HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-08-20, Page 8HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., AUG. 20, 1970 ASSWIED ADS Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of OLIVE MARTHA WHITE AU persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of Olive Martha White, late of the Town of Sea- ' forth, to the County of Huron, demised, who died on or about the "Sth day of August, 1970, are hereby notified to send in full particulamot their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of September, 1970, af- ter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 12th day of August, 1970. McCONNELL & STEWART • Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the' Executors 2245-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 23. Business Directory% SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. Bryans, D.V.M. ,V.S. J. P. McNally, D.V.M., VS. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 23-434 Percy Wright Auctioneer For Auction Sale service that is most efficient and courteous, call •the Wright auctioneer. Tele- phone Hensall 2625482. 23-43-tf JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-70"LO 23,43 -tf RECEIVES 15 YEAR PIN Miss Vera Hudson (right) was presented with a fifteen year service pin Saturday night by Peg Coombs., President of the Seaforth Women's Auxiliary to Branch 156 Gf the Canadian Legion. Miss Hudson has been a member of the Legion Auxiliary for seventeen years but because she has been hospitalized for three years, Saturday provided the first opportunity for the presentation. (Staff Photo) Meet* Miss Linda Linda is a graduate of The Kitchener-Waterloo School' of Hairdressing and is fully experienced in Permanent Waving, Colouting and Wigs. BRING THIS AD. AND ASK FOR LINDA In the Estate of CAROLYN B. HOLMES All persons having claims a- gainst the-Estate of Carolyn B. Holmes, late of , the Town of Sea- forth, in the County of Huron, retired Registered Nurse, de- ceased, who died on the 1,8th day of April, 1970, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed, on or b'efore the 10th day of September, 1970, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims then received. • Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 12th day of August, 1270. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario: Solicitors for the Executor. . 22-45-3 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JESSIE FRASER -AR persons 'having claims a- gainst the Estate of JESSIE FRASER, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Rur- al; Retired• Stenographer, de ceased, who died on the 13th day of June, 1970, are hereby notified to send in full partic- ulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 27th day of August, 1970, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted, having regard only to claims,. then received. Dated at Seaforth this 30th day of July, 1970. ' McCONNELL & STEWART •• Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-43-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ALBERT SCHMHYT All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the above- named Frederick Albert Schmi- dt, late of the Village of Brus- sels, in'the. County of Huron, re- tired shipper, who died. on or about the Ilth day of June, 1970, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solic- itors for the Executor on or be- fore the 10th day of.September, 1070, their names and full par- ticulars of •their claims. Immed- iately after the said date, the Estate will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Kitchener this 15th day of August, 1970. THE WATERLOO TRUST AND SAVINGS COMPANY . by its solicitors GOULD and CONLEY 151 Frederick Street Kitchener, Ontario 22-45-3 23. Business Directory Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 2343- -ti R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt ,and Careful attentlion Ambulance Service Phones:, Day 527-0880 — Night 527 -0885 ?.:3-43-tf W. J. CLEARY' Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALM ER and FUNERAL DIREC FOR Night and Day Calls — f 127-0510 Z1-43-tf G. A. WHITMEIC . FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W.,S,eaforth AMBULANCE SERNICE Adjustable hospital beds for . rent. FLOWERS FOR BITAR it OCCASION' Phone 5274300 Se aforth 2;3-43-tf Mr. and. Mrs. Elgin Dale of RR 4, Clinton, Ontario, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Elaine Catherine to Donald James LandSborough, eldest ion of Mr, and Mrs, James Landsborough of RR 4, Seaforth, Ontario.- The wedding will take place in Ontario Street United Church on Saturday, September 26, 1970, at 4 o'clock. . 26-45x1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold"Rock,RR 1, Bornholm, wish to announce, the engagement of their daughter, Joyce Arlene, to Wayne G. Hu- gill; son of Mr. pnd Mrs. Harold Hugilb RR 2, Seaforth. The wed- ding will take place at 4 p.m., Saturday, September 19, 1970, in St, Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, Ontario. 26-45x1 27. Births BAKER — To Mr. and Mrs, Ed. ward Baker, Seaforth, Ontario, at Seafortli Community Hosp. ital,,August 12, 1970, a son. JONES — To Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Jones, RR, 2, Staffa, Ont- ario, at Seaforth Community Hospital, August 12, 1970 a son. Classified Ads pay dividend& Bean Festival Newly Arrived and Just in Time for Us to Offer As Bean Festival Specials , ASSORTED LAMPS FOOT STOOLS AND WALL . PLAQUES - All Specially Priced - - -. Ideal For Wedding Gilts GINGERICWS SALES and SERVICE PHONE 527-0290 SEAFORTH SPECIALS - - - AT GINGERICH'S UCta4 MINI TRAIL New it on Display Low Price $119 2 FULL SIZE USED HONDAS a priced to clear 55cd s89 65Cc $229 See 24. Cards of Thanks THE family of the late Don Ad- an is would like to express their sincere thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown by friends and neighbors in our recent loss. A special thank you to the jeeop- le of Brucefield, Rev. Stuart, the Wilson Bros., Jake Cornish, Mary and Bill Daiyrmple and the men at the CFB, Clinton. 