HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-08-27, Page 1ST. COLUMBAN LANDMARK REMOVED'
Whole No. 5346
Prepare 'for- 125th Fall Fair
officially open the 1970 fair at
8:30 p.m.
The official opening will be
followed by a program featuring
area talent. Program chairman
Don McKercher said he is now
in the process of rounding up
Activities Friday will com-
mence with the traditional parade
for schopl children. This year
the area children will be joined
by several hundred more from
the Hullett Central School at
Londesboro , The parade will
be led by the S.D.11,S. Girls
Trumpet Band. Mr. Murphy said
negotiations were underway with
two other area bands, includig
a Pipe band, to participate. This
year the school children's par-
ade will place more emphasis on
floats and decorated vehicles than
in previous years.
A major change this year
is the allottment of space in the
Arena. The 4-H displays will
be in the middle of the floor,
bee n talking to her daughter
and that Mr. Smith was suffering
from several fractures including
a fractured arm.
The North Bay Nugget des-
cribes the incident in the fol-
lowing story: -
Two North Bay men and a
pilot from Willie are in Miserie
cordia Hospital at Haileybury
today, after their Cessna 170
Skyhawk crashed just north of
Temagami late Wednesday.
" Injured were:
R. A. (Rody) Warren, 691
Norman Ave., North Bay, , who
suffered a fractured arm.
Norman C. • Smith, 590 Mc-
Intyre St. W., North Bay, who
suffered scalp injuries,
John Death, of Orillia, pike
Of the aircra3t, a concussion.
Both Mr. Warren and Mr.
Smith were reported in good
condition , and the attending
physician in Haileybury said he
believes they will remain in hos-
pital only another 24 hours.
Eyewitnesses to the acci-
dent were two members of an
Ontario Northland Railway extra
crew, Conductor R. J. Green and
Engineman R. L. Church, both of
North Bay.
They saw the plane making-
a souttila ound course, flying low
above the railway line, through a
heavy overcast. Police said they
were told the plane appeared to be
wobbling from side to side.
The railway employees re-
portedly saw a wing hit a high
tension power line before the
plane flipped and nosed into the,
The area, of the crash was
about 250 feet from the line,
and all three men avere able to
make their own way out of. the
The two railway workers
quickly uncoupled their engine
and took the injured men to Tem-
agami. From there, they were
moved by ambulance to Halley-
bury hospital.
The crash occurred at 6:10
p.m ,, about two miles north' of
Temagami at a .jenction point
for the ONFC and the Ontario
The break in the power line
cut off electricity in Temagami
until 9:10 p.m.
The plane is an Orillia Air
Services Ltd. craft based at Trout
Lake in North Bay. The extent
of damage to the aircraft is not
yet known. OPP from Temaganli
maintained an all-night shard
on the wreckage pending an in-
vestigation scheduled to begin
today by Department of Trans-
(Continued on page 10)
John Murphy, president of the Seaforth Agricultural Society, looks over the infield at the
fairgrounds. Plans are well advanced for the „event which is the 125th annual Seaforth Fall
Fair. The dates for this years ''fair are September 17 and 18. Work is now in progress at
-the grounds behind the arena-in-preparation.for.the event., (Staff Photo)
Husband of Seaforth
Escapes as Plane
Even the Town of Seaforth is preparing for the Back-to-School rush. Here town foreman,
Harold Maloney (right) and Alf. Price, paint crosswalks across Gederlth Street to the St.
Ni James Separate School t playground. The walks will be put to good use en September 8 when
school begins. ' (Staff Photo)
An old log cabin behind the home of Jack McIver of St.
Columban was removed recently by FranleStratil of Windsor
who plans to restore, it at Black Point south of Goderieh. Mr.
Mclven said he believes the cabin was well over 125 years
old. It was used as a. home until about 20 years ago and since
Plans for the 125th Annual
Seaforth Fall Fair are well under
wl way according' to John Murphy,
President of the Seaforth Agri-
cultural Society. This years fair
will be held on Thursday and
Friday, September 17 and 18.
The format of the fair has
been changed little from pre-
vious years. The official . open-
ing on Thursday night will be
preceded by a director's dinner
with special guest Murray Gaunt,
MPF, for Huron-Bruce, who will
A North Bay resident, Norman
Smith, son-in-law of Mr. and
• Mrs. John Regier, Seaforth, had
a narrow escape from death on
Wednesday when the -plane in
which he was apassenger crashed
near Temagami.
