HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-07-02, Page 1223- Business Directory W. J. CLEARY Seaforth. Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and 'FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calla — 527-0510 23484 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 54-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 534-7562 23-3B-tf G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE &djustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION ' Phone 527.1390 Seaforth M-38-tf SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC • J. 0. Turnbull, D.VM., V.S. W.R. Bryaas, D.V.M., VS. J. P. McNally, D.V.M., VS. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Se. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth 23-38-tf Percy Wright Auctioneer For Auction Sale service that is most efficient and courteous, call the Wright auctioneer. Tele- phone Hensall 263-5482. 23,38-ti Auctioneer 1(114()101 YOUR NATURE c 4 , - , C°Pai, , e a - ely EYES Alec. 14,4eaRINCI 1 GOT: IT FROM you F151-I NoRmALLY "CouGH ABOUT ONCE A MIAUTE IN ORDER TO CLEAR THEIR. GILLS- POLLUTION MAKES TmEm COUGH- UP -TO 30. timES A MINUTE' AND WILL CAUSE THEM To DIE. . P0'1-0 1111 VINCENT ID FARM EQUIPMENT ‘3,autei4 ,Phn Stich' AYR-GAILT-SEAFORTH Arum 527-0120 JULY FIRST SPECIALS 1 — IHC No, 201 10' SWATHER W/ Cond. 1 — COCKSHUTT 502 10-ft. SWATHER W/ Cond. 1 — CASE 101 GRAIN SWATHER ' 1 — CASE 600 COMBINE W/10' Header 1 — CASE No. 345 CORN HEAD 1 — IHC 303 COMBINE 1 CASE 64 COMBINE 1 — ALLIS CHALMERS No. ,66 COMBINE SEE THE ALL NEW IPIC No. 210 SWATHER for Grain and Hay, featuring IH Water Cooled Engine, H.D. Drives and Planitarys whereabouts. It was decided to purchase Birthday Calendars for the new year. The Institute will put on the Birthday Party for the patients at Huronview the 3rd Wednesday in July. The next regular meeting will be held August 26 with the con- venors, Mrs. N. McGavin and Mrs. J. Van Vliet, Jr., in charge. Lunch was served by the hos- tesses, Mrs. James Nolan, Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. Don Mc- Donald and Mrs. Alvin McDonald. Visitors at the home of Walter and Mrs. Shortreed are: Mr. and Mrs. Colin McKarney and Lesley, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia; Mrs. Gary Goodman, Eric and Andrew, Sarnia, who are Spending a few days prior to moving to their new home in Ottawa, and Miss Carol Shortreed, Tprpitt Lodge, Port Stanton, Ontario, Mrs. Earl Ross of Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael, also calling on Mrs. Maude Leeming Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Emits and family of Whitby spent a few days (-With Mr, and, Mrs. Doug Ennis. Miss Corrie De Ryter of Stratford is spending her two weeks holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Vliet, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pege- low of Brussels were Sunday visi- tors at the home of Mr. andMrs: Allan McCall. Mrs.William Simpson of Mit- chell spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Leonard Lbemink. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Michael held a family gathering recently at their home. Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale and Cheryl, Constance; Mr. Don Glousher, .Karen and Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snell and Shane of Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Melanie and Mari- beth, 'Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoegy, London; Miss Eve- lyn McMichael, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMichael,Sha- ren and Jill, Preston, and Mrs. Blair Bender of Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald visited Sunday with Mrs. Fred Day of Woodstock. Misses Brenda Bewley and Karen McDonald left last Thurs- day for Northern Ontario where they Will be employed for the summer at Idlewild Lodge, fait!. Severn Bridge. 1966 - Chev. Sedan J71414 1965 - Pontiac "8" Sedan J66853 1965 - Chev. Sedan J67709 1965 Mercury "BP Sedan P.S. & P.B. J68380 1964 - .Chev. Sedan H82900 1963 - Acadian Sedan J70953 (Continued from Page 1) FoLlowlog the First World War, the battalions colors were deposited in Trivitt memorial Church for safekeeping, and have remained there ever since. Mr. Cornish recalled the his- tory of the battalion. Battalion History • It is not only a pleasure but an honor for me to have the ope. PortunitY of giving you some of the history of the 161st Huron Battalion and also of the Batta- lion colors. The cer 9 service in which we ha part this afternoon of the dedi cation and the placing of the re- plicas of the original colors for safe keeping here in Trivitt Me- morial