HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 2t' 1. ea around; all the ot# It a their 411/ till C$h,4%4 ; three waiters: pivoted upon l.their llsele.like tops; thetwo ladies • t at the deak'gave a jump, then turned --- " " -�" o• 'round their whole bodtev foes the .t� • 1b9Q. Itad bl?ttll tWQ ' A 4xUT ) . l as •if tb Y p Ri.I,�,Y, U _ waists t pt P "`"' .._,_,-- -.. ---T--- ••-••^ sutomat,,t obedient to the seine °rank, AT 1.i tk A .great sileuce (made itself felt. .. Then, on a sudden, a dry Wad Ind a'iick lush eatpAs&v e WuiTVRtt. ed in tho stir. The viseattnt head slapped his adversary's (rice, Every • Sti teen en sty dal' of life the night:ie, falling Awl, in the welds from uu nnete d efeeeeo ratown, hear far voices out of darkeess oalleug 1y eu,„ pasha unknown, Thou who hat read° trey home of life so ptetahia.l u, Leave not its tauant when its walla de - Ca., i[) 1ov.: ,ttvinel, Cl ;a elper ever present, L. tarn tux be euft,a toad stay I Be neer me wlt,:u all else is from me drift - tee, 14 ,,,,., hey, h ,,.se's biomes, days ofshe cte A.4,1 ,eutU% taco., to my owe uplifting Tee :eve «....%il anwern mine. X have but Thee, 0 Fattier ! Let Tby spirit. Be with me then to eotnfort and upuuidi I b u •h of palm I very much troubled : Then he sat down anti. began to re• cloe'k was about. to atr'ike,the lit tlegriud- ing sotind of tial eilrilig Which stands erect caused him to give a start ; and for several seaouds of:" that be wrei obliged to open his uusutli to breathe, he remained ao stitch oppressed, lie set himself t� reauouing with lliMseif upon the possibility of this thiietiw Shall 1 he afraid No, c+•rtaiuly not, he would not be ofra►id, lieoanse he was resolute. . to go to the ved, tieoanst' ire had his will i+ree- l► fixed to tight and not to tremble, Brit he fell so deeply troubled that tie asked Ionise((: t7uit a slim be afraid in spite of a llinlr .And this doubt inv•tde41 hien, title nin'asiuess, this dread. tr Stone oorn- tneediug and irresistible p iwer, should. c,uquer him, what would happen' 'Nle should certainly appter upo11 the field, ainote lie willed to flu it, But if he trembled? i3ut if " be fainted'1 And be thought of his situation, of his reputation, of his name, triol, it was followed as soon by a And a curious necessityseized ilius l giddiness of the so ti. He thought: ono rise to. interfere. Garda %vi- a ex. ehetitgt'd b•etwet.n the two, ' heu`t he viscount liadrea oiled home lie pneed'hi room for several minutes with great, (peek strides. He was too touch agitated t reflect at all. One sitll;Ie idea wits hovering over his ruiud—&duel—without arousin in Limas yet an emotion; of auy sort. Ha bad done that which he ought to )lave dose', he had shown himself to be that which he ought to be. Pteople would talk about it, they would praise hit's, they would uongrutulate hien. He repeated in a loud voice, speaking as one speaks whet( one's thoughts are 1�o gats of pear , no ra e merit,. What a brute thatfellow was ! Nor street of ebiuing gold. uffice it if, my stood and ill uureokoued, And both. fort;tvau threueti thy auouad lug grace,. And u,yeeit. uV hands familiar beckoned 1'uta my eit,.tug pltttitl, ,some heliosis door among Thy many main sumac, Some ,,..alteaiug ;shado where sin aud 5treVU,,, ,Aud hues tuLuver through heaven's greet expansions The river of 1hy peace. These from the music rouud about me steal,u•�, I fain wound learn theuew aud holy soug And.finu. at taut ucueatll Eby Dabs of hest - The hie for which 1 long, denrau(led rigorous and danreroua conditions, if he insisted on a. serious feet. He Must find seconds the firs thing in the moruiug. WVhout should he moose? Ile thought over those men of his acquuintauoe who bad the best positions, who were the most celebrated tie finally selected the Marquis de le Tour -Noire, and the Col. liuuedin, a nobleman and a soldier. Very . good indeed. Their un -flies would s+euud well iu the papers. He perceived that be was thirsty, and he drank, one after another, three glasses of water ; d r again t0walk Ll and then he 1 elan itf.