Mr. Smith is the husband of
the former. Doreen R4gier, of
Seaforth. He was taken from,
hospital in Haileybury by ambu-
lance to 1at:93 Bay Hospital.Mrs.
Regier said Wednesday she had
Park Gifts
Further gifts contributed to
Lions Park and pool maintenance
fund include the following:
Pat Troutbeck, $10.00; Anony-
mous, $4.00; Afionyrnous,$10.00;
Sally. Cosford, $2.00; Sally Sil-,
lery, $5.00; Vincent F arm Equip-
ment, $25.00;, L.B. Melanson,
$5.00; Anonymous, $5.00;Clara
M. Brugger, $5.00; Seeiorth Br.
Can. Legion #156, $145.00; Roy
McGonigle, $10.00; Mae Moffat,
$5.00; Annette Sinclair, $5,00;•
Seaforth Farmers Co-op,$10.00;
Township of McKillop, $25.00;
Geo. A. Sills & Sons, $10.00.
A change' in the rules this
year provides society members
with admission to the opening
program Thursday evening or
to the grounds Friday, but not
both days. •
Last years fair saw $7500 in
prize money awarded of $8600
offered. Mr. Murphy said approx-
imately the same amount will
be offered this year.
Prize lists for this years
fair have now been published'
and are available from Mr.
Murphy, Jim Keys, secretary
of the Society, or from the Huron
Expositor office.
Gather for
Friends and neighbdrs of Dr. .
- Charles Moyo and Mrs, Mayo
gathered' at Zimbabwe, the Moyo
residence in Tuckerstriith on
Saturday in honor of the christen-
ing of their .daughter, Masasa
Eugenia Bassoppo Moyo.
An ecumenical baptismal
mass was held in St. James
Roman Catholic Church Satur-
day morning conducted by Father
H. J. Laragh and Rev. Jeffery
Kapnzi of Boston.
In a short program during the
afternoon, Dr. Moyo welcomed
the, guests and said the event
was a way of perpetuating the
traditions and the pattern of life
as he had known them in Afriaa
and to show appreciation to the
community for the many, kind-
nesses which had been extended
to him and his faintly.
James R. Scott, replying for
the guests, emphasized the
necessity of all peoples every-
where getting together and corn -
menicating if mankind was -to
survive. The gathering, he said,
was an 'indication that despite
color, race or creed, people
could corn a together.
Ezra alcwana of Ottawa was
Guests who numbered about
five hundred were present from
Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, New
York and Boston as well as
from the Seaforth area.
See Beef
Selling Pool
In- Huron
If the new proposed plan for
a marketing and price system
for beef producers is approved,
it might be named Huron C ANF AX
Beef Marketing Pool, m9.m')ers
of the Huron county beef
producers association learned at
a meeting in Clinton Tuesday
It would appear that a least
one pool, consisting of 30 mem-
bers, could get underway in the
county. Locations could be set
up , at Gortie in the north and
Exeter in the south.
Over 60 beef producers, all
members of the county assoc-
iation, attended the meeting
which was chaired by Eric An-
derson of Londesboro.. Mr.
Anderson said that While the
operation would be
sponsorship of the county as-
sociation, the service would be
available to only those who
joined CANFAX.
If telex machines, are going
to be bought, it would take be-
tween three or four weeks to
set them up in the two locations.
There are some telex machihes
in the county now which could
possibly .134 rented for the opera-
Send Two
To ' Hospital
Sally O'Rourke, 9, the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
O'Rourke, R. R. 1, Dublin, re-
ceived a broken collar bone, three
broken ribs and a punctured lung
as the result of a farm accident on
the week end.
She was riding on the front of
a wagon load of straw when her
foot became entangled with the
tongue of the wagon causing her
to slip off. The wagon then
passed over her inflicting the
injuries. Her brother, e3rian,15,
was driving the tractor.