Church should go down in the history of the County of Huron., It is occasions such as this, that help to bridge the gap be- tween the present generation and the past. To my knowledge, this Is the first time any history of the 161st Battalion has been given. The 161st Huron Battalion was organized in C Linton, Decem- ber 6, 1915, by Col. Combo and some of the officers of the old 33rd Huron Rwiment. Recruiting offices were setup in' various towns in the County and as the men enlisted they were trained in their respective towns until the end of April 1916. They were from all walks of life . . . mostly farmers, store clerks, bank clerks, school teachers, businessmen, doctors, lawyers and musicians. At the end of April the men travelled to Clinton and the Bat- talion mobilized and trained there until the end of May. At this time, It consisted of 35 officers, 790 NCO's and men. At the end of May the Battalion travelled to Hillcrest Camp, London, and trained there until the end.ofJune. Early In July It moved to Camp Borden until the end of October. During the years of the First World War (1914-1918) there was a group of young ladies here in • Exeter, known- as the "Soldiers' Aid Sodiety", under the leader- ship of Miss L. Johns, Mrs, R. N. Creech and Mr. W. J. Beaman. The society raised several thou- sand dollars by various types of entertainment, social *functions ansi donations to purchase yarn for socks, Red Cross supplies and materials for hospitals. They also purchased the 161st Batta- • lion Colors and travelled to Camp Borden on August 29, 1916, to, present the Colors. Rev. D. W. Collins, a former rector of Tri- vitt Memorial Church spoke on behalf of the presentation com- mittee and Captain J. K. Fairfall, Chaplain of the Battalion conse- crated the Cblors. Four of the young ladies of the Soldiers' aid Society are with us this afternoon . . . Mrs. Etta May Young,Mrs. Sweetman, Miss Stella Southcott and Mrs. Valeria Armstrong. Mrs. R. N. Creech,presented the Kings Colors to major R. S,. Hays, received by Lieut. C. McLean; and Miss L. Johns presented the Regiinental Colors to Major W. J. Beaman, received by R. A. Wal- ters. Col. S. C. Mewburn of Head- quarters was present at the cere- mony and presented C.S.M. Geo. James with the long service me- ' dal. In October before the Batta- lion went overseas, Col. Coinbe,., with a detachment of "B" Co. tra- velled to Goderich and headed by the 161st Band marched to the steps Of the courthouse with the Colors. Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, rec- tor of St. George's Church, con- secrated tie-Colors and they were handed over to Sheriff Reynolds to be placed in the court house for *, • safe keeping until after the war. Col. Combe, in his address, gave a fiery- glowing tribute to the men of the Huron Battalion for the splendid showing on their last in- spection that decided on their going overseas and they now ' ranked in Class "A". The Huron Battalion had one of the finest military brass bands in the Province, under-the leader- ship of Bandmaster S. D. Grant. The 'Battalion also had a good bugle band, under the leaders*. of Sgt. W. GOodwin.of Hensall. Had the 161st Battalion had the opportunity of going to France as a unit there is no doubt they would have been an honor and glory tb those Colors and also an honor to the County of Huron. The Battalion left Camp Borden the end of .October, 1916, and sailed to England on the "Old Lapland" a They landed at Liver- pool, then entrained for 'Shorn:- ctiff to Lower Dibgate Camp, ar- rived there November 12th. Be- fore the end of Novermber a draft of over 200 men from the Batta- lion we're sent to France to re- inforce the 58th Battalion. The Brucefield Veteran • • H.-P. Board - (Continued from Page 1) Mr. Held said that where there have been seine increases in the dontract price it has been due to transporting -kindergarten children. Kindergartens are being Initiated in September in the Separate Schools in Huron and Perth Which did not have them previously. Salaries to be paid to janitors were discussed at great length. Jack Lane, Business Adminis- trator, was instructed, to mail out a list of duties for janitors and a salary contract for each janitor to sign. These are to be completed and a report ready for the next meeting on July 20. The Board approved the re- quest that Public Affairs and World Service of YMCA - YWCA be permitted to have UNICEF boxes distributed to the Separate Schools in Stratford. FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 23-384 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful attention. Ambulance Service Phones: ' Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 23-38-trf BRUCE RATH WELL Licensed Auctioneer Farm and Household Sales Phone Clinton, 482-3384 RR I, Brueefield 23-38-tf JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues„, Thurs., Fri.;,9 to 530 PM, Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527,1240 —. or 482-7010 . 