HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-25, Page 7.1,(ctliniglianti .... :,Y, . ., ..ii ' . r VI-1.1411m- 1.!)VE1134 if-itil/A1 IfiOrafaail. -terTete- Vi ...i. OFFICE, J'OSEPHIP4E7 STIFtEgl WINOWAIYI, ,, ONTARIO, 4 fictliptIon pVieo, $1 per yeer, in advance 4..........,.......... ADVERTISING OATES: spacei 1. yr. 0 too. 1 jp° Lx . ..... o-T,..i iitte19 ed-liel; or II:16 ar kli 09, I " 35 00 20 00 12 90 6 00 zrter " 20 90 ili 00 7 09 4 00 ie Inch D 03 3 00 5 00 00 .ocal and other Nom] advertisements, Pe. per line 0 ret Insertion, and 3 .. perline tor each subeequent Anel notices, in nonpareil typo, 10c.. for first M °Mon. tion, and De. per line for each subsequent ineerticil local notice will be merged less than 25e ad vortio utents of Lest, tromid, Strayed, Situatio t is, d BU5kless Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 littW nparen, ei per te °nth Houses and losa ice fut Sale, not exceeding ff. lines, for filet month Doe. pee snle.equont month rhese tants will be stricth). iefficired to Special rates for longer mho...then:ants, or for ager periods. Advertisements without Sticetfle direetions, will he sorted tin forbid end eletreed accordingly. Tota' ory telvertisenutote inest be paid in advance Changesfor emitreet fficernsements must be in e attic e by Wednesday noon, in order to appeer, at week R. ELTIOTT Puerto:Foe AIM PUMASII,EN, 4,-_-•,..r•-•*1..-•!--.7•.,f,-.!,4_—.--,,--...r-!-7--------s• JR. MACDONALD, • . JOSEPHINE. seeziee, INCIIIAM, . • . 1 - 'ONTARIO, ' 41 JeT 13. TOW alit.m,n.q.u., 1 . iember College Physicians ad Surgeons, Ontarie, -Coroner for County of Huron 7 lake at " TUN PlIalV4Incy " • Wia4han1, Ont D17. J. A. IIELDICHI, Honor Gradueto of Toronto Univcreitc, and lember of the College of Physicians and Eurgerms of Mtarlo. Office and Residence -Cern or of Centre one Patrick trots, formerly'ovettpled by Dr. Bethune. Wmairma - • - • - (ter. D VANSTONE, BARRISTER/ SOLICITOR, Etc., Eta, Private and Company finale to loan at lowest rates interest. No columission clanged. Mortgagee, Mau • and farm propertt bought and mold. OEEICE-Beaver Block, WI::011A1, Op. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c., Winghata Ontario yt area a DICKINSON., lipt 44'w. C. MEYER, G. C. I Fie L. DICKINN(N, E. lk. . .. - ' 14ARIIISTIMS Ata.) SaJACT.TA,Its, F.4.‘!.., Etc., $o' liffitori for Rank of Ilandlton. Cou7mis0imier11 for taking affidavits for Man:tetua Form, Town and Village property bought atm sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage mit' at 51 Per Vent. Money invested for private petsons, upon the best, mortgage sdeuritits without any eepense to the 'ceder. Lands for eale in Manitoba emu the North.... west. . Oflice-Rent's Bleed:, Winginun, DEISTISTIM— J. S. JEROME, %%Witham, 55 IOM) Celluloid Plates • 1,uleamtep1ites of the 17C:1413111terb/ as chev 'as they can be get in the Dominion. All work warranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless :extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known. TANS NOTtCE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE.: In the Beaver Block, .Opposite the Brunswick DENTISTRY --W. JI.MACDNALD, Wisomar, • Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, .ft-"e7•ve?ti".4et:li Silva Gold, etc.,. etc., Plates, ranging in prices ham Kinn unwavds per ceS; crownner and bridgework. Teeth ex treated without the leot pain by the use of Vital. • Med Air. Bead Offiee, Whaffiatn, side entrance ete • postto tho (,4ueen's hotel, open daily (Sundayaexcept. ed) from 0 a m to 41 p o. Will be at Blyth esiTV, 2nd and 4t11 tiatartlay of eftelumith-•Otliceat Mince; hotel; Gm tie: 1st and ilrci Mondays of•eaeli month-, Office at Albion hotel. .:::xtractine• 26 &site. • let 77 GENERAL IN'SIJIIANCE AGE/7T WmentAm, ONTAr.t0 ic 0111710T CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE MM. AND MARINE, GUELPH. DEAN , Ja.. WING11.01, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER non Tem COUNTY UP HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co: Charge: Moderato. ejOIIN CIIILItIE, 'a ON., LICLIISED ECOTIONIOlit Tun CO:PITY Ot: 111311.0$. Alt orders kft At the Toms *Ince promptiyat en ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES Lienesien Areglexuen T011 COUNTIES 1II140N AND. Canon. Alt sales attended to promptly and on tile notes Notice. Charles Moderato and Satisfaction Cluarafitea Alt necessary arrangements can be ltutttp at di Tints' mane iiinson#S.