She was brought to Seaforth
Community Hospital by her,par-
ents where she remains in good
Twelve year old Ann Clark,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Clark of Walton,, had her heel
-'and ankle badly lacerated by a
grain auge r last week. The family
was unloading the last wagon from
this year's crop when the accident
occurred. Fortuhately the young
girl was wearing a heavy pair of
work boots so more serious
injury was avoided. She was
brought to. Seaforth Corn -nunily
Hospital by her parents where she
remains in good condition.
Bank Names
Seafortli Son
trade, much to the chagrin of the
Chinese people who resisted all
hree powers.
The lead editorial in, the
paper, which is unfortunately in-
complete, presents several argu-
ments for and against the union
of all British North America (i.e.
Confederation). The arguments
were centered around the quesl.
tion of representation which was
a very contentious issue at the'
time. It mist be remembered
that at this time (1858) Upper
and Lower Canada (Ontario and
Quebec) were united but fun con-
federation was still twenty years
away. The, editorial presented
the argument that the only way
the pepple of. lower Canada would
achieve fair representation was,
to embark on an immediate cam-
paign to complete the federation.
This was the attitude taken by
the "true Grits" or ,Reform
party. Unfortunately the ansWer'
to this argument from. thagne-
servative camp of which the News
of the Week was a supporter is
- not with the fragment of paper
that was found. It is, however,
interesting to note that the politi-
cians were' actively arguing about
Confederation as early as 1852.
The remainder of the
fragment of the paper is devoted
to reports of the proceedings of.:
the various levels of Government
from • the British House of
Commons to . the provincial
houses. The debates of the pro-
vincial house center around the
problem 'of long delays in the ef-
fective governing of the country.
At least one problem hasn't
changed much in a hundred years!
Unlike most'of today's news-
paper journalism„ many of the
stories found in The NO/a of The
Week require extensive know-
ledge on the part of the reader.
They are, in effect, only progreas
reports and as such make little
sense to a reader a hundred and
twelve years later.
The old newspapers are par-
ticularly interesting to readers
of today accustomed to world
(Continued on Page 4)
To Curb
Protests concerning Pot*. •
lotion both water and air in ,
the Seaforth area were raised at
a meeting of the Seaforth
Chamber of Commerce board on
Thursday, evening.
Members instructed secre-
tary, Ken Oldacre, to write the
Ontario Water Resources Com-
mission and draw 'attention to
the algae growth which has re-
sulted in an unsightly condition
in Silver Creek as It flows
through the Lions Park. First
apparent thirty years. ago, the
condition has become worse and
on• some occasions4enerates an
At the same time the board
agreed to corn eiunicate with the
council as to what action could
be taken to control smoke and
odor originating from the dis-
posal area adjacent to the Doig
golf course.
The meeting named J. J. Will-
kinson to head a committee to
make arrangements for-the next
meeting and dinner dance. ''he
event is scheduled for Wednes-
day, September 16, in the Legion
Hall when Mrs. Jean Henderson,
a former president of the
Chamber of Commerce will be
the guest of honor.
Dance Aids
Without the 'modern com-
munication devices of to-day the
newspapers of the mid-nineteenth
century, were often months behind
in reporting the news of the
World. In fact, the arrival of ,
a news carrying ship from Europe
was heralded as an event in itself
in an 1858 issue of The News of
The Week or Weekly Colonist
which was published in Terontq.
• An old paper dated M arch 12,
1858 was recently brought into
the Expositor office by ten year
old Gordon Geddes of Egmond-
vine. , A son of M:. and Mrs.
Charles Geddes, he located the
paper in a pile 'of discarded
material in the village.
One • of the lead stories is
headed "The Europa's M'ails".
It describes the contents of the
mails of the ship Europa which
had recently arrived in Canada.
The news covered World events
dating as far back as December
12 of the previous year. ' The
maltnnews,was from India where
native rebellions were numerous.
Three ore four incidents involving
attacks on British outposts or
action by the British against the
rebels were reported., Repercus-
sions from these incidents in the
British Houhe of Commons were
alSo covered. The contentious
issue was the dual nature of the ,
Government in the sub-continent.