#Lit down the roue. He felt himself full of energy. • if he'blustered a little, if THE O0WARD'3 1i ATH. duel, very serious, terrible, his of?puu- out wouul probably withtxraw and Women in socaity called hint the snake apologies. and which he beedeuute Siguoles. lite . imam was lie picked up the C Vicomte Goutrau Joseph de biguutes. had pulled cut of his pocket aud Aa °rowel awl the puseeeevr of -a thrown on the table, and he reread it "suliie.ieut turtune, as the saying Roes, with a single glance. He hacl already ltd cub a dealt. lie had a hue figure dem so is the cafe and in the cab, by and be,trittg, enough couversa.iuu to the glimmer of every street lamp 'on Wake ,peupro credit him with Meyer- his way home. (xeorge Lanni, 51 tress, a certain 'lateral au air of Bete Iloncey. Nothing more. zlobifity aud of pride; a gallas( ilius He examined these aaseme,led letters tech an.i a geutie a e—a Wittig Whluh.'which sseiued to him mysterious pleases women. full 'of a confused meaning. George: In the drawing rue its he was in Lathed ? Who is this man ? What had rest G• re' uest much seuf;.et after as a • he -been about l V liy: had he.stared at b i request, Jae: tiler sur sue. 1..ait2i, kirk he ieepu•ecl S h 1 was it riot aiming men that smiling insured vesico unknown Wn r, t1;1c*y always cherish for others of au ,tou,treetit figure. lie passed a Inlppy maid trance:Li lite, iu It eurtrlurt of:to tau 1Vitioll was inJer Salo piste. it wteti' lenoen teat he was tL good fencer, add as a pistol 51105 eveu (tetter. it evtn 1 tight a datel, sold he,I shall echao.tu pisLule. \t tt,t dist weapon 1 ',ant aUrta, ut li rtltuo til)• alas. ht.,w,�,u. 1tl�i1G, ha•iso:meowpanied ,t y.,yr,.u.t.t moles, los frtttude, ese.,rted 'u the t utlaCi e lie „ nd- t Ir 1e,i �t, G tae t Y i.i/t,.e.l wee (til after the pity to tette au we at, j'•)ttoefs. !let*, nail been ,mere foe several mutates, when he per- •cetved tsar. a neut.tetaat1 atute.i at aleighb.)i•li, mom was staring uustled- ,tely at, one of his eti.upenit e s. She seeme.t put out, uneasy, lowered Iter .Mead. _-..t last site said to her hue - band : There is a man who 15 luokiu„ me Ant of eouttterts,ui:e. 1 Jo 1iO4 l+tlow „him, do you 1 Tim hua,ta ,d, wile had seen nothing Xtra ss1 his eyes, Uaiu deeiared : Ili, nut at all '1 b yuutig lady coutmued, hail .;ytYilltu�,, nett vexed It is very unpleusttut, thou Ulan is espoatiee Myr Her ilasolttol'shrugged his shoulders Banti-d.in't pay any attention to It. .f we nal to oueupy oulsuives `auouc' revery ite,uteut fellow tLiti; we meet we ,Ishould never have done. 13ut toe Viseiuut Had risen brasgne ly. He could not allow that cats atrtulgor 5uutild spurt an lee winch he lied mitered. it wits net hits Oat the ,(trent( w.ts addressed, bee slice it -Was through halt hart on lila iecouut hilt hie fere» is had entered tee oefe.. • t' 46w tw segue s ilio( un,S Tb" CQ1atte1 4t+64/1113'1n a stititltWL 1 t'd thhatset tai +,3lsout htloeatlt+:n ; hlolcbr, Altd de : whiothnnght c, tone; diebon'', Of the wh •^rl, in the elubsl, Those lire excellent can(lLtioa of thea lau1Tleter t' the drawing.ronntt+, Sit i are aI geed *hot ; the ehu►lces area of the tlisiiiaiu ui wotW t, of the allot rill in your favor.. the polices, of the iutltlta world" k And they separated. The viscount ` returooel !