• Osic HILTON & HAWKINS P. L. as D. I. ittleviitheB Or Cirlt EntlitS LIS c'i't MD %INGHAM. 1 All oilers lett at the office Of Oz° Tibtxe will se gelve prmapt attenthm . rlPATERSON, .12 s . Bfixface ri* I -...101L11 /1S.INTON Cetler, Itttinat or Ms. JOAO., Lteio'sLe. 31-14`*; 34, ' ,. 04, A f' Air • "tortrrItefesofee. 'IS 47,;1,-1441411.741101'441 ..... ._..., _ t lelary of a Liquor Seller. • ;etype, down '80,1 . :-.01 stryPt.-0..natta * .A. r. i..Y CLEVER CANI101. `1 7j 4, -vi tridaeleralel, GYP, Tette DOG AOVERZISTeR, AND I • Monday :-..Took Ragged Billta last dime for whlekeY. fueuday:-Ilad a visit from Charlie 4 HCR eeeTeeetes oe! ,ausimee,s' I 'rue ellne-cha vollo of A itald Howl, Pubito , Vantiugt, of 0, young praententer 1-411 lailt;bdit niott;itioisocicecr,inttraithit,:bi,pste"00,apgprra:titynetoe, eisnwetwa-an am,ervioW Ninth ak; 41. head which IS in tanfnit of 4tle,itte 1v,peci 1 hair. Th.ert is a roe! eointheretal value Gyp int. vieiting Omaha. ta bald head, and tins vrtlin P: by no ' means con tievd, ^W.,: al nroresion, It le lee "tout eery 'utuelt to the ral. Piper, wilco swore off three arOntne ago end eigned the, pledge; gaVe kii three . . Revell t eeen her? Don't knew Gyp? , Whatever adt,41tta;tote, 1,,,.,,v", 1') etety Nense.trisel She mar he 1.11.41.e'd any day confer on cl'echweineteYea e v ne"- a w walking up and don Pem ntane street. n at, " to She wears a red satin coat- huttoneae 1; edicactil man a fair estietete avor- under e 'Irery lightly around her throat and a ; 'LlIcl:! eo‘rcutiastances would be, at the year.-ehledical .toque to nrateh it sets jemetily on. her I five hundred. a head, The twine is trinamed wall feetbe ere and flowers and a flaxen 'bang peoPs from beneath its rim. Gyp lias very Prose and. Circular. The Literary Standard in A merica. We say in all seriousness, that in this pretty brown eyes and they gazeithrough new country, drunk with prosperity Slid ghettoes thet are perched upon her little besotted as Otto with mentrial ideals, the 'tame. Gyp's deportment is very proper literary etandard as high as ever it was mk :except ht (me reepece See looke straight in the world; and that the literary per- ,. ie ahead through her glasses and Walks formance is of an eecellenue which is • With dignity, atul when people make re- only nut conspicuous because it is so :narks about her -as they generally do -e- general. If any one dentee it, let him file does not pey any attention to them. corapare an average piece of tietion She jiPit holds her cigarette firmly in her 'The Atlantic It:tenthly. or The Century. teeth and asstuues 1541 iudifferent edr. or Scribner's, or Harper's with an aver - For Gyp smokes whoa she appears nport. age piece 'of tictioe h Illaelewood's or the street -that is the only breach in her . Frazerea or Tilutely's of ale y years ago; atherwiee faultless demeanor. or an average essay in one of our eerien. lent then Gyp is only a doge -a little icals with an average essay of the best nrown spaniel; the wiseet, brightest lit- Eaglish time; or an average poem Of our -Ile spaniel imaginable. Oyp is a dog th..,y with an average poem of the -with a career, She ie, aie artiste in her 1 "splendid and unsurpassed literature of "ray, and, as every one knows, artistes the past;" or an average review in the often indulge in cigarettes. Only smirk- ! Sunday papers with tree "really capable ing is regarded by Gyp in the light of an ; criticism" cif the heyday of Engliehre. accomplishment, winch makes her va