24-45x1 I would like to thank my friends, relatives and neighbors who re- membered me with flowers, gifts and cheery get-well cards during my stay in Clinton and Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to nurses and doctors. — Catherine Webster. 24-45-1 PLEASE accept my sincere thank you for the lovely cards, visits, gifts and flowers I re- ceived while a patient in Sea- forth Community Hospital. Spe- cial thanks to•Dr. Brady and the nurses. The care W4as Atonder- ful and surely appreciated. — Mrs. Pauline Bennett:, Walton. 2445-1 BERNEDA and . Earl Trutter wish to thank their family, rel- . atives and friends for the very enjoyable evening, August 15th, to celebrate the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary; also thanks for the lcsvely gifts and cards. 24-45-1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards and vis- its while a patient in Seaforth ' Community- I lospital. Special -thanks to Rev ,. D. Hackett, Dr. Underwood and nurses. — Jim McDonald. 24-45x1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nott of RR 4, C'Linton, wish 'to announce the e ngagement of their daughter, Naney Ellen to Mr. William John ?Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Henderson, RR 5, Sea- forth. The wedding will take place Friday, September 18th, at 4:00 p.m at St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Brodhagen, Ont. 26-45x1 I wish to thank Dr. Moyo, the nurses, staff and G. A. Whitney for kindness; shown me while I was a • patieeit in Seaforth Com- munity Hoepital and Victoria Hospital, London. I wish to thank Re% Mulholland and Rev. Patterson :for calls and flowers from frkuids and relatives, beautiful cards, phone calls and offers of help from all my neigh- bors and t Many others friends. It was very much appreciated by me and ray family, Henrietta Hawley. 24-45x1 THE family of eft, late Mrs. Alice Coyne wish to express their si neere thanks to Rev. R. Durand., Heir. Hughes, Dr. Ryn- ne, the staff at Avon 'Crest, their • relatives, friends, neigh- bors, Box. Funeral Home, the " pallfie:arers, those who served • Ph. 527-0240: lunch and those who helped in , any •if 'ay for their kind express- ions of sympathy; the many flor • - al tr ibutes, Mass cards and sym- pathy .,eards during our recent bereavement in the loss of our deal; mother. 24-45x1. 26,. Personals 527-1700 — SEAFORTH NEW GET A BRIAN'S. HAIRSTYLING 2 09/0 DISCOUNT A. M. HARPER Chartered Am tountat it 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 544-7582 td xll"hopping Rebates f \ 1;1,( at FINNIGAN'S Seaforth, Ont. Hopper — Mechanical Vervices - Open Nights Until Nine -- Phone 527-1859 Obituaries Brussels Division WE II,tVV AN OPENING FOR 4 Court Clerk Dies MOTOR MECHANIC APPRENTICE with the Rev. Wallace Murray of Knox Presbyterian Church, officiating. The pallbearers were Mac Watson, William Burling- Call, write or drop in ham, Stewart Henderson, Carl Horn. th, Alex Baker and Wilfred MCLAUGHLIN MOTORS Parent, all of Mitchell. Interment was made in the WoodiandCeme- tery, Mitchell. 527-1140 -- Seaforth t . i ,z le , II , ib -4! ... i10 4 i:;::„;,:,;,,,,,x:D,,.,_ IR v 6 - B .4 'SCHOOL See C Save SPECIAL our PENS School • ' SUPPLIES . 1 13 , iso ., • '7. T, ;7\ complete line of Supplies . PENS — PKG. of . 49c .38c .KRINIPKNIT • ,,60" Wide 'Choose from 12 . colors and assorted patterns ' fx12x- ? .) 5.77 yd. WE ALSO CARRY DRIMA POLYESTER . THREAD 25c t , 4i . . • i Al- ii,, Polyester k ,,, 1,7 1 in fall . LINING colors 36" 9 wide - i A l i Ili CASH ...., Your Baby Hopi's at Stedman's and . WIN $50 Choose from a colorful , Usr71.1 array of ' COTTON and in up-to-the-mimite 69c PLAINS and colors PRINTS,.40* 99c yd. • dilt, ....Last Month's Winner MRS. KEN -McKENZIE RR, 1, Brucefield ' El ill g nr . MEI MAIER W. WESTERNOF . 111114N,STREETSEAFORTH Alec Coleman, )3russels,died suddenly in Elmira on Saturday. He was in his 72nd year. Well known in the district, he had served as secretary of the Canadian Order of Foresters. For 20 years he had been division court clerk in Brussels. Predeceased by his wife, the former Annie Payne, he is sur- vived by three sons, Wm, of Wawa, Donald of Elmira and Jack -of Killaloe and by seven grandchlldre n and three great grandchildren. A son, Kenneth, predeceased him. A funeral seryice was held at the M.L,Watts Funeral Home Brussels on Tuesday conducteii by Rev. Kenneth Hawtharne.'In- terment followed in Brussels Cemetery. Pallbearers were Gerald Gibson, Win. Stephenson, Gordon Stephenson, Ray Bron- son, Ned Routledge and George Davidson. MRS. GRENVILLE CLARK Mrs. Grenville Clark, 40 Hur- on St., Mitchell passed' away in the Stratford General Hospital on Saturday evening. She was tti, former Muriel Sawyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George lawyer. She was born in Listowel on Dec- ember 19, 1893. On October 8, 1919 she was married to Greeviike Clark. They resided in Mitchelr for a time and then moved to St. Marys where Me.eClark predeceased her en 1928. Mrs. Clark returned to Mitchell where 'she has since resided. She was a member of Main Street United Church, the GauldS Womens Institute and the Mary Hastings Club. She is survived by one dangh- ter, Mrs. Alex (Gwen) Baker, aachell, .and. formerly of Sea- forth; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Je,eas (Marjorie) Webb, Cam- bridge, England; and Mrs,. Carl (Ivy). Homutti, Mitchell, 13 grand- children and three great-gra-6d- children. Tire funeral service was held at the ,Heath-Leslie Funeral Home, Ontario Road, Mitchell Use Expositor Want - :Ads Phone 527-0240 leftetwissastift— .aomailasosiarroslaerook • ti t ExpositOr Action Ads