HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-08-20, Page 3"In Line" (Continued from Page 1) to be high but may level off this year with the addition of reme- dial teachers In several schools. Huron County is 'light" in the percentage of pupils' receiving special education. • At the secondary school lev- el, noted' Cochrane, it appears evident that as many pupils are not remaining for Grade 13 as might be expected. A further study in this area is indicated, Cochrane said. "At 19.0, the average number of. pupils per teaching area indi- cates ample accommodation in our secondary schools"; Coch- rane went on, "At 17.6, the number of pupils per teacher tends to the high side. Provin- cial trends should be re-exam- ined before the 1971 hiring sea- son opens". "Generally, I feel that the Huron County School System is in a satisfactory position on any of the comparison charts used in this report", Mr. Cochrane concluded. James Coulter, superintend- ent .of education, presented a report about a sem flar for school administrators he had attended at' McArthur College earlier this month. He told the board of 20 new methods being tried in schools throughout the province, includ- • . ing such things as individual student timetables, credit sys- tem, development of the House System, change in attendance procedures; eemiastering, use of paraprofessionals, etc. He indicated all these things were the -principal's choice: 2: Jaffa juice 2/69c 294 Orange or Grapefruit-484x. Tins • FINNIGAN'S Trend Detergent _ _ Seald Sweet Orange Liquid-24 Oz.—(Prepriced 49c) Juice, qt. 49e Chase & Sanborn—(Deal Pack)-10 Oz. EGMONDVILLE Instant Coffee _ 2/69c $i.57 OUTSTANDING BARGAINS HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES 1959 FORD F-750 3-ton truck complete with platform and racks. No. CO3 Safety certified. WAS $1595 1966 FORD F-100 STYLESIDEPICKUP Safety certified. One local own er,,' Lic. 158308 WAS $1295 ANNIVERSARY • SPECIAL . 1295 1195 1970' FORD CUSTOM 500 2-door hardtop, dark ivy green, 351 V-8, automatic, whitewalls, body side molding, power steering and brakes, radio, wheel covers, heavy duty suspension Lic. 160694 WAS $4280 1968 CHEV BELAIRE Stationwagon, V -8, Automatic, power steering. Safety certified. Lic. 88031X WAS $2395 1968 CHEV IMPALA 2 -door hardtop, yellow with black vinyl (roof, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. Lie. L11813 1968 MUSTANG 6 cylinder, standard transmission, one owner since new, Lie. A40375 WAS $1895 '2095 '2095 9595 Reject Nursery School Requist Ttif #)(I'011120 .SEAFORTH,, • Doll Wins CNE Award Correspondent Mrs. Maude Hedden Miss. Amy Lammie, Hensall, is listed among the inners in the Women's division of the Can- • adian National Exhibition, A baby doll dressed in a hand-knitted outfit was Miss Lam tale's entry, whicn. drew second prize in its class. More thin 3,000 entries were-received. Flowers in the Sanctuary of Carmel Presbyterian Church tY Sunday morning were in loving, raemery of Mrs. Stewart ' me:Queen, placed by her husband and family, and In loving mem-- ory' of Mr. William Brintnell, placed by his wife and family. Mr, and, Mrs. Terry North, Teresa and Tammy, of Fingal, Mr. and Mrs. Doe Rigby, Stew- art and Jane Knights, Blenheim, were weekend visitors with Stewart M eQueen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Stewart and Jane are remaining for a vacae tioa. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip and . family, Burlington, were recent visitors with the letters mother Mrs. Eric Kennedy. They are -continuing their vacation at In- verhuron Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gragerich of Arcadia, Florida, are vaca- tioning for three weeks with their daughter and son-in-We, M r. and Mrs, Ellis Stewart and fam- ily, Mrs. R. A. Orr was winner of a hamper on a Loidoa Cof- fee Club deaw. Mr. and Mss. Ross Kennedy of Hamilton, were weekend visi- te. tors with the formers mother, Mrs. Eric Kennedy.' They are also vacationing at Bala, Mus- koka. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes have returned from three weeks vacation in Scotland and 'Eng- land. After spending a week with Dr. and Mrs. David Noakes, Edin- burgh, Scotland, the couple pro- ceeded northward through Scot- land to the Orkney Islands where they visited with 'cousins and thence to Stromness where Mrs. Noakes' father, the late James Sangster was, born on to Rack- wick, Hoy, where his mother was born, back to Kirk Wall,Ork- ney and Southward through Eng- land. Mre and Rees. Noakes visited in Bexhill where Me. Archie Noakes was born and returned to Reigate to visit with the family of Mrs. Lloyd Noakes. Many castles and cathedrals were toured by the couple and although they found the• coentrIes scenic and interesting, Mrs. Noakes said she is very happy to be living in Canada. Miss Norma Hughes of Tor- onto is a house guest with the Misses Amy and Greta Lammie. Mr. Fred Peters is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,• having been taken by Westlake Ambulance.Service, Zurich on Monday. Mrs. Sim Roobol, a patient in South Huron Hospital,.returned home Monday evening. Miss Jarvis Peacock, of Ottawa, who has been spending the past week with her grand- mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole, has .returned home. SKATER INJURED Miss Troyann Bell, daughter of M7. and M Stewart Bell, 1-1 •Iasall, and a member of the St. Thomas Figure Skating Club, had the misfortune to 2ollide with another) skater last Thurs- day. She suffered a four inch gash in her hip and was treated at the St. Teome.s • E 'gin General Hospi- tal. Earlier the same day, Joh Caughell, professional skater and Troyann's instructor, was taken to the same hospital by amieee lane having been in a two car collision. He was later trans- ferred tee St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A request for a nursery sceoej for retarded children in J. A, D. McCurdy Public School under the sponsorship of the SOuth Huron Association for the Mentally Re- tarded has been turned down by the •leuron County Board of Edu- cation. At the present time; the J.A. D. McCurdy Public School build- ing is occupied by two school groups that eome under the juris- diction of the Huron County Board of Education - the regular day school and the Huron Hope School for the Mentally Retarded. A nursery school would not be under the jurisdiction of the board, and therefore, not under the jurisdiction of either prince- p - • al. The board also recalled its previous decision not t o provide nursery facilities in its schools and agreed to uphold that decis- ion. vote was eight to_three agaiest renting facilities JILL A. D, McCurdy school for the nur- sery school with Vice-chairman Bob Elliott, Mrs. Marilyn Kun- County Bdard of Education met- ing, board members voted 7 to 4 in favor of permitting Mrs. Ruth Alton, R,R. #7, -Lueknow to give private mesic lessons at Brook- side .Public School during school hours this coming year. The proposal was adopted on a, trial basis from September 1970 to June 1971 at which time the experiment-will be reviewed with a view to establishing pol- icy applicable to the school sys- tem. John D. Cochrane, director of education, said students are allowed up to one half day per OBITUARY . WILLIAM BRINTNELL Public funeral services for the late William Brintnell of Hensall were held on Thursday at 2 p.m. from Bonthron Funeral Chapel,' conducted by Rev. W. D. Jarvis, The late Mie Brintnell passed away at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on August 11th in his '77th year. Surviving are his wife, the framer Vera Bell, one son,Jack, R.R.#2, Staffa, two granddaugh- ters, three brothers, Clifford, Exeter;Wilson,Kirkton; Thomas, R.R.#1, Hensall; two sisters,Mrs. Mae McLellan, R.R.1, Hensel', Miss Isabel Brintnell, Stratford. vate mesic' instruction ' accord- ing to the department of edu- cation statutes. It was felt, added Cochrane, that permitting the music tea- ,cher to conduct classes in -the school would cut 'down on the time students would have to spend away from class. ",It will take only a little better than a half an hour this way", argued Cochrane. "Other- wise the students could lose up to half a day". • Superintendent Harold Knis- ley concurred. 