viewing. -W. Howells in Harpeee, able, in her professional due.. ITER Imo AND GET UP. driuke on. tack. euuesdity ;-'I'hat poor fool, Dick Plaster who gets wttd and nervous atter one drink, canle in to day ; Sold him a quari,. P. S.A-flear Jae killed And. what is Gyp's professional line? Advertising -teat is what occupies all . against a lamp poet and holding a cigar her working hours. There are big white hex under his arra. Mrs. Capt. Edward 1 letters on her red, satin coat, and the letPoole, a very beautiful wonaan, and as tors tell people where to buy certain' 1 bright and as tviety as beautiful, came ' things. Of course.Gyp attracts more at- , along and stopped and held out her had, . . ' tendon than a dozen newspapers, and. 1 saying: "WV, Mark, where are you lee every one who sees thalittle brown do i going in such a Meru?" "I'm ni-o-o-v- trotting, along the thoroughfares with her 1 iee-g," drawled blink, at the same time flaxen bangs sewed securely into her red t opening the (eon. box, disclosing a pair ' satiu toque, her gla.sses adjusted on her ! of blue socks, a pipe and two paper col - nose and her cigarette in her mouth, is lam . sure to read the white letters. He had never cared for the ladies, was, Gyp has been in the advertising best- 1 in feat, a fish out of water when he hap- ness a year. She would never have ,. petted to be tear them. ,Wbile employed thought of entering such a public life if , on the daily Alta, having secured em- the idea had not been euggested to her 1 ployment there e fter leaving The Call. he by tun black-eyedboy who is her master. I called at a dr:sets:maker's establishment They did a great many tricks together, and for ten minutes addressed a WAX fig - 1 and when Gyp learned to smoke a cigar are of a lady before discovering his mis- 'dealer back in Cleveland offered to en- te.ke.-I30ston Transoript. ' gaga her services. The dealer offered $10 a week, and Gyp 1511)1 1101? muster signed a contract, and her tire, engagement was seeeeettly begun, tae boy acting as GypTs neietager. 4.1 Was a suc,c.ese, and Gyp ap- peared. here in Omaha, at the end of her aceteon. She wols.a blue costume then, and the white letters on her coat, or "habit," as her young manager calls it, .e-cnibited the virtues of a certai55 brand of cigars. where breathed all night. Pulmonary Gyp is sometimes .disappointed in the oomplaiuts are inevitably and extilueive- weather, but she is very particular about ly- caused by foul indoor air, and cured . titiNall Ill a Cirtlidien Thursday :-John Slogan's wife begged nip not to sell another drop to She cried till 1 promind. P. S. Sold him enougla this very day to make birn smash furnithre boat his children, Eat hal ha itusines 143 business. - Friday: -Phil Carter has no‘money; took his wifeet tittle- and wedding dress foe an old ; Bent him home glor- drt nit. &twnty :-Young Tttne Chap took his third drink tu day. know he likes it awl will speedily make a drunkard, but, 1 give hint the value of his money; flis father implored me to help br eak up the practice before it became a habit, but 1 tot 1 him if 1 eticin't sell to hina someone else would. Sundayt-Pretended to keep Sunday law to day, but kept open my back dour. Saki beer and wine to some boys, but th y'll be tteleneed to tell of tt. But, my till is fuller t4;-iiiglit than the church baskets are. " N. -13.-Nly business must be respec- table for real geutlenten patronize my bur. And yet I goose 1 won't keep a diary, ler these facet look very queer en Peeler. -ettelecteti. TUe Appli) Crap. A leaver from lelontreal Arne lute just eetureed from the Potnhern, States where bo went in seareil, of the uetel tamely Of •,rpies for this marlcit, and timed it myna Hale perchttee carloedteesvitig to the etteeedinelv 4050 crop. A Aviees from the appiedietricts of the f4th, as well tte Michigan, report the prospects for the evening crop very poor italeed. Owing to the 10.11,350 of the southern Crop new apples in barrels, which et:Het-444, arrive