23-304 2L Cards of Thanks I would' like to thank all those who sent expressions of sym- pathy and helped in any way during the, illness and death of my mother, Mrs. W. Keehnie, at • ,Huronview, Jane 21st. — Mrs. Fred Chapple. 24-38x1 I would like to thank friends and neighbors of my parents, Mr. and alas. John Pryce for the • lovely plant I received at the time my mother Passed away. Your thoughtfulness will always be turnembered and 'was deeply appreciated. — Mrs. Jean Doerr, •2438x1 THE family of the late Charles Pinder wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes and sympathy ex- tended to them during their re- Cent bereavement. Special ,thanks to Rev."J. C. Britton, doc- tors of the Seaforth 'Clinic, Dr. Scratch and nurses of .Seaforth and Stratford, Hospitals, Box Funeral Home. AD was apprec- iated. 24-38x1 MY thankt goes out to all our friends for their many kind acts air this time, To the Whitney Funeral Home, Rev, Mulholland, Dr. Moyo. and nurses • at 'hospi- tal, to 'the bearers and the ladies who helped at borne, to friends who visited ih hospital or sent cards, for flowers ,from our John St. neighbors and the ladies of our Wat'S who served at the church. Everything for the late Jessie Fraser, dear sin-, ter of Mrs. 3. L. Bell. 24-38x1 THE family of the late Mrs. John Ptyce wish to express their sincere thanks and appre- ciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindess, floral tributes and sympathy extended to them dur- ing their recent bereavement. Special thanks to nurses, Dr. Stalkius, Dr. Brady, Rev'. J. C. Britton and United Church lad- ies and the G. A. Whitney Fun- eral Home. Ali was deeply ap- preciated. 24-38x1 I would like to say a sincere "Thank You" to everyone who remembered me with cards, Ito remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus, Pastor Kappis and nurses on the staff while I was a patient in Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital.---airs. Laura Mogk. 24-38-1 I would like tUtthank who sent cards, treats and came to visit me during my stay in Clinton Hospital, - A special thanks to Drs. Street and Wal- den, the nursing staff, Box Am- bulance and all those who help- ed at the time of my accident. Everything Was greatly allpree- fated. — Bill Coats. 2.148x1' I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the people of Walton • for their cooperation and friend- tibiae during my teaching set. %.4.0 there, tot the eitiostabie so 24. Cards of Thanks cial evening held in my honour and the beautiful gifts present- ed to me. — Margaret Robert- son. 24-38x1 WE wish to thank Doug and Gail MeTaggart, friends and neighbors for having a surprise party on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary at Cranbrook. Special thapks to those who helped In any' way to make the evening an enjoyable one. Thanks also to our many friends, neighbors and relatives who sent us cards and the many lovely gifts. It will long be re- membered. — Ross and Audrey McTaggart. • 24-38x1 25. In Memoriam BARRY — In loving memory of a dear 'husband and father, James Barry who passed away 'two years ago, July 3, 1968. Beautiful memories are woven in gokl, This is the picture we tenderly hold, Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and nev- er forget. —Sadly missed by wife Lavia and family. 25-38x1. MeNICHOL — In loving mem- ory of a dear wife, Viola Mc- Nichol, who passed away one year ago, July 2, 1969. I-have lost my soul's companion, A life linked with my own; • And day by day.! miss her more As I walk through life -alone. —Always remembered and sad- ly 'missed by husband. Ross Mc- Nichol. 25-38x1 BEUERMAN — In memory of Evert Betierman, ' who passed away two years ago, June 29, 1968. The rolling stream of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair, Recalls the love, the voice, the smile, Of the one who once sat there. —Brothers and Sisters.. 25-38-1 MeNICHOL — In loving mem- ory of our mother, Viola Mc- Nichol, wife of Rqss McNichol, who passed away on July 2nd, 1960. Peaceful be thy rest, dear moth- er, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved. you, dearly, On death we do the -same. —Ever remembered and sadly, missed by daughters Ruth Ann, Barbara and Janice, and sons- in-law Donald and Richard i'and grandchildren. 