'This is nothing radical that we are proposing", said Knisley. "We've been doing this for 20 years now in. some schools in the province". In ,other business, the board agreed that the mileage allow- ahce for the administrative staff of -the Huron Caunty Board of Education should remain at the rate of 12 cents per mile; heard a report on school cafeterias in the county which showed a vary- ing degree of success and de- cided to shelve the report until more detailed information can be gathered; received an invita- tion from the Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture to attend a meeting concerning withholding -gehoel -taxes in Ci-ISS Monday,, August 31eane accepted the res- ignation of Mrs. L_ Hunter-Duvar as custodian of South Huron Dist- rict High School. • Crory ) co„appnt• Mrs. Ken Mealier Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. E. Moore visited over the week end with Mr. And Mrs. Hugh l.ioore at Lindsay. Miss Lorraine Laing is spending this week et Kintall Camp. Miss Sandra Hulley of Winthrop is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner and children. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar and Mrs. W. N. Binning visited with Mr. 0. R. Francis of Woodstock on Wednesday. Recent visitors with Mrs. J. R. Jefferson were. Mrs. Earl Cole and Mrs. Frank Kelland, Mitchell. They also visited with Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. Verna Brooks. Mrs. GOrdoteLaing is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Fleming Grainger and Mrs. Lloyd Workman of Brussels visited with Mrs.J.R. Jefferson. Mr. Lindsay McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. Goedon Scott, attended a gathering at Lions Park, Mitchell on Sunday, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Millard Crandall of Falconer, New York, on their golden wed- ding anniversary. Mrs,Crandall was formerly Vera Colquhoun, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Colquhoun; former resi- dents of Hibbert Townshie. Mr. Otto, Walker returned home on Sunday from Victoria Hospital, London, where he had ,undergone surgery. Rental (Continued from Page 1) removed. No charge is to' be made for playgrounds, but permission should- be obtained for their use. These rates, it should be noted, are for evening use of facilities or one-third day. Ad- ditional use on the same day will be charged at half-rate per one- third day - that is, afternoon and evening use of a gymnato- rium in Group C would be charged at $75. .There are other rules by which all groups must abide such as nothing of 'an inflam- matory, discriminatory or con- tentious nature will be permitted. In the buildings; alcoholic bever- ages, lotteries and gambling are not allowed; smoking will be per- mitted only in areas designated by the principal; rubber soled shoes must be worn in the gymnasia' and general purpose rooms when used for athletic ac- tivities; pianos may not be moved from one level to another except under the supervision of the school personnel as designated by the principal, etc..., Full particulars covering the use of school facilities will be available at the Board of Educat- e i, lin ,Homo, 1 qt. Homo, 3 qts. 2%, 1 qt. - 2%, 3 qts. Skim, qt. fr • Clinton Dumping Concerns Board Arrangements have been the area. Pereons ignoring the made by the Huron County Board warning• would be prosecuted, of Education to' have the land' some board members thought. • . area northwest of Central Huron There was no formal decision , SS, inClinton filled in and ley- on the matter but some Oiled; feetewlee • Complaints that members of the board ,felt that the hail been Used for "the when the clean g up was completed, disposal of surplus materials the dumping would automatically from the school shops. discontinue. Beginning