reboot this time. are ecareer than usual, Letters have been recoived front growers between Toronto and St. Catharines stating thee a very poor crop is expeeted, owing to the huge qua.ntitiee that have fallen off the trees. The crop around Montreal is re. ported a failure, one of our • dealers who visited some of the en ince* orobarcis for the purpose of nialfieg his yearly contracts stating that he was unable to transact any bueiuess for (1,30 reason that there wee no fruit to contract for. This is it poor out- look for the apple yield. . Mark Twain Not a Ladles' Math On one occasion Clemens was standing About Cold and Hot Air: A good many people are afraid of cold air, especially at night, shutting theme selves in close bedrooms, where - their systems aro poisoned and their constitu- tions gradually undermined by breathing the bad air. And even hot or warm air that is pure, air in a room that has venti- lation as well as heat, is debilitating *seratrx.m.lonverhantenvv=enmorscrunr-rxswar-4,....5*. fulfilling her contract, which calls for six • -8_ hour& walking every day --three hours in the morning and three in the after - 1100411. She confines her promenades to the priucipal streets, and. she is often- times annoyed by the crowds which gather around her. Bat being very de- mure and self possessed she refuses to linger where she can overbear the re- marks of passers by. Once or twice she law beat mortified by brusque commands ;to "move on" from policemen who did eeot appehr to recognize gemus--eyen, when it was so well defined as in Gyp's./ colored light of the rainbow is made to I Case. break through it, Now, place -the ear to ' eten's ONE Or THE 400. a vessel containing silk, wool or other • GeT is naturally haughty. She is very I material. As the colored lights of the proud of her satin habit and with true ' spectrum fall upon it sounds will be feminine patience bears all the disown- given5ky• different parts of-tlie spectrum, orts of fine attire without a single whine and there will be silence in other parts. 'of impatience. 'Oftentimes the wind et -American Art JonrnaL blows 1105 (40154 about her feet and her flaxen bangs slip over her eyes. hex glasses pinch her nose and she • be- comes very tired of the cigarette. Yet all artistes who appear iis public and 4 calmly accept the homage of the nuliti- " tilde suffer more or leas. and why'should * b, dog be exempt from any of the draw- backs that beset an actor's career? (lyp does notnotice other dogs. wed etb- eolutely refuses to make their acquaint- ance. As a rule, her showy costume nretatte`e them and they stand and look at her afar off, now and then expressing their e.ateine astonishmeat in low, deep 'growls., llty, Onaalia's Bohemian dog- lky, who has associated with lawyers untii Iris assurance is tue despairof every well Uhaved dog in the town -tried to join Gyp in' her daily promenade; but, 'although Iky had copied many of the mannere and much of the address of cer-* Wu Mures ia the Shealy 411(1.Pa:don blocks, Pity wai ignona.iniously Snubbed. Uoreover, Gyp can talk, ' When she was asked about Omaha she e.tpressed the 'utmost confidence in its , future by removing her toque and bark. intlialf a dozen times in ehe timid en - emitted° manner. She had no definite tepinienr about Aha school botiCts, but ap- ;;Peo,e4,0:have 'rattier molane..bniy. tec..,01- .704(4.0ft..of ,her oten 'education; She was iquifeavollible When Dr. Millet's nate *tee *Petitioned. Dr, !Millet had spoken GO ten the Street And 8010.4101.11(1tglit by pure., especially by cold, pure, outdoor air, The remedial influence of fresh air is so much increased by a low tempera- ture that "colds" are. in fact, far More curable in midwinter than in midsuin mer. -Herald of Health. A 15a001.14 Ditioovory About Light. Recently a wontleefat .discoiery -has been made.... Aaboarn of swine:en is made to pass through a piestii; so as to produce what is called ahe solar spectrum, or rainboweet The ,the is turned, and the • ,John. eaid Mrs. J., you were talk- ing all night in your sloop about a Jackpot What Is a jack -pot 1 John. (seurnfully)--You know what a jaek rose is, 3 tampoeel Well, they can grow In ruts, can't they -7 Mind wanderlug enrod. Books learned in otto Angling. Testimonials from all parte oe the g obe. Proseeethe roar Fnuit,aiont on application NO Prof. A. Duteous, 237 Thith Avo, New York. " TIME" SUBSCRIBEE All pe,rties who have not paid for the ".."'Iteietl " for the yeare wee end eeee ere recreated to rat mit the emoted at awe. We need money, and /ape this notice will be nullio,cr, and that a eeerel response will be the real*. IL RILLIOTT. MTJSIO wrisS 3NT:E14/40 DiellARDY, or,AssEs FOR INSTRITTLON PIAVO AND Maria. Yes, Tom. aria -1 -ab. Yes, Tom. ' 0, will you marry ? 'Yes, TOW. THEI is the fourth time PVP said it, I knew what you were driving at all the. time, Orgeh, in Voice Culture a. (1 tiarDIODY 141/810 BCDAIE itv Bermit Mem. WINGFIAWI ARM WORKS! Taking a retrospect of my tltir,,tee%or fourteen gitTerbirinsymtelfa4niris"toill;:nritlinInrilleS8 nti IV ;Mal 4111! orally for the liberal patronage extended to 0101n the past. I may OM state that 1am M a poeition to offer better 'wino:runts theft ever to those requiting anything in the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, REA.DST0RES, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS, you ruNcmo, would be pleased to have those desirous of pro curing any articles in 5117 11400 to eall mult:tanfitie goods, compare prices and leave their orders, so that the goods MON be secured and prepared early In 14181011. You on select from the latest demo fool obtain the finest wet Innanehip at the most ftwciable priori. Most respectfully, yours, W. SMYTH, Whigham, Ont. ADVICE TO MOTIMR8.--Aro you disturbed at mght and broken of yonr rest by a sickehild Buffeting and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? 14, 90 send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalml- able. It will reliete the poor little sufferor immediately. Depend upon it, mothers there 15 1140 mistake 418041)4 10. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and OM tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. Win - slows 'Soothing Syrup " for children Malting is pleasaut to the taste and is the prcsea iption of one of the oldest and hobt femala phydeians and nu5.1e14 111 the United State., and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five vents a bottle. De sore and ask for "31115. Wu8n,01;S Sooninio Byars." and take no other kind tillISELOLM'S CORNER DRUG STORE Wingbam Agency. ht boa Wain Mik, We wish to inform the public that we Imo these Woolen Mills in A 1 nol"g order, and will this season give speolal attention to What 11Ocomos of Kangaroo Skins. There are 6,000 kangaroo skinse.eceived in Newark, N. J.. every week. They are all tanned in one large establishment on Sussex avenue, and are then made into fine shoes:. Auseralia, and New Zealand furnish kangatoo hides for the world. The kangaroos are killed in Australia about :300 miles back frona the coast, and are shipped from Melbourne, Sydney and Newcastle, in Australia. and from Mas- terton, in New Zettlatad,7Natttre. Grow Popular in Seventeen Years. So universal hasbeeorne the use of tie typewriter that people can hardly realize that the first machine designed to do the work now accomplished with such rapid- ity and ease was invented only twenty - 'three years ago, and its manufncture was uot commenced until six years eater. - Kansas City Star. Dteet Sit Meter Gas Light. ' • • The sun bath is beneficial. NO sitting or reading ib. darkened room: or those lighted by gas. Gas burns up oxygen very tepidly. Sitting under gas jet twits the hair gray, and by overheating the scalp destroyl its vitality bled causes the hair to fall bute--Hall's Journal Of Alt the etstrietel Math/ Mu:estate "So that' is a centipede? 'Wet innoli to loak. tatgit klori$ See it i6 Witt4 a shame for e. poor doKto be cent. 012 "vettar , efidesee seal eatioke cit, thetlie get cijah o' . tifkOlti , tktampcdes; tiSs allwittPlont4 iia On) only Oat' tIP liebbti that'otfoot lookiii'1"Ilarpeesl *WA Iter tore lent CrOtlefid in a very tea* 'atl inannert leaked at heal kin dij tli. *Ibt' ittSteihttl(tel 610. WAWAtt 01.7ST011 "WORK in all its 'branches. and will keep in stock a class of first elass g.ocals, sob as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, SheetinfrE:, Stocking Yarns, am, Sm., thole from puro wool only ) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers from e distance can have their rolls home with them the same day. itteItighest toad Price in cash for Merchantable Wool. INGLIS Ss OO'Y., Wingham ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Epilepsy. Sufferers from (Tempe and ner- youm debility are surely eared by an improved and absolutely un- equaled Treltment by letter. iend full account of sytup- . toms end aildress,irelnaing post- !, age stump, for naviwer. •'OVOISS .05153E," Heti York. A WM* ji • tf 4 is the time to Paint your houses, and Lumber of all kinds, rirst-olass Shingles, and*Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a SpeOlaki. E1JFBEI PANT —is the -- N 0HAM FLOUBNG,MLLFA_ The undereigned wish to tender their best than; • . for the liberal patronege given to out firxn , • severaht ears prior to the burning et eur nib! by ite During the I alt season we have meddelled the town 111111 to the latcstapprot ed s;ce tem of Ilongarian Roller Process mil &lg. We 1•: lieve wecan now frith better accommodation than ever before. We ofier Prompt Disliatch, Pair Returns, QUALITY SEGOND 0 NONE IN SECTION. And by Close personal attention to the bnsine.at: her to be again fevered with a, ttial by all old Mends and many new (MCC TOMS meet reapectftfilv, HUSTON & CARR BEST ill. the WORLD, N011e genninn unless stamped "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We Mohave the best wingham Mill, ()et. '10 1889. fle'iv Mtthiith. You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing nom 10 rents up, tor Whitewashing and Kalsontining, wait for t Ay3) s IT NT is and don't take anything olso. WOOD delivered to any par t NJ Winglnun. Az Ord bemall promOy attended to. ononen THOMSON, Wingbant P.0 as, . IIAXtD WAIIE •MtROIIANTS, e t,'t,Ii., e'. ' . .'4 , • 74,. .. ,'.. 4 i, ''F,' 4' 1» '''' ,, Ve. ;,t, imi Whin I say OB0'0 „T do rust melte bay -6411m retstri sole, I MEAN A ilADicALOUtt eS I laws tnnen tht nhense a Plug sower dr Fithing swot**. a Iiia-larst etude. i warettat me rettedy at ette0 the wait cases. Because othOt have failed is ite renceit for not Myr receiviag_a cute,. Send nt once for a treatise and a Frasis Ki4lettla Of pay 1044011104 Storiertilw... 4,71114,E3illitatag laVect.•vitttiRia Yo4 00,17121M.0t. 4 eriataantelt twin. cure YOu ran t as s , ' merely to stop them for a thee, and died t hetet* *Motet !MS NM d.T ItNAMAIDIR Sliterti Tt CI hi A CAHH. lat the K$2101-ITEL Wishes to intimate to the,people el Winchem ars4 surrounding country that he has pnrchastd the heelless business lately carried nn by Messrs. J..1. Ilenutth & Son, and will conduct it in the building one door south te Mr T A Milis' lore. DOI;IiLD AND ,SEN.:GI.11 henvy or light, made to erder. - - A full line of Ilorse Blankets, Sleigh 1141Is, Whips Currycombs, Breshes, etc., always hand. Repairing no promptly don. The v1(408E150 of the Othlic en1leite11, and ion In work and material guaranteed, C. KiNECHTEL IVineham, 'Nevelt 4.1590. we -ea -tree*. -...e-ttet-'-teeettatateteeettt 1 THOUSANOS OF BOTTLES / itilltNNUS, double or ilnglv, Wade to order 1 , I RIVEN AWAY YEARLY* . , thottnetite, foal eldieseution guaranteed. 4042i t;oll sofisitsa. 'aildtLOppotitelhe itenie of littinilten. triVrifinii 3t441 441 iritii, titi4 istkli, AMBLER3 3EtAllINTES taAKER, has 011 hand a huge stock of HORSE BLANIChiSt 071111tVCOM8S, : WHIPS, ' TRPNItigi VALISIII4 tte., *lab hill be sold at bottom rico.