It was ruled both by the British
Colonial office as a crown colony
and, to a large extent, by the Brit-
ish East India Company which was
chartered by the British Govern-
ment to run the affairs of the
country in the same manner as
the Hudson's Bay Company had
official control over the Canadian
West before Cohfederation. The
government; while praising the
Work of the. Company, Censured
it for interfering in the govern-
ment of the colony and laid much
of the blame for the insurrections
at its feet.. •
Action in China was also re-
ported. via the Europa mails. The
City of Canton had been captured
by British forces who were at
the time vying with the French
and Datch for the lucrative china
Planning Underway
while merchants and industrial
exhibits will be accommodated
along the perimeter. Mr.Murphy
Said that Ed Taylor, chairman
of the merchants and industrial
committee, told him that there
was a big demand for space in the
arena and that it was already at
a premium..
Mr. Murphy ,also pointed out
that classes for poultry and sheep
have been 'eliminated from this
years fair. More emphasis will
be .placed on the popular Heavy
Horse classes which will be fea-
tured much earlier in the day
than in previous years.
The same midway as last year
will be in attendance to the south
of the Arena on Duke St., which
will be closed to traffic for the
event. A Pet Show is also planned
td be, run by the Lion's Club.
Plans are also well underway
toRASORIelete Women's section.
MISS "Vorothy Parke, President
of the Women's Division of the
Society, is in charge.
The Cabaret Dance, a,popular
feature last year, will again be
held on Saturday night in the
Arena.' Music will be provided
by The Blutitones with dancing
from ahto 40,4,. A licensed bar
will belietlip for--the occasion.
Gordon Willis, a native of
Seaforth and well-known banker,
has been named Rancho Bernardo
representative of Escondido Nat-
ional Bank in California.
A graduate of the American
Institute of Banking and the Gra-
duate School of Banking at the
University of Washington, Mr.
Willis began his career in Can-
ada in 1921. He later moved to
Detroit, Mich., where he spent
35 years with the National Bank
of Detroit, retiring as vice pres-
Mr. and Mrs. Willis haye been
Rancho Bernardo residents since
1968 and live at 12171 Bellota
Place, He is a director of the
RB Lions Club. He is a brother
of Mrs. F. J. Bechely, Seaforth.
Ten year old Gordon Geddes reads an interesting story
in an old newspaper he found 'recently. The paper was the
-, March 12., 1858 issue of The News of the Week or Weekly
Colonist published in Toronto. One feature was an editorial
discussing the pros and cons of union of all the British North
Ameridan colonies. (Staff Photo)
Old Newspaper
Recalls Early Days
A large crowd attended a
benefit dance held in the Brussels
Legion Hall for Mr. and Mrs.
William Thamer and family.
Prior to lunch Walter Bewley ,
expressed the community's feel-
ings on such an urtfornate
happening as the Thamer aniily •
had just experienced in the loss
of their home due to fire.
Douglas Kirkby made the
presentation of a purse of money
to Mr. Thamer .who replied with
a sincere thanks. Mr. Bewley
presented Miss Judy Thamer with
a donation on behalf of 'Seaforth
Teen Town.
A special thanks was, given
to Ian Wilbee's orchestra who
supplied music for the evening
free of charge, also to the
Brussels Canadian Legion for
donating the hall.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Doug. Kirkby, Mrs. Ross Bennett,
-Mrs. Percy Dalton, Mrs. Nelson
Marks, Mrs. Ralph McNichol,
Mrs. Howard Hackwell, Mrs.
Walter Bewley,' MrS. Mac
Sholdice and Mrs. Don MeDenald.
Hold Shower
Mrs. Wm, Hooper and Mrs.
Clarence Farwell sponsored a,
miscellaneous shower for their
cousin, Miss Donna M. Snfitle
of London, at Mrs. Wm. Hooper's
home in Grand Bend on Sunday.
The gifts were brought in by
Misses Kathryn Farquhar and
Shelly Stephan. The guest of hon-
or received many beautiful and
useful gifts for which she ex-
pressed thanks.
A hat was made for Donna
by the girls out of the bows
and ribbons, and many 'pictures
were taken of the bride-to-be
wearing the, fancy hat. Lunch
was served by the hostess Mrs.
Wm. Hooper.
then has served as a barn and storage shed. Shown here es
they disassemble the house are (left to right) 'Bob MOIVIairi
of Amberly, Neil M:Adain of Goderith and Clayton rtilek`Of •
Clinton. The timbers retrieved from the house will be used
in the construction of a similar cabin at the Ooderioik
Oat Phdte)