25-38-1 MELADY — In loving memory- of Joseph Francis Melady, who "pasted away July 4th, 1955. Just a thought of sweet remem- brance, Just a• memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devo- tion, Of one who thinks of yoU. —Ever 'remembered and sadly :missed by his wife Marie. •25-38x1 .26. Personals The family of Mr. and Mrs. George Kerslake, Seaforth, On- tario, invite' you to celebrate with them the occasion of their parents' 50th wedding anniver- •sary in Staffa Hall, on July 5th from 2-5 p.m. No gifts please. 26-38x1- Mr. and -Mrs. George Seaforth, Ontario, are pleased to announce the' engagement of • their, Debbie Ann, to Mr. Paul Patrick Rau, son of Mrs. Isobel Rau, Seaforth and the late Mr. Verdian Rau. The marriage will "take place in St. James' R, C. Church, Seaforth, August 8th, 1970 at 7 pan. 26-38x1 Mr. and Mrs.. Edward P. MeladY, Dublin, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, June Anne to Mr. Bertrand Lapointe, son of Mr. and Mrs-. Lorenzo Lapointe, Mont Louis, Quebec. The marriage will take place in St. Columban Roman, Catholic Church at 2 O'clock, July 22, 1970, 26-38x1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott -of Blyth are pleased to announce. the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Patricia Jane, to Mr. John Arthur McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ian McLean of Seaforth. The wedding will take, plate on Saturday,' August 1, 1070, in Blyth United Match. N-38x1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowe of Brus- sels are pleased to announce the engagement of their only dau- ghter, Ann Lorraine, to —Mr. • James Lorne Rosman, only son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bosnian, R.R. 1, Walton. The wedding will take place, in Brussels United Church on Saturday, August 1st at 3:00 p.m. 28-38x1 27. Mills STAPLETON To Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stapleton, Dublin, at Seaforth Community Hos- pital, on June 717th, a dough-, ter. rest of the Battalion were m.Oved to West Sundling Camp and then on to Witley Camp near Guild- ford. Here the Huron Battalion was brought up to full strengthby men from the Oxford and Lamb- ton County Battalions and became part of the 5th Division. By the end of 1917 the 5th Di- vision was split up and theBatta- lion went over to France in drafts to reinforce the 4th Divisioe al- ready in France. The 161st men 'went to the 1st, 4th, 8th, 18th, 38th, 43rd, 47th, 49th, 52nd Bat- talions, the 5th CIVIR and to seve- ral Machine Gun Corps and the 58th Battalion, previously men- tioned. They took park in the bat- tles of Arras, Avion, Amiens, Bourlon Wood, Cambria, Canal du Nord, Hill 70, Lens, Pashen- dale, Vimy, Valenciennes, Vis- en-Artois and other battles.' DISTINGUISHED RECORD Of the men of the 161st Batta- lion killed in action there were 6 officers, Ill NCO's and men. 15 NCO's and men died-of wounds in France and England and one man was reported missing. Four officers were awarded the Mili- tary Cross; four NCO's and men were awarded the D.C.M.; 18 NCO's and men were awarded the N.M.; 2 NCO's were awarded the M.M. and-bar and Cpl. Harry G. B. Miner was awarded the Victoria Cross and the Croix de Guerre. There are only two of the original officers living . . . Lieut. W. O'Neil of Halifax and Lieut. Chas. Hall bf St, Marys who is with Us this afternoon. , 'After the war the Battalion Colors were taken from the Coun- ty Courthouse, Goderich, and on Monday, May .24th, 1920, at 11:00 a.m.' the Colors were placed here in Trivitt Memorial Church for safe keeping. Bishop.D. Williams officiated at the service. Present at the ceremony were Gen.Ganet (GOC), Maier Lawless (AAG), col. CoMbe, Col. Rance, Col: shaw, col. Revell, Major Mc- Tagart, Major Heamona Rev. Captain McKegney, Rev. Capt. •McGowan an a number of re- turned men. Friends and Comrades, I sometimes wonder whether those men who paid the supreme sacri- fice died in vain. If we Old Vets, Veterans of the 11 World War, members of the Royal Canadian Legibn, yes, and. our govern- ments, our churches, our service clubs and our fraternal organiza-, tions take up the torch and hold it high and work and strive to make this a better world in which to live for 'all nations irrespec- tive of race, color or creed, these Men who paid the supreme sacri- fice will not have died in vain. On Thursday evening a social gathering was held in the Walton public School to honor Mrs.Har- vey Robertson on her retirement. She had taught the past 13 years in the Walton school. Many of her former pupils were present to share this eve- ning with her and everyone signed the guest book. The evening was spent playing euchre with 18 tables in play. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ernie Stevens for high lady and Mrs. William Thamer, low lady. High gent was Harvey McClure and low was Ken Williamson. A program followed with Em- merson Mitchell in charge. Gall Traviss sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Travis. A saxaphone number by Carol, Keith and Brian Wilbee with Mrs. Wilbee as- sisting at the piano followed. Bill Shortreed contributed a solo with Mrs. 'Herb Traviss as accom- panist. A visit from Red Skelton played by Mrs. E. Mitchell proved an interesting part of the evening which gave many a laugh for the large audience'. ' Mrs. Robertson was asked to come forward when Mrs. Ken Williamson, the former Ann Blake, read an address and a wall picture and jewellery was presented to her by Gordon Mit- chell and Brian Pollard. Mrs. Ro- bertson made a fitting reply and said that although she would miss the friendship of the pupils and teachers, she would have many happy memories of her teaching years in Walton. . W.I. MEETING The W.I. June meeting was held in the Walton Community Hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. Alvin McDonald) the president turned the meeting over to the Convenors on $,Educatiop", Mrs. Herb Traviss intreduced the guest of the evening; Stan Piquet of Goderich, whe is a farm management specialist with the Agriculture office in Clinton.' He spoke 'of the different ways pollution affects us and the way to cope with if. Pollution atals with man and his environment. Moat problems are in the heavily po- pulated cOmmunities. Mr. Piquet, in a film, "The Chemicals oat Plenty", showed what is being done to produce better fruits and vegetables by the way, of sprays and quicker picking_ to ensure fresh fruits when they to, at the market. A diacuaalell followed with many questions being answered. Mrs. Don McDonald thanked the speaker and presented him with a' gift. The business - ess followed with Mrs. William Humphries reading the, minutes. The roll call, "Something I can do to promote home and farm safety", was answered- by 26 members. It was reported that the 'Institute lace tahle cloth was still missing and members agreed to check other . members regarding its - Accident , (Continued from Page 1) Bayfield •and John Tides- well of Seaforth were involved. Damage was estimated at $600. The final accident occurred at 10:10 p.m. when cars 'driven by Dave Lemon of Seaforth and Rob- ert Hubert of Stratibrd were in collision at the corner of Main and East William. Constable Ruston, who investigated, placed damages at about $450. 12,rffvoig HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 2, 1970 CLASSIFIED ADS News of Walton Honor gm:respondent Mrs. Allan McCall Teacher on Retirement Doe, I think you're getting ' absent minded." Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. 9.9s 527-1700 GERBERS BABY FOOD & CEREALS Wholesale at Finnigans LIGHTWEIGHT SUMMER BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE GET ONE FR EE. Complete line of Wig Accessories at BRIAN'S HAIRSTYLING SEAFORTH Diractors Martin Feeney, RR 2, Dublin - Clayton Calquhoun RR 1, Science Hill Tim Toohey ' RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner . RR 1, Cromarty Agents ,'Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary:Treasurer W. D.Burton - Exeter igaMMIUMMOMMIUMPOINUMB manmamminnummam USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE- COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Otata President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell 'INVEST In a • , Guaranteed Trust „Certificate DONALD G. 'EATON. Office in Masonic Block Xsin SEAFORTIT , Vice-President Raymond McCurdy RB 1, Kirkton Phone 527-1610 That's Right. It's been .20 YEARS. since John Anstettoliened the first ANSTETT JEWELLERY STORE in Clinton in June,1950. To Mark The Occasion And To Show ApPieciation' Of The Loyal Patron- age' Received Since That Time ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. CLANTON — WALKERTON --=.-SEAFORTH Iiivited Customers To Tale Part in An , ANNIVERSARY DRAW • - The Draw Concluded Tuesday When Mayor F. C. J. Sills Selected -the Win- ning Names. We Congratulate These Winners: 1st PRIZE SET OF SILVER (Value $150.00) WAYNE RAU, Seaforth 2nd PRIZE — MEN'S OR LADIES' BULOVA WATCH (Value $100.00) B. NYLAND,.RR 1, Dublin. 3rd PRIZE —;40 Pe. SET 'CROWN. LYNN CHINA (Value $33.00) MRS. JOSEPH CONNOLLY, kR 1, Dublin Anstett Jewellers WINNERS IN OUR 20th ANNIVERSARY DRAW s Ltd: • Seaforth — Phone 527-1720 1968 - Chev. "8" Belaire Sedan P.S. J68614 1967 - Rambler Rebel Sedan J68391 Fully C ertified PAhte, 527-1750 SEAFORTH Lot Open Evening§ to 9 p.m. "Serving Seaforth and District Since 1940" _ftoravraaw;.,