(mire to watt far them, The Which would be threwit ou him by agitation, which bid been tsmporarly cowards, ' now increasing with every He went on staring cit th'o :pttnoil, rlliitnecl, was an t rail;ih ; ;ltR It arettit'r. lie su ialellly moment, lie felt along his &rote, a1Lw a echo:111; giitt,ra b'ueuth it likes tL quive his UP', brills eniti t► kind little reit fuer, . The pistol lute, beers tree u !tied Of M'Itr nOttetivie IA loaded, by ethos's, by oversight . tion ; ho sushi melt stay its one pinto, If ill the ►1rewSerlCi+ ve hie )'.d••erF;W'y neither sitting down of standing up, 11(e bad ttht ter ce:ale iattl notde bear - Re had no longer a trace of t oiscere its; which is fit, he would es lust f )r. in his month, acid be blade atY .over, Fie would be spotted, marked ins!,tint a truaay movement tothe with ti sh n of iufrtnty, ituvted front tongno as if to unglue it from his society, Aud late rhou!d trot have .rllt}t Re tried to talcs hit breakfast, but palate. calm and bold bearing ; h(' kuery it; t not oat. Then he thought of ho felt it. Aud yet he vette really he mild give himself brave, because he wanted to fight, delirias;; to order o b lie was bravewbeecituae-at that uw courage, cud hada , @canter of rum nt there as a nilarp report, brought to btu, frullii which he gulped rue down oneafter another, six little When his valet rate in, attracted by ,i1*.., the report, he found hili( dead, ou his A warmth, like EV burnt seized , glasses, ,, Mick., targe drop blond hind fallen ou the white paperof on the table and made tit great red stain below tee four words : Tliia is my will. on a Budder), to get up again and look at hin,se;f in the mirror. Ho relit his cslldle. When he perceived los face reflected in the polfalled glass he hardly recognized himself, and it seemed to him that he had never seen this man before. His eyes appeared enormous ; and he was pale, surely he was pttle, very. He ren'aiued upright before the mirror, He put out his tongue as if to feet the state of his health, and all on a sudden this thought entered into hint after the fsshion of a bullet : . The any aft•tr tu•lnorrow, at this dead. . time,I shall perhaps be d And bis heart began to beat furious- ly. The day after tea -morrow, at this time, 1 shall perhaps be dead. This person before me,• this I which lade, in this glass, will exist no longer. What, here I am, 1 atn looking at My- self, I feel myself to live, cud in twenty far hours 1 shall be lain to ret upon t'eie uouo,i, dad, my eyes shut, cold, '►ueuitil:rte, gone. He turned :towards his bed and 1t(' distinctly sa•v hiluself extended on the back in the sautes sheets wteich he had just left, l: Ie haat the hollow face which dead men . havlt, aud the slack nese to the Minds which wilt never stir more. So he l re�'v ,afrai jof his bed, and. order not to 1ci k at it again, he diet wolnait tl that way that strait rer, a et passed into bis stuokil,gerootil. He revoltiug til L g eboulti so come and ttrouble your life, took a cigar ineehanically, lit it, and ell on a sudueu, simply i)ecalise he again began to walk the robaetn. le Hutt been pleased to ii,x his eyes iu- was cord;; he went towards t bell te s>lentl upon a WoluaU 51st yon know'?( wake his valet; bat behell-ropete,: Inc Aud the viscoutlt, repeated yet again, hand tilted towards the nl e. loud voice: T'bittfellow will see that 1 aur What a brute:4 F afraid. ('leen the remained motionleeie tip. • Alai he ,lid not ring ; he Made tate 3 elf When ills hands touch- rillt, thutij,iug,bis look r:i•t-rj,lallted on Ore hieuh; tbte4 trembled l't, l,, the cards. A rage awoke Let hue a5 altlst this pieee to piper, an anger full of Il tte, i,e wttWh was milted. a strange, this , W stupid, t s t i u urNiisy (sett(( i,. whole ati'ietr I He took , rnlittle pen- kilile whicli lay open to his hand, and if he had been dtnulcasl`r,d himself : petsfied it into the middle of tine print -e, And ceaselessly' e `kid will be- . d 'name, as if be lead poaiartled some Whet shall i d I kutlly the way. Now it will go all right But at the end of an hour he had, emptied the deeeneer, and his state of agitation was become agaiu i►ttolerable. He felt a wild necpsaity to roll upon the ground to try to bite, Evening fell. The sound of Lila duty. -bell caused him sueh a feelin& of suffocation that