inSeptemeer,Clin- ton garbage collectors will pick up, the metal cuttings from the school, providing that the total weight of the disposable material • is • not more than one man can handle.. The saw dust from the school shops will be bagged in waterproof containers and taken away in the regular garbage pick- le up as well. Director , of EduCation ' John P. Cochrane wondered what the board would do if other Clinton- lens continued to use the area as a dump. He said that on two occasions, persons had been ob- served dumping Tefiese into the site. • , Micrin-6 Oz. that- signs ¤ be erected to advise that mouth Wash Suggestion was made II no dumping was permitted in, 24 Ounce 29c 18-0z. Bottles MILK Hunt's Catsup 3/79c • WHOLESALE s;rn-4");; Cheese Slices 2/67c WEISE Van Camp—(Deal Pack)-14 Oz. PRI2 Beans with Pork _ 5/89c Buy Your Crisco Oil 75c Weston's Carousel-21 1/2 -Oz. Package Cookie Assortment _ _ 57c For Complete 24 Ounce INSURANCE Good Morning Marmalade 55c on, your • Stafford-19 Oz. , HOME, BUSINESS, FARM : CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY Cher ry Pie Filling _ 2/99c OR LIFE SEE One Dozen Weston' Granny Tarts _ _ 79c FROZEN FOOD McCAIN French Fries 4 Lbs. $1 PRODUCE CALIFORNIA 56s GRAPEFRUIT 8 For 59c Inamm=airmema ONTARIO No. 1 Potatoes 25-LB. BAG 95c - smaimmeammiism . ONTARIO FANCY MELBA APPLES 5-LB. BAG 59c der and John Breadfeet in favor of providing the accoinniodation. Classes were held in the Credibin Community Centre until May 11 for the children, thought by some board members to num- ber three or four. • • They moved to a vacated school about 1 1/2 miles south of Grand Bend. This former school is now owned by the Al- hambra Lodge. The teachers, Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Exeter, and Miss Ella Morlock, Crediton, are ewer- ned about being moved into Lamb- ton C ounty and feel that the _ taxi bills for transporting child- ren Will be enormous. As well, volunteer helpers are now too far away to continue to serve. "The question of moral re- sponsibility to provide nursery facilities in other- parts of the county cannot be overlooked", said John Cochrane, director of education for Huron. "The cost- of maintaining J.A.D. McCurdy School is a county-wide responsi- bility". Board Agrees to Music Lessons week class to take pri At Monday evening's Huron FRESH PORK Shoulders lb. 39e SHOULDER BUTT Pork (hops 16.55c Bologna 16.45c Ground Chuck 16. 731 PURE PORK Sausage lb. 49c RINDLESS— END SLICES' Side Bacon 16.45c Swiss Steak 16.89c AUG. LO• • .„ • (c04#01144 removed w Agre0 0)i 1* AO' former W„inghaM Public] School Board, All future telephone bills however, will be the reePeMe sIbility of the local Cubs. aid. Scouts or their sponsors, Ii'. these arraligeniente are not ,satisfactory to the Cubs and Scouts, the phone shall be re- moved from the school at their expense,. BRUCE REFRIGERATION :- SALES and SERVICE Meat Cases, Walk-in-Boxes, Seotchman ice machines, Sant- . serve soft ice cream machines and ?farm milk coolers — CERTIFIED BY PROV. OF ONT. for DIAMONDS, WATCH E S JEWElet..E'RY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY QCCASiO? All Types of Repairs Plume 527-0270 66•4666 .6,6" SEAFORTH JEWELLERS PHONE" 237.3320, GRANO BEND, BOX 171 OUR 31st ANNIVERSARY Serving Seaforth and District It is our business. to give comfort and save you money SHOES and REPAIR Specializing in Orthopedics of the Feet at JACK THOIVIPSON'S FOOTWEAR SERVICE SEAFORTH cc S F T oming of Age" A CONTINUES Larry SniderMotors Is 21 Years Old This Month . . , WE'RE CELEBRATING BY OFFERING YOU ' SOME 1111 1 11117.1. 1970 FORD CUSTOM 500 2-door hardtop, candy apple red, vinyl trim, automatic, , A whitewalls, power steering, wheel covers, radio. Lic. 151787 WAS $4100.70 ft JOHN A. • CARDNO Insuraiice Agency Phone 527.0490 : Sioeforth Office Directly Oppotite Seaforth Motors Larry Snider. Motors LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 • LONDON 2274191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer C