HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-07-16, Page 12traiririI rai 9 • I, Congratulations To Stedmans Dealer You will find shopping a new exper- ience in the brightly lighted store. We are happy to be responsible for the modern new lighting arrangement Friday and Saturday of this week. . The large store in the Card- no block, providing a display area of 3,200 square feet has been completely remodelled to provide a better-display for mer- chandise and to permit a more varied stock. New display areas and fixtures reflect the modern trend. Wall to wall carpeting eliminates noises that so often are distractions to shoppers." Decorated in modern colors, the entire, store is flooded with light. A feature is the provision of a rear entrance •which leads to, a patio shop and where a garden centre will be featured. While a Properties Are Sold OPEN HOUSE hursday =Friday — Saturday July. 16 — 18 Free Draws, Free Coffee — Donuts and . Cake ZEJ DEALER W. WESTERHOF MAIN STREET SEAFORTH .4.11114. al. .4.. .4.¤ 4.44. 41. 4E4 A modernization program which has- been under way for several weeks in the Stedmans dealer 'store here has been com- pleted'. To mark the occasion,Walter Westerhof is inviting everybody to an open house on Thursday, new fabrics department has been delayed awaiting arrival of dis- play racks, a sewing aid centre is in full operation. Until a year ago owned and operated by Stedmans, the two large stores in the Garda° block were taken over by Walter Wes- terhof who came here from North Bay. The Stedman operation in Seaforth had its beginning when the company purchased Beattie's Variety Store oh the retirement of the late Mr. Beattie. In commenting on the relic)- . MODA Names Manager vation program, Mr. Westerhof said the store will strive to main- tain the high standard of custo- mer service which has been a tra- dition for so many years. "The improvements to the store which we now have 'completed are a re- cognition of the obligation we owe to our customers to provide them with the latest and best in mer- chandise, in a modern and con- venient shopping centre." he said WE CONGRATULATE Stedmans Dealer on the completion of extensive alterations. It was our priviledge to play a part in pro- vision of certain fixtures and interior alter- ations. Joseph T. Hugill General Contractor Seaforth Ontario 11-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 16, 1970 •44.4•414 HILDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER KEM and MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS SUNWORTHY and WALDEC WALLPAPER , Cpngratulations To The Stedmans Store SEAFORTH On the completion of their renova- tions. We are pleased and proud to have supplied the material and labour involved in the redecorating. Alterations to Stedmans Dealer Store In SeafOrth page been completed and the public is in- vited to take part in an open house on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. The large store located in the Cardno block has undergone a complete modernization. Seaforth Store Completes Renovation Program WALTER WESTERHOF Frank Kling- Limited Electrical Installations — Plumbing Heating Phone 527-1320 Seaforth Recent property changes Made through the real estate of- fice of Joseph McConnell, Real- tor, include the Orville Dale pro,r Perty, Main Street Neith to Mrs. Audrle Berscht, R.R. Seaforth, and the Ruby Bethune Estate pro- perty on Sparling Street to P/C. Lloyd Eisler, of Seaforth. Congratulations Walter W. Gowing, 3'7, of Preston; has been appointed Ge- neral Manager of the Midwestern Ontario Regional Development Council. Mr. Gowing replaces Milton Phillips as General Manager of MODA. Mr. Phillips, a civil ser- vant on loan from the Provincial Government to MODA for the past year, will return to provincial government duties. The new general manager as- sumes his duties August 1, 1970. He is presently a member of the editorial staff of the Evening Re- porter, Galt. Mr. Gowing has been the paper's regional government and economic development ana- lyst since October, 1968. He also handles municipal government and city council news coverage in the City of Galt, Interested in regional and economic development, as a wri- terMr. GOWilig has contributed many outstanding feature articles on this subject to the news media. Mr. Gowtng's twelve years of service as, the Director and Chief Librarian .for the County of Waterloo is an 'example of his work with both urban and rural municipalities. Appointed the County's first Chief Librarian when the library was founded in 1956, Mr. Gowing was responsible for its growth and development that eventually led to the formation of the pre- sent County public Library Sys- tem in Waterloo County. Circula- tion of books increased from 8,000 to nearly 300,000 in 1968. Library service to six rural schools increased to eighty and finally resulted in many schools developing individual libraries. We are proud to have had a part in the remodeling program in Stedmans Dealer Store in Seaforth. The wall to wall carpeting which we installed adds to your, shopping pleasure. • • • „ BOX FURNITURE Phone 527,0680' Seaforth yM TED1VIANS, EALER In Seaforth Is "All Growed Up Yes, we have all our new Togs now ... New carpets- wall to wall.... New display fixtures New lights ... New bright decor • • • and all planned to provide greater variety and . ,better display . planned to make your shop- ping experience' at Stedmans .Dealer in Sea- - forth mare pleasant more profitable. To mark the completion of our modernization program4 and to' express in a small way' our 'appieciation to all the people who have been - so kind to us during the past year, we invite everybody' to our p 1 Suggests Holding Taxes About 80 persons attended the July meeting of Huron County Fe- deration of Agriculture to hear Gordon Hill, ,president of the On-. tario Federation of Agriculture. Mr. Hill in his remarks sug- gested that farmers withhold the education portion of their taxes ""For 20 years we have been trying to get a more equitable levy of school, tax" he said. Edu- cation tax should be based, not on property assessment, but on in- come, which is a true indicator of your ability to pay." The OFA backs the with- holding of the education portion of the tax and Mr. Hill went on to point out examples of unfair- ness. Mr. Hill discussed the im- portation of the powdered• milk from Ireland and said the OFA is supporting the Ontario Milk Marketing Board and the Nation- al Farmers' Union in their de- mands that the importation be stopped. Mason Bailey, individual sales co-ordinator, reported that sales had risen 10% over last month and that there had been re- quests from three townships for sales blitz, as a result of the Successful. blitz in Grey Town- ship, where more tharrone-third of the farmers joined the orga- nization. In other business, the direc- tore turned down a proposal 'to provide for five districts in the county which referred to stay on a township level. . The meeting adopted a reso- lution asking the C.P.R. and C. N. R, "'railway% to maintain their fences in a satisfactory condi- tion.