HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-08-13, Page 6. ON Exposrion, SOAFORIF14, 04114 ninfAtn. illf. News of Correspondent Mrs.Bob Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butters, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Don Coyne, London, werevisitW with Mr. Tom Butters on ft.y. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dill, Stratford, were visiting with Mrs. .lean Dill on' Sunday and _Mrs. BETHEL BIBLE. CHURCH S.EAFORTII, ONTARIO REV. D.. L. PATTERSON. PASTOR), SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1910 10:00 cm. Family Bible School 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Hour 8:00 pm. Drive-In Service in the Liens Perk Subject — CHRIST, REVOLUTIONARY or REBEL WELCOME t. • Saturday Saturday Night SING ALONG WITH DOREEN DANBROOK HURON Hargv Dublin AUG: 13 - 14 - 16 THURS., FRI., SAT. • - • ..e•' •.. 'Corning ext: In the . Red Knight Room ' FRIDAY & SATURDAY THE HUMMING BIRDS esitenatag ROOM — FRIDAY & SATURDAY EARL HEYWOOD Recording Star Ample Free Customer ,Parking :Visit our' Beverage Room for TastyChicken Wings. aisP Colored TV • COMMERCIAL- HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD .1 • PHONE 52.1 9481 "BONNIE &CLYDr' • (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) — Starring WARREN BEATTY and 'FAYE DUNA'WAY "They chased boredom with' hall of bullettq (PLUS 2nd BIG HIT!) Steve McQueen as “BuLurr • Hard Tough Detective Drama (Adult Entertainment) AUG. 18 - 17 - 18 COLUMBIA PICTIREMesents a CHARLES H. SCHNEER Production GEORGE PEPIIMRD SUN., MON., TUE., (ADULT ENTERTAINNEKI) FANAVISION• TECNNICOLOW AD ALSCI Telly Savidas Janet Landgiord "LAND likAIDEIIS1-17'- -. (Adult EntertaliAigt) : NUR PAM P, • DENEATH THE pLANET • c)FT,, 'NARDI Color by De Luxe ism. mew, rearm (Adult Entertainment) N f. F a a it sp 4 `a. a — THIS WEEK — • - The-Young Cana Swingers Back by Popular Demand 'and FEATURING for the NEXT TWO WEEKS Dave Paul & The' Silver Dollar SAVF140 -ROAD IN 001301RICH 0.4411 h LEM RESTAURANT and TA -'4ee Dr. Karl Campbell, formerly of Segforth, expects to open a dental office in Goderieh during the last week okAugust. William G. 'Campbell is in„, Toronto General Hospital for surgery. Mrs. W. Earle Hawley, who has been a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital and later In 'Victoria Hospital,- London, has returned to her home on William Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gilbert, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bernard, Hamilton,Mr.eind Mrs. Harvey Nott, Dunas, Mr . and Mrs. Wm. Piper and boys, London, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coleman and family, Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Williamson and Stephen, Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, Bel- grave visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nott. Miss Jill Wheatley has re- ceived word from the Royal Con-, servatory of. Music that she has passed her exam with honours.. She is the pupil of "Mrs. Wm. Ferguson of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ke'ry Camp- bell spent their holidays in Montreal and at Port Elgin. Dennis Campbell and Larry Kale spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Desson at Port Elgin. Mr. John Talbot is holidaying in Milwaukee and Winnipeg. Mrs. Betty Cardno, Jim and Jayne, and Mrs. Sam McKenzie, Georgetown, are on a motor trip to the east coast. Rev. J. iJre and• Mrs. Stewart have returned from a two-weeks trip during which they spent several days in Brighton at the' home of Mrs • gladson Campbell. They also took the Thousand island tour in the 'St. Lawrence River and visited Expo in Mon- treal as well as other spots in the City. On the return trip teey visited friends in Guelph. Mrs. Jack Meagher is vaca- tioning for a week at Sturgeon* Lake. Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore is pre- sently spending a couple of weeks ,. visiting friends and relatives in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. VI CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 , 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular 'Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 T . (children under 16 net permitted) Proceeds fOr Welfare Work Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Mr. anti Mrs. Jerry Morris and family, Slmcoe, visited Mr.' and Mrs., T. P. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and family, Toronto, visited Mrs. Michael Murray. Sister Theodore, Chatham, Miss Nell Doyle, London, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle and Ted Doyle. Visiting Mrs. Joseph Melady during the week' were Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Melady, Belle Riv- er, and Mr. and Mrs. jack Cleary and family, Toronto. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Leon Murray and family,' Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stapleton and Paul, Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrp. Gilbert Murray. Mrs. j. L. Malone visited in Stratford on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman. Mrs. Win. Albert and Joanne were in Ingersoll on Wednesday. Miss Denise Albert returned- home Withenem., • With CFA The Canadian Swihe Council • Swine Group Affiliates 1•4 "c4 Boy Named Charliellrown" 1100104.0K. A NAO0114 GENERA fiCtuRES orb GOMA ORM ROO Pon0110011 THURSDAY ONE SHOW AT 13 P.M. FA I. & SAT. SHOWS AT 7130 and 9;30 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 P.M. - SUN., MON., TUES. AUG. 16 - 17 -'18 ANTHONYIBNERGIFMAi , Q .,1414) k co., in the SpringWn (Adult Entertainment) COtioff4 PICTLOOS hrotla ONE SHOWING ONLY AT 8 P.M. 2.. STARTING WEDNESDAY FOR 8 DAYS THE #1 NOVEL OF THE YEAR •- NOW A MOTION PICTURE! • ROSS HUNTER ..00.00'C" I Ft F2oFfire WIT LANCASTER 6 DEAN MARTIN A UNIVERSAL. PICTURE (0 40) S FOR INFORMATION and TICKETS CONTACT:: e Cleave Coombs' Sun'oc'o Station — ig7-9416 • ; L and H COACHWAYS,11`041.• SEE THE Canadian National Exhibttion • IN TORONTO SPECIAL BUSES LEAVE Coombs' Sunoco Station 8:35 mu. SATURDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 'WEDNESDAY SATURDAY — P.O. BOX 426, STRATFORD, ONTARIO '•)t ;1 - / ea- a AI AITGUST.22 — AUGUST 20 — AUGUST 2 — SEPTEMBER 2, SEPTEMBER'S Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale Mr. and Mrs. john 'Vass, of Detroit, visited at the rectory with Msgr. J. J. White. Miss Jeanne Melady • is in Mexico, taking a course in Span- ish and Mexican Art, at Artillo University. • A reunion of the Frank Me- lady family was held at Hayfield at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melady'e cottage recently. Misses Linda and Anne Al- bert are visiting their • grand- parents at •Car:met, New Biuns- wick. Joe Nolan spent the weekend with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman, Stratford, visited Mrs. J. L. Malone during the week. Brother Francis O'Reilly, Montreal, and Mrs, Mike Gq, lagher,• Caroline• and gad, Mon- treal, are visiting Mr. and Mrs., Lou O'Reilly and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin and baby, Stratford, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan London, Mr. and Mrs Bertrand Lapointe, Gravenhurst, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady. --LOCAL BRIEFS-- 411 C hDRAL RESTAURANT and 1' BAYFIELD ROAD, GODER.K14' formerly • Pizza Patio , TaVern been home making coffee for the Queen? ' The book suggests all kinds of needless procedures, as, well. Miss Waldo says you should always beat eggs separately, stir dry ingredients in one bowl, wet ones in another, and so on.When the kitchen is full of •dirty bowls, you start cooking. Her recipes are full of lines like: "Makes' about 16 5-inch, or 32 21/2-inch, pancakes." Or of • course, 64 1 1/4 inch pancakes. One step further and you have puffed wheat, I guess, and serve it in a bowl. As we all know, practical pancake makers are one-bowl men. • You throw everything into' a bowl, stir with a fork until the egg yolk is Welt-distributed, and then start cooking. However, she does have some good ideas. Basically, I work on a seven-ingredient principle: three wet (eggs, oil, milk) and four dry (salt, sugar, baking powder and flour). Then I usually throw in whaftiver is handy, such as a few raisins, a few walnuts (shelled, of course), leftover mashed potatoes, or a diced ripe banana. (These are very difficult to dice when ripe, but may be starched first foreasier cutting). But I never had made pan- cakes* with mozzarella cheese" until I read MF/3 Waldo's book. Mokze-rella akes a very. stretchy pane ke, I find. Clam pancakes sound very good, un- less oftihappens to be a clam. There is 'also a spinach pancake, used,by some parents to punish bad kids and by Irishmen who , wish to have their families look- ing' green on St. Patrick's Day. , Also, for Brotherhood Week: there is an Wien curry pan- cake. And for 'Scots who do not like haggis but Want to eat some- thing equally equally pat tic on St. Andrew's Day, ere is the Scotch' mutto pancake. (Shear • one media cep, etc.) hope. But I don t know that try any more of her ideas. have enough trouble as it is with kids who' approach my pan- , cakes gingerly and probe around a little, before they Batt just in case this time 1Na „gone too fat. • Scott ;Young For Pdncakers Only Beatrice Burgess; Flint, Mich, is spending a few days with Mrs. Dill. Mr. and Mrs. charies Friend and ' daughters Linda and Susan spent the week end at their cot- tage at Lyons Head. • Miss Pat Wallace spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend. Mr. Clayton Loo6y is a patient in