HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-08-20, Page 5-isietim of - 0 • Street Dance Attracts 100 IMON. E.XPOSIrit.:5.EAFoRTue ,otit; m..10 211 11N--,4. In, Our Men's Dept. "Imported From , SCOTLAND" WOLSEY LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS A lovely soft quality sweater in good shades of navy, green, grey, camel and brown. Sized from 36 to 44. New for fall, and low priced' at Pullovers 13.95 Cardigans 16.95 NEWEST FLARE CASUALS PERMANENT PRESS Fall tones of brown, gold, 'blue and grey in these "GWG" perma4press cas- ual pants with• popular, ' slightly flared bottoms. • Sized 28 to 36 for young men. 10.95 to 14.95 Great looking • FOR \*t BACK • TO • SCHOOL WEAR r MEN'S SIZES Choose from super-slims, flares,' Rider pants or bells. We have them ll in TEE-KAY, WRANGLER and COWBOY 'KINGS: Sizes 28 to 36 waist. t4 ( 6.95 7.95 8.95 BOYS' SIZES Just the same as the men's above, in boys' sizes of Cowboy Kings and Wranglers. Tough quality blue den- im for rugged wear. Wrangler, 8 to 18 • • 5.95 GWG, 8 to 11 515 GWG, 12 to 16 • • • • '• 6.95 Noir.Fall, Long Sleeve ' SPORT SHIRTS POr Men The first arrivals 'of fall_ sport shirts are here for your choosing: ' All are perma-press in bold shades for fall in plains, stripes and cheeks ' Sizes S, M, 14, XL 5.95 - 6.9.5 STEWART BROS. Smokey Stays: IN Me A MANS FA Ncy -ruRirs .TO 11-1006HTS OF ORDER YOUR SEED WHEAT — NOW, — THIS IS THE TIME TO BOOK FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS FOR FALL PASTURE APPLICATION Ask for prices SEAFORTH FARMERS Union leader discusses the effect of advertising on jobs. • • . Mr. Murray Coiled!' is Public Relations Director at United Steelwgrkers of , America. Read what he has to say on the relationship between advertising and jobs. 44T TNLESS as many people as possible find out about new or improved products as quickly as possible, there can be no mass consumption. Advertising iS an essential part of this magic formula. "But, as the Sorcerer's Apprentice dis- covered, too much magic, improperly used, can be wasteful and dangerous. Advertisers should be aware of the danger of clogging up the airwaves and the print media with too much of this good thing. And when advertising publi- cizes puff rather than substance, the .How you can add your voice to 'Murray Cotterill's plea for better advertising. The Canadian Advertising Advisory ,Board has set, up a procedure to correct abuses when hey 'Occur. The Board is made up of national advertisers,' advertising agencies and media people. Together, they've estab- lished a Code of Ethics for the industry, and ways to make it effective. This code sets out in black and white the standards that advertising must meet. You can get a free copy of the booklet called the"Canadian Code of Advertising Standards" simply by requesting it. Write to the Advertising Standards Council, 159 Bay Street, Torontp 116, Ontario. Read the booklet. Keep it handy. And if. you see an advertisement that you think breaks or seriously bends the rulesi pill in and mail the complaint notice. enclosed with the Code booklet. As Mr. Cotterill says: "It is up to every employee and every consumer to help police the rules of good advertising behaviour." "Advertising is an essential part of the formula that helps provide better pay, more secure jobs and cheaper goods." consumer becomes cynical- acid Sales- resistant. "It is'in the interest of manufacturers, distributors and the media to follow responsible rules of good advertising be- haviour. And, to keep their incomes high and their prices low, every employee and every consumer should help police those rules." Canadian Advertising Advisory-Board: we work for better advertising Arbi~ra ion Rpport Correspondent Mrs. Bob Cronin Uncle Hrucie spin the discs again on Sunday evening for an outdoor teen dance on the strip of pavement beside the Separate School here in Dublin, Approxi- mately 100 young folk Wore their soles a bit thinner and ate barbe- cued hot dogs-until midnight. This dance was put on by the parish council youth group and ended in . . . woops! . . . the need to . prevent forest fires! great success as have other simi- lar events in the past. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dantzer, Scarboro were visiting with friends and relatives in the area on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs.,,liarry Ryan, M r. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and family, and Miss Agnes Ryan all of Lon- don and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Feeney and family • of Kitchener, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend ,and Linda are spending a few days in Kentucky visiting with their daughter Judy. Mr. Richaed Monaghan, Mr. Glen Hanna and Mr. John Mar- shall all of Dundas, were visiting with Mrs. D. P. Monaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Coyne and gamily, London, and Mr. Tom Butters have returned from spending two weeks at their cottage and are now spending a few days with Mr. Butters. Rev. Father John Costello, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murphy, Pontiac, Michigan were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Costello last week. Mr. and Mrs. Costello and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groshok of London are motoring to Windsor and Pontiac, Michigan