HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-08-22, Page 101 a Velvets, black and Colored in all the ad Fringes. UT Fitli,`E. Don't huy before looking )vercoatings we ever had the pleaeure. 0E o see them. i4t1s iS and LACE CURT -10ES. as, as they are extra good value, ) Cashmere Hose in ladies' and children's. HI N G. price will sell them. ttention and have just filled 'it with FrealA lers will be ,filled promptly and delivered. prices before goods are picked. through. , .A... Sto reYiVgharo. 1.,LACE out a large ne, stock ox o ••-:••C'9• • 4:0 WATGII 100a 0 i-003 .1r-11 CD SC (D A et- datgf the Post Office, and is prepared to give ?.s of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, id SILVER WA TCHEci, CLOqCS, 3 and SPECTACLE and NEW WORK mtickt,i, andalt work guaranteed.— and. comparison. bf Prices invited AtIA Ir. R. Lt. Vanstone will be given out. CD M gALLAC.,. Vifinghain, Out. .144911.•Matuest.4.44pacza .SID-') 6 (1\ - al1 (....2., 141 ' Tgyi. If j c-7-1 u—r,b ns im• ) 1.• , •—• e and reahe roam for fall importstions, nearly /00 pieces of a at cost of bandOg ; sonic lineb less. Strictly forweasb. my length to suit purolmsors,T1 )r quality, bought for cash, there is extra value. . 2E)=.1CA:11•EIM,r14.1--- ;hem well rtd fashionably mode by best meelatnics, or sold by Sale, commencing on Saturdayadth Juno. 14, eek .• • 11'1, ND GB jj 'IAL_ PRICES. people of Wint‘harn and vicinity that he has opened a aosen awl; 00741trEarioNlialt, Fi., 49.4 teeee ,:eeeeeeeeeee.-Af.lae,",,e'eeneveetk'te••1'6e OXIS ez STATIOJ Also, !rood, fresh ERY. always on hand. A and purdnised for mall, Inv cubtemers will lot good value Tm WATSON OL. XIX • WIN&1JAi. ONT.,: FRIDAY, • AUGUSt, . THIS WEEK. WE rfoTE opened out and passed into •stock : Nuw FALL Dress Gondsand Trull - wings, Scotch Tweeds, West, of Eng- land Worsteds, Ulsterings, &e, THESE GOODS are'fresh from the British Markets, and comprise all -the Newest designs. ' Now is the time to get a Beauti- ful Dress or a Nobby Suit, SUMMER GOODS of', every Des- priptien, whether it be D ress Goods, Prints, Parasols or PAns Move he 0 , sold This Month, WE don't want them 'round here. .,.., They are in our way, Come and * gen a Bargain. We'll make the Trice Satisfactory. —A mod bny, about 16 years of , age, wanted to hearts the printing beeinette. Apply at the Toms office. -e-The pubbo soh I will re open next nendoy, ' --An excursion t Grimaby Park end Niagara will take pi .41 to morrow, (Satur. day). The fare for e round trip is §2,20. 14. t' W1101,X NO, 90:, • _out, stock of Gents Furtrislaiuge, such oet thirte, °oilers, 'cuffs, tiee, ell kinds of uoderweer, cto,ie very large and can't be beat for quality or price. J.; Eltuarret & Son. 1,. —Au effort is hieing made to get up a quoitiug tournament l I ttiwu, to take piec obout the middle of ptember.e —Go to W H Wallace, the jeweler, an see his fine assortment of 'cleats, jewelry and silverware before purchasing else where. Sole agent tor the Itelloble Book. ford railroad watoh. Next door to poet °Moe. —On aceount of the fain, the manic in connection with St Pa re Sabbath School, , which was. to have beet held Thursday h been postponed. ieeNot 1O13T.ORRr rent Importer. Tun %Art, Atig 22, 1890! • • LOUAL NEWS. Remember T Leslie'd clearing sale, Gtt oo t cost. 0000eltee ,41 sears (-`rilel Hat, Green & Co's saw Mill building is OW 'completed and has &., :been