, Cromarty, 345.2699. 11-46-1 'DOMESTIC size Livingston stole er cottplete with controls, good shape. Approximately one ton of stoker coal; Quantity of quart and pint sealers; several large crocks. Phone 527-0094 after 6 o'clock. 1146x1 GREEN corn and other vegeta- .bles. Call evenings and week- ends. Ambrose Addley, Einburn. 1146x3 TWO round 1,100 bus. corn cubs. 2026604. 1.1.462 , oven ready. 345- 21 Mrs. Frank Ryan, 11484 11. Articles for Sale M.G. 900 model Mathews grain dryer like new; also 41-ft 6-inch grain auger. Mervin Dietz, 345- 2236. 11-44x3 DALMATION dog, 10 months old, female, purebred, papers. This gentle dog will be sold for nominal sum for a good 'home. Phone 527-1380. 11464 STRAW far sale, 15 cents a bale, Phone 482-9204. 1146-1 TO give away to a good home,' small brown dog. good with kids. Phone 527-1841. 1146-1 USED acetylene set in good con- dition, phone 527-1994 after 7 p.m. 11-46-tf USED 3/4 H.P. portable air com- pressor, 4.8 C.F.M. Like new. 527-1994, after seven. 11-46-tf WEED chopper, 110 volt elec- tric fencers, one year guaran- tee. Repairs always on hand: also repairs for American In- ternational fencers. A few used Hellman fencers. Alvin Heuer- man, 345-2306. 11-46-1 1970 ski-doo for sale, 18 HP,, ex- cellent condition. John Timmer- mans, 262-5504, RR 3, Kippen. 11-46-1 USED 180 amp electric welder, 527-1994. Call after 7 p.m. 11-46-tf APPROXIMATELY 150 bushels of Yorkstar winter wheat, suit- able for seed. Lawrence Taylor, Londesboro, 527-0549. 11-46-3 1 ;'USED EQUIPMENT Innes 500 AR Wind- rower $650 Bean Cylinder and Concave for IHC 40" width combine Like new $200 Case 6A combine Case 600 combine and pick -up $3200 IHC 80 combine cutting equip. and pick-up V.p5 THC 91 combine $2100 • IHC 303 combine • e E 14. Property for Sale , 80 ACRES Peach orchard land in. Goder- ich Township. 2 miles from Lake Huron. Ever-flowing spring feeds into trout creek, No build- ings and no inside fences. Rea- sonably priced at $8,000.00. WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH Daytime 527-0870 Evenings 565-2855 GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE' LTD. BROKER 14-46-1 15. Property for Rent TWO-bedroom, upstairs apart- ment, heated, on Adam St., 527- 1633. 15-45x2 NEW two-bedroom house in Eg- mondville, 527-0339 after 1 p.m. 15-45-tf APARTMENT on Railway St., gas heated, furnished if desired. A large house on North Main St. with new gas furnace. Phone 527-0702. 15-46-1 TWO-bedroom apartment, gas heated. available Sept, 1st. Clar- ence Montgomery, 527-0043. 15-46x1 18. Property Wanted' SMALL acreage with buildings, any condition considered. Ap ply to Box 1946, The Huron Ex- positor, 18-46x2 19. Notices CUSTOM corn combining, 36 to 40" rows. Lawrence Taylor, Londesboro, 527-0549. 19-46-3 Dr. C. J. LACK° Announces the forthcoming op- ening of his Dental practice at .40 Franklin Street, Seaforth, on November 2, 1970. Appointments may be made through the Seaforth Medical Clinic Phone 527-1770 23-46-2 MORTGAGES First and second mortgages available on residential, farm or business properties. 24 HOUR SERVICE P. F. Cunningham 576-2332, Kitchener 19-4341 19. Notices WE-Salf 34 AND` SERVICE, ACOMON BULOVA CARAVEILE WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth 527-1720 19-43-tf VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna. Phone Hensall '262-5748. 19-43-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-43-tf FARMERS! Are you considering erecting Farm Buildings THIS YEAR Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. Ball - Macaulay, Ltd. Clinton Seaforth Hensall - 19434f 19. N4100 AUTHORIZED BONDED SINGER SEWING ,MACHINE' SALES and SERVICES , GERALD COURTNEY, Box 223, Lucan, 227498f 19444 CONCRETE WORE ' All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards- Rea- sonable rates -.free estimates. MALONEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin Phone 345-2964. 1943-tf PERTH PAVING We specialize in sealing drive- ways, resurfacing, new . asphalt driveways, patios, parking lots, barnyards etc. PHONES: 273-0585 2714248 271.6711 DAY or NIGHT 19-44-4 FOR roofing, repairs and gen- eral clean up, contact Jim Mc.- Nairn, 527-0428. - 19434f WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth. 19-434 GIRL or woman to babysit in my home,to live in or out. Phone '527-1657 after 7 pun. Mon., Wed., Fri. and after 9:30 pm. on Tuesdays. 4-46-2 SOMEONE to babytit one child, Lt. Col. and Mrs. W. Hider, five days a week, 8 am. to 5:30 Suite 711, 200 University "Ave., • p.m., starting September 8th. Toronto 1, Ontario. 1 all anytime After...6p.m., 345- i• RELIABLE babysitter wanted 7. Situations Wanted for three d•ays a week, for two WILL babysit in my home. Call boys, one starting kindergarten. Lynda Huard, 527-0852. 7-46-1 Wanted! to start 2nd week in FARM work wanted. Apply to September, preferably in. my 527-1424. 7-46x1 0 own home, 527-1901. 4-46-1 Huron-Rerth County Roman Catholic • Separate 'School Board REQUIRES . Stenographer - expert typist - shorthand • essential. Reply in own handwriting, giving experience and reference to: P. 0, Box 718, Seaforth, Ontario $275 VINCENT a bean equipped with cab - fq Saks and • Service, authorited FT . V , 1 C T R 0 I, U X Canada plh503n1e9u4L5g324-thl. 0, ,..: hdtvalerAl..,vGinodeRirileexy; ,,,,,..,.. , 0 -,,,,I$,4:9,0 651 ' New Maur Bean Pullers in Stock ,' NOTICE - St. Columban store is now7,11andling Singer parts and. notions, also accepting service calls. Special on service calls. Free' estimates given on repairs. 19434 Phone 345-2750. ortw shoeing 0 •10,c-4. • Sboeing Hand Forged nos for ea hum 5.21.44•1q' Iwo 1. FUEL OIL For the provision of requir- ed fuel oil in tank truck lots Storage capacity 10,000 gal- 1 o n s. Approximately 40,000 gallons" required per annum. 500 VIS heating fuel, gravity 'AP1 at 60 degrees 16.0-22.0 Flash 150 minimum. Viscosity 400-600 SU at 100 degrees. Sulphur content maximum ' 2.5%. Pour point maximum '50 de- grees FHT. Water and sediment .75% max- BTU 178,000. Ash conten % maximum 0.10. SNOW REMOVAL - For necessary snow plowing, snow removal, snow blowing, and, sanding as maybe requir- ed from time to time on roads at Seaforth Community Hosp- ital and on. Centennial Drive. 1 ''''''en,ders to Indicate eqhip- merit to be used and rate per hour including necessary oper- ator for each, unit. • 3. GARBAGE DISPOSAL For the removal and dispoL a