be lead not the at�rel gth to rise and meet his second( lie did not da longer—to- say, pronounce a slut rte word, for fear lest i the alteration in '•', a1 .tri ii l 1 divine they leis vpioe. . The coloual said : Everything is settled itecot'ding to the conditions Winch you fixed. Your opponent at first insisted on the privi- leges of the t ret'lcled party, keit he yielded almost ifnuiediately, ami has agreed to everything. His sei ands are two officers, The viscount said Thank you. ' The martuis resumed: , Excuse us if we only just dill lei and out, bet we've still u thousand; things to do. We° mast have a good doctor, bect>iise the duel is not to atop uutil after snots once is badly. lit., and you know there is no tritliug with. hulloed. A lsI£tt1$ must be appoiuted, sear Bowe hutise, where we son, carry the Wounded.one of the.two, if it is necessarj', etc. 'tit will take us quite 28 hours. more. The' , viecotiht articulated^ a, second. tinie : Thank yori. The colonel silted : You're all riglit' You're calm, 'les, quite calr, disliks. The two nt~netired. t 6 When he felt hltusRlf alone tLgal>S it seemed to, hii that he was (ming orad. His ser alit having lit the lamps, he sat d wn before his table• p iters. After tracing one 1 g to write sot he the top. of &'page, This is sty will, he got up again and drew off, feelittg incapable of putting two ideas to- g. they, of taking a single r'esolutl'yn, of deoid) ee anything et all. And sob he Was going to fight a duel. He could no longer escape that; What could L'e passing he him 1 I•Xe wanted to fight, Ile had that inteutiou and that resolution firmly fixed ; and he felt very iilainly that, notwithstaIdint; all the effort of bis mind arid, all tho toneiotl of liis will, ho iv 'i11d not be able to retain• • strength to go as for its the place of the en gutter. He tried to own att`tude his attitude, , fiutcy tho e , and the bearing(of his ihdversai-y. • Froth time td time his teeth "struck against; one adother in his mouth with a little dr% Boise. Ile tried to real, and took tlp de Chateautilllnrd's duelling trade, Ales he risked him., self : 1Iy ad veraary bad he frequented the shooting ,g fleries'1 is he well known 1 Ma s his chase 3 How can 1 find mit f He reneemborod theliook by Baronde Vault, upon pistol-shootbirs, and he searelted tli.rough ib from one end to the other. George Laulil was not mentioned. But, however, if the mart had not been tt good shot; be would not have accepted immediately that cl.atigrous weapon and those eollditioile, winch were ri ortltl. His pistol case,by (lastinne llonette,' lay'on a little round table, As hi) passed he opened it and tools out one of the pistols, then platted himself as if to shoot, and raised his arm ; but he trembled from head to foot, aud' fuer barrel shook lii all' 'direiitions, I'l on he said : t is itilpoasillli. 1 iaiittot fight like II isi :. he O IA 'l UAW ! i tgdlyd: e.to talk to theta wxty Hew do you do to ell anything, h , . •. s i rht y v' 1 u uenrettet slinking. is .head with wandered ; liik, tr,(ubled thoilghts be- 'li fro holy . lt, t lett ti + r 't,d( V, b I 1 t' u t + n f , came r; 4 spirit a all intoxication retzrd on his bt• E<' -some oL the i Otte. they • •fight, His, (whole body vibrated, jerky i-io�tever, must ,l,Ytlt, 1Ie etrll- sidered himself indeed as the insulted trambtirigs, ran over it ; he got up, party. And, Mavis;; thus the right, and approaching the vsiudow, he open• istould he choose the pistol or the ed the curtains, sword 1 .�tibb the sword he risked The d'tty was coilliuz, a day of sum - less; but with the pistol he Leat the mer. t1;he rosy sky made, rosy the chases of making itis adversary 12itb.• city, the roofs,, and; the walls. A great draw. 15 is very rare that a inlet fall of tenuous li;ht, like a caress frotn with swords prate mortal, it the rising su11, enveloped the awaken, mutual prtl.Ieuco. preventing the cont- ed world ; erre with itisst,glimizedmer, tlla baton(s from emtagillg unlit enough hope gay, rapid,brutal, r , a Wise Le mad • nt. S for file point of the rupiFrtu enter 'Melt of the vrs�ou very deep. With the litsti,the risk. to let himself be s'. strucic down by ed bis life r.eriousl'y ; hut' he might fear* before auytltitis; had sevenbeen l seen also come dist of the affair with decided, before his at,t ou 1 those of this George Lanni, before he all the honors of file situation, and yet know il''.IIe was going to fight at without going so far its au actual 7 meeting. l He made hie toilet; dressed Nina• He said 1 (oust be firm. He will hie afraid. self, and left the house with u firth. The soured of his voice made l.litn step. to himself, while walls tremble, and lie .looked about hint. He repeated Ile felt himself very nervous. ') to fug: (frank emotli•'r glass of water, then 1 twist lb.'deekIed, very decided. 1 .gall to itdt'cess, himself to . go to roust provt3 that 1 am not afraid. began u His secotidze, the marquis and the colonel, put,thernselves at his disposi tion, and after having pressed hie hands energetically, discussed the Coit- ditinlls of, thti meeting. Tim cotiinel slaked. 'You want a serious duel 1 The viscount attswesed 'Miry serious 1 The uiatquts took up the worn You insist on .pistols 1 Yes, 1)o you le,Lve us free to settle the rest 1 The Vittenutit articulated with a dry, lerkv voice; Twwenty intros, ►irieg si tree 4brd, lifting the arm iuete of 1 wctriug,it. B:t(lllaullP of taltota ltlatli bon'iu Bile #a llttilir 'wot4bdwi Attic Accumulations, 1r Thorn is a use somewhere for every haifworn garment, cast -oil shoe, or.. piece of dilapidate 1 furniture, which, thrifty housewives banish to the attic because they aro too good to throw away, Clothing thus stored is a fertile nesting•plae.e for clothe, autlthe annual lttl:sor of exliuiiuing, dilating rearrang'. ing to maize room for fresh additions is by no means inconsiderable.' Old,,, , e r ted a era books aud trta;,azines,illu t n p p and catalogues neeuululate year after year in this iguoble bauisineent, W itb a little painstaking all of these attigleil tuay increase the comfort .uf, li:vei4 dalkeiied by poverty aud sickness. The pictures in illustrated papers, are iu deniitnd, to be made, into sora buolcs for sick children in hoslsirals, A, ft'yv yards of colored oawbri added, fnt•rliah pleasant eiilpleymeut to. th convalescent children in asci .i tit' e P pietuiies. A. sgrapesortie of short stories, interesting faette or elo%jueft ;r estraots, made light tc'fit deo fceblts hand of invalid, is a treasure..td came of tee gr'at ar#uy of the "sli1Lt, .,iii" Shoos a+tqt aside liecatiss, they, are de- faced, and half worn garuieir.ta' are gratefully rem -need -atssylutntL tor thb destitute. That mitt fortunate colli munity where no raged, barefoot; wonittu or chile( is glad- to wear thein.'e for such a lack is prirua facie l videI10e of the absence of saloons, , , r s rr of its super, Then Merle the g,(t et n animated rubbish, Bert it out, spend. a. little leisure in leaking where it.would' do good, trod send it on its inti33ion. The widow gave but two mite vet the ecord of that single act ltae conte ' l i , dawn tis• us thruugt the ages. --Lawns• of Life. I 11(3 nus t tt 11.'3 a<lvdtrivau terward the sunt euel<! A,s• soon ae he Was ru1 bed. lib blew .said to Lulu t -ant the light and shut hie eye's: You have, sir, ti outliner of looking kits thought ot,t t e .' l;tdit's Weiietli i C(((hic( to erste. I've got all (lay tit-trtort'ow to attend r, •t< of you to be so loud as to oease t#3 tiffeirs. X'd eras. Afeep first so as pis instant. 1 to be (salmi The tituer auswei'cld t Yen are gore's to iu►ud your own trueinests. curse rut. The vtseuuilt 6a11,with close•proesed: filth t Takee;,tre., b1r, yon will force we to i td bis right, e also bJuatla. t lie wile still 6eeirsty. Ile gest, up F (,u .ti pond answteireti bat olii'l 11 t:lr1t to ariukr "#'(lett ata 4u141et' *Ord, w t ti, • .1, w.ttutI ren frena t. t It- 1i : , Item' id's w e tent bu�s. end vi lite .at- to the utnt•r,. suit„ +ail D. ,ileit to eirOtd spring, 4aucad (every guest 1 Why did his lis'((('t fail to beating( so e3tstelets n ethldun nlovt,tttttiut, All • madly at kith oftl tveii�knoh=n �I�a�kkil3w�� , t1� tl� �+'�rii He►vas vary ++r•t►E'% soder' the bed.. clothes:, but bepstu1d Ant dose bit. lie turned and tt►aitsi•edr retnaiued %ve Minutes ou hitt 110110,4, then placed (him self oe his last, i►itie4 thenen rolled otter St� two aresp,otivo oils Birds. The (3duadiarr �ortiaultllrixt say's:'. The folllosvin birjls are to be classed`q; u among the helpful kind in the getter., al warfare against insects :--1 obins. —cut aud other worms; swallows nighthawks and purple martiirs-- moth catchers; ps. nos—striped cue cumber bugz ; "wood thrushes aud wrens—cut worms; cat birds—tent eat erpillars; meadow larks, woocipeolrers' and 'crows—wire$vorms; tutue•throat . ed buntings•- caulker worths ; black," red winged birds,, jays, doves,p erns awberryiosts; quail ocdei; • whip -poor f1t• s, ail night birds, gees, and black wing ' , red birds --'- curoulio>. ileo h4�', nlatrtioued the sect destroyers Nut, tellers, chimney swifts, locking: birds,. orchard and !hippies-st --Chinch bugs, wills—moths ;. icy owls, etc., 1 bd twin oU There ma following crackers, fly indigo birds orioles. ileiteo}iltrty roofs Pads," One of theae ids will kill more (tins ivory day for a meth thea earn he caught upon a barge sheat'( stocky paper, A 10e, packet of Wi1so11'iely I'ua')ou ]dads will last a whole seeepu. Mold by all druggists, Oat you ain''t le the grub that intakes the bu ter1D.? she enquired sweetly, l3uet ear1elis Lilo grub, but Vault itr seatltili'i; au lguur,tlit fainter Let overpaid in lit )t+ ticrritta•►li. re i S hail] l : ill but t fru w , l ied tiro ktorrid, • EtM?ERA ''( CoSPIICYttu &Y WO Cilill� k'rof. Ieaidlitw sa (rook (tut specially •te►nperanee which l; pigs against the us es the bible. Flo t. .fur (•lie statesmen,th toe wan of llusin(s# (abstinence is best, ester of religion ltil plain. Rev, A, Gaudier leg in Edinburgh r 'while perhaps filo u might be able to d time and never he drink, the brigh Nervously strung, yt well fitted to make world,if be btgau lip tend bee#t#xie its 1 wiaiernh1e drurakar '..AN' AP BSL) 1 TT° A. READING DY Jen: •'TEXPExANO> xsciT,l 1 heard a young carriage tell his or versing nn the Llai My father wile a tit mot(lt L a mymailer vi energetic woman : of the boys see 111 farm free r'rom••deb signed the pledge her most, rteext to 1 it, was that she co WAS not a di'bt, in 'farm. My father • ,'the. city, about t •.':ttviuea•wet'li; n� r ttiotheir saying ile r tt , y world try and pt tot to go auy Ilial that which be e j;tttn afraid of t'. . associations. Oh of that.; father is One •eve&ntg we and were going ti niy father 5 Loppc places of resort,a,' and reins. I hits ` the reius,aud wen 'landlord said : 1 t o you how d do ? stranger. liow 1 temp. rance whin, Oh, about two ye. Well said the lett getting ; along vs chatted together and by he asked Ole, but ..f have ge bitters here, said temperance sten i ledge that it is pc especially iu but a little, and he p offered it. 1 ste Don't give my fits he replied : We nowadays. •1f 1 I think .1 would tal What do you i Do you bring th , of you 2 .13,, you '''That. started the he told me to go the horses. Ile tell o'clock ; and 101.4 gave hiul a give it to him, rose U1) against 1 When he got up I My heart was thought of sty ni she feel this 1 %V miles from halo+ £ will drive. Na lie snatched the from the wagon, cheek the bort(,+!, crushed his beat{ tial iiiiduiglit gree; elle a agars. 3. t in lacer, ai1d t>t'.t that tray ti 1 ':,t •.'our in.)1►t11s :.f• `el . iiti,'1 l itis..