treated to a oat of paint, roof and 1,, a 1., :Tbe unteltin ry is now being pot in ' e place. --Efigliest dash ries paid for all kinds of fruit, 1000 gn, ts of oberriett wautod it once. ;1*/,,s, Al.oZmvt.o. '''.' ee- . ''•-•• --The Detroit Pr Prelouttlitleity fpr the statement that • he' 'Acumen -Houston Conepany, of poste , has purchased. the Aolittuee Eleetrie Light Company, Waterford, Ontario. ' • , •—tf your .wateli or °leek needs repairing, n0 to W B Wallace watchmaker and ee,weler, liege door to post office. All flusgt ve, principal of the rptiblie sehool, has ovoci Ins family to • town, anti is iu read ness for the openieg of the ethool, whxoj will take place on • Monday next. •=0411 at Alex Rose' book etore and see the Laurance epeeteetle. • Sole agent since •r Gereter bait town.. • —Dr Hervey an • narriaton, spent To • their stay they visi tories and the salt --Sehool apex:elan MoudaY. —Now is the time to get a dish of pure oreara at R. Hill's. -Itood ltfr another cteiutnu —Applee, fre Winghore, at . reBill; liet this we Hose' anuouneetneut, in and luoiono. Firat in oKeivitee. nd ilfrs Werd are on the .• 4 —Wanted, 200014 p Aztracted honey, will pay hiehese on, cooly guentit ' Jens Ha ,q *-Mre 13, Herd nen,'inilliuer, has just re eived a large consignment of goods root from the 01 Coutitry markets,whieh are being opened t p for inspeotion, Watch for her announce/ lent next week, --Onn1. atter the 5th instant, Atoms J 3 How nth & Son will sell all kbede. ef boots Rud shoes at cost for cosh. Call andsee the immense stook and got some of the bar- gain • I is having a stone found. the. frame storeroom at actory, ttud intends von. Scottie A. gaud Scottie auspices of the Cal held tn the *own h • 29th met. Talent • Wroxeter, Biueva a grand musical The following is t Ii Thos Be ation put wider the south of his ering it with bri tnakin it three stories • town, who bee been sof? •gionnig:fIgIrgotilom'ilomii:i:taliit:[ 11:11,4:0: /nation of the bladder, le —A young eon of 1 opeiotiOn performed tato ily. Fragra, et similar the brzok building which ns. t pure teas, either in choice Blacks ut elev., Japansor fresh strong Youu =cert. I none the worse for =arts under the side. elan Soolety,will be The cricket oh; on Friday evening, s been secured from Turnberry, &o,, and t may be expected, programme ; eiVaT T. Quartette.. Waels,me, for Prince Obarlie" Misses Watson wild Afeesrs Seat & Friend. left 1 my name ?" Thos Gibson, lil P P. Solo.,..... ...... .--"Annie Laurie," Miss Jessie Gray. So/o........... .. , .. ...."Bob, the Bent," Mr Chas Herbert. Duet, Violin Selected, Misses Watson. Solo Jesse, theFlower o' Dumbleeee," Mr Andrew Gray. Solo • "The Soldier's Grave," fdr John Fite/e. Solo "Bonnie Woods o' Craigie Lee," Mies E leutliferford. Solo.Bonnie sweet Bose, the Maiden o' • Dundee," • Mr Thos Gibson. Quartette. .. . • '.."TheBootie Rows," Misses Watson and Messrs Scott &Friend. —For the best value in all grades of, Hyeaus, at correct prices, to the Author sugar, or the Cheapest and purest teas an They are retillseiling tett pounds general groceries, We would dvise you .1t.••• of me Tete for, eeVeteheap. go tie, '" eve & Mobley= • .• —At the meeting of he Connell of th Dominion Alliance, het at Montreal last week, Dr Macdonald, et appointed on the committee on legislatio —G T R trains for Irorouto aud• east leave Wingbam at 6.30 men. and 11.10.0,lin. —Ahem 33 Itornutli e4 Son have alarge via W G & 13 Division, and at 8.45 'teem .stook of tweeds and all kinds de -Cloth, and and 3.40 p. in., via Clinton and Guelph, oreiviagdonidedbarguiusiusty1ish suite. Goocounections by all train.. •,prop anti leave yew. order for a suit, No —Ur3 W Xnglis iorj on a trip to Mani,- ;rouble' te show goods "Lig/lets Priebe. teba. ou Tuesday last, takiug with him IALIMe '..4\10/248r14 P nel y, 13lyth, R Fair, Cline We undeiAleto Band has leased th year from Mr Wm will put it under and that it will be o au early date. that Beell'e Factory stating /Auk for one rmour, tiiiditt they title e ergetio meut, eued to tne Praelie at number et buggies, . Zewill go as ton, Deed several other' millers passed weenie Boiesevain, a d will return in bib through.town yest relay on their way to course of a mouth. atteud s mooting o the Aseoeitie --Peoolies, ilea** p s, new potattstidel tiort et reAfrklu • atid Bruce, wallah tomatoes and cobble, , all fresh, just was held in Lienilig terday. arrived. Akio raspbe nese goosebernese it in abiendancee s. PeteKelvie's Star cherries and other f —The TIMES W sent to new sub. oheapest in town at J fibers from now,e end of 1890, for restaurant. f 40 cents. eee- -The Cosgrove R ily Concert Com- pany will give one of their celebrate entertainments, in t Roller Rink, ou Wednesday evening, t e 27th inst. under the auspices of Bell's .aetory Band. Thin Company appeared in ingheete beet spring and were highly apyr tasted, acrd receive a warm recap on on their t'ilturn. Whereier they have • peered they boyo been higitly spoken of. Tickets are on sale and seats can bo pee ma at Chisholm'a 1 Mr Alex Irvine, of •Corner Drug Store. sdity in town. During i several of the fan - block, and expressed • surprise that 'Magi am bad r many sub• fstatitiel iaduatriee. They were delighted with, our wide well lures umber of fi the town.' —Big bergainn in Porosols, Mnslins Flotinciugee Priumand all slimmer fabric's, for two weeks, or up to etook-taking time Gowen & Molureen's. -e-Mr John Anstit of the firm of Olinne, Austin & Rush, of 'stotel, was in town ort MondaY, This 11 .to ;Alpe o specialty of the •manufteotu e of wood working • • machinery,and hay lately placeilauumber of nteohines ht ot r furniture faetortee. Moses Button & F • out have lately put severel• maohin of this firm% make, aild'het Monday go. Mr Austin an order Sor two more. —Now as the warm weather has oome, people who want a nice glass of ice cream, • mud soda, should WI at ft Rill's restaur- ant. . —The Stretford/11 ti/tp, Tho roarvelleus rotieical combination •;preseoted by the •..,•cisgrovetaarnily were coived with tokens • of high apprettiation, e eny number tebder. ed being encoreo. Lit lo Mabel ROSS and • Mies Ada Cosgrove in •teir obaraetor songs were favorites. Thin 'Company will give entertaintneot in t e Roller intik, ou • "Wednesday evening, t 27th inst. under the VAISFACOS et Beale otiotory Band. —On aoeount ef t o wet weather, tbe (wicket match betwce the Harriston and town club evfee so playei on Tuesday. the Efarrietoniana a rived from Bruattele on the 10.10 tr in o Monday night, and were grjkly Anointed that the Weather iv iamb t at turn game could not be pleye • The fl triton players went to °Unto by the 8.• p m train, ea TOP. ' aoy, tte nheyedth Clinton club as Wed. ppla hating em by eight Me. ept street and the marls shade trees in. —For Ste St Merle, Port ,Arthur,Dultith and all points in the west, Pacific coast,and eureneer lake tours, ette, take one of the splendid steamers of the Beatty N W T Liee, tummy:ding at Kincardine with train • leaviog Wingbam 1140 a m. The fine steamers tbe "United Empire" and e0arn- pens" are'. pow running regnIterly, to be followed • by another magnificent new steamer in a few weeks, See G T 11, agents for dates of sailing, lowest passenger and freight rates, etc. —The Great North rn Caledonian Games place on Sept. 10th, re will be a two days ,ox Oth Bind loth. a being prepared and of a most enthusia s of strength and ned this year that lied before. Speeiel O given to local oth- otitions Brune will be with a view of flnd- the best athletes, his year be an old is touuties of throe amnion, of 'Linder. wood, will Champion ho Bruce teem. Vali Fairs. Vingliam, Sept SO, Oot 1, Toronto, liept Listowel. Sept 17,13, 10. • London, Sept 1-k7, Lector, Sept 20, 80. Seeeforth, leapt 30, Gale Stream', Otte 2, 3. Oat 23, '24. •Belgravo, Oat 7,- P. Howlett. at Gerfie$ flet 4, • Gederich, Sept 15 -17. • Walkerton, Sept 80 to Oct 3. Bruesels, Oet, 2, 3. Iferrieton, Sept 21, 25, Clinton. GI 1, 2, 3. Attwood, ()O. ati Luektow, will tak and in connection th quoiting Toornamen splendid programme there is every prospe tie gathering. Fe agility will be perfor have never been %tom encouragement will letes. In these oont pitted against Eturo jug which can prod u The tug of war will time strife betweeo and Bruce, Ohief tic —Mr Wm Butte fouudatiou put und Clatillehres drug sto with trick. ' He al brick store at the no buildiug. When Com will greatly add to ti pert of the town. • —We notice a very flue display of new carpets at Gordon & Motu tyre's, ranging in price, we are told, from 25o to 01.45 per yard. All orders are prometly filled. Cutting and matching free. See their car- pet window this week. —It the regular meeting of the Tempe. mice Lodge, on Tu allay evening, there was a large attendee e of mentbere. Five propositions were anded in ond several applications were cepted. The program, me consisted of so gs by Miss Fields and Mr 1 Ireland and reading by Mi Brookenshire. 4 Days heir day at the leke- spent the day at Brun - fele, A report of heir doings is given in nd the "home guard'. am, and took eare another column. remained in Wing the town, Crle e Motel*. On Friday last, •ur cricket club went down to Brussels t tr.§ oonolueinee with the club of that p1 ea. The ground wee rough and hard, w tele %cements to a great extent for the def et of the Wnegitett club. • The followitig is he score • DIWS- DS -48T INNINON AT BOSS, b Wil W Hort, b W11 WWI le • • ..... • 5 D 0 Ross, b Du eJd.... . ... re • 11 Dennis, run 0 t ..... •• A Currie, b IMMO ins Dr MoNoughtoix, .Duffield, Rev W T Chaff,. b Duffield,— . 0 A. Shielet Daffield, A Conley, not out ...... , 0 P Cochrane, b 1)in iald Denman, c an b Duffield- ... ..„11 4 Extras.. .14•10•614144 .. .. 04,14•• 1.'10 Total • • • • • • • • • ••,•• •••••• • 0.) • BUMS • ---2NX) INNINGS. J Ross, b Boyn .... ..... • 5 Hort, b Willie a D Boss, o Dick' son. b Duffielre. • - 21 Dennis, b 11:113:•?4,.;. 27 Currie, b Wil ia 154 -4' 3 MoNaughton, b ne. .. ... • 0 Cluff, bRayne. • . • . • Shiel, b Duffield •8 Cousley, run ou • Cochrane, not. • . Dentnan, o Mr:Quer ie, b111utfield7 Extras • . • • .0..4 ••••••••• 5 Total• • • ')2 PART n. • Quartette "There was a Lad" Misses Watson and Messrs Scott & Friend • Solo .. . . „."Elieland 13ml:tete," • Air Cams Herbert. Who has," Mr Time 1 Gibeon. Solo... ..... Donald o' Dundee," Miss H Rutherford. Solo.... .• "Aire Well," Mr Andrew Gray. Duet, Violin •Selected, • Misses Watson. Soto -"A MatI'S a Meet for a' that," • Thos Gibsoh, Ad P P. Solo.. .... .. :..."Caller Herrin,' Miss Jessie Gray. Solo—•. .. , .. . ..... . . ......"Killilou," •W I Shane. Trio.... .. Willie Brew'd u Peck o' 'Aleut," Afeeers'Gtheou, Seat and Friend. Quer tee4e, e.,.."Let the Hille iteeound," Miseee"Watson, Messrs scott nna. Primed. • Doors open ,ot. 7,30. Concert at 8 o'clock sharp,. Ad M ission 25 cents, Reserved seats is re stone the pee opposite , and 'will veneer it intends' erecting a th side of the present ieted, those buildings appearance of that Mise Hohgliton, Pianist. Cheap m -mon to Grimsby Park and teepee Falls, ti turdey, August 23rd, ou't hal to take 1iis in, as fair days will o to visit all the inter - promise rat a rich nee and beatay. Ticket .20. • For programme,. W/NGII li--aST INNING% P Bayne,bJ R 84 0 N Grifen,b,Y Ross •0 eo E M6Quagr'e, run out 6 Geo Daffield. J Ross, b 7 , RVaustene Boss ...•..... o E D Rose.— 6 ,run out 0 Rev E W Hugh E neieyi 1.1 L Dickinson J it Macdonald, R Tolbot; not a Extras- at Ed D ashy:8 jewellery store. 35 cents. la save the Queee. Platt of hall Total .. give you ample bit eating pohns. trout in song,olool for round trip tee posters, —Arreegernen have been completed with the.agent of the Manitoba Govern. hunt for a splendid exhibit of the products of that Province at the Northwestern Fair to bo.neld here on September 30th and October 1st. The eget &says "it will be a splendid exiiibit,i, and it. will occupy about 50 feet of Bytom in the show building. • Friday;las0 was ingham's civic holi- day, and it‘was ge erally observed by blas -free---Olevre eiereage I b w, 1,14 Ross.0 b D ......r., .• .v.v•-ty•e••••• 4,490, • • 10 48 04,0,0." •••• •••• •••• wiser( —2iw nooses. Bayne, b 3 'Ross. Griffin, run out. tuVille%Tjel(1)( citizens. About ur hundred, accom- Vanston'e, b D ponied by the; Toi and Bell's Factory Bands, "took in " e Kincardine excur- sion, to attend the firemen's tournament in that town. The Ingham F ire Brigade were with the e oursiim party, being entered as compel tors in the hose reel rade which was t take place in the afternoon. Afttiii a • was reached. At awaited the arri provision was for Kincardine, Bell's bands, and the oxo ed to the market s hour, "each tpok refreshment. At sion was formed, a Lakeside Park wh games were to ta1i?. of the St. Thomas event on the progra said in all fairness they did not come u of those who wanes,' their inovernents Wer wwine Pure Max, Eureka, Blue Ribbon, Red Ottralrl)tvu, kliIver Composite, all at right prlab Leave your order early. a, A. ()mai (30, • • • Dur,glos tor Salo, .A. feW very good eocond band buggies for sale. (pine and nee and secure a bargain. They ars cheap, Wu, Doxtz'a Carriage Shop. •••••••••••••{•••••• 0 ..... • ... • • . . 4 9 • chrome, b 3 Ross Er as, b D Ross ,. r ROSS ..... 0 Williams,. b D toss 0 Hughes, b D Ros . . ....... . 0 Diueley, run out.• ......, .• 0 Dickineori, b Macdonald, not Talbot, lb w, b ss............ , Etras • 1. • • • Total.. • . G. • • • * • • • ...... 4 • .30 m, Paling truaseis; s -Winoham, AIX Bias. Seel:when. hort rub., Kincardine tiropires--Wingh e station, hundreds W Shaw. Score 1 of the train. A grove; Brussels, ed headed by the, actor -y and Wingham • sionista were escort —On Wednes ay night a light wt seen in Mr. 11:E, ctudoo's store, and it was tere. It being dinner thong 1110 11 glare had gained SO ee- ls several way" for trance. The Obi was notified, and be, e o'clock, a proces- accompanied by Ithres other.% unlocked. d, all proceeded to the front door ejnd made it dash in to re the sports,. and 100. The adots was the first me, anti it may be the cadets, that to the expectation a them. Many o poorly and care- -.thThivW li' Waddell, -of Terooto, addressed a fairly well attended meethig, in the Baptist diurch, ou Monday evening last, ou the riabject of tompereiteeymeking special referenee to the work done by rho independent Order ef Goad Tempters .,ring the petit forty ears. Prof Keetch gave several vocal and iustrumeutal Bele°. tons at intervals. The Nei Mr Priest A few intiog were pl pecupied the chair. • lision took place betw •itArnam Oatintethird hosomari o the Six dozen idonlree's hobo eotnnieneiug the match had to b crowd tla betook ita•ai. and the Wingha afterwards ;,,oerdet,1 t Won at, t°, 'r captere the su poised burglars. When, lei no burglars were to be found. Mr Me. Indoo, on retiring, had forgotten to pot out all the lamps, hen All's well that end • thelight in the store, Welt, -On Friday ni het burglars ente Ilomath & Son, lessly exeunt:1d. The Vise reel race was the ratty. Before won by the Wmghaa company in the they forced three good time of one m and twenty having boles bore seconds and one-qtt rter (LgOX), the Blyth company being •econd, their time being one minute and wenty-six and a - half seconds (1.2614): lien the distance run and the couplings ado are consider- ed, the time made by t is as good ag has been pally. in Ontario. T $75 hi cash, and the bo their achievement, an Witighain shoulcibel °woof the company. reel race, a. number place, as Well it base b the Kincakine and at 5e. vent up, la about holt prom, tierce doeen this at 10o. and up. Neve stoek elippere n vete, low price*, 1. ti,elortote, • ,.. • it or Saturday plotting ed the store of Messrs .1" mining entrance from • aching the main store, core, some of the doorn through them. Once °twelves to o oemettity .osed that they were. ork by the movements apatite of the ripper, and that they fled. inside they helped of goods. It is AU distarbed in their of some of the o flat Of the store, o town company Several pairs of p its were fennd itt tlie ado by any corn* : s feel.' proud of, • the citizens. Pri2(3 VI'l waa• as to the perpotr tions of. the burglary. Maesie flomuth & ' 003 10S0 Will amount rear of the store. No clue has been fout.4 ated at the sue. I Oh After the hose ' / foot races took itiri, Thom Gall 11 match. between irghain juniors. • has been hi town ed, when a col- on the catcher and church en Hen heardble olubsand I Methodist char iseeAthillee. The tee tervioes 'We hor:I:I.iv:egoo:t000n o the • After the even e 1dist, cb urch, lastttain, ruin, and were dell, of Toronto, . Iltaa reeling 1 Demo, servite. t book containing a by him, prow eh Motele. ay, of ttibridg, whet', or HOMO time tie/Lug veal lecturet dative ed. in the Presbyterieer y morning last, and in the in Cho eveniug. Beth well atteLdea. ng tervicen In the Meth. undoy. RevW F Wite naucti,d a gortpel tele; 1. se abort time