the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Mrs. Clayton Looby and family are spehding two weeks at a cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma- loney and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maloney, Seaforth, spent last week end in Lindsay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney, who had a party with approximately 1,000 people in attendance. This was in con- nection with Amway Products in which Mr. Maloney holds' a position. Miss Ann and Miss Linda Albert are spending three weeks 'in New Brunswick with Mrs. William Albert's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Aime Lanteigne. Mrs. Albert and Denise and Jo-Anne are motoring to New Brunswick •- and the family -will return to- gether in a few weeks. WALTON Correspondent Mrs.Allan McCall Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wey returned home last Wednesday evening fiom a trip to the western provinces. They travelled as far as Jasper where they visited with Miss Sheiell Craig who has been employed there for the summer months. Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. 'Allan Searle, Mrs. Allan McCall and Miss Beverly McCall at- tended the two-day training school last Wednesday and, Thursday at First Presbyterian, Church, Seaforth as club leaders _for the fall project 'Focus on Fitness': Misses Helen Searle and Mary Bewley; nurses in training at St. Joseph's HoOpital, London, are spending this month holiday- ing at their parent's hcenes. Mrs. Leonard Leeming moved to her new hinee list week in Mitchell. Not long ago at an annual fair we had quite a good display idea thought up by the hydro company. The. plot was to round up several men who thought. -they , were good cooks and have us make pancakes for an audience of women. ' I guess the hydro thought the Women would watch for a while and .then gasp: "So that's what stoves are for - cooking!" Then they'd rush home and start using electricity like mad, while the hydro reaped their benefit in higher biliA. Anyway, the project broke down when I told them that I'd do it if I could come' in my usual pancake-cooking outfit. This , is' a natty plaid dressing gown so thin in the seat that you -can read a newspaper through it, pajamas, slippers, a small black Scottie dog ready to catch any- thing that dropped and a cat to sit against my heels so I'd trip and fall flat every time I stepped back to admire my handiwork. He tried to get my garb past the censor but couldn't, so that was that. ' „"Ifinwever, he did give me a paperback called The Pancake Cookbook, by Myra Waldo. It is a mine of information. For many year's , I had thought that the way Crepes Suzette got their name was from a felloW in France who rose one morning and said to his wife: "Just make me a stack of crepes, Suzette." The trouble was, his wife's name was Heloise. But the name Crepes Sueette stuck in her mind long after she had poisoned her hus- band, and persists to this day. That's what I _thought! The Pancake Cookbook has a version that I find much less believable. It says that a cer- tain princess Suzette, infatuat- ed with a King of France, pre- pared a flaming (from brandy) 'pancake for him at her hunting lodge in the f+Ist. "The King, always the ect gentleman, proposed that he dish be known thereafter as crepes Suzette," the book says. A likely story. if the king' was such a gentleman, what was he doing eating pan. • Cakes at her hunting lodge in the forest when he should have convention of the Crwisu week- ly Newspapers Aseectatioli,_ Mrs. Norman Long of Kippen is a patient in SeaforlhCommun- ity Hospital, Major J. Miles McMillan and son, David of Colorado Springs, Colorado, spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. J. M. McMil- lan. Miss Elizabeth Craster and Miss Libby Burn, both from E.ng-: land, were recent visitors for ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills and family.' Miss• Margaret Sills spent last , week in Huntsville with her ids-. ter, Mary, 'who is a swimming instructor there. Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Sills, Sr. . Mrs. G.J. Sills, Jr. David and John, all from Baltimore have been enjoying the week with rel- atives and friends in Seaforth and vicinity. Mrs. N, R. Dorrance, Hunts- ,ville, is visiting with Miss...Jean Scott and Mrs. R. B. Scott in Harpurhey. Mr. and Mrs. Orchin McCor- mick., Fort Erie, were here this week attending the funeral of his siter, the late Mrs. Joseph White. Miss Margaret Harris, Tor- onto, was a, weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cornish are in Toronto attending a Pris- oner of War reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cuthill and Paul, and Mrs. R.K. McFar- lane spent Sunday with Mrs. W. A. Campbell in Guelph. Wayne Ellis has been trans- ferred back to Canada from Sycamore, III. as District Sales Manager for southwestern On- tario, for his company De Kalb Agricultuial Research: He,Mrs. Ellis and family Nave been in Illinois for four years. They have purchased the home on John Street of Mrs. Ellis' mother, Mrs. Margaret Short. Mrs. Margaret Short has moved to Clinton. '' Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Mc- quirter Midland, visited Mrs. Frank Storey this week. Mrs. Storey returned to Midland with them. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Atkin- son have returned from a motor trip to Manitoba. A delegation A 35 from the Seaforth-Clinton area attended the District Assembly of Je- hovah's Witnesses in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Molen- maker with their son Theo, of Voorburg, Holland, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Van Ro- iojen and they are repaint* for four weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Iszacovks and Roberto, of Quito, Ecuador, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Selt- zer of Chicago are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Iszacovics. Mrs. D. de Boer of Enkbui- zen, Holland, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Van Rooi- Jen. Mr. and mrs. A. Y. McLean have returned from Winnipeg where they attended the annual NEWS OF ST. COLUMBA has become formally _affiliated with the Canadian Federation of with as a National Advi- sory Committee on the Canadian swine industry. Commenting on this development from• the recent semi-annual meeting of the C.F.A Board in Truro, NovaSco- Hat Mr. David Kirk, Executive Secretary of the C.F. A., indidated that this was a unique relation- ship and the first national com- modity organization to affiliate with the C.F.A. on the"Adyisory Committee" basis, and not as a • member. "Hog producers, either individually or in their organi- zations, are members of the pro- vincial member organizations of C.F.A. and ' their general in- terests are represented through those channels. The Canadian Swine Council however also re- presents those producers for special hog production matters and marketing matters and rather than have it as a separate mem- ber in the, C.F.A. this relation- ship has been worked out", Mr. Kirk said, 'land which we believe is a much petter way of building the commodity interests ieto the general farm organization where n comprehensive view can be 'taken. of- the ?thole range of far- - trier interests. The C.F.A. ap- preciates the kind of thinking that ' the Swine Council has gone through in arriving at this de- cision and the C.P.A. looks for- ward to very useful specialized contribution of the Swine Council on matters which arise through the structures of the general farm organization." The Fe- deration expects other eommo- „ dity interests to similarly as- sociate themselves in the general farm movement at the provincial ' level with their national offices being tied into the'Canadian farm movement through the C.P.A. The C. F. A. Will provide office and secretarial services on con- • tract, for, the Canadian Swine Council. Mr. E. Alderson of Au- ' rora, Ontario, is President et the Swine Council, and W. Hamil- ton of C. F. A. office, is the secre- tary. 111 Well, YOU get the idea, I • I'll/ "Hoag do you know that We the first of the month?" the visitor asked his host's little girl. "Because," replied the child, "nil Daddy's letters have front window's in them," Smiles - • BROWNIE DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON " fox Office Opens at B:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK ,• • Dustin Hoffman Mie Farrow In Color "JUSTINE" A /MMHG' yo fiascos Mai Of AMIGO OYU Color SAT. - MON. - TUES. August 8-10-11 0OUBLE FEATURE - "SANTA VITTORIA" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Anthony Quinn - Anna Magoon' Virna Lid In 'Color • "BRIDGE AT REMAGEN'' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Color Cartoon WED. - THURS. - FRI. SAT. - MON; TUES. August 12-18 SHOWING FOR ONE WEEK - DOUBLE FEATURE - "BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE, SUNDANCE KID" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Paul Newman - Robert Radford Katherine Ross ' In Color NO (SASSES' HONOURED 'LADY IN CEMENr (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) , Frank Sinatra « Raquel Welch Richard Cants , Color Can-eon FANIVENJESSMESSIM831**38100 "JOHN & MARY" WED. - THURS. FRI. August 5-6-7 , A IM/TANCO Wail OP MI at Ova FO /WOK' - DOUBLE FEATURE - Dirk Bogard* Anouk Aimee Michael York Cartoon The' "Peanuts'Gang in their Vint cMovie! SHOW TIMES: Sunday through Thursd.y, ONE CHOW ONse-At B p m Friday and Saturday-TWO ,SHOWS-First Show starts at 7.30 p.m.; Second Show at approximately 9.10 p.m. THUI1S., FRI., SAT. AUG. 13 - 14 : 15 30 THE SQUARE " PHONE 524.781.1 AlRCONDITIONED