this week. Mr. Ted Feeney of Kitchener was visiting with his mother Mrs. Mary Feeney on the weekend. Miss Angela Dticharme of Toronto was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Ducharme and fam- ily on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Agar and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton. Mrs. Rita Newcombe spent the weekend • with Miss Kathleen Stapleton and was visiting with her father Mr. William Stapleton Sr., who is a patient in the Sea- forth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Tiede and daughter Janet of London, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Ryan at • H.R. #2, Dublin. '• The Arbitration Board ap- pointed to 'value and adjust the assets and liabilities of the various Huron School Boards as they existed at the time the board functions were assumed by Hurciq County Board - has reported to the board. The report was received and adopted at a special meeting of the board on August 5 but was not released to the press until the "following week. Members of the Board were . J. H. Kinkead, R. H. Carson, W. J. Dale, W. H. Hodgson and L. G. Winter.' In .its report the board said in part: Legislation We proceeded in the belief that the intent of the legislation, Bills 44 and 46, was intended to bring uniformity to the educa- tional system in the County of Huron. It is observed that not all former boards administered their respective jurisdictions in the same manner; but we concluded that these differences were minor. We accordingly, accepted the auditor's reports in• general with certain adjustments which we believe were just. Policies of Former Boards As arbitrators we accepted the principle that we could not and should not question the actions, and policies of former boards. We assumed that these former boards with the approval of •the ratepayers, seppli.ed the educational facilities, buildings and equipment, which were con- sidered appropriate for their jurisdictions. ,Perth County Beard of Education The arbitrators accepted the propoial of the Board of Arbi- trators of Perth County Board of Education regarding Listowel DiStrict Secondary School and the Dublin Secondary School, and as evidence, the arbitrators present the acceptance of the Hoard of Arbitrators for Perth County Board of Education of the award in regarding to the Seaforth Dis- trict High School. ' S-School Buses SeVen former school boards owned school buses. The ar- bitrators concluded that these represented additional assets. The buses were evaluated by two separate persons. This average amount was credited to the form ,T boards less the amount of the ote`.standing debentures. Debentures Careful consideration was made 'of the adequacy of school accominodation, and li e de- bentures which the CountY Board News of St. Columban Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale „Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan Sr., are visiting in Peterborough with members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith and family, Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle and Ted Doyle. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London• and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme. Mrs. Lewis Coyne and Miss Mary Lou Coyne returned home on Sunday from Europe where they visited several countries. Mary Lou has finished a two year term of teachirTin Africa. Mr . an d Mrs. Jim Malone and family, St. Thomas, visited Mrs. J. L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme and family, Thunder Hay, are• spending their holidays' with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme. Miss Mary Malone, Essex, is visiting Mrs. J. L. Malone. Classified. Ads pay dividends. -••••1111...- 70111110."- must assume for the payment of these debentures, Consideration was given to the debenture pay-- ments which were made by var- ious municipalities and the amount which'would be assumed by the Huron County Board. of Education. An interim schedule of de- benture payments has been .in- eluded in this report. It is recorded- that the outstanding de- bentures for Secondary Schools at December 31, 1958 was $3,769,500 and for Elementary Schools at December 31, 1938 was $5,582,926. It was obser- ved that the ratepayers in cer- tain jurisdictions have paid de- bentures for school construction for several years while others have been assessed for de- bentures for one or two years. It was observed by the arbitrators' that the necessary expenditures for the maintenance of older buildings may require greater expenditure than that of more recently built schools. It is apparent also that some former boards deemed it advisable to finance the building of schools by a 10-year debenture rather ahrey than the usual 20-year debenture. S chools debentureT i s complicated i ss u e inSein- co a part by the Departrne ntof Edicat- • ion participation in Vocational School Grants, The present .policy of the Departrn of Education to assume a portion of debenture paymentS for school debentures influenced the arbitrators to accept outstanding debentures as a just assessment on the rate- paylees of. Huron County. Through the past few years former school boards sold school buildings and sites and used the funds for various purpose's including the reduction of school levies. The arbitrators concluded that after January 1, 1939 funds received from the sale of school buildings and sites would be credited_ to the Huron County Board of Education. "' The arbitrators conclude that where in the opinion of a Municip- al council the application of the surplus to the tax levy in one year wated cause an undesirable fluctuation or where the Applic- ation of the deficit in one year would cause an undesirable bur- ,den the ratepayer, consider- ation be given to applying such surplus or deficit over two or three ,years. Where the munic- ipal council decides to take such action, the •consent of the Ontario Municipal Board is re- quired, in accordance with Sec- tion 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. Application of Surpluses and De- . ficits By Municipalities The arlaitfators conclude that for the Elementary and Secondary 411111111" Schools Ill Rutin County, there will be no interest charged for such surphises and deficits. Surpluses and deficits involv- ing area municipalities are found by the arbitrators to be as fol- lows: ELEMMITARY Division Clinton Clinton ' Public School - $3,078 Deficit. Seaforth - ,Seaforth Public Scheel - $5,639 Deficit. Blyth - Morris E. Wawanosh T.S.A. - $4,226.09 Surplus. Brussels - Morris E. Wawan- osh T.S.A. - $4,893.35 Surplus. Hensall - Hay T.S.A. $961.50 Surplus. Zurich - Hay T.S.A. -$383.44 Surplus. Twp. of Grey - Gray T.S.A.- $5,082.94 - Deficit; Howtck,T. S.A. 1 $777.29 - Surplus.; Morris E. Wawanqsh - $31.77 Surplus; Turnberry T.S.A. -.72 - Deficit. Twp. of 'Hay - Hay S.A. - $1,90/4.72 - Surplus. Twp. of Hullett - Hullett T.S. A. - $11,775.92 Surplus; Morris E. Wawanosh T.S.A. - $1,429.87- , Surplus. Twp. of McKillop - Mekillop T.S.A. - $42,010 - Surplus; Grey T.S.A. $281.43 - Deficit. Two. of Morris - Morris -E. Wawanosh T.S.A. - $13,154.85 - Surplus; Gray T.S.A. - $486.63 - Deficit; Turaberry T.S.A. - $294.69 - Deficit. ficit.Twp. of Stanley - Huron County, S.A. #81 - $345.11 -De- ' Twp. of TuckersmAh - Huron County S.A. #1 - $358.17 -Deficit. SECONDARY Division Clinton - Clinton District H. S. - $15,482.55 - Deficit. Exeter - South Huron Dist- rict H.S. - $5,273.11 - Deficit. Seaforth Seaforth District H.S.- $10,555.77 - Surplus. Hayfield - Clinton District H.S. - $3,637.72 - Deficit. Blyth - Clinton District H. S. - $3,632.54 - Deficit. Brussels - Huron-Bruce Dis- trict H.S. - $2,948.24 .. Deficit. Hensall - South Huron Dis- trict H.S. $1,875.08 - Deficit. Zurich - South Huron Dis- trict H.S. $892.85 - Deficit, Twp. of Grey - Huron-Bruce District H.S. - $4606.79; Sea- forth District H.S. - $3,588.72 - Surplus; Listowel District $1,157.26 - Deficit. Twp. of 'Hay • - South Huron District H.S. - $5,158.32 - Deficit Twp. of Hullett - Clinton Dis- trict H.S. $9,760.92 - Deficit; Seaferth District H.S. -$3,877.47 Surplus; Goderich District H.S. - $944.48 - Deficit. , ' • Twp1" of MaKillogi :-`"" Seaforth District H.S. - $12,833.25 -Sur- plus; Dublin ContinvationSchool- $318.84 - Surplus. Tv7p. cf Morris -Huron-Bruce District H.S. - $7,370.60 - De- ficit; Clinton District H.S. '- $630.13 - Deficit;. Seaforth Dis- trict H.S. - $1,177.90 '- Surplus. Twp. of Stanley - Clinton District H.S. - $15,178.93 - De ficit. ,Twp. of Tuckersm!th - Clin- ton District H.S. $ 3,471.92 - Deficit; Seaforth District H.S. - $10,36'7.42 - Surplus; South Huron. District H.S. - $173.47 e Deficit. Twp ofUsborne -South Huron District H.S. - $4,395.57 - DO- f icit • 4 • * 4 GERBERS BABY FOOD & CEREALS Wholesale at Finnigans W. G. Thompson & Sons Limited Are Pleased to Announce the Purchase of - MITCHELL :FERTILWR and SUPPLY- LTD. R. R. 3 Mitchell, 'Ontario and look forward to continuing to provide to the district the service which area farmers have come to expect through their association with Mitchell Fertilizer and Supply Ltd. The• plant will continue to operpte as before and 'be under the management fr of Neil Schoondermioerd. W. G. Thompson „and. Sons Ltd. has operated in Hensall for nearly 40 years and is , well known to farmers through- oulthe district. We look forward to' enlarging our area of service through Mitchell Fertilizer and SUpPly Ltd. and to along association with the people of the Dublin - Mitchell district as we make available to them the facilities of G. Thompson and Sons Ltd. W. G. Thompson & Sons Limited Blenheim Hensall Mitchell Clergy Reserve Funds The Municipal, Council of the Township of Tuckersmah held in trust certain,funds, the int- , erect of which was to be used for the support of public schools. As the amalgamation of 'the school boards of Tuckersmith Township School Area and the Stanley TownahiP School Area the referee 4' in his report assigned these funds 'No the Huron County School Area, n'No. 1. These funds are now the property of the Huron County School Board, The Municipal Council of the To was,hipf, 31010 certain Clergy Reserve Funds. The arbitrators have concluded. that these funds will rem'a.in the property of the Municipal Council of the Township of Mt:1(1110p and any disposition of t nds will be concluded by an rrangement between the Huron C nty Board of Education andI he unicipal Council of the To reship of Mc- Killop. In the meantime, the Arbitrators conclude that the an- nual revenue from these invest- ments shall be used at the dis- cretion of the Huron County Board of Education. er • Awards